discussion about mfi-8: metamodel for role and goal registration wang jian, he keqing, he yangfan,...

Discussion about Discussion about MFI-8: MFI-8: Metamodel Metamodel for Role and Goal for Role and Goal Registration Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18 1

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Page 1: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Discussion about MFI-8:Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Metamodel for Role and

Goal RegistrationGoal Registration

Wang Jian, He Keqing, Wang Jian, He Keqing,

He Yangfan, Wang ChongHe Yangfan, Wang Chong

SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China



Page 2: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18


In the development of local and distributed information systems, roles and goals are two important factors. Roles can be used to identify the objectives of

the system, and express the preferential requirements of users.

Goals provide a way for describing business processes at a higher abstraction level.

Effective management of roles and goals contributes to describing users intention and reusing information resources with greater granularity.


Page 3: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Definitions from wikipediaDefinitions from wikipedia

A role or a social role is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by actors in a social situation. It is an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position.

A goal or objective is a projected state of affairs that a person or a system plans or intends to achieve—a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development.


Page 4: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Definitions in MFI-8Definitions in MFI-8

• A role is abstract characterizations of organizational behaviours and responsibilities within specified organizational context.

• Description of roles will be helpful in characterizing goals in a more complete and correct way.

• A goal is a descriptive statement of business intent of a user or an organization, and it can be viewed as an objective that the business system under consideration should achieve.


Page 5: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18


Scope of MFI-8(1/2)Scope of MFI-8(1/2)

From resolution of Wuhan Meeting, September, 2008From resolution of Wuhan Meeting, September, 2008

Specify a metamodel for registering users’ roles and goals in specific domains that can be used to describe users’ intention. Define the decomposition and constraint relationships between goals.

Page 6: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Scope of MFI-8(2/2)Scope of MFI-8(2/2)








Role and Goal Registry based on MFI-8

Common Facilities in MFI Part 1-4


Page 7: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Metamodel of Role and Goal registrationMetamodel of Role and Goal registration


Page 8: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Relationship with Other Parts in MFIRelationship with Other Parts in MFI




Page 9: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Registering role and goal modelsRegistering role and goal models



Page 10: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

FOAF(Friend of a Friend) FOAF(Friend of a Friend)

FOAF is a machine-readable ontology describing persons, their activities, and their relationships to other people and objects.

FOAF allows groups of people to truly open social networks without the need for a centralised database, which is an important contribution to the linked information system known as the Web.


Page 11: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

An ExampleAn Example

Social Profile of an actor in MFI-8

“interacts” in MFI-8


Page 12: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18


Enterprise View in RM-ODPEnterprise View in RM-ODP




RM-ODP: Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing

Enterprise specification determines the purpose, scope and policies for a system, which consists of roles and policies with respect to the reference point.

Page 13: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Goal/ Decomposition in MFI-8

Actor in MFI-8

Organization in MFI-8

Role in MFI-8


Page 14: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18


BMM (BMM (Business Motivation Model)Business Motivation Model)

OMG’s BMM is developed from a business perspective

To develop a business model for the elements of the business plans before system design is begun.

Page 15: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Metamodel of BMMMetamodel of BMM

Goal in MFI-8 Operational Goal in MFI-8

Role in MFI-8


Page 16: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Metamodel of KAOSMetamodel of KAOS

Role Goal/Personal GoalDecomposition/Constraint in MFI-8

Actor in MFI-8


Page 17: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Metamodel of TroposMetamodel of Tropos

Actor and Role in MFI-8

Goal in MFI-8


Page 18: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Future WorkFuture Work

Summary MFI-8 provides a generic framework for

registering descriptive information of roles and goals;

It aims to promote the reuse of information resources with greater granularity.

Future work Harmonization with the other standards Submit a CD version in Feb. 2010


Page 19: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18


Page 20: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

An Application of FOAF-An Application of FOAF-DOAC (Description Of A Career)DOAC (Description Of A Career)

DOAC is a vocabulary to descriptive professional capabilities of a worker.

Business people can search the internet to find a worker that fits their requirements and will be as easy as any search in Google.

Other applications: Facebook, Twitter, etc

Social Profile information of an actor in RGPS


Page 21: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18

Enterprise specification determines the purpose, scope and policies for a system, which consists of roles and policies with respect to the reference point.

Nonfunctional Goal in MFI-8

Functional Goal in MFI-8

Role in MFI-8


Page 22: Discussion about MFI-8: Metamodel for Role and Goal Registration Wang Jian, He Keqing, He Yangfan, Wang Chong SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2009.11.18







Process Registry based on MFI-5




Service Registry based on MFI-7




Role and Goal Registry based on MFI-8

On Demand Model Selection
