dissertation- final. basab

Acknowledgement I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard to the respected faculty members of Mass Communication Department, and especially to my project guide+. Dr. Charu Joshi, Asst. Professor, Mass Communication department, Assam University, Silchar, for her exemplary guidance and constant encouragement throughout the duration of the project. Her valuable suggestions were of immense help throughout my project work. I also thank to all the students who helped me during my research work. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Dr. G.P Pandey, HOD, Department of Mass Communication, Assam University, Silchar, for giving me an opportunity to do my survey project. (Basab Goswami) Student of Mass communication & Journalism Assam University, Silchar Date………………..

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard to the

respected faculty members of Mass Communication Department, and especially to my project

guide+. Dr. Charu Joshi, Asst. Professor, Mass Communication department, Assam University,

Silchar, for her exemplary guidance and constant encouragement throughout the duration of the

project. Her valuable suggestions were of immense help throughout my project work. I also

thank to all the students who helped me during my research work.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Dr. G.P Pandey, HOD, Department of

Mass Communication, Assam University, Silchar, for giving me an opportunity to do my survey


(Basab Goswami)

Student of Mass communication &


Assam University, Silchar


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In the scenario, most of the people relax by watching television and it has become one of the

important sources of electronic media for getting primary information to the viewer. Advertising

is a powerful medium of mass communication, particularly TV advertising. So, every

organization uses TV channels like a weapon to introduce their products and services to the

human minds. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the impact of commercial advertisements on

youths and how they attract by the commercial ads. Commercial advertisement plays a very

important role in building the brand image on consumers mind. Using celebrities for the brand

advertisements create a deep desire in the mind of the people to about the product. This study is

about the effect of commercial advertisements on consumer brand preference. The study

discussed about how commercial advertisements influenced the mind of the people about the

brand and effects on the purchasing behavior and which type of commercial advertisements are

influenced them most. The study also tried to find out what are the favorite brands of the

consumers and why do they buy the branded products. This research also study about the

trustable source of the commercial brand advertisements where the option was given as TV,

Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet and Mouth publicity etc. This study, which was based on

a survey of 50 randomly selected male and female brand consumers influenced by the

commercial advertisement. The study found that majority of the respondents like commercial

advertisements and most of the respondents says that like rational and cool commercial brand

appeals. The study also found that 64% respondents prefer brand for its quality.

Key words: Advertisement, brand, advertising effect of brand preference, advertising and brand

preference, effect, commercial advertisement, consumer.

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1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………


1.2 Background of the


1.3 Functional/ Operational


1.4 Local of the



2.1 Review of



3.1 Aim of the


3.2 Research


3.3 Research method……………………………………………………………....

3.3.1 Method of survey……………………………………………………………

3.3.2 Sample…………………………………………………………………………

3.3.3 Study area……………………………………………………………………

3.4 Objectives………………………………………………………………………

3.5 Limitations………………………………………………………………………


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4.1 Demographic features……………………………………………………….

4.2 Analysis and interpretation of data……………………………………………

4.3 Research findings……………………………………………………....


5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………

5.2 Recommendations…………………………………………………………….



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Advertisements are most important in creating brand preference. Formerly, advertising was

confined to announcements and its role did not go beyond informing. These days advertising is

regarded as any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas, goods and services by an

identified sponsor. Advertising is of various forms. It can be an illustration or message or both. It

could be conveyed through any mass media like TV, radio, press, magazines or new media such

as internet. There is a relation between consumer’s exposure to advertising and their possibility

to buy the advertised products and services. Today, branding with the help of advertising is one

of the major areas in marketing literature. Taking the views of highly advertisement exposed

consumers, it is recognized that consumer’s attitudes towards goods and services have become

more susceptible. Young people are the major targets for most brands from clothing to gadgets,

cosmetic and beauty, food and beverages etc. The mass media has bombarded its audiences with

variety advertisements and it’s not possible for common masses to avoid these advertisements.

From the time we get up till the time we sleep, we come across thousands of advertisements

supporting and promoting individual brand or brands.

It is true that people in India are now habituated of viewing advertisements, and will feel

something missing if advertisements are banned in between sports, serials and other

entertainment programs. Regardless of how good the game was, there are usually a few

advertisements that people talk about the next day. But one thing that people may not think about

is how trustworthy an advertisement may be and, at a higher level, how much trust one can, or

cannot, place in an industry's advertisements. Marketer’s survival depends on consumer

satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction depends on their perception and brand preference of the

particular brand. In brand preference, advertising plays a major role.

Advertising and consumer behavior advertiser’s primary objective is to reach prospective

customers and influence their awareness, attitudes and buying behaviors. Economic theory has

sought to establish relationships between selling prices, sales achieved and consumer’s income;

similarly, advertising expenditure is frequently compared with sales. On other occasions,

financial accounting principles maybe applied to analyze profit and loss. Management ratios, net

profit before tax, liquidity and solvency ratios can all be investigated. Under the situations the

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importance of the consumer’s motivations, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs are largely ignored.

The consumer is assumed to be “rational” that is, to react in the direction that would be

suggested by economic theory and financial principles. However, it is often apparent that

consumer behaviors do not fall neatly into these expected patterns. It is for these reason that

consumer behavior analysis is conducted as yet another tool to assess the complexities of

marketing operations.

Advertising is the effective source to influence the mind of viewers and gives viewers exposure

towards a particular product or service. Advertising play an important role in business

presentation and is a useful strategy to attract customers. It is a part of promotional mix to create

awareness among target population. Now a days, advertising have become one of the crucial

commercial activities in competitive business environment.

Every region has its own culture and varying pictures and symbols for product promotion are

used by the marketers. Actually these symbols, most of the times, reflect traditional culture and

lifestyle. In the present digital world, everything like culture, habits of the people, technology

etc, are on their way of globalization. This fast pace globalization is minimizing the distance

among customers’. Now with the help of advanced technology, it has become possible for

advertisers to reach all segments of a target market. Along with advanced technology, in rural

areas the marketers further need to address other factors as well to effectively influence

customers’ mind. For example customers in rural areas may need to be educated for better

understanding advertisers’ message. Similarly, customers residing in rural areas may not have

high purchasing power and lifestyle may be different than urban areas.

Without proper investment, no business can become a market. Firms are spending a huge amount

of their budget for advertising their products and services. They are investing to influence the

buying behavior of customers and determining the factors that have direct or indirect effects on

buying behavior like purchasing power. This focus on advertising is because it is considered an

effective tool to motivate customers and influence their buying behavior Advertisers hope that

their ads will change the buying behavior of target market and consumers will buy their products.

In order to make their advertising campaign even more effective and rewarding, advertisers are

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trying to analyze various factors which may influence customers’ buying behavior e.g.

residential area lifestyle, education and purchasing power etc.

The essence of being in business by any business outfits is to produce for sales and profits. In

order to remain in business an organization must generate enough sales from its products to

cover operating costs and post reasonable profits. For many organizations, sales estimate is the

starting point in budgeting or profit planning. It is so because it must be determined, in most

cases, before production units could be arrived at while production units will in turn affect

material purchases. However, taking decision on sales is the most difficult tasks facing many

business executives. This is because it is difficult to predict, estimate or determine with accuracy,

potential customers’ demands as they are uncontrollable factors external to an organization.

Considering, therefore, the importance of sales on business survival and the connection between

customers and sales, it is expedient for organizations to engage in programmers that can

influence consumers’ decision to purchase its products. This is where advertising and brand

management are relevant. Advertising is a subset of promotion mix which is one of the four P’s

in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. As a promotional strategy,

advertising serve as a major tool in creating product awareness and condition the mind of a

potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision.

Celebrity attachment is one of the factors that heavily influence the buyer of the product.

Advertising plus famous celebrity involvement promotes and raises the awareness of your

product in the minds of the potential customers and also definitely influences the purchases of

your product. No doubt that today most of the organizations spend huge amount of dollars to

create marketing messages just to place their products and services. Here the question arises that

which medium should we use to address the market; newspapers, social networking websites,

billboards, brochures or television. If we use television as a medium by incurring high then it

would be worthwhile or not and how people would perceive it? But there is one thing that must

be remembered that advertisement must be effective as well. As an effective advertisement can

only meet your objectives and can boost up sales. And for this purpose the medium of TV is

considered as the most effective as it can reach the maximum audience with efficient cost. In this

era of uncertainty organizations and industries are very much serious about advertising their

products and services.

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Therefore advertising companies are always devoted to assess the efficiency of their advertising

in different mediums, chiefly TV advertisement. The foremost objective of this study is to check

that how commercial advertisements affect the purchase of the consumers. This study aims to

understand the relationship between advertising and consumer brand preference. We examine

that whether it is successful in both gender groups; man and woman.


Advertising is a form of communication proposed to persuade an audience viewers, readers or

listeners to buy or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It usually includes the

name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to

persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand. Commercial

advertisers, as in the case of telecommunication sector, often intend to generate increased

consumption of their products or services through branding, which involves the repetition of an

image or product name in an effort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of


Historically, Out-of-home advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising.

However, with the passage of time, as education became an essential need and people learned to

read and write, marketers used print Ads to reach out to its audience at a low cost. . Originally

used in the creation of shop signs, advertisement took a revolutionary at the onset of the 21st

century, an age bursting with new technologies (Max Web Design, May, 2008). With mediums

such as the radio, television and internet to be projected from, the products were no longer

differentiated only by their attributes but also by the benefits that they would give to the

consumers. These benefits were made aware of by advertisements.

Advertisements used in today's world are creative and innovative. Marketers have started

thinking out of the box and are coming up with new ideas to create a better perception in minds

of the consumers and impress them to buy their products. Nowadays there is a very special

emphasis on the content of the advertisements. Advertising is content and content is advertising

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There is no such thing as just 'advertising' anymore. It needs to have content that will attract the

potential consumers towards it, make them contemplate upon it, change their opinions and

eventually make them put forth a purchase intent. The only way to capture the consumer's

attention like this is to make the advertisement entertaining, interesting and relevant.

Consumer Brand Preference is the measure of brand loyalty in which a consumer will choose a

particular brand in presence of competing brands, but will accept substitutes if that brand is not


In June 1836, French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in its pages,

allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and the formula

was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the roots of the

modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large amounts of space in

various newspapers at a discounted rate then resold the space at higher rates to advertisers. The

actual ad - the copy, layout, and artwork - was still prepared by the company wishing to

advertise; in effect, Palmer was a space broker. The situation changed in the late 19th century

when the advertising agency of N.W. Ayer & Son was founded. Ayer and Son offered to plan,

create, and execute complete advertising campaigns for its customers. By 1900 the advertising

agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising was firmly established

as a profession. Around the same time, in France, Charles-Louis Havas extended the services of

his news agency, Havas to include advertisement brokerage, making it the first French group to

organize. At first, agencies were brokers for advertisement space in newspapers. N. W. Ayer &

Son was the first full-service agency to assume responsibility for advertising content. N.W. Ayer

opened in 1869, and was located in Philadelphia.

Advertisement for a live radio broadcast, sponsored by a milk company and published in the Los

Angeles Times on May 6, 1930. At the turn of the century, there were few career choices for

women in business; however, advertising was one of the few. Since women were responsible for

most of the purchasing done in their household, advertisers and agencies recognized the value of

women's insight during the creative process. In fact, the first American advertising to use a

sexual sell was created by a woman – for a soap product. Although tame by today's standards,

the advertisement featured a couple with the message "The skin you love to touch".

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In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and

retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers. As time passed, many

non-profit organizations followed suit in setting up their own radio stations, and included:

schools, clubs and civic groups. When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularized,

each individual radio program was usually sponsored by a single business in exchange for a brief

mention of the business' name at the beginning and end of the sponsored shows. However, radio

station owners soon realized they could earn more money by selling sponsorship rights in small

time allocations to multiple businesses throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than

selling the sponsorship rights to single businesses per show.



Advertising is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas. An

advertisement is anything that draws good attention towards these things. It is usually designed

by an advertising agency for an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media.

Ads appear on television, as well as radio, newspapers, magazines and as billboards in streets

and cities. They try to get people to buy their products, by showing them the good rather than

bad of their products. Advertisers influence our emotions by techniques that include stereotyping

and targeting the audience according to who we are. Emotions are influenced by things such as

this our occupation, beliefs, personality, self-esteem, lifestyle, relationships, friends, how we

look and what we wear. Advertisers use methods that attract attention. For example, to make a

burger look tasty in advertising, it may be painted with brown food colors, sprayed with

waterproofing to prevent it from going soggy and sesame seeds may be super-glued in place.

Advertising can bring new customers and more sales for the business. It can be expensive but

can help make a business make more money. Advertising happens in many different ways. Many

products are advertised on television, although not all channels permit advertising. The

advertisements usually appear during breaks between a televisions shows. They are usually for

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products, other television shows or movies and are not normally much longer than 30 seconds.

Some radio stations have. Advertiser’s primary mission is to reach prospective customers and

influence their awareness, attitudes and buying behavior. They spend a lot of money to keep

individuals interested in their products.


A brand is a product or a service that contributes some dimensions which separate it in some way

from other products or services designed to fulfill the same request. Although most of these

definitions refer to name, term, symbol, design, and other similar com- opponents, brand

represents more. The idea of brand creating and its applications are unequivocally important to

determine the organization’s personality, future projects and the place in a sector. And this brings

the concept of branding to the fore. The major motivational factor for introducing new products

under established brand names is that such extensions are more easily adopted by consumers

than new products with new brand names. This effect is due to a transfer of positive beliefs

and/or effect from the parent brand to the brand extension.

Advertising Effects on Brand Preference:-

The purpose of ad is to show identity and individuality of the brand, and ad’s goal is to give the

brand a first class ticket throughout the life of it. Advertising remind, liking, and correct brand

identification are three metrics commonly used to assess the quality of advertising, particularly

once it has gone to air and is playing in the competitive environment with viewers seeing it in

their home environment.

Brand personality is also affected by nearly everything associated with the person including his

or her neighborhood, friends, and activities just as the personality of a person. The personality of

the brand can be created directly or indirectly through advertising. To do so, human

characteristics will be transferred to the brand. Consumers perform the repurchase behavior in

certain brands if they are satisfied as a result of the trial or if they create a personal commitment

against them. This is because the consumer is looking for beneficiaries of a hash and you can

overlap the product image if it fits the lifestyle of consumer.

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Advertising and Brand Preference:-

Brand preference can be seen as level of attachment the buyer has, to the particular brand and

creating brand loyalty, which makes the consumer buy the product again and again. Existing

customers are well disposed towards the brand and advertisements only helps to strengthen the

preference of the customer, it reinforces their attachment to the brand by depicting satisfaction,

strong imagery, pride and positive experience. If the product has brand preference in customer, it

only needs reminder type advertising and if the brand is not preferable, then the advertisement is

necessary along with promotional and personal selling for customers.


A change in state resulting from a demonstrated causal agent generally accepted as having been

demonstrated when the relationship between a causal agent and the changed state are observed in

a controlled study of the relationship.

Commercial advertising:-

Commercial advertising in general is the use of advertisements to generate revenue. Advertising

is typically designed to make consumers more aware o0f people, place or products. In some

cases the advertising occurs as a public service such as a campaign to make people more aware

of the dangers of smoking or drinking alcohol use. In other instances the aim of advertisements

to gain interests and trust of the people. Commercial advertisements seek to increase interest in

buying a product, visiting a place or using a specific service.


Consumer in advertisements are basically means the users of the products or service. Consumers

are the common people who purchase the products.


Assam University- Assam University came into existence through Assam (Central)

University Act, 1989. It was established in 1994, since then the University is steadily becoming

an excellent Centre of learning. The campus, situated in Dargakona, about 20 kms from Silchar,

is set amid sprawling hillocks, a typical landscape in the North East. The campus in an area of

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600 acres surrounded by lakes and mountains provides an ideal environment for academic

pursuit. Drawing its 230 plus faculty from many disciplines, from all over the country, the

university sustains a multidisciplinary approach to higher education.

The University has sixteen Schools on major disciplines. There are 35 Departments under these

Sixteen Schools. The University is situated in South Assam, bordering Bangladesh, Mizoram,

Manipur, Meghalaya, and Nagaland. The Barak River flows across this region known as Barak

valley. The valley has a rich tradition of art, literature, culture and education. It has contributed a

large number of eminent personalities to the nation in the fields of science, education, arts and

many others. This historical heritage has given the place a strong foundation for the development

of a Centre of Excellence in higher education.

The five districts under the jurisdiction of Assam University have as many as 53 Colleges, which

speak of the depth of the intellectual and educational interests in the region. The University has

gradually started attracting students from the neighboring states. The University is set to become

a full-fledged residential University in near future creating a better environment for learning and

research activities. Assam University is a teaching-cum-affiliating University. The objectives of

the University are to "disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and 20

research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and by examples of its

corporate life to make provisions for integrated courses in humanities, natural and physical

sciences and social sciences in the educational programmers of the University; to take

appropriate measure for promoting inter-disciplinary studies and research in the University; to

educate and train manpower for development of the state of Assam; and to pay special attention

to the improvement of the social and economic conditions and welfare of the people of that state,

their intellectual, academic and cultural development." (Homepage, www.aus.ac.in)

Assam University, Silchar, a Central University established by an Act of the Indian Parliament

(Act XXIII of 1989), came into existence in 1994. Situated in the Barak Valley of southern

Assam, the University is nestled in a sprawling 600-acre campus at Dargakona, about 23 kms.

From Silchar town.

The University is the outcome of the long standing aspirations of the valley's people and it

nurtures a collective dream which is expressed in the objectives of the Assam University Act

(Section II) “to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research

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facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and by the example of its corporate life

to make provisions for integrated courses in Humanities, Natural and Physical Sciences in the

educational Programmed of the University, to take appropriate measure for promoting inter

disciplinary studies and research studies in the University, to educate and train manpower for

development of state of Assam; and to pay special attention to the improvement of the social,

economic conditions and welfare of the people of that state, their intellectual, academic and

cultural development.”

The University serves a varied populace, of an area adjacent to international border comprising a

substantial number of the underprivileged and weaker section, namely the scheduled caste, the

scheduled tribe, other backward classes and the minority population. The University campus at

Silchar has an undulating topography with scattered hillocks and valleys/gorges and is located

near a large seasonal water body called Chatla Lake. The campus offers a grand scenic view to

all. Care has been taken during architectural planning and designing to preserve the pristine

beauty of the campus as far as possible. This has resulted into an eco-friendly campus with

minimal displacement/destruction of aquatic and land life forms. The University has undertaken

a planned development of the campus keeping its ecology in mind. Nearly 100 acres of land has

been earmarked for pestering eco forest and Botanical Garden. The University has become almost a self-

sufficient academic settlement with Post Office, Banks, Telephone Exchange, Police Outpost, Electrical

Substation, Students' Hostels for girls and boys, Health Centre, Staff Quarters, Guest Houses, Central

Library, Canteens, Seminar halls, Auditoriums, Gymnasium. Later a Day Care Centre and a Community

Centre for University staff members, have been created and efforts are being continued for sustainable

growth. The campus has now converted into a busy centre of academic activities. Grants received from

the UGC, MHRD, Government and other agencies are utilized with conscious endeavours to create and

maintain proper infrastructure. The University has a lofty vision for promoting Academic Excellence in

the region.

In 2007, Assam University opened a satellite campus at Diphu in the KarbiAnglong District of

Assam, thereby making quality higher education accessible to a wider section of society. Apart

from the two campuses of the University, there are 58 affiliated colleges spread over the 5

districts of Cachar, Karimganj, Hailakandi, KarbiAnglong and DimaHasao, which constitute the

academic jurisdiction of Assam University. Since 1994, Assam University has expanded both

insize and reputation. Today, there are 34 postgraduate departments under 16 Schools of Study

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and four Research Centres at the Silchar Campus attached with four Departments i.e. Bengali ,

Chemistry, Life Science and Ecology & Environmental Sciences. There are nine departments

and one centre for Tribal Studies at the Diphu campus offering a wide range of programmes

geared towards equipping students and research scholars with knowledge, skill, experience and

confidence. With student strength of around 4,682 at the Silchar Campus and around 440 at the

Diphu Campus, the University is a veritable melting pot of diverse communities, ideas and

creativity. The Silchar campus is also equipped with a Central Instrumentation Laboratory that

hosts state of the art instruments. Further, a fully functional computer Centre with its trained staff

supports all the computational needs of students and researchers, and maintain the university

internet network and website.

In order to increase the working efficiency of the administration, the University has opted for

partial automation of HR activities. Recently, the University has developed a strategy for

enhancing the range of pedagogic uses of technology. As part of this strategy, the University is in

the process of gradually turning all its classrooms into state-of-the-art ones enabling teachers to

teach using a wide variety of media. In the last nineteen years of its relentless pursuit of 22

academic excellence, Assam University has made giant strides in providing better academic atmosphere

and improved infrastructural facilities.In 2008, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council

(NAAC), India, awarded the University with a CGPA of 2.85 in a 4-point scale.

The vision of Assam University is to aspire to translate the multidimensional collective dream of

the community of the region into reality.

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Chapter- 2

Review of literature

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Although the review involved a large number of studies only a few studies which have a direct

and indirect bearing in the present study have been reviewed.

Dix S, Pougnet S (2009)

In their research they have found that Athlete role model endorsers have a positive influence on

young adults' product switching behavior, complaint behavior, positive word-of-mouth behavior

and brand loyalty. This confirms the assumption that sports celebrities are important

socializations agents and can have significant impact on purchase intentions and behaviors. This

research provides useful insight into the influence of athlete endorsers on young adults and

suggests athletes have a positive influence on young adults' behavioral intentions in switching

products, generating word-of-mouth and establishing brand loyalty.

John Deighton

In his research “The Effect of advertising on brand switching and repeat purchasing” the authors

examine switching and repeat purchase effects of advertising in mature, frequently purchased

product categories. His results suggest that advertising induces brand switching but does not

affect the repeat purchase rates of consumers who have just purchased the brand, a result

consistent with usage dominance rather than framing. He found the switching influence to be

largely confined between the current and previous purchase occasions. The researcher illustrate

the magnitude of this effect and explore potential profitability.

Thomas Michael: Impact of Media on Consumers’ Brand Preference:-

In this research “a Study on Carbonated Beverage Market with Reference to Coca-Cola”. The

result is found that the brand preference exists in the carbonated beverage market and the media

efforts affects consumer preferences and their brand choice. Researcher found that out of 8

different carbonated beverage brands which featured in this study, Coca-Cola topped the brand

preference table in carbonated beverage industry. Hence it is clear that Coca-Cola is the favorite

carbonated beverage among consumers. Based on this study, advertisement and taste are the

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major factors responsible for the success of Coca Cola. The implication of this is that, other

variables does not influence much when brand is supported by heavy advertisements and appeals

to consumers’ taste buds which persuades them to continue buying.

Goddard L, Wilbur N (2009)

In their study provide a starting-point for further research on negative information transference in

the celebrity endorsement relationship. It is crucial that organizations be aware of the risks

associated with using celebrities to endorse their stores and products. Given that these results

provide tentative support for the commonly held belief that a decline in the celebrity's image can

impact the image of the brand, it is important that retailers carefully choose an endorser who

currently has a good image and will likely be able to uphold this image in the future.

Biswas S, Hussain M, O'Donnell K

In this research, researchers say that here is a positive, although moderate, impact of celebrity

endorsements on attention and exposure of consumers. Implications for marketers as well as

suggestions for future research are discussed. The article is of the view that although there is

considerable risk in endorsing celebrities for products and services, the firms need to analyses

the various factors that can reduce such risks and hence increase the likeability of transfer of

leverage of the brand image from the celebrity to the products and services.

Lilith Balakrishnan and C.Shalini Kumar:

In this research “Effect of Celebrity Based Advertisements on the Purchase Attitude of

Consumers towards Durable Products" they found Celebrity Endorsements act as a credible

means of spending money .This is because this is a world of products for which the value a

consumer obtains from purchasing any given variety. This could be for reasons of social

standing-People want to wear the “right” clothes, drink the “right” beverages and use the “right”

fragrances. Specifically a consumer that observes messages for two different fir’s products, one

product’s message containing a celebrity endorsed and the other not, believes the celebrity

endorsed product will have more purchases and so be of higher value. In short, celebrity

endorsements are more typical for nationally marketed products then for local.

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Gupta & Devi (2008)

They studied on “The impact of TV advertisements on buying pattern of adolescent girls”. They

found that the advertisement played a vital role in introducing a new product in the family list

and making better choice during shopping. The girls utilized pocket money received every month

for shopping. The adolescent girl is influenced by T.V advertisement when he purchases clothing

they were guided by fashion, and boutiques. The respondents preferred to buy branded and

standardized product which are more advertised on television products and for products such as

running shoes, soft drinks and the like for which the price cost margins are apparently large.

M. Kumar (2012)

This research examines the impact of celebrity credibility on consumer-based equity of the

endorsed brand. The mediating role of brand credibility and the moderating role of the type of

branding employed by the endorsed brand on the endorser credibility-brand equity relationship

are also examined. The endorser credibility-brand equity relationship was developed using

associative learning principles whereas the brand signaling theory was applied to examine the

mediating role of brand credibility. Results suggest endorser credibility has an indirect impact on

brand equity when this relationship is mediated by brand credibility. This mediating relationship

was moderated by type of branding. However, the µendorser credibility-brand credibility and

µendorser credibility brand equity relationships did not vary according to the type of branding


Smriti Bajaj (2007)

In her study “Consumer Perceptions of Global and Local Brands in the Indian Retail Industry”

pointed out that the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate, in an emerging market,

consumer attitudes towards local and foreign brand purchases against a background of factors

like Culture, Country of Origin, Product quality and services. A comprehensive model broadens

knowledge on consumer behavior by incorporating the above mentioned factors. India is the

emerging market studied. A total of 18 respondents were interviewed face-to-face using a semi

structured questionnaire in the city of Mumbai and Indian students studying in the United


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Mr. K. Sivakumar (2007)

In his study “Consumers Attitude towards the Products of Indian and Multi-National

Companies” he found that the quality of global brands was perceived to be generally higher and

superior to local brands. Most consumers also associated greater accessibility of foreign brands

in the Indian market with better quality at lower prices. Indian consumers were not prejudiced

against foreign brand names. In fact, they evaluated them higher on technology, quality, status

and esteem than Indian brands and attributed higher credibility to those countries of origin. This

study adds to the body of knowledge about consumer behavior and their perceptions of global vs.

local brands, in a massive and fast developing market. As companies become global, managers

must possess a thorough understanding of the attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of

emerging consumer markets, because what is known about consumers in one part of the world is

not applicable to consumers in other parts.

Adeolu B. Ayanwale (2005)

In their study “The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Brand Preference” mentioned that the

proliferation of assorted brands of food drinks in the country has led to cut-throat competition for

increased market share being witnessed among the operators in the food drink industry. When

competition is keen and the consumers are faced with brand choice in the market, it becomes

imperative for the manufacturers to understand the major factors that can attract the attention of

buyers to his own brand. These then form the basis for marketing panning and action. This study,

which was based on a survey of 315 randomly selected consumers of food drinks in Lagos,

Ibadan and Ile-Ife, cities in Southwestern Nigeria, examined the role played by advertising in

influencing consumers’ preference for Bournvita, which is one of the leading food drinks in the

Food and Beverage industry in Nigeria. Results revealed that both male and female and different

age groups were equally influenced by advertising in

Aron M. Levin, Irwin P. Levin and Joshua A. Weller (2005)

In their study “A Multi-Attribute Analysis of Preferences for Online and Offline Shopping:

Differences across Products, Consumers, and Shopping Stages” Journal of Electronic Commerce

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Research, their preference for the brand. 38.73% of the consumers showed preference for

Bournvita out of the various brands of the food drink studied. The major reasons advanced for

the preference are its captivating advertising (42.62%) and rich quality (40.16%). TV advertising

was most preferred by 71.43% of the respondents of all the media used in advertising Bournvita.

The need for high preference to advertising is therefore highlighted for companies that want to

not only retain their market but take positive steps to increase their market share.

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Chapter- 3

Research methodology

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The aim of the study is to find out the effects of commercial advertisements on consumer brand



1. Does advertisement influence consumer brand preference?

2. Could advertisement have an adverse impact on brand image in consumer's mind?

3. Which advertisement media is much effective?

4. Does celebrity endorsement affect consumers buying preference?

5. What factors encourage brand loyalty among consumers?


In this research, relationship between brand and advertisement will be studied. Exploring the

effects of advertisements on the brand preference is aimed. Questions will be asked concerning

the effects of TV advertisements on consumers’ brand preferences. This study is also comprise

with the results of the earlier few studies. The research population of this study is the UG & PG

students of the various departments of Assam University Silchar, where the age group of the

students for the study is 21-25 years. In this research questionnaire is used as a research tool.

3.3.1 Method of survey

Research is conducted through the questionnaire process. Data is collected from the UG & PG

students of Assam University students. The research is conducted with the age of 21 to 25 years

of students comprise of both male and female.

3.3.2 Research sample

For this study as a research sample 50 students were taken.

3.3.3 Study area

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The study area for this research is the various departments of the Assam University Silchar.


1. To study the impact of the Advertisements on the brand preference of consumers.

2. To study the consumer perception regarding the most effective media for Advertisements.

3. To study the impact of the celebrity endorsement on the consumer buying behavior.


1. The study is limited to the students of Assam University, Silchar.

2. The study is confined to the students those who are presently studying in the University.

3. The study is conducted within short period of time.

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Chapter -4

Data analysis


Demographic features obtained from research and results are shown in below table.

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Demographic features

Gender No Percentage

Male 22 44%

Female 28 56%

Total 50 100%

Marital status No Percentage

Single 50 100%

Marred 0 0%

Total 50 100%

Education qualification No Percentage

UG 2 4%

PG 48 96%

Total 50 100%

Age No Percentage

21+ 2 4%

22+ 8 16%

23+ 24 48%

24+ 10 20%

25+ 6 12%

Total 50 100%


1. People watch advertisements

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 46 92%

No 4 8%

Total 50 100%

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The above table indicates that 92% respondents says that they watch advertisements and rest 8%

says that they do not watch advertisements. Where the results is combined with the response

from both male and female of PG students from different department of Assam University


Table 2

2. People watch commercial advertisements

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 48 96%

No 2 4%

Total 50 100%













yes No

Watching habits of advertisements

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Above table shows that 96% of the total respondents watch the commercial advertisements and

rest 6% respondents do not watch commercial advertisements. It indicates that majority of the

people watch commercial advertisements.

Table 3

3. People like commercial advertisements

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 40 80%

No 10 20%

Total 50 100%









Yes No

Watching habits commercial advertiseents

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The above table shows the majority of the respondents from PG, UG students says they like

commercial advertisements. The majority answers stands 80% and 20% respondents says they

do not like commercial advertisements.

Table 4

4. Types of commercial advertisements people like.

Types Responses Percentage

Rational 20 40%

Fear 2 4%

Social welfare 14 28%

Emotional 5 10%

Cool 5 10%

Scientific 4 8%

Total 50 100%













Yes No

People like commercial ads

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The above table deals with the types of commercial appeal advertisements liked by the people

and the results is mixed with multiple choices. The above table indicates that Rational

commercial ads has the highest influence i.e 40% respondents says that they like rational

commercial appeal advertisements, 4% respondents says they like fear commercial appeal, where

28%o respondents choosed social welfare commercial appeal, 10% chosen emotional

commercial appeal, cool commercial appeal is liked by 10% of total and rest 8% respondents

says they like scientific commercial appeal. It indicates that majority of the total respondents like

rational commercial appeal where second type of commercial appeal is social welfare and fear

commercial appeal having the lowest popularity.

Table -5

People get information after viewing a commercial advertisements.

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 42 84%

No 8 16%

Total 50 100%




10% 10% 8%











Rational Fear Social welfare Emotional Cool Scientific

Types of commercial ad people like

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The above table indicates that 84% of the total respondents gets information after viewing the

commercial advertisements and only 16% respondents says they do not get information by

commercial advertisements.

Table 6

1. Do you get entertainment after viewing a commercial advertisements

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 43 86%

No 7 14%

Total 50 100%













Yes No

Get information by commercial ads

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Above table indicates that 86% respondents says they get entertainment after viewing

commercial advertisements and 14% respondents says that they do not.

Table 7

People get educational information after viewing commercial advertisements.














Yes No

Get entertained by commercial ads











Yes No

Get educational informmation by commercial ads

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The above table shows that 60% of UG and PG students says they get educational information

after viewing commercial advertisements and rest 40% says they do not get any educational

information after viewing commercial advertisements.

Table 8

People purchased commercially advertised branded product

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 15 30%

No 10 20%

Only when quality is important 13 26%

Rarely 12 24%

Total 50 100%

The above table indicates that 30% of the respondents says they purchased branded product

where 20% respondents says they do not purchased, 26% of the respondents says they only

purchased branded product when its quality is important and 24% respondents says rarely they

purchased any branded product.












Yes No When Quality is important Rarely

Buying behavior of comercially advertised branded products

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Table 9

Why people purchased commercially advertised produced.

Response Frequency Percentage

Branded 5 10%

Good quality 19 38%

Easily available 1 2%

Product warrantee 8 16%

Celebrity endorsement 3 6%

Style 6 12%

Aesthetics 1 2%

Offers/discount 7 14%

Total 50 100%

Reasons for buying comercially advertised branded products

We purchase branded products for various reasons, the above table is deals with the why people

buy commercially advertised branded products and the results comes with the different choices.

The above table showing that 10% respondents says they purchase commercially branded

















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product because it is branded where other reasons are 38% respondents says they purchased

because of its good quality, 4% for its easy availability 16% respondents says the purchased for

the product warrantee 6% respondents says they purchased because of its style where 4%

respondents says for aesthetics and 14% of the respondents says they purchased commercially

advertised products because of offers and discount.

Table 10

People purchased branded product after viewing its advertisement

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 26 52%

No 9 18%

Sometimes 12 24%

Not sure 3 6%

Total 50 100%










Yes No Sometimes Not sure

Chart Title

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The above table indicates that 525 respondents says that they have purchased branded product

after viewing its advertisements where 185 respondents says no and 24% of the total

respondents says that sometimes they have purchased branded produced after viewing its

advertisements and rest 6% -respondents says they are not sure about it.

Table 11

Loyal to their brand

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 12 24%

No 8 16%

Sometimes 25 50%

Not sure 5 10%

Total 50 100%

This table deals with the loyalty about the brand where 24% respondents says that they are loyal

to their brand and 16% respondents says that they are not loyal to their brand where majority of












Yes No Sometimes Not sure

Loyal of the brands

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the respondents says that sometimes they are loyal to their brand and only 10% respondents says

they are not sure.

Table 12

People care about using brands in your daily life

Response Frequency Percentage

Always 6 12%

Sometimes 26 52%

Not much 14 28%

Never 2 4%

Not sure 2 4%

Total 50 100%

The above table indicates that 12% respondents are always cares about using branded products in

their daily life. Majority of the respondents says that sometimes they are care about the using of

branded products in daily life , 28% respondents says that they are not much cared about using

branded product in daily life where 4% respondents says that do not cares about using branded

products and 4% also says that they are not sure.

Table 13

Which is the following help a good brand image




4% 4%0%







Always Sometimes Not much Never Not sure

Care about using branded products in dailylife

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Response Frequency Percentage

Quality 32 64%

Communication strategies 6 12%

Competitive pricing 2 4%

Good value added service 8 16%

Free trails and discount 2 4%

Total 50 100%

The above table about the factor to creation good brand image here brand quality is got the high

influence. 64% respondents says that quality of the brand helps if create good brand image, 12%

says communication strategies 4% respondents says competitive pricing where 16% says that

good value added service helps in good brand image and 4% respondents says that free trails

and discount helps in creating good brand image.

Table 14

Does popular celebrities help the brand get good publicity?

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 20 40%

No 6 12%

Sometimes 20 40%

Not sure 4 8%

Total 50 100%












Quality communicationstrategies

Competitive pricing Good value addedservice

Free trails anddiscount

factors helps in good brand image

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This table indicates that 40% respondents says that popular celebrity help the brand to get good

publicity, 12% respondents says against of this statement, they says celebrities do not help the

brand to get good publicity. Where 40% says that sometimes popular celebrity helps to get good

publicity and 8% says that they are not sure about it.

Table 15

Reasons behind preferring branded products

Response Frequency Percentage

Brand name 10 20%

Quality 22 44%

Quantity 2 4%

Price factor 6 12%

Mouth publicity 5 10%

By viewing ads 5 10%

Total 50 100%















Yes No Sometimes Not sure

Celebrities helps in get good brand publicity

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This table shows that 20% respondents prefer brands because of “brand name” and majority of

the respondent’s i.e. 44% respondents says that they prefer a brand for its “quality” where 4%

says for “quantity” 12% says the reason for preferring a brand is its “price factor” , 10%

respondents says that they prefer a because they are influence by the mouth publicity of the

brand and also 10% says that they prefer a brand by viewing the advertisements.

Table 16

What is the trustable source for the brand advertisements?

Response Frequency Percentage

Television 18 36%

Newspaper 2 4%

Magazine 10 20%

Internet 14 28%

Mouth publicity 6 12%

Total 50 100%




12% 10% 10%












Brand name Quality Quantity Price factor Mouth publicity By viewing ads

Reason for prefering brand

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This table is about which is trustable source for the brand advertisements where 36% respondents

says that television is more trustable source than other, 4% respondents says in favor of

newspaper where 20% respondents says about magazine is the trustable source for the brand

advertisements and 28% respondents says about internet for trustable brand ad source and rest

12% respondents says about mouth publicity.















Television Newspaper Magazine Internet Mouth publicity

Trustable source forthe brand advertisements

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Table 17

Favorite brands

Brands Frequency

Apple 15

Samsung 13

Sony 5

Asus 5

Lenovo 5

Reebok 3

Fastrack 14

LG 3

Puma 8

Fling machine 3

Iball 4

Levies 13

Roadster 3

Adidas 7

Dell 5


Lee cooper 8

Loreal 3

Garnier 4

Lakme 8

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Table 18


Statement Strongl

y agree



Neutral disagree Strongly


Do you think advertising makes a strong

perception about the brand of the product in

your mind?

4 36 6 2 2

Do you think the attributes about the

branded product shown in the advertising

are true?

1 8 31 7 3

Do you think use of celebrities in the

commercials effects your buying decisions?

2 16 10 20 2

Do you agree that for most types of

products, the differences among competing

brands are insignificant and unimportant to


1 18 17 12 2

Statement 1

Do you think advertising makes a strong perception about the brand of the product in your mind?

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 4 8%

Agree 36 72%

Neutral 6 12%

Disagree 2 4%

Strongly disagree 2 4%

Total 50 100%

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The above statement is about do advertisements makes a strong perception about the brand of the

product in the mind of the people. In the above statement 8% respondents strongly agree about

this statements where 4% respondents also disagree about this statements. 12% respondents says

they neither agree nor disagree that advertisements makes a strong perception about the brand of

the product in the mind of the people. This table also indicates that 72% respondents agree that

advertisements makes a strong perception about the brand of the product and 4% respondents


Statement 2

Do you think the attributes about the branded product shown in the advertising are true?

Response Frequency percentage

Strongly agree 1 2%

Agree 8 16%

Neutral 31 62%

Disagree 7 8%

Strongly disagree 3 14%

Total 50 100%



12%4% 4%0%









Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Statement no. 1

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This table indicates that 2% respondents strongly agreed that the attributes about the branded

products shown in the advertisements are true and 14% strongly disagreed. 62% respondents are

neither agreed nor disagreed about the above statements where 16% respondents says that they

agree this statement and also 14% disagreed that the attributes about the branded product shown

in the advertisements are real.

Statement 3

Do you think use of celebrities in the commercials effects your buying decisions?

Response Frequency percentage

Strongly agree 2 4%

Agree 16 32%

Neutral 10 20%

Disagree 20 40%

Strongly disagree 2 4%

Total 50 100%













Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Statement no.2

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In this above statement 32% respondents agreed that use of celebrities in the commercials

advertisements effects their buying decision where 40% respondents disagreed that statement.

20% respondents says that they are neutral neither they agreed nor disagreed this statement

where 45 respondents strongly agreed and also 4% respondents disagreed.

Statement 4

Do you agree that for most types of products, the differences among competing brands are

insignificant and unimportant to consumers?

Response Frequency percentage

Strongly agree 1 2%

Agree 18 36%

Neutral 17 34%

Disagree 12 24%

Strongly disagree 2 4%

Total 50 100%















Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

statement no.3

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To discuss the above statement 36% respondents says that they are agree that they are agree that

for most types of products the differences among competing brands are insignificant and

unimportant to consumers which is disagreed by 24% respondents. 34% respondents says

neither they agree nor they disagree this statement and 2% respondents are strongly agreed that

for most types of products the differences among competing brands are insignificant and

unimportant to consumer where 4% respondents strongly disagreed.













Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Statement no.4

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Summary of data


Demographic analysis

In the demographic section the questionnaire is filled up by the students of various

departments of Assam University Silchar both UG & PG students. The age group of the

students are 21 years to 25 years. Data is collected from from both and female students.


General attitudes

People watch advertisement

Yes No

46 4

People watch commercial advertisements

Yes No

48 2

People like commercial advertisements

Yes No

40 10

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Types of commercial advertisements people likes

Types frequency

Rational 20

Fear 2

Social welfare 14

Emotional 5

Cool 5

Scientific 4

Do you get information after viewing a commercial advertisements

Yes No

42 8

Do you get entertainment after viewing a commercial advertisements

Yes No

43 7

Do you get educational information after viewing a commercial advertisements

Yes No

40 10

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Do you buy commercially advertised branded products

Yes 15

No 10

Only when quality is important 13

Rarely 12

Why people buy commercially advertise branded products

Branded 5

Good quality 19

Easily available 1

Product warrantee 8

Celebrity endorsement 3

Style 6

Aesthetics 1

Offers/discount 7

Have you ever purchased a branded product because of its advertisement?

Yes 26

No 9

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Sometimes 12

Not sure 3


Are you a loyal to your brand

Yes 12

No 8

Sometimes 25

Not sure 5


How much do you care about using brands in your daily life

Always 5

Sometimes 15

Not much 8

Never 1

Not sure 1


Which of the following according to you help a good brand image

Quality 18

Communication strategies 4

Competitive pricing 1

Good value added service 5

Free trails and discounts 2


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Does popular celebrities help the brand get good publicity

Yes 12

No 4

sometimes 12

Not sure 2


Why do you prefer a brand

Factor Response

Brand name 6

Quality 14

Quantity 1

Price factor 4

Due to mouth publicity by neighbor and



By viewing advertisements 3



Which is the trustable source for the brand advertisements

Category Response

Television 13

Newspaper 1

Magazine 5

Radio 0

Internet 8

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Mouth publicity 3


Which is the favorite brands

Brands frequency

Apple 15

Samsung 13

Sony 5

Asus 5

Lenovo 5

Reebok 3

Fastrack 14

LG 3

Puma 8

Fling machine 3

Iball 4

Levies 13

Roadster 3

Adidas 7

Dell 5


Lee cooper 8

Loreal 3

Garnier 4

Lakme 8

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In this table the data is collected from the 50 respondents where they have choosed those brands

frequently. Where some famous international brands like Apple, Fastract, Samsung Puma, levis

got more responses. The majority of the respondents like those named brand as their favorite



The research findings are that the effects of commercial ads have a direct impact on consumer

brand preference

1. It is clear from the analysis that the cool rational commercial appeal advertisements are

more effective than others types like fear, scientific etc.

2. Majority of the viewer’s prefer the branded product for its good quality as shown in the

commercial ads.

3. The study found that majority respondents says that products quality helps a good brand


4. The study found that TV and internet are the more trustable source for the brand


5. The study found that Apple, Samsung, Fastrack, Puma, Levis are the most popular


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In this section, statement no 1 indicates that majority people agreed that

advertisement makes a good perception about the brand in the mind of the people. It

means that the buying behavior of the consumer depend on how advertisement

present a product to the consumer.

In the statement no 2, data found that majority people agreed that the attributes about

the branded product shown in the advertisements are true. It means that majority

consumer believe that what is shown about the branded product in their promotion are


in the statement 3, one sixth people agreed that they get influenced by the celebrities

about the brand or use of celebrities in the commercial are effect in their buying

behavior where one fifth people disagreed that it does not effect in their buying





Statement Strongly


Agree Neutral disagree Strongly


1 Do you think advertising makes a

strong perception about the brand

of the product in your mind?

4 36 6 2 2

2 Do you think the attributes about

the branded product shown in the

advertising are true?

1 8 31 7 3

3 Do you think use of celebrities in

the commercials effects your

buying decisions?

2 16 10 20 2

4 Do you agree that for most types

of products, the differences among

competing brands are insignificant

and unimportant to consumers?

1 18 17 12 2

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In the fourth statement majority of people agreed and also neutral about that in most

types of products the differences among competing brands are insignificant or

unimportant to them.


Q. No 1- According to the data founded by this study it can be said that advertisement has a great

influence on consumer brand behavior. The majority respondents says they get influenced by the

rational and social welfare advertisements.

Q. No 2- In this research it is found that commercial advertisements do not have much adverse

impact on consumer just 40% respondents says that they do not get any educational information

form advertisements.

Q. No 3- In this study the founded data indicates that the majority of the people says television

and internet are the much effective medium than others.

Q. No 4- In this study it is found that celebrity endorsement do not effect in their decisions.

Q. No 5- The results of the study showing that the majority consumer prefers brands for its


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Conclusion and Recommendations

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Advertisements plays a vital role in the consumer brand preference as there is a competition

between the various brands. It has been concluded that the majority 0f the people buy branded

product for its quality so advertisements should put more emphasis on its quality rather than the

looks and design of the product. The advertisement should also convey the information and

present the real image to the viewers while promoting for a product. Celebrity endorsement also

impact on the buying decision sometimes consumer do not look the quality of the product they

just see the celebrity engaged with this product in this case celebrity should have to promote

those product which are real. This study found that television and internet net are the more

trustable source for the commercial brand advertisements. Television and internet are the

medium where majority of the population in the world are dependent. Proper and real

commercial brand advertisements in those medium will help the brand to increase and globalize

their market. The study will help firms understand the importance of advertising. It will also

enable them structure their adverts and brands to make them more appealing in order to improve

sales and lead to better performance. As this study gives a clear insight into how advertisement

can influence consumer behavior, many firms will be encouraged into using adverts to market

their products. The findings and recommendations of this study will go a long way in helping

firms to adopt good advertising strategies, and appealing brand designs to help get more

consumers for their products and services. This study is going to help the companies to put more

emphasis on the trustable source of the commercial advertisements and also increase the

awareness about the products in the online platforms as many people liked the online platform as

a trustable source of the commercial ads and it also having good number of users are engaged

with internet for their various activity and also using social media websites such as Facebook,

YouTube etc.

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1. The commercial brand advertisement should present the reality of the products in their


2. To increase the belief of commercial ads they should involve the existing customers in to

the ads.

3. Celebrities involvement should be about the real product, i.e. celebrities should inquire

about the product before its promoting

4. The advertisers should present the ads in proper way, it means they should not hurt the

feelings of the viewers.

5. The commercial ads TV should educate, entertain and convey information to the viewers

for their better life style.

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Raj, K. (2005). The influence of Advertising on Consumer Brand Reference. J. Soc.

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A study on



Name (Optional)-




1. Do you watch Advertisements? a) Yes b) No

2. If yes, do you watch Commercial Advertisement? a) Yes b) No

3. Do you like Commercial Advertisements? a) Yes b) No

4. If yes, what type of Commercial Appeal Advertisements do you like? a) Emotional

b) Rational c) Fear d) Social Welfare e) Cool

g) Scientific h) Any Other________________________

5. Do you get information after viewing a Commercial Advertisement? A) Yes b) No

6. Do you get entertainment after viewing a Commercial Advertisement? a) Yes b) No

7. Do you get educational information after viewing a Commercial advertisement?

a) Yes b) No

8. Do you buy Commercially Advertised branded products?

(a) Yes. (b) No (c) Only when quality is important. (d) Rarely

9. If yes, why do you buy Commercially Advertised branded products?

a) Branded

b) Good Quality

c) Easily available

d) Product Warrantee

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e) Celebrity Endorsement

f) Style

g) Aesthetics

h) Offers/ discounts

i) Any Other…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Have you ever purchased a branded product after viewing its advertisement?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Sometimes

d) Not Sure

11. Are you a loyal to your brand?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

d. Not Sure

12. How much do you care about using brands in your daily life? a) Always

b) Sometimes c) Not much d) Never e) Not sure

13. Which of the following, according to you help a good brand image?

a. Quality

b. Communication strategies

c. Competitive pricing

d. Good value added service

e. Free trails and discount

f. Any other, please specify…………………………………………………………………………………………

14. Does popular celebrities help the brand get good publicity?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

d. Not sure

15. Why do you prefer a brand?

Sl. No. Responses Please tick

1 Brand name

2 Quality

3 Quantity

4 Price factor

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5 Due to mouth publicity by neighbor and Friends

6 By viewing advertisements

7 Any other

16. Which is the trustable source for the brand Advertisements

Sl. No. Responses Please tick

1 Television

2 Newspaper

3 Magazine

4 Radio

5 Internet

6 Mouth publicity

7 Any Other

17. Which is your favorite Brand, Please tick. (Please give options)

Brands Tick mark Brand Tick mark

Apple Leies

Samsung Roadster

Sony Being human

Micromax MI

Asus Adidas

Lenovo Jack Jones

Bata Redmi

Reebok Dell

Fastrack HTC

LG Lee cooper

Puma Loreal

Fling machine Garnier

iball Lakme

Intex Dove

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18. Please tick the box to indicate your degree of agreement for each statement below:

Statement Strongly agree

Agree Neutral disagree Strongly disagree

Do you think advertising makes a strong perception about the brand of the product in your mind?

Do you think the attributes about the branded product shown in the advertising are true?

Do you think use of celebrities in the commercials effects your buying decisions?

Do you agree that for most types of products,

the differences among competing brands are

insignificant and unimportant to consumers?

Thank you