dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas …

125 Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes k 4cN[PR4D ab4f R[aRB ? !a4 Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 38 (2014) 125-137 Corresponding author: P. Kah, e-mail: [email protected] DISSIMILAR FERROUS METAL WELDING USING ADVANCED GAS METAL ARC WELDING PROCESSES B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen Laboratory of Welding Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, 53851, Lappeenranta, Finland Received: December 16, 2013 Abstract. The construction industry has for many years shown interest in opportunities offered by the welding of dissimilar metals. The need for appropriate and effective techniques has in- creased in recent decades with efforts to meet wide disparities constraints in services. In power plants, metals with different characteristics can be welded to fit heterogeneous working condi- tions. Early GMAW processes had limited control over the heat input, but the advanced GMAW processes of the last decades offer new perspectives for welding dissimilar metals. The objective of this paper is to review the basic principles of fusion welding of dissimilar metals. The study briefly investigates advanced GMAW processes with an emphasis on differences in their general operating principles and arc control. Experiments performed with dissimilar met- als, such as stainless steels, carbon steels, and low-alloyed steels are reviewed and the weld- ing process achievements highlighted. The study collects data from scientific literature on fusion dissimilar metals welding (DMW), advanced GMAW processes, and experiments conducted with conventional GMAW. The study shows that the welding procedure specification is an important factor in DMW. Advanced GMAW processes have significant potential in fusion welding of dissimilar ferrous metals. Accurate control of the heat input allows a more effective prediction of intermetallics and a better control of post-heat treatments. Increased understanding of advanced processes will permit the development of more suitable specifications of GMAW welding procedures for DMW. Process flexibility and adaptability to ro- botic mass production will allow a wider application of this process and the avoidance of costly alternative methods. 1. INTRODUCTION Dissimilar metal welding has become a critical tech- nology in many areas [1,2], austenitic stainless steel/low-carbon steel or high-alloy material/low-al- loy steel for parts requiring strength and corrosion resistance. The integration of efficient quality weld- ing technologies for dissimilar metals will be a key component in the successful weld quality for trans- portation and power plant systems [3,4]. The weld- ing of dissimilar metals with melting one of the met- als is efficient if the welding conditions that deter- mine the duration of the interaction between the solid and liquid metal are strictly controlled [4]. The properties of the welded joints and the fea- sibility of the welding processes are influenced by many factors: for example, carbon migration from the low-alloy side, the microstructure gradient and residual stress situations across different regions of the weld metal [1,5]. The process of welding dis- similar metals is a very complicated one because aUR NYY?f nCTBN4VR[aPN[BRCbYaV[ OBVaaYR V[aRBZ RaNYYVP compounds. Friction stir welding [6], laser welding

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125Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

© 2014 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 38 (2014) 125-137

Corresponding author: P. Kah, e-mail: [email protected]


B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

Laboratory of Welding Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, 53851,Lappeenranta, Finland

Received: December 16, 2013

Abstract. The construction industry has for many years shown interest in opportunities offered bythe welding of dissimilar metals. The need for appropriate and effective techniques has in-creased in recent decades with efforts to meet wide disparities constraints in services. In powerplants, metals with different characteristics can be welded to fit heterogeneous working condi-tions. Early GMAW processes had limited control over the heat input, but the advanced GMAWprocesses of the last decades offer new perspectives for welding dissimilar metals.The objective of this paper is to review the basic principles of fusion welding of dissimilar metals.The study briefly investigates advanced GMAW processes with an emphasis on differences intheir general operating principles and arc control. Experiments performed with dissimilar met-als, such as stainless steels, carbon steels, and low-alloyed steels are reviewed and the weld-ing process achievements highlighted.The study collects data from scientific literature on fusion dissimilar metals welding (DMW),advanced GMAW processes, and experiments conducted with conventional GMAW. The studyshows that the welding procedure specification is an important factor in DMW. Advanced GMAWprocesses have significant potential in fusion welding of dissimilar ferrous metals. Accuratecontrol of the heat input allows a more effective prediction of intermetallics and a better control ofpost-heat treatments.Increased understanding of advanced processes will permit the development of more suitablespecifications of GMAW welding procedures for DMW. Process flexibility and adaptability to ro-botic mass production will allow a wider application of this process and the avoidance of costlyalternative methods.


Dissimilar metal welding has become a critical tech-nology in many areas [1,2], austenitic stainlesssteel/low-carbon steel or high-alloy material/low-al-loy steel for parts requiring strength and corrosionresistance. The integration of efficient quality weld-ing technologies for dissimilar metals will be a keycomponent in the successful weld quality for trans-portation and power plant systems [3,4]. The weld-ing of dissimilar metals with melting one of the met-als is efficient if the welding conditions that deter-

mine the duration of the interaction between the solidand liquid metal are strictly controlled [4].

The properties of the welded joints and the fea-sibility of the welding processes are influenced bymany factors: for example, carbon migration fromthe low-alloy side, the microstructure gradient andresidual stress situations across different regionsof the weld metal [1,5]. The process of welding dis-similar metals is a very complicated one becausethe alloy’s gradient can result in brittle intermetalliccompounds. Friction stir welding [6], laser welding


126 B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

[7], and laser–TIG [8] hybrid welding ]rocesses havebeen used to join dissimilar metals. Unfortunately,these methods involve expensive equipment andcomplex welding procedures [9].

The paper aims to investigate and identify keyimprovements in weld mechanical properties andthe microstructural compounds of dissimilar ferrousmetals. This information helps lay a baseline foradvanced welding process specifications and alsodemonstrates the significant contribution that ad-vanced GMAW processes can bring to this categoryof welding.

The study gathers key data from scientific pub-lications related to dissimilar metals welding withboth traditional GMAW processes and the latestinnovations in advanced GMAW. The analysis iscarried out in terms of assessing the significantprogress in joint quality made over the last decadesby advanced process GMAW. The paper discussesthe results obtained, provides guidance on applica-tions, and evaluates the benefits that may accruefrom yet unexplored combinations. This study con-tributes to improvements in welding procedure speci-fications for dissimilar metals by advanced GMAWprocesses.


This section briefly presents the different consider-ations of welding procedure specifications for fusionwelding of dissimilar metals, focusing on the GMAW

Table 1. Welding procedure requirement for ferrous metal [10,11].



Service consideration

Filler metal selection

Welding process


- Dissimilar Metal Welding (DMW) requires consideration of all the basic factorsfound in conventional welding.- In contrast to similar material welding, the difference of the base metal and weldmust usually be carefully analyzed.- The most important consideration is the weld metal composition and its proper-ties.- The service life of dissimilar metal joints depends upon the mechanical andphysical properties, microstructural stability, and resistance to oxidation and cor-rosion.- The mechanical and physical properties of the weld metal as well as those of thetwo heat-affected zones must be suited for the intended service.- Requirements are met by welds that are produced within a range of acceptabledilution rates, metallurgy compatibility, as well as mechanical, physical, and cor-rosion properties.- Filler metal selection can best be accomplished by using a combination of scien-tific principles, and manufacturing and service experience of the industrial disci-plines involved.- Welding process selection constitutes an important factor in dissimilar welding

process. Table 1 illustrates the key issues involvedin welding dissimilar ferrous metal. There are fourmain features: the fundamentals of DMW, serviceconsiderations, filler metal selection and the weld-ing process.


Dissimilar welding of two typical ferrous metals in-volves a different base metal and a filler metal. Inthis section, the difficulties involving dissimilar fer-rous metals are presented and their weldability dis-cussed. It is possible to achieve successful dis-similar ferrous metal joints if proper procedures arefollowed.

3.1. Problems with dissimilar ferrousmetal welding

Welding dissimilar ferrous metals presents somedifficulties. Table 2 presents the difficulties encoun-tered and observations made in previous investiga-tions. It can be observed that when welding stain-less steel to carbon and low-alloy steels, hot crack-ing may occur because of low melting point impuri-ties, such as phosphor (P) and sulfur (S). Moreover,there is a risk of low-temperature cracking, becauseof the increase in dilution of the base metal on thecarbon/low-alloy steel side; the weld metal containsa hard martensite phase. This hard martensite phase


127Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

Table 2. Possible combinations of ferrous metal grades [12-14].


Low-alloyed steelto mild steel

Dissimilar low-alloysteel

Stainless steel/car-bon or low-alloysteels/steel

Stainless steel/stainless steel


- Welding parameters shall be chosenaccording to the low-alloyed steel andthe consumables according to the mildsteel.

- Consumables of a similar type to thesteel should be used. If possible, the C


of the consumable should be similar tothe C

E of the less hardenable steel.

- In the case of very hardenable high-strength steel, compromise and use anaustenitic stainless steel electrode andlower preheating level.- Butter the carbon or low-alloy steel.Stainless steel filler can be used if thein-service temperature does not exceed370 °C.- Use a stainless steel filler metal with atotal alloy content high enough to pre-vent the formation of martensite.- Chrome (Cr) and nickel (Ni) equivalent

- Reasonable compromise for heat treat-ment- Control of the weld metal microstruc-ture- Careful choice of filler metal and weld-ing procedure- Chrome (Cr) and nickel (Ni) equivalent


- Limited risk of hardenability of the weldmetal because of the alloy element fromlow-alloyed steel.- The low-alloyed consumable suitable forthe combination will not have a positive in-fluence on the strength of the joint.- If only C

E is different, welding is most of-

ten done without problems.- A risk of wide HAZ due to the heat input.Leading to crack risk.- Very hardenable high-strength CrNi (Mo)-steel may cause welding problems due todifficulties with the heat treatment.

- A risk of martensite formation in the weldafter dilution by the base metal and residualamounts of ferrite resulting in possible hotcracking.- The deposition of carbon steel or low-al-loy steel filler metal on austenitic stainlesssteel can result in hard, brittle weld depos-its.- Hot cracking may occur because of lowmelting point impurities such as phosphor(P) and sulfur (S).- The ferritic base metal and transition zonehave high hardenability and localizedstresses after welding.- A risk of sensitizing austenite, formationof martensite, and microstructure suscep-tible to corrosion- Some filler metals may give too high fer-rite content, particularly the high-chromium,low-nickel.

has extremely high hydrogen-induced delay crack-ing [12].

3.2. Process weldability withdissimilar ferrous metals

The Schaeffler [15] constitution diagram in Fig. 1shows the relationship between the weld metal con-stitution and structure, as well as possible prob-lems. The thermal cycle is also a major factor be-cause it governs the microstructure compositionwhich relates to the chemical composition. To esti-mate the microstructure of a deposit, the nickel andthe chromium equivalent are calculated from thecomposition, using a formula in abscissa and ordi-nate, respectively. Although the Schaeffer diagram

is still widely used to predict the content of dissimi-lar weld deposits, the more recently developed dia-grams have increased the scope and accuracy offerrite number (FN) prediction, such as DeLong dia-gram [16], Espy [17], and Welding Research Coun-cil (WRC-1992) [18].


The combination of ferrous metals widely differs inindustries essential for power plants, such as thebioenergy, fossil or nuclear plant, as well as thefood industries or manufactured products. This isdue to the complexity and changes in the workingconditions of all structures. For instance, the imple-mentation of alloys in water wall membranes, which


128 B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

Fig. 1. Schaeffler constitution diagram and prob-lems with welding dissimilar metals, stainless steel,and carbon steel, replotted from [19].

Fig. 2. Hardness profile measured in a S355 steel/DP600 steel heterogeneous joint, replotted from [21].

do not require post-weld heat treatment and thenecessity for high creep strength and good oxida-tion resistance in superheater and reheater compo-nents, requires dissimilar metal weld (DMW) tran-sition joints [20]. This section discusses and ana-lyzes the different experiences of the fusion weldwith different categories of ferrous metals. This analy-sis stresses the benefit that could be gained withadvanced welding processes, the electrodes andthe precautions to achieve better physical, mechani-cal, chemical, and metallurgical properties of thejoint. This section is divided into three sub-sections:The first one considers the welding of dissimilarmetals other than stainless steel, such as carbonsteels and the high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels.Then the investigation focuses on the case of dis-similar welding steels previously analyzed withstainless steels. The analysis ends with dissimilarwelding of stainless steels.

4.1. Other than stainless steelcombinations

In industry it is often necessary to use non-stain-less steel in places where oxidation is not the pri-

mary selection criterion. Other criteria such as thecost, high toughness, high strength, and high creepresistance at elevated temperatures are reasons tochoose carbon steel, the HSLA steels, or structuralsteel. This choice can be made in the field of en-ergy generation plants, bridges, housing, transpor-tation, shipbuilding and aerospace. For example,given the complexity of power plants, it is very diffi-cult to design them without welding different creep-resistance steels.

The mechanical properties of DMW joints regardthe critical factors of load ability and safety war-ranty. In this regard, E. Lertora et al. [21] highlightedthe use of a welding robot in a mass productionsetting. The enhanced process applied was a su-per-imposition metal active gas welding process(SP-MAG), which provided stable filler material trans-fer, based on adaptive waveform control. The studyinvestigated dissimilar metals welds with S355 (EN10025) steel and DP600 HSS (EN 10338). It wasfound that the process demonstrated the ability toproduce a dissimilar weld with adequate structuralcharacteristics. Fig. 2 shows the hardness profilewith the absence of a softening area. Pouranvari[22] found in fusion resistance spot welding of simi-lar and dissimilar high-strength low-alloy steel(HSLA) and low-carbon steel (LCS) that the micro-structure and hardness of the fusion zone (FZ) weregoverned by the carbon content and alloy level ofthe FZ. In the particular case of dissimilar HSLA/LCS combinations, FZ chemical composition is af-fected by the mixing of both steels. Increasinglyharder microstructures were observed as the car-bon equivalent of the FZ increased. The mechanicalperformance of the joints combination revealed thatthe peak load of HSLA/LCS was similar to LCS/LCS. Both investigations show that proper weldingheat input control and matching the electrode tominimize carbon migration can improve weld chemi-cal and mechanical properties.


129Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

Although the combination of mild steel and car-bon steel can provide high rupture energy and bear-ing quality, their weldability poses a challenge be-cause of the chemical composition difference. MirSadat et al. [23] evaluated the mechanical proper-ties of the welded joint between dissimilar metals,mild steel IS 2062 (S275 JR according to EN 10025),carbon steel IS 45 C8 (C45E according to EN 8),bearing quality steel IS 103 Cr1 (EN-31), and car-bon steel IS C 55 in the pairs IS 2602 and IS 45 C8,IS 2602 and IS 103 Cr1, as well as IS C 55 and IS103 Cr1, and the effect of process parameters. Whencomparing the hardness of the parent metal, it wasshown that the slight variation of alloying elementsdid not result in considerable physical changes forIS602, even though a significant change occurredin the mechanical properties. In addition, Monika etal. [24] investigated the effect of the heat input onthe mechanical properties of GMAW welded twodissimilar joints, IS2062-IS 45 C8 and IS2062-IS103Cr 1. It was observed that as the heat input de-creases, there is an increase in the tensile strength

Fig. 3. Tensile strength for IS 2062 and IS 45 C8joint at different heat inputs, replotted from [24].

Fig. 4. The effect of welding speed and direction on residual stresses for a rectangular patch, replottedfrom [26].

in both dissimilar welded joints, and as the heatinput increases, there is an increase in the hard-ness. Fig. 3 from Monika’s studies shows a highertensile strength corresponding to low heat input anda lower tensile strength corresponding to higher heatinput. For both investigations it can be concludedthat when materials with considerable differencesin their mechanical properties are welded by an arcwelding method, the mechanical properties of theweld bead depend to a great extent on the type offiller material used, the heat input applied, and thepreheating and post-heating conditions of the weldbead. The findings indicate that the mechanical prop-erties are considerably improved by the processcontrol rather than being dependent mainly on thealloy element.

In order to combine low weight and higher tough-ness, high-strength steels are widely used in in-dustry such as pressure vessel construction be-cause of their good weldability and formability. Theyare, however, very sensitive to welding heat inputand weld diffusion. Mohandas et al. [25] studied theheat affected zone softening in high-strength low-alloy steels. The effect of the chemistry of the steeland the welding processes SMAW, GTAW, andGMAW were investigated. The extent and degreeof softening have been observed to be maximum inGTAW and GMAW, which are high heat input pro-cesses. Post-weld heat treatment in the austeniteregion eliminated the softened zone. It is possibleto achieve successful DMW with HSLA steels ifproper welding procedures are followed.Ranjbarnodeh et al. [26] carried out an investigationon the influence of welding parameters on residualstresses in dissimilar HSLA steels welds. A seriesof dissimilar steels joints based on the S600MC


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(EN 10149-2) (as base plate), S355 (EN 10025) (asthe patch plate) and ER70S-6 (EN440 G3Si1) (asfiller metal) were produced using robotic GMAW. Itwas found that the final state of residual stressesdepends on the welding speed, the shape of thepatch, and the balance by opposite direction. Fig-ure 4 illustrates the effect of the welding speed andthe direction of residual stresses for a rectangularpatch. It can be seen that the minimum magnitudeof residual stresses in the weld zone correspond tohigh-speed welding in the opposite direction. Thesensitivity of residual stresses in the HAZ shows adirect relationship to the yield strength of the basemetal. With regard to Mohandas and Ranjbamodeh’sstudies, the processes have a significant effect onthe welding outcome; therefore, dissimilar HSLAsteels can be done with careful control of the heatinput and a suitable welding procedure specifica-tion (WPS).

In new installations or upgrades of steam tur-bines, dissimilar joints between modern 10% chro-mium steel and low-alloy steels are unavoidable.However, fusion welds made, for instance, betweenP22 (10CrMo9-10 according to EN 10028-2) and P91(X10CrMoVNb9-1 according to EN 10302) steelswhich differ in their chromium contents have beenshown to suffer microstructural instabilities at theDMW interface [27,28]. Figs. 5a and 5b show asample of resistance welding with dissimilar met-als P22 and P91, namely, their microstructure andcarbon distribution respectively. When the gradientof carbon activity across the weld interface is at atem]erature of 575°C, a distinctive change can beobserved at 320 hours and the maximum concen-tration of carbon measure in the carbon enrichedzone (CEZ) was 0.91 mass %. Seliger et al. [29]studied the high temperature behavior of dissimilar

Fig. 5. P22/P91 weld after annealing 575°C/320h a) Weld interface joint, b) Carbon distribution, re]lottedfrom [31].

welded components of steel grades P22 and P91.The forged pipes with 45 mm thickness were weldedusing GTAW for the root pass and SMAW for thefiller material. The dissimilar welds were welded witha P22-like electrode (2.25% Cr). A post-weld heattreatment was conducted at 760 °C for two hoursand was cooled with air. Observation revealed acarbon/carbide depleted zone due to carbon diffu-sion from the P22 weld to the higher Cr containingP91 base metal. This migration had led to the for-mation of a dark seam of carbides adjacent to theweld interface. In addition, a softened area notice-able at the P22 side was the consequence of thedecarburized zone in the P22 weld metal.

Tammasophon et al. [30] investigated the effectof PWHT on the microstructures and hardness ofGTAW weldment of dissimilar P22 and P91 steelwith Inconel 625 filler metal (Ni based filler metal,ERNiCrMo-3 according to EN 18274). The post-weldheat treatment at 750 °C for 2, 4, and 6 hours wasapplied in order to reach the proper microstructureand hardness for high performance in mechanicalproperties at elevated temperatures. It was observedthat 750 °C for PWHT was suitable to reduce thehardness of the heat affected zone (HAZ) of P91steel. The above finding reveals that an adequateweld between high temperature creep-resistancesteel is a combination of suitable welding condi-tions, filler materials, and heat treatment.

4.2. Stainless steel to carbon or low-alloy steels

Dissimilar stainless steel and other steels are mostoften used where a transition in mechanical proper-ties and/ or performance in service is required. Forexample, austenitic stainless steel piping is often

(a) (b)


131Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

Fig. 6. Micrography of the weld after immersion for 30 days in artificial deep water, replotted from [35].

used to contain high temperature steam in powergeneration plants. Below a certain temperature andpressure, however, carbon steels or low-alloy steelsperform adequately, and a transition from stainlessto other steels is often used for economic purposes,because carbon steel or low-alloy steel is much lessexpensive than stainless steel [32].

Because of a difference in the chemical compo-sition, it is difficult to melt both high corrosion resis-tance and low-carbon steels without a risk of affect-ing the mechanical properties. In this regard,Kaewkuekool et al. [33] studied parameters affect-ing the mechanical properties of dissimilar stain-less (AISI 304) and low-carbon steel using the gasmetal arc welding (GMAW) technique, and the ap-plication of three different filler metals were tested(GFW 304L, 308L [EN 12073] and 316L [EN 12072]).The result showed that welding parameters suchas the welding speed, current, as well as filler metaltype significantly affected the ultimate tensilestrength and elongation. These parameters areamong those affecting the microstructure of the weld.It is well known that there is a relation between thewelding parameters and weld microstructure. Fur-thermore, the microstructure constitution is relatedto mechanical properties; Kim et al. [34] investi-gated dissimilar joints between STS441 (X2CrTiNb18according to EN 1.4509), a ferritic stainless steel,and SS400, a carbon steel, and evaluated themicrosture and high temperature properties of DMW.The experiments were performed using the GMAWprocess technique with a consumable electrodeSTS430LNb. Martensite was formed at the regionbetween SS400 (S235JR according to EN 1.0037)and the weld metal because the chromium (Cr) andniobium (Nb) content in this region decreased dueto the dilution of SS400 carbon steel during weld-ing. From the welding process aspect, different pro-cesses may produce different weld results. Wanget al. [35] evaluated the quality of dissimilar weld

joints in GMAW and GTAW welding of UNS S31803duplex stainless steel (X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 accord-ing to EN 10088-3) and API X70 low-alloy steel(L485MB according to EN 10208-2) with ER2209(EN 12072-99) welding wires with GTAW andGMAW, res]ectively. Figs. 6a and 6b from Wang’sstudy show a severe corrosion of the GTAW sampleat the fusion line compared to the GMAW sample.Kaewkuekool, Kim, and Wang’s studies ]oint

out that necessary compromises of different param-eters are important to optimize a dissimilar stain-less steel and carbon steel joint. A matching fillermaterial and the use of buttering are necessary toreduce the alloy element gradient and carbon mi-gration; furthermore the heat input control can con-tribute to a decreased risk of corrosion.

T. Maruyama [19] reported that during weldingof stainless steel to carbon and low-alloy steels, itis of utmost importance to predict the nature of themixed-composition weld metal, and the key aspectsto be considered include the appropriate selectionof welding additives and welding conditions. Theobservation gives clear evidence that different fac-tors are to be controlled carefully and need to beadjusted during welding. Consequently, only feed-back control is suited for the task. Teker et al. [36]pointed out that when welding ferritic steel (X6Cr17according to EN 10088-2) and quenched and tem-pered steel (C30E according to EN 10083-1) withGMAW-P, welded joints exhibited superior tensilestrength (Fig. 7), less grain growth, and a narrowerheat affected zone compared to the GMAW weldedjoint, mainly due to better heat control, a finer fu-sion zone, and higher fusion hardness. That is tosay, GMAW should provide optimal heat input andadequate performance to prevent the need for post-weld heat treatment.

Semi-automatic gas metal arc welding (GMAW)was used to weld a dissimilar butt joint in researchby Sedek et al. [37]. A fine-grained low-alloy 18G2A


132 B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

steel (P355N according to EN 10028-2) and an aus-tenitic 1H18N10T steel (X6CrNiTi18- 10 accordingto EN 10088-2) were used. A weld was formed whichwas free of unacceptable defects. The study evalu-ated the residual stress relief in the GMAW of dis-similar metals. The microstructures of the area closeto the fusion boundary of the ferritic 18G2A steeland austenitic weld metal are shown in Figs. 8aand 8b, respectively, for the test joint stress relievedby annealing and by mechanical pre-stressing. Theanalysis of the results showed that the thermal re-lieving of the welded joint between dissimilar steelsis not effective and may even increase residualstresses, due to the considerable difference in ther-mal expansion. Faber et al. [38] noted that thermalreleasing faces difficulties because of different ther-mal coefficients and potential for the reactive car-bon to migrate to areas with a higher concentrationof carbide forming elements. Joseph et al. [39] con-ducted an experiment where the weld joint between

Fig. 7. Microhardness gra]hics of S1 GMAW) – S2 GMAW-P) sam]le, re]lotted from [36].

Fig. 8. Microstructure of the 18G2A/1H18N10T steel joints after stress relieving, replotted from [37].

the stainless steel pipe AISI 316 (X5CrNiMo17-12-2according to EN 1.4401) and the ferritic 2.25Cr-1Mo(10CrMo 9-10 according to EN 1.7380) steel pipe ismade using a conventional manual GTAW processwith Inconel-82 filler metal (ERNiCr-3 according toEN 18274). The experiment was conducted with andwithout a few buttered layers of Inconel-82 filer metalon the ferritic side of the base metal. The studyrevealed that the Inconel-82 buttering layer employedin the dissimilar weld joint is useful in reducing theresidual stresses in the HAZ of the ferritic steel andthus the buttering will be beneficial to avoid andminimize residual stress related failures in dissimi-lar metals welding.

4.3. Stainless steel to stainless steels

One stainless steel may be joined to another stain-less steel, and varying degrees of dissimilarity arepossible. For example, steels with different alloy


133Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

Fig. 9. Micrograph of dissimilar weld, (a) HAZ microstructure, austenitic side (b) HAZ microstructure,duplex steel side, replotted from [14].

contents but similar microstructures may be joined,or steels with different alloy contents and micro-structures may be joined. Since stainless steelscan have martensitic, ferritic, austenitic, or duplexmicrostructures, there are numerous microstructuralcombinations. The reasons for these combinationsmay be economic and/or properties considerations,or sometimes just convenience. A common conve-nience issue is to identify a single matching fillermetal suitable for more than one base metal [32].Fig. 9 shows micrographs of weld zone area be-tween dissimilar austenitic and duplex stainlesssteel.

Local stresses resulting from the large creep-strength mismatch between the different regions ofdissimilar weld joints can occur at the operatingtemperature [40]. Complex metallurgical structurescan develop at the weld interface of dissimilar weldjoints either during welding, during subsequent post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), or during service atelevated temperatures [41,42]. Furthermore, carbonmigration from the ferritic steel into austenitic steelweld metal can produce a decarburized zone in theferritic steel adjacent to the fusion boundary [43].The use of a nickel base weld metal can cause asemi-continuous band of carbides to develop closeto the weld interface during PWHT and during ser-vice [43]. Heat input and filler metal are among thekey factors that govern microstructure formation.Mukherjee et al. [44] investigated the effect of heatinput on martensite formation and impact proper-ties of GMAW with welded modified stainless steel409M (X2CrTi12 according to EN 1.4512) using twodifferent austenitic filler wires (308L [EN 12073] and316L [EN 12072]). Weld metals submitted to el-evated heat inputs exhibited higher martensite lathsand toughness compared to those submitted tomedium and low heat input, which was also true forboth the filler wires. Moreover, 308L weld metalsprovided a higher amount of martensite laths andtoughness than 316L weld metals at the same heat

input. The investigation revealed that the microstruc-ture as well as the impact property of the weld metalwas significantly affected by the heat input and fillerwire. Concerning the filler metal, Shanmugam et al.[45] and Kotecki [46] suggested austenitic fillermetals to be the most suitable ones from the pointof view of mechanical properties. It is often used to]rolong the life of ferrite–austenite dissimilar weldmetals due to improvements in toughness, strength(due to the formation of stress induced martensite),and corrosion resistance.

In stainless steel welds, the microstructureswere related to solidification types [16] i.e. solidifi-cation and subsequent transformation behavior. Theheat input is handled differently for each weldingprocess and can result in different effects on thedissimilar stainless steel welded joins [47]. Hsiehet al. [48] studied the microstructure, recrystalliza-tion, and mechanical properties in the heat affectedand fusion zones of dissimilar stainless steels. Twotypes of stainless steels, namely 304 (X5CrNi18-10according to EN 1.4301) (fully austenite containinga few ferrite phases) and 430 (X6Cr17 according toEN 1.4016) (fully ferritic microstructure) were weldedusing GTAW without a filler material. The recrystal-lization phenomenon was evident with the secondpass heat-affected zone (HAZ-2) and indicatedequiaxed grains after second pass welding. Thecontents of -ferrite exhibited the highest value of allsituations in the first pass fusion zone (FZ-1) duringfirst pass welding (Fig. 10). These findings confirmthe effect of heat input even when filler is not used.However, it should be pointed out that the filler metaland buttering are unavoidable when the dissimilar-ity between the base metals cannot result in jointsthat are free of flaws.


This section compares advanced GMAW conceptswith the conventional GMAW process in dissimilar


134 B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

Fig. 10. The -ferrite content of the fusion zones at various welding passes during multi-pass welding,replotted from [48].

Table 3. Comparison of advanced GMAW concepts when used in DMW.

Control Technique

Advanced and Waveformadaptive GMAW control

Waveform andfiller control

Conventional control


If restricted to the wave form,the technique may only affectthe control of heat input andstability of the arc.

If restricted to the wave formand alternative wire motion,the technique may only affectthe control of heat input andstability of the arc.

Limitations in control dra-matically affect the control ofheat input, stability of the arc,and regulation of the flow gas.


- Low-alloy to mildsteels- Dissimilar low-alloy steels- Stainless to low-alloy steels- Dissimilar stain-less steel-Low-alloy to mildsteels- Dissimilar low-alloy steels- Stainless to low-alloy steels- Dissimilar stain-less steel- Low-alloy to mildsteels- Dissimilar low-alloy steels- Stainless to low-alloy steels- Dissimilar stain-less steel

Observations ofapplicability

Very good abil-ity

Higher, excellentability

Fair ability

metals welding. Table 3 presents the relationshipbetween welding control technologies, combinationsof base metals, and expected weld quality. It canbe clearly seen that the control mode has a very

significant effect on the chemical, physical, andmechanical properties of the weld. The control moderegulates the size of the heat affected zone, thecomposition of intermetallic compounds, and the


135Dissimilar ferrous metal welding using advanced gas metal arc welding processes

microstructure of the weld and the heat affectedzone, and thus overall weld quality. Acceptable weldproperties require a thin layer of an intermetalliccompound, sufficient dilution to minimize alloy ele-ments migration, and an excessive heat affectedzone which results in softening the area.


This study investigated advanced and adaptiveGMAW processes as applied to dissimilar weldingand presented data to improve welding procedurespecifications. Based on the review of previous stud-ies, the below presented conclusions can be drawn.

Several combinations are possible with metalsother than stainless steel. A number of them con-sist of carbon steel and alloy steels. To this list wecan add high-strength steels and high temperaturecreep resistance steels. Advanced control weldingtechniques are a major asset for the fusion weldingof these dissimilar welding metals. For high-strengthlow-alloy (HSLA) steels and low-carbon steels (LCS)the risk is of carbon migration from the LCS side tothe HSLA side when welding is done without a fillermaterial. It therefore becomes necessary to involvea suitable filler metal and acceptable temperaturecontrol to minimize the dilution zone and the heataffected zone (HAZ) by temperature.

The welds between carbon steels, structuralsteels, or bearing quality steel are very sensitive towelding heat input. Although the choice of filler metalhas crucial influence, the heat source intensity fac-tor significantly affects mechanical properties aswell. The hardness increases with high heat, and,contrary to the tensile strength, it reduces as theheat input increases. It appears that once a selec-tion of the welding wire is made, the control of weld-ing parameters such as current, voltage, and speedmust be carefully controlled for in order to have thedesired mechanical property results.

A major problem when high-strength steels arewelded is the softening of the heat affected zone(HAZ) by the heat input. It has been shown thatpost-heat treatment in areas with austenite signifi-cantly reduced the softened area. An exception mustbe made to some high tensile strength methods,such as the thermo–mechanical ]rocess control forwhich a post-heat treatment may not be able tocorrect the softening due to excessive heat. In ad-dition, the welding processes generating a highamount of heat input, i.e. GTAW and GMAW arelikely to generate the largest heat affected zone.The HAZ has a direct effect on the yield strength.Welding parameters such as the welding speed and

welding direction directly impact on the residualstresses.

Provided that the growing importance of the useof high temperature creep-resistance steels, DMWis inevitable in power plants during their repair orupgrading. These welds suffer from flaws of micro-structure due to their different elements such aschromium, but also carbon. When welded without afiller metal, there is a strong migration of carbontoward the lower concentration of the chromium side.Choosing a suitable filler metal is strongly recom-mended, e.g. a nickel-based filler metal would leadto a good weld quality. A wire metal and a propersupply of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) are nec-essary to significantly reduce the hardness of theheat affected zone.

Fusion welding of stainless steels and carbonsteels is possible. However, a harmful effect on themechanical properties of the base metals is likelyto occur because of their chemical constitution dif-ferences, but numerous studies indicate that a com-promise between the filler metal, welding speed, andcurrent produces acceptable welds. The use of dif-ferent processes such as GMAW and GTAWshowed significant differences after immersion inartificial water depth at 4 °C. In addition, a manualGMAW and GMAW-P have shown clear differencesin weld hardness tests. In order to reduce stressconcentrations it is highly recommended to performmechanical stress relieving rather than stress re-lieving by annealing at 850 °C method. This mayaggravate residual stresses due to the thermal co-efficient difference of both metals.

The welding of dissimilar stainless steels canlead to undesirable phases such as martensite,which is likely to develop when the heat input isimportant. This is true regardless of the filler metal;however, it should be indicated that 308L, for in-stance, showed a propensity to develop martensitemore than 316L, when used for welding stainlesssteels 409M. Austenitic filler metal is recommendedfor welding dissimilar stainless steels like austen-itic and ferrite. During multi-pass welding where re-crystallization was observed between 304 and 430stainless steels, the content of d-ferrite is the high-est at the fusion zone of the first pass. The weldingconditions and process affects the mechanical prop-erties, chemical resistance, and corrosion crack-ing.

The weldability of dissimilar ferrous metals re-quires observing different criteria: the base metalproperties, the electrode, in-service, as well as theselection of the welding process. The utilization ofrobots with advanced process GMAW for welding


136 B. Mvola, P. Kah and J. Martikainen

dissimilar metals, such as S3455 and AHSS, givessatisfactory results as regards both the composi-tion of the microstructure and the physical proper-ties. When STS441, a ferritic stainless steel, andSS400, a carbon steel, were welded with GMAW,the dissimilar weld had a high temperature tensilestrength equal to STS441, and martensite at theinterface had nearly no influence on the high tem-perature tensile strength of the dissimilar weld.

Adaptive control GMAW permits the optimiza-tion of the welding parameters such as current, volt-age, electrode feeding rate, and contact tips to workdistance (CTWD), which improves its feasibility forfusion welding of dissimilar metals. Consequentlythe dilution control minimizes the migration of alloyelements, such as phosphor, sulfur, and carbon. Theability to control dilution is beneficial for dissimilarwelds of high-alloy to stainless steel, and quenchedsteel to ferritic steel.

Selecting the welding process is a key factorwhen welding dissimilar ferrous metals, as well aschoosing the proper electrode. Since the heat inputaffects dilution and alloy element migration, thegreater flexibility and sensitivity of adaptive GMAWallows a reduction in the dilution and residual stresscaused by differences in the thermal coefficient.


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