dissolving high green limiting patterns

If you are one of the 75 million High Blues on Linkedi learn today how to realise and dissolve your blind spots!

Upload: james-knight

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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High Greens are serious, analytical, persistent, systematic and task oriented people who enjoy problem solving, perfecting processes and working towards tangible results. They do research, make comparisons, determine risk, calculate margins of error and then take action. What color are you? If you don't know you can find out here http://iMAhigh.com If you are a High Green the key to your effectiveness, success, happiness and future is dependent upon your ability to erase and replace limiting patterns of behaviour. The purpose of this series of positive self programming is to shine a light on High Green limiting patterns and erase and replace them by changing your inner dialogue and the way that you talk to yourself. For best results stereo head phones are recommended, and view on the full screen. High Green now is the time to change your inner dialogue and begin and develop positive self-directing habits. We all talk to ourselves all the time, usually without realizing it. Most of what we tell ourselves is negative, counter productive and damaging. This can prevent us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful life. Learn to talk to yourself in the right way every day. Learn the words, the right words and how to use them. When you do, you will give yourself the greatest gift you will ever give. This exciting new technology uses the latest clinical techniques with state of the art digital sound. Carefully layered affirmations designed to erase High Green limiting patterns of behaviour, and replace them with positive habits that will help you to achieve your goals and become the person that you are capable of being. Background echo affirmations panned both Left and Right brain with a unique blend of innovative sound. Listened with stereo headphones, you will receive a unique multilevel communication for both hemispheres of your brain-all without subliminal messages. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Begin creating, a new inner dialogue that will multiply your personal powers and help you change your life for the better!


Page 1: Dissolving High Green Limiting Patterns

If you are one of the 75 million High Blues on Linkedin

learn today how to realise and dissolve your blind spots!

Page 2: Dissolving High Green Limiting Patterns

High Greens are:


• Independent

• Organized

• Analytical

• Persistent

• Detail Oriented

• Problem Solvers

Page 3: Dissolving High Green Limiting Patterns

Limiting patterns of behaviour are part of us, yet we are blind to them.

Once High Greens become conscious of their blind spots it gives you the ability to understand and reshape your behaviour.

Page 4: Dissolving High Green Limiting Patterns

Here’s a simple way to dissolve High Green limiting patterns by changing your inner dialogue.

Develop positive changes and self directing habits through this exciting technology.

Page 5: Dissolving High Green Limiting Patterns

I’M a ( iMA) High Green!

What colour are you?

Click here to find out now!
