distance education: how technology will shape learning and the 21 st century student dr. leslie...

Download Distance Education: How Technology will Shape Learning and the 21 st Century Student Dr. Leslie Cordie September, 2012

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  • Distance Education: How Technology will Shape Learning and the 21 st Century Student Dr. Leslie Cordie September, 2012
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology What is Distance Education? A formal educational process using technological delivery in which instruction occurs where students and instructors are not in the same place. 2
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Statistics - Institutions Two-thirds (66 percent) of 2-year and 4-year Title IV degree granting postsecondary institutions reported offering online, hybrid/blended online, or other distance education courses for any level or audience Sixty-five percent of the institutions reported college-level credit-granting distance education courses, and 23 percent of the institutions reported noncredit distance education courses. Sixty-one percent of 2-year and 4-year institutions reported offering online courses, 35 percent reported hybrid/blended courses, and 26 percent reported other types of college-level credit-granting distance education courses 3
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Statistics - Enrollments Two-year and 4-year institutions reported an estimated 12.2 million enrollments (or registrations) in college-level credit-granting distance education courses Of these distance education enrollments, 77 percent were reported in online courses, 12 percent were reported in hybrid/blended online courses, and 10 percent were reported in other types of distance education courses 4 Face-to-Face Online Hybrid
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Statistics Programs Thirty-two percent of all 2-year and 4-year institutions reported offering college-level degree or certificate programs that were designed to be completed totally through distance education Twenty-nine percent of 2-year and 4-year institutions reported degree programs and 17 percent reported certificate programs that were designed to be completed totally through distance education. Of the estimated 11,200 college-level programs that were designed to be completed totally through distance education in 200607, 66 percent were reported as degree programs while the remaining 34 percent were reported as certificate programs 5
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology The Distance Learning Experience 6
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology The Distance Learning Experience Research/Trends - Online Education in the United States Technology has a significant impact on Higher Education Online Learning is Strategic part of Higher Education Online enrollments growing faster than overall Higher Education enrollments Online Learning Outcomes comparable to face-to-face outcomes Online Teaching requires Faculty Development 7
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Comparative Programs University of Nebraska Non-thesis option 36 credit hours of graduate level coursework. Requires 18 credit hours in entomology. At least 18 hours be from graduate courses that do not have an undergraduate counterpart. At least 18 credit hours be from UNL Transfer credits from other fully accredited institutions may be applied to the degree. 8
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Comparative Programs University of Florida Department of Entomology and Nematology Distance Education Degree Programs Master of Science (non-thesis) Specialization in Entomology (30 credits) Specialization in Pest Management (30 credits) Non-Degree Certificate Programs (Undergraduate/Graduate) Urban Pest Management (15 credits) Landscape Pest Management (15 credits) Pest Control Technology (24 credits) 9
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Educational Technology Growth Improves student employment prospects Increases distance education opportunities Develops communication and collaboration skills Enhances student engagement Strengthens research capabilities 10
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Myths of Distance Education 1.Online learning will reduce the need for faculty 2.All online courses are the same 3.The quality of outcomes is less for an online student 4.Online instruction is synonymous with for profit institutions 5.Credentials earned online are not accepted by employers 6.You cannot verify if the person doing the work is the person receiving the credit 11
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Status of Distance Education at Auburn College of Business Master of Business Administration Master of Accountancy MS Information Systems Executive MBA MBA/MISE dual degree 12
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Status of Distance Education at Auburn College of Education Master of Education (in Rehabilitation Counseling, Music Education, Elementary Education, Foreign Language Education: French, Foreign Language Education: Spanish, Collaborative Teacher) Master of Early Childhood in Special Education Education Specialist Degree in Foreign Language (French and Spanish) Graduate Programs in Business Education Certificate in Rehabilitation Leadership and Management Graduate Certificate in TESL/TEFL 13
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Status of Distance Education at Auburn College of Engineering Master of Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering and Structural Engineering) Master of Aerospace Engineering Master of Chemical Engineering Master of Software Engineering Master of Industrial and Systems Engineering Master of Materials Engineering Master of Mechanical Engineering MBA/MISE dual degree Continuing Education Programs (Alabama Technology Transfer, Southern Regional Radon Training, and Engineering Professional Development) 14
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology College of Agriculture Distance Education Entomology and Plant Pathology Courses General Plant Pathology Introduction to Insects Landscape Entomology Nematology Agronomy and Soils Programs and Courses Masters of Agronomy and Soils Masters of Soil. Water and Environmental Science (AG*IDEA) and Graduate Certificate (in approval process) Master of Turfgrass Management (preliminary approval) Poultry and Food Science several Courses Horticulture several Courses Plant Pathology Entomology Nematology 15
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology College of Agriculture Distance Education Cooperative Degree with College of Education Specialty Areas (Proposed) Animal (ANSC, POUL) Agronomy (Soils, Turf, Crops) HORT? Integrated Pest Management ? (ENTM, PLPA) AG*IDEA SWES Animal Science Graduate Certificate Ag Law - Electives CAP Certified Aquaculture Professional (FISH) 16
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Distance Learning Guidelines and Standards Market Demand SACS Policy Academic Affairs Policy Biggio Center Program/Course Approval Process 17
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Resources for Faculty Development. ACES/AG IT IMG (Instructional Media Group) Distance Learning Biggio Center ENGR Grad Outreach 18
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Resources for Faculty Development - Others Faculty/Peers www.ag.auburn.edu/distanceeducation Faculty and Student Resources AgHill Updates Research, Readings, Resources Lynda.com (AU Access) Digital Media Library Software 19
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  • Dr. Leslie A. Cordie Entomology and Plant Pathology Looking Ahead. Board of Trustees COA Policy Your Department Your Course 20
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  • Questions? Thank you! Dr. Leslie Cordie 102 Comer Hall 334-844-8718