distance learning parent and student information · with online learning comes a lot of virtual...


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Page 1: Distance Learning PARENT and STUDENT INFORMATION · With online learning comes a lot of virtual classroom time. Your child will be doing a lot of schooling face-to-face with teachers


Page 2: Distance Learning PARENT and STUDENT INFORMATION · With online learning comes a lot of virtual classroom time. Your child will be doing a lot of schooling face-to-face with teachers

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Principal: Mr Stan Koios B. Sci, Dip Ed

Dear Parent / Caregiver Term 2 marks the beginning of an exciting, new way of teaching and learning for everyone. We will endeavour to provide as much guidance and support as possible to our students and parents, as we continue to work together in the ‘new normal’.

Students will access their learning primarily through Connect. Students will need their Username and Password to access their Connect account. Please contact the school if your child requires assistance with this.

Student access to Connect, interaction with WebEx (our new online mode of face-to-face teaching) will be monitored by classroom teachers and Heads of Student Services. Your child’s Head of Student Services or classroom teacher will maintain, where appropriate, phone contact as well as contact via email.

As a school we understand that the nature of online learning is flexible and we are sensitive to the health and wellbeing of households at this particular time. With that in mind, it is recommended that your child follow their school timetable where practical and access classes in Connect and WebEx at the same time they would be attending, if they were in school.

As a parent, you can support your child’s learning by using the following strategies:

• Ask your child what work is to be completed each day.

• Use Connect to be informed about their learning requirements for each day- watch the weekly video introduction from their teachers.

• Check their learning at the end of each day.

We will continue to provide support to all families during this challenging time and our school is committed to the important partnership we have with parents and students. Please contact us by phone on 9527 0300 or email a staff member directly using the information provided in the Staff Contact List.

Yours sincerely


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Table of Contents

Consistent Use of Online Platforms Page 4

ICT Help Page 5

Expectations for Online Learning Page 6

WebEx Guide Page 7

WebEx Planner Across Learning Areas Page 8

10 Helpful Tips for Setting Up Home Learning Page 9

Online Learning Matrix Page 10

Staff Contact Information Page 11

Links to User Guides Page 13

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Consistent Use of Online Platforms From Term 2 every student will be provided with access to the curriculum using a blend of online learning platforms including Connect.

We want to support staff to ensure these platforms are utilised in a consistent manner across the school, using shared protocols for communicating with students and managing curriculum and assessment.


Webex will be used by staff to deliver face-to-face lessons and record introductory videos at the start of each week. Students will be expected to join a meeting, using the link that will be placed on Connect.

Google Classroom

Some teachers will be using Google Classroom with students to engage them in learning. The details of logging in and completing work will be placed on the student’s Connect page.

Connect Description Summary For all classes, a summary statement will be provided, which

will include a general overview of the online class and any information specific to the Learning Area or Subject. The calendar application will be used to highlight due dates for assessments.

Notices Teachers will use the Notices tab to advise students and parents about upcoming WebEx sessions, any new material that has been added, reminders about assessments and any other communication.

Content Teachers will use the Content tab to upload Teaching and Learning programs, Assessment Outlines, lesson outlines and all resources directly associated with subject matter.

Marksbook Teachers will display student marks by ensuring the marksbook is turned on.

Discussions Students are able to access the Discussion tab to participate in group topic-based discussions, generated by their teacher. Students will also be required to participate in discussions to demonstrate their understanding of content covered during the week.

Submissions Teachers will use the Submissions tab to set assessment tasks. Students will be able to submit assessed work in this tab.

Library Teachers will use the Library tab to store supplementary or extra-curricular material such as e-copies of text-books. Webex links to ‘meetings’ will be available in the library.

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ICT Help There may be times when your child is unable to access learning content because of a forgotten password. The following table provides some suggestions to assist you in supporting your child to problem-solve these at home.

Issue Solution Access to Connect, Google Classroom and General ICT Queries

For all issues related to Connect, Google Classrooms and general ICT queries please contact your child’s Sub-School Support Team who will assist you with your query. There are also links for your to use to attempt to resolve issues in the Appendices. Year 7-8: [email protected] [email protected] Year 9-10: [email protected] [email protected] Year 11-12 [email protected] [email protected]

Education Perfect Forgot Password:

All usernames are RSHSWAYourName ( example RSHSWAJoeBloggs) Note: no spaces, no full stops. The password is the student’s first name with no capital letters.

Maths Space

Your classroom teacher can assist you directly. Please contact them using their [email protected] email.

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Expectations for Online Learning at Rockingham Senior High


As a teacher I will… As a student I will…

Check my emails and direct messages daily during the school week, ensuring I am

available and contactable during school hours

Check my emails and Connect daily during the school week and seek assistance when

required by contacting my teacher

Conduct a face to face WebEx lessons

Join face to face WebEx lessons each week with my teacher

Be available to answer questions during our lesson times via WebEx Connect or Google


Ask questions or seek feedback and clarification during our lesson times via WebEx, Connect or Google Classroom

Give feedback on assessed work and record marks on Reporting to Parents in a timely


Complete work assigned in the given time including weekly assessment tasks

Maintain communication with parents

regarding student participation and achievement

Post Notices or reminders via Connect

Work collaboratively with other students via

Connect, WebEx or Google Classroom if required

It is important to remember online Netiquette in terms of our communication. • Behave online as you would to a person’s face. Be respectful and courteous. • Students leave cameras OFF unless instructed to give a quick wave by the teacher. • Think before you post and check whether similar questions have been asked before. • IF YOU USE CAPITALS YOU ARE SHOUTING. Use Emoji’s to express emotions.

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10 Helpful Tips for Setting Up Home Learning

Coronavirus has changed everything. With more and more children about to start doing their schoolwork from home a lot of parents are asking: ‘How do I set up home workspace for my children during Covid-19?’ It’s an important question, so we thought it might be useful to come up with a few tips to help you start setting up an inviting home learning environment for your child.

How parents can prepare for remote online learning

1. Collaborate with your child Use this opportunity to include your child in the planning of their ‘classroom’ design and the transition to being at home during their school day. Some questions you could ask yourself (and them) about creating a home learning space include:

• Where do they work/study best? • Do they feel productive in the space? • Does your child need to be near an adult to maintain focus?

Try to distinguish between the ‘school space’ and the rest of your home so the child can metaphorically hang up their school bag and relax at the end of their day.

2. Be ergonomic Your child will benefit from sitting in a chair that supports their body properly if they are to be in it for a few hours. A bad chair can lead to problems including:

• back strain • leg problems • carpal tunnel

Look for a chair that offers lumbar support for the lower back, and height adjustment so your child’s eyes are level with their screen and their posture is optimal.

3. Get technical Have a test run of the Wi-Fi in your selected spot. Is the signal strong enough? If not, you may want to consider buying a signal booster for that space. This will help your child by creating a consistent internet speed and prevent any unwanted breaks in their learning from poor internet signal.

Also, take a look at how the wire trails between the outlet and the laptop. If it looks like it could be a tripping hazard, consider buying a cord cover to solve the issue – and reduce the risk of the laptop getting suddenly knocked off the desk.

4. Bright kids rule Check the light level in your child’s proposed working space at various times of the day. Not having enough light can risk giving them eye strain and lead to headaches. Lamps with adjustable light levels can improve a room, but natural light is best as lamps can create a glare on the screen.

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5. Lights, camera… action! With online learning comes a lot of virtual classroom time. Your child will be doing a lot of schooling face-to-face with teachers and other students via video conferencing.

When setting up your child’s desk space, take into consideration what their camera will pick up behind them. Make sure the room is well lit, and that it is free of any personal effects or items you may not want others to see. Also, think about whether it’s a space you walk through… you may not want to appear on every child’s screen as you’re pottering about in your trackies or wrapped in a towel.

6. Wash the school shirts For some students, it may help to keep a routine by continuing to wear their uniform. This can act as a small but important reminder that they are still in school. When school’s out, they can put on their play clothes and relax, to create a mental space between school and home.

Maintaining elements of your child’s existing routine is a key part of reassuring them that things are ok. So, get up at the usual time, have breakfast, brush hair, clean teeth – keep to the things that would happen on any normal school day.

7. Select your stationery! Your child will have most of the essentials they need to carry on working from home, but now’s a good chance to take a quick inventory with them.

Do they need a pencil holder? Perhaps a bulletin board would be helpful for their schedule? If you don’t want to head out to the shops, Officeworks will deliver.

8. Prepare a playlist Movement breaks will be important, so perhaps put together a fun playlist of your child’s favourite tunes. At appropriate intervals have a ‘surprise disco’ and dance around for a few minutes.

Alternatively, if fast movement breaks aren’t working, slow it down by doing wall or chair push-ups or squeezing hands, shoulders or legs. Find what your child enjoys as it will really help with learning and focus.

9. Establish the rules For some children, this may be the first time they’ve been allowed a screen or laptop of their own. They might want to play a quick game after they’ve finished their schoolwork. That’s fine, but make sure that you are making them stick a time limit for online play. Otherwise, you’ll most likely end up in a nightly argument asking for “another five minutes” when it’s time to switch it off.

10. You don’t need to be Mary Poppins As you do your mental preparation, you might be thinking of the endless opportunities to add in at-home learning tasks like baking or sewing.

Alternatively, you might be worried about how you’re suddenly supposed to be a teaching assistant. Both emotions are ok. It is an unusual time and all you can do is your best.

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Staff Contact Information Please note teachers may teach in more than one learning area Teacher Name Role Email Address Managers Stan Koios Principal [email protected]

Laura Moore Associate Principal [email protected]

Stephen Mounsey Associate Principal [email protected]

Angela Knight Associate Principal [email protected]

Lindsey Taylor HOSS Year 11 & 12 [email protected]

Monique Ryan HOSS Year 9 & 10 [email protected]

Jarrad Jones HOSS Year 7 & 8 [email protected]

Sharyn Clayden VET Co-Ordinator [email protected]

Student Services Michelle Dirksz Student Services Coordinator [email protected]

Jane Firth Nurse [email protected]

Allison Davis Nurse [email protected]

Matthew Di Gregorio Chaplain [email protected]

Gillian King Psychologist [email protected]

Dean Fisher Engagement Teacher [email protected]

Tynara Roberts AEIO [email protected]

Arts Learning Area

Basil Galati HOLA Arts [email protected]

Tony Annese Music [email protected]

Diane Pearson Art [email protected]

Damian McCann Art [email protected]

Kirsty Brown Dance [email protected]

Tegan Gough Media [email protected]

Shelby Tuckey Drama [email protected]

Matt Burke Music [email protected]

English Learning Area

Sarah Warner HOLA English [email protected]

Caitlin Mueller English teacher [email protected]

Scott Blachford English teacher [email protected]

Emma Wescott English teacher [email protected]

Adam Ettridge English teacher [email protected]

David Crocetta English teacher [email protected]

Nikki McNally English teacher [email protected]

Andrea Damonse English teacher [email protected]

Ian Hamilton English teacher [email protected]

Mathematics Learning Area

Megan Christie HOLA Maths [email protected]

Kane Hayter Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Jay Goddin Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Matthew Wake Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Grace Chipangura Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Kathleen Tamburrini Mathematics teacher [email protected]

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Gabriel Peterson Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Paul Weston Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Bree Chamberlain Mathematics teacher [email protected]

Physical Education Learning Area

Kellie Murphy HOLA Health & Physical Education [email protected]

Stephen Watson Basketball Coach [email protected]

Isaac Thomas Rugby Coach [email protected]

Matthew Gorton PE & Health teacher [email protected]

Ben Hughes PE & Health teacher [email protected]

Fleur Murtagh PE & Health teacher [email protected]

Alex Tiller PE & Health teacher [email protected]

Steven Cook PE & Health teacher [email protected]

HASS Learning Area

Emma Rojas HOLA HASS/LOTE [email protected]

Verne Klein HASS teacher [email protected]

Tony Andrijich HASS teacher [email protected]

Karla Tucker HASS teacher [email protected]

Lisa Melrose HASS teacher [email protected]

Simon Cheung LOTE teacher [email protected]

Emily Vandenberg HASS teacher [email protected]

Julie Tapping HASS teacher [email protected]

Darren Smith HASS teacher [email protected]

Brendan Dywer HASS teacher [email protected]

Science Learning Area

Clare Clayton HOLA Science [email protected]

Rebecca Barton Science teacher [email protected]

Ryan Masterman Science teacher [email protected]

Fiona Cousins Science teacher [email protected]

Chastity King Science teacher [email protected]

Jim Best Science teacher [email protected]

Yelena Hoare Science teacher [email protected]

Jon Lazarus Science teacher [email protected]

Rosie Rotheram Science teacher [email protected]

Rebecca Beaney Science teacher [email protected]

Anders McLeod Science teacher [email protected] Technology & Enterprise Learning Area

Phill Hays HOLA T&E [email protected]

Paul McVey T&E teacher [email protected]

Annie Vaughan T&E teacher [email protected]

Tom Adams T&E teacher [email protected]

Jamie Lauritsen T&E teacher [email protected]

Debbie Rudge IT/Business [email protected]

Marianne Harrison-Ismay Home Economics [email protected]

Amanda Cluning Home Economics [email protected]

Barry Stanton IT [email protected]

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At Rockingham Senior High School our vision is to ensure students are able to access opportunity in a culture of unity while value

adding to our local community.

For further information, please contact ROCKINGHAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

Telephone: (08) 9527 0300 www.rockingham.wa.edu.au

https://www.facebook.com/RockinghamSHS/ https://www.instagram.com/rockinghamseniorhighschool/?hl=en

Email: [email protected]