

Upload: emiliebrowning

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Distribtuion


Page 2: Distribtuion

What is Distribution?

Distribution is about how a film, audio or media product is made available to the audience online, in cinemas or anywhere else. In films they do premieres and screenings. They include the release and maintenance of films in the global digital market.Some examples are Paramount, Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures and more.

Page 3: Distribtuion

Distribution of our Film

The distribution of our film would be limited as it was so small budget, it has no star or crew that has had much experience and thriller can often be a limited market as people can be scared easily.From this conclusion we realise that larger companies can not distribute our film, like Paramount and DreamWorks did for Shutter Island. Smaller distribution companies such as Metrodome focus on small independent films like our film so they could be willing to distribute ours.

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Self Distribution

If using a distributing company doesn’t work we can use self distribution, we are able to read articles of past producers that have done this and learn from them and use their ideas on how to do it for our film. We would need to raise money to fund the process and must have charisma to negotiate with cinemas to show it. Now with social media becoming such a big part of everyday lives it is easy to spread the message out for free. While doing this we can keep more profits as we do not need to pay fees to a distribution company.

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Marketing strategies

To gain more publicity for our film we can enter a film festival to show more people about it, another way is to create a trailer that highlights your film so that audiences would want to watch it. As I mentioned earler social media can make a great impact so creating a page can easily get you more publicity.Due to our target audience we think the social media would be the best way to get our film out there as stereotypically teenagers to young adults are always on their phones on social media sites.