distributed systems · – a big data processing framework – mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer...

Distributed Systems Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Spring 2018

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Page 1: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each




Page 2: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

CourseInforma@on•  Instructors:

–  RikSarkar (IF3.45,[email protected])–  HeSun (IF5.03,[email protected])

–  TA:AbhirupGhosh([email protected])

•  Website:hQp://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/ds•  Lectures:

–  Tuesdays11:10-13:00,DHT,LectureTheatreB–  Withshortbreakinthemiddle.

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Page 3: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

ExamsandAssignments•  Grading:–  Coursework:1assignment,25%

•  Designadistributedalgorithmforagivenproblem•  Implementtheessen@alideainasimula@on

–  FinalExam:75%

•  Coursework– Markedon:

•  Descrip@onandanalysisofsolu@ondesign(theore@cal)•  Implementa@on(Prac@cal,inJava)

–  Requirements:•  Java,generalunderstandingofworkinginUNIX/LINUXenvironment

•  Basicunderstandingofalgorithmdesign,datastructures,probability

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Page 4: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

Coursebackground&expecta@ons•  Understandingof–  Algorithmdesign–  Datastructures–  Graphtheory(DFS,BFS,MST,cycles,paths,shortestpaths)andrelevantalgorithms

–  Asympto@cnota@onsandcomplexity•  BigO,Ω,Θ

–  Basicprobability,expecta@on–  (Op@onally)Networksandcommunica@on

•  Thisyearcoursewillbemoretheore@calandanaly@cthanpreviousyears–  Emphasisoncorrectnessandrigor

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Page 5: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

Reading&Books•  Norequiredtextbook

•  Suggestedreferences:–  [CDK]Coulouris,Dollimore,Kindberg;DistributedSystems:ConceptsandDesign•  4thEdi@on:hQp://www.cdk4.net/wo•  5thEdi@on:hQp://www.cdk4.net/wo

–  [VG]VijayGarg;ElementsofDistributedCompu@ng–  [NL]NancyLynch;DistributedAlgorithms

•  Wewillusetheseabbrevia@onstosuggestsuitablebooksfortopics.

•  Mostthingscanfoundwikipedia/web

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Page 6: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


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Page 7: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Mul@plecomputersworkingtogetherononetask

•  Computersareconnectedbyanetwork,andexchangeinforma@on

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Page 8: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Mul@plecomputersworkingtogetherononetask

•  Computersareconnectedbyanetwork,andexchangeinforma@on

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Page 9: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


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Page 10: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each












Page 11: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  Webbrowsing:

client server

•  Inthiscase:–  Clientrequestswhatisneeded–  Servercomputesanddecideswhatistobeshown–  Clientshowsinforma@ontouser

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Page 12: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Mul:playerGames– Differentplayersaredoingdifferentthings–  Theirac@onsmustbeconsistent

•  Don’tallowonepersontobeatdifferentloca@onsinviewsofdifferentpeople

•  Don’tlettwopeoplestandatthesamespot•  IfXshootsY,theneveryonemustknowthatYisdead

– Madedifficultbythefactthatplayersareondifferentcomputers

–  Some@mesnetworkmaybeslow–  Some@mesmessagescanbelost

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Page 13: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  Stockmarkets:Mul:player

gameswithHighstakes!•  Everyonewantsinforma@on


•  Updatesmustbesenttomanyclientsfast

•  Transac@onsmustbeexecutedinrightorder

•  Specializednetworksworthmillionsareinstalledtoreducelatency

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Page 14: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  Hadoop– Abigdataprocessingframework– Mappernodespar@@ondata,reducernodesprocessdatabypar@@ons

– Userdecidespar@@oning,andprocessingofeachpar@@on

– Hadoophandlestasksofmovingdatafromnodetonode

– Hadoop/mapreduceisaspecificsetupfordistributedprocessingofdata

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Page 15: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  Networks:workdistributedly–  DNS:whatistheIPaddressofwww.google.com?

•  SearchlocalDNSserver(whichmaynotknoweverything)•  Itcontactshigherlevel(non-local)DNSservers•  IPaddressisreturnedtouser

–  Rou@ng:SendmessagetoIPaddressX•  SearchandfindapathtoX•  Noonenodeknowstheen@renetwork

– Mediumaccess:manynodesusingthesameaccesspointneedtocoordinatetheirtransmissions•  Whentwopeoplespeakatthesame@me,communica@ongetsgarbled

•  Onenodedoesnotknowtheinten@onsofothers•  Coordina@onisneededwithincompleteinforma@on

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Page 16: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Mainissueinnetworking:onenodedoesnothavecomplete(global)knowledgeoftherestofthenetwork– Needdistributedsolu@ons–networkprotocols– Nodesworkwithlocalinforma@on

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Page 17: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  MobileandSensorSystems

–  Mobilephonesandsmartsensorsarecomputers

–  Opportunitytoprocessdataatsensorsinsteadofservers

–  Distributednetworkedopera@on–  Inaddi@on,nodesarelowpowered,

baQeryoperated–  Nodesmaymove

•  Ubiquitouscompu:ng&Internetofthings–  Embeddedcomputersare

everywhereintheenvironment–  Wecanusethemtoprocessdata


–  Networkinganddistributedcompu@ngeverywhereintheenvironment

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Page 18: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

DistributedSystems:Examples•  Autonomousvehicles

–  Computeroperatedvehicles,willusesensorstomaptheenvironmentandnavigate

–  Sensorsinthecar,intheenvironment,othercars

–  Needtocommunicateandanalyzedatatomakequickdecisions

–  Manysensorsandlotsofdata

–  Strictconsistencyrules–twocarscannotbeatthesamespotatthesame@me!

–  Needveryfastinforma@onprocessing

–  NodesaremobileDistributedSystems,Edinburgh,2014 18

Page 19: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Fundamentalissue:Differentnodeshavedifferentknowledge.Onenodedoesknowthestatusofothernodesinthenetwork

•  Ifeachnodeknewexactlythestatusatallothernodesinthenetwork,compu@ngwouldbeeasy.

•  Butthisisimpossible,theore@callyandprac@cally

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–  Informa@ontransmissionisboundedbyspeedoflight(plushardwareandsovwarelimita@onsofthenodes&network)

–  Newthingscanhappenwhileinforma@onistravelingfromnodeAtonodeB

–  BcanneverbeperfectlyuptodateaboutthestatusofA

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Page 21: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Communica@oniscostly:Itisnotprac@caltotransmiteverythingfromAtoBallthe@me

•  Therearemanynodes:Transmiwngupdatestoallnodesandreceivingupdatesfromallnodesareevenmoreimprac@cal

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Page 22: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

•  Thecri@calques@onindistributedsystems:

•  Whatmessage/informa@ontosendtowhichnodes,andwhen?

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Page 23: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthesenumbers



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Page 24: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthesenumbers


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Page 25: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthenumbers



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Page 26: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthenumbers


Total:101 2 3 4Numberofmessages:

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Page 27: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

•  ComplexitymaydependontheNetwork

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Page 28: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthenumbers



a b c d

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Page 29: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Asimpledistributedcomputa@on:– Eachnodehasstoredanumericvalue– Computethetotalofthenumbers

Server a b c d





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Page 30: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Timecannotbemeasuredperfectly– Clocksalwaysmoveslightlyfaster/slower;speedschange

– Hardtocomparebefore/averrela@onsbetweeneventsatdifferentnodes

– Makesitdifficulttokeepcausalrela@onscorrect– E.g.Inamul@-playergame,twoplayersfiredtheirguns.Whoshotfirst?

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Page 31: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Failures–  Somenodesmayfail–  Somecommunica@onlinksmayfail,messagesgetlost

– Weneedsystemsresilienttofailures–itshouldcon@nuetoworkevenifsomenodes/linksfail,oratleastrecoverfromfailures

–  E.g.Innetworkrou@ng,ifsomenodesfail,therou@ngprotocolsfindnewpathstothedes@na@on

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Page 32: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Mobility– Somenodesmaybemobile– Noteasytofindandcommunicatewithmovingnodes

– Communica@onproper@es,delays,messagelossratesetcchangewithchangingloca@ons

– Loca@onsofnodesareimportant,determinetheirneedsandpreferences

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Page 33: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Scalabilitywithsize(numberofnodes)–  Systemsmayneedtogrowinnumberofnodeswhenithastohandlemoredataorusers

–  Thedesignshouldeasilyadapttothisgrowthandnotgetstucktryingtohandlelargeamountsofdataormanynodes

–  E.g.Inamul@playergamewithmanyplayers,ifallac@onsofeachplayerineverysecondissenttoallotherplayers,thiswillgenerateO(n2)messageseverysecond.

–  Op@ons:•  MakeefficientsystemsthatcanhandleO(n^2)messagespersecond(moreandmoredifficultwithgrowingn)

•  Or,makecleverchoicesofwhichmessagestosendtowhichplayers,andkeepitmanageable

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•  Transparency– Usershouldnothavetoworryaboutdetails•  Howmanynodes•  Howtheyareconnected•  Loca@ons,addresses•  mobility•  Failures•  concurrency•  Networkprotocols

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Page 35: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Security– Confiden@ality–onlyauthorizeduserscanaccess–  Integrity–shouldnotgetaltered/corruptedorgetintoanundesirablestate

– Availability–shouldnotgetdisruptedbyenemies(e.g.byadenialofserviceaQack)

– Perfectsecurityisimpossible.Goodprac@calsecurityisusuallypossible,buttakessomecareandeffort.Encryp@onhelps.

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Page 36: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Agreement– Getnodestoagreeonthevalueofsomething• Whenshouldwegotothemovie?• Whatshouldbethemul@playerstrategy?• Whenshouldweselltheshares?•  …

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Page 37: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Leaderelec@on– Whichnodeisthecoordinatorinhadoop?– Whichnodeisthewhichreturnsthefinalresult?

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Page 38: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  DecidingmaQersof@me:– Whathappenedfirst?AorB?– Whatsequenceofeventsdefinitelyhappenedandwhatcannothavehappened?

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•  Storeandretrievedata– Peertopeersystems– Sensornetworks

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Page 40: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Aggrega@on:gewngdatafrommanynodes– Whatistheaveragetemperaturerecordedbythemobilephones?

– Howmanypeopleareinthebuilding?– Whatisthemaximumspeedofcarsonthehighway?

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Page 41: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each

Summary:DistributedSystems•  Mul@plecomputersopera@ngbysendingmessagestoeachotheroveranetwork

•  Integraltomanyemergingtrendsincompu@ng•  Reasonsfordistributedsystems:–  Tasksgetdonefaster–  Canbemademoreresilient:Ifonecomputerfails,anothertakesover

–  Loadbalancingandresourcesharing–  Some@mes,systemsareinherentlydistributed.E.g.peoplefromdifferentloca@onscollabora@ngontasks,playinggames,etc.

–  Bringsoutmanynaturalques@onsabouthownaturalworld,ecosystems,economies,emergentbehaviorswork•  Eg.Birdsflocking,firefliesblinkinginsync,peoplewalkingwithoutcolliding,economicgametheoryandequilibria…

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Page 42: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Examples:– Webbrowsing– Mul@playergames– Digital(Stock)markets–  Collabora@veedi@ng(Wikipedia,reddit,slashdot..)–  Bigdataprocessing(hadoopetc)– Networks– Mobileandsensorsystems– Ubiquitouscompu@ng– Autonomousvehicles

DistributedSystems,Edinburgh,2014 42Ref:CDK

Page 43: Distributed Systems · – A big data processing framework – Mapper nodes par@@on data, reducer nodes process data by par@@ons – User decides par@@oning, and processing of each


•  Lackofglobalknowledge•  Noperfect(shared)clock•  Communica@oniscostlyinlargevolumes•  Failuresofnodes/links,lossofmessages•  Scalability•  Transparency•  Security•  Mobility

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•  Novideorecording•  Bringpaperandpen•  Takenotes–  Iden@fywhatisimportant

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