distributed release management

Distributed Release Management Deploying etsy.com 40+ times per day Mike Brittain Engineering Director, Etsy @mikebrittain mikebrittain.com/talks

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Post on 08-May-2015




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Full Stack Engineering Meetup in NYC, May 27, 2014.


Page 1: Distributed Release Management

Distributed Release Management Deploying etsy.com 40+ times per day

Mike Brittain

Engineering Director, Etsy

@mikebrittain mikebrittain.com/talks

Page 2: Distributed Release Management

1st Day Assignment Put your face on etsy.com/about

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What I’m showing you tonight is the result of four years of iteration.

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Small incremental changes to the application “Dark” features: new classes, methods, controllers Graphics, stylesheets, templates Copy/content changes !

App deploys

Turning flags on, off, or % ramp up

Config deploys

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Latent bugs and security holes Traffic management, load shedding Adding and removing infrastructure !

Tweaking config flags or releasing patches.

“Operating” the site

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IRC, #push

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/topic mbrittain | jgoulah | rsnyder | ekastner

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/topic mbrittain, jgoulah, rsnyder | ekastner

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Keep real people in the loop

Queue, with max batch size of seven.

Automated deployment run by humans

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4 people in this deploy.

“I’ve pushed my changes to master.”

“Everyone has checked in.”

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Build QA and Pre-prod

Build progress

Status in #push

Git SHA1 in for each env.

Date, username, deploy log, changeset, link to dashboard from time of deploy

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Reporting what’s going on in Deployinator, and who triggered

Status from build cluster

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Pre-prod (“princess”) has been deployed. !

SHA1 of the change Time it took to deploy Link to changeset in GitHub Log of the deploy script

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Btw, there are three bots talking in channel at this point. O_o

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Queuing for next deploy

Humans talk to other humans from time to time.

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Talking to pushbot. !

Pushbot knows some Spanish… because, ya know, why not?

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Link to test results for CI environment, along with how long the tests took.Alerting by name.

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8 minutes have elapsed… We’ve built and tested our release in the CI environment (“QA”). !

QA build failed our 5 min. SLA for tests.

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“Try” is our pre-commit testing cluster.

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Bots help reinforce our values. This is especially helpful for new people on the team.

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Still 8 minutes elapsed… Pre-prod has been deployed and tested. !

This ran in parallel with our QA build and tests.

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Cross-traffic: In a separate channel (#config), our app configs files were deployed to pre-prod.

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Cross-traffic: Ops team deployed a configuration change.

And, yes… another non-human.

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Code is live Link to dashboard.

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13 minutes elapsed… Code is now in production with public traffic.

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Who committed code in the last deploy? And how many lines did each of them change?

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Handoff for the next deploy.

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Entire app deploy took 15 minutes. !

4 people running the deployment 8 committers Config deploy and Chef change deployed in parallel.

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Optimal queue size

Normalized communication

Improved visibility

Historical record is ideal for post-mortems

Organic evolution

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Hold up the queue (.hold)

Work the issue with the people available in #push

Additional help always available in #sysops

Buddy-system for off-hours deploys

Ops-on-call, dev-on-call

When something goes wrong?

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25 Million Items listed 60+ Million Monthly unique visitors 200 Countries with annual transactions !

175+ Committers, everyone deploys

Items by anjaysdesigns, betwixxt, OneStarLeatherGoods, mediumcontrol, TheDesignPallet

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Start small. (We did.)

Automated tests and production monitoring.

Have a story around maintaining quality.

“We can always go back to the old way.”

Demonstrate value to leadership.

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Go write your own story.

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Thank you.

Mike Brittain

Engineering Director, Etsy

@mikebrittain mikebrittain.com/talks