distributed storage system for volunteer computing

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Our group preliminary presentation slides for DS project


  • 1. Distributed Storage System for Volunteer Computing Preliminary Presentation G-007Arinto Murdopo, Diego Montero, Julia Proskurnia, EnkhjinBayarsaikhan

2. Overview Volunteer Computing (VC) Distributed Storage System (DSS) Challenges Work in Progress Whats Next 3. Volunteer Computing(VC) Group of computing resources Voluntary share the resource Trust between peers Incentive volunteers!! Example: SETI@home storage@home BOINC However, data is centrally stored 4. VC Architecture 5. Distributed Storage System(DSS)... self explanatory.. No single point of failure Data availability & integrityExamples: Cassandra, used by Facebook Voldemort, used by LinkedIn 6. ChallengesDistributed Storage System for VolunteerComputing System does not really exist.... yetWith the help of.. increased abundance of storage (speed & size) improvement in distributed storage researchYes, we can! 7. VC with DSS 8. Work In ProgressReview on these following systemsIvy OverNetSquirrel DynamoFarSite RiakPastis GlacierPAST VoldemortTotal Recall CassandraOceanStore 9. Work In Progress 10. Project Objectives Evaluation of existing P2P DSS based on Security, availability, reliability, etc Survey on DSS, which are suitable for VC Possible evaluation of DSS byexperimenting in DS testbed (ex: Planet Lab) 11. Q&AQuestions?