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DISTRICT COMMON EXAMINATION BOARD – KADAPA – YSR Dist. Action Plan Model Question Paper 2019-2020 Third Language English Paper-I I Class: X (Max.Marks:50) [Time:2.45 Hrs.] INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This question paper has 28 questions in three sections (A,B, and C). 2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplied to you. 3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper and 2-30 hours for writing the answers. 4. Answer all the questions of Section B (Vocabulary) in the same order at one place in your answer book. 5. Start answering the questions as you read them. Section A: Reading Comprehension Questions (1 5): Read the following data given in the table carefully. Miss Sarah, a teacher of Edwards Elementary School recorded the excuses of her students for being late to class in a bar graph.. Use the information to answer the questions. Now, answer the following questions. 1X5= 5 M 1.What will be known if we study the above data? 2. What may be the most common excuse? 3. How many students stated that they got stuck in the traffic? A) 14 B) 26 C) 15 4. What is the third frequent excuse given by the students for being late? A) They thought it was Sunday. B) They had no clean pants to wear. C) They forgot to set the alarm 5. Choose the correct statement from the following A) Thinking that it was Sunday' may be one of the excuses for being late to class B) According to the data most of the students have no clean pants to wear. C) A few of the students are late because they forgot to set the alarm. 26-12-2019 . Day-19 14E

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Action Plan Model Question Paper 2019-2020 Third Language – English – Paper-I I

Class: X (Max.Marks:50) [Time:2.45 Hrs.]


1. This question paper has 28 questions in three sections (A,B, and C).

2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplied to you.

3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper and 2-30 hours

for writing the answers.

4. Answer all the questions of Section – B (Vocabulary) in the same order at one place in

your answer book.

5. Start answering the questions as you read them.

Section – A: Reading Comprehension

Questions (1 – 5):

Read the following data given in the table carefully.

Miss Sarah, a teacher of Edwards Elementary School recorded the excuses of her students

for being late to class in a bar graph.. Use the information to answer the questions.

Now, answer the following questions. 1X5= 5 M

1.What will be known if we study the above data?

2. What may be the most common excuse?

3. How many students stated that they got stuck in the traffic?

A) 14

B) 26

C) 15

4. What is the third frequent excuse given by the students for being late?

A) They thought it was Sunday.

B) They had no clean pants to wear.

C) They forgot to set the alarm

5. Choose the correct statement from the following

A) Thinking that it was Sunday' may be one of the excuses for being late to class

B) According to the data most of the students have no clean pants to wear.

C) A few of the students are late because they forgot to set the alarm.

26-12-2019 . Day-19


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Questions (6-10):

Read the following passage carefully.

Family is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you are accepted for what you are. This is

where you are completely tension free and everyone is there to help you. Family encourages you when you are

surrounded by problems. It helps you survive through tough times and bring joy and happiness into life.

Decency is very important in the communication of daily life. It helps us make strong relationship with

others and make us come across as a very gentle, intelligent and likable person. Everyone loves to be in a company

of such person. Family helps bring decency into our life which is necessary to lead a happy life.

One of the most important aims of our life is to build a successful and highly rewarding career. Our

families help us in creating a strong future. It gives us valuable suggestion about different career prospective. It not

only guides us in choosing the best but also financially helps us to cover the expenses of education. Thus it helps us

in making a good future.

The importance of family is probably realized when one went to holiday or celebrate an occasion without

family members. It was very hard to celebrate an occasion or went to holiday without being surrounded by family

members. At that time probably we realize that how important they are to us. At that time, we came to know about

the importance of our families.

Today, most people don't realize the importance of family. They prefer to spend most of their time with

their friends. But when they are surrounded by problems, it was their family that helped them get rid of problems. At

the time, when even our best friends refuse to help us, it was our family that came to help us. So it is very important

for each and every individual to give importance to their families above anything else and enjoy spending time with

family members.

Now, answer the following questions. 1X5 = 5 M

6. Why should every individual give importance to the family?

7. What will happen if there is decency in the communication of daily life?

8. Family helps us in setting ......

A) good friends

B) a good future

C) a celebration

9. Spending most of the time with friends lead to ...

A) a strong family life

B) bright future

C) a week family life

10. Choose the correct statement from the following.

A) Family is the best place for relaxation.

B) Family hardly encourages when you are surrounded by problems.

C) The importance of a Family is not a serious issue.

Questions (11-15):

Read the following passage carefully.

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired

of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.

The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous were his words. People avoided him,

because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him.

He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the


“An Old Man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up.”

The whole village gathered together. The old man was asked What happened to him.

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“Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I decided to live without

happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.” replied the Old Man

Now arrange the jumbled sentences in the sequential and meaningful order. 5M 11. He poisoned the thoughts of others and so they avoided his company.

12. People enquired about his change.

13. A gloomy old man was always in a bad mood.

14. He explained not to chase the happiness instead enjoy the life.

15. He transformed when he turned eighty.

Note: Copy the box in your answer booklet. Write the numbers to indicate the sentences.

Section – B: Vocabulary

Note: Answer all the questions of Section – B (Vocabulary) in the same order at one place in your

answer book.

16. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words choosing from the

words given in the box. 4X½=2M

After spending a leisurely (a) Sunday at home, the very thought of returning to work on

Monday is tiring. Lethargy (b) creeps in if the holiday continues (C) over an extended (d) period. That is

how I felt when I was preparing to return to my place of work after spending six months at


17. Read the paragraph and match the words under ‘A’ with their antonyms under ‘B’.

(Write your answer and their corresponding numbers in the answer book) 4X½=2M

Roberge was acquainted (a) with the works of Satyajit Ray through the Apu Trilogy. He found the world

of Apu so fascinating (b) that he saw all three films at one sitting; and there began his longstanding (c) love

affair with the people of India and Bengali cinema and culture, which led to path-breaking (d) work in

those fields.

A B a) acquainted ( ) 1) boring

b) fascinating ( ) 2) ordinary

c) longstanding ( ) 3) unfamiliar

d) path-breaking ( ) 4) perennial

5) interesting

6) recent

18. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in brackets. 4X½=2M

My parents were........... (a) (true, truly, truth) proud of me. It was through me that they had earned a greater degree

of ..........(b) (admiration, admire, admired) and respect from the villagers. My father would not like to see me.........(c)

(carries, carried, carrying) a trunk on my back and would be very hurt if I did so. I concluded that it would be better

to let him carry it. Father was used to carrying luggage anyway. He was ......(d) (strong, stronger, strongest) and more

skilled than me in these matters.

19. Fill in the following spellings using ea, ia, au, or, ou 2x½=1M

....but the enorm_ _ s (a) spiritual poverty of some rich people is much more

deplorable than mater_ _ l (b) poverty," he said.

20. Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets. 2x½=1M

So this little dist___ (a) (ence/ ance) has tired you? Rest for a while. But we have to be in time for the

bus.' Father was quiet for some time. He thoughtfu__(b) (lly/ly) looked at the sun for a moment, and then

his eyes fell on the can of home-made wine that I was carrying.

Rightly, energy, lengthened ,endures, deliberately, sleepiness

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21. Find the wrongly spelt word and write the correct spelling. 2x1 = 2M

disuade terrain, reluctantly, receding

accusation, fragments, communication, documentery

22. Read the following dictionary entry of the word ‘contentment’ given below.

Now, answer the following questions using the information above. 2x1 = 2M

a) Write the phonetic script of the word 'contentment'

b) What is its synonym?

23. Arrange the following words under the correct heading. 8 X ¼=2M

At a loss, on the dot, put out, on purpose, see off, set foot, called for, set in.

Phrasal Verbs Idiomatic Expressions

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

24. Use the following expressions in sentences of your own. 4 X 1 =4M

A) Phrasal verb: worn out

B) Idiomatic Expression : took by surprise

C) Binomial Expression: Leaps and bounds

D) Foreign Expression: En route

25. Match the following one word substitutes in Part-A with their meanings in Part-B.

(Write only numbers and their corresponding letters in your answer book) 4X½=2M

Part A Part B

1) stop over ( ) A) Teach people some moral

2) Fall out ( ) B) A short stay

3) Didactic ( ) C) Spends too much

4) Documentary ( ) D) Result of a situation

E) Meaning is unclear

F) Facts about something



(a) Father had provided for my education, and I had been able to realize his dreams. My parents were truly

proud of me. It was through me that they had earned a greater degree of admiration and respect from the villagers.

You might have read these lines in the lesson 'The Journey.' Parents struggle a lot for the successful education for

their wards.

Now write a letter to your father conveying your gratitude as he always supports your comforts\ 5M


(b) Recently Your school has organised Mathematics Exhibition. Your HM and Maths teachers explained

the importance of Mathematics in our lives. A meeting was organised on the occasion of National Maths Day on


Write a News Report adding the events of the celebration in your school.

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27. (a) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was called 'Lion of Vrishabha' who was a thorough Nationalist.

Now, write his biographical sketch using the following information. 5M

Birth: 26 September 1820 Birsingha, Bengal Presidency, British India (now in

West Bengal, India)

Parents : Thakurdas Bandyopadhyay and Bhagavati Devi

Spouse : Dinamayee Devi

Children: Narayan Chandra Bandyopadhyaya

Occupation: Writer, philosopher, scholar, educator, translator, publisher, reformer.

Literary movement: Bengal Renaissance, Revolutionary work towards the upliftment of

women's status in India.

Death: 29 July 1891 (aged 70) Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British India

(now Kolkata, West Bengal, India)


(b) Write a story using the following hints.

A forest- banyan tree - many birds and animals- tree proud- didn't like the sounds - wanted to

drive them away- shook its branches- birds and animals afraid- nests in other trees- saw wood cutters -

asked another tree - realised mistake - too late - Moral.

28. Study the following

Now, write a paragraph describing the information depicted in the diagram above. 5M

Prepared by Smt. B.S.PADMAVATHY, SA- English, ZPHS (G) Galiveedu.Ph:9014950222