district disaster management plan template · 2020. 12. 8. · dalby district disaster management...


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The Dalby Disaster District Management Group is established in compliance with Section 22 of the Disaster Management Act 2003. The purpose of the group is to manage disaster

operations across the Western Downs Regional Council area of 38,000 km2. Much of the district is traversed by the Condamine River and its tributaries, rendering the area prone to seasonal flooding.

The Dalby Disaster District Plan has been established within the guidelines of the

Queensland Disaster Management System and utilising the best Risk Management Practices available at the time of publication.

This plan is to be read in conjunction with Local Government and lead agencies Disaster Management Plans and Recovery Plans within the Dalby Disaster District. The Recommendations of the Queensland Flood Commission Interim Report have also been considered in this plan.

Control of this document is vested in the Queensland Disaster Management Committee. In

accordance with Section 26 of the Disaster Management Act 2003, the Dalby Disaster District Co-ordinator is the State Government’s nominee as Co-ordinator of all disaster management arrangements at Disaster District level.

Copies of the Plan are allocated by the Disaster District Co-ordinator to each individual or an

authorised representative of each group nominated in the Distribution List attached to this document.

Suggested amendments to the Plan should be forwarded in writing to:

District Disaster Coordinator

Dalby-Burnett Patrol Office

P. O. Box 420

Dalby 4405

This Plan replaces all previous editions and is due for revision prior to 30 September 2017.

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The preparation of this district disaster management plan has been undertaken in accordance

with the Disaster Management Act 2003 (DM Act), to provide for effective disaster

management in the district.

The plan is endorsed for distribution by the District Disaster Management Group.

I, Inspector Michael BIANCHI, Disaster District Co-ordinator, Dalby Disaster District endorse

this plan. The plan is further endorsed by the members of the Disaster District Management




District Disaster Coordinator

Dalby District Disaster Management Group

Date: 4 October 2016

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Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Endorsement .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Contents ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Document Control ................................................................................................................................. 5

Amendment Control .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Amendment Register ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Distribution ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................................... 11

Administration and Governance ......................................................................................................... 13

Authority to Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 13

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................... 13

Strategic Policy Framework ............................................................................................................................. 13

Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Disaster Management Priorities ...................................................................................................................... 14

Review and Renew Plan ................................................................................................................................... 14

Review of Local Disaster Management Arrangements ................................................................................... 15

District Disaster Management Group ................................................................................................. 16

Establishment................................................................................................................................................... 16

Membership ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................... 18

Meetings ........................................................................................................................................................... 22

Reporting .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

Disaster Risk Assessment .................................................................................................................... 24

Community Context ......................................................................................................................................... 24

Hazards ............................................................................................................................................................. 25

Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 26

Risk Treatment ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Capacity Building ................................................................................................................................. 27

Community Awareness .................................................................................................................................... 27

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Training ............................................................................................................................................................ 27

Exercises ...........................................................................................................................................................28

Post-Disaster Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 29

Response Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 30

Warning Notification and Dissemination .......................................................................................................30

Activation ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

District Disaster Coordination Centre............................................................................................................. 31

Concept of Operations for Response ............................................................................................................... 31

Functional Plans ............................................................................................................................................... 36

Hazard Specific Arrangements ........................................................................................................................ 37

Recovery Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 38

Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 38

Activation ........................................................................................................................................................ 40

Immediate/Short Term Recovery ................................................................................................................... 42

Medium/Long Term Recovery ........................................................................................................................ 43

Transition to Normal Business ........................................................................................................................ 44

Annexure Index .................................................................................................................................... 45

Distribution List ............................................................................................................................................... 46

Dalby District Risk Register.............................................................................................................................48

District Levels of Activation for Response Arrangements .............................................................................. 54

Dalby District Disaster Management Group Training Proposal .................................................................... 57

Goals ................................................................................................................................................................. 57

Target Population ............................................................................................................................................. 58

Type of Training ............................................................................................................................................... 58

Alternatives ...................................................................................................................................................... 59

Training Proposal Planning ............................................................................................................................. 59

Financial Management Processes ................................................................................................................... 62

Western Downs Regional Council Locality Map............................................................................................. 65

Water Catchment Area – Condamine River ...................................................................................................... 66

Water Catchment Area – Upper Condamine River ........................................................................................... 67

Water Catchment Area – Myall Creek ...............................................................................................................68

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Document Control

Amendment Control

This district plan is a controlled document. The controller of the document is the Dalby District

Disaster Coordinator (DDC). Any proposed amendments to this plan should be forwarded in

writing to:

District Disaster Co-ordinator

Dalby-Burnett Patrol Office

P. O. Box 420

Dalby 4405

The Dalby DDC may approve inconsequential amendments to this document. Any changes to

the intent of the document must be endorsed by the Dalby District Disaster Management Group


A copy of each amendment is to be forwarded to those identified in the distribution list. On

receipt, the amendment is to be inserted into the document and the Amendment Register updated

and signed.

Amendment Register

Amendment Plan Updated

No / Ref Issue Date Inserted by Date

1 29.10.13 Sgt B W Hunter 29.10.13

2 30.09.16 Sgt B W Hunter 30.09.16

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This plan has been distributed in accordance with the distribution list at Annexure A.

The master copy of the plan will be maintained by the Executive Officer.

It is the responsibility of each individual or agency in receipt of the plan to ensure the current plan

is maintained.

In accordance with Section 56 of the Disaster Management Act a copy of the plan is available for

inspection, free of charge, by members of the public at the Dalby Police Station by contacting the

Executive Officer.

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Advisor A person invited to participate in the business of the DDMG in an

advisory capacity on an as-needed basis.

Chairperson The person appointed by the Commissioner, Queensland Police

Service as the Chairperson of the DDMG. The Chairperson of the

DDMG is the District Disaster Coordinator.

Coordination The bringing together of organisations to ensure effective disaster

management before, during and after an event. It is primarily

concerned with systematic acquisition and application of resources

(people, material, equipment, etc) in accordance with priorities set

by disaster management groups. Coordination operations

horizontally across organisations and agencies.

Deputy Chairperson The person appointed by the Commissioner, Queensland Police

Service as the Deputy Chairperson of the DDMG.

Disaster A serious disruption in a community, caused by the impact of an

event, that requires a significant coordinated response by the State

and other entities to help the community recover from the

disruption. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Disaster District Part of the state prescribed under a regulation as a disaster district.



Arrangements about managing the potential adverse effect of an

event, including, for example, arrangements for mitigating,

preventing, preparing for, responding to and recovering from a

disaster. (Disaster Management Act 2003)


Management Group

One of or a number of any of the following: DDMGs or LDMGs.



Strategic Policy


A strategic tool which identifies principles that guide the

development and implementation of policy and initiatives to

achieve disaster management priorities.

Disaster mitigation The taking of preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of an

event occurring or, if an event occurs, to reduce the severity of the

event. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Disaster operations Activities undertaken before, during or after an event happens to

help reduce loss of human life, illness or injury to humans, property

loss or damage, or damage to the environment, including, for

example, activities to mitigate the adverse effects of the event.

(Disaster Management Act 2003)

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Disaster response The taking of appropriate measures to respond to an event,

including action taken and measures planned in anticipation of,

during, and immediately after an event to ensure that its effects are

minimised and that persons affected by the event are given

immediate relief and support. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Disaster response


The phase of disaster operations that relates to responding to a

disaster. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Disaster recovery


The phase of disaster operations that relates to recovering from a

disaster. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Disaster risk


The process used to determine risk management priorities by

evaluating and comparing the level of risk against predetermined

standards, target risk levels or other criteria. (COAG, Natural

Disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and recovery

arrangements: 2002)

District Disaster


A person appointed under the Disaster Management Act 2003 who

is responsible for the coordination of disaster operations in the

disaster district for the District Disaster Management Group.

District Disaster

Management Group

The group established in accordance with s22 of the Act to provide

coordinated State Government support and resources to LDMGs on

behalf of local governments.

District Disaster

Management Plan

A plan prepared in accordance with s53 of the Act, that documents

planning and resource management to counter the effects of a

disaster within the disaster district.

Event (1) Any of the following:

a. a cyclone, earthquake, flood, storm, storm tide, tornado,

tsunami, volcanic eruption or other natural happening

b. an explosion or fire , a chemical, fuel or oil spill, or a gas leak

c. an infestation, plague or epidemic (example of an epidemic

– a prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease)

d. a failure of, or disruption to, an essential service or


e. an attack against the state

f. another event similar to an event mentioned in (a) to (e).

(2) An event may be natural or caused by human acts or

omissions. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Executive Officer


A Police officer appointed to the position of Executive Officer to the

district group by the Commissioner, Queensland Police Service.

Executive Team The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Executive Officer.

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A meeting convened by the Chairperson in response to an

operational event both inside and outside the disaster district.

Functional Lead


An agency allocated responsibility to prepare for and provide a

disaster management function and lead relevant organisations that

provide a supporting role.

Guidelines Guidelines are developed under s63 of the Act to inform the

QDMC, DDMGs and local governments about the preparation of

disaster management plans, matters to be included in disaster

management plans and other appropriate matters about the

operation of a DDMG or LDMG.

Hazard A source of potential harm, or a situation with a potential to cause

loss. (Emergency Management Australia, 2004)

Local Disaster


A person appointed under the Act who is responsible for the

coordination of disaster operations for the LDMG.

Local Disaster

Management Group

The group established in accordance with s29 of the Act to support

the disaster management and operational activities of local


Local Disaster

Management Plan

A plan that documents agreed arrangements that are in place to

deal with disaster events within the local government’s area of


Member A person officially appointed as a member of the DDMG. Members

have voting rights to validate the business of the group.

Minister Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services

Ordinary Meeting A DDMG meeting which is scheduled and convened on a regular

basis at an agreed time (set by the Chairperson) to discuss routine

business of the group.



Addresses performance during and the risks revealed by a disaster

event in order to improve future development of mitigation

measures. Post-disaster assessment forms part of continuous

improvement of the whole system. (Adapted from COAG, Natural

Disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and recovery

arrangements: 2002)

Primary Agency An agency allocated responsibility to prepare for and respond to a

specific hazard based on their legislated and/or technical capability

and authority.

Queensland disaster



Whole-of-government arrangements to ensure the collaborative

and effective coordination of planning, services, information and

resources for comprehensive disaster management.

Quorum The minimum number of DDMG members required to validate the

business of the group.

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Recovery The taking of preventative measures to recover from an event,

including action taken to support disaster-affected communities in

the reconstruction of infrastructure, the restoration of emotional,

social, economic and physical wellbeing, and the restoration of the

environment. (Disaster Management Act 2003)

Relief The provision of immediate shelter, life support and human needs

of persons affected by, or responding to, an emergency.

Residual Risk The risk remaining after risk treatment. Residual risk can contain

unidentified risk. Residual risk can also be known as ‘retained

risk’. (ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk management – Vocabulary)

Risk The effect of uncertainty on objectives. (ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk

management – Vocabulary)

Risk Management Coordinated activities to direct and control a community or

organisation with regard to risk. (Adapted from ISO Guide 73:2009

Risk management – Vocabulary)

Risk Register A listing of risk statements describing sources of risk and elements

at risk with assigned consequences, likelihoods and levels of risk.

Risk Treatment Process of selection and implementation of measures to modify

risk. (National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines)

Serious Disruption Serious disruption means:

loss of human life, or illness or injury to humans; or

widespread or severe property loss or damage; or

widespread or severe damage to the environment.

(Disaster Management Act 2003)

State Disaster


A person appointed under the Act who is responsible for the

coordination of disaster response operations for the QDMC. This is

a permanent role.

State Recovery


A person appointed under the Disaster Management Act 2003 who

is responsible for the coordination of disaster recovery operations

for the QDMC.

QDMC The group established in accordance with s.17 of the DM Act who is

responsible for the disaster managements and operational

arrangements for the state of Queensland. The specific functions of

the QDMC are outlined in s.18 of the DM Act.

State Disaster

Management Plan

A planning tool for disaster managers which provides an overview

of Queensland’s disaster management arrangements, including

agency roles and responsibilities.

State Recovery


A person appointed under the Act who is responsible for the

coordination of disaster recovery operations for the QDMC.

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Temporary District


Management Group

A DDMG established under the Act by the QDMC Chair, in

consultation with the Commissioner, Queensland Police Service, as

a temporary district group to manage a disaster across two or more

affected disaster districts.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

BOM Bureau of Meteorology

DDC District Disaster Coordinator

DDCC District Disaster Coordination Centre

DDMG District Disaster Management Group

DDMP District Disaster Management Plan

DM Act Disaster Management Act 2003

EMA Emergency Management Australia

LDC Local Disaster Coordinator

LDCC Local Disaster Coordination Centre

LDMG Local Disaster Management Group

LDMP Local Disaster Management Plan

NDRRA Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

NGO Non-Government Organisation

QDMA Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements




Queensland Disaster Management Committee

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Queensland Police Service

SDC State Disaster Coordinator

SDCC State Disaster Coordination Centre

SDCG State Disaster Coordination Group

SDMP State Disaster Management Plan

SDRA State Disaster Relief Arrangements

SITREP Situation Report

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SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SPF Disaster Management Strategic Policy Framework

the Act Disaster Management Act 2003

the Minister Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services

XO Executive Officer

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Administration and Governance

Authority to Plan

This District Disaster Management Plan is prepared under the provisions of s53 of the Act.


This plan details the arrangements within the Dalby disaster district to provide whole-of-

government planning and coordination capability to support local governments in disaster

management and disaster operations.


The objective of the Dalby District Disaster Management Plan is to facilitate the implementation

of effective and efficient disaster management strategies and arrangements including:

the development, review and assessment of effective disaster management for the district

including arrangements for mitigating, preventing, preparing for, responding to and

recovering from a disaster;

compliance with the Strategic Policy Framework ; the State Disaster Management Plan;

the District Disaster Management Guidelines; and any other Guidelines relevant to

district level disaster management and disaster operations.

the development, implementation and monitoring of priorities for disaster management

for the district.

Strategic Policy Framework

Disaster management and disaster operations in the Dalby District are consistent with the

Disaster Management Strategic Policy Framework. This is achieved by:

ensuring a comprehensive, all hazards, all agencies approach by achieving the right

balance of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery;

supporting the mainstreaming of disaster preparedness and mitigation into relevant areas

of activity of government, non-government, small business and corporations;

aligning disaster risk reduction, disaster mitigation, disaster resilience and climate

change adaptation policy and actions with international and national reforms;

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promoting a transparent, systematic and consistent approach to disaster risk assessment

and management, based on the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines and the

Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management –

Principles and guidelines;

recognising the commitment of stakeholders and the need for collaboration across all

levels of government, community, industry, commerce, government owned corporations,

private and volunteer organisations, and local communities in all aspects of disaster


emphasising building and maintaining sincere relationships, trust, teamwork,

consultative decision-making and shared responsibilities among stakeholders; and

promoting community resilience and economic sustainability through disaster risk



This plan details the arrangements necessary to undertake disaster management within the Dalby

disaster district. This includes the local government area of Western Downs Regional Council

with a population of 32, 071.

Disaster Management Priorities

The Dalby Disaster District Annual Operational Plan is utilised to outline, implement, manage

and monitor the identified disaster management priorities within the District

The impact of disaster events may require the implementation of support arrangements under

this Plan. The overarching disaster management priority for the Dalby DDMG is to provide

coordination and support to the LDMG during disaster events.

Review and Renew Plan

In accordance with Section 55 of the Disaster Management Act 2003, the District Disaster

Management Plan is to be reviewed, or renewed, at least once per year.

Upon completion of this annual review, the District Disaster Coordinator is to report to the

DDMG on any action taken.

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Further triggers for review

In addition to the programmed reviews of disaster management plans, there are a range of

conditions that may trigger the need for a disaster management plan to be reviewed outside the

review program, these include:

• an exercise or operational activation of the plan highlights significant deficiencies in

arrangements, systems or processes;

• changes to the boundaries to which the plan is applicable resulting in increased risk levels;

• changes within the environment, community population, demographics or hazards resulting in

increased risk levels;

• changes to available resources or agencies with a role in delivery of disaster management

response and recovery which impacts on group capability;

• changes to State disaster management guidelines or doctrine; or

• at the request of the DDC.

Where one or more of these triggers are identified within the district, a plan review should be

undertaken as soon as practical, regardless of the existing timeframes of programmed reviews.

Implementation of Corrective Action Recommendations

It is important that where an assessment report outlines corrective action recommendations to a

disaster management plan that these issues are addressed in a timely manner. The Executive

Officer is responsible for ensuring corrective action recommendations are actioned and adopted

by the DDMG.

Review of Local Disaster Management Arrangements

In accordance with Section 23(d) of the Disaster Management Act, the Dalby District Disaster

Management Group will regularly review and assess the disaster management of the Local

Disaster Management Group within the district.

Review of disaster management of the Local Disaster Management Group will be undertaken

through participation in LDMG meetings and training exercises and liaison with Queensland Fire

& Emergency Service (Emergency Management) (QFES EM).

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District Disaster Management Group


The Dalby District Disaster Management Group has been established by virtue of s.22 of the

Disaster Management Act 2003. DDMGs provide a whole of government planning and

coordination capacity to support local governments in disaster operations and provide resource

gap assistance to disaster affected communities, when requested by LDMGs. DDMGs are

responsible to the QDMC for all aspects of the State Government’s capabilities in disaster

management for their District.


Membership of the Dalby Disaster District Management Group is subject to amendment from

time to time upon motion of the DDMG and approval by the Chief Executive, Queensland Fire

and Emergency Services. These members may attend meetings as invited, but allows for the

management of a quorum under the Act. Advisors will be appointed as required. Advisors do not

have voting rights, but are invited to contribute to the meetings upon invitation and would benefit

from the distribution of information and minutes.

Agencies are responsible for the appointment of appropriate representatives as DDMG members.

In order to ensure appropriate organisational positions are appointed it is suggested that the

participating agency nominates a designated position as a DDMG member. The agency nominee

should be at a level that can commit the resources of the agency in accordance with the agency’s

jurisdictional responsibilities and / or as determined by the agency’s functional plan, following a

risk based analysis, with the full authority and responsibility of the agency’s Chief Executive.

Section 40 DMA states a quorum “is equal to one half of the members plus one”.

Membership of the Dalby DDMG consists of representatives from the below listed departments

and agencies in accordance with Section 24 of the Disaster Management Act 2003. The Dalby

District Disaster Management Group contact list is available upon application from:

District Disaster Co-ordinator

Dalby-Burnett Patrol Office

P. O. Box 420

Dalby 4405.

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Core Membership of the District Disaster Management Group is:

1. District Disaster Co-ordinator (Chairperson)

2. Deputy Chairperson

3. Executive Officer

4. Deputy Executive Officer/s

Liaison Officers of the following “Core Member” groups:

5. Department of Transport and Main Roads

6. Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

7. Department of Housing and Public Works

8. Queensland Health

9. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry

10. Queensland Fire & Emergency Services

11. Australian Red Cross

12. Ergon Energy

13. Queensland Ambulance Service

14. Chairperson of the following Local Disaster Management Group: Western Downs

Regional Council

Liaison Officers of the following Agencies:

15. Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (Rural Fire Service)

16. Telstra Country Wide

17. Queensland Health

18. Department of Human Services

19. Coal Seam Gas Industries

20. ABC Southern Queensland

21. Department of Education, Training and Employment

22. Australian Defence Force

23. Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning


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Roles and Responsibilities

Organisation DDMG Position Responsibilities


Police Service

District Disaster


Primary agency responsibility for


Preservation of peace and good


Prevent of crime

Maintain any site as a possible crime


Provide a Disaster Victim

Identification capability

Conduct traffic control, including

assistance with road closures and

maintenance of road blocks

Coordinate evacuation operations

Coordinate search and rescue


Manage the registration of evacuees

and associate inquiries in

conjunction with the Australian Red


Provide security for damaged or

evacuated premises

Respond to and investigate traffic,

rail and air incidents

Department of

Transport and

Main Roads

Core Member

Functional lead agency for road and

transport recovery

Provide information and advice on

the impact of disruptive events on

road, rail aviation and boating

infrastructure as it affects the

transport system.

Enabling an accessible transport

system through reinstating, or

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contributing to the reinstatement of

road, rail and boating infrastructure.

Assisting with the safe movement of

people as a result of mass

evacuation of a disaster affected


Ensuring the capability of logistics

related industries are appropriately

applied to disaster response and

recovery activities

Department of


Child Safety &



Core Member

Functional lead agency for human

and social recovery planning &


Co-ordination of community

recovery services

Department of

Housing & Public


Core Member

Functional lead agency for building



Health Core Member

Functional lead agency for health


Primary agency for Pandemic

Influenza, Biological and

radiological incidents

Provide human-social support for

response and recovery

Provide appropriate pre-hospital

on-site medical and health support

Ensure a whole-of-health emergency

incident management capability to

prevent, respond to, and recover

from any event

Provide appropriate public and

community health risk and

preventative measures information

Provide health emergency incident

information for media


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Department of


Fisheries &


Core Member Primary agency for the containment

and eradication of exotic animal and

plant diseases

Queensland Fire

and Emergency


Core Member

Provide control, management and

pre-incident planning of fires

(structural, landscape and


Provide rescue capability for

persons trapped in any vehicle,

vessel, by height or in confined


Rescue of persons isolated or

entrapped in swiftwater /

floodwater events

Provide advice, chemical analysis

and atmospheric monitoring at

chemical / HazMat incidents

Functional lead agency for warnings

Review, assess and report on the

effectiveness of disaster

management plans

Provision of the Queensland

Disaster Management Training


Provide advice and support in

relation to disaster management

and disaster operations

Coordinate reception operations

Support resupply operations

Coordinate, support and manage the

deployment of Helicopter Rescue


Australian Red

Cross Core Member


Evacuation Centre Coordination

Registration of evacuees

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Ergon Energy Core Member Electricity

Power infrastructure




Core Member

Provide, operate and maintain

ambulance services

Access, assess, treat and transport

sick and/or injured persons

Protect persons from injury or

death, during rescue and other

related activities

Coordinate all volunteer first aid

groups during for major

emergencies and disasters

Provide and support temporary

health infrastructure where required

Participate in search and rescue,

evacuation and victim reception


Participate in Health Facility


Collaborate with Queensland Health

in mass casualty management


Western Downs

Regional Council Core Member

Advocate on behalf of the local


Provide representation and facilitate

collaboration with (and between)

local government.

Telstra Country

Wide Advisory Member


Telephone and SMS alerts


Health Advisory Member Health and wellbeing

Department of

Human Services Advisory Member Community recovery

Coal Seam Gas

(CSG) Industries Advisory Member

Information relating to CSG

Ability to provide local resources

and information during times of

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ABC Southern

Queensland Advisory Member


Community SITREPS

Department of


Training and


Advisory Member

Maintain the safety and wellbeing of

students, staff and volunteers.

Protect critical resources where



Defence Force Advisory Member Provision of support as appropriate

Dept of



Government and


Advisory Member Provision of support as appropriate

Subordinate Groups and Committees (s. 48 of the Act)

The DDMG may establish committees to assist it in performing its functions. These groups and

committees are to provide status reports to the DDMG on a regular basis.


Disaster management group meetings will be held at least once in every 6 month period at a

location decided by the chairperson of the group and in accordance with Sections 39 and 42 of the

Disaster management Act 2003.

Section 40 of the Act states that a quorum is one-half of its members plus one, or if one-half of its

members is not a whole number, the next highest whole number.

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In accordance with Section 23 Disaster Management Act 2003, the Dalby District Disaster

Management Group will regularly review the disaster management plan and provide reports to

the State group about matters relating to disaster management and disaster operations in the

district. This reporting will occur on an annual basis.

The DDC must prepare and provide a written report on an annual basis about the performance by

the DDMG of its functions to the SDMG.

Secretariat Support

The Executive Officer of the Dalby DDMG provides administrative and secretariat support to the


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Disaster Risk Assessment

Community Context

The Western Downs Regional Council covers the towns of Bell, Brigalow, Chinchilla, Condamine,

Dalby, Drillham, Dulacca, Jandowae, Jimbour, Kaimkillenbun, Kogan, Miles, Moonie, Tara, The

Gums, Wandoan and Warra.

Western Downs Regional Council is among the highest local government performers in

Queensland and Australia which covers an area of 37,938 square kilometres. Traversed by

national highways astride the headwaters of the Murray-Darling, the Western Downs region is a

hive of activity and growth through

continued agriculture, manufacturing

and resource diversification.

The region’s population continues to

reverse the trend of rural decline,

increasing to 31,897 in June 2010, a

1.3 % increase on 2009.

The region’s economy also continues

to grow, despite the negative global

environment. Businesses in the

region have diversified from

traditional markets in the agricultural

sector into components, parts and

services for the energy sector. Gross

Regional Product (GRP) was 1.875

billion up 17.4% in 2008/09, almost

double the growth of Queensland.

Mining led this extraordinary growth,

increasing its GRP by over 400% to

overtake Agriculture, Fishing &

Forestry as the largest regional

contributor to GRP.

The energy resources sector, which

comprises coal, coal seam gas, coal

seam gas water, ethanol and power

station development, has the potential to more than triple the gross regional product.

Abundant natural gas and thermal coal reserves are underpinning the region’s economic strength

and driving large-scale infrastructure developments including the $1.2 billion Kogan Creek Power

Station, two gas-fired power stations and multiple coal seam gas projects.

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The region has a number of major highways traversing through its boundaries including the

Warrego Highway, Condamine Highway, Bunya Highway, Moonie Highway and the Leichhardt


The Condamine River, which flows west to the south of Dalby via Chinchilla and Condamine

before flowing into the Balonne River, and its network of tributaries form part of the Murray

Darling Basin. Flooding in the system can cause flooding in Western Downs Regional centres

such as Dalby, Warra, Chinchilla, Condamine and numerous other small communities. Access to

western and northern centres within the State can also become restricted during times of flood

due to major highways being flooded.


Due to the typography of the District, the major threats and as a result, the hazards for disaster

management that have been identified by Local Disaster Management Groups in the district as

potential threats to their communities include, but not limited to,

• Flood

• Severe storm

• Major Transport incident/road/rail/air

• Earthquake / Land slip

• Bush Fire

• Exotic Animal and Plant Disease

• Major HAZCHEM Incident

• Any other event which requires the acquisition and coordination of Disaster

District and/or State resources in support of Local Government.

This may include Biological/Chemical or other terrorist incidents.

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Risk Assessment

In accordance with the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines August 2009, the Dalby

District Disaster Management Group conducted a district risk assessment and developed a risk

assessment register incorporating risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation for the

disaster district. Refer to Annexure B.

Risk Treatment

In accordance with Section 7.1.4 of the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines August

2009, no residual district level risks have been identified which require the development and

implementation of a Risk Treatment Plan.

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Capacity Building

Community Awareness

In accordance with Section 23(f) of the Disaster Management Act 2003, the Dalby District

Disaster Management Group has identified the following key strategies to address community


Planning and preparedness awareness program for residents of the community

outlining basic steps residents can undertake to prepare for and respond to evacuation

(including the storage of basic human needs items) and damage to infrastructure to

mitigate the adverse affects of an event.

Planning and preparedness awareness program for residents of the community

outlining basic steps home and land owners can undertake to mitigate the adverse

affects of an event.

Annual review of LDMG plans by Executive Officer to ensure the inclusion and

activation of recovery provisions where appropriate.

Annual review of DDMG plan by Executive Officer to review the inclusion and

activation of recovery provisions where appropriate.


Key Strategies to provide relevant and appropriate training to members of the DDMG and other

relevant stakeholders of the district disaster management arrangements are contained within the

‘Dalby District Disaster Management Group Training Proposal’.

Refer to Annexure D.

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To ensure an appropriate system of monitoring and review of the Dalby DDMP in accordance

with Section 55 of the Disaster Management Act 2003 and district disaster management

arrangements generally, key strategies relating to the conduct of exercises at district level will


Facilitation and conduct of desktop training exercises annually which are relevant to the

disaster management priorities and hazards identified within the Dalby DDMP

Facilitation and conduct of a full practical exercise involving all members of the Dalby

DDMG on an annual basis or as deemed necessary by the DDC.

These exercises will be utilised as a tool by the Dalby DDMG to review the effectiveness of the


To ensure transparency and impartiality, these exercises will be overviewed, reviewed and

evaluated by an independent member of the SDCC or appropriate DDC as determined by the

Dalby DDC.

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Post-Disaster Assessment

Key strategies associated with the conduct of Post – Disaster Assessments will include:

Full debrief of all DDMG activations in accordance with Section 1.4.8 of the Queensland

Police Service Operational Procedures Manual after all disaster activations of the group.

These debriefs will be utilised as a tool by the Dalby DDMG to review the effectiveness of the

DDMP in accordance with Section 55 of the Disaster Management Act 2003.

The review of operational activities undertaken during a disaster is a key component in ensuring

capability development and the continuous improvement of disaster management arrangements.

Post‐disaster reviews are conducted to:

• assess disaster operations undertaken for a given disaster including actions,

decisions or processes;

• document those processes that worked well and identify a course of action to

ensure that they are captured and updated in relevant doctrine for use in the next operation; and

• assess capability and consider where additional training and/or exercises may

enhance capacity.

The review of operations is conducted through two forms of debrief:

Hot debrief undertaken immediately after operations are complete, giving participants the

opportunity to share learning points while the experience is still very fresh in their minds.

Multiple hot‐debriefs during protracted operations may be appropriate to identify significant

issues and provide prompt solutions for immediate implementation.

Post‐event debrief held days or weeks after an operation, when participants have had an

opportunity to take a considered view of the effectiveness of the operation.

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Response Strategy

Warning Notification and Dissemination

Relevant warnings to the threats which impact on the district will predominantly be

issued by the Bureau of Meteorology including, but not limited to include Severe

Weather Warnings and Flood Warnings.

It will be the responsibility of the DDMG to notify and disseminate of these warning

products to members of the DDMG, the LDMG and in the case of some DDMG member

agencies, elements of the community, supporting facilities and infrastructure where


DDMG members will receive warning products via a number of means.

The DDC will receive notification directly from the State Disaster Coordination Centre (SDCC)

and internally through Queensland Police Service Communication Centres. The DDC will ensure

the dissemination of warnings to the LDMG.

DDMG member agencies will be notified by telephone and email utilising information provided

by each agency on the Contact List and may also receive notification from internal agency central


A number of agencies will also receive warnings directly from the Bureau of Meteorology.

Details regarding responsibility for notification processes within DDMG member agencies are

detailed in respective agency plans. Agency plans will include detailed contact registers to achieve

dissemination of warnings.

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The DDC is responsible for activating the DDMG. This would generally occur following

consultation with one or more of the Chair of the QDMC and/or DDMG, the Chair of the LDMG, a

member of the DDMG and/or a member of a response agency.

The four levels of activation are fully detailed in Annexure C.

District Disaster Coordination Centre

The primary location for the Dalby DDCC will be the Dalby-Burnett Patrol Office, Police Station,

47 Drayton Street, Dalby, Qld, 4405.

The contingency coordination centre will be the Queensland Ambulance Service, 156 Cunningham

Street, Dalby, Qld, 4405, or as nominated by the District Disaster Co-ordinator.

Standard Operational Procedures for the management of the DDCC have been developed and are

available from the Executive Officer, Dalby DDMG.

Concept of Operations for Response

Operational Reporting

Situation Reports

All participating organisations involved in operations shall submit Situation Reports (SITREPS)

to the District Disaster Co-ordinator in the prescribed form and in accordance with the following


• upon activation of Local Disaster Management Plan

• 1600 hours daily

• As the situation changes

• As requested by the District Disaster Co-ordinator

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The Disaster District will provide SITREPS to the State Disaster Coordination Centre, LDMG

Chairpersons and Functional Agencies as deemed necessary by the District Disaster Co-ordinator.

Financial Management

Financial management processes for the recording of expenses incurred by Queensland Police

Service Staff during a disaster for application for NDRRA funding is outlined in attached

Annexure E.

Expenditure is on a cost‐recovery basis, and must meet current Queensland Disaster Relief and

Recovery Arrangements Guidelines to be considered for reimbursement.

Each support agency is responsible for providing their own financial services and support to its

response operations relevant to their agency.

Disaster financial assistance arrangements

There are two sets of financial arrangements which, if activated by the Minister for Police, Fire

and Emergency Services, provide financial support to Queensland communities impacted by a

disaster event through the reimbursement of eligible expenditure:

State Disaster Relief Arrangements

The intent of the SDRA is to assist in the relief of communities whose social wellbeing has been

severely affected by a disaster event (natural or non-natural). SDRA is state-funded, and therefore

not subject to the Australian Government imposed event eligibility provisions or the activation

threshold that exists under NDRRA. As a consequence, SDRA is able to address a wider range of

disaster events and circumstances where personal hardship exists.

Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

The intent of the NDRRA is to assist the relief and recovery of communities whose social,

financial and economic wellbeing has been severely affected by a natural disaster or terrorism

event. The arrangements provide a cost sharing formula between the State and Australian

Government and include a range of pre-agreed relief measures.

To claim for expenditure reimbursement under SDRA or NDRRA arrangements:

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• the relevant arrangements must be activated;

• the relevant relief measures must be activated and the expenditure must meet the eligibility

requirements of that measure; and

• documentary support for all eligible expenditure detailed in the claim must be provided by the


The activation of SDRA or NDRRA and the declaration of a disaster situation are not interlinked

or co-dependent.

Media Management

Management of the media will be coordinated through the Media and Public Relations Branch or

as nominated by the District Disaster Coordinator.

All media releases concerning Disaster District related support operations must be authorised by

the District Disaster Co-ordinator.

Accessing Support and Allocation of Resources

Requests for Assistance

The Western Downs Local Disaster Management Group shall submit their requests for assistance

on the prescribed form to the District Disaster Co-ordinator. Requests that cannot be met at

Disaster District level shall be submitted to the State Disaster Coordination Centre for actioning.

Disaster Declaration

A declaration of a disaster situation shall be made by the District Disaster Co-ordinator with the

approval of the Minister, and in consultation with the respective local government/s (Section 64 -

68 of the Disaster Management Act 2003).

Any such Declaration made pursuant to the above shall:

• be in the prescribed form;

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• starts when it is declared; and

• will continue for fourteen (14) days from and including the date the declaration

was made unless sooner revoked by the Minister or the Minister extends the

period of the disaster declaration situation beyond the end of the 14 days.


In accordance with Queensland Government policy ‘Resupplying Isolated Communities Policy

and Procedures’, the following applies;

The QFES member on the DDMG is to examine each request for a resupply operation

and, if it is considered an operation is warranted, refer the request to the DDC

accompanied by pertinent recommendations.

DDCs are responsible for ensuring that any request for resupply from the LDMG that is in

accordance with the resupply policy is approved. No requests from LDMGs for resupply

operations are to be referred to the State Disaster Coordination Centre (SDCC) until they

have been endorsed by the DDC.

DDCs should be aware they are requesting operations that may be unbudgeted for and

not claimable under NDRRA. They are accountable for their decision in committing State

Government funds and should not support the resupply if it does not meet the

requirements of this guideline. Such requests should be clearly identified to the

Commissioner, QFES when the request is sent to the SDCC.

DDCs will also be responsible for:

a. Wherever practicable, satisfying requests for resupply operations to isolated

communities by using resources available to them, in accordance with instructions

issued by the Commissioner, QFES. Details of three local competitive quotes for the

transportation of the resupply goods should be forwarded to the SDCC;

b. Monitoring resupply operations in their Disaster District to ensure the most efficient

use of resources.

QFES member will be responsible for:

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a. Where it has been determined that the SDCC will be making arrangements for

satisfying requests for resupply operations, collate all requests from the LDMG, seek

DDC approval and pass them to the SDCC in accordance with directions from the


b. Checking the LDMG requests for resupply to ensure they comply with the guidelines

before processing them any further. Where any apparent discrepancies arise, that

cannot be resolved with the LDMG, they are to be referred to the DDC for resolution

c. Where variations to the ‘essential supplies’ guidelines are being sought by a LDMG,

examining those requests and making recommendations on them to the DDC; and

d. Liaise with major mail centre to ensure delivery of essential mail.

NOTE: If suitable resources are available to a DDC within the Disaster District, the

Commissioner, QFES may authorise the DDC to contract those resources for the

task(s) – in these cases, the SDCC will raise a purchase order and be responsible for

payment of the resource. A report on the progress of each operation is to be included

in the DDC’s daily Situation Report (SITREP) to the SDCC.

District Resupply Operation

If a DDC organises a resupply operation from within District resources they should ensure that

suitable measures have been activated under SDRA or NDRRA to ensure cost recovery. If such

measures are NOT activated, then they should seek State approval under this policy to ensure

financial cover is available.

The DDC should ensure that provision is made for the carriage of mail when applicable.

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Functional Plans

The following functional plans will be held as a separate document by the Executive Officer, Dalby

District Disaster Management Group:

Queensland Resupply Guidelines

Western Downs Regional Council Local Disaster Management Plan

Western Downs Regional Council Evacuation Plan

Dalby District Human and Social Recovery Plan

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Hazard Specific Arrangements

Incident management plans relating to the following organisations who are currently conducting

activities within the boundaries of the Western Downs Regional Council area will be held as a

separate document by the Executive Officer, Dalby District Disaster Management Group:

Queensland Gas Corporation

Origin Energy

Arrow Energy

Power Stations located within Western Downs Regional Council area

Hazard specific plans relating to the following topics will also be held as a separate document by

the Executive Officer, Dalby District Disaster Management Group:

Influenza Pandemic

Animal Disease

Plant Disease


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Recovery Strategy

The Dalby DDMG recovery strategies, incorporating human-social, infrastructure, economic and

environmental factors are contained within the Dalby District Human and Social Recovery Plan

prepared by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.

The Human and Social Recovery Plan is to be reviewed annually by the Executive Officer in

conjunction with QFES. This review is to be conducted by 31 December of each year.

This recovery strategy provides a framework and a guide for the DDMG to manage the recovery

process. Disaster recovery is a continuous process from relief/short term recovery through

medium/long term recovery to the resumption of normal business. This strategy has been

developed to be flexible and to enable scaling up and down of recovery processes as required.

This recovery strategy is supported by the procedures outlined in the Queensland Recovery



This recovery strategy has been developed to:

include all functions of recovery (human-social, infrastructure, economic and environmental);

define broad parameters for effective coordination of recovery in the district;

identify constraints for recovery at district level; and

identify for each recovery function, a broad scale of recovery that can be managed at district


Functions of recovery

For the purpose of effective coordination aspects of recovery are conceptually grouped into four

functions. It is important to acknowledge that the four functions of recovery overlap and recovery

arrangements must reflect the inter-relationship between each of these functions.

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Human-social recovery includes personal support and information, physical health and

emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural and social well-being, public safety and education,

temporary accommodation, financial assistance to meet immediate individual needs and

uninsured household loss and damage.

The functional lead agency for human-social recovery is the Department of Communities, Child

Safety and Disability Services.


Infrastructure, or built environment, recovery includes repair and reconstruction of residential

and public buildings, commercial, industrial and rural buildings and structures, government

structures, utility structures, systems and services (water, sewage, energy, communications) and

other essential services and dam safety.

The functional lead agency for infrastructure recovery is the Department of Housing and Public



Economic recovery includes renewal and growth of the micro economy (within the affected area)

and the macro economy (overall economic activity of the state). Economic recovery includes

individual and household entities (e.g. employment, income, insurance claims), private and

government business enterprises and industry. It includes assets, production and flow of goods

and services. It includes capacity for the export of goods and services from the affected region,

and securing confidence of overseas markets.

The functional lead agency for economic recovery is the Department of State Development.

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Environment, or natural environment, recovery includes restoration and regeneration of

biodiversity (species and plants) and ecosystems, natural resources, environmental infrastructure,

amenity/aesthetics (e.g. scenic lookouts), culturally significant sites and heritage structures. It

includes managements of environmental health, waste, contamination and pollution and

hazardous materials.

The functional lead agency for environmental recovery is Department of Environment and

Heritage Protection.

Roads and Transport:

Roads and Transport includes the repair and reconstruction of the state road network and

waterways. It oversees the return of air operations and continued traffic management of vehicles

and vessels.

The functional lead agency for roads and transport recovery is the Department of Transport and

Main Roads.


The district recovery strategy may be activated upon direction from the DDC or the QDMC.

District recovery arrangements will be activated to ‘alert’ once the response phase has reached the

‘lean forward’ level of activation and should continue to follow the response phase through the

levels of activation. Depending on the nature, location and size of the event, recovery operations

may be managed at either the local level or through a combination of local and district

arrangements. The DDMG and functional lead agencies will work together with affected LDMGs

to accomplish recovery operations for an affected area.

Planning for response and recovery operations occurs simultaneously at the alert stage. Once the

response phase reaches lean forward, recovery agencies will be implementing preparation

activities. This may include pre-impact assessment, undertaking operational preparedness, and

consideration of coordination and service delivery arrangements across the five functions of

recovery. Pre and post-impact assessment information is essential to assist in recovery planning.

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The level of district support required in the medium/long term recovery phase will be dependent

on the recovery structure advised by the QDMC for each specific event.

Recovery Alert Triggers

• Response phase at ‘lean forward’ level of activation


• Potential actions and risks identified

• Information sharing commences

• Initial advice to all recovery stakeholders

Recovery Lean Forward Triggers

• Response phase ‘stand up’ level of activation

• Immediate relief arrangements are required during response phase


• Monitoring of response arrangements

• Analysis of hazard impact or potential impact

• Relief and recovery planning commences

• Deployments for immediate relief commenced by recovery functional agencies

• Regular reporting

Recovery Stand Up Triggers

• Response phase moves to ‘stand down’ level of activation

• Immediate relief arrangements continue

• Medium term recovery commences.


• Recovery plan activated

• Deployments for immediate relief response

• Action plans for four functions of recovery activated as required

• Community information strategy employed

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• Participate in response debrief

• Transition arrangements from ‘response and recovery’ to ‘recovery’ activated

• Action plans for four functions of recovery continue

• Community information strategies continue

• Regular reporting to DDC/QDMC/SDC

Recovery Stand Down


• Consolidate financial records

• Reporting requirements finalised

• Participate in recovery debrief

• Participate in post event debrief

• Post event review and evaluation

• Long term recovery arrangements transferred to functional lead agencies

• Return to core business

The level of district support required in the medium/long term recovery phase will be dependent

on the recovery structure advised by the QDMC for each specific event.

Immediate/Short Term Recovery

The immediate/short term recovery phase occurs concurrently to response operations.

Immediate/short term recovery activities of the DDMG will typically include:

supporting the LDMG to ensure the conduct of rapid damage and need assessment;

supporting the LDMG to ensure the provision of immediate community services (e.g. health

services, food, clothing and shelter, financial relief);

supporting the LDMG to ensure the restoration of critical utilities and services; and

supporting the LDMG to ensure the provision of temporary housing.

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During this phase it should be decided whether there will be a requirement for medium/long term

recovery; the type of recovery assistance will be required from the DDMG and the timeframe for

the transition to the medium/long term recovery.

Transition Triggers

The DDMG will utilise the following as triggers to commence the process of transition from

immediate/short term to medium/long term recovery:

emergency is contained;

no further hazard or secondary threats are likely in the near future;

response organisations cease their activities;

public safety measures are in place and work effectively;

evacuation centres have closed; or

initial rehabilitation has commenced.

The appointment of the Recovery Coordinator should take place at the latest during the transition

phase and preferably during the response/short term recovery phase of the event.

Medium/Long Term Recovery

The level of support required by the DDMG during the medium /long term recovery phase will be

dependant on the nature and scale of the disaster. The level of involvement of the DDMG may

range from supplementation of a Local Recovery Group to the establishment of a District

Recovery Group.

District Recovery Group

Where appropriate to the scale of the disaster the medium/long term recovery phase may include

the establishment of a District Recovery Group with specific membership appointed as

appropriate to the type of event and functions of recovery.

Where a District Recovery Group is established, the recovery coordination is handed over to the

Recovery Coordinator who will be the DDC or a person appointed by the DDC.

The medium/long term District Recovery Group will comprise any or all members of the DDMG,

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and any additional invited members as required. Organisations that are not members of the

DDMG may be invited where required, for example: Chambers of Commerce, insurance

companies, major employment (industry) organisations in the area.

Once established the District Recovery Group will be provided with a Terms of Reference specific

to the event. The District Recovery Group should develop an Action Plan to meet the

requirements of the Terms of Reference.

District Actions/Resources

The following table identifies for each recovery component a broad scale of recovery actions and

resources that can be managed at the district level. This incorporates recovery actions and

resources that may be undertaken as an element of a District Recovery Group or where assistance

from the district is provided through the injection of district resources into the local government

recovery group.

Recovery Component Supporting Actions / Resources

Human–Social Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability


Building Department of Housing & Public Works

Economic Department of State Development

Environment Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Roads and Transport Department of Transport & Main Roads

Transition to Normal Business

The conclusion of the recovery phase will be determined by the relevant Recovery Group. The

Recovery Group will manage the recovery process for as long as whole of government recovery

support is required, the Terms of Reference for the Group have been achieved and until

government recovery agencies have the capacity to accept the management of the workload

within the agencies core business processes.

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Annexure Index

A Distribution List

B Dalby District Risk Register

C District Levels of Activation for Response Arrangements

D Dalby District Disaster Management Group Training Proposal

E Financial Management Processes

F Western Downs Regional Council Locality Map

G Water Catchment Area - Condamine River

H Water Catchment Area – Upper Condamine River

I Water Catchment Area – Myall Creek

J National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines

K District Disaster Management Guidelines

L Queensland Resupply Guidelines

M Dalby District DDMG Contact List.

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Distribution List

Position Organisation Hard

Copy √


Copy √





Dalby District Disaster Management Group


Queensland Police Service

√ √

Deputy DDC Dalby DDMG

Queensland Police Service √ √


Officer (XO)

Dalby DDMG

Queensland Police Service √ √

Deputy XO Dalby DDMG

Queensland Police Service √



Southern Region

Queensland Police Service √



Operations Support Command

Queensland Police Service √

Chairperson Queensland Disaster Management

Committee √



Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

(Emergency Management) √

Chairperson Western Downs Regional Council

Local Disaster Management Group √

Representative Department of Transport and Main Roads √

Representative Department of Communities, Child Safety &

Disability Services √

Representative Department of Housing & Public Works √

Representative Department of Health √

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Representative Department of Agriculture, Fisheries &

Forestry √

Representative Australian Red Cross √

Representative Ergon Energy √

Representative Queensland Ambulance Service √

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Dalby District Risk Register

Risk Identification (District level risks only)


No. Risk Statement Source Impact Category


Controls Recovery/Response Controls


There is the potential that flooding may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to heavy rainfall in river catchment areas

which may cause residents to become

isolated and displaced from their homes.

This may result in the need to evacuate

residents to appropriate evacuation


Flooding People

Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Queensland Police Service

State Emergency Service

Local Councils

Australian Red Cross

Volunteer Organisations


There is the potential that flooding may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to heavy rainfall in river catchment areas

which may require individual properties

and townships to be resupplied with food

stuffs and medical supplies.

Flooding People

Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Requests for Assistance to

SDCC for aerial resupply.

QFES (Emergency



There is the potential that flooding may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to heavy rainfall in river catchment areas

which may cause significant damage to

infrastructure, utilities and service


Flooding Infrastructure

Community Awareness

Public Education

Business Continuity Plans

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There is the potential that bush fire may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to high levels of natural fuel which may cause residents to become isolated and

displaced from their homes. This may

result in the need to evacuate residents to

appropriate evacuation centres.

Bush Fire People

Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Queensland Police Service


Local Councils


Australian Red Cross

Volunteer Organisations

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There is the potential that bush fire may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to high levels of natural fuel which may

require individual properties and

townships to be resupplied with food

stuffs and medical supplies.

Bush Fire People

Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Requests for Assistance to

SDCC for aerial resupply.

QFES (Emergency



There is the potential that bush fire may

occur throughout the disaster district due

to high levels of natural fuel which may

cause significant damage and disruption

to infrastructure, utilities and service delivery.

Bush Fire Infrastructure

Community Awareness

Public Education

Business Continuity Plans


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Risk Analysis


No Level of Existing PP Controls Level of Existing RR Controls Consequence Likelihood Risk




Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Queensland Police Service

Qld Fire & Emergency Services

Local Council

Australian Red Cross

Volunteer Organisations

Major Possible High High


Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Requests for Assistance to SDCC

for aerial resupply.

Qld Fire & Emergency Services

(Emergency Management)

Major Possible High High


Community Awareness

Public Education

Business Continuity Plans Major Possible High High


Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Queensland Police Service

Qld Fire & Emergency Services

Local Council

Australian Red Cross

Volunteer Organisations

Major Possible High High

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Community Awareness

Public Education


Early Warning Systems

Requests for Assistance to SDCC

for aerial resupply.

Qld Fire & Emergency Services

(Emergency Management)

Major Possible High High


Community Awareness

Public Education

Business Continuity Plans

Qld Fire & Emergency Services Major Possible High High

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Risk Evaluation


No Tolerability Treatment Strategies






Risk Further Action

1 Broadly Acceptable Anything local group can’t address is our

risk – how can we address

No further treatment

of analysis required

2 Broadly Acceptable No further treatment

of analysis required

3 Broadly Acceptable No further treatment

of analysis required

4 Broadly Acceptable No further treatment

of analysis required

5 Broadly Acceptable No further treatment

of analysis required

6 Broadly Acceptable No further treatment

of analysis required

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District Levels of Activation for Response Arrangements TRIGGERS ACTIONS COMMUNICATIONS

ALERT One or more LDMGs


Awareness that threat may be


XO brief DDC on activation

level of LDMG/s

Analysis of threat

Contact LDC/s

DDC and XO on mobile




Potential requirement for

DDMG to coordinate disaster

operations or provide support

because of threat level or

resource requirements

Maintain contact with LDC/s

Communication procedures


Planning commenced for

support to DDCC and staff


Advise State regarding status


Establish contacts & set up

communication systems

Receipt of Sitreps from


Brief DDMG core members

Planning for potential support

DDC, XO and DDMG members

on mobile and monitoring

email remotely

Ad-hoc reporting

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to LDMG/s.

STAND UP Request for support received

from LDCC/s

Large threat is imminent with

impact in District

Coordinated support required

Significant State resources


Develop situational awareness

Pass on urgent warnings

Initial Sitrep to SDCC

DDCC activated and roster


Forward planning commenced

SDCC advised DDMG stood up

Regular Sitreps provided to


Logistics, operations, planning

and administrative cells in


Coordination of State Disaster


DDCC contact through

established land lines and

generic email addresses

DDC, XO and DDMG members

present at DDCC, on

established land lines and/or

mobiles, monitorinig emails

STAND DOWN LDMG/s stood down from


Recovery arrangements


Final checks for outstanding


Assist LDMG/s to transition to


Debrief of staff in DDCC &

DDMG members

DDMG members not involved in

recovery operations resume

standard business and after hours

contact arrangements

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Consolidate financial records

Final situation report sent to


Hand over to Recovery

Coordinator (if appointed)

Return to core business

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Dalby District Disaster Management Group Training Proposal

Purpose: Identification of relevant and valid training for members of the Dalby District Disaster Management Group.

1. Organisation: Dalby District Disaster Management Group

2. Date: September 2016

3. Analyst: Executive Officer, Sergeant Brett HUNTER

4. Dalby DDMG Chairperson: Inspector Michael BIANCHI

5. Desired Outcome: Relevant and valid training of members of the Dalby DDMG in nationally recognised disaster management training

courses as required by their role and responsibilities.

Goals 1. This training is targeted to assist the Dalby DDMG to provide credibility and professionalism in meeting the requirements of the planning,

preparedness, response and recovery phases of disaster management.

2. The Dalby DDMG and members will benefit from this training through the acquirement of the knowledge and skills required to fulfil their

roles and responsibilities in relation to disaster management.

3. This training will bridge the considerable formal training and skills gap which currently exists within the membership of the Dalby DDMG.

4. This training will provide the membership of the Dalby DDMG with the required competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) for

members to prepare and review departmental disaster management plans.

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5. The level of goal achievement and outcomes from this training will be measured through the successful completion of certificate and

diploma level qualifications and review of Local Disaster Management Plans.

Target Population 1. The target group to receive training is the ‘core’ members of the DDMG as identified in the Dalby District Disaster Management Plan and

identified Queensland Police Service key staff.

2. Training for the Dalby DDMG members will be ongoing and developmental as required/identified by the annual review of the Dalby


Type of Training 1. Training is proposed at three levels (information session, Certificate IV level and diploma level) dependent on the role and responsibilities

of the DDMG member. This information is outlined in the Dalby DDMG Training Needs Template.

2. Proposed level of training to be delivered;

Information Session – Executive Officer

Certificate IV – Emergency Management Australia or equivalent

Diploma - Emergency Management Australia or equivalent

Queensland Disaster Management Training Framework – QFES EM

Advanced Diploma – Regional College of Disaster Management

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Alternatives 1. If the proposed training is not delivered, the Dalby DDMP and relevant departmental disaster management plans prepared by DDMG

representatives may not be prepared in accordance with relevant legislation and Queensland State Government policy.

2. Restrictions and limitations currently exist for the Dalby DDMG in delivering these training programs due to the absence of a suitably

qualified trainer.

3. In order to achieve the desired outcomes of the training proposal, relevant and qualified training providers are requested to be provided

by the State Disaster Coordination Group.

Training Proposal Planning 1. Estimated timeline: Ongoing as deemed necessary by annual reviews of the Dalby DDMP.

2. Estimated budgeting: Budgetary requirements are unknown due to the level of commitment to be provided by the State Disaster

Coordination Group.

3. Personal or resources required: Access to Emergency Management Australia training providers or suitably qualified training providers

from the Queensland Police Service.

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Level Training Required

Position on DDMG Agency Info












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Chairperson QPS X X X X X X

Executive Officer QPS X X X X X XDistrict Representative WDRC X X X X X X

Dept Health X X X X


Dept TMR X X X X X



QPS Personnel

Officer in Charge QPS X X X X X

Shift Supervisor QPS X X X X

Dalby District Disaster Management Group Training Need Analysis

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Dept TMR X X X X X




QPS Personnel

Officer in Charge QPS X X X X X

Shift Supervisor QPS X X X X

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Financial Management Processes

1. Corporate Card purchases

Cardholders are to organise their documentation and begin costing the invoices in SDOL as soon as possible after expenditure so that all costing

are completed in the system by COB each Friday.

Cardholders are to ensure all documentation has been obtained from suppliers. If invoices have not been obtained due to extreme emergency

situations, a statutory declaration will be required to be completed for each purchase.

2. Account codes

Some of the account codes that will be relevant to the operations to ensure consistency of coding and accuracy include:

530296 Staff Amenities: To record costs associated with staff amenities e.g. purchases of ice;

530304 Plant and Equipment <$5,000: To record cost of purchasing plant and equipment which is immaterial in nature and is not a

portable and attractive item. Items greater than $1,000 but less than $5,000 will need to be recorded on local plant registers or as

attractive items;

525001 Motor Vehicles Hire External: Costs of leasing vehicles from suppliers external to the Queensland government, other than Q-Fleet;

525025 Motor Vehicle Accessories: Accessories purchased for motor vehicles e.g.: flor mats, etc which is not a repair;

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520507 Protective Equipment: Protective equipment such as duress alarms, protective goggles, earplugs, hats, gloves, respirators etc used

by staff for workplace health and safety purposes;

530012 Equipment Rental Operating Lease: Rental or hire of office equipment excluding IT Equipment Rental (see account 528000). Also

includes rental of toilets, cold rooms etc;

530013 Freight & Cartage (incl. Railway Charges): Freight charges, including railway charges and courier services;

530035 Stores & Stationery: Costs of general office stationery and supplies. These include computer disks and CDs, binding and

laminating products. However, paper is coded to 530036; Toner is coded to 530037; Cleaning products are coded to 524004; Key cutting

is coded to 524014;

530036 Paper Plain & Coloured Card Supplies: All plain and coloured paper and card supplies purchased for any purpose;

530201 Medical Services: STAFF ONLY includes all payments for the provision of optometric, dental, G.P and specialists services (e.g. fees

and reports);

530011 Refreshments & Light Meals: Catering for light meals/refreshments (excluding Alcohol) during the work day. Includes tea, coffee

and milk, water, lunches/meals supplied to counter disaster teams;

525000 Motor Vehicles Fuel Oil: Payment for petrol, diesel, oil, etc for departmental motor vehicles or equipment such as generators.

Please check the Finance Division chart of accounts expenditure listing using the search functionality for the full list of expense account codes and

account definitions.

3. Overtime payments

It is very important that all approved Overtime is tracked on the NDRRA template spreadsheet (an electronic copy of the spreadsheet will be

available to the LDCC and DDCC when activated). An updated copy of this spreadsheet is to be forwarded by the Dalby Patrol Office to the

Southern Region Finance Officer as directed to validate the Overtime costs to date.

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4. Travel allowance claims

All Travelling Allowance claims are to be coordinated at a Patrol Office level to ensure accuracy and consistency.

5. Cost Centre Code

The relevant cost centre code to be used to capture disaster related expenditure for the Dalby Disaster District will be provided by the Finance

Officer, Southern Region.

Should any clarification be required in relation to financial management or purchasing, contact is to be made with the Finance Officer, Southern

Region on Telephone: 07 4631 6742.

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Western Downs Regional Council Locality Map

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Water Catchment Area – Condamine River

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Water Catchment Area – Upper Condamine River

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Water Catchment Area – Myall Creek

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National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines October 2010


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District Disaster Management Guidelines


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Queensland Resupply Guidelines, December 2010


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This list is to be of Authorised Representatives of the Relevant Organisations

Telephone Numbers are not to be used from this list for any reason other than dut ies pert inent to this group.

District Disaster Coordinator (as appointed under Section 25 of the DM Act)








Qld Police


Inspector Patrol Office,

P.O. Box 420,

Dalby 4405

Deputy Chairperson (as appointed under Section 25 of the DM Act)

Qld Police




Police Station,

P.O. Box 420,

Dalby 4405

Executive Officer (as appointed under Section 27 of the DM Act)

Qld Police


Sergeant Patrol Office,

P.O. Box 420,

Dalby 4405

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Deputy Executive Officer (as appointed under Section 27 of the DM Act)

Qld Police


P.O. Box 420,

Dalby 4405

Members (as appointed under Section 24 of the DM Act)








Department of

Transport & Main







Department of

Transport & Main



Senior Program

Support Officer

Department of


Child Safety &



Advisor (Client


Department of


Child Safety &




Senior Advisor



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Dept of Housing

& Public Works,

Building & Asset

Services – South

West Region

Client Delivery


Dept of Housing

& Public Works,

Building & Asset

Services – South

West Region









Queensland -

Dept Agriculture,

Fisheries &




Officer, Animal


and Welfare


Queensland –

Dept Agriculture,

Fisheries &




Officer, Animal


and Welfare

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Qld Fire &



Inspector, Area




Qld Fire &




Area Training

and Support


Australian Red






Ergon Energy Manager



Greater Downs

Ergon Energy Work Group

Leader, Dalby

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- Executive








Support Officer

Qld Fire &








Western Downs

Regional Council




Western Downs

Regional Council



Senior Officer

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DDMG Advisors








Qld Fire &


Services (Rural

Fire Service)



South West


Telstra Country





Darling Downs

Public Health

Unit, Qld Health

Manager Environmental


Dept of Human



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Coal Seam Gas



ABC Southern


Chief of Staff

Dept of


Training &





Defence Force

ADF Liaison


Dept of



Government and




