

Upload: jslcasmedia

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Distrubition

Our group will use 'left film distributors', this is an independent film company which has a low budget and is based in the UK. We have chosen this as our project would be locally produced and released.

This company also distributes similar films to ours such as:

- 7'th brace - This film had a budget of £1000 this, in reality, would be very similar to ours as it is a low budget film. This film also had a small distribution location, which is similar to ours.

- Night of the dead - This film also had a budget of around £1000 and was distributed on a local scale.

These films are all low budget independent films which are similar to ours in genre and available resources. This shows that this distribution company matches our aims and ideas, outlining that this company is perfect for our project.