dit societies office whos who guide

2012 Whos who guide Whos who guide 2012 This is a guide to the positions available to students as Student Societies reps and a general whos who in societies. Societies run by students for students www.socs.dit.ie

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A description of the commitees of the DIT Societies office and the positions within.


Page 1: DIT Societies office whos who guide

2012Whos who guideWhos who guide

2012This is a guide to the positions available to students as Student Societies

reps and a general whos who in societies.

Societies run by students for students


Page 2: DIT Societies office whos who guide

IntroductionWelcome to the DIT Societies Guide to the guide to Student Societies reps on DIT Committees

There are many important committees that need student representation on. The DIT Societies Office staff are there to support develop and administer societies but student voices are vital for success

There are 3 DIT Societies Staff

Role of DIT Societies Office summary:- To encourage student involvement in societies and society events.

- To facilitate the development of student societies.

- To proactively support the development of the existing societies on campus.

- To stimulate the growth of new societies to meet the needs of our growing and increasingly diverse student population

- To provide training and leadership development opportunities- To develop & increase participation and opportunities in Student Media and Volunteering

Anita ConwayDIT Societies OfficerHead of Service

Teri O Boyle

DIT Societies development Officer

Volunteering & Communication

TBCDIT Societies Development Officer

Training & Leadership

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Teri O Boyle

DIT Societies development Officer

Volunteering & Communication

What is the DIT Societies Forum?The DIT Societies Forum shall be the organisation of all recognised DIT Student So. The DIT Societies Forum shall be the recognised forum for all DIT Societies recognised by the DIT. The forum is the official meeting for DIT Societies to discuss issues and recommend policy related to societies. Student Societies representative shall be elected at the DIT Societies Forum to relevant DIT Committees. The forum shall facilitate the discussion of matters pertaining to Societies and bring forward recommendations, opinions or motions on such matters through elected student reps.

The elected President of the forum shall be chairperson of the forum and shall preside at all meeting of the forum.

Membership:Membership of the Forum shall consist of all recognised student societies. At meeting of the Forum each society shall be represented by its Chairperson and another member of the societies Committee selected in accordance with the constitution of the society.

Objectives of DIT Societies Forum are:• To provide a forum for communication between recognised Societies and elected reps• To represent the interests of recognised student societies both within DIT and externally• To elect student representatives to sit on the relevant committees.• To provide guidance and support to the elected student reps on policy and issues related to

societies.• To review options and policies related to Societies within the DIT• To form such sub committees as may be necessary

The AGM:The AGM of the Societies’ Forum shall be held in the first term of the academic calender for the purpose of electing officers to:DIT Societies & Events CommitteeDIT Northside Societies CommitteeDIT Southside Societies CommitteeReporting on work done by the out-going Societies’ Student rep,What positions are elected and how?There are 19 positions available through elections as per regulations of the DIT Societies & events committee.To run for election students must be a member of a society and be nominated by 2 different chairpersons/treasurer/secretary form 2 registered DIT Societies. Elections shall take place at the DIT Societies Forum AGM

There shall be:& student reps elected from th Forum to the DIT Societies & Events Commitee (formerly know as DIT Cultural & Social Commitee)• President of DIT Societies Forum• Vice President of DIT SOcieties Forum• Chairperson DIT Southside Societies• Chairperson DIT Northside Societies• Chairperson DIT Student Training & Leadership• Chairperson DIT Student Volunteering Committee• Chairperson DIT STudent Media & Arts Committee6 student elected from the Forum to the DIT Northside Societies Committee6 student elected from the Forum to the DIT Southside Societies CommitteeThe terms of reference of each committee are detailed in this booklet.The societies officer shall be entitled to attend as a nonvoting member at any meeting of the .

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DIT Societies Forum

Name: Jonathan DunneCommitee: PresidentContact: [email protected]

Ideas for Reps:Issued with formal ties/scarves to be worn at:• Meetings with other committees, inside & outside of DIT• Formal Societies events/awards such as the DIT awards and BICS awards.

Aims for Committee:• Greater transparency on Socs’ internal workings so that it is clear that the responsibilities of

each Soc are shared and preformed amongst its committee members.• Develop flow of ideas and suggestions for constructing better facilities for societies in DIT’s

present and future campuses communicating through the Socs’ Forum.• Persuade Socs’ to continue managing the large successful Societies events of the past and

develop new ideas for future events.

Priorities for 2012/13• Stay alive!• Make full use of the present college facilities• Establish a strong, reliable rapport with other college committees• Make the Forum committee positions better known and fun

Name: Fiachra DuffyCommittee: Vice-PresidentContact: [email protected]

Responsibilities: • Attend all Relevant Committee meetings• Chair all Forum meetings• Decide on winners of the DIT Societies Awards• Encourage Societies attendance at Societies Forum meetings• Assist with the running and development of the Societies plans with the

DIT Societies staff to advise, support and develop the societies• Make decisions and propose policy to the DIT Societies & Events

Committees• consider and administer applications to the DIT societies Special Event

Fund and general societies budget

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The President: Jonathan DunneThe President shall be the chief officer and chairperson of the Forum and shall preside at all meetings of the Forum and, unless otherwise specified. The president shall be elected in an electoral process at the Forum AGM.

The president shall•BethespokespersonforDITstudentSocietiesonthevariouscommitteestowhichthe Societies’ has representation on.

•ChairallForummeetings•BetheapointofcontactforSocietiesrelatedissuesforSocietiesCommittees•Co-ordinatetheSocietiesForumwiththeDITSocietiesoffice•ConfirmagendaforSocietiesForumatleastoneweekbeforemeetings.•Starttheprocessofimproving/addressinganyissuessocietiesraise•S/heshalloverseethegoodrunningoftheorganisation.•ReportbacktoForumandGMs•SitonasSocietiesrepresentativeinrelevantDITCommitteesincludingStudentLifeSub Finance Committee•EmailallSocietieswithnews/infooneventsandissues•SeekthegeneralopinionofthemajorityofDITSocietiesandpresentsaidopinionat relevant committees•BeAvailableatleasttwiceaweektosignoffchequerequitionsformsandrequestfrom new societies in DIT Societies Office

Vice President: Fiachra DuffyThe Vice president of the Forum shall be filled in an electoral process at the Forum AGM

The Vice president shall share many of the responsibilities with the president & in the absence of the President the vice president shall take over the responsibilities:

Other Societies Reps Roles and Responsibilities •AttendallRelevantCommittee•ChairallForummeetings(OnlycertainPositions)•ThestudentrepsshallbeallocatedportfoliosVice-treasuer,PROOfficer,Artrepetc•DecideonthewinnersoftheDITSocietiesAwards•EncourageSocietiesattendanceatSocietiesForummeeting•AssistwiththerunninganddevelopmentoftheSocietiesplanswiththeDITSocieties staff to advise, support and develop the societies •MakedecisionsandproposepolicytotheDITSocieties&EventsCommittees•ConsiderandadministerapplicationstotheSocietiesSpecialEventFundandgeneral societies budget•BeAvailableatleasttwiceaweektosignoffchequerequsitionsformsandrequestfrom new societies in DIT Societies Office with the DIT Societies officer (Only certain positions)

DIT Societies Forum

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DIT Societies Forum

Chairperson DIT Southside Societies Chairperson DIT Northside Societies

Chairperson DIT Student Training & Leadership Chairperson DIT Student Volunteering Committee

Chairperson of DIT Student Media & Arts Committee President of DIT Societies & Events Committee

Vice President of DIT Societies & Events CommitteeDIT College DirectorDIT Societies Officer

DIT Societies Development OfficerDIT Student Life Administartor

DIT Campus Life ManagerDIT Student Life Secretary

DITSU Vice President (Services and Trading)DITSU Operation Manager

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Chairperson DIT Southside Societies Chairperson DIT Northside Societies

Chairperson DIT Student Training & Leadership Chairperson DIT Student Volunteering Committee

Chairperson of DIT Student Media & Arts Committee President of DIT Societies & Events Committee

Vice President of DIT Societies & Events CommitteeDIT College DirectorDIT Societies Officer

DIT Societies Development OfficerDIT Student Life Administartor

DIT Campus Life ManagerDIT Student Life Secretary

DITSU Vice President (Services and Trading)DITSU Operation Manager

14 Members7 Students2 DITSU

2 DIT Societies Staff3 DIT Staff

4 Meetings a Year 2 per Semester

DIT Societies & Events Committee (Formly DIT Cultural & Social Committee)

Not students

•Topromotetheinterestsofstudent societies and to act as their representative within the DIT.

•Toelect representatives tositon theSSRS Committee.

•Toelectrepresentativestositonothercommittees as appropriate.

• To seek from the SSRS Committeea proportion of the capitation fund adequatetomeettheneedsofsocieties.

•Todistributegrantstosocietiesoutofthe money allocated to the SEC. by the SSRS Committee, and to oversee the usage of said monies.

•To consider and approve the budgetallocations to the appropriate societies and groups in the Institute based on submissions from these societies and groups to the sub committees and DIT’s Societies organiser who consults with the appropriate stakeholders

• To develop and guide strategies,policies and action plans for the cultural and social activities across the Institute, including culture and social plans for the new campus at Grangegorman

• To provide guidance and support tothe Head of the Societies area and the Societies Office of the Institute

• To monitor the implementation of theCommittee and general Institute policies in societies, groups and related activities in the Institute

• To monitor and ensure compliance ofspending of societies allocations with the agreed terms and objectives approvedby the cultural and social committee’s and adhering to DIT’s financial policy for student activity accounts.• To prompt Annual General Meetingswithin Societies

What does the committee do?

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Chairperson DIT Southside Societies Chairperson DIT Northside Societies

Chairperson DIT Student Training & Leadership Chairperson DIT Student Volunteering Committee

Chairperson of DIT Student Media & Arts Committee President of DIT Societies & Events Committee

Vice President of DIT Societies & Events CommitteeDIT Societies Officer

DIT Societies Development OfficerDITSU V.P. S&T

10 members1 DITSU

2 DIT Societies Staff7 Societies Student Reps

5/6 meeting

DIT Societies & Events Sub Finance Committee

What does the committee do? •To recommend theallocationof theSocieties/ActivitiesandSpecialEventsBudget to the DIT Societies & Events Committee

•To recommend the recognition of a Society to the DIT Societies & EventsCommittee

•TorecommendthewithdrawalofrecognitionofaSocietytotheDITSocieties& Events Committee

•TodistributetheMinutesoftheDITSocieties&EventsSubFinanceCommitteeto the DIT Societies & Events Committee

• To set the minimum subscription fee for Societies before the end of the Academic Year.

•The DIT Cultural & Social Committee decides on the allocation for xxxxxxCultural & Social Committees for all site based Societies

•AllsocietiesareopentoallstaffandstudentsofDIT. Fundingwillonlybeallocated to students.

•TheCommitteesareempoweredtoadminister,inaccordancewithproceduresestablishments by DIT’s Cultural & Social Committee, the budgets and financial accounting of the individual Cultural & Social societies at each site.

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Northside Societies ChairNorthside Vice TresurerNorthside Societies SecretaryNorthside Societies PRO OfficerNorthside Societies Arts Socs RepNorthside Societies Course related society repNorthside GG RepDIT Societies Developement OfficerDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio1x DITSU Convenor (N.S)3x DITSU C&S P.T.O2x DITSU SSA’s 1 Vote

14 members7 Students Societies Reps

5 DITSU2 DIT Societies Staff

Meeting 2/3 Times

Northside Societies Committee

What does the committee do? What is the purpose of this committee ?



•TorecommendthewithdrawalofrecognitionofaSocietytotheDITSocieties& Events Committee.


•TheCommitteesareempoweredtoadminister,inaccordancewithprocedures establishments by DIT Societies & Events Committee, the budgets and financial accounting of the individual Northside societies.

Not students

6 reps from Northside SocietiesNo more than 1 from each Society

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Southside Societies ChairSouthside Vice TresurerSouthside Societies SecretarySouthside Societies PRO OfficerSouthside Societies Arts Socs RepSouthside Societies Course related society repSouthside GG RepDIT Societies Developement OfficerDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio1x DITSU Convenor (N.S)3x DITSU C&S P.T.O2x DITSU SSA’s 1 Vote

14 members7 Students Societies Reps

5 DITSU2 DIT Societies Staff

Meeting 2/3 Times

Southside Societies Committee

Not students

What does the committee do? What is the purpose of this committee ?



•TorecommendthewithdrawalofrecognitionofaSocietytotheDITSocieties& Events Committee.


•TheCommitteesareempoweredtoadminister,inaccordancewithprocedures establishments by DIT Societies & Events Committee, the budgets and financial accounting of the individual Northside societies.

6 reps from Southside SocietiesNo more than 1 from each Society

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Name: Cassie DelaneyCommitee: Student VolunteeringContact: [email protected]

Aims for Committee:• Meet to discuss promotion of volunteering throughout DIT.• Organise more once off events.

Priorities for 2012/13• More volunteering events/involvement - increase student

involvment.• Improve facilities.

Name: Max FedorovCommittee: Northside SocietiesContact: [email protected]

Aims of Committee:• Budget delegation between Northside Societies• Key decision making• Northside Societies problem solving• Coming up with ides & plans for individual societies

Priority for the year:• Make sure everyone gets a fair budget• Increase awareness of Northside Soceities• Ensure problems are dealt with• Make sure every society is heard• Have a strong representation at the overall meetings

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Chairperson DIT Student Volunteering Committee DIT Societies Development officer – Volunteering and Student Media4x Vol. Ambassadors Try get one each siteDIT Clubs Development and participation officerNominee from DIT Campus LifeNominee from DIT Community LinksNominee from Volunteer IrelandNominee from DITSUDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio

Student Volunteering Committee

12 members5 Students Societies Rep

3 DIT Staff1 DITSU

2 DIT Societies Staff1 External

Meeting 2/3 Times

What does the committee do? The purpose of the student volunteering and civic engagement committee is to oversee the development and implementation of Institute wide volunteer programmes and policy.

•Todevelopbestpracticestrategies,policiesandactionplansforstudentvolunteeringfor DIT clubs and societies committees and their members whilst conducting volunteer work internally in DIT and externally.

•Todeviseanappropriatesystemtocollect,collateandrecordvolunteerdatafromtherelevant areas of DIT student volunteering for purposes of statistics etc.

•Toprovideandreviewvolunteeringpolicyincompliancewithnationalstandards(i.e.Gardavetting etc.)

•ToprovideallDITstudentvolunteerswiththerelevantpublications,informationandtrainingmaterials as they become available relevant to their volunteering


•ToconsiderandapprovethebudgetallocationsfortheimplementationofDITvolunteeringprogrammes each semester.


•Toworkcollaborativelytoensureprofessionallydeliveredopportunities,trainingandsupportavailable to student volunteers within DIT, both internal to our organsiations and within the community.

•Toensurevolunteeringopportunitiesaredevelopedstrategically,fillinggapsinprovisionandbenefitting the DIT community.

•ToexplorefundingandresourceopportunitieswithinDITandnationally,toensurestudentvolunteering is sustainable.

4 Volunteer Ambassadors-> From Volunteering Societies needed

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12 members5 Students Societies Rep

3 DIT Staff1 DITSU

2 DIT Societies Staff1 External

Meeting 2/3 Times

Name: Helene DuffyCommitee: Student Training and Leadership CommitteeContact: [email protected]

Aims for Committee:• To have training that will benefit societies• Training to improve and help with societies events and


Priorities for 2012/13• To encourage more participation in training among societies• To have training that will benefit all societies• Gain suggestions from societies for training societies want

Name: Chris O’ByrneCommitee: Southside SocietiesContact: [email protected]

Aims for Committee:• Budgets are distributed fairly,• Fight for budgets for those who need it• Issueswithequipmentstorage,whilealsokeepinginmind

that new committees shouldn’t be penalized for previous committees mistakes.

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Chairperson DIT Student Training & Leadership - Elected4X Student Trainers - Co OptedDIT Societies Development officer leadership and trainingMemberoftheCareersdeptorequivalentwithincampuslifeAlumni Trainer2 student club representativesDIT Clubs Development and participation officerDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio

12 members5 Students Societies Reps (1 elected & 4 co-opted)

1 Alumni Member2 Sports Reps

2 Societies Staff2 DIT Staff

Meeting 2/3 Times

Student Training & Leadership Commmittee

What does the committee do? •Todevelopbestpracticestrategies,policiesandactionplansforstudenttraining for DIT clubs and societies committees and their members.

•ToprovideguidanceandsupporttotheDITSocietiesdevelopmentofficer(leadership and training) and Sports Development Officer

•Tomonitorandcontinuouslyassesstheimplementationofthestudenttrainingand development programme DIT EXTRA

•ToconsiderandapprovethebudgetallocationsfortheimplementationofDITXTRA modules each semester.

•ToreportbiannuallytotheDITculturalandsocialcommitteeontheactivitiesand developments of the Students training and leadership committee.

•ToreviewanddevelopsystemsofaccrediationforleadershipinDITextracurricular activities

4 Student Reps Trainers needed

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Name: Kaytee BehanCommitee: Student Media and Arts CommitteeContact: [email protected]

Aims for Committee:• eDIT festival back up & running • Get societies information & news in the DIT edition newpaper• Get better facilities and awarness for societies• Develop training courses in media and arts

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DIT Societies Development officer – Volunteering and Student MediaStudent Media and Arts Committee ChairStaff Nominee from School of MediaStudent Rep from DIT NewsStudent Rep from Media Production SocietyStaff nominee From School of Art & DesignSouthside Arts Socs RepNorthside Arts Socs RepDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio

10 members7 Students Societies Rep

2 DIT Staff2 Societies Staff

Meeting 2/3 Times

Student Media and Arts Committee

What does the committee do? •Topromote,encourageandsupportthedevelopmentofDITStudentmediagroupsandarts related societies


•Tosecureandsupportaneffectiveandsustainablestudentmediagroupstructurethroughout DIT



•ToresearchthedevelopmentofonlinefacilitiesandresourcesforStudentMediaandartsrelated societies

•Todevelopandguidestrategies,policiesandactionplansfortheculturalandsocialactivities across the Institute, including culture and social plans for the new campus at Grangegorman



student media and arts related societies are sustainable.

•ToconsiderandapprovethebudgetallocationsfortheimplementationofDITStudentMedia and Arts programmes each semester.

•Toworkcollaborativelytoensureprofessionallydeliveredopportunities,trainingandsupport available to student within DIT, and seeking support of Alumni and external organisations.


2 Reps from arts related Societies

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2 DIT Societies Development OfficerNorthside PRO OfficerSouthside Pro Officer3 Southside Socs Reps3 Northside Socs Reps2 Student GG Reps - Evan farrell/Ruth HynesPresident of DIT Societies & Events CommitteeVice President of DIT Societies & Events CommitteeAlumni RepDIT Societies Officer Ex Officio

10 members7 Students Societies Rep

2 DIT Staff2 Societies Staff

Meeting 2/3 Times

DIT Societies Communication & Resources Committee

What does the committee do? •Todevelopandguidestrategies,policiesandactionplansfortheculturalandsocial activities across the Institute, including culture and social plans for the new campus at Grangegorman

•Toinvestigatethedevelopmentandexpansionofexistingsocietyfacilitieson/offthe DIT Campus.

•TobetterinvolvestudentsinthedevelopmentoftheDITSocietiesOfficebyactivelyengaging them through consultation, communication and campaigns.

•Todevelopacommunicationsstrategythatwillensureeffectivedisseminationofinformation and maximise involvement.


•Todevelopasignagecampaignofvisuallystimulatingmessagestostudentscommunicating the Societies Office services.

•TocarryingoutresearchinordertoadvisetheDITSocieties&EventsCommitteeand DIT Societies in seeking other sources of external funding.

•ToundertakearangeofactivitieswhichpublicizeandpromotetheworkoftheDITSocieties Office, Societies and Volunteering

•Toindentifyareasofcollaborationamongstcampuslife,DITSU,Studentservicesdirectorate, admissions and public Affairs.

1 Drama Society1 Music Society1 General Arts3 General Society


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Other commiteesDIT Student Life CouncilThe DIT Student Life Council is established as a sub-committee of the Governing Body of the Dublin Institute of Technology, with the following Terms of Reference.

A.Student Life ServicesTo agree and approve the Student Sports, Recreation and Support Services Plan and Budget and to present to the President for approval at the Student Life Council’s Annual Meeting and subse-quentlytotheGoverningBodyforapproval.TomakerecommendationstothePresidentandtheGoverning Body regarding any significant development of Student Life Services.

B.Annual AllocationTo approve the annual allocation of the approved budgeted funds including student capitation in accordance with agreed mechanisms and guidelines and appropriate amounts to operate the fol-lowing:•DITStudents’Union•SportsFacilitiesandClubs•RecreationalActivities•PromotionofCulturalandSocialSocieties/Activities•Chaplaincy•StudentFinancialAssistance•StudentInsuranceSchemes

Meet 4/5 times a year. One Student Society rep – President of DIT Societies Forum or Nominated other from DIT Societies & Events Committee

Meets at least once a semester. 4 Student Society rep – Nominated from DIT

Societies & Events Committee

Meet 4/5 times a year. 2 Student Society rep – Nominated from DIT Societies & Events Committee

DITSU Clubs & Socs Guild

The DIT Students’ Union Governing Council hereby resolves to establish a Committee of the Governing Council in accordance with Article 9.1.i to be known as the Clubs and Societies Guild Duties of the Committee: To be responsible on behalf of the Governing Council for:

-Reviewing Motions and Policies relating to Clubs or Societies within the DIT

-Discuss matters pertaining to Clubs or Societies

-Bring forward recommendations or motions on such matters to Governing Council. Governing Council shall then take a vote on this.

DIT Student Life Finance Sub-committee

1. Objective: -The aim of the sub-committee is to distribute in an efficient, fair and democratic manner the allocation of funding among the Students’ Union, Sports Clubs, and DIT Societies & Events Committee.

2. Procedures: -The group will meet to consider budget submissions from DITSU, Social and Cultural Committee and the Sports Clubs. The group should meet as soon as possible in the academic year in order to approve the budgets, which will have been submitted to the SSRS Administrator. -The Committee will also consider the accounts and annual reports from the previous year for each of the constituent groups to confirm that the budgets were spent as had been proposed.

Following allocation and agreement of the budgets, the proposed budgets will be submitted to Student Life for approval

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Other commitees

Meet 4/5 times a year. One Student Society rep – President of DIT Societies Forum or Nominated other from DIT Societies & Events Committee

Meet 4/5 times a year. 2 Student Society rep – Nominated from DIT Societies & Events Committee

Page 20: DIT Societies office whos who guide

2012Whos who guideWhos who guide

2012This is a guide to the positions available to students as Student Societies

reps and a general whos who in societies.

Societies run by students for students
