division’of’cancer’control’and’ populaon’sciences:’postdoc ... ·...

Division of Cancer Control and Popula4on Sciences: PostDoc Training Opportuni4es Richard P. Moser, PhD Behavioral Research Program Division of Cancer Control and Popula4on Sciences

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Division  of  Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Sciences:  Post-­‐Doc  Training  Opportuni4es  

Richard  P.  Moser,  PhD  Behavioral  Research  Program  Division  of  Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Sciences    

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Division  of  Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Sciences  Overview  

•  DCCPS  has  the  lead  responsibility  at  NCI  for  suppor4ng  research  in:    –  surveillance  –  epidemiology    –  health  services    –  behavioral  science  –  cancer  survivorship  


•  DCCPS  also  plays  a  central  role  as  a  source  of  exper4se  and  evidence  in:  -­‐      quality  of  cancer  care  -­‐      economic  burden  of  cancer  -­‐      geographic  informa4on  systems  -­‐      sta4s4cal  methods  -­‐      communica4on  science  -­‐      compara4ve  effec4veness  research  -­‐      obesity  and  tobacco  control  -­‐      transla4on  of  research  into  prac4ce  

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Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Science  Opportuni4es  for  Research  

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DCCPS  Programs  and  Contacts  

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Implementa4on  Science  (IS)  

Contact  Cindy  Vinson  [email protected]    

Builds  and  advances  the  field  of  Implementa4on  Science  to  achieve  the  rapid  integra4on  of  scien4fic  evidence,  prac4ce  and  policy,  improve  research  on  cancer  outcomes,  and  promote  health  across  individual,  organiza4onal  and  community  levels.  •  Increase  compe44ve  grant  submissions  on  cancer  

implementa4on  science  •  Develops  a  robust  and  suppor4ve  network,  and  

partnerships  •  Promotes  science  that  is  rigorous,  transparent  and  

relevant  in  the  real  world  and  fosters  rapid  learning  strategies  

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Implementa4on  Science  (IS)  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

•  Cancer  Control  Plan,  Link,  Act,  Network  with  Evidence-­‐based  Tools  (P.L.A.N.E.T.),  a  web-­‐based  portal  that  provides  access  to  data  and  resources  

•  Research  to  Reality,  an  online  community  of  prac4ce  •  Cancer  Trends  Progress  Report,  key  measures  of  progress  along  

the  cancer  control  con4nuum  

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Office  of  Cancer  Survivorship  (OCS)  

Contact  Julia  Rowland  [email protected]    

•  Coordinates  research  in  long-­‐  and  short-­‐term  physical,  psychological,  social,  and  economic  effects  of  cancer  and  its  treatment  among  pediatric  and  adult  survivors  of  cancer  and  their  families.    –  Enhance  the  quality  and  length  of  survival    

–  Minimize  or  stabilize  adverse  effects  

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Cancer  Survivorship  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

•  Minority/Underserved  Cancer  Survivors  &  survivors  of  understudied  cancers  

•  Lifestyle  &  health  behavior  interven4ons  •  Survivorship  care  planning  •  Physical,  psychological,  and  psychosocial  effects  of  cancer  •  Cancer  and  Aging/Premature  Aging  •  The  Impact  of  Cancer  on  the  Family  •  Economic  Outcomes,  PaIerns  of  Care,  and  Service  Delivery  


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Health  Dispari4es/Equity    Cross-­‐cu`ng  area  of  research  with  interest  across  the  division  –  broad  defini4on  including  gender,  age,  race,  ethnicity,  educa4on,  income,  social  class,  disability,  geographic  loca4on,  sexual  orienta4on  •   Intersec4on  of  the  above  across  the  cancer  con4nuum  

• Areas  of  current  focus    •  Measurement    •  Social  Context  •  Mul4level  interven4ons  •  Subpopula4on  Research  

• List  of  Contacts  in  DCCPS  by  areas  of  scien4fic  interest    hIp://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/research-­‐emphasis/hd-­‐contacts.html    

• More  informa4on  • hIp://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/research-­‐emphasis/health-­‐dispari4es.html    

Contact  Shobha  Srinivasan  [email protected]    

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Epidemiology  &  Genomics  Research  Program  (EGRP)  

Contact  Krista  Zane`  zane`[email protected]        

•  Funds  research  in  human  popula4ons  to  understand  the  causes  of  cancer  and  related  outcomes.      –  Fosters  interdisciplinary  collabora4ons  and  the  development  and  use  of  resources  and  technologies    

–  Advance  cancer  research  and  its  transla4on  to  serve  as  the  basis  for  clinical  and  public  health  interven4ons  

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Epidemiology  &  Genomics  Research  Program  (EGRP)  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

•  Breast  Cancer  and  the  Environment  Research  Program  (BCERP)  

•  Cancer  Epidemiology  Research  Consor4a  •  Epigenomics  and  Epigene4cs  •  Health  Dispari4es  •  Pharmacoepidemiology  and  Pharmacogenomics  •  Public  Health  Genomics  

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Behavioral  Research  Program  (BRP)  

Contact  Rick  Moser  [email protected]      

•  Ini4ates,  supports,  and  evaluates  a  comprehensive  program  of  research  ranging  from  basic  behavioral  research  to  the  development,  tes4ng,  and  dissemina4on  of  interven4ons.  –  Areas  include  tobacco  use,  screening,  dietary  behavior,  sun  protec4on,  and  alcohol  use    

–  Increase  the  breadth,  depth,  and  quality  of  behavioral  research  in    cancer  preven4on  and  control  

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Behavioral  Research  Program  (BRP)  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

§  Biological  mechanisms  of  psychosocial  processes  related  to  preven4on,  detec4on,  treatment,  and  maintenance  of  healthy  lifestyle  behaviors  

§  Predictors  of  diet,  weight,  physical  ac4vity,  and  tobacco  use  

§  Risk  percep4on  and  communica4on  of  health  informa4on  to  public,  pa4ents,  and  providers    

§  Surveillance  of  communica4on  outcomes  and  new  media  channels  of  communica4on  

§  Cogni4ve  effects  of  chemotherapy  on  cancer  survivors  

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Healthcare  Delivery  Research  Program  (HDRP)  

Contact  Ashley  Wilder  Smith  [email protected]  

•  Supports  research  and  evalua4on  ac4vi4es  on  cancer  care,  factors  influencing  care,  and  outcomes  of  care  through  its  three  branches:  –  Healthcare  Assessment  Research  –  Health  Systems  and  Interven4ons  Research  

–  Outcomes  Research  

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Healthcare  Delivery  Research  Program  (HDRP)  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

 •  The  program  provides  data  resources  and  leads  key  

research  ini4a4ves  in  the  following  areas:  –  Cancer  screening  –  Economics  –  Treatment  –  Measurement  of  outcomes  –  Quality  of  cancer  care  –  Research  networks  within  healthcare  se`ngs  

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Surveillance  Research  Program  (SRP)  

Contact  Denise  Lewis  [email protected]    

•  Measurement  of  cancer  incidence,  morbidity,  survival,  and  mortality  for  persons  with  cancer.    –  Assess  gene4c  predisposi4on,  environmental  and  behavioral  risk  factors,  screening  prac4ces,  and  quality  of  care  

–  Generate  observa4ons  that  form  the  basis  for  cancer  research  and  interven4ons  for  cancer  preven4on    and  control  

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Surveillance  Research  Program  (SRP)  Selected  Key  Ini4a4ves  

•  Cancer  Interven4on  and  Surveillance  Modeling  Network  (CISNET)  

•  Geographic  Informa4on  Systems  •  Health  Dispari4es  •  Na4ve  American  Ini4a4ves  •  Surveillance,  Epidemiology  and  End  Results  (SEER)  

Program  •  Survey  Methodology,  Design,  and  Analysis  •  Sta4s4cal  Modeling  of  Health  Services  U4liza4on  and  


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Division  of  Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Sciences  Examples  of  Interest  Groups  

•  Diet,  Weight,  and  Physical  Ac8vity  –  Contact:  Sue  Krebs-­‐Smith  

([email protected])  

•  Interna8onal  Research  –  Contact:  Mark  Parascandola  

 ([email protected])  

•  Risk  Percep8on  –  Contact:  AnneIe  Kaufman  

([email protected])  •  MIDUS  Users  

–  Contact:  Alexander  Persoskie                ([email protected])  

•  Health  Cogni8ons  and  Emo8ons  –  Contact:  Rebecca  Ferrer                ([email protected])  

•  Methods  and  Measures  –  Contact:  Rick  Moser                ([email protected])  


•  Trans-­‐NCI  Evalua8on  –  Contacts:  Kara  Hall  

([email protected])  

•  Pharmacogenomics  and  Pharmacoepidemiology  –  Contact:  Andy  Freedman  

([email protected])  

•  GIS  –  Contact:  Zaria  Tatalovich  

([email protected])  

•  Health  Dispari8es  –  Contact:  Shobha  Srinivasan  

([email protected])  

•  Tobacco  and  Nico8ne  Research    –  Contact:  Michele  Bloch                                    

([email protected])  

•  Precision  Medicine  –  Contact:  Amy  Kennedy                  ([email protected])  

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DCCPS  and  You  •  Join  through  CRTA/CPF/PMF/Summer  Programs  •  Culture  of  mentorship  and  collabora4on  •  Endless  research  and  publica4on  opportuni4es  •  Access  to  many  data  sources  and  analy4c  tools  •  Training  and  leadership  opportuni4es  •  Fellows  group  (including  other  fellows)  •  Membership  in  and  contribu4on  to  branch  ac4vi4es  •  Travel  and  mee4ng  opportuni4es  •  Family-­‐friendly  environment  

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Current  DCCPS  Post-­‐Docs  

•  Shelley  Bluethmann  (BRP)  •  Marie  Bradley  (EGRP)  •  Stephanie  Fowler  (BRP)  •  Felisa  Gonzales  (BRP)  •  Diarmuid  Coughlan  (SRP)  •  Heather  D’Angelo  (BRP)  •  Minal  Patel  (BRP)  •  Mandeep  Virk-­‐Baker  

(BRP)  •  Erin  Ellis  (BRP)  •  Michelle  Mollica  (BRP)  

•  Jennifer  Moss  (SRP)  •  Katherine  Rendle  (HSIRB)  •  Meagan  Roberts  (BRP)  •  Christopher  Wheldon  

(BRP)  •  Kara  Wiseman  (BRP)  •  Elise  Rice  (BRP)  

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Division  of  Cancer  Control  and  Popula4on  Sciences    Select  Collaborators  and  Partners  

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Rick:  [email protected]