diy 3x mini wind turbine grid tied

Upload: samuel-alexander-marchant

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    There is an interesting feature of grid tie inverters both practically and economically that is not unknown

    but difficult for many people to use because it involves the carry capacity of a house circuit.

    NOTE: A house must have a 2 way bidirectional meter or a SMART meter installed to measure

    outoin !roduced enery" #$eed in tari$$ is almost usually worthless % somethin li&e only 'cents

    !()wh $or this ty!e o$ system i$ any*"

    1. Each house circuit is 10 amp @ 240v . This means it can carry up to 200w ! 2."w #.

    2. The cost of wiring in an inverter makes its si$e binding and cannot be changed or altered or

    removed at will.

    There is a !lu in rid tie inverter that !lus into a normal house soc&et"

    These inverters are %stackable& ' meaning they can be connected onto e.g. an %e(tension socket


    )or purpose' there are also %plug in grid tie wind power inverters& that are specifically designed to

    harness power from particular wind turbines of various voltages *+,-+ and si$ewatts,"w/s.

    arely is there ability to harness cheap but effective products by strategy inclusive economics.

    n this instance' it appears to be in a - capacity' and direct buying capacity.

    The first part of the strategy is with wind power' it/s 24,3 day and night' the second is that through

    direct usage when electricity is reuire to be consumed there is something producing electricity e.g. %to

    prevent daw of electricity that is paid for from the mains grid5&

    The chosen wind turbine #a +,, watt rated -,,watt ma.imum A/ '!hase 0 blade wind turbine*1reuires to be a set o$ three#.'* and reuired ' !luable rid tie inverters#.'* suitable $or the

    turbines #-,,w rated $or A/ three !hase reuirin to also obtain a dum! load resistor in housin bo.

    $or each inverter*3

    Typically' as a flat and non real world average' wind speed at wagga wagga from weather graphs shows

    in winter common %lower speed&! around 06 of 24 hour period # of a band average !alike a mode

    average lower end# wind speed is % mps& !meters per second# appro(imately 11 mph!miles per hour#.

    This means that at a height of 42 5 40 meters #where a wind turbine should be located*11 to 2 mps can

    be added reasonably surely to obtain 7 8 3 mps at 1 meters tower altitude.

    * total !lower end# common wattage output is around 700 watts of 240v *+ into the house circuit or si(

    100w light bulbs' or half the current operating the 1000w portable electric grill element. 9r %: a "w&.

    The below graph for the turbine shows that at the normal higher end wind speed less common!around

    ;06 of time in 24 hours intermittently# of < meters a second yielding ;00 watts output p,turbine making

    a total of =00w ! >ust under 1"w # with ; turbines and inverters stacked. The final 206 of time is usually

    non producing because of no or insufficient wind speed.

  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    6t is sa$e to assume a total o$ ,"0)w constantly#$or lac& o$ better e.!ression* $or 42 hours ma&in a minimum

    !roduction o$ -)w !(day#2+ hours* to 7)w !(day#2+ hours* a rouh estimate with the stroner wind and ust


    74 days is a uarter a!!ro."

    /ountry Enery Tari$$

    PEAK PERIOD is from 7.00 am to 9.00 am and 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm on weekdays.

    SO!"DER PERIOD is from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and 8.00 pm to #0.00 pm on weekdays.

    O$$%PEAK PERIOD is at a&& ot'er times.

    (ARI$$ S)E*ARIO P+,!AR(ER % 0.5Kw -onstant t'ro/' ea-' se-tion of 1 'or period

    2 'ors p+day mornin/ and afternoon peak periods 34Kw' 9# 0.4#070234#.0702 -ents6 6 81 p+arter

    8 'ors p+day s'o&der period 31Kw' 9# 0.2998136 6 98 p+arter

    #0 'ors off peak period 35Kw' 9# .#013#0.1000-ents6 6 17 p+arter

    (O(A" RE:O;ED :AI*S )OS(S 9 p+arter


  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    @EO81 /OSTS ARE 4 ABC BSC 7+cents

    9owever1 it is a C6D buildin tric& reuirin a asless M6welder and a 40 meter tower constructed"

    =?;?"-; '. -,,w wind inverters

    =;+2"+4 '. +,,w5rated -,,w5ma.imum 0 blade wind turbines

    =2, #=-,* .' o$ 7,, watt ratin 4"0 ohm dum! load resistor system !art


    =40, 4', am! asless M6 welder system



    =7, 8eldSmart ,"-MM J 0) asless Mi 8eldin 8ire Klu. /ored E?4T5S $or mi welder



    $45.00each $47.00( $450 ) 10x mild black steel SHS 40 x 40 x 2.5mm $45.00 $47.00

    $80 2x pieces black steel pipe N 40 !"#

    $.20each ( $4% ) 5x 20&' ba's ceme*t

    $7each ( $+5 ) 5x 20&' ba's ceme*t ill

    5GGET FR6/E KROM 6NTERNET AT T6ME 5 =',, 50,, 52?, meters o$ -mm s" co!!er wire 0,am! < 42v

    GGG earthin sure !rotection !ole $or ' . lihtnin sure arrestors on wire $eeds ='' #=44 each*

    =2;+2 #usin =',, as estimate $or -mm2 wire 2?, meters minimum*

    An even =',,, is a reasonable $inal actual estimate

    ? 40 ( 40 ( 4.0mm 71.00 !(7 pieces ='?,for simple tripod with three 40 AB CE- 4;.00 =4',# ; bags

    of fill and ; bags cement =;,D =0;,

  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    600W wind grid tie inverter for wind turbine generator 3phase ac 10.5-30v input toac 220v, 230v, 240v

    x+ cst ,- $787.%8

  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    A9TE TFE GA- HHTEC CIHT BE C*T+FAJ A 12K 9 24K *A- L *+ M A9T dc

    (x+ b/) $842.41 +

    Small i*d 3bi*e i*d 3bi*e e*e3at3 %00 max + /ea3s 6a33a*t/ 6ith HS "

    9S:001 e3tiicati*http,,www.alie(,store,product,HmallGindTurbineGindTurbineJenerator700ma(;


  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    =44 each

    ow Fower ihtnin SArrest Sure Frotector Arrestor Thunderow Fower ihtnin SArrest Sure

    Frotector Arrestor Thunder Frice:AB =4,";'



  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied


    /esonse 'me ( 0#ns

    Jont %astage ( 0#d,

    %orng 'emerature(-"04C51604C

    ,- $28. 1200 pl''able '3id tie i*;e3te3 3 sla3 pa*elshttp://www.eba$"00W-%rid-&ie-'nverter-for-(olar-Wind-"-)v-*+-""0,-")0,-


  • 8/10/2019 DIY 3x Mini Wind Turbine Grid Tied
