dma 2013 hottest search trends & how to maximize opportunities

One Step Ahead Ho#est Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportuni:es

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Thoughts on the current & future Content Strategy & Authorship opportunities


Page 1: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

One  Step  Ahead  Ho#est  Search  Trends  &  How  to  Maximize  Opportuni:es  

Page 2: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

One  Step  Ahead  Ho#est  Search  Trends  &  How  to  Maximize  Opportuni:es  

Grant  Simmons  Dir.  SEO  &  Social  Media  Product  

The  Search  Agency  


Page 3: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Search  Engine  Op?miza?on  SEO    It’s  about  the  user,  stupid.  Not  the  stupid  user.  


 Search  Engines  are  the  *most*  discrimina:ng  of  users!  

Page 4: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Current  Future  SEO  Connect  Search  Intent  to  Site  Content    With  Context  of:  •  Loca:on  •  Behavior  •  PlaMorm  •  Conversa:on  


Page 5: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  New  Loca?ons    

Hyper  GEO  Target  •  Inside  Stores  •  ZIP  Codes  •  Events  /  Venues  


Page 6: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  New  Behavior    

•  New  queries  •  More  personaliza:on  •  When  searching  •  Where  searching  •  How  searching  

“Search  Everywhere  Op?miza?on”  


Page 7: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  New  PlaMorms    

•  Mobile  •  Wearable  •  Smart  vehicles  •  Appliances  •  Television  /  consoles  etc.  


Page 8: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

What  to  Do?  


Page 9: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Brands  Need  to…  Understand  their  Customer  /  prospect    


Intent  Context  &  how  they  ask    


Page 10: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Brands  Need  to…  Iden?fy:  •  Who?  •  Where?  •  When?  •  What?  •  How?    

Create  to  Connect  


Page 11: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Current  Future  SEO  +  Social  Content  is  King  Authority  Content  is  Kingier    

Authori:es  are:  •  Known  •  Credible  •  Topic  Experts  


Page 12: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  +  Social  GeWng  Known    Google  “web  of  people”    

Google+   + @simmonet  

Page 13: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  +  Social  Building  Credibility  


•  Reviews,  news,  views…  •  Authors  of  content  •  Broadcasters  •  Social  amplifica:on      

Create  Engagement  


Page 14: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  +  Social  Recognized  Topic  Experts  Focused  Consistency  


•  Connec:ons  /  links  •  Social  love  •  Associa:ons  /  cita:ons  


“Digital  Footprint”  


Page 15: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Future  SEO  +  Social  



We’re  (Google)  doing  a  be#er  job  of  detec:ng  when  someone  is  sort  of  an  authority  in  a  specific  space…  and  trying  to  make  sure  that  those  rank  a  liZle  more  highly  if  you’re  some  sort  of  authority…”  


Ma#  Cu#s  –  Google  Engineer  

Page 16: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

What  to  Do?  


Page 17: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

Brands  Need  to…  Iden?fy,  Grow,  Encourage,  Find,  Promote,  Hire,  Engage,  Build,  and  /  or    Empower  




Page 18: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

SEO  /  Social  Prognos?ca?ons  Many  opinions.  Many  op?ons.  Many  outcomes.    

Any  thoughts?  


Page 19: DMA 2013 Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities

One  Step  Ahead  Ho#est  Search  Trends  &  How  to  Maximize  Opportuni:es  

Grant  Simmons  Dir.  SEO  &  Social  Media  Product  

The  Search  Agency