dmm district fun night, national child-hood safety council, 2018 brew-ster fun...

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017 2016-2017 Officers DMM Governor Terry Gorman DMM Secretary/Treas. Lori Cook International President Jim Kondrasuk Great Plains Region VP Sue Fix DMM Governor Elect Kevin Hammell DMM Immediate Past Governor Ken Schulz What you’ll find in this issue…. 1st Qtr Info/Registr ..... pages 14-16 99th OI Convention.............. page 8 August Sponsors ................. page 5 Award Certification .............. page 6 CCC Results ........................ page 7 CCOF Results ..................... page 7 Club Anniversaries .............. page 3 Club Fitness......................... page 7 Club News ........................... page 3 Club Pride Report ................ page 7 DMM/OI Gatherings............. page 2 Essay Contest-2018 .......... page 12 Gov Gorman’s Greetings ..... page 1 Growth / Membership .......... page 5 Honor Club = BIG DEAL! ... page 11 Hurricane Harvey ............... page 12 Incoming Gov Thanks! ....... page 11 MN State Fair ....................... page 9 OIJGC—MB ....................... page 13 Optimist Creed ..................... page 3 Optimist Supplies ................. page 8 Oratorical Contest-2018 ....... page 6 Photos................................ page 13 Prospecting .......................... page 9 Recruit a Teacher / $30...... page 10 Reminders............................ page 4 Roger Haas Award............... page 6 Strategic Planning .............. page 10 Teacher Incentive! ............... page 9 Governor Gorman’s Greetings My year as Governor of the DMM is closing out quickly. I have been extremely proud of all the accomplishments the DMM clubs and members his year. You have reached out and touched more than 76,000 youth across the district. You have introduced three new communities to Optimism by building new clubs in Roseville MN, Lakeville MN and Harrisburg SD and several more are being formed now. You have recruited more than 335 new members and con- tinue to press on to greater achievements. There have been hundreds of club projects and countless hours invested that have impact- ed youth, communities and individual optimist members. In addition individual members have sowed and nourished the roots of Optimism in the many parts of the DMM by just asking a friend, neighbor or a colleague to join a club to Bring Out the Best in Youth, their Communities, and Themselves. Now is no time to relax or rest as there are many more communities and many more people young and old who can improve their lives and lives of others with more optimism. Remember the last time a young person at your club event was happy and pleased and rewarded you with a smile or look of thanks and won- (Connued on page 2)

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  • DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    2016-2017 Officers

    DMM Governor Terry Gorman

    DMM Secretary/Treas.

    Lori Cook

    International President

    Jim Kondrasuk

    Great Plains Region VP

    Sue Fix

    DMM Governor Elect

    Kevin Hammell

    DMM Immediate Past Governor

    Ken Schulz

    What you’ll find in this issue….

    1st Qtr Info/Registr ..... pages 14-16

    99th OI Convention .............. page 8

    August Sponsors ................. page 5

    Award Certification .............. page 6

    CCC Results ........................ page 7

    CCOF Results ..................... page 7

    Club Anniversaries .............. page 3

    Club Fitness ......................... page 7

    Club News ........................... page 3

    Club Pride Report ................ page 7

    DMM/OI Gatherings ............. page 2

    Essay Contest-2018 .......... page 12

    Gov Gorman’s Greetings ..... page 1

    Growth / Membership .......... page 5

    Honor Club = BIG DEAL! ... page 11

    Hurricane Harvey ............... page 12

    Incoming Gov Thanks! ....... page 11

    MN State Fair ....................... page 9

    OIJGC—MB ....................... page 13

    Optimist Creed ..................... page 3

    Optimist Supplies ................. page 8

    Oratorical Contest-2018 ....... page 6

    Photos ................................ page 13

    Prospecting .......................... page 9

    Recruit a Teacher / $30...... page 10

    Reminders............................ page 4

    Roger Haas Award ............... page 6

    Strategic Planning .............. page 10

    Teacher Incentive! ............... page 9

    Governor Gorman’s Greetings

    My year as Governor of the DMM is closing out quickly. I have been extremely proud of all the accomplishments the DMM clubs and members his year. You have reached out and touched more than 76,000 youth across the district. You have introduced three new communities to Optimism by building new clubs in Roseville MN, Lakeville MN and Harrisburg SD and several more are being formed now. You have recruited more than 335 new members and con-tinue to press on to greater achievements. There have been hundreds of club projects and countless hours invested that have impact-ed youth, communities and individual optimist members. In addition individual members have sowed and nourished the roots of Optimism in the many parts of the DMM by just asking a friend, neighbor or a colleague to join a club to Bring Out the Best in Youth, their Communities, and Themselves. Now is no time to relax or rest as there are many more communities and many more people young and old who can improve their lives and lives of others with more optimism. Remember the last time a young person at your club event was happy and pleased and rewarded you with a smile or look of thanks and won-

    (Continued on page 2)

  • 2

    DMM / OI Gatherings DATES to SAVE 2017-18 1st Qtr DMM Conference October 20-21, 2017 Gladstone Inn & Suites Jamestown, ND 701-252-0700 2nd Qtr Conf Call January 2018 Date / Time TBA 3rd Qtr DMM Gathering Scholarship Contests! April 27-28, 2018 Ramkota Hotel Watertown, SD 605-886-8011 100th OI Convention July 7-10, 2018 Ottawa, Ontario 4th Quarter DMM Conv. August 2-4, 2018 Rochester, MN

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Editor: Curt Sandberg

    THANKS to everyone that submitted articles for this newsletter. For those who wish to submit articles for future issues, please email them to me at [email protected] by the 27th of each month. Thank you!

    derment for what you had done for them. You can make that difference in your community and the life of someone else by just asking them to join your club or help them start a new club. t’s just that easy. In August 80 members, VIP’s and youth attended the DMM Convention Winni-peg. It was a fabulous gathering. Co-Chairs Jo-Anne Pelzer, Barb Sul and other members of the Winnipeg area Optimist Clubs made this one of the most mem-orable conventions. From the start there was great energy, programs, food, en-tertainment and just so many ways to re-charge your Optimist batteries. There was a spirited discussion around several policy changes that I believe will strengthen the DMM as we move forward in the coming years. It was a great example of grass roots input, serious discussion and informed decision making to make the DMM an unsurpassed leader in Optimist International. The 8 or 9 youth that participated in the Youth Program really enjoyed them-selves and had a chance to meet other young people, see many parts of Winni-peg and develop new friendships. I hope this important and worthy program will be repeated in the future. It can only be a success if you bring your children or grandchildren to the convention to participate. You will never regret it. Our night out at Mama Mia was fantastic. I think this was one of the best stage perfor-mances I’ve ever seen. Mark Weinsoff, our OI representative and OI Board Member from Santa Barba-ra, California was a perfect fit for the DMM. He was able to assist in Lt Gover-nor, President and Secretary-Treasurer training. He is an excellent speaker with a vast background in new club building, recruiting new members and a great recourse to DMM members. We had several great sessions, discussions and input from members about our new Strategic Planning Committees work. Your input into these topics is im-portant and vital to the long term growth, stability and health of the district. You will be seeing some of these ideas and proposals coming forth in the future at district meetings. There is still time for your input. If you have suggestions, questions or comments about any of the sub-committee topics please email Dave Martin at [email protected] with your ideas. We have listened to past input, ideas, and member suggestions and have taken action. We’ve shorted the business meetings, introduced more topics of general interest to the convention participants and opened up more time for interaction and sharing of ideas. As noted above, the Youth Program had more attendees this year than in the past few years. I have to thank members for bringing their children and grand-children or friends along and to the convention and the host committee for de-

    Governor Gorman’s Greetings (Continued from page 1)

    (Continued on page 4)

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    from club bulletins

    NORTHWEST SUBURBAN — Recent speakers have been from UofM Wildlife Rehabilitation Cen-ter, Small Sums, and Engineers Without Borders. The club was well represented at New Hope Safety Camp and is planning their Annual Club Banquet for Sep 27. WORTHINGTON — 125 partici-pated in the All Comers Track Meet. They fielded requests for financial help from Nobles County Family Fun Night, National Child-hood Safety Council, 2018 Brew-ster Fun Days, National Wild Tur-key Federation, Worthington Tro-jan Booster Club, and the Worthington Park Hop. DEVILS LAKE — 150 attended Movie in the Park, after planning for 80 they served 160 hot dogs at the Pool Party, collected school supplies, had a member record a segment to air on Coffee Time, a local radio show, are planning their participation in the Fall Festi-val, Devils Lake Optimist Club Run/Walk, and the Homecoming Parade. RICHFIELD — is mailing 40 let-ters to prospective members dur-ing their “Ten or more, through the door!” membership drive. Many members have reported back af-ter trips to fascinating places this summer. Flags will fly from Labor Day through Patriot’s Day on Sep 11 as part of their Parade of Flags project. Change of Watch is what they call their annual installation dinner. ROCHESTER — geared up for their annual Hunter Safety classes

    (Continued on page 6)

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    OI Pres. Kondrasuk’s Logo

    The Optimist Creed

    Promise Yourself

    To be so strong that nothing can

    disturb your peace of mind.

    To talk health, happiness and pros-

    perity to every person you meet.

    To make all your friends feel that

    there is something in them.

    To look at the sunny side of every-

    thing and make your optimism

    come true.

    To think only of the best, to work

    only for the best, and to expect

    only the best.

    To be just as enthusiastic about the

    success of others as you are about

    your own.

    To forget the mistakes of the past

    and press on to the greater

    achievements of the future.

    To wear a cheerful countenance at

    all times and give every living crea-

    ture you meet a smile.

    To give so much time to the im-

    provement of yourself that you

    have no time to criticize others.

    To be too large for worry, too noble

    for anger, too strong for fear, and

    too happy to permit the presence of


    Club Anniversaries During September Duluth September 12, 1947 West St Paul September 21, 1971 Bloomington September 20, 1973 St Cloud Morning September 27, 1974 Jamestown September 25, 1975 Eden Prairie September 28, 1978 Prior Lake September 29, 1978 Dickinson September 16, 1982 Central MN Noon September 28, 1988 Sturgis September 19, 2012 Minnesota Valley September 21, 2015

  • 4

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Reminders . . .

    veloping a great youth program. We want and need to continue to make this portion of the program even better. With your support and help it will be more vibrant and fun for the youth that attend. As part of the business meeting we approved some funding to assist the DMM Oratorical winner to travel to St Louis to compete in the Regional and World Oratorical contests. We approved holding the 3rd Quarter Confer-ences — that include the District Oratorical and CCDHH contests — in Watertown, SD for next 5 years with a great savings to all that attend, i.e. Optimists, contestants, and their families. Thanks to Carmen Bakken and the Watertown Club for all the work to make this happen. As we finish this Optimist year we have 30 days to reach and exceed your goals and have your club be Honor or Distinguished. There are several new clubs in the works, let’s get them finished before September 30th. If you just ask a friend, neighbor, teacher, colleague or newly retired person to join your club now so we can all share in all the fun and joy of Bringing out the Best in Youth, Your Community and Yourself. You will make a difference. “Together We Can”. So let’s be DMM Strong.

    One more time

    Give me a , Give me an , Give me an ,

    what does that spell?? – DMM! Yea! Terry Gorman, DMM Governor

    Governor Gorman’s Greetings (Continued from page 2)

    Sep 15 Deadline to email Gov Terry your club's Roger Haas nominee

    30 Pres Deadline to hold a NOW Mtg to fulfill Honor Club requirement

    30 Sec/Treas

    Recognize Outstanding Club Member or Community Member to qualify for Honor Club - Award Certification Document on DMM webpage, District Business dropdown

    30 Sec/Treas Complete Club Pride report on OI Leaders website

    30 "Recruit a Teacher for $30" Incentive ends

    30 Lt Gov/Pres Complete Annual Club Review for 2016-2017

    Oct 10 1st Qtr Early Bird Registration @ $35 ends

  • 5

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Growth / Membership — August 2017 Sponsors

    Gita Hendricks – DMM Growth Chair Together We Can!

    Thanks to these members for sharing their Optimism this month

    # Children reached/mo YTD

    Club: 35014 - BISMARCK, ND (Zone: 3)

    Jerry Haas 35 245

    Daryl Kerzman 35 140

    Club: 35230 - DEVILS LAKE, ND (Zone: 3)

    Leah Lovin 35

    Club: 35027 - BROOKINGS, SD (Zone: 6)

    Dennis Micko 35

    Sally A Damm 35

    Club: 35001 - BRANDON VALLEY, SD (Zone: 7)

    Meredith Menden 35

    Aj Menden 35

    Club: 35150 - SIOUX FALLS MORNING (SFMO), SD (Zone: 7)

    Michael C Kuntze 35

    Deb Ziemke 35

    Club: 35232 - ROSEVILLE AREA, MN (Zone: 11)

    Donald Salverda - 4 140 455

    TOTAL 455

    Growth / Membership — I’m watching the trees begin to lose their green tones, getting ready for their winter rest, but it’s not rest time yet! Let’s keep the momentum going. It’s not just about numbers….ok, yes, it is…it’s about the number of KIDS that we can help! They need us more than ever. We’re coming into the home stretch, folks! Only 30 days left in this Optimist year. How many more children’s lives can we impact before we finish? Right now the District is at a +36, thanks to the three new clubs. Seven of our “established” clubs are at an Honor Club +3 standing, with nine others close behind. FACT: There were more than 73 million children under age 18 in the United States in 2008. Nearly one-third (21 million) were under age five. How many more are there today? LET’S BE THERE FOR THEM! Being Honor Club isn’t just saying, “hey look at us, we’re a +3”. It says “Hooray! We’re impacting an additional 105 more kids with our programs!” Let’s see how many more clubs can say that by September 30! Gita Hendricks – DMM Growth Chair Together We Can!

  • 6

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    and were looking forward to a re-port / ideas from those who attend-ed the 2017 DMM Convention in Winnipeg in order to make the 2018 DMM Convention in Roches-ter even better. WATERTOWN— the club has sup-ported Watertown youth soccer for 18 years and provided 65 soccer balls to first year players in 2016. They gave $1,000 to the Waverly South Shore School that uses a ‘buddy bench’ that kids can go sit on when they feel bullied, alone, in need of help, etc. $1,000 was giv-en to the Lake Area Zoological so-ciety that involves 28 “Zoo Crew’ volunteers, students going into eighth grade. People Against Child Hunger that distributed an average of 596 meals per week in 2016 re-ceived $1,050 from the club. GRAND FORKS — Safety on Wheels will take place in 31 class-rooms in 12 schools. Respect for Law and a N.O.W. event are both planned for September. BROOKINGS — gave $500 to support a local Girls Scout Camp, is gearing up for their annual con-cession stand season and are hosting the Brookings Empower-ment Project held in conjunction with SDSU’s Homecoming game in October. PRIOR LAKE-SAVAGE — upcom-ing events include their Annual Banquet Sep 21, Fill the Bowl with ROCK Oct 5, Laker Educational Foundation’s Annual Casino Night Oct 27. They have also setup a Google docs repository for all club related documents. Please send your club’s newsletter to [email protected] to have your club’s activities listed in upcoming issues.

    Club News (Continued from page 3)

    Roger L. Haas Award Annually, an Optimist of the Year shall be selected from a list of candi-dates submitted by their clubs to be considered for the Roger L. Haas DMM Optimist of the Year Award. This award is meant to be a “grassroots” award given to a common member for very uncommon ef-forts. It is not meant to be a lifetime achievement award; the nomination should focus primarily on the local club activities of the current optimist year. This recognition will be presented during the first quarter meeting the year following. Submissions to the Governor must be postmarked by Septem-ber 1st or emailed by September 15th. Please email your nominations for this prestigious award to Governor Terry Gorman by September 15, 2017: [email protected]

    Attention all clubs! It’s time to begin planning your participation in next year’s Oratorical contest.

    Once again, the DMM contest will be a non-gender competition to select two individuals to receive $2,500 scholarships.

    The DMM Oratorical Contest will be held in Water-town, SD in conjunction with the DMM 3rd Quarter Conference April 27-28, 2018.

    The overall DMM winner will be eligible to compete in the Regional and World Oratorical Contests in St Louis – live or via video – following our DMM contest.

    The topic for the 2017-2018 School Year is: “Where are My Roots of Optimism?”

    Students under the age of 18 as of October 1, 2017 will be eligible to participate.

    For additional details, including handouts and official rules, here’s a link: Remember, all scholarship info can be found on and following the applicable links. Dave Nichols, DMM Oratorical Chair [email protected]

    Awards Certification Document

    Club President’s and Secretary-Treasurer’s; If your club in the past year has honored or awarded a person in your club or community with an Opti-mist of Year Award, another honor or award , as part of the Club Pride Report you must complete the Awards Certification Document and submit it to Optimist International before September 30th. The form is available on the DMM web site at: see the District Business drop down menu.

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    Club Pride (2016-17) or President’s Pride Report Play a part in deciding Optimist International's future by submitting this report! This information is used for prospective grants and sponsorships and helps determine what programs will receive emphasis in the coming years. This report is a prerequisite for the service project requirement for all In-ternational Club Recognition categories and is due to the International Office no later than September 30, 2017. The report may be found in the Optimist Leaders Online web page It is easy to Logon and complete the report and help Optimist International determine future programing.

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Convention CCOF Report On behalf of CCOF a big THANK YOU to all that contributed. Your support is greatly appreci-ated. Here are results from the DMM Conven-tion.

    Silent Auction $ 133.82 Past Governor’s Breakfast $ 515.00 Rod and Reel Raffle $ 260.00 Dime-A-Day $ 40.00 Quilt Raffle Donna Suggitt/Seven Oaks Club $ 1,000.00 Optimist Club of South Winnipeg donation $ 195.00 Loose Change – DMM $ ,, 32.55

    Total $ 2,176.37 Wes Shewchuk, DMM CCOF Chair Question: Did the rod and reel raffle winner declare those items when re-entering the US?

    Club Fitness

    29 days to test our mettle We've got 29 days to find out how “fit” our clubs are. Are we strong enough to finish strong, or are we about out of gas and just limping to the finish line? Hopefully, we can reach down and find the strength to check off the rest of our “to do” list that we com-mitted to 11 months ago. How about one more youth project? School is now underway, so why not find a way to help the kids start off their year on a positive note – how about a “welcome back” water-melon feed or providing special Optimist bookmarks listing how your club works/assists youth? And there are many more ideas that are easy to do and at little cost. And how about your growth goals? Have you reached your goal? How about adding one more member? Remember that 1 = 35. One new member helps us serve more than 35 kids. Next month, we'll start looking at ways to get ready for our yearly “club fitness” check-up. Dave Martin, DMM Club Fitness Chair

    "Providing the Care...Finding the Cure"

    Thanks to your club fundraising efforts and generous members, we raised $1,959 at the Annual DMM Conven-tion in support of Childhood Cancer Research in US and Canada. As we begin planning for the 2017-2018 year, please consider dedicating the proceeds from one of your club fundraisers to the Campaign. Remember, too, the Matching Grants program available to assist clubs with CCC-focused projects. For information about the match-ing grants program and the application process, contact Optimist International Foundation by sending email to: [email protected] or call 1-800-500-8130. Thanks again for participating in this year's efforts to raise funds and awareness in our communities. Linda Grulke, 2016-2017 DMM CCC chair[email protected]

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    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Optimist Supplies

    Attention club officers, scholarship project chairs, and speaker chairs!

    Your club’s scholarship contests will be over before the DMM meets again. Therefore, it’s not too early to think about the Optimist Supplies (Essay, Oratorical, CCDHH, speak-er gifts, etc.) you may want to purchase at the DMM 1st Qtr Conference in Jamestown, Oct 20 & 21.

    You can save the shipping & handling by ordering through the DMM Boutique.

    Your order will be waiting for you in Jamestpwm. How does in work? Visit to view some of what they offer. Call 1-800-565-7062 and ask for Gillian. Tell her you are in the DMM & would like your order shipped with the DMM consignment order. The pric-es on the web site are listed in Canadian dollars so ND, SD & MN members should ask for the price in US cur-rency. If you don't see what you need, ask her if they carry it. This is NOT a fundraiser for the DMM. We offer this service for you to save on shipping & handling charges. An-sells Awards is an authorized Optimist International distributor and have provided excellent service to the DMM. For more information, please contact Heather Hawley at [email protected] If interested in having specific items available in Jamestown please let me know by Tuesday, October 3. Please note the pricing of items at the boutique will be in US funds and US dollars are required for payment. Thanks, Heather Hawley

    Dave's quick highlights of OI Convention in Albuquerque NM, July 6-8: - This was my 9th - and every one has provided me with great new learning experi-ences. - I attended a 4-hour Leadership Development workshop, which stressed having a succession plan by having co-chairs for every activity or committee, and filing reports with club secretary for each; clubs need to set goals and objectives and then take ac-tion; clubs need to add value for members and communicate to members often. - In recruiting members, avoid these three words: club, join, meeting. Better to invite them to lunch, activity or gathering. - There were more than twenty hour-long workshops and a dozen 15 minute Tip Talks, covering a wide spectrum of topics. - New resolutions were adopted to mandate non-gender Oratorical Contests (no separate boys and girls con-tests) and offer 1st, 2nd and 3rd place scholarships totaling $5,000, allocated as District chooses; and to drop the top age requirement for essay and oratorical scholarships, so students may compete until completing high school or its equivalent. - A great keynote speaker stressed using "good common sense" in all we do; that having a good attitude and be-ing passionate isn't enough - we need to follow that with action which leads to results - This Convention marked the 30th anniversary of adding women as members and the 25th anniversary of JOI clubs (Junior Optimist Clubs). - Convention figures: 99th convention; 358 clubs represented, 1,733 members attended; 68 members were add-ed to 6 foreign clubs and 3 new countries were added to OI this past year. - OIF gave nearly $600,000 back to districts for scholarship, in addition to club grants, etc.. Dave Martin, Incoming Governor 2018-19

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    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    The following clubs indicated with “$” provided financial support and those with “V” provided volunteer coverage at the Optimist booth. BLOOMINGTON—$ / V EDEN PRAIRIE—$ GLEN LAKE—$ / V LAKEVILLE—$ / V MINNEAPOLIS—$ MINNESOTA VALLEY—$ /V NEW ULM—$ NORTH SUBURBAN—$ / V NORTHWEST SUBURBAN—$ PRIOR LAKE-SAVAGE—$ / V RICHFIELD—$ / V ROSEVILLE—$ / V SAINT PAUL EAST SIDE—V ST. CLOUD—$ / V ST. PAUL—$ / V WEST ST. PAUL—$ / V Our goal at the State Fair is to give the organization exposure to a whole lot of people, add new members to existing clubs and build lots of new clubs in Minnesota. The license and insurance for the booth is held by the West St. Paul Optimist Club. This is our 10th year at the Great Minnesota Get-Together! The Mystery Prospect didn't take long to strike--showing up on the first day. I am pleased to tell you that two of the members of the Prior Lake/Savage Club won the money--$25! They decided to put the winnings back into the club treasury. Congratulations to Amy Raetz and Maria Belden! We work out of a blind pool and do not know when the Mystery Prospect visits will happen. Thank you to Lieutenant Governor Wayne Jeske for his continued work on the Calling Card Board. And a final thank you to my wife Kelly and son Cole for the construction of the booth which is pictured on page 13. Chuck Spavin State Fair Chair Optimist Club of West St Paul Progress report from the fair . . . Thanks to the clubs and members who volunteered at the Optimist booth and to the members of the MN State Fair S.W.A.T. Team that are making calls to individuals that have stopped by the Optimist booth and left their contact info expressing an interest in joining a club OR starting a new one! As of August 30th we have had about 2 dozen inquiries about mem-bership and clubs. If you’re going to be at the fair, please stop by Booth #46 in the Education Building and give the volunteers staffing the booth a few words of encour-agement and thanks for what they are doing to further our cause. Terry Gorman, DMM Governor

    Teacher Incentive The Fourth Quarter incentive: attain Honor Club status, re-cruit five mem-bers in the fourth quarter, and win a FREE registra-tion to the Otta-wa Convention – our 100th!! School starts soon – now is the time to look for teachers, see what projects a school needs help with, look to expand existing projects, & look for new opportunities. Vaca-tion time will be over soon – the fall routine begins – PRIME recruiting time! Three things to keep in mind: (1) the 30 Under 30 Program is still in place - look for young teachers/members - a connect with schools and youth and (2) every JOI mem-ber who has graduated from high school, is entitled to a free OI membership in an adult club or college club for one year! Go ASK – the Power of One; (3) the Club Within A Club - add fifteen or more new members, young profession-als - helps to keep your club healthy, and get credit for a new club!

    Prospecting? Looking for new members? Everyday there are many folks retiring after many years of service. Now they have the time. These folks have many talents, want to stay connected and be in-volved. Seek them out and ask them to come to a club or youth event and ask them to join.

  • 10

    Good discussions held in Winnipeg

    Thanks to the mem-bers of the DMM for providing some great discussions at the convention in Winni-peg regarding several issues that the Strategic Planning Committee is studying.

    Most of the discussion centered on how to tweak the agenda, format and length of the district conven-tion and how to streamline district business. The other major topic involved possible changes in the responsibilities of Lt. Governors, and the potential changes in zone alignments.

    All those comments will be serious-ly considered as the subcommit-tees continue to meet, refine their recommendations, and work on strategies to implement their goals.

    All subcommittee membership, goals and initial discussions are available for review by any DMM member by reading documents sent out to all club officers and dis-trict officials on Aug. 25 and soon on the district website. Ask your club president or secretary to for-ward that correspondence to you.

    We continue to value your com-ments and suggestions which may be emailed to any subcommittee chair or members, as well as any other Steering Committee member. Phone calls to any of us are also welcomed.

    Thanks again, to all who provided input to those of us who are work-ing to make the DMM the very best that we can be.

    Dave Martin, Chair Strategic Planning Committee [email protected] cell: 605-951-6543

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Recruit a Teacher for $30 Incentive Optimist International strives to help our Members and Clubs serve their communities as best as they possibly can. One way for us to do this is to listen to requests from our membership. Overwhelmingly, Optimist Mem-bers from all across the organization wanted to renew the "Recruit a Teacher for $30" incentive through the end of the Optimist year. You asked and we listened and took action! The "Recruit a Teacher for $30" incentive has been renewed from August 1, 2017 until September 30, 2017! We are still in the "Year of the Honor Club." We hope this and other incen-tives will help ALL Optimist Clubs strive to be Honor Clubs. Don't forget that ANY OPTIMIST CLUB who adds 5 Members in the 4th quarter AND achieves Honor Club status will receive a free registration for the Optimist International Convention in Ottawa! Why Teachers? Optimist Members of all professions are important to Clubs, so why the emphasis on teachers?

    A strong connection with local schools is extremely beneficial for your Optimist Club. More teachers on your roster strengthens this connection.

    They can open doors for attracting more students to our youth pro-jects - including Oratorical, Essay, Sports and other programs.

    Teachers are able to provide first hand insight into the needs of the children of your community.

    Provides the foundation for new Junior Optimist Clubs. Your Optimist Club will serve more children! Who Qualifies?



    College professors

    Coaches employed by the school


    School library staff


    May be active or retired

    If "teacher" is on their resume, they qualify. Please contact the Membership Department with any questions: (800) 500-8130 ext. 226 or email [email protected]. This promotion is for new Optimist Members only. It may not be used in

    conjunction with any other membership promotions, including "Friend of

    Optimist." Clubs will be billed $30.00 at the time the teacher is added to

    their roster and then will not be billed dues for that Member for a calendar


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    THANKS to Tim Goetz / MARCO for printing the numerous handouts for the DMM Convention in Winni-peg. PLEASE consider MARCO for your technology needs.

    Thanks from 2017-18 Governor Elect I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those of you who encour-aged me to seek the position of Governor-Elect for 2017-18 – and to all those who made that possible in Winnipeg a couple of weeks ago. As I mentioned in Winnipeg, I am both humbled and excited at this opportunity. I am humbled that so many people had confidence in me to do the job, and I am excited at the prospect of helping to make a great district even greater. I promise to do all I can to help Gov. Terry have a strong finish this year – and to assist Gov.- Desig-nate Kevin in making the DMM Dis-tinguished for the fifth year in a row. Thank you all once again! Dave Martin, DMM Gov.-Elect, 2017-18

    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    HONOR CLUB: What’s the big deal? So, if getting a banner patch is no big deal to you, why should you care if your club is an honor club? Achieving honor club recognition is much more than getting a patch for your banner. If your club completes the re-quirements for honor club, or better still distinguished club, it tells the world that your club is a vibrant, growing, service club that is actively in-volved in your community and actively providing many services to the youth in your area. It should be a sense of pride for your club members, knowing they are part of something special and that their hard work serv-ing the kids is important and needed. Finally, having your club recognized as an honor or distinguished club will encourage your club to continue or expand the services you provide in your community, for the benefit of the kids. Honor or Distinguished? As a reminder of what your club needs to do to be an honor club or distin-guished club, please note the Optimist International awards policies below for 20167-2017.

    A. CLUB RECOGNITION 1. “Bringing Out the Best” Club (Banner Patch the year bar thereafter)

    a. Complete two or more service projects each year b. Complete the Club Pride Report formerly President’s Pride Re-port (complete online at c. Be Current on District & and OI dues d. Add two or more members e. Conduct a Membership Recruitment Drive (i.e. NOW Program) f. Recognize a Club member or local community individual

    2. Honor Club (Banner patch, year bar with Club President’s name and year; thereafter a year bar with Club President’s name)

    a. Complete three or more service projects each year b. Complete the and Club Officer-Elect Form c. Recognize a Club member or local community individual d. Grow Club by Net of +3 in membership e. Appoint a Club Foundation Representative and make a non-restricted contribution to the OIF or CCOF f. Conduct a Membership Recruitment/Drive (i.e. NOW) Program g. Club President, Club President-Elect (or two Designees) attend District Convention (or two other District meetings/conferences) h. Be current on District and OI Dues and Fees

    3. Distinguished Club (Watch for Club President and Secretary and/or Treasurer, a banner patch with the Club President’s name; thereafter a year bar with Club President’s name and watch)

    a. Meet Honor Club Criteria plus one of the following: b. Add Net + 15 in membership OR Build one or more new Clubs OR Increase by Net + 8 and build two or more JOI Clubs

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    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    DMM Essay Scholarship Contest Optimist International sponsors three contests for students to earn money to pursue opportunities in higher education. The Essay Contest is designed to give young people room to develop their own views around a central idea. One scholarship of $2,500 per District is awarded by OI each year. This year's topic is "Can Society Function without Respect?" Students under the age of 18 as of October 1, 2017 are eligible to participate. For more information, please see the Scholarship page on for Club Planning Guides. That’s where you'll also find the official rules and application form for next spring’s contest. Now is the time to get the word out to your local schools, Home School organizations, libraries, local newspapers and post to your club's Facebook page and website. Maybe get your JOOI clubs involved in publicizing in their schools by making posters! The deadline for clubs to submit their winning essay to me is February 28, 2018. Please let me know if you have any questions. Linda Grulke 2017-2018 DMM Essay Chair cell 612-360-8058 [email protected] 1730 Graham Ave. Apt 330 St. Paul, MN 55116

    Fellow Optimists, On Friday, August 25th, Hurricane Harvey, the strongest storm to hit Texas in decades, has forced thousands of people into shelters and is incurring what some disaster experts project will total tens of billions' worth of damage. What will come after the storm finally stops is a long, slow and expensive process to rebuild homes, communities and entire cities. Donations will be greatly needed.

    Optimist International, through our Optimist International Foundation, will be accepting donations to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. All donations will support recovery and relief efforts in Texas and Louisiana. Please consider a donation to the Optimist International Foundation to assist those affected, including Optimists, in short-term and long-term disaster response. To donate, click here. In the comment section, type "Hurricane Harvey." If you would like to send a check to the Optimist International Foundation, mention "Hurricane Harvey" on the memo line. Our thoughts and concerns are with those impacted by this storm, including our own Optimist Members in Texas and Louisiana. Yours in Optimism, Benny Ellerbe Executive Director Optimist International

    mailto:[email protected]://

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    DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.12 September 2017

    Left and above, Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf photo thank you notes from two contestants. Photos courtesy of Fred Urso

    DMM First Lady, Jeri Gorman and cur-rent DMM Governor Terry Gorman enter the DMM Convention Banquet in Winnipeg. Ken Munch Photo

    Left to right above: Dave Martin, Incoming Gover-nor; Kevin Hammell, Gov-ernor Designate; Ken Schulz, Past Governor, Terry Gorman, Governor. Ken Munch Photos

    Left: Optimist booth at MN State Fair. Photo by Chuck Spavin



    October 20 & 21, 2017 Optimist Member Registration Information:


    111 2ND Street NE Jamestown, ND 58401

    (701) 252-0700

    [email protected]

    Room Rate: $74.70 per night plus tax – ask for Optimist Rate and Block of Rooms

    Reserve Your Room Now - Cut Off Date: October 14, 2017

    ________$35 (US Funds) Early Bird District Registration *Registration and Payment Postmarked by October 10, 2017

    ________$40 (US Funds) District Registration *Registration and Payment Postmarked after October 10, 2017


    Mail Registration Forms and Payment to: Jamestown Optimist Club

    PO Box 1102

    Jamestown, ND 58402-1102

    Questions? Please contact: Ken Schulz (701) 320-4497

    E-mail: [email protected]

    MEMBER Registration (One registration form per member)

    Name ___________________________________ Club____________________________#35-_____________

    Address__________________________________ City ____________________State_____ ZIP ___________

    Evening Phone ( ) ______________________ E-Mail:__________________________________________

    Current Office Held: i.e. Club and/or District:


    Will you be bringing an adult guest? (Yes) _____ Children Attending? (Yes) _____ Number (under 18) _____

    Is this your 1st DMM District Conference? (Yes) _____ (No) ________


    Check #______________ Amount Enclosed $____________



    October 20 & 21, 2017 Optimist Guest Registration Information:


    111 2ND Street NE Jamestown, ND 58401

    (701) 252-0700

    [email protected]

    Room Rate: $74.70 per night plus tax – ask for Optimist Rate and Block

    Reserve Your Room Now - Cut Off Date: October 14, 2017

    ________$27 (US Funds) Guest Registration (Guests 10 and over)

    ________ $15 (US Funds) each child under 10

    Adult and Child Guest Registration includes Friday tour of the National Buffalo Museum,

    Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday, plus the following optional activities:

    • Talking trail of Jamestown

    • Geocaching

    • Learn to play pickleball

    • Pride of Dakota Harvest Showcase




    Mail Registration Forms and Payment to: Jamestown Optimist Club

    PO Box 1102

    Jamestown, ND 58402-1102

    Questions? Please contact: Ken Schulz (701) 320-4497

    E-mail: [email protected]

    GUEST Registration (One registration form per adult guest)

    Name ___________________________________ Club____________________________#35-_____________

    Address__________________________________ City ____________________State_____ ZIP ___________

    Evening Phone ( ) ______________________ E-Mail:__________________________________________

    Special Dietary Needs, adult guests and children:

    Check #: Amount enclosed: # of children under 18 attending:


    Geochaching--Join the world’s largest treasure hunt. Leaving from the lobby October 21st, 9am a guide will teach and

    lead you to a geochache located in Jamestown, ND. To learn more visit

    Talking Trail--The Jamestown Talking Trail is a self-guided audio tour that allows you to hear the history of Jamestown. It

    also has recordings from major league baseball players Darin Erstad and Travis Hafner located at the North Dakota

    Sports Hall of Fame. All you need is your cellphone and a listening ear. A map will be available upon check-in.

    Pickleball--A paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. A fun sport for everyone, that combines many elements of

    tennis, badminton and ping-pong. Come play or learn to play pickleball in the brand new Two Rivers Activity Center

    (TRAC) located in NE Jamestown. A small fee may apply. Bring your children to play in the gym, or swim in the indoor

    pool with a fabulous water slide. More information available at registration.

    Pride of Dakota Jamestown Harvest Showcase--You'll find unique products, including gourmet food, wine, art, books,

    jewelry, sporting goods, home decor, apparel, children and pet items and more. The event takes place at the Jamestown

    Civic Center (which also holds the North Dakota Sports Hall of Fame) across the parking lot from the Gladstone Inn.

    Hours are 9am-5pm Saturday, October 21st and 11am-4pm Sunday, October 22nd. Admission is $2 or $1 with a fresh

    produce or non-perishable food donation. Kids 12 and under are free. Please check their website at

    Frisbee Golf – If you are a frisbee golfer, bring your gear and play the frisbee golf course at Klaus Park, which is a short

    drive from the Gladstone Inn. There is no charge for Frisbee Golf.

    Textfield: Name: Club: 35: Address: City: State: ZIP: Textfield3: Textfield4: EMail: Textfield5: Check: Amount Enclosed: CheckBox1: OffCheckBox2: OffCheckBox3: OffCheckBox4: OffCheckBox5: OffCheckBox8: OffCheckBox9: OffName0: Club0: 350: Address0: City0: State0: ZIP0: Textfield9: Textfield10: EMail0: Check0: Amount enclosed: of children under 18 attending: CheckBox6: OffCheckBox7: Off