

Upload: el-soda

Post on 28-Sep-2015




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    Race: TieflingClass 1: Class 2: Class 3: Class 4: CustomRace: falseLevel 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Armor Proficiency Light: Armor Proficiency Heavy: Armor Proficiency Medium: Weapon Proficiency Martial: Weapon Proficiency Simple: Weapon Proficiency Other: Weapon Proficiency Other List: Tool Proficiency: HD Total d8: HD Total d10: HD Total d12: Armor Proficiency Shields: Alignment: Lawful NeutralBackground: NobleCharacter Name: Age: Hair: Skin: Height: Weight: Size: MediumDistinguishing Marks: Deity: Domain: Downtime: Lifestyle: Speed: Piety: Honor: Vision: Languages: Resists: Immunities: Racial Traits: Intelligence +1, Charisma +2, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Hellish Resistance, Infernal LegacyEyes: Skill Proficiency Acrobatics:

    AC Natural: AC Total: AC No Armor: AC No Shield: AC Size: AC Armor: AC Dex: AC Shield: AC Enchantment: AC Misc: Class Features: Feat1: Feat2: Feat3: Feat4: Feat5: Feat6: Feat7: Feat8: Max HP: Current HP: HD Total d6: HD Remain d6: HD Remain d8: HD Remain d10: HD Remain d12: AC Stealth Disadvantage: Death Save Success 2: Death Save Success 3: Death Save Failure 1: Death Save Failure 2: Death Save Failure 3: Temp HP: Initiative Total: Initiative Dex: Initiative Feat: Initiative Misc: Organization: Skills: Archetype: Combat Feat 1:

    Combat Feat 2: Combat Feat 3: Combat Feat 4: CF 11: CF 12: CF 13: CF 14: CF 15: CF 21: CF 22: CF 23: CF 31: CF 32: CF 41: CF 25: CF 24: CF 34: CF 33: CF 44: CF 43: CF 42: CF 35: CF 45: CF Rest 1: CF Rest 2: CF Rest 3: CF Rest 4: Experience: Faction and Reknown: Ability Score Strength:

    Ability Modifier Strength:

    Ability Score Dexterity: 9

    Ability Modifier Dexterity:

    Ability Score Constitution:

    Ability Modifier Constitution:

    Ability Score Intelligence:

    Ability Modifier Intelligence:

    Ability Score Wisdom:

    Ability Modifier Wisdom:

    Ability Score Charisma:

    Ability Modifier Charisma:

    Skill Proficiency Athletics:

    Skill Advantage Athletics:

    Skill Advantage Acrobatics:

    Skill Proficiency Nature:

    Skill Proficiency Religion:

    Skill Proficiency Animal Handling:

    Skill Proficiency Insight:

    Skill Advantage Insight:

    Skill Proficiency Medicine:

    Skill Advantage Medicine:

    Skill Proficiency Perception:

    Skill Advantage Sleight of Hand:

    Skill Proficiency Sleight of Hand:

    Skill Modifier Sleight Of Hand:

    Skill Expertise Sleight of Hand:

    Skill Advantage Stealth:

    Skill Proficiency Stealth:

    Skill Proficiency Arcana:

    Skill Expertise Stealth:

    Skill Advantage Arcana:

    Skill Proficiency History:

    Skill Advantage History:

    Skill Modifier Stealth:

    Skill Modifier Arcana:

    Skill Expertise History:

    Skill Advantage Investigation:

    Skill Proficiency Investigation:

    Skill Modifier History:

    Skill Modifier Investigation:

    Skill Expertise Investigation:

    Skill Advantage Nature:

    Skill Modifier Nature:

    Skill Expertise Nature:

    Skill Advantage Religion:

    Skill Advantage Animal Handling:

    Skill Proficiency Survival:

    Skill Proficiency Deception:

    Skill Advantage Deception:

    Skill Proficiency Intimidation:

    Skill Expertise Athletics:

    Skill Expertise Arcana:

    Skill Advantage Intimidation:

    Skill Advantage Performance:

    Skill Proficiency Performance:

    Skill Proficiency Persuasion:

    Skill Advantage Persuasion:

    Skill Modifier Athletics:

    Skill Modifier Acrobatics:

    Skill Modifier Religion:

    Skill Expertise Religion:

    Skill Modifier Animal Handling:

    Skill Expertise Animal Handling:

    Skill Modifier Insight:

    Skill Expertise Insight:

    Skill Modifier Medicine:

    Skill Expertise Medicine:

    Skill Advantage Perception:

    Skill Advantage Survival:

    Skill Modifier Perception:

    Skill Expertise Perception:

    Skill Modifier Survival:

    Skill Expertise Survival:

    Skill Modifier Deception:

    Skill Expertise Deception:

    Skill Modifier Intimidation:

    Skill Expertise Intimidation:

    Skill Modifier Performance:

    Skill Expertise Performance:

    Skill Modifier Persuasion:

    Skill Expertise Persuasion:

    Passive Wisdom:

    Saving Throw Modifier Strength:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Strength:

    Saving Throw Modifier Dexterity:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Dexterity:

    Saving Throw Modifier Constitution:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Constitution:

    Saving Throw Modifier Intelligence:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Intelligence:

    Saving Throw Modifier Wisdom:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Wisdom:

    Saving Throw Modifier Charisma:

    Saving Throws Proficiency Charisma:

    Expertise Bonus:

    Proficiency Bonus:


    Plot Point:

    Hero Points:

    Condition 1: Condition 2: Condition 3: Condition 4: Death Save Success 1: Spell Cast 1-1: Spell Case 1-2: Spell Cast 2-1: Spell Cast 2-2: Spell Cast 3-1: Spell Cast 1-3: Spell Cast 1-4: Spell Cast 2-3: Spell Cast 3-3: Spell Cast 4-1: Spell Cast 4-2: Spell Cast 5-1: Spell Cast 5-2: Spell Cast 6-1: Spell Cast 4-3: Spell Cast 5-3: Spell Cast 6-2: Spell Cast 7-1: Spell Cast 8-1: Spell Cast 9-1: Spell Cast 7-2: Spell Cast 3-2: AC Feat: Spells Per Day 2: Spells Per Day 3: Spells Per Day 4: Spells Per Day 5: Spells Per Day 6: Spells Per Day 9: Spells Per Day 1: Prepared Spells: Spells Per Day 7: Total Spell Save DC: Total Spell Attack Bonus: Spells Per Day 8:

    Spell Save DC Proficiency: Spell Save DC Ability: Spell Attack Bonus Proficiency: Spell Attack Bonus Ability: