do i have an opinion on mercury coming out of …about the hidden dangers that lurk in the modern...

1 Do I have an opinion on mercury coming out of silver (colored) mercury amalgam fillings? Yes. I was out of state and missed the request memo, but now I am ready to report. Report on what? Blood chemistry changes related to toxicity in dental fillings. I now have over 300,000 separate blood chemistries, collected from thousands of patients, since 1973. That’s more than 41 years. Here are some basic observations… First: Does mercury come out of fillings? Just sitting in your mouth, 272 micrograms of mercury will be released daily. Americans, on average, have 8 mercury amalgam fillings. According to the Journal of Dental Research (about 1983), chewing gum will increase that amount by 15,000%. Second: How Much Mercury is toxic? I asked this question to my professor (in forensic toxicology), “What is the safe exposure to mercury because the EPA has one standard, OSHA another and the dental association has quite another stance.” “Well Doctor,” he said with a smirk, “Nerve cells are especially susceptible to destruction. One atom of mercury can kill one cell. You tell me the safe level.” Third: What is the potential nerve damage from mercury amalgam fillings? What potential damage does mercury from fillings offer you I ask? The answer is: Death to the internal parts of all cells. But from the practical standpoint, mercury prefers to create “autoimmune diseases”, like Multiple Sclerosis, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), seizures, Lupus, Diabetes, Leukemia and too many more to name. The slide above shows the immune system is attacking the Self (auto) tissue. In 1976 -7, dentistry converted to, the new ADA patented, “high copper amalgam”, reported to release no mercury. Research by Dr. Dag Brune proved that the high copper

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Page 1: Do I have an opinion on mercury coming out of …about the hidden dangers that lurk in the modern dental chair. He is also the author of the books It’s All In Your Head and Uninformed


Do I have an opinion on mercury coming out of silver (colored) mercury amalgam fillings? Yes. I was out of state and missed the request memo, but now I am ready to report. Report on what? Blood chemistry changes related to toxicity in dental fillings. I now have over 300,000 separate blood chemistries, collected from thousands of patients, since 1973. That’s more than 41 years. Here are some basic observations… First: Does mercury come out of fillings?

Just sitting in your mouth, 272 micrograms of mercury will be released daily. Americans, on average, have 8 mercury amalgam fillings. According to the Journal of Dental Research (about 1983), chewing gum will increase that amount by 15,000%. Second: How Much Mercury is toxic? I asked this question to my professor (in forensic toxicology), “What is the safe exposure to mercury because the EPA has one standard, OSHA another and the dental association has quite another stance.” “Well Doctor,” he said with a smirk, “Nerve cells are especially susceptible to destruction. One atom of mercury can kill one cell. You tell me the safe level.” Third: What is the potential nerve damage from mercury amalgam fillings? What potential damage does mercury from fillings offer you I ask? The answer is: Death to the internal parts of all cells. But from the practical standpoint, mercury prefers to create “autoimmune diseases”, like Multiple Sclerosis, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), seizures, Lupus, Diabetes, Leukemia and too many more to name.

The slide above shows the immune system is attacking the Self (auto) tissue. In 1976 -7, dentistry converted to, the new ADA patented, “high copper amalgam”, reported to release no mercury. Research by Dr. Dag Brune proved that the high copper

Page 2: Do I have an opinion on mercury coming out of …about the hidden dangers that lurk in the modern dental chair. He is also the author of the books It’s All In Your Head and Uninformed


amalgam filling released 50 TIMES MORE MERCURY THAN THE PREVIOUS MERCURY FILLINGS. The Center for Disease Control shows disease occurrence stats dramatically increase in autoimmune diseases after the 1976 advent of the high copper amalgam.

Please note the average number of new multiple sclerosis cases reported is about 8800 per year from 1970 to 1976. Then there was the increase in new multiple sclerosis cases reported up to 123,000 in ONE year alone. The charts of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and diabetes (shown below) also show an upward trend.

Fourth: What do we do if we have mercury amalgam fillings? “So what is the cure? Yank out all my mercury fillings?” You ask. Only if you are looking for trouble. Removal sequencing: Over the years, we have seen positive responses in patient’s health, when negative current are removed first. If you remove the positive current first, symptoms get worse. Immune System schedule: There is the 7-14-21 day immune cycle to be considered with as well. Any “violation” of the body’s rhythms can increase the intensity of the harboring disease. Immune compatibility testing: A blood test to determine which dental materials are compatible with your immune system is necessary. Putting the pieces back together: Nutrition, as directed by blood chemistry tests (not blood type), will tell you how much carbohydrate, protein and fat that your body specifically requires for healing.

Page 3: Do I have an opinion on mercury coming out of …about the hidden dangers that lurk in the modern dental chair. He is also the author of the books It’s All In Your Head and Uninformed


Do you still need more reason to avoid poising yourself? I call it the Marriage Between Metals and Microbes. Bacteria from all root canals add toxins. But! Add a toxic dental metal, like mercury, copper, nickel, or aluminum and the bacteria can produce even more toxins. These toxins are dangerous. Before the dental metal introduction, these toxins would produce 1 microbe. Now, there are up to 5 toxins, each producing their own disease. Our DNA research has found that some of these toxins are being identified with brand new autoimmune diseases. Chronic fatigue is appearing in over 90% of the people with a mouth full of high copper amalgam fillings. The science behind this is quite simple. Hemoglobin has a higher affinity for mercury than oxygen. There is a test called “oxyhemoglobin” used to determine how much oxygen saturation the red blood cells actually have. A resting oxyhemoglobin – that is how much oxygen is left over after non-stressful maintenance – should be around 70%. Many people that are suffering from chronic fatigue only have 44% or less upon wakening. This is far less oxygen needed for muscle action. It’s like being a quart low on blood. No wonder you are fatigued. Over 4 decades of treating dental mercury toxic patients, a technology for this connection has been developed. It takes several days to teach a graduate dentist how to preform these treatments, but, unfortunately many states (namely Colorado) will remove the license of a dentist for speaking out against “the Mercury Issue”, for permanently inserting the world’s most toxic metal into their trusting patients, without the courtesy of informing them of the consequences. Fifth: Are “white” fillings safe? You would think that “white” fillings are the answer. Some yes. Some contain high amounts of aluminum (up to 86% aluminum silicate). Our DNA laboratory has shown increased stimulated bacterial toxin formation at extremely low exposure. Investigate before you commit to change. Aluminum is within a few percent as toxic as mercury. Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, has rightfully earned the title of the “Elder Statesman” of holistic dentistry. He has spent the last 45 years living by the mantra “First, Do No Harm”. He is a leading pioneer in identifying toxic dental materials, balancing body chemistry and developing a multi-disciplined approach to managing autoimmune diseases with the assistance of trained dentists and medical professionals.

Well known internationally for his stand against deception in dental practices and regulations, he has remained on the cutting edge of dentistry and holistic heath since the beginning of his practice 51 years ago. He has been called the world’s most controversial dentist because of his vigorous stand against silver (mercury) amalgams, and his recommendation that dentists refuse to place or even recommend placing amalgam fillings and performing root canals. He is a leading researcher in the study of the “marriage of metals and microbes” and their effects on overall health. No longer in the practice of “wet finger dentistry”, he continues research through DNA analysis of pathogens provided through today’s practicing dentists.

Dr. Huggins earned a post-doctoral Master’s, emphasizing immunology and toxicology from the University of Colorado. Over the past four decades, he developed a multi-

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disciplined, integrated health care model that has been influential in managing autoimmune diseases such as MS, Lupus, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Other symptoms such as chronic fatigue along with memory and digestive problems have also responded positively.

In 2012 he published Patient Empowerment which educates and informs consumers about the hidden dangers that lurk in the modern dental chair. He is also the author of the books It’s All In Your Head and Uninformed Consent about the dangers of using mercury in dentistry. In 2002, he published Solving the MS Mystery about the link between mercury toxicity and autoimmune diseases, and Seeking Your Ancestral Diet- a cookbook/nutrition guide that brings the body and the blood chemistry into balance and greatly improves healing and health, especially when combined with a body chemistry rebalancing program. In 2004, he has published his long-awaited book on hormonally-controlled human interactions: Who Makes Your Hormones Hum?? All are encouraged to read each of these books in order to develop a clearer understanding of how one can impact their own physical health. The more informed you are the more control you have over your own health and recovery.

Dr. Huggins is currently a consultant in three countries at multi-disciplined centers that practice the Huggins Protocol for dental revision and detoxification. He has lectured over 2500 days in 46 states and 14 foreign countries and has given over 1500 radio/TV interviews. He has also received 3 different lifetime achievements awards from 3 different medical groups. Thank you sincerely for helping us generate awareness. T he letters DDS, MS are to establish credentials of academic accomplishments and are not to imply that Hal A Huggins practices the mechanical aspects of dentistry.