do now what 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

Do now Do now What 3 entities were involved in the “triangular trade” of the 1600s and 1700s?

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Slavery & Empire Colonial Slavery and its contribution to European empires.


Page 1: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

Do nowDo nowWhat 3 entities were involved in the “triangular trade” of the 1600s and


Page 2: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

HOMEWORKHOMEWORKDue: WEdnesdayDue: WEdnesday

Chapter 4 Guiding Question: African Enslavement•Directions: Answer the question below in paragraph form. Make sure to cite relevant historical evidence in support of your generalizations and present your arguments clearly and logically. This should be organized into 3 individual paragraphs.

•Question: How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1760?

Page 3: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

Slavery & Slavery & EmpireEmpire

Colonial Slavery and its contribution to European empires.

Page 4: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

I. African InvolvementI. African InvolvementA. African Slavery

1. Slavery existed in African nations for many years before Europeans came.

2. Warring nations and clans enslaved captivesa) These enslaved captives would eventually be sold to

European slave-traders.3. Generally, African slavery more resembled indentured

servitude; not enslaved for life or chattel (personal possession or property) of another

B. European role1. European trading ships added another link to an existing

chain.2. In some instances, Europeans instigated conflict between

African nations.C. Long-term economic consequences for Africa

1. Labor was being lost to the slave trade.2. With European imports, local production was stifled; local

economies declined

Unit Team Opp:Why would Europeans try to start conflicts between differing African tribes?

Page 5: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

II. European II. European InvolvementInvolvement

A. Portugal enters African slave trade in 1441

1. Picked up where the Moors (northern Africans) left off.2. Traded finished goods for slaves, gold, ivory.3. Work with the Dutch to create massive sugar

plantations in Brazil.B. Holland became the major trader by late 1500’s

1. Great financiers, traders, and strongmen.2. Popularized sugar, tobacco, coffee, and tea through trade &

slavery.C. England played significant role starting in late 1600’s

1. Native populations in colonized lands died or were killed2. African slaves used as labor.

Unit Team Opp:Review: Why were African slaves easier to enslave than Native Americans?

non-Christian, easily distinguishable, out of context, immunity to European diseases

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Demographic Demographic MagnitudeMagnitude

Years # of African Slaves Primary Destination

1451 - 1600 275,000 South America &


1600 - 1700 1,341,000

South America, Caribbean, some North America

1701 - 1810 6,000,000 North and South

America, Caribbean1810 - 1870 2,000,000 South America,

CaribbeanTotal 9,341,275

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Page 8: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

DO NOWDO NOW• Describe the economic system

of Mercantilism.

Page 9: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

II. European Empires’ II. European Empires’ Success and African Success and African

SlaverySlaveryA. Slavery laid the economic foundation

for colonial success.1. Mercantilism – an economic system where

the colonies existed for the benefit of the Mother Country. The Mother Country would control the means of trade in order to build the wealth of the country.a) Nation’s goal is to increase gold and silver

holdings.b) Colonies exist to enrich the mother country!

2. Slave-based exports fueled European industrialization, colonial economies.

Unit Team Opp:What Acts were passed by the British crown that strengthened mercantilism?

The Navigation Acts of 1660s

Page 10: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

B. Slavery flourished in those colonies where it made economic sense.1. In British North America, this meant southern

colonies (plantations and agriculture/crops)2. The path to legalized slavery

a) Indentured servants -> native slave labor -> African slaves.

b) Legal structures slowly emerge to distinguish African slaves from all others.

c) Racism was created as law were made that legally stated Africans should be treated differently than other social groups. (Negro Acts – Negros couldn’t own guns, meet in groups, raise livestock, travel)

Unit Team Opp:•How was African slavery different than British slavery?

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What was triangular What was triangular trade?trade?

Page 12: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

AmericasGet: SlavesShip out: Raw Materials•Example: tobacco, cotton, sugar, rum

EuropeGet: Raw MaterialsShip out: Manufactured goods•Example: cloth, guns, salt

AfricaGet: Manufactured goodsShip out: Slaves (est. 9.2 million)•Example: Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Sierra Leone


Page 13: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

• First English English settlement

• 1619 – the first African slaves are brought to Jamestown

Jamestown Jamestown (1607)(1607)


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In your new unit teams read pages 117-119Answer: What happened in 1660 that increases slave trade in the British colonies?

Unit Team OppUnit Team Opp

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The Rise of the Slave The Rise of the Slave Trade in 1660…Trade in 1660…

• British King, Charles II, supported the use of slaves as a means of increasing the wealthy of England after noticing the success of the Sugar Plantations in the Caribbean. Laws were then passed to make a distinction between indentured servants and slaves who served for life.

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• Assess the validity of this statement:oWithout slavery America would not

have become the powerful and great country it is today.

• To assess the statement it means: is this a true statement or not? How do you know? Give reasoning that uses evidence. (5 mins.)


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Unit Team Slave Unit Team Slave RebellionRebellion

• Read pages: 130-136• Answer the guiding questions

below:1.In which ways did the Africans try to rebel

and resist enslavement in the British colonies? (Give specific examples from the text.)

2.Which strategies did slave-owners and the ruling elite use to keep Africans enslaved?

(Hint: make a “T” chart that lists all the strategies used by slaves on one side and all the strategies used by slave-owners on the other side.)

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Strategies to resist and enforce Strategies to resist and enforce slaveryslavery

Slave Resistance Slave-Owners

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Do NowDo Now• What were the Negro Acts

and what was their purpose in colonial America? (4 mins.)

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Power & SlaveryPower & Slavery• Power from the top down• Power from the bottom up

Page 21: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

Slave ResistanceSlave Resistance• Read the two accounts of slave

resistance in your Unit Team.• Discuss the following:

o What strategy of resistance was used?• As a group discuss which strategy

would have better served the slaves and was more effective in resisting slavery.

Page 22: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

Several alarming accounts have been received in town, of a very dangerous Insurrection among the Negroes in the Eastern shore of Virginia; -- Reports state, that about two weeks ago, the Negroes in that part of the Stated, to the amount of about 900, assembled in different parts, armed with muskets, spears, clubs, etc. Colonel Savage, who had joined them, met his master on the road, took his horse and some money from him, and treated him in an disrespectful manner…A barrel of musket balls, about 300 spears, some guns, powder, provisions, etc. have already been discovered and taken; the spears, it is said, were made by a negro blacksmith on the Eastern shore. A considerable number of the slaves have been taken up, and it is expected will be hanged.

It appears from a letter which has been lately discovered in Norfolk from one of the Negroes on the Eastern shore that they had concerted a plan with the Negroes from Norfolk and Portsmouth to commit some violent outrages in and about those towns. Six hundred of them were to cross the bay, at a certain time in the night, and were to be joined by the Negroes, in that neighborhood; then they meant to blow up the weapon magazine in Norfolk, and massacre the inhabitants.

Source: Letter from Petersburg, Virginia, May 17, 1792

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Source: Peter Bestes and Other Slaves Petition for Freedom, April, 20, 1773.

Sir,The efforts made by the legislative of this province in their last sessions to free themselves from slavery, gave us, who are in that deplorable state, a high degree of satisfaction. We expect great things from men who have made such a noble stand against the designs of their fellow-men to enslave them. We cannot but wish and hope Sir, that you will have the same grand object, we mean civil and religious liberty, in view in your next session. The divine spirit of freedom, seems to fire every human breast on this continent, except such as are bribed to assist in making the horrible plan succeed.WE are very sensible…We do not pretend to dictate to you Sir, or to the honorable Assembly, of which you are a member: We acknowledge our obligations to you for what you have already done, but as the people of this province seem to be motivated by the principles of equity and justice, we cannot but expect your house will again take our deplorable case into serious consideration, and give us that ample relief which, as men, we have a natural right to.WE are willing to submit to regulations and laws, as may be made relative to us, until we leave the province, which we determine to do as soon as we can from our labors procure money to transport ourselves to some part of the coast of Africa, where we propose a settlement. We are very desirous that you should have instructions relative to us, therefore we pray you to communicate this letter to the assembly and ask this favor for us.In behalf of our fellow slaves in this province, PETER BESTES, SAMBO FREEMAN, FELIX HOLBROOK, CHESTER JOIE

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Answer in written Answer in written form…form…

• What would the short-term and long-term impact/implications have been if this strategy was used?

• Which strategy would have better served the slaves and was more effective in resisting slavery? Defend your answer using evidence from the documents, book, and class discussion.

• You will turn this in at the end of class.

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Do Now (4 mins.)Do Now (4 mins.)• Take out the primary source

documents about slave resistance from yesterday and your completed argument on which strategy is the most effective.

• Answer: How is the first strategy different than the second strategy?

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Defend your strategy!Defend your strategy!• Unit team points given for the

winning team.• Points will be based on:

oQuality of argumentso Team member involvementoUse of relevant historical


Page 27: Do now What 3 entities were involved in the triangular trade of the 1600s and 1700s?

DO NOW:DO NOW:The colonial triangular trade sent manufactured goods and rum from Europe to Africa, slaves from Africa to the Americas, and:

a)timber and fish from the Americas to Africab)farm products like sugar and tobacco from the Americas to Europec)silver and gold from Africa to Europed)manufactured goods from the Americas to Europee)indentured servants from Europe to America

The phrase “Middle Passage” refers to the:

a)long walk back to living quarters in the middle of the dayb)journey from the slave auction in a port to the owner’s plantationc)long days of hard field work in the middle of the hot summerd)dangerous sea voyage from Africa to the Americase)transition to field work by enslaved African Americans in their teens

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Flip the Script!!Flip the Script!!Now you are a Slave-Owner:•How would you ensure your slaves don’t resist or rebel? Create a plan in your teams to keep your slaves in check.

oMake a list of the Top 5 strategies you would implement on your plantation. Explain each strategy and how it would ensure your slaves remain in your control and working.

o One condition: You can’t use brute force against your slaves or kill any of them. The slaves are considered to be valuable property and only profitable as long as they are able to work your fields and produce crops!

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Exit SlipExit Slip• What would the long-term

implications/impact be for the 5 strategies you implement?

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DO NOW:DO NOW:Why did fewer indentured servants emigrate to the Chesapeake Bay area in the 1700s than had in the 1600s?

a)Enslaved African Americans provided most of the needed labor.b)Britain’s poor economy made people unable to afford to leave home.c)They were in greater demand in the New England colonies.d)Parliament passed a law blocking any indentured servant contracts.e)Immigration as a whole was much lower in the 1700s.

In response to the Stono rebellion of 1739, southern whites:

a)tightened security on plantationsb)improved conditions on plantations for enslaved African Americansc)launched a war on Spanish Floridad)freed enslaved workerse)imported more Africans for slavery

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What was the Stono What was the Stono Rebellion?Rebellion?

• The largest slave rebellion against slave owners in colonial America. (Sometimes called Cato’s Rebellion)

• On September 9, 1739, early on a Sunday morning, a group of around 20 slaves gathered at a spot near the Stono River. They had pre-planned their rebellion for this day. Stopping first at a firearms shop, they killed the owner and supplied themselves with guns.

• Now well-armed, the group then proceeded to marched down a main road in St. Paul's Parish, located nearly 20 miles from Charlestown (today Charleston). Bearing signs reading "Liberty," beating drums and singing, the group was headed south for Florida. Who was leading the group is unclear; it might have been a slave named Cato.

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• The band of rebels hit a series of businesses and homes, recruiting more slaves and killing the masters and their families. They burned the houses as they went. The original rebels may have forced some of their recruits to join the rebellion. The men allowed the innkeeper at Wallace's Tavern to live because he was known to treat his slaves with more kindness than other slaveholders.

• After journeying around 10 miles, the group, around 60 to 100 strong, rested, and the militia found them. A firefight ensued, and some of the rebels escaped. The militia rounded up the escapees, decapitating them and setting their heads on posts as a lesson to other slaves. The tally of the dead was 21 whites and 44 slaves killed.

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Christianity and Christianity and SlaverySlavery

• In what ways could Christianity be used to keep slaves in check?• As a group read pages: 136-

139: begin at “The Transformation Completed”• In what ways was Christianity

used support and refute colonial America slavery?