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Do Now- Will be Collected •Why is North Korea “Bad” (5 Sentences)

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Do Now- Will be Collected. Why is North Korea “Bad” (5 Sentences). The Korean War. The Korean war is the first example of a NSC-68 war- use of military force not to conquer but to prevent conquering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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•Why is North Korea “Bad” (5 Sentences)

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The Korean War• The Korean war is the first example

of a NSC-68 war- use of military force not to conquer but to prevent conquering

• Origins: After WWII, American troops entered S. Korea and U.S.S.R entered North Korea to accept Japanese surrender– U.S.S.R doesn’t leave- elections are

held and communism is founded– South Korea elects democracy under

Syngman Rhee

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The Korean War Cont.• 1950 - North Korea invaded

South Korea– United Nations quickly condemned

the invasion as an act of aggression– Demanded the withdrawal of

North Korean troops from the South

– In the first weeks of the conflict the North Korean forces met little resistance and advanced rapidly to the southeast tip of Korea

• UN goes into SE Korea and invaded behind enemy lines at Incheon

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• Should the U.S use the Atomic Bomb in the Korean War? Why?

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The Korean War Cont.• UN forces cleared out S. Korea

and push N. Koreans to the Chinese border– Problem: China might see it as a

threat- Chinese volunteers pour into North Korea and push UN forces back

– General in charge- General MacArthur

– His goal: defeat and conquer the enemy

– Truman’s goal- protect and secure S. Korea

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The Korean War Cont.• Tension between Truman

and MacArthur– Truman didn’t think

MacArthur understood this new war and MacArthur didn’t think Truman knew how to fight

– MacArthur gets relieved of his command (fired)

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Korean War • Korean War's unpopularity played an important role in the presidential victory of Dwight D. Eisenhower– Pledged to go to Korea to

end the war. • Armistice signed in 1953– U.S. losses were placed at

over 54,000 dead and 103,000 wounded

– Chinese and Korean casualties were each at least 10 times as high

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HUAC • 1947 - House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began an investigation into the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry

• Ten people refused to answer the committee’s questions and became known as the Hollywood Ten– Their refusal resulted in

being blacklisted from work in motion pictures or television

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Alger Hiss • Alger Hiss served as FDR's adviser at the Yalta Conference in 1945

• An American Communist Party member appeared before the HUAC and claimed that Hiss had been spying for the Soviet Union while working for the State Department

• Hiss’ first trial in 1949 ended in a hung jury, but in the second trial in 1950, he was found guilty– Sentenced to five years


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The Red Scare

• Joseph McCarthy- senator who wanted re-election– Played off societies fear of

communism– Said state department,

Hollywood and universities were infested with communists

– If anyone did criticize McCarthy they would be accused of being a pinko- communist sympathizer

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Rosenbergs • 1950 - head of the physics

department of a British nuclear research facility was arrested and charged with espionage– Julius Rosenberg and Ethel

Rosenberg were named as members of his spy ring and put on trial

• The Rosenbergs were found guilty of conspiracy and sentenced to death

• Many people were shocked by the severity of the sentence – They had not been found

guilty of treason

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Parisians line up at the American Embassy to sign a petition for the Rosenbergs

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Rosenberg boys at Sing Sing

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The Red Scare Cont.• McCarthy’s plan

backfires- accuses army of being communist sympathizers

• McCarthy is put on trial- investigated his claims and embarrassed McCarthy– Ends the Red Scare

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The Red Scare Cont.

• There was a basis of fact- were communists working in the government

• VANONA project- classified project to uncover communist spies in the government– Identified and verified dozens of communist spies

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Pop Culture • Television becomes popular

– Most Americans own one by the end of the decade

• Rock ‘n’ Roll is born from African American rhythm and blues– Elvis Presley becomes first rock star– Chuck Berry and Little Richard were

African American rock pioneers– Generation Gap (cultural separation

of children and parents) is created and shaped by rock ‘n’ roll

• Beat Movement formed from disaffected white youth– Jack Kerouac (On the Road) and Allen

Ginsberg (Howl) were Beat writers

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Life in the 50’s• Popularized by

the Nuclear Family–Dad, Mom,

Kids• Many people will

build fall out shelters and practice “Duck and Cover” measures to be safe from a nuclear blast

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Eisenhower Presidency

• Elected as a Republican in 1952 with vice president Richard Nixon; reelected in 1956– Using his nickname, “I like Ike”

campaign buttons were ubiquitous• Largely responsible for the

passage of the Federal Highway Act that created 40,000 miles of interstate roads– Designed for Cold War fears:

evacuation of cities and the movement of military vehicles

• Ended Korean War with threat of nuclear weapons known as massive retaliation or brinksmanship

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Eisenhower Presidency

• Reduced the size of the army and defense spending– Increased nuclear arsenal

• Fights communism through covert operations run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)– New Soviet leader, Nikita

Khrushchev, takes office in 1956 and vows to crush capitalism

• Space Race begins with the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957– First satellite to orbit the earth

• 1961 – In his farewell speech, Ike warned of influence of military-industrial complex (partnership of the military and the defense industry)

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