do ton · a v oid iml iluw ooitomcrei aro...

m nutts m t Fo^f GotKh»lk,'u preparing a biography ot the ijtifoenledartiit and, compoeer. She has i-btifo.promised MaiaUnee by Gottcbalk'a wrier. an gu rated.. P ^ J a - T / To Th; MSS&iRyv line, tnaam *ltoeiwM.«un.T6i,t|i« bilwdM, '->,. ■ -viSitt •* s44rfS^«'»&V3'i,h TO T i l M E T A XX. T X A ’D B , irom ul prirteMthe world, endwinbotoldahekkap u tn uir market where tfajecdaaa naata y stamp* iffilu ifffmllj ____ vopyby retuxmau. n r TwUerkaedavclelsk.'iile »3SatSSL*w,rtt*t *<w* tn W v i f» *M* l#«Wf.'.r:cv iq^ .i„ ffiSERFg And Full Weijjffitih&^MMburee'af* Given, We have a s unusually large stock of 8UGA.R ol tho -rerlou grade*. purchased at a moet favorable, ■■" e propaee tq rattle off Cheap, to pro- '--v -~'*~itFrolt Crop. wrvetbo !M RlyeaU iM tna IUrae. —If yoSt can nof 4 * * i well as you taiah 4o si well as yoijje#n 4 —Ptamtai* lukde in the tune oi affliction better memory than peopole com- ■moply posatss. -cWben you boar a man say “Life is but empty dream.1 ' tread on hiB corns nnd Waks him up. Life is real. , , ^ Be deaf to tWquMrelsome,* blind to j GT66D & J&P&Q $1 & UpWWdS tbeicomer. and dgxqb to those who are n i^ ljf ^ a jy t a q ^ j v ^ y » ■/ yi—To mingle the useful with the beauti we do noUdtobd to bo undersold by fee Company, and power offer usy that ",dgood-draw in#. - Wc Invito comparison. Rhak&%JMMftJiwi« f Ftottoit Ribbeni, be, i % wtt* ahawreirkttt# ♦Umtimaxid ^ * -Jr -s** ^*¥**11 ,,____ tMd rC T E trr-* > Tf .i :K-<aiww*a a ia* K * >» I k l r - i . ■ . j* o< s » y k 7 r -W *nM gpit^aAa*Caan»a<‘ - . j. » writes asSteaiPitaiW^ -deaS^gft Store: ; laa&reisorcboireaMloa it thb WatertownTara A eceatptore,No.» washngton it. - -, -J - -. -f___ -v % n V ’St.' Wkat'aWater (aeiiw. at th* • OuWreitqWJio SWi Hrttay- oae dollar Topil la the d ty (or ffvwpetpios ’ . ;ert«w*Tfa A CoVee Store. . t > ' ^ eaadrteiown. io to the Tea a col- rSw get 5 poaaue o f teat #l 18 oepen # f3 tr r r ~m* ” t would eeptciiiUy (Qard youpe ladies irom ftncTUg. thetnsalfes like lady super- tiw a w rt& U ^ oJjsiq&o'us Mowing bt deeipk*,^aatthajrj-arejo .undaruke any jw at workk^hoffinca Kighttugwlri r— Common -Svrf string argu w m a man a perpatnal dlstrast'of^ hts .own reputation, sad is ss acknowledgment! that he thinka h» ban word Cof-wtnthy bf credit . •^Thtsnateet temptadon-tbat the devil heeidrUhe cbqsbiasia cqmlbft - _ — ^^s oetatingy of kind words end pleas- jagae^'foriuelrarcfrageant gifts, whose parfemp w ill gladden tha Heart aad swaet- aa the life of all who hear or receive them, i • * . , i ~ lla i often .boast of prtngraaa wksct they are only moveing in a circle; and awinre. th© are in,the right jpstb, t*canaCwith exesy circuit tho footprint* m i’lfiply, when they are only following their oarn tracks — -TThe Yirglnia legislktnre bas pamed thaHomsetead Biemption bill exempiog If,OOO in property from erecutvon; also ths b ill requiring office holders to take an Otth to support the state and Federal Oon- i itltUtJOO. 4 — ThsDgko de Montpcnsicr erpreeees, m a racentlaiter, his gnatitute for tho e3h>rt nude4o fofum him to thc'Spadjsh’' Cortex,, asdeays: “ Wliatcver may’ bo tho wiciasit udeaof time. I shall nevcf cease bo work a v oid iml iluw Ooitomcrei aro re;poctIaU» I b wlto^Ltocall* June 2* IHU. dl y Legal, Abagatl Hardy’s Estate. OTipg TO URED1TOHS.—Pprioonl to in orter Itt, Is tho liigheat stylo of art. The one i ^ ^ i M & a o t o ^ ( ^ ^ r B c ^ p a r p M o * ! adds grace and the, other value. l ^ W 8 a fiE g M 8S!^ T S —Wear your learning lilw a watch, in-a j b* ‘uW privsls pdekst auddoht endeavor to show ft unloes you aro asked wbat o'clock it is. - l - v BI®alwayB-sure of doing feood. Thia wzli mak* your life comfortable; your death happy, aud your aeconut glorious. — Horace Greoley aaya the darkest day in am ts a uireor ia that wherein ho iiociea th«em aome ea*er way of getting a dollar (ban by *qns|rJy epnaing it, —-iWhen. ftitndlhip i* to be valued : Valnt tbe frfosdsbip of him who stands by fput in the iW m ; awarms of insects will sucxoohd yml in the enttshine. —■ Wnta yonr namo in kindness and mer- .cy, on tbe hearts'of thoso you come in con tact with, snd you Will never ho forgot- te*. tnrt iteojUtatissp, ctmnljond BUfeatore- j itst A. n o a n o i T t As a Friend of Humanity i WISH TO SPBAK TO YOU K l IntalUcant Reader s—It top wonld bnj Choice Groceries .end Prorlilona, withont to r o< Ihoso ADULTERATIONS OK SHORT WRIGHTS. RoccnUj ornoscd by tho Now T^rk World, go lo NO. 2!5 COUKT ST. Where ion will Hod ■»FltBHH STOCK OF FAMLLi QROOKMX8 . TBS BBST TEAS, pukewt arx93r~ oesaioht au<3Ans. OLSAKtnST BTBTJTU dotcuedt|i»£thaj srerequltafl to pntaBht the “ ^ ^ k ^ A fn ^ eisth eitri lojtoeat.eribcr , WOBT DBXlXCjo o a P iC K lE * , EVBlt OFFEHBD1N THIS JfABKKT. IXTliolessle an d R etail. Ai I buy my own Fora from the Trapper*, ' rt my own Foreign Fnr*,and Bnperlntend their.VurefKtnre [I Superior Quality and Styles XS SBOURBD. HUFFS, CUFFS, CAPES, TALMAS, MITTENS, GLOVES, Ac. « In *U styles and variety oV Fur. A Use stock 01 Buffalo Robes, AND OTHX8 STYLB8 ^OF, FANCY IBOEIB IJ Also—A Fine AesortmenUjf HATS AND CAPS. OcUdwSm OF THE LATEST STYLE. H. 81GMAN, No. JOCoort street, Waterfown.N.Y. NJEW 2 OHARI.EB E. JOWtS Has bought Paul Settle'* Interest ln tbe Cstuact Mill*, where he will continue to manufacture nil kind* o r FLOUR Irom eUlctly No. 1 Wheat, Especially fbr tho Oity Hetail Trad*. I and warrantTt us good ss Iho very beat, slwaj* a t Wholmslo thd Kctail Market rate*. Keep* conetun. ly on ksud *1kinds of Feed, Beal, Oats, Shorts do, ana will do CUHTOX (lAfDlNa'ln the belt poeui; blominncr. W Ouih Paid for Orain. j » Goode promptly delivered tn * bj p«rt o( the city (ro« of cartaPo. tbe e*e<i#te»ihf iky tost ■ ,— . uld doceised. athle ptsfco of reeldeace taKutlund riereSSl on 0, D> Outed Nov. if, lESO.-9m' Xxeeater. rINHBT SALT PXH' B. tl. Thomufon fccope intf dUfercnt brands at Flour constantly on baud. AU orders Sod wlthhlza tor Foe<l. Heel. Omtr . Shorts, Ac. will receive pracpt attention. CHA8. B. JONES, ProwieUf. caAB. aotMONB, km Watkrtown. Aon '.’0. liso. d Our entire stocfe of Goods, for cash, C O N S I S T I N G ' Teas, Coffees Svtears Sy^ips, Spices Canned Fruits , Dry Goods *’ N'otions Bootsfe Shoes Drugs, Perfumes&e f C R O S S Sf H I L S O J f . Conner Factory and High street,'*”"-*' i< 'Ml. S D W K B 1SE C O U a T —COUNTY OF -1JK F - FJRKON.-TkomuO, Faikn abilnat, Quiet I. White. To th* above named DtMndani. Ton air herooy samaeaed anajwqnired to answer tk* complaint ot the PlilntUTla thi* icfkn, wklok wUl bd Clod with the Clerk o r th*Conatj OtJ Sftiicn **d to rerve • copy olyonr answer on u at onr Oflca 1q <iL m . hM G om nm iiavtra CoSire, lor 3* per s t Uk To* end CtofM Hiore. No. 3 Warn- H . Vv • oarodat -cWhrir*u't qoiosi * tc « aoo 5 oc ©imwsHaaolt. Bay a cake aad ko It home ‘ I'tewBa^^wdt-infcJiBtKh libov. and koi mm iJSO^Mik'ioJ'JRife.'tltllbTe* A Codec ftm* e T ^ ^ ------------------ YFy*«'w»A Wg»t r*h wcudd IS ounces lo the Ajfsmjd. ftaafrtiapetier goiothsWstctiownTcs complaint- HAEMOND AWT* BLOW, Flalntlff’* Attorusy- ’ Diced, J*n. aoth, 18TO. nrTbooom plrtstta tbla action w u Sled ln the Clerk's OSce o f Jefferson County, New York, Jana *„««.,«na JSnlSdBw ABE MEATS, Sror offered In NorU, Urered wlthosi 8 r ta Char** Ever offered In Northern Ned w tk. Good* tin .......................YrraO Teas Tea Per Gent,* Cheaper! Tbeo aor Ntore lh Ihe Ctt COME AND TEST M T aX A TE M .K T!, GKUHGB W. LAWRENCE. M ConrlStrcet.Watertown.N.Y. OtdAwtl. H inry A. W #uti*i s* uu. XJOTICE TO OHEDBOka—Fnnannt to *a or IN i*a*dol*IU*mau«rbyW.W.Tunit,X*q. Sortocalc of tha Coonty of JiHiirsoc, tho day of u* dktoberwT, Notice ta beraby tlvsn icponUn* to law, to all person* bavin* claim* stainst Boary A. Weaver, latoofttsdty ol Watertown, in*aid conn- it, dseeatsd, that Urey are required to present lhatr olalaa wilk ths vosehsrt thereof to ths nbscrlbar ths Isacaicr Ac._s(>sld decsaud, st ths stare of L. B kCniray * C o . l a u l t d t y ol Watortown, on or below thsU th day o f Ssptsmhar, lffto. DiiedHircb ffth, 1*73. __ mchSdffm L. B . HDRBAY, Bxecntor, Ac. •IkSOLLTION OEODFAETREUHIP. T HE Co-Vajtnsnhlp heretslbra axlatlng between Alooton Tabba Chaa. H. Tnbbs ana John B. XcKiy. nnder ths Arm nuse of A. Tnbbs A Co. ts this day dissolved by n n tu lc o n s M t Ths btralnos* wiil bo conlnned st ths old Hand. No 8 Woodruff Houe, by A. Tnbbs A Son, yhere tha books ol the lat* dim can be tound, wbo alone are antborlrcd to settle thsbcconnt*. ____ ALANDON TUBBS, CHAS. H. TUBBS, JOHN H. MeKAY. Watertown, March L 1870. dfftlaw S UFBME coomt—counte of jef FEBSON,—Joel A. Holliday, aoilnst John N. Loebr msdffironao*. A. Shed. T o tho ahovn named DelcidanU, You uo hereby enmmencd to answer th* complaint ot the abort named Plaintiff, which Wu him ln,Uio Clerk’s OfflcooF-TolBtvon Comity a t ~ ' -i,Tif •- Watortown,Naw Yolk, th* 10th day ot March. WO, and to scrrti a copy of;wom anaercr on tho tnhecri- bcrt>, '*1 their oflce ln UMsOltyof Watertown, afore said, within twenty day* after tbo eendeo ot thi* liKtuMk, Dif fstlierlantl," —Peojilo bad bailer make tha most ol the Caainl ?ark while it is atiil in honest nen’a bauilff. Tho I>emoctate haje mazked qt ilovrs as the naxt object to he plundered and a l l tho ncccstary arraogements ire S ide nt tka new chartto. Tbe only oredila- c pttBHc woik the Glty has to Bo**i of will aoon be uttoriy and'hopeleuly handed over to the freebooters. summons, exelnaln or the day ol bott I cc , or tbe Flalntlff wUl take jUgmont Ik u sst yon tor ftvehtttr dred dollari wtth interest from tho Ittdayol Janua ry liS-TU , beside costs. WYNN A l’QRTKB. Plff’o Attys. Watortown. N.Y. llchUdw_______ j ___________ -____________ riNrauM s w w iio mromi>*ir wc «y^»o te the A-jfrCeUorrmTea ACoffre Store, No 3 vraihlng _ ;s%* e E ksett a oe long, ^ M W fo ot* h> AiUarft AffltothHt,) Tl^mkwllllf WvlBC fwadfirgiko athoyoSik •vstoaaetamaaearovow in sheyjottporftetorori r ft i, ^ •ftprrm ium m yrfthfV cositAjitiy'pt' ^ d, mm, *c.,-4e,i lto’gsst »*mo^«Bd,w»t .inctnwnmaiodatiohiM ^attei -.Jac0^1,'4t,iii' fiWdltic ind’ • fc v m B m W tii'z ! N O . Elv* Mat the NllUsn. Ah, man Diea 1 mhn Dieu," said Alonwur HcIhioU to bid friend tSnifSns, m;nnaaiboert gave tco the mitten." I'ladeCdl.JEfow d id th a t happen 7” ' VellT thought I must go must, mako her oob vlnlt before' 1 lqsv6 town, so I stop in de aide of the room, and data I behold her btpkuitlnl purapn efretch. otit on von le«." ‘A loungo you mean.” -Uks jes. von louge. Aud den I ranks on« very polite branch, ind—" 'Yoifcnmu a polite bow." Ah; yu. von bough. And den I Bid I orn very iure sho would be rottso, it I did not come to seo-" T o n ffitd wh&t I” "I ia id BhS'ffculd be roiton if—" •That* euoug. You have put your foot HkTt iD b p HEM.' yteffi.-t&tti my-loot crat o f it, for she ?BK:ltANGING ^feoaacctionwith oul mmk l±x. [r 1-; - “ <: «$* "M f§ if ^ f ^ A4 ’,! ' v 4 fa i W’ord.'axjJimortifp and rot is all tbe same aa OBan&mj*. Ihotionarc." ? 3000, Tons CATUGA U N O PLASTER, For Sale *t « Coal Yard and Ljmd Works Much tivperfor to Ute Qnotiifaga, M o|pr 'QOEAREM «ME(li|FIC,' BbainuU!m;‘l(eiii'a^l*t(ioul, dmtikror CMWaand "3«UatkMailtet j Q K C O I , lUnKDIOENES, PAINTS AND OILS Brushes t ^ a s a c o f f e e s . * A G A R S A. (U l'u p i, NIOLASSR8, SP1EK5, Ac. and a color*} oreortmont of G r o c e r ie s , AT WHOLESALE <6 RETAIL A t tbo very Zeowast Possible Trices -ALBO- * Great U, S. Tea Co's Teas, ItU rir WholcMln Frtcr$, fTom6^c«\u+pU>$l Srtvr’ ptiuori.euu T^oeol ©ur OWN SELECTION. Asslek-d by one of tbo most vaporf Toa Tas'crj if the city of No* York) ffxlra , FIIUE CH O PS, jtoyun yiwtor*. at.ewcct as NEW MOWN HAY , All of rvhlcbw ith onr very L A B Ijl STOCK of MiaciitAidtots and 1\1 xWG O O D S will !;• -old a t UOTTOY PH1CEB. . KELLOGG « CONGEE, Sfe. ll Woodraff Bouso • d JanllriAw Walortown N. Y. OBANE’S BALSAM. Tbo Elixir of S ten gib. A mre and tpttdy cur* jrrr ail Diua*e* oj th* ifidnvpj, Inflamation or Irritation of th* Bladder, Non-retention or Inoontininc* of Urine, Gravel or Briek-Ihul Depotit, Mueou* Diichargti, Leucorrhea, And all Siseaia o f tbsTJrlxraryOrfxna In cltbcr Mslo or Fcma.0 , Irom whatovar canae orlglsattsg, and no matter of now long «undine. Thia prcparxtlon 1* pnretv Vogetabfo, contain* no Mxacnxr, nnd acts apedallj os tbo s m n n asd Urinary fknaqe*. U Invlgomtc* tho constitution canning Healthy Secretions, nnd Imparting tons am ■illiv]* * Vor Dlscuee tritlBS oa uir dcmurcmenl of Use Eid vx ts, tt t» i&TtlublO. For Leacorrbtt or White*, (I If the best rwncdj ercr rsipr«M 2itod i *ih.>*o •olTortnjr with this most troublcBomoco®plalTii, and i« inro lu oflcci aapecdj And pemsacAt cam. Wo dtma it tuxdtr nccoas u r to Vcfor*to onr verj Domeroas ctjrtlflcstca. s« xrearv vrdl assured thiv wjll rccomroont luclr bojrood All otha prupAxiritpji* t>»r nNivc named fltscases. U UKWts j t WholosAle A kouU. KorJ3dw9m WaicTtowu N- Y. H A VIHC SOLD O tJT msmCrresI lu the ma sictndc I sru bow ptcvsttoioTbao. .u. CRESCENT MILLS, WAtliKTOWN, N. Y. t R. C. FULLER, Proprietor. Tho subscriber, tuvtng pirehstcd Ud* well known EilL Is now mnaaXnctnrln* ill tho OHOIOE BRAHDS . OF F A M IL Y F L O U E , ALBO, MIXED FEED, dO^ sad solicit* n call from his old csatocneri snd other*. CASH PAID FOfi GRAIN. |RT Orden left at the Floor tnd Feed Store, JVo> 7 A r s e n mi B t- or at tba Mill, will »cel7» prompt aticnuon. H, O FUXiLBB* rtorai-dw Do Ton Want A ROYALSTAKDABD, DOUBLE m EP ALPACA, ,'" i Go to- . DAVIS & BARTlErrft Do you want a Graad Dutchess Alpaca, go to .. DAVIS ABAEPLEXTfll D o you want, a “Lyon" Alpaca, go to , . DAVIS & BABTXETPB, ‘ Do you want a DmgottAlpaca, goto _ DAVIS & BARTLETT’S. ' Do you want m Glase Cord Alpaca, go to D A V IS & BABTLEOT. Do you want anything iu tho lino of DRY-GOODS, CABPETS )IL OLoTBB jyon c&u always in d the boat tbo markot afford*, tad I pricee right, at No. 12 COURT ST. Remember Our Platform: 1st. Alw»yB t o gjvo our cuBtomers tho worth o f their money. 2d. B over to EniarepTeehilt an articlo sold. 3d. Short Credit aud. Long Friond*. D A V I S io B A R T L E 1 I A u- egl* >XTSH S M F O X T 8 9 •nd repair, PU dou , On^ihx «Dd Melodcona, Ta ifct tho very bt»i mannrr. Ordcm loll for me, at Perry & Watrrxjisti f Mn«|t r*t*-r* .* mil rrrclvccany tttcn ttoa, . HAMV iL APAMb. Dec. ’7 ^ E fH lT Y fT lJ n K. Tho Bhbrcriber wonld Inform the public thti he hAs op<mFd an office on the aecond Ifoorol V. S. Tfabbxrd - lJlocL corner ot Public Boanro and Pnnkfir street .where ho wiUtfvtrhisoiluroatben tioo iu making Bnirings, Plann. BpecifiaUlonB aoo & 4,maio8 of ever; dcacrtption or balldlnjf, 1 >oU Fabric asd Prlmto, In an sccornvc, neat and arUstir ir inner* All order* left a t tho abovo monltonod H ico, wtll f*» vo prompt attention. HT" The patrenngcof the public i* rwpfcU»iU >UcUc«l. .TOHK HOSE. Arrhhert. Wstertown Hat 2 d. 1 S 02. m ^CAIiE*, bavojbn ha fi C J L . J L M B , BUFFALO BOALE WOate, ye. Win *e!l Obetp.rKvsry Ccwlowimaled (URGENT • BTRATT, " Ho, l CotrtREtoek, Court *t, Wo havojbn Land for ftlc an oesortmsnt-ot Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tba purpoea* of * Laxative lU&ciira. Pcrhapa no one modi- 1cine I* *o mivereaUy re- qrired by cvevybody as a eaDrarae.norwaseror any bskbre *o universal ly adapted Into «*e, in every ooaratiyud among ail cliuee, at this mild bat eM eet purgative Fill. .The obrkran rev NmfotheMtl* inonre- . lUbis and fkr moro effho- 'to a l remedy than any oQtsr. Those who htve tried it, know that tt cured them I those w l» hsva not. know thatK cures their *iel| 8bor» u d fHeadi, nnd an know that what it does once It doee always —that It nenvlUli through aay ikult or neglect of its composRtoa.', IWe have W nsnads upon thou sands orcertUoatM of theirrenterkabje cures oftbe following oomriamt*, but inch core* are known In every ueuhboneod,an4 w e— 1 — ‘ — ' ’-— dajtcdlo ------ Adapted lo au ages aad condxkmn ln all climanen; conUtatngusMwu calorari o r any dtletvrtoo*drox, tbey maylra taken wHk tej&f byanybody. Tbttr sugar coatiigBreeerrestber------- *— —" them pleasant to t*ke,whHe no harm can arise frrnn their uas ^. ______ They operate % tbslr bcrwarM InRnrece on the internal wlaoer* to purify thb blood sa d stimulate it into healthy action—remove the abstractions of the stomteb.-bowete, liver, aad other organ* of die body, reStortagthNr frregolir action to health, and by'correctfamiwTrerever they exllt, aoob dreange- ment* u aremeffrnt odghrofdisetse. Mbate dlrectiom* are gtvem ia the wrapper oa the box, For th* EoBawtag cnwnillhits. whfia flie*e u.o— meea, T u fk ir lad XmmSetA Hpetlte, they ehooMWnnaWHoMMy to atftajniatc the stom ach asdiwseoreHshsamytoneaid action. For B W C * » t|ls l« t and Its various symp toms, l l l l i e a IK ai dacNa. Welt H eadache, dtdoaiily taken for each case, to correct the fllaeascd action or remove the obstmctiosu whfch csnae n . - For Dyaenteryr or Dlanrhace, but ode mild doee iaaenerally required. For mhyaifaaaiaw, S aat, jBraval, FahH. tatiqser tore Heart, Fals.a the Mde. & ts aed M a a , tocy aliMlc taken, as aeqalred, toekuxethe tbe ayited*. WKh tnok cbange , -— lotion of those complalnic doee the e*cct of a drastic purg^ . Fpr 'tiwNMrtWetaa » large dose i W m be Ukea as It jprodoees the desired «*oct Sr sympathy. ■A* h W reac FUZ. take ono or two?nia to pro- mote diiestlot) u d Telfhrothe Rouiach. , A» owarioeal doeo sUmnlstea-tiM stomach and bowris Uo bctllby acttoe,pwtores the appetite, ,ae»ceit3«,o^>d- CyciSw^htolwrtlTW ift* & ^ a jp sBwaaMRMaat BM.J.C.ATM* * VO., ]Frmc*it*l C*t*U*U, tO W B tp.^fU ft,, tr. s. A, .... Son at Walcrtowh flwT, trix ’ailp, mOo.r N.M1 mllh, Tkso*. A. lWchjiBdidnghliti arerywher# A Feckjiud,. ttalNftmr iwma WINES & LIQUORS, j BRANDIES, United Vino Growers' Co. of Coen&e, 1S234* Se&ncssj*' lUrtello M A o .’* Jnie* Robin, (Pecct CaHUJIoq A C o., nnd French. , G-INS ; Bernard A Co.’s m T . T l T O M . D e K e y p c r l & don’s A N Z H R , M B D E H 8W A N . Q R A P E X .B L A I’, dk PXTKB O LD XXOXDLASTX>, 3B L H M S ! OLD XMAIOA. ET. OXOXS EtlKMW SICODAKD. iHtrpbr’fl lrisk .P«(#«E WklskL B CteJLOCM, L A B E 4t COH SCOTCH AlfD HALT Glasgow Whiskv. r i'R E O LD OPOHTS.ROYAL i»o r r w • iN e : 1H40: PURE OLD GOLDEN illB K K Y , w ith o.l the m r>f< f pjiehjc Nation wiocj by tbo BO TTIvB OR ON DRAFT. flamroondfDor Kid ClUtfoTpi* Sl*ARKrjN(i WINES. IIDENBDRGH ALES AND LONDON PORTER Al* of Hjq ubovp uiu be f^andPURR ANB FlNTL and bo K»ldas rtacooaWc as any GENIHNE IM- rOBTW r8«.*ode. dlhHAvtf A. M. XSNYOW. g o , FOB TBS' SOLID ATS J. w. PECK, tho Old Stand, No. 30 Btratcr's Block, Would inlorrn the cltlzcos of faturtown, tbatho has jn61 n-coivod for the Holidays, a cholco areort -ment of C O T J F ’je O T I O D T A .I t'S - . welch cannot be excelled la ijaalltj or price, by any homo ln ihe city. Ho also lnti es attuutton to hit Stock of Oreen and Dried Fruits, V e g eta b l e s ) P oultry, 4 c. H e U t also a s electio n ol CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, rad I’rovUions, consisting r r Tek«. Co(Tees, Snnre. ai< 5 m r% vr.’n ^ tr a ’G ^ fy.- .Thepobllc aroinvlted-t® ctU aod examine mt, good* and prices, welch 'will compare fevoraby with any honna in ths elty lh -quality and cheapne**, OSCgMwlV Race Brothers ft Co.,, We haw thi» Ray reduced our jmccs FIFTEEN P £ R ' C hN T '<* j CRO C&EH 7, -including owr Patent French Clay Cera, ond Plain i Iron Stone China. ' .. j We have ihitcRay reduced ontrprices Twenty Per\Cenl. on GoldRahfc and Plain Fmcsh China. . ., 1 Wc have thii 6 Zay reduced o w prim Fifteen. Per _ Cent, on TvmHUttf Goblets, and onesieryth&ng in Class Ware. ' ^ We haw thu day redwed omr prices Ten Per Cent, on Stiver PSdHI Tec Sets, Castors„ Spoons, Forks, tfce. •- Wc have this dRiy redwod onr prices Ten Per Cent, on Jvory,’RlM*f Coast ana ISonc FiandZcd Knives an d Forks, and in faction alZJcindt if labia Cutlery. We haw this d a y reduced oner prices Fifteen per\Cent on Lamps, JtMb, oscna fixtures, ai}<E‘ Chandeliers. We ham this d a y redvtced our prices Ten Per\Cent\onItGeis ChandeliM and Brackets. We haw this) es of all sues. A, reduc&lour prices Fifteen per <xnl on\£ex>hing Glott\ on Zinc and T in Toilcl IFarc, We ham th is d a y reduced our prices ten per cent on Rockingham Yellow Ware', T-ewenty ppcr cent on Tea Trays a n d B ir d Cages/ Twenty five per cent o-n omr- large Stock of Fancy Goods. , Wc have this d a y Marked Down every thing in our Immense Stock ef Goods/ so as tohamxourprices sofar Mena allfcompeiitors, that custdmh ers can see at once dhat tfeis is ths nn Iff place to buy Goods C H E A P . 1 Our Motto is: •* dfukk Sales and Smdil Prwjits.3’ Remember theplace, F o. 22 Court Street, Watertown, N . Y. may244co(l'wly p A CE B R O T H E R S db Go.' FALL CAMPAIGN. B o o t s te S h o e s f o r t h e M ilU o n W ebJb Ar C h id e s te r , 28 CO U R r STREET, WATERTOWN, N. Y. — i’ Have the Larccst Awortment of BOOTS aud SH OES for Eatt in the State, Thoy call special attention to thoir v‘ *4 K i p fu n d C a lf B o o ts , OF THEIR 0W1N MA.1JUFACTUEE, ALL HAND MADE, A N "' WARRANTED. E3T Don’t VP m Call nnd Examine I . V'-1*' 7• ■■■ 'If' ’f»; * f;.„ Q E J I B UUBlt, «r~ New ETofk, H u compotradtd aim article called EC Jk S lR -m E , for ihc^oro ofjaalijitm^ UUiformy B*|!c . t»*»ox iliccworaejf ________ •at Eil l t d* I haamumn adldcUorold 'dnstilff UK |i|lxr.u( kampihffK Cram •OWtk'* Thread, *t Nsw York prlcH, at i DlbmmAOik ■nE^i*«M**W'iia4Eita jftlMMIirffoHfoto Bto t a * tM*M>*NlUui Fatten*, ior WtAOpT n M M W fo. IrL . VFJ i m\n A, } I

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Page 1: Do Ton · a v oid iml iluw Ooitomcrei aro re;poctIaU» Ib wlto^L to call* June 2* IHU. dl y Legal, Abagatl H ardy’s Estate

m n u tts m t Fo^f

G otK h»lk,'u preparing a biography ot the ijtifoenledartiit and, compoeer. She has

i-btifo. promised MaiaUnee by Gottcbalk'a wrier.

an gu rated.. P ^ J a - T /

To Th; MSS&iRyv

line, tnaam *ltoeiwM.«un.T6i,t|i« bilwdM, '->,. ■-viSitt •* s44rfS^«'»&V3'i,h

T O T i l M E T A XX. T X A ’D B ,

irom ul prirteMthe world, end win bo told ahekkap u tn uir market where

tfajecdaaa naata y stamp* iffilu iff f m llj____vopyby retuxmau. n r TwUerkaedavclelsk.'iile»3SatSSL*w,rtt*t *<w* t n W v

i f » *M* l# « W f.'.r:cv i q ^ .i„

f f iS E R F g

And Full Weijjffitih& MMburee'af* Given,We have a s unusually large stock of 8UGA.R o l

tho -rerlou grade*. purchased at a moet favorable, ■■" e propaee tq rattle off Cheap, to pro-

'--v -~ '* ~ itF ro lt Crop.wrvetbo

!M R ly e a U iM tn a IU ra e.— I f yoSt can nof 4 * * i well as you taiah

4 o s i w ell as yoijje#n 4

—Ptamtai* lukde in the tune oi affliction better memory than peopole com-

■moply posatss.

-cW ben you boar a man say “ Life is but empty dream.1' tread on hiB corns nnd Waks h im up. Life is real. ,

, ^ Be deaf to tWquMrelsome,* blind to j GT66D & J&P&Q $ 1 & U pW W dStbeicom er. and dgxqb to those who are

n i ^ l j f ^ a j y t a q ^ j v ^ y » ■/yi— To m ingle the useful with the beauti

we do noUdtobd to bo undersold by fee Company, and power offer usy that ",d good-draw in#. - •

Wc Invito comparison.

R h ak & % JM M ftJiw i«

f Ftottoit Ribbeni, be,i % w tt* ahawreirkttt# ♦Umtimaxid

^ * -Jr -s** ^ *¥ **1 1

,,____ tMd

r C T E t r r - * > Tf

.i :K-<aiww*a a ia* K * >» I k l r - i . ■.

j* o< s » y k 7 r - W * n Mgpit aAa*Caan»a<‘ -. j. »

writes asSteaiPitaiW ^

-deaS gft

S t o r e :; laa&reisorcboireaMloa it thb Watertown Tara

A eceatp to re,N o .» washngton it. -

-, -J - -. -f___

-v % n


Wkat'a Water (aeiiw. at th*• OuWreitqWJio SWiHrttay-

oae dollar Topil la the dty (or ffvwpetpios ’ .;ert«w*Tfa A CoVee Store.

. t > ' ^eaadrteiown. io to the Tea a col- rSw get 5 poaaue of teat #l 18 oepen

# f 3 t r r r ~ m* ”

t would eeptciiiUy (Qard youpe ladies irom ftncTUg. thetnsalfes like lady super- t i w a w r t & U ^ oJjsiq&o'us M o w in g bt d eeip k*,^ aatthajrj-arejo .undaruke any jw a t w orkk^hoffinca Kighttugwlri

r— Common -Svrf string argu w m a man a perpatnal dlstrast'of^ hts .own reputation, sad is ss acknowledgment! that he thinka h » b a n word Cof-w tnthy b f credit

. •^ T h tsn a te et temptadon-tbat the devil heeidrUhe cbqsbiasia cqm lbft - _

— ^ s o etatin gy o f kind words end pleas- ja g a e ^ 'fo r iu e lra rcfra g e a n t gifts, whose parfemp w ill gladden tha Heart aad swaet- aa the life of a ll who hear or receive them, i • * . , i

~ l l a i often .boast of prtngraaa wksct they are only moveing in a c ir c le ; and aw in re . th© are in,the r ig h t jp stb , t*canaCwith exesy circuit tho footprint* m i’lfiply, when they are only following their oarn tracks

■ — -TThe Y irgln ia legislktnre bas pamed thaHomsetead Biemption bill exempiog If,OOO in property from erecutvon ; also ths b il l requiring office holders to take an Otth to support th e s ta te and Federal Oon-

i itltUtJOO. 4— T h sD g k o de Montpcnsicr erpreeees,

m a racentlaiter, h is gnatitute for tho e3h>rt nude4o fofum him to thc'Spadjsh’ ' Cortex,, asdeays: “ W liatcver may’ bo tho wiciasit udeaof time. I shall nevcf cease bo work

a v oid iml iluw Ooitomcrei aro re;poctIaU» Ib wlto L to call* June 2* IHU. dl y

Legal,A b a g a tl H a r d y ’s E sta te .

OTipg TO URED1TOHS.—Pprioonl to in orter

Itt, Is tho liigheat stylo of art. The one i ^ ^ i M & a o t o ^ ( ^ ^ r B c ^ p a r p M o * ! a d d s grace and the, other value. l ^ W 8 a f i E g M 8S ! ^ T S

— Wear your learning lilw a watch, in-a j b* ‘ uWprivsls pdekst au d d o h t endeavor to show f t unloes you aro asked w bat o'clock it is.

-l-vBI® alwayB-sure of doing feood. Thia wzli mak* your life comfortable; your death happy, aud your aeconut glorious.

— Horace Greoley aaya the darkest day in a m t s a uireor ia that wherein ho iiociea th « em aome ea*er way o f gettin g a dollar (ban by *qns|rJy epnaing it,

—-iWhen. ftitndlhip i* to be valued :V a ln t tbe frfosdsbip o f him who stands by fput in the iW m ; awarms of insects will sucxoohd ym l in th e enttshine.

—■ W nta yonr namo in kindness and mer- .cy, on tbe hearts'of thoso you come in con­t a c t with, snd you Will never h o forgot-te * .

tn r titeojUtatissp, ctmnljond BUfeatore-

j it s t A. n o a n o i T t

A s a Friend of Humanity

i WISH TO SPBAK TO YOUK l I n ta lU c a n t R e a d e r s—It top wonld bnj

Choice Groceries .end Prorlilona, withont to r o< Ihoso


SHORT W R IG H TS.RoccnUj ornoscd by tho Now T^rk World, go lo

NO. 2!5 COUKT ST.Where ion will Hod ■» FltBHH STOCK OF FAMLLi QROOKMX8.TBS BBST TEAS,pukewt arx93r~ o e s a i o h t a u < 3 A n s .

O L S A K tn S T BTBTJTUdotcuedt|i»£thaj srerequltafl to pntaBht the“ ^ ^ k ^ A f n ^ e i s t h e i t r i lo jto eat.eribcr , W OBT DBXlXCj o o a P i C K l E * ,


IXTliolessle a n d R e ta il.Ai I buy my own Fora from the Trapper*,

' rt my own Foreign Fnr*,and Bnperlntend their.VurefKtnre [I

Superior Quality and StylesXS SBOURBD.


«In *U styles and variety oV Fur. A Use stock 01

B u f f a l o R o b e s ,AND OTHX8 STYLB8 ^OF, FANCY IBOEIB IJ

Also—A Fine AesortmenUjf

H A T S A N D C A P S .



No. JOCoort street, Waterfown .N.Y.


Has bought Paul Settle'* Interest ln tbe Cstuact Mill*, where he will continue to manufacture nil kind* or FLOUR Irom eUlctly No. 1 Wheat,Especially fbr tho Oity Hetail Trad*.

Iand warrantTt us good ss Iho very beat, slwaj* a t Wholmslo thd Kctail Market rate*. Keep* cone tun. ly on ksud *1 kinds ofFeed, Beal, Oats, Shorts do,ana will do CUHTOX (lAfDlNa'ln the belt poeui; blominncr.

W Ouih Paid for Orain. j »Goode promptly delivered tn *bj p«rt o( the city

(ro« of cartaPo.

tbe e*e<i#te»ihf iky tost ■ , — — .uld doceised. athle ptsfco of reeldeace taKutlund riereSSl on 0, D>

Outed Nov. if, lESO.-9m' Xxeeater.

r I N H B T S A L T PXH'

B. tl. Thomufon fccope intf dUfercnt brands at Flour constantly on baud. AU orders Sod wlthhlza tor Foe<l. Heel. Omtr. Shorts, Ac. will receive pracptattention. CHA8. B. JONES, ProwieUf.

caAB. aotMONB, km Watkrtown. Aon '.’0. liso. d

Our entire stocfe of Goods, for cash,

C O N S I S T I N G '

Teas,C o ffe e s

S v te a rsS y ^ ip s,

S p ic e sCanned Fruits

, Dry Goods *’N'otions

B o o ts fe Shoes Drugs,


fC R O S S S f H I L S O J f .

Conner F ac to ry an d H igh stree t,'* ”" -*'i<


S DWKB1SE C O U aT —COUNTY OF -1JKF- FJRKON.-TkomuO, Faikn abilnat, Q uiet

I. White. To th* above named DtMndani. Ton air herooy samaeaed anajwqnired to answer tk* complaint ot the PlilntUTla thi* icfkn, wklok wUl bd Clod with the Clerk o r th* Conatj Ot J Sftiicn **d to rerve • copy olyonr answer on u at onr Oflca 1q


• m

. hM G o m n m iiav tra Co Sire, lor 3* per s t Uk To* end CtofM Hiore. No. 3 Warn-

H. Vv •

oarodat -cWhrir*u't qoiosi* tc«aoo5oc © im w s H a a o l t . Bay a cake aad ko It home

‘ I 'tew B a^^w dt-infcJiB tK h libov. and koi

mmiJSO^Mik'ioJ'JRife.'tltllbTe* A Codec

f tm * e T ^ ------------------

YFy*«'w»A W g»t r*h wcudd IS ounces lo the Ajfsm jd. ftaafrtiapetier goiothsWstctiownTcs

complaint- HAEMOND AWT* BLOW,Flalntlff’* Attorusy-

’ Diced, J*n. aoth, 18TO.n rT b o o o m p lrts tta tbla action w u Sled ln the

Clerk's OSce of Jefferson County, New York, Jana*„««.,«naJSnlSdBw

A B E M E A T S ,

Sror offered In NorU,Urered wlthosi 8 r ta Char**Ever offered In Northern Ned w tk. Good* tin .......................YrraO

Teas Tea Per Gent,* Cheaper!T b e o a o r N tore lh Ih e C tt

COM E AND T E S TM T a X A T E M . K T ! ,

GKUHGB W. LAWRENCE. M ConrlStrcet.Watertown.N.Y. OtdAwtl.

H i n r y A. W # u t i * i s * u u .XJOTICE TO OHEDBOka—Fnnannt to *a or IN i*a*dol*IU *m au«rbyW .W .T unit,X *q . Sortocalc of tha Coon ty of JiHiirsoc, tho day of u* dktoberwT, Notice ta beraby tlvsn icponUn* to law, to all person* bavin* claim* stainst Boary A. Weaver, latoofttsd ty ol Watertown, in*aid conn- it, dseeatsd, that Urey are required to present lhatr olalaa wilk th s vosehsrt thereof to ths nbscrlbar ths Isacaicr Ac._s(>sld decsaud, s t ths stare of L. B kCniray *C o. l a u l t d ty ol Watortown, on or below thsU th day o f Ssptsmhar, lffto.

DiiedHircb ffth, 1*73. __mchSdffm

L. B. HDRBAY,Bxecntor, Ac.

•IkS O L L T IO N O E O D F A E T R E U H I P .T HE Co-Vajtnsnhlp heretslbra axlatlng between

Alooton Tabba Chaa. H. Tnbbs ana John B. XcKiy. nnder ths Arm nuse o f A. Tnbbs A Co. ts this day dissolved by n n tu lc o n sM t

Ths btralnos* wiil bo conlnned st ths old Hand. No 8 Woodruff Houe, by A. Tnbbs A Son, yhere tha books ol the lat* dim can be tound, wbo aloneare antborlrcd to settle thsbcconnt*. ____


Watertown, March L 1870. dfftlaw

S U F B M E c o o m t —c o u n t e o f j e fFEBSON,—Joel A. Holliday, aoilnst John N.

Loebr msdffironao*. A. Shed. To tho ahovn named DelcidanU, You uo hereby enmmencd to answer th* complaint ot the abort named Plaintiff, which Wu him ln,Uio Clerk’s OfflcooF-TolBtvon Comity a t ~ ' -i,T if •- —Watortown,Naw Yolk, th* 10th day ot March. WO, and to scrrti a copy of;wom anaercr on tho tnhecri- bcrt>, '*1 their oflce ln UMsOltyof Watertown, afore­said, within twenty day* after tbo eendeo ot thi*

liKtuMk, Dif fstlierlan tl,"—Peojilo bad bailer make tha most o l

the C a a in l ? a r k while it is atiil in honest nen’a bauilff. Tho I>emoctate h aje mazked qt ilovrs as th e naxt object to he plundered and a l l tho ncccstary arraogements ireS ide nt tka new chartto. T b e only oredila-

c pttBHc w o ik the G lty h a s to Bo**i o f will aoon be uttoriy and'hopeleuly handed over to the freebooters.

summons, exelnaln or the day ol bottIcc, or tbe Flalntlff wUl take jUgmont Ik u ss t yon tor ftvehtttr dred dollari wtth interest from tho Ittdayol Janua­ry liS-TU, beside costs. WYNN A l’QRTKB.

Plff’o Attys. Watortown. N.Y. llchUdw_______ j___________ -____________

r iN ra u M s w w iio mromi>*ir wc «y^»o te the A-jfrCeUorrmTea ACoffre Store, No 3 vraihlng

_ ;s%*

e E k s e t t a oe long,^ M W fo ot* h> AiUarft AffltothHt,)

Tl^mkwllllf WvlBC fwadfirgiko athoyoSik•vstoaaetamaaearovow in sheyjottporftetorori

r f t i, ^•ftprrm i u m m

yrfthfV cositAjitiy'pt'

d, m m , *c.,-4e,i

lto’gsst »*mo^«Bd,w»t .inctnwnmaiodatiohiM attei

- .J a c0 ^ 1 ,'4 t,iii 'fiWdltic ind’

• fc v m B m

W t i i ' z ! N O .

E lv * M a t t h e N llU sn .A h, man Diea 1 mhn Dieu," said

Alonwur HcIhioU to bid friend tSnifSns, m ;nnaaiboert gave tco the m itten."

I'ladeCdl.JEfow d id th a t happen 7”' V e llT thought I must go must, mako

her oob v ln lt before' 1 lqsv6 tow n, so I stop in de aide of the room, and data I behold her btpkuitlnl purapn efretch. otit on vonle « ."

■‘A loungo you mean.”-Uks jes. von louge. Aud den I ranks

on« very polite branch, ind— "'Yoifcnmu a polite bow."Ah; y u . vo n bough. And den I Bid I

o rn ve ry iure sho would be rottso, it I did n ot come to s e o - "

T o n ffitd wh&t I”"I ia id BhS'ffculd be roiton if—"•That* euoug. You have put your foot

HkTt iD b p HEM.'yteffi.-t& tti my-loot crat o f it, for she

? B K : l t A N G I N G^feoaacctionw ith o u l

m m k


[r 1-; - “ <: «$*"M f§

if f A4’,!' v ’ 4 fa i

W’ord.'axjJimortifp and rot is a ll tbe same a a OBan&mj*. Ihotionarc."

? 3 0 0 0 , T o n s CATUGA U N O PLASTER,

For Sale *t «

Coal Yard and Ljmd WorksMuch tivperfor to Ute Qnotiifaga,

M o|pr'QOEAREM «M E(li|FIC,'


d m t i k r o r C M W a a n d• "3«UatkMailtet



B r u sh e st ^ a s a c o f f e e s .

* A G A R S A. ( U l ' u p i ,

NIOLASSR8, SP1EK 5, Ac.and a color*} oreortmont of

G r o c e r i e s ,A T W H O L E S A L E <6 R E T A I L

A t tb o v e r y Z eo w ast P o ss ib le T r ices-ALBO- *

Great U, S. Tea Co's Teas,ItU rir WholcMln Frtcr$, fTom6^c«\u+pU>$l Srtvr’

ptiuori.euu T^oeol ©ur

O W N S E L E C T I O N .Asslek-d by one of tbo most vaporf Toa Tas'crj if

the city of No* York) ffxlra ,

F I I U E C H O P S ,jtoyun yiwtor*. at.ewcct as

N E W M O W N H A Y ,All of rvhlcb w ith onr very

L A B I j l S T O C Ko f M ia ciitA id to ts a n d

1 \ 1 xW G O O D Swill !;• -old a t UOTTOY PH1CEB.

. KELLOGG « CONGEE,Sfe. ll Woodraff Bouso • d

JanllriAw Walortown N. Y.

O B A N E ’S B A L S A M . Tbo Elixir of S ten gib.

A mre and tpttdy cur* jrrr a il Diua*e* oj th* ifidnvpj, Inflamation or Irritation

of th* Bladder, Non-retention or Inoontininc* of Urine, Gravel

or Briek-Ihul Depotit,Mueou* Diichargti,

Leucorrhea,A n d a ll S is e a ia o f tbsT JrlxraryO rfxna

In cltbcr Mslo or Fcma.0, Irom whatovar canae orlglsattsg, and no matter of now long «undine.

Thia prcparxtlon 1* pnretv Vogetabfo, contain* no Mxacnxr, nnd acts apedallj os tbo s m n n asd Urinary fknaqe*. U Invlgomtc* tho constitution canning Healthy Secretions, nnd Imparting tons am■illiv]* *

Vor Dlscuee tritlBS o a uir dcmurcmenl of Use E i d v x t s , t t t » i & T t l u b l O .

F o r L e a c o r r b t t o r W h i t e * , ( I I f t h e b e s t r w n c d j ercr r s i p r « M 2i t o d i * ih.>*o • o lT o rtn jr w i t h t h i s m o s t t r o u b l c B o m o c o ® p la lT i i , a n d i« i n r o l u o f l c c i a a p e c d j And pemsacAt cam.

Wo dtma it tuxdtr nccoas u r to Vcfor*to onr verj Domeroas ctjrtlflcstca. s« xrearv vrdl assured thiv wjll rccomroont luclr bojrood All otha prupAxiritpji* t>»r nNivc named fltscases.

U UKWts j t WholosAle AkouU. KorJ3dw9m WaicTtowu N- Y.

H A VIHC SOLD O tJT msmCrresI lu the masictndc I sru bow ptcvsttoioTbao. .u.


tR. C. FU LLER, Proprietor.

Tho subscriber, tuvtng pirehstcd Ud* well known EilL Is now mnaaXnctnrln* ill tho


F A M I L Y F L O U E ,

ALBO, MIXED FEED, dO sad solicit* n call from his old csatocneri snd other*.

CASH PAID FOfi GRAIN.|R T Orden left at the Floor tnd Feed Store,

JVo> 7 A rs e n mi B t- or at tba Mill, will »cel7» prompt aticnuon. H , O FU X iL B B *


Do Ton WantA R O Y A L S T A K D A B D , D O U B LE m E P A L P A C A , , ' " i

G o to - . D A V I S & B A R T l E r r f tD o you want a Graad Dutchess A lpaca, go to ..

D A V I S A B A E P L E X T f l lD o you want, a “Lyon" Alpaca, go to , .

D A V I S & B A B T X E T P B , ‘

D o you want a DmgottAlpaca, g oto _ D A V I S & B A R T L E T T ’S. '

D o you want m G lase Cord Alpaca, go to D A V I S & B A B T L E O T .

D o you want a n yth in g iu tho lin o of D R Y -G O O D S , C A B P E T S )IL O L o T B B jyon c&u always i n d the boat tb o markot afford*, ta d I

pricee right, at No. 12 C O U R T S T .

Remember Our P latform :1st. Alw»yB t o gjvo our cuBtomers tho worth o f their money.2d. B o v e r to EniarepTeehilt an articlo sold.3d. Sh ort Credit aud. Long Friond*.

D A V I S i o B A R T L E 1




>XTSH S M F O X T 8 9

•nd repair, PU dou, On^ihx «Dd Melodcona, Ta ifct tho very bt»i mannrr. Ordcm loll for me, at Perry & Watrrxjisti f Mn«|t r*t*-r*.* mil rrrclvccany tttcn ttoa, . HAMV iL APAMb.

Dec. ’7

^ E f H l T Y f T l J n K.

Tho Bhbrcriber wonld Inform the public thti he hAs op<mFd an office on the aecond Ifoorol V. S. Tfabbxrd - lJlocL corner ot Public Boanro and Pnnkfir street .where ho wiUtfvtrhisoiluroatben tioo iu making Bnirings, Plann. BpecifiaUlonB aoo & 4,maio8 of ever; dcacrtption or balldlnjf, 1>oU Fabric asd Prlmto, In an sccornvc, neat and arUstir ir inner* All order* left a t tho abovo monltonod H ico, wtll f*» vo prompt attention.

HT" The patrenngcof the public i* rwpfcU»iU >UcUc«l. .TOHK HOSE. Arrhhert.Wstertown Hat 2d. 1S02. m

^ C A I i E * ,

bavojbn ha

f i C J L . J L M B ,

BUFFALO BOALE WOate,ye. Win *e!l Obetp.rKvsry Ccwlowimaled

(URGENT • BTRATT," Ho, l CotrtREtoek, Court *t,

Wo havojbn Land for ftlc an oesortmsnt-ot

A y e r’s C a th a r tic P ills ,F o r all tb a purpoea* of * Laxative

lU&ciira.Pcrhapa no one modi-

1 cine I* *o mivereaUy re- qrired by cvevybody as a eaDrarae.norwaseror any bskbre *o universal­ly adapted Into «*e, in every ooaratiyud among ail cliuee, at this mild b a t e M e e t purgative F ill. .The obrkran rev NmfotheMtl* inonre-

. lUbis and fkr moro effho- 'to a l remedy than any oQtsr. Those who htve

tried it, know that tt cured them I those w l» hsva not. know thatK cures their *iel| 8bor» u d fHeadi, nnd an know that what i t does once It doee always—that It nenvlU li through aay ikult or neglect of its composRtoa.', IWe have W nsnads upon thou­sands orcertUoatM of their renterkabje cures oftbe following oomriamt*, but inch core* are known In every ueuhboneod,an4 w e— 1 —‘ — ' ’-—

dajtcdlo ------Adapted lo au ages aad condxkmn ln all climanen; conUtatngusMwu calorari o r any dtletvrtoo*drox, tbey maylra taken wHk tej&f byanybody. Tbttrsugar coatiigBreeerrestber------- *— — "them pleasant to t*ke,whHeno harm can arise frrnn their uas ^ . ______

They operate % tbslr bcrwarM InRnrece on the internal wlaoer* to purify thb blood sa d stimulate it into healthy action—remove the abstractions of the stomteb.-bowete, liver, aad other organ* of die body, reStortagthNr frregolir action to health, and by'correctfamiwTrerever they exllt, aoob dreange- ment* u aremeffrnt odghrofdisetse.

M bate dlrectiom* are gtvem ia the wrapper oa the box, For th* EoBawtag cnwnillhits. whfia flie*e

u . o —meea, T u f k i r lad XmmSetAH p e tlte , they ehooM W nnaW HoM M y to atftajniatc the stom­ach asdiwseoreHshsamytoneaid action.

For B W C * » t|ls l« t and Its various symp­toms, l l l l i e a IK ai dacN a. Welt H e a d a c h e ,

dtdoaiily taken for each case, to correct the fllaeascd action or remove the obstmctiosu whfch csnae n . -

For D yaenteryr or D la n rh ac e , but ode milddoee iaaenerally required.

For m hyaifaaaiaw , S a a t , jB raval, F a h H . t a t i q s e r tore H e a r t , F a l s . a t h e M de.

& t saed M a a , tocy aliMlc taken, as aeqalred, to ek uxethe tbe ayited*. WKh tnok cbange , — -— lotion of

those complalnic

doee the e*cct of a drastic purg^ .Fpr 'tiwNMrtWetaa »large dose iW m be Ukea as It jprodoees the desired «*oct Sr sympathy.■A* hW reac FUZ. take ono or two?nia to pro- mote diiestlot) u d Telfhrothe Rouiach.

, A» owarioeal doeo sUmnlstea-tiM stomach and bowris U o bctllby acttoe,pwtores the appetite,

,a e » c e it3 « ,o ^ >d-CyciS w ^ h to lw rtlT W if t* & ^

a j p s B w a a M R M a a tBM.J.C.ATM* * VO., ]Frmc*it*l C*t*U*U,

tO W Btp.^fU ft,, tr. s. A , . . . .Son a t Walcrtowh flwT, t r ix ’ailp, mOo.r N.M1

m llh, Tkso*. A. lWchjiBdidnghliti arerywher#A Feckjiud,.ttalNftmriwma


B R A N D I E S ,United Vino Growers' Co. o f Coen&e, 1 S 2 3 4 *

Se&ncssj*' lUrtello M A o . ’* Jnie* R o b i n , (Pecct CaHUJIoq A C o . , nnd French. ,

G -IN S ;Bernard A Co.’s m T .T l T O M .D e K e y p c rl & don’s A N Z H R , M B D E H 8 W A N . Q R A P E X .B L A I’, dk P X T K B O L D X X O X D L A ST X > ,


S IC O D A K D .

iH trpbr’fl lrisk .P«(#«E W klskL


G l a s g o w W h i s k v .r i ' R E O L D OPOHTS.ROYAL

i»o r r w • iN e : 1 H 4 0 :

PURE OLD GOLDENi l l B K K Y , w i t h o .l th e m r >f< f pjiehjc N a t i o n wiocj b y t b o B O T T I v B O R O N D R A F T . f l a m r o o n d f D o r Kid C lUtfoTpi*

S l * A R K rj N ( i W I N E S . IIDENBDRGH ALES


L O N D O N P O R T E RAl* o f Hjq u b o v p uiu be f^andPURR ANB FlNTL

and bo K»ldas rtacooaWc as any GENIHNE IM-r O B T W r 8 « . * o d e .

dlhHAvtf A . M . X S N Y O W .g o , F O B T B S ' S O L I D A T S

J. w . P E C K ,tho Old Stand, No. 3 0 Btratcr's Block,

Would inlorrn the cltlzcos of faturtown, tbatho has jn61 n-coivod for the Holidays, a cholco areort

-ment of C O T J F ’j e O T I O D T A . I t 'S - . welch cannot be excelled la ijaalltj or price, by any homo ln ihe city. Ho also lnti es attuutton to hit

S to ck o f O reen an d D ried F ru its ,V e g e t a b l e s ) P o u l t r y , 4 c . H e U t a l s o a s e l e c t i o n o l

CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES,rad I’rovUions, consisting r r Tek«. Co (Tees, Snnre.

. » a i < 5 m r% vr.’n ^ t r a ’G ^fy.- .Thepobllc aroinvlted-t® ctU aod examine mt, good* and prices, welch 'will compare fevoraby with any honna in ths elty lh -quality and cheapne**,

■ OSCgMwlV

R a ce B rothers f t Co.,,We haw thi» Ray reduced our jmccs F IF T E E N P £ R ' C h N T '<*

j CRO C&EH 7, -including owr Patent French Clay Cera, ond Plain i Iron Stone China.' .. >§j We have ihitcRay reduced ontrprices Twenty Per\Cenl. on GoldRahfc and Plain Fmcsh China. . . ,

1Wc have thii 6Zay reduced o w p r im Fifteen. Per _ Cent, on TvmHUttf

Goblets, and on esieryth&ng in Class Ware. ' ^

We haw thu d a y redwed omr prices Ten P er Cent, on Stiver PSdHI Tec Sets, Castors „ Spoons, Forks, tfce. •-

Wc have this dRiy redwod onr prices Ten Per Cent, on Jv ory,’RlM*f Coast ana ISonc FiandZcd Knives an d Forks, and in faction alZJcindt iflab ia C utlery.

We haw this d a y reduced oner prices Fifteen per\Cent on Lamps, JtMb, oscna fixtures, ai}<E‘ Chandeliers.

We ham this d a y redvtced our prices Ten Per\Cent\onItGeis ChandeliM and Brackets.

We haw this) es of all sues. A,

reduc&lour prices Fifteen per <xnl on\£ex>hing Glott\ on Zinc and T in Toilcl IFarc,

We ham th is d a y reduced our prices ten per cent on Rockingham Yellow Ware', T-ewenty ppcr cent on Tea Trays an d B ird Cages/ Twenty five per cent o-n omr- large Stock of Fancy Goods. ,

Wc have this d a y Marked Down every thing in our Immense Stock ef Goods/ so as tohamxourprices so fa r Mena allfcompeiitors, that custdmh ers can see at once dhat tfeis is ths nn Iff place to buy Goods CH EA P. 1 ‘ Our Motto is: •* dfukk Sales and Smdil Prwjits.3’

Remember the place, Fo. 22 Court Street, Watertown, N . Y. may244co(l'wly pA CE B R O T H E R S db Go.'

F A L L C A M P A I G N .B o o t s t e S h o e s f o r t h e M i l U o n

W e b J b Ar C h i d e s t e r ,28 C O U R r ST R E E T , W A T E R T O W N , N . Y . — i’

Have the Larccst Awortment o f B O O T S aud S H O E S fo r Eatt in the State, Thoy call special attention to thoir v‘


K i p f u n d C a l f B o o t s ,

O F T H E IR 0W 1N M A .1JU FA C TU E E , A L L H A N D M A D E , A N " ' W A R R A N T E D . E 3 T D o n ’t VP m Call nnd Examine

I . V'-1*' 7• ■■■'If' ’f»; * f;.„

Q E J I B U U B lt, «r~ New ETofk,H u compotradtd aim article called

EC Jk S l R - m E ,for ihc^oro of jaalijitm^ UUiformy B*|!c

. t»*»ox iliccworaejf________•at Eil l t d* I haamumn adldcU orold 'dnstilff UK |i |lx r.u ( kampihffK Cram

•OWtk'* Thread, *t Nsw York prlcH, at i D l b m m A O i k

■ n E ^ i*« M **W 'iia4E ita

jftlM M IirffoH foto B to t a * tM*M>*NlUui Fatten*, ior WtAOpT nM M W fo.


i m \n

A, } I