do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · what do you do when you get angry? do...

1 LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? Catch Your Anger Question Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone? What are some ways you can “catch your anger?” Discuss.

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Page 1: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? Catch Your Anger Question Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone? What are some ways you can “catch your anger?” Discuss.

Page 2: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? Catch Your Anger Script HOST What makes you angry? What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting someone is not okay. So, what else can you do? Let’s find out. HOST Sometimes things can happen that get you really, really mad. Cover shots of kids being angry from our other programs. HOST Angry feelings can take over and all of a sudden, anger can make you do or say hurtful things. It can make you want to hit someone, break something or call someone names that aren’t so nice. But that doesn’t have to happen… because you can control anger—let’s find out how. Katie is sitting at a picnic table drinking a bottle of juice and eating some snacks. A ball bounces over and knocks over Katie’s drink. Katie gets all frustrated and angry. Katie stands up. She’s all flustered. HOST Katie was playing on the playground with some of her friends. They were all having a snack. When all of a sudden, a ball bounced on the table and knocked Katie’s drink over. Katie was mad. When Billy came over to get his ball, Katie let her angry feelings out. BILLY Hey did you see a ball come by here? KATIE Look what you did! BILLY It was an accident.

Page 3: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


KATIE You did it on purpose. BILLY No I didn’t. HOST Katie is mad and her anger is in charge. Her angry feelings are in control of what she’s saying and doing. KATIE You’re (stupid)…(also say “you’re a dummy”) BILLY No. You’re (stupid). (also say “you’re a dummy) Katie and Billy begin to push each other. HOST When your anger’s in control—you can say and do hurtful things. And it’s not safe for you or anyone else. How could Katie get control? What could she have done? Let’s find out. FLASHBACK/ REDO Katie is sitting at a picnic table drinking a bottle of juice and eating some snacks. A ball bounces over and knocks over Katie’s drink. Katie gets all frustrated and angry. Katie stands up. She’s all flustered. HOST The juice still spills. Katie still gets angry. But Katie knows what anger feels like… her muscles get tight, she breathes faster and she her tummy aches. So this time Katie can “catch” her angry feelings. KATIE (self talk) Okay. . . I feel the angry energy in my body. But I’m not gonna let it get out. This isn’t such a big deal and it’s just an accident. HOST Katie is able to “catch” her angry feelings. Now she’s in charge, not her anger.

Page 4: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


BILLY Hey did you see a ball come by here? KATIE Yeah, it knocked my drink over. BILLY I’m sorry. It was an accident. KATIE I’m sure it was. It just made a mess. BILLY I’m really sorry. KATIE That’s okay. It was an accident. HOST How do you know when you’re angry? You have to learn how anger feels inside your body. HOST Angry energy begins to fill up in your body. If you know what angry feels like, you can “catch it” before it takes control of you. After you catch your angry feelings, you can make the angry energy go away by giving yourself time to cool off. That’s what Katie did. EXT. PLAYGROUND Katie is wiping the juice stain (spill) off of her clothes that spilled on her. She takes a few wipes and realizes her clothes are going to be wet and she shows her frustration by stomping her foot. HOST You see, even though Katie was able to “catch” her anger. She was still mad. Now she needed time to cool off. One way to do that is to count to ten. Katie gives herself time to cool off by counting to ten…. to herself… slowly.

Page 5: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


KATIE (counts to herself) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. HOST (while Katie is counting) Counting to ten gives Katie time to cool off and helps make her angry feelings go away. HOST If you need more time to cool off, recite the alphabet to yourself. You know, a,b,c, ….all the way to z. Now you know when you’re Angry…catch your angry feelings, then count to ten.

Page 6: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? JUST WALK AWAY Question How can you move your body to get rid of angry feelings?

Page 7: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? JUST WALK AWAY Script HOST When some people get mad, so much angry energy builds up inside their bodies they feel like they are going to explode. And that is not a good thing. Do you ever feel that way? Well, there are things you can do to get rid of your angry feelings before you explode. Let’s find out how. EXT. PLAYGROUND Sam is playing with his friends, taking turns going up the ladder and down the slide. Sara is a little older than Sam. HOST One day Sam was playing with some kids on the playground. They were all taking turns on the slide. But then, Sara came by and tried to cut in front of Sam. SAM Hey. It’s not your turn! SARA But I have to go home. So I want a turn, now. Sara pushes Sam out of the way. Sam falls on the ground. Sara goes up the ladder and down the slide. RITA Are you okay? Rita helps Sam up. HOST Sam wasn’t okay. He was very, very angry. He had lots of angry energy and felt like he was going to explode. And he did by saying hurtful things. Sam gets up and goes over to Sara who is just coming down the slide. He pushes Sara

Page 8: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


SAM (angrily) Hey…you pushed me! HOST Sam is mad and his anger is in charge. Sam’s anger is in control of what he’s doing. Sara pushes him SARA Don’t be such a baby. The kids start pushing each other. HOST When your anger’s in control—you can say and do mean and hurtful things. And it’s not safe for you or anyone else. How could Sam get control? What could he have done? Let’s find out. FLASHBACK/ REDO SAM Hey. It’s not your turn! SARA But I have to go home. So I want a turn, now. Sara pushes Sam, Sam falls to the ground. She goes up the ladder and down the slide. Sam stands up and walks over to Sara and looks at her with an angry face Then he walks off away from the slide. HOST What did Sam to do control his anger? He got up and walked away. Walking away takes you away from the situation that’s making you mad. That’s a great way to control your angry feelings. Sam is now standing off away from the playset. We can see it in the background.

Page 9: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


HOST Sam is in control. But he’s still mad. How can he help make his angry feelings go away? He can get his body moving. HOST One way to move your body is to Exercise. Exercising helps you to get rid of your angry energy. Sam did chin-ups. When he was finished, he was a little tired and a lot calmer. His angry feelings were almost gone and he felt better. Another way to move your body is to play a game. Dissolve to Sam taking shots with a basketball. HOST So when you get angry, before you say or do something hurtful, walk away. Then get your body moving. Do some exercises or play a game. Now you know how to handle your angry feelings.

Page 10: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? TALK ABOUT IT Questions Have you ever told a grownup you were angry about something? How was that helpful?

Page 11: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? TALK ABOUT IT Script JESSICA How do you feel when you can’t do what you want to do? Maybe you feel frustrated? Frustration can turn to anger. What’s a good way to make your angry feelings go away? Let’s find out. INT. SUE’S TV ROOM Sue is sitting on floor in front a tv, watching a tv show. JESSICA One day, Sue was watching her favorite television show. Suddenly, the channel changes. JESSICA Then, her big brother and friend came in the room and changed the channel. SUE Hey! I was watching my show. BROTHER That was a show for babies. SUE But I was here first. BIG BROTHER Now you’re gone. SUE You’re not the boss of me! BIG BROTHER Yes, I am. SUE

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You’re mean. Big brother and friend plop on the couch. Sue gets up and goes outside. Sue paces back and forth on the front porch of her house. Her friend Lisa comes by. JESSICA Sue was so angry she paced back and forth in front of her house. That was until her friend Lisa came by. Lisa could tell Sue was mad. LISA Hi Sue. You look mad. What’s wrong? JESSICA Sue told Lisa how her brother bosses her around all the time. SUE He’s just so mean. LISA My sister is like that, too. SUE He does whatever he wants and always tells me what to do. He acts like he’s the boss of me. LISA I know. Bossy people make me angry! SUE He makes me so mad. Sue and Lisa sit down together and talk about their older siblings. Monster holds up sign “tell a friend” JESSICA As Sue talked to Lisa about her brother, her angry feelings began to go away. You see, telling your friend how you feel is a good way to get rid of your angry feelings.

Page 13: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


Footage of Sue talking to mom. Mom is listening. Next scene mom walks into the living room. Picks up the remote and turns off the TV while older brother and friend are watching. Mom points to the brother and then points for him to leave and tell him he has his friend has to leave they walk by (not angry, but firm) Monster holds up a sign “tell a grownup” JESSICA And sometimes it helps to tell a grown up how you feel. Like your mom or dad. Tell them about what’s making you angry and maybe… they can help out and make you feel a lot better. Now when you get angry, you know what you can do to help make your angry feelings go away.

Page 14: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? RELAX AND TAKE A BREAK Question How do you relax to get rid of angry feelings?

Page 15: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? RELAX AND TAKE A BREAK Script Footage from another program where a kid is failing at doing something (skateboarding) HOST Trying to do something new can be hard to do. You can become very frustrated. Frustration can turn to angry feelings. HOST It’s not good to keep angry feelings inside. How can you get rid of your angry feelings? Let’s find out. . INT. BALLET CLASS Beth is in class with the rest of her dance class. We see them doing warm ups on the bar. HOST Beth enjoyed taking dance lessons. Today, they’re learning a new dance move called a pirouette arabesque. TEACHER Okay class. This is how you do the pirouette arabesque. First you _______then __________. Beth tries it, but stumbles. HOST Beth tried it. But it she didn’t do it very well. Beth tries again. But it doesn’t work. Cut to girls giggling and pointing to her. Beth gets and angry look on her face. HOST She tried it again but she still couldn’t do it. Some of the older girls in the class laughed at her. That made Beth really angry. TEACHER All right class. This is not easy to do. So you’re going to have to practice. Start off slow…remember, practice makes perfect.

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INT. BETH’S HOUSE Beth is at home on a hardwood floor. She stretches out. She practices some easy steps, and then tries the pirouette and arabesque several times. She stumbles each time. HOST Beth practiced at home. She tried the pirouette and arabesque over and over again. But she stumbled every time. That made her angry. Then, she thought of the girls laughing at her—and that made her feel even more angry. She began to feel horrible inside. Her angry feelings were taking control. She began to cry. Some people cry when they get angry. Beth was so angry that she gave up. Beth falls on the ground puts her knees to her face. Then she stands up and stomps off. We see her slamming a door. INT. BEDROOM Beth starts throwing things around her room. HOST Beth is so angry, she’s blowing her top. Her angries are in control. Beth kicks a small garbage can over in her room and hurts her toe. HOST And it’s only makes things worse for Beth. She needs to get rid of her angry feelings in a safe way. How? She can relax. SFX transition to see Beth sitting on her bed or floor with, relaxed. We see Beth breathing with slow steady breaths. HOST When you’re mad, sometimes the best thing you can do is find a comfortable place, relax, and breathe. Breathe the way you would if you were blowing bubbles. Take a deep breath and let it out through your mouth. Thought bubble appears over Beth’s head. Starts off the color pink, and then we see animation of flowers and butterflies. HOST You can also close your eyes and think of your favorite color…. or something else that makes you happy. Beth likes flowers and butterflies…they make her happy.

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HOST Relaxing can help make your anger go away. Finally Beth is successful doing the pirouette arabesque move. She dances off. HOST After Beth relaxed, Beth began to practice again. After a while she was able to do the pirouette and arabesque. REVIEW Now you know a really good way to help get rid of your angry feelings. Just relax. Take a few deep breaths and think about things that make you happy. And feel your angry feelings go away.

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LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? STOP AND THINK Questions How do you control your angry feelings? Why does that work for you?

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LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? STOP AND THINK Script FOOTAGE OF KIDS BEING ANGRY. HOST What gets you angry? Angry feelings inside our bodies make us feel really yucky inside. Our bodies want to get rid of the angry feelings and sometimes those angry feelings can make us do things that can hurt others or ourselves. Anger can make you “lose control”. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways that you can control your angry feelings. Let’s find out how. EXT. PLAYGROUND Mike walks onto the playground. There are kids on swings, slides, etc. Two boys are just sitting on the swings facing each other looking at baseball cards. HOST One day, Mike went to the playground. First, he played on the playscape for a while. He went down the slide, too. Mike stops, and looks towards the swings HOST Then, Mike wanted to play on the swings but they were all being used. So, Mike decided to play on the playscape a little longer…until a swing opened up. Then he could take a turn. Mike stops what he’s doing, looks over and sees the two kids sitting on the swings talking, but not swinging. He raises his fist and clenches it. HOST A little while later, Mike saw that the same kids were STILL sitting on the swings and two kids weren’t swinging at all. They were just talking. Mike started to feel angry; it wasn’t fair that the kids were sitting on the swings and not swinging. They were just talking. And he couldn’t take a turn. MIKE (thinking to himself) I want a turn. I’m going to tell them to get off.

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HOST Mike was so angry, he lost control. Mike walks over to the merry go round. MIKE Hey! Get off the swings. I want a turn! The kids get off swings and go toe to toe with Mike. Then they push each other. HOST From there things just got worse. Mike didn’t handle his anger in a good way. When you lose control bad things can happen. So what else could have Mike done? HOST Mike could have used Stop and Think….Let’s see how Mike could have used Stop and Think, to control his angry feelings. MIKE (thinking to himself) I want a turn. I’m going to tell them to get off. MIKE (thinking to himself) Hold on. Stop and think. Mmmm. Maybe I can ask them if I can take a turn instead. That’s what I’ll do. Mike walks up to the kid on the merry go round. MIKE Hi. KID Hi. MIKE Can I have a turn? KID Sure. We’ll look at our baseball cards somewhere else.

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MIKE Thanks. We see Mike swinging on the swing happily. HOST See how much better things can turn out when you use Stop and Think. Stop and Think helped Mike to control his angry feelings. That gave him time to think of a better way to handle the situation. HOST No one got hurt. And Mike spent the rest of the afternoon having lots of fun. Stop and Think is a great way to control your angry feelings. You can use Stop and Think, too.

Page 22: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? UNDERSTANDING ANGRY FEELINGS Questions What is anger? What happens when you get angry? How do you feel when you get angry?

Page 23: Do you ever get so angry you feel like hitting someone ... · What do you do when you get angry? Do you ever feel like you want to hit someone? It’s okay to feel angry, but hitting


LESSON BOOSTER: ANGRY? UNDERSTANDING ANGRY FEELINGS Script HOST Sometimes…things happen that make us feel angry. Show scene from another program of someone being angry. HOST And everyone gets angry. . HOST But what is anger...and what do you DO when you get angry or mad? Let’s talk about it….Because it’s important to understand your angry feelings. HOST What is anger? HOST Anger a feeling. And it’s okay to feel angry sometimes. But how do you know when you’re angry? Let’s find out. INT. SARA’S BEDROOM Sara is looking through drawers for socks. She picks up several pairs that don’t match. HOST One day Sara was getting ready to go outside and play. It took her a little while to find socks that matched. Sara puts on one sock. But the second sock has a hole in it and her toe sticks out. We see a frustrated look on Sara’s face. HOST And when she finally did, there was a hole in one of the socks. Sara puts on one shoe and ties it. She scans her room second shoe on the floor. Sara walks around with one show on and one shoe off. Sara looks under the bed. Then she tosses things out of her closet looking for her shoes.

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HOST Then she found one shoe. But couldn’t find the other. She looked all over the place. Sara trying to untie know it laces of shoes. Her face gets red. HOST After looking everywhere in her house, she found her shoe… but the laces were tied in knots. Knots she couldn’t get out. The harder she tried to untie the knots… the more angry she got. When you get angry, your body begins to change. HOST When you’re happy, you feel like a quiet and safe warm sunny day where everything is pleasant and okay. Happy makes you feel good inside. HOST But when you get angry, that safe and quiet, warm sunny day can turn into a loud and dangerous, gloomy, horrible day. Angry makes you feel yucky inside. HOST When YOU get angry? You may begin to breathe faster. Your muscles may begin to tighten and tense up. Your face may turn bright red. Your tummy may begin to ache. You may grind your teeth. You may even scream. Cut back to INT. SARA’S ROOM Pull out of blackness of Sara’s mouth to show her screaming. SARA Ahhhhhhh! HOST You may feel like you want to break something, or hurt someone. Sara throws her shoe and knocks over a small ceramic lamp that smashes to the ground. (in the SBB version don’t have lamp break, don’t have her throw the shoe)

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HOST Anger can make you do things that can be hurtful to yourself and other people or things. HOST That’s why it’s important to know what anger feels like and what makes you angry. What makes you angry? How does your body feel when you get angry. Think about it. Talk about. Because it’s important to understand your angry feelings.