do you know what employer impressions · reasons such as coachability and adaptability rather than...

DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT IN COLLEGE GRADUATES? The Premier Life Skills University does. Discover more inside.

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Page 1: DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYER IMPRESSIONS · reasons such as coachability and adaptability rather than technical competence. The longitudinal study featured here is one example of these

DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT IN COLLEGE GRADUATES?The Premier Life Skills University does. Discover more inside.

EMPLOYER IMPRESSIONSEmployers are singing the praises of HPU. Here are a few recent notes they’ve written

about the impact of HPU students and graduates on their organizations.

One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268, USA

“HPU graduates are coachable and willing to grow, which is why they’ve been

phenomenal in our leadership program.”

— Ryan Torchia Regional Vice President at Gartner in Fort Myers, California

“HPU students are well prepared. They are open to new challenges and have a maturity about them that help them cope with real-life

business situations.”

— Jeff Eilers Regional Vice President and Director of Sales Trainee Program for Mutual of Omaha in Corona, California

“We have been lucky to have multiple interns from High Point University on our Regional Marketing Services team here at IMG College. The students have been motivated, smart, interested and team players. They come into the internship

eager to learn and work hard. We challenge our interns here with real-world

work that gives them a taste of what it would be like to work in our department

full time. HPU students have taken on that challenge and developed the skills

necessary to be an asset to our team. We have been very pleased with our interns

from High Point and look forward to hiring more in the future.”

— Brandon Hillis Director of Regional Marketing Services for IMG in

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

“HPU students are self-motivated and always come to us seeking

internship opportunities. They’ve all consistently delivered strong results. They take initiative and

bring positive curiosity and intellect.”

— Sam Soloman University Program Manager for the Center for

Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina

Page 2: DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYER IMPRESSIONS · reasons such as coachability and adaptability rather than technical competence. The longitudinal study featured here is one example of these

Kyra Hennessey, ’18Dell EMC

Reference Manager

Stefanie Vorleiter, ’15Lenovo

Global Account Executive

Tyler Yusko, ‘13, ‘14Google

Engineering Leadership Recruiter

Jillian Koehler, ‘11Google

Channels Specialist

James Jadotte, ‘13Google

Program Manager, Staffing Services

Mary Boylan, ‘11Google

Channels Specialist

Caroline Tucker, ’17Amazon

Area Manager

Capabilities that outlast and extend beyond technical

skills, but allow one to communicate, build relationships,

continuously grow and thrive in competitive environments.

Adaptation amidst rapid change. Understanding that to work

harder, one must work smarter. Accepting failure as the price

for learning and developing a growth mindset. Navigating

complex situations without being intimidated by life’s

obstacles. What employers want in new hires.

Life Skills (n):

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A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTWhy Life Skills Are Critical in the Global Marketplace

COACHABILITYAn Ecosystem of Support Shapes Students’ Futures

How HPU’s Environment Inspires Students to Be Their BestEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE

MOTIVATIONAll Freshmen Take the President’s Seminar on Life Skills

TEMPERAMENTThrough Experience, Students Build a Growth Mindset

Facilities, Technology and Industry Experts Provide an AdvantageTECHNICAL COMPETENCE

Discover how High Point University is answering the call from employers to equip graduates with life skills.

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His point is that we instill “life skills” in our students. The business world sometimes calls them “soft skills,” but they are what employers seek in new hires and what this parent was talking about.

A college education should not only focus on the attainment of a diploma. An extraordinary, holistic education should be about professional development and personal transformation, too.

We live in a “figure it out” world. If you own a business, lead people or work in a team environment, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Yet, the marketplace commonly views recent college graduates as poorly prepared and out of touch. Modern commerce demands employees and leaders who are equipped to “figure it out” by connecting the dots of theories, business plans, and, certainly, people.

At High Point University, we don’t focus on the “product” — the diploma. We focus on the product of the product — a life filled with meaningful success and framed with purposeful significance.

Look at the world around us.

The old rules and ways of relating to one another have changed dramatically, and you’ll find examples as close as the nearest computer screen. Amazon, the world’s largest retailer today, owns no inventory. Uber, the largest taxi service, owns no vehicles. Airbnb, the largest hotelier, owns no real estate. What these companies own is the trust of their clients. Their value lies in the process, not only in the product.

We prepare our students at High Point University for our ever-changing world with an innovative philosophy toward

President Nido R. Qubein

Leading with Life Skills

Dear HPU Friend:

A father recently told me: “I wish I had been educated in an environment where people believed in me. You promote hard work, perseverance and the entrepreneurial spirit. You tell these young people to get up and try again. Do you know how long it took me to learn that?”

As a parent of four children, I understood viscerally what this father meant. And yes, I am proud of how High Point University has transformed into an institution of higher learning and higher living.

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education that has drawn interest from college leaders, parents and students alike. Our approach to teaching and learning blends scientific strategy and creative artistry in a way that enables students to navigate the world as it is going to be, not merely the way it is today.

Students need context in life if they are to thrive as they exit the hallowed halls of the academy and enter the vast global economy. Communication skills, relational capital and an attitude of adaptability will take them far in life. Couple that with a solid understanding of their core discipline and you have a person ready to think entrepreneurially and add value to any organization.

I ask our students, “What good is it to be an expert in an academic subject if you aren’t able to connect and communicate with others who may not share your same knowledge base?” In other words, success comes from much more than earned knowledge. Sustainable success comes from owning a strong work ethic, a growth mindset, the ability to connect with others, collaborate and build bridges of understanding. At HPU, we refer to these characteristics as life skills.

Research suggests that, on average, college graduates may have dozens of positions over the span of their career. That’s not due

to any fault of their own or perhaps even their choice. It’s because the pace of change is so fast that many of the jobs available today may soon be irrelevant or even obsolete. This means it’s more important than ever to acquire life skills. They are the key to adapting in the rapidly changing marketplace.

Even Google, a company that attracts some of the most brilliant, analytical minds in the world, recognizes that Life Skills are the most valuable traits of their workforce (Google’s Top Characteristics of Success — 2013).

HPU understands this with clarity.

Our institutional growth has blossomed because students and parents value our approach to educating the future leaders of our world. And that approach is grounded in the understanding that parents spent a lifetime propelling their child forward. They want the college their student attends to continue their efforts. We aren’t merely educating here. We are taking this transformational journey together.

I invite you to come see it for yourself.


Nido R. [email protected]

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National Headlines Report Life Skills DeficitReports published by media outlets across the nation document the skills gap with which new hires are struggling, as highlighted in a sampling of headlines on these pages. Employers are looking for graduates who are prepared to be coachable,

communicate with others different from themselves, build relationships, be adaptable and navigate complex problems. HPU answers the call.

“Entry-level skills change every few years; it’s the habits of learning to learn and navigating the ambiguity of a career that will prove most

valuable to undergraduates in the long run.”

College students say they want a degree for a job. Are they getting what they want?

By Jeffrey Selingo

“…A large segment of the U.S. workforce is said to lack soft skills such as communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.”

The dying art of building relationshipsBy L. Lavon Gray

“…Companies seek out managers and leaders who have high levels of empathy and emotional control and are adept at building trust,

motivated and able to inspire employee loyalty.”

How to increase emotional intelligence on your teamBy Michele Markey

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“The top priority for developing talent is to train for soft skills, according to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workplace Learning Report

which surveyed more than 4,000 professionals.”

Forget learning to code, bosses value collaboration and communicationBy Lydia Dishman

“Things like time management and organization aren’t typically taught in school, but they are increasingly

important in order to be competitive at work.”

These are the five soft skills recruiters want mostBy Stephanie Vozza

“When management consultants TalentQ, a unit of the Hay Group, asked hundreds of hiring managers last year what skills they were

having trouble finding in job candidates, 80 percent said they couldn’t find enough potential hires with strong “soft” skills, like

speaking and writing clearly, listening well, collaborating with other people, and even just showing up on time.”

The real-world skills new college grads need most in 2016By Anne Fisher

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Employers consistently report that new hires don’t work out for reasons such as coachability and adaptability rather than technical competence. The longitudinal study featured here is one example of these reports. HPU faculty listen to the demands of the marketplace and prepare students to excel in the areas that matter most.

3-year study, 5,000+ Interviews.

Mark Murphy (2015). Leadership IQ Study: Why new hires fail.

#1 #1


26% Coachability

23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

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HPU’S ANSWER to Coachability: Every freshman at HPU is provided a Success Coach, a professional staff member who offers guidance, wise counsel and encouragement. If you want to be coachable, you need practice!

Mentorship is the responsibility of every faculty and staff member at HPU. And students benefit from an ecosystem of mentorship and support – ALL FOUR YEARS.

Students benefit from career advisors, faculty advisors, peer mentors and more. Even HPU’s club sports teams have professional coaches. No one in life gets far without the help of others. HPU understands this and has forged a culture where students are surrounded by “coaches” who care.

HPU’S APPROACH to Emotional Intelligence: The President’s Seminar on Life Skills is a required course for all freshmen taught by Nido R. Qubein, HPU president, serial entrepreneur, business leadership consultant and author.

In their first semester, students learn about relational capital, the art and science of persuasion, communication skills, and many more life skills that will help ensure students chart a path for success.

In fact, HPU graduates often site their Life Skills Seminar as a catalyst for their personal and professional transformation.

HPU’S RESPONSE to Motivation: Think environment doesn’t make a difference? Ask any professional sports coach if they prefer to play at home or away.

Leading organizations understand your surroundings shape your behavior.

At HPU, an inspiring environment is part of a strategic effort to surround students with energy, enthusiasm, and the lift they need to walk and act with purpose.

“Your outlook upon life, estimate of yourself and estimate of your value are largely colored by your environment. Your whole career will be modified, shaped and molded by your surroundings and the character of the people with whom you come into contact every day.”

-Orison Swett Marden, founder of Success Magazine

HPU’S POSITION on Temperament: Growth mindset is our answer. It represents faculty’s strategic approach to instilling students with the temperament to overcome life obstacles and view challenges as opportunities. Dr. Carol Dweck, Stanford professor and expert on growth mindset, has even visited campus to share her research and its impact with faculty.

HPU’S STRATEGY on Technical Competence: HPU’s academic curriculum is both innovative and relevant in part because our faculty mentors include a mix of scholars and real-world practitioners. Just as the marketplace is in daily flux, majors in all disciplines are in a continuum of evolution. HPU’s newest programs in engineering, actuarial science and physical therapy are merely a few examples of HPU’s commitment to ensuring graduates are prepared for the world as it is going to be.

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“Every organization wants to maximize revenue generation and constantly develop new ways to impact their specific market. They can’t do it without employees and leaders

that are coachable: open to learning, feedback, reflection and accountability.”


Coaches Who CareEmployers want new hires who are coachable, and a lack of coachability has been noted as the number one reason new hires fail. If you want to be coachable, you have to practice being coached.

At HPU, coaching for students begins before they arrive to campus. Each freshman is paired with their own Success Coach, a professional staff member who offers guidance, wise counsel and encouragement, as soon as students enroll at HPU.

Further coaching is seen in the mentorship students receive from faculty and staff members. HPU students benefit from an ecosystem of mentorship and support.

From career advisors, to faculty advisors, peer mentors and even club sports, which have their own professional coaches, there is no shortage of opportunities for constructive feedback.

No one in life gets far without the help of others. HPU understands this. That’s why the university has forged a culture where students are surrounded by coaches who care.



23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

26% Coachability

Your personal Success Coach is your guide through your transitional journey into college life. They will help you identify the best major for you, construct a path to achieve your goals and lend academic support when needed. Here’s a glimpse at the other important roles your Success Coach will play throughout your freshman year at HPU.

Life Coach: When incoming freshmen arrive on campus, they experience a variety of emotions. Because it’s often their first time away from home, students feel the need to quickly find their place at HPU. Success Coaches answer that call. Your Success Coach will encourage you to find your own niche on campus, as well as ways that you can apply and pursue your passions.

University Liaison: Your Success Coach will help you make connections with faculty and staff on campus. They can refer you to Career Services, Student Life, Counseling Services, Financial Aid and other offices on campus to ensure that you receive the support and encouragement you need.

Activities Coordinator: Your Success Coach will assist in the implementation of programs and services designed to promote academic, personal and social/emotional success. They will encourage you to get involved in clubs, intramural sports or other campus activities as a means of staying engaged beginning your first year.

Anatomy of a Success Coach

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It starts with the Success Coach. Undeclared students partner with a Success Coach who’s passionate about uncovering their best-fit major. Coaches help students make positive connections with organizations on campus and offer support and guidance on available options.

There’s a class for that. “Exploring Your Major and Career Path” is a one-credit course designed to help students explore their options. A Career Advisor guides students through self-reflection and assessment tools, connecting them with professionals in their field of interest to ask thoughtful questions.

Been there, done that. Sometimes students learn best from someone like them — a peer. First-Year Navigators are HPU students who were once undeclared. They know exactly what incoming students are going through and partner with them to explore options.

Majors, Minors and More. An annual academic fair invites students to meet faculty and fellow students from every major and minor available. Want to work on campus or conduct undergraduate research? Students can connect with these special interests, too.

What Can You Do With This Major? When students find a major they like, they want to understand how to apply that degree after graduation. HPU’s Career Advisors help students understand how their major translates to real-world career paths.

Career & Professional Development Advisors. Students see them in classes and engage with them during one-on-one appointments in Cottrell Hall. Career Advisors guide students through the resources offered in the Career Center — the headquarters for years of support and guidance that lead students to success after graduation.

Coffee Connections. Every semester, faculty members host opportunities to meet with students who have questions about a specific major. Casual in nature, these interactions help students figure it out. Plus, there’s always the opportunity to visit a professor one-on-one to discuss opportunities within a major.

Peer Career Advisors. Students visit with Peer Career Advisors to receive additional support from upperclassmen who’ve already achieved success. PCAs help students craft a resume for summer jobs and internships. With convenient walk-in hours, there is continuous support to guide students.


NO MAJOR? NO PROBLEM!HPU helps students discover an academic pursuit that aligns with their passions.

Below is a glimpse of eight light bulb moments students experience in the PROJECT DISCOVERY PROCESS:

Did you know? Nationally, an estimated 50 percent of students enter college undecided on their major. In addition, an estimated 75 percent of students change their

major at least once before graduating. HPU’s Project Discovery provides the guidance and resources that students

need to discover their passion and achieve their goals.

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Students like Cassandra Diaz, Class of 2019, have landed dream internships thanks to the help of HPU’s Career and Professional Development team.

Diaz came to HPU from Wadsworth, Illinois, as a sport management major and set her sights on the NBA. The advisors in Career and Professional Development helped her chart the challenging course to one of the nation’s most competitive internship programs.

After holding impressive stints at IMG College and Madison Square Garden in her early years at HPU, her hard work turned into an offer from the NBA. She interned with the NBA in New York City the summer before her senior year.

“The Career and Professional Development team has been wholly supportive of my goals and dreams,” says Diaz.

“I pop in and out of their offices all the time. Through their guidance and diligent work, I know I’ll have the career in sport management that I‘ve always dreamed about.”

And more than that, thanks to the mentorship she received from Career and Professional Development, Diaz now knows how to be coachable — a skill her future employer will be sure to appreciate.

Her success story represents HPU’s focus on career development. The collective efforts of faculty and staff to prepare students for the world as it is going to be are evident in outcomes data, too — 97 percent of graduates are employed or continuing education within six months of completing their education. That’s 11 points higher than the national average.

HPU’s Career and Professional Development team are the nexus of those efforts. They guide students through the process, including the hard work and the individual steps it takes to get there.

“We encourage students to come to Career and Professional Development early and often beginning their freshman year,” says Dr. Bill Gentry, director of Career and Professional Development. “For the freshman who hasn’t declared a major, they can take self-assessments to discover their strengths and interests. Then a strategic plan guides them through all four years.”

The Career and Professional Development team has been wholly supportive of my goals

and dreams...Through their guidance and diligent work, I know I’ll have the career in sport management that I’ve always dreamed about.

— Cassandra Diaz, ‘19 NBA Intern

Career Ready. Life Ready. Opportunities Welcome.

Career coaching is an essential part of HPU’s transformational process, and students are surrounded by faculty mentors, Career and Professional Development advisors and Peer Career Advisors that help them achieve their fullest potential.

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John Gavin Rhodes, Class of 2019 Intern for Chick-fil-A corporate headquarters

“The Freshman Success Program allowed me an opportunity to experience real-life tasks that would prepare me for a corporate environment, including project management and a combination of hard skills and soft skills, which HPU appropriately calls Life Skills.”

Katherine Dunleavy, Class of 2018Account Coordinator for Covet Public Relations in New York City

“As a freshman, I had an idea of what I wanted to do after I graduated, which was working in PR in New York City. I just wasn’t sure how to get there. I visited Doug Hall in Career and Professional Development many times, and together, we brainstormed and created a plan to reach my end goal. From planning out my classes, to holding informational interviews and learning about the industry, Doug guided me from day one to get where I am today. The Office of Career and Professional Development really did set me up for success in a way that made chasing my goal less intimidating.”

Nick Muniz, Class of 2018 First Year Law School Student, USC

“HPU helped me gain the life skills and the tools to help me get into law school. Having Career and Professional Development, my Success Coach and access to professors outside of the classroom allowed me to be successful during my four years at HPU. Knowing I had so many individuals to turn to for advice allowed me to turn my goals and dreams into reality. Career and Professional Development was especially helpful during my senior year when I was applying to law school. Being able to have my resume, LinkedIn profile and personal statement checked and fine-tuned consistently allowed me to be the best version of myself.”

As a result of HPU’s coaching, students feel supported and capable of achieving their goals. Through guidance provided by Success Coaches, Career Advisors and faculty, they acquire the ability to apply constructive feedback to their own development. Here’s a glimpse at what students are saying about the mentorship they receive on campus:

Straight from the Students:

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Engaging EmployersHPU’s Office of Career and Professional Development provides students with a variety of chances to receive feedback from outside employers and apply that to their growth. Here’s a glance at just a few of the opportunities students have that build their coachability:

Informational Interviewing – It’s not a job interview but instead an exchange between a professional and an HPU student, where the student asks questions about the professional’s career path and seeks advice about the most effective strategies for entering the field. Students are able to relate the professional’s experience to today’s job market and use the professional’s feedback for their own benefit.

Career and Internship Expo – At the start of the fall semester, students are invited to connect with national and international employers during the annual Career and Internship Expo. With resumes in hand, students network with hiring managers and industry professionals looking to fill full-time and internship positions. Many students leave the event with interviews secured for the coming days.

Focus Fairs – These tailored events are held for students in specific majors seeking employment and internships. For example, major broadcasters and public relations firms come to campus to recruit communication students, and the “Meet the Firms” event attracts major accounting firms to campus. Students meet individually with professionals and use the opportunity to network and receive coaching from potential future employers.

HPU’s approach to education answers the call of employers to produce graduates who navigate complex issues and fast-paced environments. Ryan Torchia is a regional vice president at Fort Myers, Florida-based Gartner, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms. And he’s hired many HPU graduates. “HPU graduates are different,” says Torchia. “They have life skills and are willing to be coached. They perform well as team members and as emerging leaders within our organization.”

What Employers Are Saying

Above: Dr. Stephanie Crofton (center), vice president for experiential learning, oversees Career and Professional Development, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research and many other offices in Cottrell Hall, HPU’s hub of professional development. Right: Gartner, based in Fort Myers, Florida, has hired more than two dozen HPU students as interns and HPU graduates as full-time employees.

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A Campus That Coaches

The CEO of your dream company sits next to you on a plane. What’s your move?Before you can sell anything, you have to sell yourself. That’s where HPU’s Sales Club comes in. Led by Professor Larry Quinn, you’ll learn how to seize networking opportunities while testing yourself in real-world settings like the airplane fuselage in Cottrell Hall. You’ll graduate prepared to take advantage of chance encounters by articulating your talents at a moment’s notice. On a plane, in a line, at a table or in a car — you’ll never miss an opportunity to network.

HPU provides not only faculty and staff who are trained to coach students, but carries coaching into all facets of campus living. Below, explore likely scenarios one will experience in their professional life and discover how HPU answers the call.

It’s your first time visiting a Fortune 500 facility. Are you intimidated by your surroundings?Not after years of being part of HPU’s environment. Top companies provide dynamic environments for their employees because it creates excellence. HPU has done the same for its students. Cottrell Hall, for example, is modeled after Silicon Valley. The Wilson School of Commerce features a grand lobby and live stock ticker, similar to a real financial firm.

Everybody has a great idea. You’re given the opportunity to pitch yours. Are you ready? You will be with the help of HPU’s Belk Center for Entrepreneurship. The center provides individualized assistance, Shark Tank-style business plan competitions, and access to innovators to help you advance your venture. It also includes impressive board room settings where you can practice and perfect your pitch.

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Innovator in ResidenceSteve WozniakApple Computer Co-founder

Entrepreneur in ResidenceMarc RandolphNetflix Co-founder

Sports Executive in ResidenceCynthia “Cynt” MarshallCEO, Dallas MavericksFormer Chief Diversity Officer, AT&T

Journalist in ResidenceByron PittsCo-anchor of ABC News’ “Nightline”

Corporate Educator in ResidenceScott McKainBest-selling author, business consultant and trainer

Broadcaster in ResidenceJoe MichaelsFormer Director of NBC’s “TODAY Show” for 22 years

Global Artist in ResidenceKaren JacobsenThe “GPS Girl”

Sports Reporter in ResidenceBob RyanBoston Globe Sports Reporter

Sales Professional in ResidenceLarry Quinn Director of HPU’s Professional Selling Program; former National Sales Training Manager at Xerox; former Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Thomson Professional Publishing Group and Duplex Printing Corp.


Visit for more information on the global leaders who educate, inspire and coach HPU students to greatness.

One of the most unique and impactful components of HPU’s transformational coaching process is the access to innovators the university intentionally provides to students.

HPU knows that connecting students with people who have changed the world unlocks their ability to believe in themselves and accomplish goals they once didn’t know were possible.

When students meet leaders like Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph, HPU’s Entrepreneur in Residence, they receive valuable coaching and insightful feedback from trailblazers that impacts their development as a person.

Students such as CeAnna Soper. She pitched her business, Breezy Brush, to Randolph inside HPU’s Belk Entrepreneurship Center. And he gave her real feedback to incorporate into her product.

“Marc is an active listener who put a lot of thought into his comments,” says Soper. “He asked me things I hadn’t thought about before, such as my marketing cost for each individual customer. He gave me plenty of homework when it comes to moving my product forward.”

Direct coaching from innovators like Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder and HPU’s Innovator in Residence, not only encourages students to pursue their passions while they’re at HPU, but also teaches them how to apply feedback in their future careers.

Meetings throughout the year with global change agents and industry leaders teach HPU students the importance of actively listening and applying advice to their performance — a skill that future employers will notice and appreciate.

HPU’s In-Residence Faculty

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Never be afraid to share your ideas.

“Not sharing an idea because you’re afraid it will be stolen is the biggest reason people give for not starting. It is highly unlikely that the idea you begin with will look exactly the same by the time you start your business. Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley realized the key is to tell everyone your idea. Then they can offer you valuable input so you can improve.”

– Marc Randolph, Co-Founder of Netflix and HPU’s Entrepreneur in Residence

While major corporations hire national speakers, consultants and change agents to motivate their employees and inspire their professional development, HPU provides these opportunities to all students throughout the year. Below is a sample of wisdom that faculty in residence recently shared during their time on campus with students.

Commitment to Values.

“We made a firm commitment to the fact that our values would not just be printed on the wall, but they would be enacted by the people in our halls. It’s just like those famous words from Roy Disney, who said, ‘When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.’”

– Cynt Marshall, CEO of the Dallas Mavericks and HPU’s Sports Executive in Residence

Stick to your convictions.

“Don’t worry about how you will appear to other people. Instead, ask yourself, ‘Am I right in my own terms and my own mind?’ You only need to convince one person when you have discussions or arguments — yourself.”

– Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple Computer and HPU’s Innovator in Residence

Happiness is a choice.

“Never wonder if you’re going to find happiness. You choose that your life is going to unfold in the context of happiness.”

– Karen Jacobsen, ”The GPS Girl,” Australian Voice of Siri and HPU’s Global Artist in Residence


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High Point University graduates have found success in industries and organizations across the globe. The foldout to the right offers a glimpse of their recent successes. To view more success stories,


Preparing Students for the World As It’s Going to Be


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The above letter from 2008 graduate

Christine DiFerdinando McKnight

inspired a campus landmark called

the Dream Big Chairs. They stand

16-feet tall on top of the hill in

Hayworth Park. Students and families

climb them, spread their arms wide

and take photos of themselves

seemingly ready to embrace what life

throws their way. Confident. Unafraid.

Dear Dr. Qubein,

My name is Christine DiFerdinando, and I graduated from HPU in the spring of 2008. I knew I’d be writing this letter to you someday about how the school has changed my life, but I didn’t expect it would be this soon.

Six months after graduation, I bought my first home all by myself, but I never would have reached that goal as a 22-year-old if not for the most important thing I took away from my time at HPU.

The HPU experience was not only beneficial in the moment, but it gave me the feeling that “the world is not out to get me.” Most freshmen, myself included, first arrived on campus feeling defensive toward adults and grasping for control of our own lives. But your students-come-first philosophy made me feel like the faculty, administration and everyone else that makes HPU what it is were only there to

help me, to encourage me to succeed and to clear the way for me to shine!

It was the opportunity I’d been waiting for! I worked as hard as I could, and the university was there when I needed a quiet spot to study, in my interview suit dry cleaned, or something on my stomach first thing in the morning. Even when I requested to graduate a year early, no one stood in my way!

I had so much support in my small world at HPU that I graduated to face the real world with a new perspective. HPU gave me the positive outlook I needed to dream big dreams and strive to achieve my goals without being intimidated by life’s obstacles.

Thank you! It has made all the difference.

Sincerely, Christine DiFerdinando McKnight Business Intelligence Architect at Almac Group in Philadelphia

Complete Preparation

HPU Alumna Reflects On Her Decision to Attend the Premier Life Skills University

This letter was written by Christine DiFerdinando McKnight to HPU President Nido Qubein after she graduated.


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“Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) is one of the strongest indicators of success in business. Why? EQ is not only the ability to identify and manage your own emotions, but it’s also the ability to recognize the emotions of others… And according to Talent Smart, 90% of high performers in the work place possess high EQ, while 80% of low

performers have low EQ. Simply put, your emotional intelligence matters.”

- Forbes

An Emphasis on Emotional IntelligenceEmotional intelligence is defined as the ability to control and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

In the working world, employers rank a lack of emotional intelligence as the second highest reason new hires fail. The HPU experience addresses the need for students to be able to properly express their thoughts and feelings while simultaneously adjusting to the thoughts and feelings of others on their team.

It begins in the President’s Seminar on Life Skills, a required course for all freshmen. The course is taught by HPU President Nido Qubein, a serial entrepreneur, business leadership consultant and author.

In their first semester, students learn about relational capital, the art and science of persuasion, communication skills and more of the life skills that help ensure students grow their emotional intelligence and chart a path for success.



23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

26% Coachability

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Positive self-esteem. Positive self-esteem can give you the confidence to face any obstacle that stands in your way. By believing in yourself and your abilities, you can overcome the most disappointing and discouraging situations.

The art and science of goal-setting. Most of the things that make life worth living require careful introspection, sufficient time to develop and plenty of hard work. Students learn that setting goals and consistently working toward them is how success can be achieved.

Fundamentals of leadership. Leaders are made, not born. Even if you don’t want to pursue a career that is traditionally thought of as requiring leadership, you can certainly benefit from knowing how to persuade, influence and negotiate with others.

Fiscal literacy and stewardship. A mini-crash course in economics: learn how to manage your own money for long-term prosperity. Know how to save, invest, avoid bad debt and otherwise make sound financial decisions.

Health and wellness. Think about it: what is more central to quality of life than quality of health? There’s no point in having a brilliant, purposeful career if you don’t feel well enough (or live long enough) to enjoy it.

Time management. Time is your greatest treasure. If you don’t make a constant decision to invest it in the pursuit of your goals and objectives, you are throwing it away. You will learn practical techniques for analyzing your time habits, keeping daily and weekly to-do lists, getting organized, and yes, making time for leisure, friendship and spiritual growth.

Communication skills and persuasive presentations. Through effective communication, we exchange information and ideas with other people, integrate our lives into the human race, and bring the things we want to happen to reality. Communicating effectively is the “master key” to success. In this course, you’ll learn how to get your point across and listen to the points of others.

High Point University President Nido Qubein came to the United States as a teenager with limited knowledge of English and only $50. He went on to build business partnerships in banking, real estate, publishing and retail. He is executive chairman of the Great Harvest Bread Company and serves on the corporate boards of several Fortune 500 companies including BB&T, La-Z-Boy and nThrive. He was inducted into the Horatio Alger Association for Distinguished Americans along with Oprah Winfrey and Colin Powell.

Qubein’s life experiences have inspired the creation of the President’s Seminar on Life Skills. The President’s Seminar on Life Skills sets the tone for developing an intentional life plan, and by taking the course early in their freshman year, students view the rest of their coursework through the lens of practical application.


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Hannah Huemme, Class of 2018 Finance Coordinator for the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C.

“I found a lot of value in President Qubein’s Freshman Seminar on Life Skills. The class set the tone for higher expectations and ultimately helped me stand out professionally after graduation.”

The President’s Seminar on Life Skills is often cited by students as a catalyst for their personal and professional transformation. Here’s a glimpse at how the seminar has impacted students:

Straight from the Students:

Ryan Geary, Class of 2014District Manager for Lovepop, a 3D greeting card company in Florida.

“The President’s Seminar with Dr. Nido Qubein has prepared me with more knowledge about my future career and professional relationships than I could ever hope for. It enforced the ideals set forth by both Dr. Qubein and this inspiring university.”

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Dan Kissel, Class of 2013 Vice President at BNY Mellon, a global investment firm in New York City

“Dr. Qubein’s lessons and stories about how to make success a reality were invaluable to me. Guest speakers he brought in also offered advice from individuals around the world. This was a course I always looked forward to attending and never failed to leave motivated and empowered.”

Elizabeth Reichart, Class of 2017 Fulbright Scholar and Research Assistant at World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C.

“The president wants us to find meaning in our own lives and the lives of others. I left his seminar each week feeling like I could conquer the world with the lessons I learned and the tools President Qubein gave me to share those lessons.”

Abigail Johe, Class of 2014Financial Analyst at Hilton Worldwide in Washington, D.C.

“One of the most impactful events of my past four years here at High Point University was the President’s Seminar on Life Skills. One of the most meaningful lessons from Dr. Qubein was “who you spend time with is who you become.” This has inspired me to surround myself with people who are also motivated, high-achieving and have similar values as myself.”

Students need to hear someone

say, ‘You can do this.’ They need to

believe they can be extraordinary.

And being extraordinary is a choice

anyone can make for themselves.- HPU President Nido Qubein

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Gaining Skills by Giving BackUnderstanding the value of service and giving back is an essential part of building emotional intelligence. The ability to connect with others both similar and different from yourself makes one a good team player, or better yet, team leader. One of the primary ways HPU students establish their emotional intelligence is through giving back on a local and national scale.

Dedicating their time, HPU students learn that life is equal parts success and significance. Their ability to connect with others enables them to create positive change in their community.

That’s why scholars in HPU’s Stout School of Education host holiday dances for community members with special needs. It’s why each year, experiences like Alternative Spring Break trips give students the chance to choose their values over a vacation. And taking part in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service shows them just how much can be achieved when they work together with their neighbors.

Students’ efforts amount to 110,000 hours of service annually, with at least 60 local agencies impacted.

At HPU, there are even academic courses dedicated to service. They’re part of the Service Learning Program, an initiative to engage students in connecting theories of the classroom with the practices of good citizenship, community-based research, active problem-solving and a growth mindset that fosters creativity and social innovation.

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1,500+ HOURS





annually in the local community

raised by the HPU family for the United Way

of service committed to 30 local agencies on HPU’s MLK Day of Service

donated to local schools since 2016 by incoming HPU freshmen

donated by students to local agencies

since 2011 during HPU’s annual Community

Christmas Celebration

and managed by HPU Volunteers In Service To America (VISTAs)






COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONSwhere HPU students volunteer


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“Your outlook upon life, estimate of yourself and estimate of your value are largely colored by your environment. Your whole career will be

modified, shaped and molded by your surroundings and the character of the people with whom you come into contact every day.”

- Orison Swett Marden, founder of Success Magazine



23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

26% Coachability

Environment MattersThink environment doesn’t make a difference? Ask any professional sports coach if they prefer to play at home or away. Leading organizations understand your surroundings shape your behavior.

At HPU, an inspiring environment is part of a strategic effort to surround students with energy, enthusiasm and the lift they need to walk and act with purpose.

It’s not about beauty; it’s about intentional living.

HPU knows that students rise to the level of their surroundings, so it’s important that their campus environment sets a standard.

That’s why HPU is filled with sculptures of history’s notable leaders and Silicon Valley-style spaces that foster collaboration. It’s why the Wilson School of Commerce lobby looks like a Fortune 500 company. When HPU students graduate, they know how to thrive in these settings.

Google is similar to HPU because the company

provides an environment that shows its employees the

utmost respect. But at the same time, everyone here is motivated to work hard and determined to do big things. Everyone here has incredible

drive and determination.

— Tyler Yusko, ‘13 and ‘14 Engineering Leadership Recruiter at Google

Britt Carl, pictured left, is a Success Coach who helps freshmen achieve their goals.

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Kyle Prates, Class of 2015 East Coast Sales Manager Interstuhl Boston, Massachusetts

“You only get four years, so make the best of every opportunity that is thrown your way. At HPU, you will build relationships, make connections and be exposed to countless experiences that will help you enormously as you enter the real world.”

Maddie Travell, Class of 2018Visual Merchandiser Nordstrom Pentagon City, Virginia

“The environment at HPU is dedicated to preparing students for a career. I gained life skills that have contributed to my new career, and my professors inspired me to believe in myself and see what I am capable of achieving.”

Seth Spencer, Class of 2015Risk Assurance Associate PricewaterhouseCoopers Charlotte, North Carolina

“Every day at HPU, I had the opportunity to walk across a beautiful campus; go in and out of buildings that looked like they belonged in magazines; interact with professors that prepared me for a professional career; and learn from HPU President Dr. Nido Qubein that anything worth doing is worth doing with excellence.”

How HPU motivated these successful graduates to be the best version of themselves.

Straight from the Students:

The Wilson School of Commerce, which contains elements found in Fortune 500 companies, is one example of the

intentional design throughout HPU’s campus.

Inspirational quotes line the sidewalks of the Kester

International Promenade.

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World-class facilitiesThe Wilson School of Commerce lobby resembles the lobby of a Fortune 500 company. When students land their job interview, they’ll feel at home in that environment. The Tilley Trading Room features a live stock ticker and trading software. Executive boardrooms allow students to present themselves in a corporate setting. The Human Biomechanics and Physiology Lab is one of the most unique labs in the country. And TV studios equipped with state-of-the-art technology prepare graduates for competitive newsrooms.

These facilities are among the many reasons U.S. News and World Report ranks HPU the Most Innovative College in the South.

Lessons in leadershipHPU buzzes with the news of industry leaders visiting campus throughout the year. When students meet and learn from these accomplished leaders, something beautiful happens: they discover the art of the possible. The simple lesson learned: “I can do it.”

Students have learned from change agents such as Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph, HPU’s Entrepreneur in Residence; Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, HPU’s Innovator in Residence; Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State; Josh Groban, internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter and actor; Wolf Blitzer, CNN’s lead political anchor and anchor of “The Situation Room;” Gen. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and national security advisor; NASA Astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin; and many others.

A 460-acre “classroom”Flags from more than 52 nations fly along the Gene and Jane Kester International Promenade to honor each international student’s home country. Along its brick pathways, quotations selected by faculty provide ideas for reflection. Sculptures of significant historical figures inspire students to pursue their goals. The Mariana H. Qubein Arboretum and Botanical Gardens bring holistic learning to life throughout campus.

These elements were intentionally placed on campus to present learning opportunities at every turn. For example, assistant professor of political science Dr. Martin Kifer takes students on a guided walk around the Promenade, stopping at the sculptures of civil rights leaders. It prompts students to have an intellectual, out-of-classroom discussion about how these leaders changed the course of history.

Engaging events foster connectionThe HPU campus thrives on connection. There’s the Activities Fair, during which students get connected with clubs and causes that interest them. There are Greek organizations, which present leadership and service opportunities.

There are guest lectures, concerts, theatre performances, art exhibits and more to expose the HPU family and the community to the arts. There are 16 Division 1 athletic events to attend, dozens of intramural teams and 30 club sports teams on which to participate.

These opportunities exist to teach students to thrive in collaborative environments, to build relationships and connect the dots wherever they go.

A Campus that Fosters ExcellencePeople rise to the level of environment in which they live. Whether students are in class,

a residence hall or one of the library learning common spaces throughout campus, students are consistently surrounded by excellence.

HPU’s entire campus is a holistic learning environment that complements classroom learning and prepares students to thrive. Here’s a glimpse:

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The Purpose of 1924 PrimeAccording to a story in the New York Times called “How to Hire the Right Person,” employers say that taking a candidate to lunch or dinner is one of the most revealing and important parts of the hiring process.

So imagine you just graduated and are interviewing for career opportunities. A prospective employer offers you an interview over lunch or dinner. What do you do if your university didn’t prepare you?

While some universities provide an etiquette class during a student’s senior year, HPU provides students with four years of career preparation inside 1924 Prime, HPU’s fine dining restaurant and learning laboratory. Here, students practice their interview skills weekly over complimentary dinner beginning their freshman year. In addition, they’re exposed to a wide variety of cultural cuisines and traditions.

When HPU graduates enter the workforce, they not only know how to ace the interview, but they’re also comfortable in a business setting. This prepares them for a lifetime of success.

Just picture it: After you accept the job offer, your boss asks you to take an international client to dinner. Or, you’re meeting colleagues after work to offer a major proposal.

Whatever the scenario, you’re ready.

“In addition to my academic education, HPU provided resources for me to learn life skills. These resources included career development, professional organizations, classes taught by HPU President Nido Qubein and 1924 Prime. Specific examples of life skills I gained were communication skills, proper business attire and how to present oneself in a business environment.”

– Nathan Cheung, Class of 2016 Trade Desk Analyst at Colonial Funding Group, LLC

“I got my first internship by talking to an HPU graduate at one of 1924 Prime’s Culture and Cuisine events. At the time, I didn’t

realize that moment would lead to such a great opportunity.”

– Caroline Weller, Class of 2015 Senior Associate Hosting Technical Account Manager at SAS

Lessons Learned at 1924 Prime:

Discover One of The Nation’s Most Unique Learning Labs

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“When people are in a fixed mindset, they believe their basic talents, abilities and intelligence are fixed traits—they have a certain amount, and that’s it. But, in a growth

mindset, people understand that talent and abilities can be developed through hard work, learning new strategies, and help from others. This is an empowering belief.”

- Carol Dweck, Stanford Professor

But HPU knows the truth about students’ potential.

Students with growth mindsets become better prepared for the world as it’s going to be. They’re knowledge seekers. They work hard, they fail, they learn from their mistakes, and thus, they grow.

That’s a big deal in a world that changes rapidly. And at HPU, this big-deal concept is even bigger.

HPU initiated a multi-faceted Quality Enhancement Plan to apply growth mindset techniques that encourage students to stretch themselves intellectually – and stick to it, even when it’s tough. No other college or university nationwide has infused this philosophy into everything it does.

Students are benefiting from that.

“This is preparing our students for the workforce, and we all know the work force is not predictable,” says Dr. Dennis Carroll, HPU provost. “How many jobs will today’s students have before they retire?”

It can be as many as 40, according to various studies. Employers today want people unafraid of failure and not paralyzed by risk in their intellectual quest to grow.

“So, our students can’t be afraid to be flexible and adaptable, all skills that come from a classic liberal arts education,” Carroll says. “The growth mindset supports that. It tells them, ‘Try something new.’”

Communication professor Jim Trammell is also HPU’s QEP director. Ask him about growth mindset, and he’ll point to Oprah Winfrey getting fired from a job at age 23.

“Her path to becoming Oprah was working through a number of failures,” Trammell says. “We need to remind our students that the people we celebrate as successes became successful not despite their failures, but because of their failures.

“Not failing, not struggling, not growing is not learning.”



23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

26% Coachability

Instilling the Growth MindsetAccording to research, the students today spring from a test-taking generation who see their inherent intelligence and worth based on grades.

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Christopher Schorn, Class of 2020 Intern at Tesla

“At HPU, I learned that having a growth mindset is important. With my first internship being at Tesla, I was really nervous coming into such a large company. However, believing that I could grow into my role as I spent time at Tesla calmed my nerves.”

Rebecca Ulrich, Class of 2018Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Illinois

“I’d say something like, ‘I’m not good at this!’ and my professor would stop me and say, ‘Wait. Have a growth mindset. You’re a good student.’ Hearing that instilled confidence in me.”

Sophia Brown, Class of 2020 Intern at Oscar de la Renta in New York City

“By applying the growth mindset outlook that HPU encourages, I was able to speak during internship interviews on how a growth mindset gives me a unique perspective on daily tasks and projects. I know that even the smallest tasks contribute to the larger picture.”

How developing a growth mindset benefits their future careers

Straight from the Students:

Ascension 336John Mims, assistant professor of communication,

created a collaborative space for students to utilize their majors in a practical setting.

A public relations agency, Ascension 336 is completely student run and partners with

local organizations like Appalachian Hardwood, Heal Our Heroes, Reading Connections,

West End Ministries and more.

Dime DesignAllan Beaver, HPU’s Graphic Designer in Residence, brought students together to work with real-world

clients in a student-run graphic design agency. Dime Design agency and Ascension 336 work

together often to meet client objectives.

These groups collaborate on projects for clients such as United Apparel, Women in Motion,

Humane Society of the Piedmont and more.

Study Abroad HPU offers 79 innovative study abroad programs,

ranging from full semester programs where students study at other universities around the

world, to short-term “Maymester” programs where students spend one month in another country

with their peers and a faculty guide.


LEARNINGFaculty and staff provide students

with a plethora of opportunities to put classroom concepts into real-world

practice. These experiences help students learn to collaborate with people from all walks of life, while also learning to embrace failure as an opportunity to grow. Here are just a few examples:

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“Almost every current business is being partially driven by some form of technology. As modern businesses become increasingly reliant on up-to-the-minute technology

to enhance their competitive edge, CEOs must be able to — at the very least — have a working knowledge of the technology on which their companies so heavily rely.”

- The New York Times



23% Emotional Intelligence

17% Motivation

15% Temperament

1 1% Technical Competence

26% Coachability

Academic Excellence and InnovationHPU’s goal of preparing students for world as it is going to be, not as it is, means staying ahead of the technological curve with up-to-date, state-of-the-art facilities.

For instance, just last year, the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication invested more than $1 million into renovating and updating the television studio that was built in 2008.

HPU’s Congdon Hall, which is home to the Congdon School of Health Sciences and Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy, opened in the fall of 2017 and stands as an example of the innovation that’s woven throughout HPU’s campus. The three-story, glass-walled lobby welcomes visitors with a striking 40-foot DNA sculpture. Housed inside is a Human Biomechanics and Physiology Lab, one of the most unique research facilities in the world. There’s also a state-of-the-art anatomy lab, virtual reality and clinical gait analysis laboratory, simulation laboratories and more. All are intended to prepare students with the technical skills they’ll need after graduation.

HPU’s academic curriculum and facilities are both innovative and relevant in part because faculty mentors include a mix of scholars and real-world practitioners. Just as the marketplace is in daily flux, majors in all disciplines are in a continuum of evolution.

As HPU’s enrollment continues to grow, so do academic programs. Over the last decade, HPU has added six academic schools, and just this year, announced the addition of the Webb School of Engineering. HPU is continuously enhancing academic offerings in this ever-expanding job sector.

Responding to shifts in the global marketplace, HPU will open the $65 million Wanek School of Undergraduate Sciences in 2019. Dedicated to biology, chemistry and physics, HPU’s growth in undergraduate sciences serves as a foundation for STEM endeavors.

HPU’s holistic education prepares students for many avenues of success, whether it be working for a major corporation, becoming a teacher, starting their own company and much more.

Byron Pitts, co-anchor of ABC News’ “Nightline” and HPU’s Journalist in Residence, works with students inside the university’s state-of-the-art TV studio.

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Continuous GrowthToday’s students need more than a degree; they come to college seeking a transformational experience. And HPU knows a thing or two about transformation.

HPU has continuously transformed its institution and its culture, remaining a small university, but with major university resources. Growth is a familiar story at HPU. Growth is what makes it possible for HPU to transform its students.

In the last decade, HPU has more than tripled enrollment from 1,450 to 5,400 students, more than quadrupled campus from 91 to 500 acres, earned doctoral degree-granting status and established six new academic schools, for a total of 10 academic schools now at HPU. And, much of it has happened amidst the worst economic disruption in the last 50 years of America’s history.

As HPU’s enrollment continues to grow, so do academic programs. Just this year, HPU announced the addition of the Webb School of Engineering. In all, HPU is home to 10 academic schools:

• David R. Hayworth College of Arts and Sciences • School of Art and Design • Earl N. Phillips School of Business • Nido R. Qubein School of Communication • Stout School of Education • Congdon School of Health Sciences • Webb School of Engineering • Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy • Wanek School of Natural Sciences • Norcross Graduate School

And, HPU is committed to ensuring graduates are prepared to render value in a rapidly changing world by steadily adding new programs each year. Programs in cybersecurity, finance and sport/event management are examples of this, and below are a few more:

• Physical Therapy • Pharmacy • Physician Assistant Studies • Engineering • Data Analytics • Biomedical Neuroscience • Actuarial Science • Biochemistry

Each new academic enhancement is proof of HPU’s commitment to preparing students with the technical skills needed to excel in this ever-evolving workforce.

To view a full listing of all our academic majors, visit

Above: The Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy contains state-of-the-art laboratory space to train the next generation of health care providers.Bottom right: The Human Biomechanics and Physiology Laboratory is one of the most unique research facilities on the East Coast.

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High Point University graduates work at the world’s leading companies. Their passionate pursuits reflect HPU’s promise: When we enroll a student, we commit to their success. Here’s a sample of graduates who are contributing to industries and technologies that impact your world.


Alex Palmer, ‘13Apple

Sr. Software Engineer

Ruslan Salakhutdinov, ‘01Apple

Director of AI Research

Katie Manning, ‘15Facebook

Product Design Recruiter

Page 41: DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYER IMPRESSIONS · reasons such as coachability and adaptability rather than technical competence. The longitudinal study featured here is one example of these

Kyra Hennessey, ’18Dell EMC

Reference Manager

Stefanie Vorleiter, ’15Lenovo

Global Account Executive

Tyler Yusko, ‘13, ‘14Google

Engineering Leadership Recruiter

Jillian Koehler, ‘11Google

Channels Specialist

James Jadotte, ‘13Google

Program Manager, Staffing Services

Mary Boylan, ‘11Google

Channels Specialist

Caroline Tucker, ’17Amazon

Area Manager

Capabilities that outlast and extend beyond technical

skills, but allow one to communicate, build relationships,

continuously grow and thrive in competitive environments.

Adaptation amidst rapid change. Understanding that to work

harder, one must work smarter. Accepting failure as the price

for learning and developing a growth mindset. Navigating

complex situations without being intimidated by life’s

obstacles. What employers want in new hires.

Life Skills (n):

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DO YOU KNOW WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT IN COLLEGE GRADUATES?The Premier Life Skills University does. Discover more inside.

EMPLOYER IMPRESSIONSEmployers are singing the praises of HPU. Here are a few recent notes they’ve written

about the impact of HPU students and graduates on their organizations.

One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268, USA

“HPU graduates are coachable and willing to grow, which is why they’ve been

phenomenal in our leadership program.”

— Ryan Torchia Regional Vice President at Gartner in Fort Myers, California

“HPU students are well prepared. They are open to new challenges and have a maturity about them that help them cope with real-life

business situations.”

— Jeff Eilers Regional Vice President and Director of Sales Trainee Program for Mutual of Omaha in Corona, California

“We have been lucky to have multiple interns from High Point University on our Regional Marketing Services team here at IMG College. The students have been motivated, smart, interested and team players. They come into the internship

eager to learn and work hard. We challenge our interns here with real-world

work that gives them a taste of what it would be like to work in our department

full time. HPU students have taken on that challenge and developed the skills

necessary to be an asset to our team. We have been very pleased with our interns

from High Point and look forward to hiring more in the future.”

— Brandon Hillis Director of Regional Marketing Services for IMG in

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

“HPU students are self-motivated and always come to us seeking

internship opportunities. They’ve all consistently delivered strong results. They take initiative and

bring positive curiosity and intellect.”

— Sam Soloman University Program Manager for the Center for

Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina