viewwhy should we...

TYPICAL QUESTIONS THAT AN INTERVIEWER WOULD ASK 1.Tell me about yourself The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work/Study-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done well at your college and how you wanted to perform in the first job. 2. Why Should We Employ You? For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel are relevant to the job. Given below are some answers which could help you with your answers. However, structure them to suit your requirements. I have good co-ordination skills Good analytical skills I can persuade people to see my point of view, and get the work done My greatest asset is my ability to motivate people Even during emergencies, I do not loose my cool I have good entrepreneurial skills I have consistently met my deadlines and targets Can say “no” to people when required to do so! I am very co-operative with my sub-ordinates, and would like to see them grow I am a good team player I am very flexible, and have the ability to work hard under difficult work conditions I have the experience and knowledge relevant to this job (Here, give appropriate details and examples) 3. Do You Have Offers From Other Companies ? This is of course a difficult question to answer. Obviously, you must have applied to other companies if you are looking for a job or would have some offers from other companies already. Therefore, do not lie that you have not. However, you are on thin ice here! The interviewer could be checking your honesty. On the other hand, he/she may also be trying to find out how focused you are - are you applying randomly, or is there a well-planned strategy? Whatever your answer, it should match your career goals.

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Page 1: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel


1.Tell me about yourselfThe most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work/Study-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done well at your college and how you wanted to perform in the first job.

2. Why Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel are relevant to the job. Given below are some answers which could help you with your answers. However, structure them to suit your requirements.

I have good co-ordination skillsGood analytical skillsI can persuade people to see my point of view, and get the work doneMy greatest asset is my ability to motivate peopleEven during emergencies, I do not loose my coolI have good entrepreneurial skillsI have consistently met my deadlines and targetsCan say “no” to people when required to do so!I am very co-operative with my sub-ordinates, and would like to see them growI am a good team playerI am very flexible, and have the ability to work hard under difficult work conditionsI have the experience and knowledge relevant to this job (Here, give appropriate details and examples)

3. Do You Have Offers From Other Companies ?This is of course a difficult question to answer. Obviously, you must have applied to other companies if you are looking for a job or would have some offers from other companies already. Therefore, do not lie that you have not. However, you are on thin ice here! The interviewer could be checking your honesty. On the other hand, he/she may also be trying to find out how focused you are - are you applying randomly, or is there a well-planned strategy?Whatever your answer, it should match your career goals.

4. What Salary Are You Expecting?Try not to get into salary details early in the interview. If pressed, you could say that it all depends on the job, and would like to talk about it after a job offer. Say this in a convincing tone. In case you are asked this question in your latter interviews, give a direct answer. Do not sound apologetic while quoting the figure you have in mind.


1. How much do you expect?If you have done your homework, you would know how much other people in similar jobs are paid. Quote the range upfront.

2. How much do you think you are worth?Work out how much you should be paid, given the market value of the job and your skills. If

Page 2: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

you can bring some extra skills to the table, do not hesitate to ask for more than the market value.

3. What kind of a culture are you comfortable with?It is better to be frank about your preferences. Your interviewer will get a clear idea about your expectations.

4. Which is more important to you-salary, perks or growth opportunities?This one will reveal the real you. So be sure what you are going to say. Above all, be true to yourself. If you think this is a negotiation move, then say clearly that you will never sell yourself short.

5. What do you know about our company?Do not give your opinions about the company. Stick to reported facts that you have gathered from newspapers and so on. Talk about the product portfolio, size, income, and market perceptions of the company. Also it is better to refer details about each company before going for the interview from or

6. Why should we choose you over someone else?Talk clearly about problems that you have solved in your College/Project Team and highlight the quality required.

6. Your qualifications are excellent, but you may be overqualified for the position we have to offer?Point out that more experience can never be a drawback. If you are multi-skilled, then highlight the fact that a company on the fast-track needs multi-skilled people. It needs people within different departments to work together. Also emphasise that the company's future growth will be an exponential function of your experience.


Interviewers usually round off by giving you an opportunity to ask questions. Treat it like a welcome opportunity.You could ask questions like.a) Tell me about your company.b) Now that I have outlined my career goals, do you think you can offer me the opportunities I need?c) What kind of training and learning can I expect in your company?d) Describe the work culture and the management style of your company?e) What is the long-term vision of your company?

As a fresher, current position and status can impact the way you are interviewed. Fresh Out of College

The basis on which you will be judged is your academic background, family background, and interests.If looking for your first job, ensure that your previous experience, even if it is part-time, is noticed.Mention projects or responsibilities you may have undertaken. This will indicate your area of aptitude.

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You should be willing to put in regular hours, in line with the company's policies. The interviewer needs to know whether you can be punctual and put in full-time work.In case you have applied for the post of management trainee, you should display an ability to adapt, and indicate all-round interests. Moreover, you should have good interpersonal skills.You should be enthusiastic to learn, and show commitment towards the organization, as the company will be spending a lot on your training.

Bring with you :a) Copies of your resumesb) References and letters of recommendations.

First Impressions :There is a common saying that minds are made up within the first 5 minutes of an interview. So keep in mind these important first impression indicators. Walk in the door as if you already work there, carry yourself as though you feel perfectly comfortable with the situation. Arrive on time or a little early. In the waiting area, politely tell the receptionist who you are meeting and in a friendly way, ask where you should sit. Take slow, deep breaths to help you remain calm and focused. When introduced to the interviewer, have a firm, but not painful, handshake. Smile. Have good posture when sitting or standing. Introduce yourself in a relaxed, confident manner. Have a well-groomed, professional appearance. Project a feeling of confidence. Bring extra copies of your resume, some thing to write on and something to write with.


Basic Things

In addition to doing research and practicing your answers to common interview questions, you should be aware of general interview etiquette. Remember the following points when preparing for an interview:  

Review your resume, and make sure that you can explain everything on it. Arrive at the interview ten minutes early to give yourself an opportunity to collect your thoughts and relax. Be aware that many employers will have their receptionists record the time you came in. If you rush in at the last minute, an employer may have serious concerns about your ability to arrive on time for a normal day at work.

Get a good night's sleep before your interview. You will think more effectively in the interview if you are rested. Also, yawning will not impress anyone. Eat something before the interview. If you are worried about your stomach growling, you will not be able to concentrate on the questions.

Dress appropriately for the position that you are applying to. Try to dress like the people who work there would dress if they were representing their organization at some function. If you are unsure about what to wear, always err on the side of being too dressed up.

Make sure that you are clean, neat, and well-groomed. Interviewers do notice your appearance, and first impressions are critical in an interview situation.

Page 4: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

Take a copy of your resume, transcript, references and perhaps a portfolio or work samples with you. Also take a pen and  paper, as you may wan to record some important information.

The Interview

Interview is an opportunity for both the employer and the applicant to gather information. The employer wants to know if you, the applicant, have the skills, knowledge, self-confidence, and motivation necessary for the job. At this point you can be confident that the employer saw something of interest in your resume. He or she also wants to determine whether or not you will fit in with the organization's current employees and philosophy. Similarly, you will want to evaluate the position and the organization, and determine if they will fit into your career plans. The interview is a two-way exchange of information. It is an opportunity for both parties to market themselves. The employer is selling the organization to you, and you are marketing your skills, knowledge, and personality to the employer.

        Interview Preparation

Research is a critical part of preparing for an interview. If you haven't done your homework, it is going to be obvious. Spend time researching and thinking about yourself, the occupation, the organization, and questions you might ask at the end of the interview.

        Step 1: Know Yourself

The first step in preparing for an interview is to do a thorough   self-assessment so that you will know what you have to offer an employer. It is very important to develop a complete inventory of skills, experience, and personal attributes that you can use to market yourself to employers at any time during the interview process. In developing this inventory, it is easiest to start with experience. Once you have a detailed list of activities that you have done (past jobs, extra-curricular involvements, volunteer work, school projects, etc.), it is fairly easy to identify your skills.

 Simply go through the list, and for each item ask yourself "What could I have learned by doing this?" "What skills did I develop?" "What issues/circumstances have I learned to deal with?" Keep in mind that skills fall into two categories - technical and generic. Technical skills are the skills required to do a specific job. For a laboratory assistant, technical skills might include knowledge of sterilization procedures, slide preparation, and scientific report writing. For an outreach worker, technical skills might include counseling skills, case management skills, or program design and evaluation skills. Generic skills are those which are transferable to many work settings. Following is a list of the ten most marketable skills. You will notice that they are all generic.

Analytical/Problem Solving Flexibility/Versatility Interpersonal Oral/Written Communication Organization/Planning Time Management Motivation Leadership

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Self-Starter/Initiative Team Player

Often when people think of skills, they tend to think of those they have developed in the workplace. However, skills are developed in a variety of settings. If you have ever researched and written a paper for a course, you probably have written communication skills. Team sports or group projects are a good way to develop the skills required of a team player and leader. Don't overlook any abilities you may have When doing the research on yourself, identifying your experience and skills is important, but it is not all that you need to know. Consider the answers to other questions such as:

How have I demonstrated the skills required in this position? What are my strong points and weak points? What are my short term and long term goals? What can I offer this particular employer? What kind of environment do I like? (i.e. How do I like to be supervised? Do I like a

fast pace?) What do I like doing? Apart from my skills and experience, what can I bring to this job?

        Step 2: Know the Occupation

The second step in preparing for an interview is to research the occupation. This is necessary because in order to present a convincing argument that you have the experience and skills required for that occupation, you must first know what those requirements and duties are. With this information uncovered, you can then match the skills you have (using the complete skills/experience inventory you have just prepared) with the skills you know people in that occupational field need. The resulting "shortlist" will be the one that you need to emphasize during the interview. It is also in your best interest to identify the approximate starting salary for that position, or those similar. There are several ways to find out about an occupation:

Acquire a copy of the job description from the employer (Human Resources/Personnel) or check with Student Employment Services. If you are

responding to an advertisement, this may also supply some details.

The Career Resource Centre has general information files on a variety of occupations. Make sure you have read through the appropriate file and are updated on the occupation. If you belong to a professional association related to the occupation, use its resources. These associations often publish informative newsletters and sponsor seminars. It is also a good way to meet people working in the field. Conduct information interviews with people working in the field. Read articles about people in the occupation, and articles written by people in the occupation. Sources include newspapers, magazines and the internet. Find out what the future trends are in the area. Is technology changing the job?

        Step 3: Know the Organization

The more you know about an organization, the better prepared you will be to discuss how you can meet its needs. Some of the characteristics that you should know about an organization are:

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Where is it located? How big is it? What are its products and who does it serve? How is the organization structured? What is its history? Have there been any recent changes, new developments?

There are a number of ways in which you can access this information. Most medium- to large-sized organizations publish information about themselves. You can access this a number of ways:

On campus at the Student Employment Services (company literature and business directories) or at the Drake Centre Library

The Winnipeg Centennial Library has a business microfiche with information on over 5000 Canadian companies and business directories

Many companies have internet home pages which you can locate by searching by industry and company name

Finally, you can visit or phone the organization and request some information on their products, services or areas of research

If the organization is fairly small, or fairly new, there may not be much information published. In this case, it will be necessary to do an information interview. Contact someone within the organization, introduce yourself, explain that you are considering moving into the field, and ask if it would be possible to meet with him/her to inquire about the company/organization and about what exactly the position would involve. 

Step 4: Prepare Questions Having completed your background research, you are now ready to prepare questions to ask the interviewer(s). Try to think of questions for which the answer was not readily available in company literature. Intelligent well thought-out questions will demonstrate your genuine interest in the position. Be careful how many questions you ask, however, as too many can imply you feel the interview was not successfully run. Pick your questions with care - this is your chance to gather information, so ask about what you really want to know. Avoid sounding critical by mentioning negative information you may have discovered. This is one of the most effective ways to compare different employers, so for issues of particular importance to you (for example, whether they support staff upgrading), you should ask the same questions of each employer. Some sample questions are:

What are the most significant factors affecting your business today? How have changes in technology most affected your business today? 

How has your business/industry been affected by the recession? How has your company grown or changed in the last couple of years? What future direction do you see the company taking? Where is the greatest demand for your services or product? Where is most of the pressure from increased business felt in this company? Which department feels it the most? How do you differ from your competitors? How much responsibility will I be given in this position? What do you like about working with this organization? Can you tell me more about the training program?

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Have any new product lines been introduced recently? How much travel is normally expected? What criteria will be used to evaluate my performance? Will I work independently or as part of a team? How did you advance to your position? What are the career paths available in this organization? When can I expect to hear from you regarding this position?

It is very important to ask the last question because employers want to hire individuals who are interested in the position - and asking this question definitely helps to demonstrate interest on your part. Exercise judgment when asking questions to an employer. When being interviewed by a large company that has a high profile, one would not ask the question "What is the history of your company and how was your company started?" You can find the answer to this question in the company's annual report or articles in magazines/newspapers. However, small- and medium-sized companies do not always produce publicly available annual reports and it may be difficult to access information on the company and its role in the industry. This question is appropriate if you have exercised all other ways to find out the answer.



Let's say you are going for an interview tomorrow. You have prepared yourself well for the occasion - anticipating the questions and getting ready the answers - but have you given a thought to what you will wear?

If you have not peeked into your wardrobe yet, it's time to take a real hard look now. Your application's fate depends not just on how well you answer the interview questions, but also on how well you project yourself physically. The first impression your interviewer makes about you is based on the way you look, and you know what they say about first impressions. According to Joe Hodowanes, J.M. Wanes and Associates career strategy advisor, "The way a person dresses is the single biggest non-verbal communication you make about yourself." The right dressing is a measure of the seriousness that you place on the position, as a person normally spends time on his looks if he considers an event important enough.

"Although proper dressing by itself will not get you the job, a poor dress sense may exclude you from further consideration," warns Gerry Ditching, managing partner of Besides, given two equally good applicants, the compan y may choose to hire the person who is dressed more professionally. Here are some tips to give you a headstart.


Long-sleeved shirt and dark slacks. White is still the safest and the best color for shirts. The colour is also appropriate for our tropical weather. Also acceptable: pale shades such as beige, blue, and other pastels.

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Tuck in the shirt and do not roll up the sleeves. Never wear a short-sleeved shirt to an interview or any business purpose. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt will destroy your executive image.  

Ties Optional. But if you do wear one, choose a conservative pattern. Solids, small polka dots, diagonal stripes, small repeating shapes, subtle plaids and paisleys are all acceptable.

Belts Belts should match your shoes. Those with smaller buckles with squared lines look more professional.

Socks Black socks are the best, followed by blue or gray, depending on your attire. Never wear white socks! Check your sock length, too--no skin should show when you sit down or cross your legs. Shoes. Black or burgundy leather shoes with laces on them, because tassel loafers are very casual. Other suitable colors are brown, cordovan and navy.

Hair. Keep neat, short and preferably parted on the side. And shave off all those facial hair.

Jewellery. Wear no or little jewellery. The watch and wedding ring are the only acceptable pieces of jewellery to go with the male attire. Thin gold or leather-strapped watches look professional but not digital watches. Also, avoid political or religious insignias, necklaces or bracelets. Definitely Accessories. As much as possible, use leather briefcases or folders to hold copies of your resume. Use narrow briefcases and avoid plastic folders and plastic ball pens as they are out of place.


Three-piece business suits, blouse and skirt or slacks, and cardigan twin-sets. Sleeveless shirts should be rejected. Short-sleeved blouses are okay when they are tailor-cut or have features such as a sports collar or double breast design to create a business-like look. Skirts can either be long provided it does not create a Cinderella or barn-dance look or short where it falls no shorter than two inches from the knee. Nothing too revealing, please!

Panty-hose or stockings. A must for professional grooming, but nothing with overly fussy patterns. Bring an extra pair, just in case the ones you are wearing run.

Shoes. Closed shoes or pumps with at least 1½-inch heels suggest a more professional look. Dark colors are best.

Hair. Hair longer than shoulder length should be worn up or pulled back. Don't let it fall in front of your face and don't keep trying to fix it during the interview. Avoid large hair ornaments and trendy hairstyles.

Make-up. Be subtle; natural is the key word. Light shades of lip coloring and nail polish are recommended.

Jewellery. Be conservative. Studs of gold, silver or pearls are best. Do away with gaudy fashion jewelers, and those that clank and make noise when one moves.

Accessories. Folders and bags should blend well with the total professional look. Women should match their purse with their shoe colour.

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Your Resume is the First Interface with Your Employer 

Your resume is the first interface you have with your employer. Make the most of this opportunity............. The employment market is changing all the time and so have resumes, evolving from a one-size-fits-all standard. Here are our tips to convert your resume into a catching one.

Follow These Basic Standards....

Don't overcrowd your resume; allow for plenty of white space. Keep your resume to one page whenever possible. Keep the number of fonts you use to a minimum -- two at the most. Use a font that is easy to read. Times Roman works well. Do not justify the lines of type on your resume. Allow the right side of the page to

"rag." Do not overuse capitalization, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features. Make sure your name, address, and a phone number appear on your resume and all

correspondence, preferably at the top of the page. Print your resume on white or cream paper using a good-quality printer. Second- and third-generation photocopies must be avoided Print on one side of the paper only.

Avoid Mistakes:

Spelling Mistakes:

To avoid spelling mistakes:

Don't use words with which you aren't familiar. Use a dictionary as you write. Perform a spell check on your finished resume. Carefully read every word in your resume. Have a friend or two proof read your resume for you.

Punctuation Mistakes:

Things to look for:

Periods at the end of all full sentences. Be consistent in your use of punctuation. Always put periods and commas within quotation marks. Avoid using exclamation points.

Page 10: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

Grammatical Mistakes:

Grammar hang-ups to watch for:

Do not switch tenses within your resume. The duties you currently perform should be in present tense (i.e., write reports) Duties you may have performed at past jobs should be in past tense (i.e., wrote

reports). Capitalize all proper nouns. When expressing numbers, write out all numbers between one and nine (i.e., one,

five, seven), but use numerals for all numbers 10 and above (i.e., 10, 25, 108). If you begin a sentence with a numeral, spell out that numeral (e.g. Eleven service

awards won while employed.). Make sure your date formats are consistent (i.e.11/22/01 or Nov. 22, 2001, or

11.22.01. Choose one and stick with it.). Choose Your Words Carefully: Phrase yourself well: Be on the lookout for the following easily confused words: accept (to receive), except (to exclude) all right (correct), alright (this is not a word) affect (to bring about change), effect (result) personal (private), personnel (staff members) role (a character assigned or a function), roll (to revolve). Use action words (i.e., wrote reports, increased revenues, directed staff).

References:In most instances it is not necessary to include names and address of references on the resume. If you include a reference, make it sure that the referenced person knows very well about you. It is also advisable to add the persons as references, whom the employer can contact easily. If possible add the phone number and e-mail ID of the reference. Never add a person as a reference, about whom you know nothing


Employers have a busy schedule, so don't expect them to read through a long resume. Ideally, resumes should be of one page, or of two pages only if absolutely necessary, to describe relevant work experience.


Use of language is extremely important; you need to sell yourself to an employer quickly and efficiently. Address your potential employer's needs with a clearly written, compelling resume. Avoid large paragraphs (five or six lines). If you provide small, digestible pieces of information, your resume will be read. Use action verbs. Verbs such as "developed", "managed", and "designed" emphasise your accomplishments. Don't use declarative sentences like "I developed the ..." or "I assisted in ...", leave out the "I". Avoid passive constructions, such as "was responsible for managing". Just say, "managed": that sounds stronger and more active.

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Employers need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for them. Don't be vague. Telling someone that you "improved the company's efficiency" doesn't say much. But if you say that you "cut overhead costs by 20 per cent and saved the company Rs 20 lakh during the last fiscal year", you are more specific.


Employers will feel more comfortable hiring you if they can verify your accomplishments. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. A falsified resume can cost you the job later.


Check your resume for correct grammar and spelling - evidence of good communication skills and attention to detail. Nothing can ruin your chances of getting a job faster than submitting a resume filled with preventable mistakes. Make your resume easy on the eye. Use normal margins (1" on the top and bottom, 1.25" on the sides) and don't cram your text on the page. Allow for some space between the different sections. Avoid unusual or exotic fonts. Preferred fonts: Arial and Times Roman.



1. What does static variable mean? 2. What is a pointer? 3. What is a structure? 4. What are the differences between structures and arrays? 5. In header files whether functions are declared or defined?  6. What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()? 7. What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages? 8. Difference between pass by reference and pass by value? 9. What is static identifier? 10. Where are the auto variables stored? 11. Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C Program

instructions get stored? 12. Difference between arrays and linked list? 13. What are enumerations? 14. Describe about storage allocation and scope of global, extern, static, local and register

variables? 15. What are register variables? What are the advantage of using register variables? 16. What is the use of typedef? 17. Can we specify variable field width in a scanf() format string? If possible how? 18. Out of fgets() and gets() which function is safe to use and why? 19. Difference between strdup and strcpy?

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20. What is recursion? 21. Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop? What are it uses? 22. What are the different storage classes in C? 23. Write down the equivalent pointer expression for referring the same element a[i][j][k]

[l]? 24. What is difference between Structure and Unions? 25. What the advantages of using Unions? 26. What are the advantages of using pointers in a program? 27. What is the difference between Strings and Arrays? 28. In a header file whether functions are declared or defined? 29. What is a far pointer? where we use it? 30. How will you declare an array of three function pointers where each function receives

two ints and returns a float? 31. what is a NULL Pointer? Whether it is same as an uninitialized pointer? 32. What is a NULL Macro? What is the difference between a NULL Pointer and a

NULL Macro? 33. What does the error 'Null Pointer Assignment' mean and what causes this error? 34. What is near, far and huge pointers? How many bytes are occupied by them? 35. How would you obtain segment and offset addresses from a far address of a memory

location? 36. Are the expressions arr and &arr same for an array of integers? 37. Does mentioning the array name gives the base address in all the contexts? 38. Explain one method to process an entire string as one unit? 39. What is the similarity between a Structure, Union and enumeration? 40. Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself? 41. How can we check whether the contents of two structure variables are same or not? 42. How are Structure passing and returning implemented by the complier? 43. How can we read/write Structures from/to data files? 44. What is the difference between an enumeration and a set of pre-processor # defines? 45. what do the 'c' and 'v' in argc and argv stand for? 46. Are the variables argc and argv are local to main? 47. What is the maximum combined length of command line arguments including the

space between adjacent arguments? 48. If we want that any wildcard characters in the command line arguments should be

appropriately expanded, are we required to make any special provision? If yes, which?

49. Does there exist any way to make the command line arguments available to other functions without passing them as arguments to the function?

50. What are bit fields? What is the use of bit fields in a Structure declaration? 51. To which numbering system can the binary number 1101100100111100 be easily

converted to? 52. Which bit wise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on or off? 53. Which bit wise operator is suitable for turning off a particular bit in a number? 54. Which bit wise operator is suitable for putting on a particular bit in a number? 55. Which bit wise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on or off? 56. which one is equivalent to multiplying by 2:Left shifting a number by 1 or Left

shifting an unsigned int or char by 1? 57. Write a program to compare two strings without using the strcmp() function. 58. Write a program to concatenate two strings. 59. Write a program to interchange 2 variables without using the third one.

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60. Write programs for String Reversal & Palindrome check 61. Write a program to find the Factorial of a number 62. Write a program to generate the Fibinocci Series 63. Write a program which employs Recursion 64. Write a program which uses Command Line Arguments 65. Write a program which uses functions like strcmp(), strcpy()? etc 66. What are the advantages of using typedef in a program? 67. How would you dynamically allocate a one-dimensional and two-dimensional array

of integers? 68. How can you increase the size of a dynamically allocated array? 69. How can you increase the size of a statically allocated array? 70. When reallocating memory if any other pointers point into the same piece of memory

do you have to readjust these other pointers or do they get readjusted automatically? 71. Which function should be used to free the memory allocated by calloc()? 72. How much maximum can you allocate in a single call to malloc()? 73. Can you dynamically allocate arrays in expanded memory? 74. What is object file? How can you access object file? 75. Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can

accept variable number of arguments? 76. Can you write a function similar to printf()? 77. How can a called function determine the number of arguments that have been passed

to it? 78. Can there be at least some solution to determine the number of arguments passed to a

variable argument list function? 79. How do you declare the following:

o An array of three pointers to chars o An array of three char pointers o A pointer to array of three chars o A pointer to function which receives an int pointer and returns a float pointer o A pointer to a function which receives nothing and returns nothing

80. What do the functions atoi(), itoa() and gcvt() do? 81. Does there exist any other function which can be used to convert an integer or a float

to a string? 82. How would you use qsort() function to sort an array of structures? 83. How would you use qsort() function to sort the name stored in an array of pointers to

string? 84. How would you use bsearch() function to search a name stored in array of pointers to

string? 85. How would you use the functions sin(), pow(), sqrt()? 86. How would you use the functions memcpy(), memset(), memmove()? 87. How would you use the functions fseek(), freed(), fwrite() and ftell()? 88. How would you obtain the current time and difference between two times? 89. How would you use the functions randomize() and random()? 90. How would you implement a substr() function that extracts a sub string from a given

string? 91. What is the difference between the functions rand(), random(), srand() and

randomize()? 92. What is the difference between the functions memmove() and memcpy()? 93. How do you print a string on the printer? 94. Can you use the function fprintf() to display the output on the screen?

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1. What is a class? 2. What is an object? 3. What is the difference between an object and a class? 4. What is the difference between class and structure? 5. What is public, protected, private? 6. What are virtual functions? 7. What is friend function? 8. What is a scope resolution operator? 9. What do you mean by inheritance? 10. What is abstraction? 11. What is polymorphism? Explain with an example. 12. What is encapsulation? 13. What do you mean by binding of data and functions? 14. What is function overloading and operator overloading? 15. What is virtual class and friend class? 16. What do you mean by inline function? 17. What do you mean by public, private, protected and friendly? 18. When is an object created and what is its lifetime? 19. What do you mean by multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance? Differentiate

between them. 20. Difference between realloc() and free? 21. What is a template? 22. What are the main differences between procedure oriented languages and object

oriented languages? 23. What is R T T I ? 24. What are generic functions and generic classes? 25. What is namespace? 26. What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value? 27. Why do we use virtual functions? 28. What do you mean by pure virtual functions? 29. What are virtual classes? 30. Does c++ support multilevel and multiple inheritance? 31. What are the advantages of inheritance? 32. When is a memory allocated to a class? 33. What is the difference between declaration and definition? 34. What is virtual constructors/destructors? 35. In c++ there is only virtual destructors, no constructors. Why? 36. What is late bound function call and early bound function call? Differentiate. 37. How is exception handling carried out in c++? 38. When will a constructor executed? 39. What is Dynamic Polymorphism? 40. Write a macro for swapping integers.


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What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface? What is user defined exception? What do you know about the garbage collector? What is the difference between java and c++? In an htm form I have a button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will you do that? What is the difference between process and threads? What is update method called? Have you ever used HashTable and Directory? What are statements in Java? What is a JAR file? What is JNI? What is the base class for all swing components? What is JFC? What is the difference between AWT and Swing? Considering notepad/IE or any other thing as process, What will happen if you start notepad or IE 3 times ? Where three processes are started or three threads are started? How does thread synchronization occur in a monitor? Is there any tag in htm to upload and download files? Why do you canvas? How can you know about drivers and database information ? What is serialization? Can you load the server object dynamically? If so what are the 3 major steps involved in it? What is the layout for toolbar? What is the difference between Grid and Gridbaglayout? How will you add panel to a frame? Where are the card layouts used? What is the corresponding layout for card in swing? What is light weight component? Can you run the product development on all operating systems? What are the benefits if Swing over AWT? How can two threads be made to communicate with each other? What are the files generated after using IDL to java compiler? What is the protocol used by server and client? What is the functionability stubs and skeletons? What is the mapping mechanism used by java to identify IDL language? What is serializable interface? What is the use of interface? Why is java not fully objective oriented? Why does java not support multiple inheritance? What is the root class for all java classes? What is polymorphism? Suppose if we have a variable 'I' in run method, if I can create one or more thread each thread will occupy a separate copy or same variable will be shared? What are virtual functions? Write down how will you create a Binary tree? What are the traverses in binary tree? Write a program for recursive traverse? What are session variable in servlets?

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What is client server computing? What is constructor and virtual function? Can we call a virtual function in a constructor? Why do we use oops concepts? What is its advantage? What is middleware? What is the functionality of web server? Why is java not 100% pure oops? When will you use an interface and abstract class? What is the exact difference in between Unicast and Multicast object? Where will it be used? What is the main functionality of the remote reference layer? How do you download stubs from Remote place? I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server? Which methodology will follow? What is the main functionality of Prepared Statement? What is meant by Static query and Dynamic query? What are Normalization Rules? Define Normalization? What is meant by Servelet? What are the parameters of service method? What is meant by Session? Explain something about HTTP Session Class? In a container there are 5 components. I want to display all the component names, how will you do that? Why there are some null interface in JAVA? What does it mean? Give some null interface in JAVA? Tell some latest versions in JAVA related areas? What is meant by class loader? How many types are there? When will we use them? What is meant by flickering? What is meant by distributed application? Why are we using that in our application? What is the functionality of the stub? Explain about version control? Explain 2-tier and 3-tier architecture? What is the role of Web Server? How can we do validation of the fields in a project? What is meant by cookies? Explain the main features? Why java is considered as platform independent? What are the advantages of java over C++? How java can be connected to a database? What is thread? What is difference between Process and Thread? Does java support multiple inheritance? if not, what is the solution? What are abstract classes? What is an interface? What is the difference abstract class and interface? What are adapter classes? what is meant wrapper classes? What are JVM.JRE, J2EE, JNI? What are swing components? What do you mean by light weight and heavy weight components? What is meant by function overloading and function overriding? Does java support function overloading, pointers, structures, unions or linked lists? What do you mean by multithreading? What are byte codes? What are streams? What is user defined exception?

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In an htm page form I have one button which makes us to open a new page in 15 seconds. How will you do that? 


1. Which type of architecture  8085 has?2. How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address

lines?3. 8085 is how many bit microprocessor?4. Why is data bus bi-directional?5. What is the function of accumulator?6. What is flag, bus?7. What are tri-state devices and why they are essential in a bus oriented system?8. Why are program counter and stack pointer 16-bit registers?9. What does it mean by embedded system?10. What are the different addressing modes in 8085?11. What is the difference between MOV and MVI?12. What are the functions of RIM, SIM, IN?13. What is the immediate addressing mode?14. What are the different flags in 8085?15. What happens during DMA transfer?16. What do you mean by wait state? What is its need?17. What is PSW?18. What is ALE? Explain the functions of ALE in 8085.19. What is a program counter? What is its use?20. What is an interrupt?21. Which line will be activated when an output device require attention from CPU?

Operating System Questions

1. What are the basic functions of an operating system?2. Explain briefly about, processor, assembler, compiler, loader, linker and the functions

executed by them.3. What are the difference phases of software development? Explain briefly?4. Differentiate between RAM and ROM?5. What is DRAM? In which form does it store data?6. What is cache memory?7. What is hard disk and what is its purpose?8. Differentiate between Complier and Interpreter?9. What are the different tasks of Lexical analysis?10. What are the different functions of Syntax phase, Sheduler?11. What are the main difference between Micro-Controller and Micro- Processor?12. Describe different job scheduling in operating systems.13. What is a Real-Time System ?14. What is the difference between Hard and Soft real-time systems ?15. What is a mission critical system ?16. What is the important aspect of a real-time system ?

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17.  If two processes which shares same system memory and system clock in a distributed system, What is it called?

18. What is the state of the processor, when a process is waiting for some event to occur?19. What do you mean by deadlock?20. Explain the difference between microkernel and macro kernel.21. Give an example of microkernel.22. When would you choose bottom up methodology?23. When would you choose top down methodology?24. Write a small dc shell script to find number of FF in the design.25. Why paging is used ?26. Which is the best page replacement algorithm and Why? How much time is spent

usually in each phases and why?27. Difference between Primary storage and secondary storage?28. What is multi tasking, multi programming, multi threading?29. Difference between multi threading and multi tasking?30. What is software life cycle?31. Demand paging, page faults, replacement algorithms, thrashing, etc.32. Explain about paged segmentation and segment paging33. While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire



A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes. brings you an elaborate section for GD as you had ever seen anywhere else.

Some of the personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include :-

  Ability to work in a team                 Communication skills  Reasoning ability  Leadership skills  Initiative  Assertiveness  Flexibility  Creativity  Ability to think on ones feet


Why GDs:-

The reason why institutes put you through a Group discussion and an interview, after testing your technical and conceptual skills in an exam, is to get to know you as a person and gauge how well you will fit in their institute. The Group discussion tests how you function as a part of a team. As a manager, you will always be working in teams, as a member or as a leader.

Page 19: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

Therefore how you interact in a team becomes an important criterion for your selection. Managers have to work in a team and get best results out of teamwork. That is the reason why management institutes include GD as a component of the selection procedure.

Company's Perspective:-

Companies conduct group discussion after the written test so as to check on your interactive skills and how good you are at communicating with other people. The GD is to check how you behave, participate and contribute in a group, how much importance do you give to the group objective as well as your own, how well do you listen to viewpoints of others and how open-minded are you in accepting views contrary to your own. The aspects which make up a GD are verbal communication, non-verbal behavior, conformation to norms, decision-making ability and cooperation. You should try to be as true as possible to these aspects.


1. There is a square with each of it’s side is of 2m. An octagonal is cut-of from this

square by cutting it’s edge such that the octagonal has all it’s sides equal. Find out the length

of each side of the octagonal?

Ans: 2/(1+(2)1/2 )

2. Which one is wrong in the following series? 3 7 4 10 6 8 5

Ans: 8

3. A lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore at 6.00 A.M,7.00am , 8.00am ....... 10 pm.

Similarly one another starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 , 7.00 am, 8.00 am.....10.00pm.

A lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice versa. 

(i) A lorry which has started at 6.00 am will cross how many lorries. 

ans. 10 

(ii)A lorry which had started at 6.00pm will cross how many lorries. 

ans. 14

4. In a school, no of students who passed are three times the number of students who

failed. If the no of students would have been decreased by 16 and the no of students who

failed would be increased by 6, then the no of students who would have passed are 80. Then

find out the no of students in the school?

Ans: 136

5. 1,000,000 seconds are equal to________days?

Ans: 11.57days

Page 20: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

6. A Japanese and an American were traveling together in a flight. The American asked

to Japanese why Japanese look are inscrutable. Japanese replied that the people of Japan are

inscrutable not have the aim of only focusing on money etc. Which of the following term

describe their behaviour?

1. Indifferent

2. Compassionate

3. Emotional

4. None of these

7. The probability of withdrawing a card of ace is 1 in 52. Find the probability that we

obtain one card of king, (3 things r given)…sorry I don’t remember.

8.  There is one question from Compound Interest.

9. A man has to drive for 12 miles to reach his office. The office of his wife is 6 miles

from his office. After picking his wife in the evening, he went to gym that is 4miles away. If

he is x miles away from his home right now, then the range of x is:

a. 4<=x<=22

b. 2<=x<=22

c. 3<=x<=24

d. none

Ans: b


1.  If Kanchi seer found guilty should be punished or not

2.  Remix and original music

3. Helmet rule in Hyderabad

4. Sports in India(this was my topic)

5. Role of UNO


1. Communication skills

2. Basic knowledge in his discilpline and computers

3. ability to understand the questions well

4. attitude

Page 21: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel


 APTITUDE QUESTION OF HEWITT 60 question 60 minute

the age of man is 32 years and  8 years ago what was the age of man    i)x-32 ii) 32-x iii) x-24 iv)24-x A monkey climbs 6 mts and falls 3mts in alternate minutes.Then time taken to climb a tree 60metres high? a. 35 b.37 c.32 d.34 (think the answer is 37)

A man gets a gain of x%. but if he had sold at twice the cost price, what will be his gain?(question not sure) a. 2x b.200-2x c.100+x (not sure of the options)

A trader marks his goods  and declares two successive discounts of 10% each. What is his overall Price?                                            

   a) 19% gain  b) 4% gain   c) 4% loss (A)   d) 19% loss   e) No loss  No gain 

series related question 2-3 like 64,125,216....... what next ans 2431 2 6 24 .... what next ans 120

grammatical correction 2 question

I am afraid that due to illness, the man whom you’ve all come to hear________________ performing tonight     a) will not be

b) has not been

c) had not been

d) was not

2 synonyms question upto 2 Caleneder questions upto 4

genrel aptitude related to discount,quadratic,Rectangle,age,percentage, upto 15 question

 3 sets questions

5 logical reasoning question

Page 22: viewWhy Should We Employ You?For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel

Find odd man out of the given Alphabet 2 question

analogy question like 1. celebrate::marriage     ans.lament::bereavement  2. bouquet::flowers     ans.chain::linkinterview question

introduce yourself?basic concept of Pl/SQL?what is procedure?what is function?wap factorial and pyramid programee?puzzlethere is a nine ball out of wch 8 balls of 100 g and 1 balls is 110 gram so how many attempt is needed to find the odd ball ?there are 3 bulbs inside a room and three switches outside how will you know wch switch is for wch bulb?what is i stand in oracle 9i?how many layers in OSI model?what is the function of sesson layer?what is join ?how many type of join expalin with example?explain your project?how many forms on your project?what is cursor?types of cursor?different type of testing and explain it?what is black box testing,white box testing,intregation testing,unit testing?difference beetwen intregation and unit testing?expalin trigger how trigger is called?what is data dictonary?what is normalization?expalin Ist NF 2ND NF and 3rd Nf wth example?