dockercon plugins session

Docker Plugins DockerCon 2015 Alexis Richardson @monadic Luke Marsden @lmarsden Jeff Lindsay @progrium & Glider Labs

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Docker PluginsDockerCon 2015

Alexis Richardson @monadic Luke Marsden @lmarsden

Jeff Lindsay @progrium

& Glider Labs

Open extensible platform

• Customers want choice

• Consistent Docker UX - “one platform”

• We are launching plugins to enable this

Docker platform

Data volumes Networking

Composition Scheduling

Open collaboration

It’s this simple

$ docker run your_networked_container

$ docker run -v volume_name:/data --volume-driver=flocker your_stateful_container

The problem

• Every customer is unique

• Customers want freedom to choose

• Users can’t use tools together

The solution

• Docker plugins are the solution. Batteries included but swappable

• Today: Networking, Data Volumes

• Future: Logging, Swarm schedulers

• You decide for your app, different choices in different environments

What is a plugin?

• Chunk of new functionality for Docker

• Runs anywhere that Docker runs

• You install the plugin

• Access functionality via regular Docker interface

• Enables cool new features


• Flocker and Weave loaded as plugins

• Using Docker Swarm and Docker Compose

• Moving container with data and network identity

What just happened?

• Use case: need to upgrade my servers

• Portability of stateful containers with network identity is an enterprise readiness issue

• This demo just showed how Docker plugins make it possible while keeping Docker’s brilliantly simple UX

Weave 1.0• Container overlay


• Service discovery

• Monitoring & visualization

• And much more!

• Simplest way to get started with Docker

• Find out more at

Flocker 1.0• Distributed volume


• Runs on multiple machines

• Move stateful containers between hosts

• Version 1.0 available now

• Find out more at

Glider Labs• Non-VC funded systems R&D lab

• Dokku, Registrator, Logspout, Alpine …

• Resolvable, Connectable, Entrykit, Consul …

• Funded by sponsorships and client services

• End-to-end Docker delivery pipelines

• Hands-on consulting and education

• Find out more at

Technical: for plugin authors

• Authoring is easy!

• JSON over HTTP

• Socket in /usr/share/docker/plugins

• Extension point APIs

• Find out more at


• Open, simple, portable

• Collaboration & community

• Customers winning via choice

• Experimental feedback is welcome!


• Docker is becoming more composable, extensible and portable

• Get involved! Questions?
