doctor who: series 1 – cornerstone (1993 … · web viewdoctor who: series 1 – cornerstone...

THE COMPLETE LIST OF DOCTOR WHO TRADING CARDS: Doctor Who: Series 1 – CORNERSTONE (1993-1994) No. Episode / Title Checklists 1 Doctor Who Logo / Checklist #1 2 The Five Doctors / Checklist #2 3 Remembrance of the Daleks / Checklist #3 Adventures 4 Marco Polo 5 Sensorites 6 The Crusade 7 The Celestial Toymaker 8 The Tomb of the Cybermen 9 The Abominable Snowmen 10 The Silurians 11 Colony in Space 12 The Daemons 13 The Sea Devils 14 The Three Doctors 15 Frontier in Space 16 The Time Warrior 17 Death to the Daleks 18 The Monster of Peladon 19 Planet of the Spiders 20 Robot 21 The Ark in Space 22 Terror of the Zygons 23 Pyramids of Mars 24 The Robots of Death 25 The Talons of Weng-Chiang 26 Image of the Fendahl 27 The Invasion of Time 28 The Ribos Operation 29 The Pirate Planet 30 The Stones of Blood 31 The Androids of Tara 32 Destiny of the Daleks 33 Shada 34 The Leisure Hive 35 Meglos 36 K9 & Company 37 Castrovalva 38 Four to Doomsday 39 The Visitation 40 The Five Doctors 41 Warriors of the Deep 42 The Awakening

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No. Episode / Title

Checklists 1 Doctor Who Logo / Checklist #1 2 The Five Doctors / Checklist #2 3 Remembrance of the Daleks / Checklist #3

Adventures 4 Marco Polo 5 Sensorites 6 The Crusade 7 The Celestial Toymaker 8 The Tomb of the Cybermen 9 The Abominable Snowmen 10 The Silurians 11 Colony in Space 12 The Daemons 13 The Sea Devils 14 The Three Doctors 15 Frontier in Space 16 The Time Warrior 17 Death to the Daleks 18 The Monster of Peladon 19 Planet of the Spiders 20 Robot 21 The Ark in Space 22 Terror of the Zygons 23 Pyramids of Mars 24 The Robots of Death 25 The Talons of Weng-Chiang 26 Image of the Fendahl 27 The Invasion of Time 28 The Ribos Operation 29 The Pirate Planet 30 The Stones of Blood 31 The Androids of Tara 32 Destiny of the Daleks 33 Shada 34 The Leisure Hive 35 Meglos 36 K9 & Company 37 Castrovalva 38 Four to Doomsday 39 The Visitation 40 The Five Doctors 41 Warriors of the Deep 42 The Awakening 43 Frontios 44 Planet of Fire 45 The Twin Dilemma 46 Attack of the Cybermen 47 Timelash 48 Revelation of the Daleks 49 The Mysterious Planet 50 Mindwarp 51 The Ultimate Foe 52 Dragonfire 53 Remembrance of the Daleks

54 The Happiness Patrol 55 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 56 Battlefield 57 The Curse of Fenric 58 Survival

Doctors 59 The First Doctor 60 The First Doctor 61 The Second Doctor 62 The Second Doctor 63 The Third Doctor 64 The Third Doctor 65 The Third Doctor 66 The Fourth Doctor 67 The Fourth Doctor 68 The Fourth Doctor 69 The Fifth Doctor 70 The Fifth Doctor 71 The Sixth Doctor 72 The Seventh Doctor 73 The Seventh Doctor

Companions 74 Ian Chesterton 75 Jamie McCrimmon 76 Victoria Waterfield 77 Jo Grant 78 Sergeant Benton 79 K9 80 Leela 81 The Second Romana 82 Adric 83 Mel 84 Ace

Villains 85 Employees of the Daleks 86 Top 10 Ways to Kill a Dalek 87 Enemies of the Daleks 88 The Doctor and the Daleks 89 Science of the Daleks 90 The Toymaker 91 Anatomy of a Cyberman 92 Planets of the Cyberman 93 Top 10 Ways to Kill a Cyberman 94 Ice Warrior 95 I am the Master 96 You Will Obey Me 97 Davros 98 The Rani 99 The Valeyard

Legend100 From Companion to Villain101 I.M.C.102 The Lost Episodes103 Bessie104 The Whomobile105 Four out of Five Doctors106 Just Friends107 Kamelion108 "Shada" at Last

109 Sabalom Glitz110 The TARDIS


Prism Cards (1:18 packs) 1 William Hartnell as the First Doctor 2 Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor 3 John Pertwee as the Third Doctor 4 Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor 5 Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor 6 Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor 7 Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor

Autograph Cards (1:432 packs, 547 total)-- Anthony Ainley as the Master [blue; 81 signed]-- Sophie Aldred as Ace [blue; 84 signed]-- Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor [blue; 80 signed]-- Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor [black; 83 signed]-- John Leeson as the voice of K9 [blue or black; 82 signed] John Leeson K9 [blue] John Leeson K9! (underlined) [black]-- John Levene as Sergeant Benton [blue; 82 signed]-- John Levene as Sergeant Benton [gold; 95 signed; factory set?]-- William Russell as Ian Chesterton [black; 57 signed]

Box-Topper Card

Card Album-- (Binder)

Uncut Sheets-- (110-card panel of basic set)-- (3-up panel of promos A1-A3)

PROMO CARDSA1 (Logo)A2 (Companion with K-9)A3 (The five doctors)

Doctor Who: Series 2 – CORNERSTONE (1994-1995)

No. Episode / Title

Checklists111 Checklist #1112 Checklist #2113 Checklist #3

Adventures114 100,000 B.C. [A]115 The Daleks [B]116 The Aztecs [F]117 Planet of Giants [J]118 The Rescue [L]119 The Romans [M]120 The Space Museum [Q]121 The Chase [R]122 The Time Meddler [S]123 Galaxy 4 [T]124 The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve [W]125 The Gunfighters [Z]

126 The Tenth Planet [DD]127 The Highlanders [FF]128 The Moonbase [HH]129 The Evil of the Daleks [LL]130 The Ice Warriors [OO]131 The Web of Fear [QQ]132 The Wheel in Space [SS]133 The Mind Robber [UU]134 The Krotons [WW]135 The Space Pirates [YY]136 Spearhead from Space [AAA]137 The Ambassadors of Death (CCC)138 The Mind of Evil [FFF]139 Day of the Daleks [KKK]140 The Curse of Peladon [MMM]141 Carnival of Monsters [PPP]142 The Green Death [TTT]143 The Sontaran Experiment [4B]144 Revenge of the Cybermen [4D]145 The Seeds of Doom [4L]146 The Hand of Fear [4N]147 The Deadly Assassin [4P]148 The Face of Evil [4Q]149 The Invisible Enemy [4T]150 The Sun Makers [4W]151 The Armageddon Factor [5F]152 The Horns of Nimon [5L]153 State of Decay [5P]154 The Keeper of Traken [5T]155 Kinda [5Y]156 Earthshock [6B]157 Arc of Infinity [6E]158 Mawdryn Undead [6F]159 Enlightenment [6H]160 Resurrection of the Daleks [6P]161 Vengeance on Varos [6V]162 The Two Doctors [6W]163 Time and the Rani [7D]164 Paradise Towers [7E]165 Ghost Light [7Q]

The Doctors166 Doctor Who?167 The Course of History168 Doctor of What?169 Agent of Gallifrey?170 The Man from UNIT171 From Venus, with Love172 The British Gallifreyan173 The Wit and Wisdom of the Fourth Doctor174 About That Scarf!175 The Fifth Doctor and Cricket176 On With the Motley177 The Missing Episodes178 Mixed Maxims179 "Who are you?"

Companions180 Susan Foreman181 Vicki182 Steven Taylor183 Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart184 Zoe Herriot

185 Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Shaw186 Sarah Jane Smith187 Nyssa188 Vislor Turlough189 Perpugillium (Peri) Brown

Villains190 Souvenirs of the Daleks191 Leaders of the Daleks192 Time Travel of the Daleks193 Abominations of the Daleks194 The Monk195 Planets of the Cybermen196 Cybermen and Cybermats197 The Master in Transition198 Omega199 The Sontarans200 Davros and the Thankless Child201 The Black Guardian202 Sil

Legend203 Another "Unearthly Child"204 Another Time, Another World205 The Control Console206 The Vortex207 Regeneration208 "Really, Doctor!"209 The Sonic Screwdriver210 History of the Transmat211 Doctors at Odds212 Politics of Gallifrey213 The Matrix214 Lord Borusa215 Relics of Gallifrey216 Commander Maxil217 Who is Ace?218 The Other Brigadier219 The Laws of Time220 ... And Relative Dimensions in Space


Premiere Cards (1:2 packs)1 2 out of 3 Doctors2 The 4th Doctor3 The 5th Doctor4 The 6th Doctor5 Time & the Rani6 The Master7 Ace8 Jo Grant9 A Sontaran

Foil Villains (1:12 packs)F1 Creator of the DaleksF2 Designer of the DaleksF3 Operators of the DaleksF4 Scientist of the CybermenF5 Lives and Times of the CybermenF6 Cyberdad of the CybermenF7 Davros (Factory Set Only)

Autograph Cards (1:510 packs)-- Sophie Aldred autograph [blue; 113 signed]-- Nicholas Courtney autograph [red; 112 signed]-- John Levene autograph [red; 112 signed]-- Jon Pertwee autograph [red; 112 signed]

Bonus Card (Box-topper)

Prism Card (Factory Set only)F7

Card Album-- (Binder)

PROMO CARDSB1 Doctor Who Trading Cards (orange wash)B1 Doctor Who Trading Cards ([other] wash)B2 (medieval dress, green wash)B2 (medieval dress, purple wash)B3 (riding K-9, blue wash)B3 (riding K-9, yellow wash)B4 (lotus position, pink wash)B4 (lotus position, [other] wash)-- (Uncut promo sheet)

Doctor Who: Series 3 – CORNERSTONE (1995-1996)

No. Title

Checklists221 Checklist #1222 Checklist #2223 Checklist #3

Adventures224 Inside the Spaceship [C]225 The Keys of Marinus [E]226 The Reign of Terror [H]227 The Dalek Invasion of Earth [K]228 The Web Planet [N]229 Dalek Cutaway [T/A or DC]230 The Myth Makers [U]231 The Daleks' Master Plan [V]232 The Ark [X]233 The Savages [AA]234 The War Machines [BB]235 The Smugglers [CC]236 The Power of the Daleks [EE]237 The Underwater Menace [GG]238 The Macra Terror [JJ]239 The Faceless Ones [KK]240 The Enemy of the World [PP]241 Fury from the Deep [RR]242 The Dominators [TT]243 The Invasion [VV]244 The Seeds of Death [XX]245 The War Games [ZZ]246 Inferno [DDD]247 Terror of the Autons [EEE]248 The Claws of Axos [GGG]249 The Mutants [NNN]250 The Time Monster [OOO]

251 Planet of the Daleks [SSS]252 Invasion of the Dinosaurs [WWW]253 Genesis of the Daleks [4E]254 Planet of Evil [4H]255 The Android Invasion [4J]256 The Brain of Morbius [4K]257 The Masque of Mandragora [4M]258 Horror of Fang Rock [4V]259 Underworld [4Y]260 The Power of Kroll [5E]261 City of Death [5H]262 The Creature from the Pit [5G]263 The Nightmare of Eden [5K]264 Full Circle [5R]265 Warriors' Gate [5S]266 Logopolis [5V]267 Black Orchid [6A]268 Time-Flight [6C]269 Snakedance [6D]270 Terminus [6G]271 The King's Demons [6J]272 The Caves of Androzani [6R]273 The Mark of the Rani [6X]274 The Trial of a Time Lord pts 9-12 [7C]275 Delta and the Bannermen [7F]276 Silver Nemesis [7K]

The Doctors277 Grandfather!278 Doctor "Who"279 The First Regeneration280 Genius or Fool?281 The Third Doctor282 The Third Doctor and Authority283 Quothe the Fourth Doctor ...284 Name Dropper!285 CIA Agent286 The Doctor and Money287 The Fifth Doctor's Friends288 Improved Performance289 Quotations of the Sixth Doctor290 What We Didn't See291 The New Adventures

Companions292 Barbara Wright293 Katarina294 Sara Kingdom295 Dorothea ("Dodo") Chaplet296 Polly Wright297 Ben Jackson298 Captain Mike Yates299 Harry Sullivan300 The First Romanadvoratrelundar301 Tegan Jovanka

The Villains302 The Dalek Invasions of Earth303 The Daleks Inside Out304 The Birth of the Daleks305 Metaphor of the Daleks306 Evolution of the Cybermen307 Invasions of the Cybermen

308 Weapons of the Cybermen309 The Great Intelligence and the Yeti310 The Nastenes and the Autons311 Sea Devils and Silurians312 The Mind of Davros313 The Master Renewed314 The Mara315 Commander Gustave Lytton The Legend316 The Thals317 Bret Vyon318 The Mind of the Doctor319 Special Effects320 Actors and Their Roles321 The Other TARDIS Control Room322 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Doctor323 E-Space, N-Space and CVEs324 The Cloister and Its Bell325 The Watcher326 Rassilon327 The Continuity Game328 Americans in Doctor Who329 Sorry--Our Mistake!330 Credits & Acknowledgements


Premiere Cards (1:6 packs)10 The TARDIS11 Susan12 Romana13 Dalek Emperor14 Peri15 Romana Too

Foil Doctors (1:9 packs)F1 The First DoctorF2 The Second DoctorF3 The Third DoctorF4 The Fourth DoctorF5 The Fifth DoctorF6 The Sixth DoctorF7 The Seventh Doctor

Autographed Cards-- Sophie Aldred [blue; 90 signed]-- Michael Craze 'Ben' [red; 90 signed]-- Louise Jameson [red; 10 signed + black; 80 signed]-- Sylvester McCoy [blue; 80 signed]-- Wendy Padbury as Zoe [red; 90 signed]

Box Bonus CardsCame with the box (2 different for each one); 6 in total.


C1 (title card)C2 (two men looking at clothes)C3 (man at control panel)IT-4 (Cornerstone Inside Trader Club exclusive)

Doctor Who: Series 4 – CORNERSTONE (1996-1997)

No. Title

First Doctor Era 1 The Fallible Wizard 2 The Family Way 3 A Violent Child 4 Checklist 5 The Family Doctor 6 The Susan That Wasn't, Pt. 1 7 The Susan That Wasn't, Pt. 2 8 Ian and the Doctor 9 I Was a Teenage Alien

Second Doctor Era10 Memories of the Cybermen11 Joining the Club12 Victoria's Secret13 Being Victoria14 Into the foam, Pt. 115 Into the foam, Pt. 216 Behind the Sofa17 The Yeti and the Dog18 Missing the Episodes

Third Doctor Era19 Stories vs. Serials, Pt. 120 Stories vs. Serials, Pt. 221 Presenting the Pertwees22 Jon Pertwee The Writer23 The "Stupid" Idea, Pt. 124 The "Stupid" Idea, Pt. 225 The End of an Era26 His Least Favorite Story27 The Unit Family

Fourth Doctor Era28 Tom Baker on K-929 Acting and Actors30 The Autobiography, Pt. 131 The Autobiography, Pt. 232 The Autobiography, Pt. 333 An Actor's Motivation34 Fame and Failure35 One, Two, Three Companions36 The Doctor Who Archetype

Fifth Doctor Era37 Three Years and Out38 Fashion Sense39 Adric and the Children40 Playing Cricket on Camera41 Colleagues42 Three's a Crowd43 Still the Doctor44 Tegan's Last Scene45 A Matter of Perspective

Sixth Doctor Era46 Why Did He Do That?47 The Short Term48 Doctor Who's Defender

49 A Regeneration That Wasn't50 Coats of Fewer Colors51 An Articulate Doctor52 Casting Colin Baker53 Casting Nicola Bryant54 The Singapore Story

Seventh Doctor Era55 Sophie's Great Escape56 Out of Time57 Teen Rebel58 Casting Sylvester McCoy59 The Mystery of the Doctor60 The Musical Screamer61 The Stars and Their Guests62 The Juggling Doctor63 The Dalek Invasion

The Brigadier & UNIT64 RSM John Benton65 Actor to Actor66 Love and the Brigadier67 The Coming of UNIT68 Success Story69 Serendipity70 What's In a Name?71 No Business Like Show Business72 Reunited

Dimensions in Time73 Dimensions in Timing74 The Story, Pt. 175 The Story, Pt. 276 The Story, Pt. 377 The Story, Pt. 478 Did It Happen?79 Doctor on the Run, Pt. 180 Doctor on the Run, Pt. 281 Au Revoir

Rogues Gallery82 About the Doctor83 Greatest Show in the Car Park84 McCoy on Typecasting85 Hearts and Minds86 The Writer and the Fans87 Daleks vs. Daemons88 Soldiers and Villains89 Victoria and the Daleks90 A Cyberman in Ealing


Foil Stamped Cards (1:9 packs)i1 The First Doctori2 The Second Doctori3 The Third Doctori4 The Fourth Doctori5 The Fifth Doctori6 The Sixth Doctori7 The Seventh Doctori8 The Eighth Doctor [only in factory set]

Autographed Card (1:432 packs)-- Nicola Bryant [90 signed]-- Nicholas Courtney [red; 90 signed]-- Caroline John [blue; 90 signed]-- Elisabeth Sladen [90 signed]

Tribute Cards (mail-in offer)E1E2

Card Album-- (Binder)

PROMO CARDSD1 (title card)D2 (group of strange people)D3 (man fishing)D4 (applying makeup)IT6 (Cornerstone Inside Trader Club exclusive)

Doctor Who: The Definitive Collection - Series One (Strictly Ink – 2000)

No. Title/Card Text Subset/Description1 An Unearthly Child/100,000 BC Episodes2 The Daleks Episodes3 Inside The Spaceship Episodes4 Marco Polo Episodes5 The Keys of Marinus Episodes6 The Aztecs Episodes7 The Sensorites Episodes8 The Reign of Terror Episodes9 Planet of Giants Episodes10 The Dalek Invasion of Earth Episodes11 The Rescue Episodes12 The Romans Episodes13 The Web Planet Episodes14 The Crusade Episodes15 The Space Museum Episodes16 The Chase Episodes17 The Time Meddler Episodes18 Galaxy Four Episodes19 Mission to the Unknown Episodes20 The Myth Makers Episodes21 The Daleks' Master Plan Episodes22 The Massacre of St… Episodes23 The Ark Episodes24 The Celestial Toymaker Episodes25 The Gunfighters Episodes26 The Savages Episodes27 The War Machines Episodes28 The Smugglers Episodes29 The Tenth Planet Episodes30 The Power of the Daleks Episodes31 The Highlanders Episodes32 The Underwater Menace Episodes33 The Moonbase Episodes34 The Macra Terror Episodes35 The Faceless Ones Episodes36 The Evil of the Daleks Episodes37 The Tomb of the Cybermen Episodes

38 The Abominable Snowmen Episodes39 The Ice Warriors Episodes40 The Enemy of the World Episodes41 The Web of Fear Episodes42 Fury From The Deep Episodes43 The Wheel In Space Episodes44 The Dominators Episodes45 The Mind Robber Episodes46 The Invasion Episodes47 The Krotons Episodes48 The Seeds of Death Episodes49 The Space Pirates Episodes50 The War Games Episodes51 Was this the very first… Doctors: Hartnell by TARDIS52 "Leave confusion to the… Doctors: Troughton in TARDIS53 As punishment for his… Doctors: Pertwee emerges from TARDIS54 As his exile on Earth wore on… Doctors: Pertwee in laboratory55 "You may find his behaviour… Doctors: Baker holds two wires56 The fourth Doctor's… Doctors: Baker raises hat57 Some of the Doctor's greatest… Doctors: Baker holding red cloth58 The regeneration process, that…Doctors: Davison at gunpoint59 A low point was felt in the… Doctors: Davison disarming booby trap60 When the sixth Doctor burst on…Doctors: Colin Baker walks with Glitz61 Although wearing at times for… Doctors: Colin Baker grabbed by hands62 A freak accident aboard the… Doctors: McCoy with Glitz pinned under rock63 Accompanied by latest… Doctors: McCoy and Ace64 Precisely how long the Doctor… Doctors: New TARDIS interior65 Deep in the heart of San Fran… Doctors: Hoodlums in San Francisco66 Rushed into hospital the… Doctors: Doctors operate on McCoy67 Alone in the hospital morgue… Doctors: McCoy hands TARDIS to McGann68 One thing the new Doctor knew… Doctors: Paul McGann, Timelord69 Aided by Grace Holloway, plus… Doctors: New entranceway to TARDIS70 Stealing an atomic clock from… Doctors: McGall emerges from TARDIS71 1966 was a good time for… Companions: Polly and Ben with Cybermen72 It was after their meeting… Companions: Polly and Doctor73 What Polly may have lacked in… Companions: Polly, Ben and the Doctor74 The moors of Culloden in that… Companions: Portrait of Jamie75 The Doctor's daring plan that… Companions: Jamie and Victoria flee Yeti76 Chronologically the most… Companions: Jamie, Doctor and Dastari77 Hardly had Jamie bid farewell… Companions: Victoria outside mansion78 Although hardly more than a… Companions: Jamie hugs Victoria79 Of all the ladies in Jamie's… Companions: Portrait of Victoria80 Benton was still a Corporal… Companions: Benton flanked by Doctor and Brigadier81 When the Doctor journeyed to a…Companions: Benton with Master82 Before the Doctor made an… Companions: Brigadier and Liz83 Originally sceptical, not to… Companions: Doctor, Liz and 'Bessie'84 Dr Shaw's expertise played an… Companions: Liz kneeling by Doctor85 It can be useful having… Companions: Portrait of Jo86 Initially outraged at being… Companions: Jo w/ Doctor in TARDIS87 As Jo grew up and matured in… Companions: Jo w/ Ice Warrior Lord & Alpha Centauri88 Sarah Jane Smith was the… Companions: Doctor (Pertwee) and Sarah (Sladen)89 That invitation was for… Companions: Sarah uses Whomobile phone90 Despite the third Doctor's… Companions: Doctor (Baker) and Sarah91 Sarah's bonds with the fourth… Companions: Doctor and Sarah prisoners92 After Harry opted to stay back…Companions: Sarah w/ rifle as Mummy robot approaches93 After so many victories by the…Companions: Nyssa with Master94 Restored as an amalgam of… Companions: Doctor and Nyssa (Close-up)95 The vulnerable, insecure fifth…Companions: Doctor and Nyssa96 Little did young American… Companions: Peri and Kamelion robot97 Peri's first voyage with the… Companions: Doctor carries Peri98 Having weathered the change… Companions: Peri and prisoners tied up99 A few questions surround Peri… Companions: Peri chained to rock100 A troubled childhood made Ace… Companions: Ace leaning on table

101 Her name, Ace, was originally… Companions: Ace with catapult102 Matters came to a head when… Companions: Ace, Doctor and Cybermen103 The Doctor helped Ace to grow… Companions: Ace and Doctor104 The Daleks embody all that the…Daleks & Davros: Two Daleks105 When the Doctor first met… Daleks & Davros: Daleks innards revealed106 Although neutron radiation… Daleks & Davros: Doctor & Peri held prisoner by Daleks107 Through the power of the Time… Daleks & Davros: Davros talks with Doctor108 Davros programmed his… Daleks & Davros: Davros109 Alongside Daleks, Cybermen… Cybermen: Cybermen by gasometer110 Where the Daleks have always… Cybermen: Doctor tries to free Cybermen111 A constant theme of the… Cybermen: Three Cybermen in control room112 Not all Cybermen are human in… Cybermen: Cybermats113 Like Sherlock Holmes the… The Master: Portrait of Master114 Aside from his brilliant but… The Master: Master holds face mask115 The Master's schemes were… The Master: Master and Queen Galleia116 Throughout his first two… Time Lords: Time Lords in control room117 Having mastered movement… Time Lords: Time Lord President118 Not all Time Lords agreed with…Time Lords: Time Lord Salyavin119 CHECKLIST - Card One Checklist 1120 CHECKLIST - Card Two Checklist 2


Radio Times Covers (Foil-Edged) Cards (1:3 packs)R1 February 22-28 1964R2 November 21-27 1964R3 February 13-19 1965R4 November 5-11 1966R5 September 2-8 1967R6 January 20-26 1968R7 January 3-9 1970R8 January 2-8 1971R9 January 1-7 1972R10 December 30-January 5 1973R11 Autumn 1973R12 December 15-21 1973R13 Summer 1983R14 November 19-25 1983R15 November 20-26 1993R16 May 25-31 1996R17 November 13-19 1999

Autographed Cards (1:18 packs) A1 Tom Baker as Fourth Doctor A2 Peter Davison as Fifth Doctor A3 Colin Baker as Sixth Doctor A4 Sylvester McCoy as Seventh Doctor A5 Paul McGann as Eighth Doctor A6 Anneke Wills as Polly A7 Deborah Watling as Victoria Waterfield A8 Wendy Padbury as Zoe A9 John Levene as Sgt. BentonA10 Caroline John as Liz ShawA11 Katy Manning as Jo GrantA12 Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane SmithA13 Sarah Sutton as NyssaA14 Nicola Bryant as PeriA15 Sophie Aldred as Ace

Jumbo Collectors Postcard (3-1/2" x 5", Box-topper)-- (Azal)-- (Cyberman)-- (Davros and Black Daleks)

-- (Doctor Solon and Morbius)-- (Fifth Doctor and Companions)-- (Leela)-- (Sixth and Thirteenth Doctors)-- (The Brigadier)-- (Three Doctors)

Doctors and Companions Cards (2:case)#1 (7th Doctor and Ace)#2 (4th Doctor and Sarah)

Uncut Test Sheet (5" x 7")-- (Uncut sheet)-- (Redemption card, 1:case)

Collectors Card Album-- (Binder)B-1 ("Two Doctors" Bonus Card)

Preview Set (sold separately; numbered to 4000)SI-1 Doctor Who: Coming December 2000PR1-1 The Cybermen AttackPR1-2 The 1st Doctor William HartnellPR1-3 The 2nd Doctor Patrick TroughtonPR1-4 The 3rd Doctor Jon PertweePR1-5 The 4th Doctor Tom BakerPR1-6 The 5th Doctor Peter DavisonPR1-7 The 6th Doctor Colin BakerPR1-8 The 7th Doctor Sylvester McCoyPR1-9 The 8th Doctor Paul McGann

PROMO CARDSNS-1 (4th Doctor; Non-Sport Update)CI-1 Exterminate! (White Dalek; Cards Inc., U.K.)CI-2 The Doctors Are Back! (4th Doctor; Cards Inc., U.K.)DWM-1 The Daleks Are Back! (Dr Who Magazine)DWM-2 The 8th Doctor Paul McGann (Dr Who Magazine)SI-1 (Doctors, Daleks, Cyberman; NSU)SI-1 (Doctors, Daleks, Cyberman; no credits/copyright)SI-2B-1 (binder exclusive, also listed above)

Doctor Who: The Definitive Collection - Series Two (Strictly Ink – 2001)

No. Title / Episode (Card Back) Caption (Card Front) 1 Spearhead from Space Liz and The Brigadier Face the Press 2 Doctor Who & the Silurians Taking shelter 3 The Ambassadors of Death Alien Ambassador 4 Inferno Nuclear disaster 5 Terror of the Autons The Brigadier and Doctor in the UNIT Lab 6 The Mind of Evil Barnham screams... 7 The Claws of Axos Monstrous Axon 8 Colony in Space Attack of the Claw 9 The Daemons Bok the White Imp10 Day of the Daleks The Daleks Are Back!11 The Curse of Peladon Extinct Royal Beast Aggedor12 The Sea Devils The Doctor Attacks a Sea Devil13 The Mutants Solonian Mutation14 The Time Monster Kronos the Chronavore15 The Three Doctors Three Doctors16 Carnival of Monsters The Doctor and Jo Search the Caves17 Frontier in Space The Master berates his servants, the Ogrons

18 Planet of the Daleks Daleks in the Spiridon Control Room19 The Green Death The Doctor and Jo examine the body20 The Time Warrior Sarah-Jane Encounters Irongron and Bloodaxe21 Invasion of the Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Loose in London22 Death to the Daleks Dalek Victim?23 The Monster of Peladon Sarah-Jane, Alpha Centauri and Eckersley24 Planet of the Spiders Giant Spider Invasion25 Robot Is That Really My Face?26 The Ark in Space The Doctor and Harry dissect a Wirrn27 The Sontaran Experiment Styre Checks His Monitor28 Genesis of the Daleks Destroy the Daleks... Forever29 Revenge of the Cybermen The Cybermen Prepare to Attack Nerva30 Terror of the Zygons Zygons Planning Their Attack31 Planet of Evil Sarah and the Doctor Examine a Mysterious Corpse32 Pyramids of Mars Scarman Reviews a Canopic Urn33 The Android Invasion Kraal Invaders34 The Brain of Morbius In the Sisterhood's Lair35 The Seeds of Doom A Carnivorous Krynoid36 The Masque of Mandragora The Main Portico of San Martino37 The Hand of Fear The Female Eldrad38 The Deadly Assassin The Time Lord President Assassinated39 The Face of Evil Leela Armed and Dangerous40 The Robots of Death Uvanov Plunges a Laserson Probe into a Voc robot41 The Talons of Weng-Chiang Litefoot and the Doctor42 Horror of Fang Rock Into the Fog43 The Invisible Enemy The Doctor Uses a Duck Caller44 Image of the Fendahl A Fendahleen Looms Over The Doctor45 The Sun Makers Doctor Argues With Mandrel46 Underworld The Doctor and Herrick47 The Invasion of Time The Doctor Wires Up K-948 The Ribos Operation Garron on a Snow Covered Ribos Street49 The Pirate Planet Doctor Who Lifts the Dead Pirate Captain's Arm50 The Stones of Blood The Doctor and Prof Rumford Prepare a Hi-Tech weapon51 The Androids of Tara Count Grendel of Gracht52 The Power of Kroll The Doctor in the Swampland53 The Armageddon Factor Princess Astra Visits Hospital54 Destiny of the Daleks Daleks Menace Romana55 City of Death The Jagaroth Spider Ship56 The Creature from the Pit Romana and a Webbed K-957 Nightmare of Eden In the Forest58 The Horns of Nimon The Doctor and Soldeed in Nimon Complex59 Shada Romana and K-9 by 'Dead' Prof Chronotis60 The Leisure Hive On the Beach61 Meglos Meglos Hides62 Full Circle Marshmen63 State of Decay The Tower64 Warriors' Gate Held at Gunpoint65 The Keeper of Traken The Keeper66 Logopolis Miniature TARDIS Held Captive67 Sontarans I The Doctor & Sarah Fight Line68 Sontarans II Captured by Styre's Robot69 Sontarans III Commander Star70 Sontarans IV Varl Brandishing Axe Weapon71 Silurians/Sea Devils I A Silurian in the Wenley Moor Caves72 Silurians/Sea Devils II A Sea Devil Wades Ashore73 Silurians/Sea Devils III Silurian in Sea Base 474 Silurians/Sea Devils IV Silurian Menace75 Sil I Sil on His Varos Throne76 Sil II An Older Sil on Thoros-Beta77 Master I The Master and Jo78 Master II A Decayed Master79 Master III Decayed Master by Eye of Harmony80 Master IV The Master aboard his TARDIS

81 Master V Tremas with The Doctor and Adric82 UNIT 1 Captain Turner in UNIT Helicopter83 UNIT II The Brigadier and Liz Shaw84 UNIT III The Brigadier85 UNIT IV The Brigadier, The Doctor and Sarah-Jane86 UNIT V Brigadier and The Second Doctor in UNIT Garden87 UNIT VI The Brigadier and Captain Yates88 UNIT VII Benton Argues With the Dinosaur Investigation Team89 UNIT VIII Lt Sullivan Checks Over The Doctor90 UNIT IX Two Brigadiers91 Companions: Susan Foreman I In the Cave of 500 Eyes92 Companions: Susan Foreman II Susan in the City of Morphoton93 Companions: Steven Taylor I Dodo, Steven and Toy Robot94 Companions: Steven Taylor II Steven Aboard the Space Ark With Dodo and the Doctor95 Companions: Zoe Herriot I Lost in the Forest of Words96 Companions: Zoe Herriot II Captured by German Soldiers97 Companions: Leela I Doctor and Leela Talk to 'God'98 Companions: Leela II Leela in Thick Fog99 Companions: Turlough I Turlough and The Doctor Examines a Transmat Capsule100 Companions: Turlough II A Roundhead Grapples Turlough101 Ray Cusick Set I The Daleks102 Ray Cusick Set II The Dalek City on Skaro103 Ray Cusick Set III Conceptual Drawing of Dalek104 Ray Cusick Set IV The Curved Lines of the Sensorite City105 Ray Cusick Set V Set Designer Raymond P. Cusick106 Ray Cusick Set VI The Morphoton Brain Creatures107 Ray Cusick Set VII The Giant Sink Set From 'Planet of Giants'108 Ray Cusick Set VIII Production Drawing for the 'Rescue' Space Ship109 Ray Cusick Set IX Mechanoid Robots110 Ian Scoones Set I The Arcturus Life-Support System111 Ian Scoones Set II The Royal Castle of Peladon112 Ian Scoones Set III The Giant Spider That Never Was113 Ian Scoones Set IV The Marconiscope114 Ian Scoones Set V Visual Effects Designer Ian Scoones115 Ian Scoones Set VI K-9 design sketch116 Ian Scoones Set VII A Shuttle Craft Arrives at Titan Base117 Ian Scoones Set VIII The Spider Ship of the Jagaroth118 Ian Scoones Set IX Painting Depicting London Destroyed by the Daleks119 CHECKLIST - Card One Checklist 1120 CHECKLIST - Card Two Checklist 2


Comics of Dr Who Gold Foil Cards (1:3 packs)F1 The Klepton Parasites - 14 Nov 1964 TV Comic - Issues 674-683F2 The Extortioner - 24 Dec 1966 TV Comic - Issues 784-787F3 The Arkwood Experiments - 17 Jan 1970 TV Comic - Issues 944-949F4 Gemini Plan - 20 Feb 1971 Countdown - Issues 1-5F5 Who is the Stranger - 10 Feb 1973 TV Action - Issue 104F6 Death Flower - 11 Jan 1975 TV Comic - Issues 1204-1214F7 The Iron Legion - 17 Oct 1979 Doctor Who Weekly - Issue 1-8F8 The Tides of Time - January 1982 Doctor Who Monthly - Issue 61-67F9 The Shape Shifter - April 1984 Doctor Who Magazine - Issues 88-89F10 A Cold Day in Hell - Oct 1987 Doctor Who Magazine - Issues 130-134F11 Endgame - Sep 1996 Doctor Who Magazine - Issues 244-247F12 Genesis of Evil - 23 Jan 1965 TV Century 21 - Issues 1-3F13 Dell Comics - 1966 Doctor Who and the Daleks - Issue 1

Autograph Cards (1:18 packs)AU1 Lalla Ward - RomanaAU2 Tom Baker - The Fourth DoctorAU3 Stuart Myers - A CybermenAU4 Nicholas Courtney - Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart

AU5 Jackie Lane - Dodo ChaplinAU6 Mary Tamm - RomanaAU7 Louise Jameson - LeelaAU8 Elisabeth Sladen - Sarah Jane SmithAU9 John Leeson - The Voice of K-9AU10 Mark Strickson - TurloughAU11 Ray Cusick - Dalek DesignerAU12 Ian Scoones - Special Effects DesignerAU13 (Case topper, also listed below)

Case Toppers D1 (Daleks Set) D2 (Daleks Set) D3 (Daleks Set) D4 (Daleks Set) D5 (Daleks Set)AU13 Anthony Ainley - The Master (exclusive autograph)

Card Album-- (Binder; same as binder for Series 1)B-2 Two Doctors (exclusive promo)

PROMO CARDSAE-1 (; U.S. dealer)CI-3 (Cards Inc.)CI-4 (Cards Inc.)DWM-3 Doctor and the Monsters (Dr Who Magazine)DWM-4 (Dr Who Magazine)NS-1 Jo Lends a Hand (Non-Sport Update)RN-1 (Richard Nolan; Australian dealer)PH-1 Coming Autumn 2001 (Paul Hart; U.K. dealer)TP-1 (Tenth Planet; U.K. dealer)WEB-1 The Doctor and Romana (Internet offer)B-2 (binder exclusive, also listed above)

Doctor Who: The Definitive Collection - Series Three (Strictly Ink – 2002)

No. Title / Caption Episode / Subset 1 Brendon meets K-9 A Girl's Best Friend (K-9 + Company) 2 Library at Castrovalva Castrovalva 3 Doctor decapitated... Four to Doomsday 4 The Doctor surrenders Kinda 5 The Doctor in hiding The Visitation 6 Funeral Black Orchid 7 Cybermen prepare an attack Earthshock 8 Manhandling the TARDIS Time-Flight 9 Inspecting the Matrix Arc of Infinity 10 Snakedancers Snakedance 11 The Doctor meets Mawdryn Mawdryn Undead 12 The Doctor encounters the Vanir Terminus 13 The Black Guardian Enlightenment 14 The Doctor and King John The King's Demons 15 The second Doctor and the Brigadier The Five Doctors 16 The Silurian leader Icthar Warriors of the Deep 17 Malus emerges The Awakening 18 Excavating beneath Frontios Frontios 19 Kill Davros Resurrection of the Daleks 20 Timanov Planet of Fire 21 Sharaz Jek gazes at Peri's recumbent… The Caves of Androzani 22 A new Doctor The Town Dilemma 23 Cyberthreat Attack of the Cybermen 24 Sil the slug Vengeance on Varos

25 The Rani gloats The Mark of the Rani 26 The second Doctor ponders The Two Doctors 27 Hanging on... Timelash 28 TARDIS lands on Necros Revelation of the Daleks 29 In the grip of Drathro The Mysterious Planet 30 The Inquisitor Mindwarp 31 Vervoid Terror of the Vervoids 32 That sinking feeling The Ultimate Foe 33 Is that me? Time and the Rani 34 Confrontation Paradise Towers 35 Delta fights Delta and the Bannermen 36 Carried to safety Dragonfire 37 Ace and Mike Remembrance of the Daleks 38 Kandyman The Happiness Patrol 39 Nemesis arises Silver Nemesis 40 The Gods of Ragnarok The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 41 Destroyer summons power Battlefield 42 Master of the house Ghost Light 43 The Doctor, Ace and the Reverend The Curse of Fenric 44 Cheetah Person Survival 45 Ending... and beginning The Enemy Within (Doctor Who: The Movie) 46 Ian at Coal Hill School Ian Chesterton I 47 Inside the TARDIS Ian Chesterton II 48 In Marco Polo's tent Ian Chesterton III 49 Awaiting the Sensorites Ian Chesterton IV 50 Spaceship crash Vicki I 51 Helping out Vicki II 52 The Doctor, Vicki and Princess Vicki III 53 Sara Kingdom Sara Kingdom I 54 A brave companion Sara Kingdom II 55 New hat Ben Jackson I 56 Ben and Polly Ben Jackson II 57 Harry Sullivan Harry Sullivan I 58 Examining records Harry Sullivan II 59 Prisoner of the Zygons Harry Sullivan III 60 Professor Marius K-9 - I 61 K-9 K-9 - II 62 K-9 in action K-9 - III 63 Meeting Commander Andred K-9 - IV 64 Romanadvoratrelundar Romana I I 65 Romana, K-9 and the Doctor Romana I II 66 Intermediate Romans Romana I III 67 Lost in the TARDIS Tegan I 68 In the Zero Room Tegan II 69 Comfort Tegan III 70 Pharos Radar Dish The Master I 71 A new Master The Master II 72 The Doctor accused The Master III 73 SIDRAT The TARDIS I 74 The TARDIS in space The TARDIS II 75 Open the doors The TARDIS III 76 Secondary console room The TARDIS IV 77 Primeval Earth The TARDIS V 78 At the controls The TARDIS VI 79 Martian Ice Warrior Ice Warriors I 80 Varga awakes Ice Warriors II 81 Ice Lord Izlyr Ice Warriors III 82 Azaxyr and Alpha Centauri Ice Warriors IV 83 Examining an energy sphere The Autons I 84 An Auton The Autons II 85 Nestene weapon The Autons III 86 Mark I Yeti The Yeti I 87 Attack! The Yeti II

88 The Yeti attack The Yeti III 89 Flame of Singularity Omega I 90 Returning home Omega II 91 TARDIS interior set Set Design I 92 Kublai Khan's palace Set Design II 93 Summit of Aztec Pyramid Set Design III 94 Daleks in the Pyramid Set Design IV 95 Barry Newbery Set Designer Set Design V 96 Tombstone Set Design VI 97 Concept painting Set Design VII 98 Interior of Solon's citadel Set Design VIII 99 Inside the Doctor's brain Set Design IX100 Slaar John Friedlander Make-Up I101 Ogrons John Friedlander Make-Up II102 Vogon John Friedlander Make-Up III103 Sea Devil John Friedlander Make-Up IV104 John Friedlander Special Make-Up John Friedlander Make-Up V105 Draconian Prince John Friedlander Make-Up VI106 Sontaran John Friedlander Make-Up VII107 Davros John Friedlander Make-Up VIII108 Scaroth John Friedlander Make-Up IX109 Mutt insects James Acheson Costume Design I110 Pletrac the Interminoran James Acheson Costume Design II111 Omega James Acheson Costume Design III112 Linx the Sontaran James Acheson Costume Design IV113 James Acheson Costume Designer James Acheson Costume Design V114 Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor James Acheson Costume Design VI115 Zygon James Acheson Costume Design VII116 The Masque of Mandragora James Acheson Costume Design VIII117 Time Lords James Acheson Costume Design IX118 CHECKLIST - Card One Checklist 1119 CHECKLIST - Card Two Checklist 2120 The Definitive Collection Series Three John Nathan-Turner - 1947-2002


Memories of Dr. Who Foil-Stamped Cards (1:3.6 packs; foils + autos = 1:3 packs)F1 Dinky Toy Police Box 1963 - The DaleksF2 Plastoid Dalek Badge 1964 - The Dalek Invasion of EarthF3 Louis Marx 'Tricky Action' Dalek 1965 - The Web PlanetF4 Century 21 Dalek EP 1966 - The Celestial ToymakerF5 Wall's 'Sky Ray' ice lolly cards 1967 - The MoonbaseF6 TV Comic Holiday Special 1968 - The Web of FearF7 World Distributors Doctor Who Annual 1969 - The KrotonsF8 BBC photo publicity cards 1970 - Spearhead from SpaceF9 Nestle Dr Who chocolate 1971 - Colony in SpaceF10 Doctor Who jigsaws 1972 - Day of the DaleksF11 BBC Records Doctor Who theme single 1973 - The Three DoctorsF12 Theatre programme from 'The Seven Keys to… 1974 - Invasion of the DinosaursF13 The Palitoy 'Talking Dalek' 1975 - The Android InvasionF14 Denys Fisher Doctor Who dolls 1976 - The Deadly Assassin

Autograph Cards (1:18 packs)AU1 Colin Baker as The Sixth DoctorAU2 Sylvester McCoy as The Second DoctorAU3 Matthew Waterhouse as AdricAU4 Richard Franklin as Captain Mike YatesAU5 Jean Marsh as Princess Joanna and Sarah KingdomAU6 Peter Purves as Steven TaylorAU7 William Russell as Ian ChestertonAU8 Paul Darrow as Maylin TekkerAU9 Mark Eden as Marco PoloAU10 Maureen O'Brien as Vicki

AU11 Carole Ann Ford as Susan ForemanAU12 Bonnie Langford as Melanie BushAU13 Lynda Bellingham as The InquisitorAU14 Ingrid Pitt as Queen Galleia and Dr SolowAU15 Kate O'Mara as The RaniAU16 Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmonAU17 Janet Fielding as Tegan JovankaAU18 Barry Newbery, Set DesignerAU19 John Friedlander, Make-Up Effects DesignerAU20 Peter Davison as The Fifth Doctor (case-topper, also listed below)AU21 Jacqueline Pearce as Chessene (binder, also listed below)

Case-ToppersAU20 Peter Davison as The Fifth Doctor (exclusive autograph) 1 (Doctors Montage) 2 (Doctors Montage) 3 (Doctors Montage) 4 (Doctors Montage) 5 (Doctors Montage) 6 (Doctors Montage) 7 (Doctors Montage) 8 (Doctors Montage) 9 (Doctors Montage)

Card Album (sold separately) -- (Binder)AU21 Jacqueline Pearce as Chessene (exclusive autograph)B-2 Two Doctors (Binder Card)

PREVIEW SET (sold separately; numbered to 999 on PS3-1)PS3-1 The Sixth Doctor [Colin Baker]PS3-2 The Doctor and ace [McCoy]PS3-3 The Fifth doctorPS3-4 The Doctor and Tecker [Colin]PS3-5 TardisPS3-6 Four Doctors and friend [Pertwee, Davison, Colin, McCoy, and Dalek]PS3-7 The RaniPS3-8 John Friedlander Make-Up Effects [holding Davros head]PS3-9 The Doctor and Ace [McCoy]PS3-10 Tollmaster

PROMO CARDSAE2 Royal Connections? (; U.S. dealers)CI-5 Heads Up! (Cards Inc.)TP-2 Disguise? (Tenth Planet; U.K. dealer)

Big Screen Doctor Who Strictly Ink – 2003:

No. Title001 Big Screen Doctor Who

Dr. Who & The Daleks002 UK Premier - 25 June 1965003 Doctor Who Digests the Eagle004 Soft Centres005 A Police Box?006 This is TARDIS007 New Light in the Forest008 Emerging from the Ship009 Petrified Forest

010 Fault in the Fluid Links011 City of Metal012 Searching for Mercury013 Barbara Alone014 Surrounded015 Paralysed by the Daleks016 Prisoners017 A Cure for the Poison?018 Mission for Susan019 Followed through the Forest020 Alydon of the Thals021 Invitation to the City022 Caught on Camera023 Closed Circuit024 Full Metal Jacket025 Death to the Dalek026 Hot Pursuit027 Preparing the Ambush028 Narrow Escape029 Missing Link030 Drug Tests031 Take Her to the Daleks032 Map of Action033 Another Neutron Bomb034 Swamp Things035 Mountain High036 The Black Dalek Speaks037 Burning the Cakes038 Destroy the Thals039 Bridging the Gap040 Do Not Move041 Countdown Begins042 Journey's End043 Tug of War044 Blasted Daleks045 Control Attack046 The Bomb Will Destroy the Planet047 Firepower048 My Lucky Number049 Caped Crusader050 Roman Reception

Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.051 UK Premier - 22 July 1966052 PC Tom Campbell053 Pull To Open054 Time To Go055 Louise and Susan056 A Future in Ruins057 Girders Collapse058 Wyler Takes Louise059 Grim Discovery060 Saucer over London061 Quarry of the Robomen062 Monster from the Deep063 Resistance HQ064 Saucer in Sloane Square065 No Escape066 You Will Be Robotised067 Into the Compartments068 The Resistance Attacks069 Battle in the Corridors070 Summoning Reinforcements

071 Hunting the Survivors072 Battle Aftermath073 Lunch with the Robomen074 Bedfordshire Bound075 Into Hiding076 Dortmun's Sacrifice077 Running the Gauntlet078 Smashing Time079 Saucer Attack080 Tom and Louise Escape081 The Mine082 Cottage in the Woods083 Sharp Practice084 Betrayed085 Grand Designs086 Control Centre087 Race Against Time088 Overcooked Brockley089 Reunion090 Mine Ally091 Roboman Rebellion092 Ready To Fire093 Bomb Off Course094 Magnetic Personalities095 Black Dalek Down096 Fleeing the Mine097 Crash Dive098 New Dawn099 Bye Bye Inspector Campbell100 Checklist


Super Movie Posters & Mysteries Gold Foil Cards (1:3 packs)F1 Original UK Cinema PosterF2 UK Press AdvertisingF3 US Press AdvertisingF4 US Press BookF5 US Press BookF6 Lion-International Press BookF7 Original UK Cinema PosterF8 UK Press AdvertisingF9 UK Press BookF10 Sugar Puffs PromotionF11 Front of House StillsF12 Front of House Stills

Autograph Cards (1:12 packs)A1 Roberta Tovey as SusanA2 Jill Curzon as Louise [by redemption]A3 Bernard Cribbins as Tom CampbellA4 Ray Brooks as DavidA5 Keith Marsh as ConwayA6 Philip Madoc as BrockleyA7 Geoffrey Cheshire as RobomanA8 Jennie Linden as BarbaraA9 Barrie Ingram as AlydonA10 Michael Coles as GanatusA11 Yvonne Antrobus (binder, also listed below)A12 Sheila SteafelA13 Geoffrey Toone as Temmosus -- (Redemption card for A2)

Facsimile Autograph (Case Loader)A0 Peter Cushing as Doctor Who

Card Album (limited to 500)-- (green padded binder)A11 Yvonne Antobus as Dyoni (exclusive auto)

PREVIEW SET (sold separately; limited to 999 copies)P1 Dalek MinionsP2 Dalek SpaceshipP3 Exterminate!P4 Under GuardP5 Through the WreckageP6 CaptiveP7 TARDISP8 AttackP9 Nudge, Nudge... Wink, WinkP10 Coming Beginning 2003

PROMO CARDSRE-3 TransferCI-6 Deadly EnemyAE-3 Trapped...DM-1 No EscapePTC-1 DiscoveryRN-2 In Pensive ThoughtTP-3 Inside the TARDIS -- Big Screen Doctor Who (dealer sell sheet, 8-1/2" x 11")

Doctor Who 1963-2003: 40th Anniversary (Strictly Ink – 2003)

No. Title 1 Celebrating 40 Years / TARDIS

Who Am I 2 William Hartnell Remembered 3 Patrick Troughton Remembered 4 Jon Pertwee Remembered 5 Tom Baker Remembered 6 Peter Davison Remembered 7 Colin Baker Remembered 8 Sylvester McCoy Remembered 9 Paul McGann Remembered

Who in the World 10 Daleks invade Hammersmith 11 Cybermen at St. Paul's Cathedral 12 Daemons in Aldbourne Village 13 The Doctor in Portmeirion 14 The Doctor in Paris 15 Canal Route 16 On the streets of Seville 17 On Location in a quarry 18 Movie in Vancouver

Sixties Chart Toppers 19 The Power of the Daleks 20 The Krotons 21 The Macra Terror 22 The Moonbase

23 Inside the Spaceship 24 The Romans 25 The Dalek Invasion of Earth 26 The Web Planet 27 The Rescue

Seventies Superstars 28 Planet of the Daleks 29 The Three Doctors 30 The Green Death 31 The Daemons 32 The Deadly Assassin 33 The Robots of Death 34 Destiny of the Daleks 35 Pyramids of Mars 36 City of Death

Eighties Blockbusters 37 Earthshock 38 The Visitation 39 Castrovalva 40 The Twin Dilemma 41 Revelation of the Daleks 42 Attack of the Cybermen 43 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 44 Silver Nemesis 45 Doctor Who The Movie

Who Made Who 46 Writer - Terry Nation 47 Producer & Script Editor - Barry Letts & Terrance Dicks 48 Director - Christopher Barry 49 Set Designer - Rober Liminton 50 Costume Designer - Martin Baugh 51 Visual FX Designers - Mat Irvine & Tony Harding 52 Make-Up Artist - Dorka Nieradzik 53 Graphics Designer - Bernard Lodge 54 Composer - Peter Howell

Lost Treasures 55 Marco Polo 56 Galaxy Four 57 The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve 58 The Savages 59 The Tenth Planet 4 & The Power of the Daleks 60 The Highlanders 61 The Evil of the Daleks 62 Fury From the Deep 63 The Space Pirates

Recovered Gems 64 The Reign of Terror 65 The Crusade 66 The Daleks' Master Plan 67 The Celestial Toymaker 68 The Tomb of the Cybermen 69 The Ice Warriors 70 The Wheel in Space 71 The Ambassadors of Death 72 Frontier in Space

K-9 and Company 73 K-9 and Company 1

74 K-9 and Company 2 75 K-9 and Company 3 76 K-9 and Company 4 77 K-9 and Company 5 78 K-9 and Company 6 79 K-9 and Company 7 80 K-9 and Company 8 81 K-9 and Company 9

The Wonders of Wobbliness 82 Erato 83 Early Cybermen 84 Civil War Daleks 85 Diddy Dinos 86 The Beast 87 Vinyl Recordings 88 Myrka Depths 89 Wells Farrago 90 Double Take

Outside of the Box 91 Novelisations 92 VHS Videos 93 Records and Cassettes 94 CD Audio 95 DVD 96 Radio 97 New Adventures 98 New Media 99 Checklist 1100 Checklist 2


Merchandise Over 40 Years Gold-Foil Set (1:3 packs)F1 1977 - The Robots of DeathF2 1978 - The Invasion of TimeF3 1979 - City of DeathF4 1980 - The Horns of NimonF5 1981 - K-9 and CompanyF6 1982 - CastrovalvaF7 1983 - The Five DoctorsF8 1984 - Resurrection of the DaleksF9 1985 - Attack of the CybermenF10 1986 - The Ultimate FoeF11 1987 - Delta and the BannermenF12 1988 - Silver NemesisF13 1989 - The Curse of FenricF14 1996 - Doctor Who: The Movie

Autograph Cards (1:12 packs)WA1 Eric Roberts as The MasterWA2 Daphne Ashbrook as Dr Grace HollowayWA3 Paul McGann as The Eighth DoctorWA4 Yee Jee Tso as Chang LeeWA5 Sylvester McCoy as The Seventh DoctorWA6 Sophie Aldred as AceWA7 Colin Baker as The Sixth DoctorWA8 Peter Davison as The Fifth DoctorWA9 Tom Baker as The Fourth DoctorWA10 Terry Molloy as DavrosWA11 Peter Barkworth as Leader ClentWA12 Tony Selby as Sabalom Glitz

WA13 Martin Jarvis as The GovernorWA14 Sheila Hancock as Helen AWA15 Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane SmithWA16 Sarah Sutton as NyssaWA17 Richard Briers as Chief CaretakerWA18 Burt Kwouk as Lin Futu (case-topper, also listed below) B1 Brian Blessed (album exclusive, also listed below)

Costume Cards (by redemption; 1:144 packs)CC1 Uniform as worn by Sgt Benton (John Levene) [Vengence on Varos]CC2 Spacesuit as worn by the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)CC3 Army Uniform (black) [The Caves of Androzani] (not available at set release)CC3 Army Uniform (grey) [The Caves of Androzani] (not available at set release)-- (Redemption Cards)

Case-Topper AutographWA18 Burt Kwouk as Lin Futu

Card Album (limited to 500)-- Doctor Who 1963-2003 (binder)B1 Brian Blessed as King Yrcanos (exclusive auto; also listed above)

PROMO CARDSP1 Doctor Who 1963-2003CI-7 Peri-- Celebrating 40 Years of Doctor Who (dealer sell sheet)

2003-A 10-CARD PREVIEW SET (numbered to 999)PR1PR2PR3PR4PR5PR6PR7PR8PR9PR10

SAN DIEGO COMIC CON 9-CARD PREVIEW SET (numbered to 499)123456789
