document object model. lecture 19 does the last paragraph node have any children? my document...

Document Object Model

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Document Object Model

Lecture 19

Does the last paragraph node have any children?

<html><head> <title>My Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function report() { if (document.getElementsByTagName("p"). item(document.getElementsByTagName("p").length-1).hasChildNodes() ) {alert("It has child nodes"); } else { alert("It has no child nodes"); } } </script></head><body> <form> <button type="button" onClick=“report();">Has last paragraph any child nodes?</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p>My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p> <h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p></body></html>

How many children does last paragraph node have?


<head> <title>My Document</title>

<script type="text/javascript">

function change()







<button type="button" onClick="change();">

How many children has last paragraph?</button>


<h1>My first header</h1>

<p>My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1>

<p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>



What is nodeType of this child?

<html><head> <title>My Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function report() {alert(document.getElementsByTagName("p"). item(document.getElementsByTagName("p").length-1). childNodes. item(0).nodeType);} </script></head><body> <form> <button type="button" onClick=“report();"> What is nodeType of this child ? </button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p>My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p> <h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p></body></head>

Inspecting type of child of last paragraph node (contd)

• We have seen that the nodeType of the child of the last paragraph node is 3, which means that it is an TEXT_NODE

What is nodeValue of this child?

<html><head> <title>My Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function report() {alert(document.getElementsByTagName("p"). item(document.getElementsByTagName("p").length-1). childNodes. item(0).nodeValue);} </script></head><body> <form> <button type="button" onClick=“report();"> What is nodeType of this child ? </button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p>My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p> <h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p></body></head>

Change nodeValue of this child

<html><head> <title>My Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function change() {document.getElementsByTagName("p"). item(document.getElementsByTagName("p").length-1). childNodes. item(0).nodeValue=“A new fourth paragraph”;} </script></head><body> <form> <button type="button" onClick=“change();"> Change nodeValue of this child </button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p>My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p> <h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p></body></head>

Note the change• The text of the last paragraph has changed

Formal spec for Elementinterface Element : Node {

readonly attribute DOMString tagName;

DOMString getAttribute(in DOMString name);

void setAttribute(in DOMString name, in DOMString value) raises(DOMException);

void removeAttribute(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);

Attr getAttributeNode(in DOMString name);

Attr setAttributeNode(in Attr newAttr)


Attr removeAttributeNode(in Attr oldAttr)


NodeList getElementsByTagName(in DOMString name);

void normalize(); };

Example, slide 1<html>


<title>My Document</title>


p.mypara { color:red }


<script type="text/javascript">

function change()

{attr1 = document.createAttribute("class");



function report()





<body> <form> <button type="button"

onClick="report();">Report "class" of second paragraph</button>

</form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 2 (execution in MSIE 6)

<body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 3 (execution in MSIE 6)result of hitting the “report” button

<body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 4 (execution in MSIE 6)result of hitting the “set class” button

Note that appearance of 2nd para hat not changed<body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 5 (execution in MSIE 6)result of hitting the “report” button again

<body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 6

• Browser implementation of the DOM Level 1 Core is not yet consistent

• As we will see when we run the same file with Mozilla 6

Example, slide 7 (execution in Mozilla 6)result of hitting the “report” button

note that no alert box appears <body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 8 (execution in Mozilla 6)result of hitting the “set class” button

Note that the color of the 2nd para has changed <body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


Example, slide 9 (execution in Mozilla 6)result of hitting the “report” button again

Now an alert box DOES appear<body> <form> <button type="button" onClick="report();">Report

"class" of second paragraph</button> </form> <form> <button type="button" onClick="change();">Set "class"

of second paragraph</button> </form> <h1>My first header</h1> <p class="mypara">My first paragraph</p> <p>My second paragraph</p>

<h1>My second header</h1> <p>My third paragraph</p> <p>My fourth paragraph</p>


got here on 21 mar 2006