dodho issue 3


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Photographers around the world


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2013 dodho magazinereproduction without permission is prohibited

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Photography magazinepublished by photographers

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josep gora

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olivier bosimon

mike ruizph atwere


an jovic

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the soul of photography by

aria baro

"Only a human being can give a soul to a photography."

official Website

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aria baro

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aria baro

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aria baro

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five minuteswith mike ruiz

official Website

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Mike Ruiz is a world-renowned pho-tographer, who also happens to be aTV personality, former model, actor,spokesperson, creative director andirector. With his wide array of espe-riences an interests

How did you get interested in photo-graphy?

Even though I didn’t realize it at the time, I waspicking things up early on, during my modelingdays. I was photographed by some of the big-gest in the business and I learned about pho-tography through osmosis. After a decade ofmodeling, I got a camera for Christmas andI’ve been hooked ever since.

What do you do in your life besides photo-graphy?

I direct music videos and independent films.On my down time, I am involved in variouscharitable organizations. Being very businessminded, I constantly seek to grow my brand. Ihave designed an ongoing menswear collec-tion, have a t-shirt line of my images that I sellonline and developed an app, which is aninteractive photographic gallery.

Could you tell our readers how to reachsuch excellent results in photography?

There is no one formula, as it is a very indivi-dualistic experience for each photographer.

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My aesthetic is very intuitive. I’m driven andinspired by the world around me. Being self-taught, I can say that focus, discipline and de-termination are key components in myachieving results that I find best represent mybody of work. If I can look at any one of myimages repeatedly and never tire of them, thenI know that I’ve done a pretty good job.

If you could go back ten years, what advicewould you give yourself?

Easy: Take a deep breath and pace yourself,it’s going to be an awesome adventure!

Did your early photographic goals includeearning a living from photography, or did itstart as a way to express yourself creati-vely?

When I got my first camera, I became obses-sed with everything that encompassed photo-graphy. I would shoot anything and everything.Photography became a spigot for self-expres-sion--it was an extension of myself. I was luckythat I happened to book jobs very early on inmy career, to the point that, from the begin-ning, I was earning a living and supportingmyself with my art.

When did you know you finally "made it" asa professional?

Having “made it” is a state of mind. I feel veryaccomplished but I am always seeking to bet-ter myself both as a professional and as ahuman being. I find myself continually learningin life. So,I guess some might considering thatI’ve made it--but the adventure isn’t over!

Do you tend to bring the same equipmenton each shoot or do you change up yourgear depending on the subject and theme?

Each shoot is a unique experience. So, eventhough I usually shoot with the same camera,there are a whole host of different criteria thatwill determine what equipment I will use forany particular session. The short answer is no,I tend to change it up from one shoot to ano-ther.

Are you currently working on any personalprojects? Pretty Masculine?

Yes, I am! Last year, I started to shoot for mynew app called “Pretty Masculine”. It’s an appfor the iPad, iPhone and Android devices.

How did the idea for the book Pretty Mascu-line?

Having worked within the constraints of com-mercial and editorial photography for quite awhile now, I wanted to venture further into whatfuels my imagination. So, two and a half yearsago, I started shooting for my coffee tablebook, which I self-published in the fall of 2011.This project took on a life of its own and thisyear, this labor of love morphed into the PrettyMasculine app. In it, I found the opportunity tostudy and make a statement about my unders-tanding of society’s perception of what is mas-culinity.And with it, I sought to break downbarriers with my art.

Could you please tell us something aboutyour technique and creating process?

Sorry, that’s grandma’s secret recipe (smiles).

Any words of wisdom for the up and co-mers?

Love and believe in what you do. Be confidentin your talent and be disciplined. Nobody’sgoing to give you a handout in this business soyou have to be motivated and be ready to workhard.

Thank you for taking the time to talk withus today.

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mike ruiz

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I then started to consider my shots with props, costu-mes, locations, lighting and eventually photo manipula-tion.This changed my whole perception of photographyas I used to think the camera was just a tool to capturethe moment, but now it has become a tool to capture

my imagination.


official Website

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simon mccheung

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simon mccheung

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simon mccheung

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pilgrims and faith by

olivier borson

I went for the first time to India 4 years ago, for a workshop with Steve McCurry. At that time, Idid’nt know India and I didn't realized this country was so fascinating. Their culture is so diffe-

rent from ours that you can spend hours walking among them without getting tired, and alwaysbe amazed by their traditions.

official Website

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olivier borson

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beyond ordinary by

goran jovicGoran started to regard photography as a potential professional pursuit back in 2009, initiallythrough wedding and special events photography, as well as portraiture for artistic portfolios.Even so, he still found himself gravitating toward documentary photography, which he finds to behis main aspiration and ambition.

official Website

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What I look out for when I shoot on the streets are strange weird and unconventional people.If you stay out on the streets for long enough you are bound to find them.

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street photography by

joseph atwere

official Website

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joseph atwere

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