does dita need tags?

CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 1 Does DITA Need Tags? Michael Priestley, Enterprise Content Technology Strategist, IBM CIO Lu Ai, Program Manager, Content Standards and Structure, IBM Marketing Carlos Evia, Director of Technical and Professional Writing, Virginia Tech Content owners: Michael Priestley, Lu Ai, Carlos Evia

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CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 1

Does DITA Need Tags?Michael Priestley, Enterprise Content Technology Strategist, IBM CIO

Lu Ai, Program Manager, Content Standards and Structure, IBM Marketing

Carlos Evia, Director of Technical and Professional Writing, Virginia Tech

Content owners: Michael Priestley, Lu Ai, Carlos Evia

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• Why lightweight DITA?• Authoring DITA in markdown• Publishing DITA with JSON• Next steps

Does DITA need tags?

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Lightweight DITA

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Collaboration and integration depend on standards


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Barriers to collaboration

ProcessLack of governance

Lack of feedback

CultureLack of incentives for reuse

Incentives for reinvention

ContentInconsistent content types

Inconsistent classification

TechnologyLifecycle silos tie authoring to delivery

Formats tie content to authoring system

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Can you get there with DITA?

• Yes.

• But…

• Challenges of complexity and format-dependency

• Opportunity:

• Lightweight DITA as a new OASIS standard (in development)

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When enough is too much



“Here’s something simple!”

“We need more features!”

“It’s too complex!”

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Lightweight DITA vs Full DITA

Full DITA Lightweight DITA

Topics ~100 elements ~30 elements

Maps 10 elements

(+30 shared with topic)

3 elements

(+3 shared with topic)

<p>What elements are

allowed in a paragraph?</p>

dl parml fig syntaxdiagram imagemap image

lines lq note hazardstatement object ol pre

codeblock msgblock screen simpletable sl table

ul boolean cite keyword apiname option

parmname cmdname msgnum varname wintitle ph b

i sup sub tt u codeph synph filepath msgph

systemoutput userinput menucascade uicontrol q

term abbreviated-form tm xref state data data-

about foreign unknown draft-comment fn

indextermref indexterm required-cleanup


ph (phrase)

b (bold)

i (italic)

u (underline)

sup (superscript)

sub (subscript)

xref (link)


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Lightweight DITA at OASIS

Current focus on:

• Industry scenariosoMedicaloSoftware developmentoEducationoMachine industriesoMarketing/ecommerce

• Format mappingsoXMLoHTML5oMarkdownoJSON

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Collaboration and integration depend on standards



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Authoring DITA in Markdown

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Mapping DITA to HTML5 (HDITA)

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Mapping DITA to Markdown (MarkDITA)

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• The “beautiful structure” of a step

• When the DTD is away…o… the “steps” will play

1. Am I a step?


<cmd>Or am I a step?</cmd>


Overprotected child vs. the free spirit

<!ENTITY % step.content



(%choices; |

%choicetable; |

%info; |

%itemgroup; |

%stepxmp; |

%substeps; |


(%stepresult;)? )"


CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 15

The Markdown wars

• There is no Markdown standard

• Well, there’s CommonMark

• And there’s Gruber’s original

• And many other flavors

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• Should we go the Fountain way?

• Or should we embrace the simplest scenario?

# I am a topic

This is my abstract or shortdesc

- A point

- Another point

MarkDITA is not a new flavor

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• {#identifier .class}

• The best/only way to talk about headings

• A solution to the <section> problem

# I am a topic

With a shortdesc paragraph

## And I am a section {.section}

Add a scoop of Pandoc header attributes

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# The point of it all

I can sum it up here

I can say some more stuff

## Stuff {.section}

And so on

- This

- Is

- A List

From < > to ##

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# How to do something {.task}

Introduction to something

## Prerequisites {.prereq}

Find some time to do it

## Context {.context}

Be prepared to do it

1. Plan it

2. Do it

Even better

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@outputclass equivalents

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• [key] works for keyref declared in a map

• conref… that’s another story

• Unless we go the GitHub way:

{{ }}

Content reuse

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# Topic collection {.map}

- [First concept](

- [First task](

- [Second task](




<title>Topic collection</title>

<topicref href=""

format="markdown" />

<topicref href="t-second.dita" />


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My relationship with Jarno Elovirta

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• But we already have MkDocs and Jekyll

• And Pandoc transforms to EPUB and

Why bother with DITA?

Next slide: DITA benefits and advantages

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DITA benefits and advantages

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Publishing DITA with JSON

CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 27

JavaScript Object Notation (

What is JSON

Data type

• Number

• String

• Boolean

• Object

• Array

• Null

Data structure

• name/value pair (NVP)

"name": "Lu Ai"

• object

{"firstname": "Lu","lastname": "Ai"}

• array

“presenters": [{

"firstname": "Lu","lastname": "Ai"


"firstname": "Michael","lastname": “Priestley"


CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 28


• Lightweight, easy to parse format

• popular alternative to XML as a data interchange format

Use case at IBM

• Dynamic content delivery via API














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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

• Component based content management

• Open standard

• Reusable

• Measurable

• PDF only asset management

• Proprietary data model

• Low reusability

• Difficult to track and measure

Current State Future State


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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study DITA Specialization: a non-semantic approach

topictitle: macys’.com: …section: {overview}

dlentry: {the need}dlentry: {the solution}dlentry: {the result}

…section: {client background}section: {need}section: {solution}section: {solution components}section: {benefit}….

This less constrained

specialization approach

provides flexibility, but does

not offer much semantics.

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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study DITA: a mechanical translation to JSON


• Property name has minimal semantics

• Unnatural/complicated structure in JSON

• Difficult to query

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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study DITA Specialization: a semantic approach

This tightly constrained

specialization approach

provides rich semantics, but

is less flexible.

casestudytitle: macy’s.comcsprolog





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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study DITA: a semantic approach

DITA Design

• Adopt a semantic approach in

developing Case Study DITA


• Allow minimal formatting tags in

Case Study DITA

• Analyze specific content needs

and use cases for case studies to

best determine when to use

semantic and formatting tags

CIO Enterprise Content Center of Excellence | ©Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 34

IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study DITA: semantic translation to JSON

JSON Design

• Flat structure in JSON whenever


• Structured hierarchy is only

used if it makes semantic sense

• Formatting tags removed or

retained in JSON “value”

• Program friendly: simpler

structure, easier queries,

cleaner output

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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

Query Comparison: compile an “overview” based on two different JSON data models

Non-semantic Semantic

Complex query

Section[@.title=“Overview”].dl.dlentry[?(@.dt=“The need”)].dd+Section[@.title=“Overview”].dl.dlentry[?(@dt=“The solution”)].dd+section{@.title=“Overview”].dl.dlentry[?(@dt=“The result”)].dd.q+section{@.title=“Overview”].dl.dlentry [?(@dt=“The result”)].ph

Simpler query


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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

IBM Case Study JSON Data Model

• industry, country, language, category, product, collateraltype, productgroup, creator, sme, owner, reviewdate, expirationdate, contact, businesspartner


• title, subtitle, clientinfo, clientcontact, need, solution, benefit, clientexperience, quotes, solutioncomponents, formoreinfo, copyrightstatement, disclaimers


• casestudy_pdf, clientlog, industryimage, ibmcolorblock, video associatedassets

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IBM Case Study Structured Content Pilot

Next Steps

• Finalize Case Study DITA specialization and JSON data model

• Case Study JSON Schema

• DITA2JSON converter

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Next steps/resources

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• Continuing design work at the Lightweight DITA subcommittee:o


• Public discussion at the LinkedIn group:o

• Test out early prototype mappings:o


What’s happening