dogparkguide-draft 4.17.12 (2)

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 DogParkGuide-Draft 4.17.12 (2)


    Dog Park Rules and Regulations


    The following guidelines were established by researching best practices in other dog parks around the countryand public review through the Traverse City Parks and Recreation Commission. These guidelines are in additionto other City, County or State rules and regulations administering pet ownership, health, and safety, as well asmaintenance and noise control in City Parkland.

    The guidelines are to ensure well-maintained space that will contribute to both the quality of life and economicvitality of the City. Park users are expected to show a strong commitment to the park, by taking ownership of itscare to meet the needs of dog owners and non-dog owners alike. Through this collective effort the dog park willcontinue to be a valuable service to the community. If you see someone not following the rules, please kindlyremind them this is a shared space with shared responsibilities.


    Users of the park enter at their own and their dogs risk of enjoyment and injury. The individual accompanying the dog to the park will be considered the owner for purposes of these

    guidelines. Owners are responsible for the actions of their dogs. Keep dogs close-by and under control. If

    reasonable control is not possible, do not enter the enclosed areas. Dog owners assume any liability for any injury or damage to any person, animal or property caused by

    their dog(s) or themselves. The City of Traverse City does not assume any liability for any injury or damage to any person, animal or

    property resulting from use of the dog park and waives no immunities granted by law. Owners must clean up after their dogs. Numerous waste stations have been included in the park for

    your convenience. Before entering, please be sure your dog is calm and balanced. Many dogs would benefit from a long

    walk before entering the enclosure. Do not enter through the second gate with the leash on your dog. Both gates must be closed and latched after entering or exiting the area. Please carry a leash at all times. Under no circumstance should dogs be left unattended. Dogs must be properly licensed, healthy, and have current vaccinations. All dogs must wear a collar, ID and current registration tags. No puppies under 16 weeks old or dogs in heat are allowed in the enclosures. Be considerate to the neighbors. Dogs that continually bark may need to be muzzled or removed. Please

    be particularly aware of noise around the quiet hours of mornings and evenings. Children under 14-years old may not enter the enclosures without adult supervision. Infants or small children are strongly discouraged from entering the off-leash areas. Do not bring strollers or other wheeled devices into the enclosures. There is a limit of 3 dogs per adult user in each enclosed area at any one time. Use common sense concerning the number of dogs in the enclosed areas at one time. If the park seems

    crowded, wait until a dog leaves before entering. Dogs displaying aggressive or under-socialized behavior must be controlled or removed. Smoking, eating, dog food, rawhides, and glass containers are prohibited in the enclosures. Digging is not allowed. Please do not allow your dog to tear up the grounds. The smaller enclosure of the park is for dogs under 25-lbs only. Dogs are not allowed in the adjacent playground or tennis court areas. Off-leash applies only within the enclosed areas. Professional training classes are not allowed in the dog park. Please leave the park better than you found it.

  • 7/31/2019 DogParkGuide-Draft 4.17.12 (2)


    Contact Us

    To help us better manage this park we need your input. Please send comments, concerns, and observations tothe Parks and Recreation Department at 625 Woodmere Avenue, (231) 922-4910, ext.114 or email to Parks andRecreation Superintendent Lauren Vaughn: [email protected]

    In case of an emergency, please contact the Traverse City Police Department at 911 or (231) 995-5150.If needed, animal control can be contacted at (231) 922-2910.

    Continued Support

    The park improvements establishing this as Traverse City's first off-leash dog park were made possible throughthe generosity of people in the community willing to donate their time and money. To honor this gift, the City willcontinue to explore ways to improve the amenities of the park.

    If you would like to contribute to this effort, please fill out the form below and send a check payable to City ofTraverse City with Dog Park in the memo line to:

    City of Traverse City Parks and Recreation

    625 Woodmere Ave.Traverse City, MI 49686

    You will receive a letter from the City of Traverse City acknowledging your gift and outlining the deductibility ofyour donation for tax purposes under IRS Code, 26 U.S.C.170(c)(1). There are naming opportunities for largeitems such as benches and dog waste/bag stations. If you are interested in purchasing an item such as these forthe park, please contact Mr. Lauren Vaughn at (231) 922-4910, ext.114 or email at [email protected] cost and availability.

    Also, the unofficial friends of Traverse City's dog park will from time to time hold events related to the dog parksuch as special dog-ownership educational opportunities or volunteer clean-up days. If you would like to beupdated on these events please sign up for their newsletter at


    Address: ______________________________________________________________

    City: _________________________________ State: _________Zip: ______________

    Phone Number: ( ) ___________________ Email:_________________________

    I would like to donate $________________.

    For recognition of donations $100 and over, how would you like your name(s) to read?


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