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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Dogs


Page 2: Dogs

Unlike humans, dogs lack of collarbones, the front legs are joined to the trunk only by means of the muscles, which gives the dog a great freedom of movements. All species have 30 vertebrae real, to which are added the vertebrae of the tail, whose number varies from one race to another. Has 7 cervical (neck), 13 thoracic (back) that are linked to the ribs, and 7 lumbar (kidneys).

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The bones that make up the skull are the same in all the races, the form varies from one race to others and are classified in three different morphologies.

-DOLICOCÉFALO: narrow and elongated (Afghans, Borzois)

-BRAQUICÉFALO: flattened (Bulldog, Boxer)

- MESOCÉFALO: between the two extremes

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The way in which fit the upper teeth with the lower levels, is determined by the length of the lower jaw. The type of bite can vary greatly between races and is clearly specified in the standards of the same. There are four types of bite:

- SCISSORS: the upper teeth fit perfectly on the bottom.

- PROGNÁTICA: the lower teeth are developed countries with regard to the superiors.

- PROTRUSA: the lower teeth are behind the superiors.

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The adult dogs have a total of 42 pieces. Cut with the incisors, canines serve him for tearing and tear and the molars to break and crush. There are also some special teeth, very strong that are called "butchers", allowing them to chewing hard materials.

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The dogs often move in four ways: -To step - to trot -Medium gallop - Gallop each race is characterized by a particular form of marching to the step. The big dogs and powerful step marching with long and majestic, contrary to the giblets and live that dan glitches.

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tend to reflect the state of health and the physical form of a dog and the poor appearance of the layer is typically a symptom of any disease. The layer will vary greatly depending on a race, even a copy to another. There are even races that do not have hair like the Xoloitzcuitle, due to a genetic mutation of selective breeding.

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The dog pant to combat the heat, the sweat is glangulas concentan on the pads and ear canal. The tones of the coat and the way they blend together, have diversified greatly in the development of the races. Some examples:

-Blue Blackbird: bluish gray interspersed with black.

- Straw: blond or light beige.

- Tri-color: there are three tones, normally black, white, and fire.

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even though the vision of a dog is more sensitive to motion and the light that the our, perceive the contours with less sharpness, presents a somewhat more crushed, what prevents him adjust the focal length with such precision. In the back of the eye have a reflective layer called tapestry or tapetum, which makes when they have light from the front it seems to be conspicuous.

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EAR The middle ear of a dog is very good, can detect the sound in

six hundredths of a second and some even use the musculature of the ears to the channeling of the sound, reaching even to hear up to four times more distance than we do. The hearing apparatus is divided into four parts: ear, ear canal, middle ear and inner ear, one of the most modified parts of the body in the selective breeding has been the ears.

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SMELL The smell you have a very developed, it is believed that exceeds at least a million times to our own. This is one of the reasons why they are used both dogs to detect odors, from drugs hidden, a missing person, a truffle buried, land mines, explosives, the traces of animals or a tumor in the human body.

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TASTE The dogs have a special organ (vomeronasal) allowing them to savor certain odors. It is used especially to capture fragrances endowed with social meaning and particularly sexual. Normally when you use this body, its teeth castaneas gently and he may drop a yarn of baba if neighs and sipping at the same time a scent. The dogs are able to taste bitter, sweet, acid and salty.