dollar diplomacy

Dollar Diplomacy The Views of Foreign Policy

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Dollar diplomacy and U.S. foreign policy


Page 1: Dollar Diplomacy

Dollar Diplomacy

The Views of Foreign Policy

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Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy“Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick”• Roosevelt promoted the use of U.S. military as a show of force around the world.•Ordered the U.S. navy to sail to ports around Europe and Latin America•Offered the “Roosevelt corollary” to the Monroe Doctrine stating:“Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in the general loosening of ties in a civilized society . . . may force the United States, however reluctantly . . . to the exercise of an international police power

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William Howard Taft’s“Dollar Diplomacy”•Taft believed in using U.S. economic power to influence foreign policy •U.S. commercial interests should be protected overseas.•In exchange for investment dollars, the U.S. could establish political and economic stability in an area•Roosevelt’s intervention in the Dominican Republic

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Wilson’s Foreign Policy“Moral Diplomacy”

•Wilson advocated making the U.S. the “moral conscious” of the world•U.S. should intervene when basic human rights or our values are at stake•Bryan (Secretary of State) promoted “cooling off” treaties where a third party would negotiate a truce while the parties remain peaceful•Help promote democracy and peace worldwide

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Wilson’s Foreign Policy at Work• How did Wilson interact with Japan?• In California legislators passed a law that

prohibited non-citizens from owning land. Japanese immigrants were affected the �most. Wilson ignored the racist overtones of �the law. When the Japanese government �began to protest Wilson sent Bryan to change the policy, but they did nothing. Wilson also �protested the Japanese demands on China following the beginning of World War I. Japan �eased off of its 21 points (pretty much making China a protectorate) and remained bitter towards the US.

• • How did Wilson deal with Latin America?• Wilson hoped to promote democracy and

ensure the security of the Panama Canal in Latin America. Wilson answered upheavals in Haiti �and the Dominican Republic with troops. Haiti �was also pressured by the US to become a protectorate. Wilson s plans to aid Latin � �American nations and prepare them for democracy inspired hatred rather than friendship

• How did the US become involved in the Mexican Civil War?

• In 1911 General Huerta seized power in Mexico and favored the wealthy landowners. Venustiano Carranza led the �resistance to the Mexican regime. When �Huerta declared himself military dictator of the regime, then Wilson banned arms shipment to Mexico. When some US sailors �were arrested in Mexico, Wilson reacted quickly despite an apology and took the Port of Vera Cruz.�

• Carranza defeated Huerta, but a man named Fransisco Pancho Villa revolted against Carranza and the US (after the US recognized Carranza s govt.). Wilson sent General � �John Pershing down to find Pancho, but the 10,000 men trekking 300 miles into Mexico caused unrest in the Mexican Government.�