dom, william and edward. the bermuda triangle (also known as devil’s triangle) is a loosely...

Dom, William and Edward Bermuda Triangle

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Dom, William and Edward

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle (also known as Devil’s Triangle) is a loosely

defined area in the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous aircraft and

vessels are said to have mysteriously vanished.

General Information

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.


Popular Culture has suggested that these disappearances were linked

to paranormal activity produced by extra-terrestrial beings. However,

documented evidence suggests that a large amount of these incidents

were illegitimate, inaccurately reported, or exaggerated by authors.

Pop Culture beliefs

Many theories include; human error, crazy weather patterns, magnetic fields askew, UFOs/Aliens, Government testing, Time Vortex, Pirates, and Comets.

Magnetic Fields Askew; It is the only place where a compass points truth north, rather than magnetic north. This causes the compass to be inaccurate by up to 20°.

Time Vortex; Theories say that a fog surrounds the pilot, disorienting his navigation instruments, causing his compass to go haywire. When the fog breaks up, pilots say they find themselves miles away from their expected location, saying they travelled through time.


From the data we have concluded several FACTS:

• The Bermuda Triangle has long been believed to be the site where a number of mysterious plane and boat incidents have occurred

• Being in the area will cause compasses to function incorrectly

• No bodies or wreckage had yet been discovered of the missing wreckage

• Bermuda Triangle authors didn't do their research and either knowingly or unintentionally "made it up.“

• It was named the Bermuda Triangle because Florida and Puerto Rico argued that it scare tourists away

