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A wonderfull province Independencia province from the Dominican Republic


Page 1: Dominican Portfolio
Page 2: Dominican Portfolio

Richard Delgadillo Javier.

Welcome to Dominican Republic! The incredible place to enjoy your

vacations. In this exclusive edition we present a nature, unique and historical

province I am talking about the Independencia Province.

In this issue discuss important aspects of the province like:

Historical importance (Why the name, its flag, Coats of arm)

Geography (Limits, clime)

Wildlife and Plant life (What produce, important animals)

Economy (What do the province for keep )

Culture (Music, Management holidays, Education)

Main attractions to visit (Enriquillo´s lake)

Mountain range of Bahoruco

(descend in duverge)

It would be great to weak up

and look this marvelous

panorama! A dawn full of

dreams, excitement,

camaraderie and brotherhood.



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So, why Independencia?

Some relevant aspects of the history and its


ndependence is one of the 31 Dominican

provinces and Haiti is in the west of the

country, doing opposite with. Its capital is

the city of Jimaní. Before its creation, its

territory comprised of the province Baoruco.

Before its name was Province nueva era then it

was changed to the current of Independencia on

May 13, 1949. It was inaugurated on January 1,

1950 However, the name of Independence was the work of Trujillo (Dictator of Dom.

Rep.) in their plans "deshaitianización border," an initiative that among other things

changed most of the place names of regions

bordering national heroes name.

Its name remembers National Independence that happened in 1844.

The province Independence was founded on the grounds that

previous time belonged to the chieftainship of Jaragua governor by

Chief Bohechio (one of the five chiefs and the oldest chief of the

Spanish Taino), for this reason the province has in its coat of arm to



Also has its own flag with the

same colors that the

Dominican’s flag.

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This photograph is the first known about Duvergé in 1907 shows how the houses

were built, the exterior of this amounted to an image similar to the

prototype of the African village.

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This photograph is the first known about Duvergé in

1907 shows how the houses were built; the exterior of this

amounted to an image similar to the prototype of the African


At present, the province consists of Jimaní, Duvergé, La Descubierta, Postrer river,

Cristóbal and Mella; containing 6 municipal districts, El Limón, Boca de Cachón, Vengan

a Ver, Guayabal, Batey 8 and La Colonia.

Important Historical event

he city was built during the

rule of dictator Trujillo,

who was endowed with

church, hotel, office and public

building concrete housing to its

residents and authorities.

An important historical event

occurred in the town of Jimani in

December 1958: Rafael L. dictators

Trujillo Molina of the Dominican

Republic (In the left of the pic) and Francois Duvalier, Haiti, (In the right of the pic) signed

an agreement, both in the city and Marpase, to extend the cordial relations that had been

interrupted when Trujillo ordered the massacre of tens of thousands of Haitians in 1937.


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Do you want a dip?

Limits, climate, hydric resources

Of the province

Our province has a geography surface of 2006.44

square kilometers. The province bounded on the north

by the provinces Bahoruco and Elias Piña, on the

south by the Pedernales province on the west by the Republic of Haiti and the east with

barahona province. Its population is 53,703 inhabitants, According to the estimate of the

ONE for 2007

We have in the southern portion of the province the Sierra de Bahoruco while the

north is the Sierra de Neiba.

Rainfall is scarce and temperatures are very high,

typically ranging between 35 and 38 degrees

Celsius during the day, especially in the summer

months, you know, it is a very hot weather!

There are very few permanent rivers in the

province. The main fluvial source is Escondido

River or Las damas¹, who descend from the

Mountain range of Bahoruco² from Port Hidden to

the city of Duvergé and also is la Loma del Toro³.




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In the Open pie and Mouth of Cachón there are important resurgentes rivers of short route.

Also there are some sulfurous water sources. Enriquillo´s Lake⁴ is shared with the province

Baoruco. Also the Lagoon limon⁵ exists but this one only has water at times of strong




Las Barias, Its water are so cold

that became a challenge for

anyone who tries to swim! Do

you want a dip?

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Both the

crocodiles and

iguanas are


Careful with the crocodile!

Principal animal life of the province

The principal wildlife is focuses in Enriquillo´s Lake,

especially in Cabrito´s Island*

The park's fauna is

represented mainly

by birds and

reptiles. There are

eight endemic

species and the



(Crocodylus acutus), whose population in the area is one of the

largest in the world in the wild.

It also highlights the presence of the Rhinoceros Iguana

(Cyclura cornuta) and Ricord's Iguana (Cyclura ricordi).

The birdlife is varied to the lake short. They have identified 62

species of birds, of which five are aquatic and shore 16.

*Cabrito´s Island

It is located in the southwest of

the country, within the

Enriquillo´s Lake and has an

area of 12 kilometers long and

2.5 kilom

Kids Island, Guarizacca called

by the Indians, was the island

where the cacique Enriquillo was

his refuge and supply center,

consists mainly of dried fish.

Between 1822 and 1844, during

the Haitian occupation, the

island and some neighboring

lands were legally granted by the

Haitian government to a French


In 1974 the island was declared a

National Park.

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Characteristic species are:

Flamenco Ash Heron

Pechiblanco Heron Corona Dove


Thrush of La española

Endemic to the island, this

species is threatened by habitat


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Crops in the province and some important plantlife

The lands of the province is arid like most South, however, coffee is produced in

abundance, yams, coconuts, peanuts, plantains, bananas, beans and sugar cane

Returning to the Cabrito´s Island highlights some endemic species like:

Cagüey Cayuco Roble Bayahonda

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What does the province for keeping


Economy around the province

Like in all the border provinces, there is little

economic development generally. There is an important

commercial traffic with Haiti*(neighbor country),

especially in Jimaní.

The farming production limits smaller cultures and goat and

ovine¹ of funds in small scale, although also takes place

Tomato of industrial type² and, in the Mountain range of

Neiba, has important plantations of coffee³..

*Our neighbor country

Haiti, is right next to us,

Independecia province, but also

it is not he only.

The cross-border trade between

Dominican Republic and Haiti, is

characterized by holding fairs at

different points located in areas

of Dajabón, Elías Piña, Jimaní

and Pedernales. In these fairs are

exchanged agricultural,

industrial, textiles, whose prices

are assigned as deemed the


Trade between these countries

has been increasing since the

*earthquake in Haiti.

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Duvergé and La Descubierta ´s sand mines, It’s a very important resource, because

according to data from the Direción General De Minerias occurred last year 45,381.36

meters cubic of plaster, and 27,088.57 metric tons of salt.

La descubierta offers modest but pleasant accommodation, restaurants typical local

food and Haitian influence, the tours to Cabrito´s Island, Las Caritas* and sulfur bath,

Horse riding and agritourism.

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Walking around “Las caritas”

Leaving behind Postrer Rio and

before arriving at La descubierta,

north of the province of

Independencia, the hills of Las

Caritas, overlooking Lake

Enriquillo, Make up a route that

takes the traveler to get excited

about the delights of the

National Park Enriquillo´s lake

and Cabrito´s Island The caves of Lake Enriquillo faces

were a natural refuge for pre-

agricultural groups, early settlers of

the island. The numerous petroglyphs

bear witness to their passage

through. these caves.

Caritas everywhere! Smiling

and dancing bodies. Simple

lines that connect more

than hundred words.

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Hope, work, passion and culture

Management holidays, cuisine and people of the province

his photo shows us the living conditions that many of the people in this

province. However, is good to know that these conditions are not necessary

for them to enjoy their lives.

As in most Dominican towns, is about finding the "push" to take them to get ahead.

Duverge and Jimani (major towns) are

not excluded! For the generations that

are growing, it is challenging to follow


The statistics indicate that

20.24% migrates as we all know this is

for education or a better life.


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The 13.21% did not have any kind of education. In spite of the negative statistics

that people help each other. Family, friends and neighbors help in planting days, the days

more salaried!

This is a working place, but not far behind with their holiday celebrations.

The patronal feast of San Jose is mainly in the southern provinces. He is

patron of the universal Church, of workers, of countless religious communities and

the good death.

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The patronal feast of Nuestra señora Del Carmen

is mainly in duverge is considered patroness of the town.

Also, there is a traditional feast is the feast of Telemicro.

There is presence of evangelical Christian


Telemicro is a very important TV channel in the

Dominican Republic, which has a program called "la ruta

Telemicro " around the country carrying concerts each year.

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What do we have for eat?

The gualimón is part of the cuisine and culture of Duvergé. Before it was

common to see several women selling in the park

or on the streets of the town, but not anymore, but

still appears who makes them. It is also famous for

its under “Jartar” because if you eat one, you will

spend several hours you get hungry again. Made

from flour corn and coconut as the main


El Yonyon, which is mainly consumed in the region south of Lake

Enriquillo (Independence Province), from Duvergé to Jimaní, which is considered

as a food rich in taste and also meat substitute. It is a type of mushroom.

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Crab sirica, Every day you can see fishermen, with bags full of these, which

sold by the dozen or mass, the latter is the most demanded by the population.

Independence should be your

next destination, do not miss

all the attractions that we

offer: Cabrito’s Island

(Enriquillo’s lake),La Zurza,

Las caritas, contemplate the

big mountains that are in our

province, reminds walk

around our park in duverge

people often go around in their

cars. Because we are also the

Dominican Republic.

If you want to know more

about the province can visit

the web site:

Remember, our people are

ready to serve you!