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  • 8/4/2019 Donnan-Exh 30, Exh 31, Exh 32, Exh 33


    EXHIBIT 30

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  • 8/4/2019 Donnan-Exh 30, Exh 31, Exh 32, Exh 33


  • 8/4/2019 Donnan-Exh 30, Exh 31, Exh 32, Exh 33


  • 8/4/2019 Donnan-Exh 30, Exh 31, Exh 32, Exh 33




    ATHENS DIVISIONCaseNo. 1 1 ~ 3 1 0 8 3

    JAMES DONNAN Ill, et al.,Debtors

    . Judge James P. SmithChapter 11AdversaryNo. _


    vs.JAMES DONNAN t et al.


    S T A T E O F ~ )~ )S8.:C O U N T Y O F ~


    JIMBURRITT, being duly sworn, deposes and says:1. I am the Chief Restructuring Officer ofPlaintiff OLC Limited ("OLC"), having

    held that position sinceDecember 7, 2010.2. Imake this Affidavit based uponmypersonal-knowledge.3. GLC was formed onor aboutMarch 24, 2004.4. OLe is a retail liquidation company, with its principal business being the sale

    andlor redistribution ofwholesale retail consumer products.5. OLCmaintains warehouses inHuntington, WestVirginia and Columbus, OlUo.

    EXHIBIT 31

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    6. In addition to the a b o v e ~ r e f e r e n c e d warehouses, GLC maintains or has maintainedretail locations in (1) Proctorville, Ohio; (2) Huntington, WestVirginia; (3) Nitro, WestVirginia;(4) LeSage, West Virginia; (5) PigeonForge, Tennessee; (6) Newport, Tennessee; and (7) Milan,Indiana.

    7. Gregory and Linda Crabtree are the sole shareholders ofGLe and, until February21, 2011, Gregory and Linda Crabtree, as the directors, officers, and shareholders of GLC, hadprimary responsibility for the assets and operation ofGLC.

    8. In order to fund and operate GLC's meager business operations, Gregory andLindaCrabtreewere required to obtaincapital from outside lenders or investors.

    9. Following OLC's formation, Gregory and Linda Crabtree solicited others toinvest in GLC.

    10. Defendants James and MaryDonnan were among the very first investors in GLC.Upon information and belief, James and Mary Donnan invested amounts in excess of$5,400,000.00 in GLe at interest rates in excess of 50%.

    11. In addition, James and Mary Donnan agreed to solicit additional parties to makesubstantial investments in GLC.

    12. In exchange for that agreement, andupon information and belief, James andMaryDonnan received a commission of approximately 15%-20% of all investments they arranged orsolicited from individuals to GLC.

    13. James andMary Donnan solicited i n v ~ s t m e n t s from more than 50 individuals andentities to GLC. Many of these investors were co-workers or other acquaintances of Jamesand/orMary Donnan.

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    14. James Donnan assured investors that the money loaned was used to purchase,close-out, discounted merchahdise and' excess production runs from highly-recognizedcompanies such as Sears, Target, and Rite-Aid. Furthermore, James Donnan told to variousinvestors that inventory purchases by GLC were presold and that GLe did not maintainwarehouse inventory, except for seasonal buys. Based upon preliminary financial analysis forthe years 2007 through 2010, a disparity exists between amounts invested in GLC by theinvestors and the actual inventorypurchases by GLC:

    Investor InventoryMoney Purchased2007 799,000 775,0002008 12,349,000 2,100,0002009 33,411,000 5,281,0002010 35,357,000 3,637,000Total $81,916,000 $11,793,00015. Upon information and belief, the majority of the investments solicited from

    individual investors to GLC were securedby notes given by GLe to the investors.16. Upon infonnation and belief, the terms for each investment in GLC were similar.

    Investors generally agreed to invest in GLC funds for 6 months to 1 year at interest rates rangingfrom 50-70% per annum. Pl'incipal and interest were generally paiduponmaturity of the note.

    17. As initial notes became due, GLC' was' 'required to secure e v e r ~ i n c r e a s i n ginvestments from new investol's. Increasing volumes of new money was necessary in order toensure that GLe would have sufficient funds available to repay prior principal investments,satisfy the interest r a t ~ s promised to such investors, and to pay the commissions claimed to bedue to James andMar;: Donnan.

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    18,. Defendants' investment scheme thus relied upon the continuous influx ofadditional investors prepared to offer increasing investments.

    19. While Defendants' ponzi scheme rendered GLC insolvent soon after it wascommenced, that insolvency deepened as GLC was required to solicit ever-increasinginvestments from an ever-increasing numbers of investors. Eventually, Defendants were unableto secure the volume of new investments n e c e s s ~ to maintain their investment scheme andGLC defaulted on its financial obligations, including outstanding notes to investors solicited byJames andMaryDonnan.

    20. James and Mary Donnan's ponzi investment scheme allowed them to makesubstantial personal profits at the expense of GLC and its individual investors. SpeCifically,pursuant to Defendants' ponzi scheme, GLC made approximately 293 transfers to Defendants ortheir inunediate family members totaling $14,557,228.50.

    21. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is a tme, correct, andauthentic copy of the schedule of the 293 transfers to Jim Donnan and his immediate familymembers totaling $14,557,228.50.

    FURTIIER AFFIANTSAYETHNAUGHT.~ J es Burritt .Stateof \ ..County ofC)\'(J\(,f9J,

    )) 58:)


    Subscribed and swom to before me, a Notary Public on this day of July, 2011.~ n : Z : : ~ 2 Q ~ary PublicMy C(;mrnlission expires o < D\

    CINLibrary 0121049,0583831 2337557vv1

    20 \ I, -

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  • 8/4/2019 Donnan-Exh 30, Exh 31, Exh 32, Exh 33


    CONTRIBUTIONS REPAYMENTSInvestor Type Date Num Credit DebitDonnan, Jim Check 07/09/2008 1162stmt 123,660Donnan, Jim Check 07/16/2008 1175stmt 42,300Donnan, Jim Check 07/16/2008 1203stmt 105,000Donnan, Jim Check 07/30/2008 1222stmt 42,300Donnan, Jim Check 08/08/2008 1186stmt 32,900Donnan, Jim Check 08/19/2008 1192stmt 135,110Donnan, Jim Check 09/01/2008 1243slml 89,000Donnan, Jim Check 09/05/2008 1234slmt 24,800Donnan, Jim Check 09/05/2008 1250stml 32,960Donnan, Jim Check 09/16/2008 1280stmt 15,500Donnan, Jim Deposit 09/29/2008 Dep 22,500Donnan, Jim Check 10/01/2008 1001stmt 79,300Donnan, Jim Check 10/14/2008 1298stmt 14,100Donnan, Jim Check 10/14/2008 1001slmt 32,800Donnan, Jim Check 10/14/2008 1295stmt 100,000Donnan, Jim Deposit 10/20/2008 Depslmt 190,000Donnan, Jim Deposit 10/20/2008 Depslml 16,000Donnan, Jim Deposit 10/21/2008 Depslmt 125,000Donnan, Jim Check 11/02/2008 1308slmt 91,900Donnan, Jim Check 11/08/2008 1322slmt 32,800Donnan, Jim Check 11/1412008 1395stmt 47,600Donnan, Jim Check 12/02/2008 1414stmt 229,200Donnan, Jim Check 12109/2008 1332stmt 32,860Donnan, Jim Daposit 12/11/2008 Depslmt 275,000Donnan, Jim Check 12/16/2008 1337stmt 100,250Donnan, Jim Deposit 12/17/2008 44 16,000Donnan, Jim Deposit 12/22/2008 Depslmt 275,000Donnan, Jim Check 01/05/2009 1445stmt 77,800Donnan, Jim Check 01/09/2009 1345 32,800Donnan, Jim Check 01/12/2009 1364slmt 163,700Donnan, Jim Deposit 01/30/2009 6 280,000Donnan, Jim Check 02/04/2009 1467slmt 32,300Donnan, Jim Check 02/04/2009 1453slmt 194,762Donnan, Jim Check 02/19/2009 1462stmt 75,870Donnan, Jim Check 03/0212009 1486 199,366Donnan, Jim Deposit 03/08/2009 Dep 32,000Donnan, Jim Check 03/10/2009 1563 32,000Donnan, Jim Check 03/16/2009 1498stmt 61,400Donnan, Jim Deposit 03127/2009 8 295,000Donnan, JIm Check 04/02/2009 1408stmt ' 330,482Donnan,Jlm Deposit 04/08/2009 Simt 80,000Donnan, Jim Check 04/1012009 1591 32,800Donnan, Jim Check 04/24/2009 1605stmt 469,600Donnan, Jim Deposit 04/27/2009 Slmt 147,500 'Donnan, JIm Check 05/05/2009 1712 '32,000Donnan, Jim Check 05/05/2009 1466slmt 165,417Donnan, Jim Check 05/15/2009 1730stmt 146,650Donnan, Jim Check 06/02/2009 1623 61,000Donnan, Jim Check 06109/2009 WT 173,122Donnan, Jim Check 06/11/2009 WT 90,760Donnan, Jim Check 0811612009 WT 36,000Donnan, Jim Check 08/25/2009 WT 185,800Donnan, Jim Deposit 06/26/2009 11 299,000Donnan, JIm Check 07102/2009 1766 103,300Donnan, JIm Check 07106/2009 1680stmt 447,267Donnan, JIm Check 07110/2009 1684stmt 83,500Donnan, JIm Deposit 07/16/2009 176,500Donnllf), Jim Check 07122/2009 1690slmt 36,000

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    CONTRIBUTIONS REPAYMENTSInvestor Type Date N ~ T 1 1 Credit DebitDonnan, Jim Check 07/29/20091818slmt 101.400Donnan, Jim Check 08/05/2009 1852slmt 151,642Donnan, Jim Check 08/13/2009 1654slml 181,340Donnan, Jim Deposit 08/28/2009 SimI 152,645Donnan, Jim Check 09/03/2009 1874slml 319,292Donnan, Jim Check 09/11/2009 1911slml 75,000Donnan, Jim Check 09/14/2009 wr 165,000Donnan, Jim Check 09/16/2009 1670slml 171,300Donnan, Jim Deposit 09123/2009 Slmt 110,600Donnan, Jim Check 10/07/2009 wr 389,267Donnan, Jim Check 10/12/2009 1998 49,500Donnan, Jim Deposit 10/13/2009 47 232,750Dannen, Jim Check 10120/2009 1961stml 73,000Donnan, Jim Check 10/28/2009 1363 1,000Donnan, Jim Check 11/05/2009 1973stml 295,492Donnan, Jim Check 11/1012009 2030 45,000Donnan, Jim Check 11/19/20091979stmt 76,800Dannen, Jim Check 11130/20091981stml 333,567Donnen, Jim Check 12104/2009 1990stml 40,000Donnan, Jim Check 12/15/2009 2091 stmt 475,650Donnan, Jim Check 12124/2009 2092stml 260,000Donnan, Jim Check 01/08/2010 2099 211,417Donnan, Jim Deposll 01/08/2010 1,376,000Donnan, Jim Check 01/19/20102107 261,300Donnan, Jim Check 01129/2010 2108 159,375Donnan, Jim Check 02/03/20102118 251,192Donnan, Jim Check 02/05/2010 2101 6,000Donnan, Jim Deposit 02/12/2010 352,500Donnan, Jim Deposit 02/17/2010 225,000Donnan, Jim Check 02/18/2010 2125 296,475Donnan, Jim Check 02/26/2010 2126 180,150Donnan, Jim Check 03/04/20102133 113,438Donnan, Jim Check 03/15/20102339 83,150Donnan, Jim Check 04/07120102350 550,000Donnan, Jim Check 04/12120102414 400,000Donnan, Jim Check 04120/20102419 143,950 'Donnan, Jim Cheek 04126/2010 wr 217,000Dannen, Jim Check 05/11/2010 2433 260,000Donnan, Jim Check 06/09/2010 2357 337,000Donnan, Jim Check 06/10/2010 wr 217,000Donnan, Jim Check 06122/2010 wr 7,500Donnan, Jim Check 06/22/2010 wr 15,000Donnan, Jim Check 06/22/2010 wr 32,500Donnan, Jim Check 07/20/2010 2370 ,150,000Donnan, Jim Check 07/26/2010 2373 125,000Donnan, Jim Check 08/03/2010 2375 153,000Donnan, Jim Total 5,823,870 13,176,708Donnan, Tammy Deposit 01/30/2009 6 16,000Donnan, Tammy Check 05115/20091510slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 11/02/20091965stml 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 08119/2008 1194stmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 09/16/2008 1282stmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 10/14/2008 1297slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 11/1412008 1397slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 12/15/2008 1335slml 2,000Donnan, Temmy Check 01/1312009 1356 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 02/01/2009 1389 6,000Donnan; Tammy Check 02/08/2009 1465stml 2,000

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    CONTRIBUTIONS REPAYMENTSInvestor Type Date NUll) Credit DebitDonnan, Tammy Check 03/02/2009 1483 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 03/16/2009 1494slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 04/02/2009 1499slmt 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 04/15/2009 1500slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 05/12/2009 1728slmt 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 06/02/2009 1667stmt 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 06/15/2009 1744slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 07106/2009 1674slmt 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 07115/2009 1689slml 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 08/04/2009 1846slml 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 08/14/2009 1858stml 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 09/04/2009 1859slml 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 09/15/2009 1879stmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 10/02/2009 1889slmt 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 10/15/2009 1898slmt 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 12/15/200920B1stmt 10,000Donnan, Tammy Check 01/22/2010 2105 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 02123/2010 2122 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 03/19/2010 2134 8,000Donnan, Tammy Check 04/20/2010 2415 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 05111/20102424 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 05121/2010 2434 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 06/2812010 2369 8,000Donnan, Tammy Check 07/15/2010 1012 2,000Donnan, Tammy Check 08/02/2010 122 6,000Donnan, Tammy Check 08/17/2010 1016 2,000Donnan, TammyTotal 16,000 140,000Donnan, Todd Check 08/19/2008 1193stml 6,000Donnan, Todd Check 09/16/2008 1281stmt 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 10/14/2008 1296stmt 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 11/1412008 1396slml 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 12/1512008 1334slmt 8,000Donnan, Todd Daposlt 12/3112008 Dapstml 50,000Donnan, Todd Check 01/1212009 1355 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 02/0812009 1464slmt 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 02/1612009 1543 3,333 .Donnan, Todd Check 03/16/2009 1497slmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 04/12/2009 1538 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 04/1512009 1501stmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 05/01/2009 1721stmt ' 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 05/1512009 1508slmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 06/01/2009 1737slml 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 0611512009 1743stml 11,333Donnan, Todd Chaok 0710612009 1675stmt ,12,000Donnan, Todd Check 07/1512009 1686slml .~ .. . ' '11,333Donnan, Todd Chaok 0810412009 1847stmt 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 08/1412009 1855stmt 11,333Donnen, Todd Chaok 09/01/2009 1865slmt 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 09/15/2009 1876slmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 10/0212009 1886s1mt 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 10/1512009 1895stmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 11/0212009 1964slmt 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 11/1612009 1974stmt 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 12/0112009 1983stml 165,000Donnan, Todd Check 12115/2009 2083slml 23,333Donnan, Todd Check 01/1912010 2102 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 02/03/2010 2114 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 02117/2010 2123 11,333

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    CONTRIBUTIONS REPAYMENTSInvestor Type Date Num Credit DebitDonn&;, Todd Check 03/15/2010 2135 23,333Donnan, Todd Check 04/22/2010 2418 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 05/04/2010 2423 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 05/1712010 2435 3,333Donnan, Todd Check 05/17/2010 2436 8,000Donnan, Todd Check 06/16/2010 2359 23,333Donnan, Todd Check 07/1512010 1011 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 08/04/2010 2376 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 08/17/2010 1015 11,333Donnan, Todd Check 09/15/2010 1152 12,000Donnan, Todd Check 10/14/2010 1160 12,000Donnan,Todd Total 50,000 620,333Johnson, Gina Check 07130/2008 1217slml 15,000Johnson, Gina Check 10/15/2009 1899slmt 9,000Johnson, Gina Total 24,000Johnson, Greg Deposit 09/25/2009 13 100,000Johnson, Greg Deposit 04/22/2008 43 15,000Johnson, Greg Check 06/05/2008 1087 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 07/01/2008 1149 15,000Johnson, Greg Check 09/01/2008 1239stml 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 09/16/2008 1278slmt 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 10/01/2008 1269slmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 11/03/2008 1312stmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 11/14/2008 1393slmt 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 12/02/2008 1416stmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 12/12/2008 1431stmt 77,000Johnson, Greg Check 01/05/2009 1446slmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 01/18/2009 1357 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 01/20/2009 1373 30,000Johnson, Greg Check 02/04/2009 1454stmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 02/16/2009 1547 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 03/02/2009 1467 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 03/23/2009 1516 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 04/01/2009 1564 18,500Johnson, Greg Check 04/15/2009 1694stmt 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 04/30/2009 1705 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 05/14/2009 1615 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 06/02/2009 1666stmt 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 06/16/2009 1643 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 07/06/2009 1779 18,500Johnson, Greg Check 07/14/2009 1791 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 08/04/2009 1820 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 08/15/2009 1628 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 08/31/2009 1875 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 09/14/2009 1933 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 10/01/2009 1960 18,500Johnson, Greg Check 11/02120092014 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 11/16/2009 89stml 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 12/15/2009 97 15,000Johnson, Greg Check 12/31/2009 91 12,500Johnson, Greg Check 01/13/2010 2210 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 02/01/2010 2303 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 02/15/2010 2327 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 03/03/2010 2266 3,625Johnson, Greg Check 03/15/2010 2283 15,000Johnson, Greg Deposit 03/19/2010 16,000Johnson, Greg Check 04/01/2010 2465 12,500Johnson, Greg Check 04/15/2010 2395 9,000

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    CONTRIBUTIONS REPAYMENTSInvestor Type Date Num Credit DebitJohnson, Greg Check 04126/2010 2399 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 05105/2010 2695 66,000Johnson, Greg Check 05120/2010 2709 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 06103/2010 96 3,625Johnson, Greg Check 0610912010 107 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 0611512010 110 15,000Johnson, Greg Check 0710112010 2630 12,500Johnson, Greg Check 0711512010 1052 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 0810212010 2780 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 0811012010 1054 6,000Johnson, Greg Check 0811712010 1057 9,000Johnson, Greg Check 0910112010 Counl Check 3,625Johnson, Greg Check 1011412010 1207 8,000Johnson, Greg Total 131,000 617,875

    Grand Total $ 6,020,870 $ 14,578,916 $ 8,558,046

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    EXHIBIT 32

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    ------ --Case 1:11-ap-01 030 Doc 17 Filed 03/30/11 Entered 03/30/11 14:46:56 Desc MainDocument Page 1 o f 3

    This document has been elecfronically entered in the records of the UnitedStates Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio.IT IS SO ORDERED.

    Dated: March 30,2011






    GREGORY L. CRABTREE, et aI.Defendants.


    '.' .'

    This cause came to be heard upon Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction andlor.Order of Prejudgment Attachment ("Motion") (Doc. No.8). Upon consideration thereof, as wellas Plaintiffs Complaint, the Memorandum in Support filed with the Motion, the Affidavit of

    ---- ------- --_ .. . -------- --.- ---- ---_.--------_.. -._. -..

    EXHIBIT 33

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    Case 1:11-ap-01030 Doc 17 Filed 03/30/11 Entered 03/30/11 14:46:56Document Page 2 of 3 Desc Main

    James Burritt, the testimony of James Burritt, and the exhibits entered into evidence, the Courtfmds the Motion is well taken and the same is hereby GRANTED.

    WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBYORDERED that:(a) Defendants Greg Crabtree, Linda Crabtree and GLC Enterprises are prohibited

    fro:\ll selling, disposing of, or otherwise transferring any assets, including without limitation anyand all property or assets owned by each of the Defendants or in which one or more of the .Defendants has or may claim to have an interest of any nature, kind, or description, including butnot limited to, any and all real property, personal property, cash or cash equivalents, accounts;general intangibles, or contract rights;

    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Defendants may spend up to Five Thousand and00/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) towards the retention oflegal counsel.

    (c) On or before April 6, 2011, Defendants may provide to Plaintiff a budget ofexpenses which Defendants wish to exclude from the foregoing injunction. I f the parties reachan agreement on the expenses to be excluded from the injunction, the parties will tender to thisCourt an Agreed Order continuing the injunction and reflecting the excluded expenses. If noagreement is reached, Defendants may request an expedited hearing atwhich time this Courtwillconsider those expenses which theDefendants wish to exclude.from the injunction.

    (e) This injunction shall effect until further order of the Court.(d) Defendants are ordered to preserve all documents and information, electronic and

    ~ " . ' .in paper form, that are relative to any ofthe claims asserted herein.No bond shall be required to be posted byPlaintiff.SO ORDERED.

    Copies to:


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    Case 1:11-ap-01030 Doc 17 Filed 03/30/11 Entered 03/30/11 14:46:56 Desc MainDocument Page 3 of 3

    Mr. Greg Crabtree151 Township Road 1365Proctorville, Ohio 45669.Mrs. Linda Crabtree151 Township Road 1365Proctorville, Ohio 45669GLC Enterprisesc/o Gregory or Linda Crabtree151 Township Road 1365Proctorville, Ohio 45669L. DavidDuffield, Esq.Duffield, Lovejoy& Stemple, PLLC522 9th StreetHuntington, WV 25710James C. Frooman (0046553)Matthew J. Horwitz (0082381)FROSTBROWN TODDLLC2200 PNC Center201 East Fifth StreetCincinnati, Ohio 4 5 2 0 2 ~ 4 1 8 2

