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Inspiring Statements of Saints in the Lineage of Sri Kaleshwar Doorways to Pure Conscisn s - Msion of Saints

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Inspiring Statements of Saints in the Lineage of Sri Kaleshwar

Doorwaysto Pure Consciousness

- Mission of the Saints

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“All the masters, the consciousnesses around in the planet, even though you believe Jesus, you believe Shirdi Baba, you believe Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, you believe any person,

consciousness is same. Everywhere is the Brahma consciousness, creativity nature. Yes, you can create.

Yes, you can create it. Yes, you can create it. Whole universe energy is within you.

Everything is within you.“

Sri Kaleshwar

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© 2014 Sri Sai Kaleshwar e.V., all rights reserved.

Copyright Notice: World rights reserved by Sri Sai Kaleshwar e.V.. No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or reproduced in any

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Sri Sai Kaleshwar e.V.,

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ForewordSri Kaleshwar always inspired his students to study the lives of the enlightened masters and saints, to go deeper into their life stories. Understanding their knowledge and wisdom can better our own experiences on our way to awakening. Sri Kaleshwar gave powerful tools for clearing consciousness and reaching higher insights, knowledge and experiences - achieving clarity, love, and wisdom.

His simple message to the globe: “Heartfully it’s my huge mission, ambition and aim to create huge success in each soul. That’s it. I’m happy to work day and night, night and day whatever the energy will access to make it done. I’m happy to do it. When I will feel really so happy is when you reach your position, if I’m here or I’m not here.“

Every serious practitioner and spiritual seeker will come to the same essence as that of the big masters and saints before us - to the unity of all things.

The biggest wish of Sri Kaleshwar was that everybody on their own can awaken to this state of being and the realization of who they really, really, really are. He dedicated his life to teaching and bringing the ancient knowledge from the palm leaf books to today. On the level of pure consciousness, he is there for everybody who turns to him with an open heart and he can work now in a more powerful way, accompanying processes and lifting the souls.

This publication of his words and statements of other masters and saints such as Shirdi Sai Baba, Ramana Maharshi, Jesus Christ and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, is dedicated to Sri Kaleshwar - in deep gratitude for his life’s work.

The words of an enlightened master carry clarity and energy, which can work in us on different levels, if we take them deeper into our hearts. They speak directly to the soul and enliven the memories of the highest reality within ourselves. The reader is invited to feel the energy and truth in these words, to contemplate them, move them in their hearts and be one with the world in a new way, with a new consciousness.


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“The most top supernatural subject is spirituality. Certain things, we can proof to the science. But spirituality is beyond the science. To know your capacity, to know your inner reality, to recognize the abilities what is in you, to bring those abilities out to demonstrate those abilities… The scientists, they really can explain your heart feelings? The scientists can really talk about your true love, what is in you? The scientists can explain how much faith you have on the God? There is no answer to the scientists. This is completely the feelings. Once you fall in love, really deep fall in love with spirituality, every minute, every day is the bliss, the nectar keeps flowing in you. You have to do the duty, the process, whatever the meditation, with an open heart.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“There is a space within the heart in which all space is contained within it. Fire, air, sun, moon, lightning and stars - everything exists within. When we pass beyond the mind with its measuring faculties, with its categories of time and space, we find the very ground of the universe. There all things are not dead matter as Western science has told us for so long. They are life and intelligence. Western man has been turning outwards to the world of senses for centuries and losing himself in outer space. The time has now come to turn inwards, to learn to explore the inner space within the heart, and to make that long and exciting journey to the Centre. Compared with this, the exploration of the moon and planets is the play of children.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“Over the thousands of years, many saints were born on this planet. They were the top spiritual successes. It doesn’t matter which part of the world they were born in, it doesn’t matter what type of energy they were carrying. For every person, the way has two angles: one is love and one is power. It is through those two angles that they created amazing success... Just talking under a tree, giving spiritual messages is bhakti, love. They’ll listen for an hour, then leave. But if you give an experience of shakti, power, they’ll remember it until their last breath. Shakti is required. Through miracles you can change the world. Jesus used both, his great love and the miracle powers in combination.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Brahman* and Shakti* are identical. If you accept the one, you must accept the other. It is like fire and its power to burn. If you see the fire, you must recognize its power to burn also. You cannot think of fire without its power to burn, nor can you think of the power to burn without fire. You cannot conceive of the sun's rays without the sun, nor can you conceive of the sun without its rays. You cannot think of the milk without the whiteness, and again, you cannot think of the whiteness without the milk. Thus one cannot think of Brahman without Shakti, or of Shakti without Brahman. One cannot think of the Absolute without the Relative, or of the Relative without the Absolute.“ - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

*Brahman means the transcendent, inherent unlimited reality of the Supreme Cosmic Spirit. It stands for the Absolute, that which remains and is unchangeable - the divine ground of being.

*Shakti is the creative dynamic power, the creative aspect of God. She is the feminine primal force of the universe and represents the active aspect of God.


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“It doesn’t matter if it’s Shirdi Baba – whatever the name – it’s God’s name. Jesus is working even though Shirdi Baba is working. In the future, people will worship whoever they want. It doesn’t matter. But they must meditate on God, the name doesn’t matter.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Therefore the name signified something and it is not a mere fiction. Similarly, God’s name is effective. Repetition of the name is remembrance of what it signifies. Hence its merit.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Glossary*Shaktas (Sāktas) worship Shakti, the feminine primal force of creation, the dynamic feminine energy as the Supreme Divine.

*Vaishnavas worship Vishnu as highest God in all his different incarnations e.g. as Krishna and Rama.

*Vedanta is a philosophy based on the Vedas and affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of all religions.

“In the garden there are many plants, each tree gives a different fruit. There are different masters giving different fragrances, but each tree drinks the same water from the ground. We love it. Each fruit has a different taste, but finally it will fulfill your hunger. Of course they created some divine channels and philosophies. There are divine channels. Humanity needs to understand this philosophy. Once we understand this concept, we really can do wonders on the planet. We are in the garden, we can choose whatever we want. I‘m not recommending choosing only one tree here. I‘m recommending choosing whatever you want. Try to understand my dear divine souls. I love everybody forever and ever.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“I had to practice each religion for a time — Hinduism, Islām, Christianity. Furthermore, I followed the paths of the Sāktas*, Vaishnavas*, and Vedāntists*. I realized that there is only one God toward whom all are travelling; but the paths are different.“ - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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“All humans are one. One, one, one, one, one, One! That‘s your Swamis comment.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“I look on all with an equal eye.“ - Shirdi Sai Baba

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“Aham Brahmasmi, everywhere is Brahma Consciousness. We're all one - it's a unity. We are one. It doesn't matter if you're born in a different country, different city, different village - whatever your religion, whatever your belief system - we're all one. But where are you in one? Where are you in one? That you need to identify. Which place you are, in that one? You understand? That oneness… that is the most greatness. From that oneness you need to establish the great integrity, the fragrance, to connect to any soul whenever you want, wherever you want. Jesus Christ did it.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“All human beings are one. Only the names are different.“ - Buddha

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“Like Ramana Maharshi always saying, ,Where are you coming from? Where are you going? What is the meaning of death? Who are you? Where are you coming from?‘

It’s a miracle. Where you’re coming form is a miracle. Where you’re going out, that’s a miracle. What’s happening at the moment in your life, the miracle that’s happening, in the moment you don’t know. But you have to know. You should know what’s happening. To understand the great philosophers, great spiritual characters, not only Ramana Maharshi, not only Paramahamsa Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, not only Shirdi Sai Baba, not only Jesus Christ, not only Buddha, not only Swami Kaleshwar… any character you have to know the mechanism of the miracles happening in our life… Then you get the bliss.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

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*Jnanis meditate on the Self - the formless.

*Bhaktas meditate on God and worship Him in a certain form.


”Today scientists have discovered a lot of things in the galaxies, but so far what they have discovered is a drop of water in a big ocean. But the spirituality that the saints discovered is a big Pacific Ocean. Science is a drop. Spiritiuality is an ocean… There is a mystery they need to research, Science has to combine with supernatural spiritiuality... Once they come together they can create the wisdom on the planet... One day my students, their students, they will combine science and spirituality. It will give the new big revolution of true love concept.“- Sri Kaleshwar

“In the scriptures you will find the way to realize God. But after getting all the information about the path, you must begin to work. Only then can you attain your goal.” - Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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“The whole system in Creation is always in you, but you don’t know it. You can do wonders, but you don’t know that. You are a part of God, but you don’t know that. Even if somebody says it and you know it, you have to experience it too.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

"The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed. Neither will they say, 'Look, here!' or, 'Look, there!' for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you."- Jesus Christus

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“Everything is in you, guys! Whole universe energy is in you. There is no difference between you and god. But how to remove the illusion? That is the concept!“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“The Guru is both ‘external’ and ‘internal’. From the ‘exterior’ he gives a push to the mind to turn inward; from the ‘interior’ He pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in the quieting of the mind. That is guru’s grace. There is no difference between God, Guru and the Self.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“Spirituality is something your mind cannot

understand. Your soul needs to understand.

Whoever wants to learn real spirituality, its

mechanisms has to stop your mind. Work with your soul. Deal with your heart

and your soul then the success is there.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Does not one find some kind of peace while in meditation? That is the sign of progress. That

peace will be deeper and more prolonged with continued practice.

It will also lead to the goal.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“Try to give every hour, every day, as much as you can. I’m talking pure spirituality. Compared with the millions and millions of souls in God’s creation—the birds, animals, whatever it is—all the souls that have a human body on this planet are really so lucky. Try to make use of it as much as you can. Your life is a big book, a Bible. Your life is a Bible. It’s your soul Bible saying how you really enjoyed the God energy.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realise the Self. There is nothing else to do.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“Jesus is a master of healing and can give healing immediately. That is his greatness. Jesus has a direct channel to connect to every soul, anywhere. He can give answers from the cosmic and protect his students very easily. He learned this in India through his great hardwork and the help of many saints...You must also turn your life, your body, to be a holy person – a holy healer, a soul healer. When you are in the body try to do that practice. Then when you leave your body, whoever thinks on you, completely your soul energy will come to help them.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully. So is the light Divine. It falls equally and impartially on all hearts, but the pure and pious hearts of holy men receive and reflect that light well.“ - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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“Look, once if you open your heart for the truth – satya, dharma, shanthi, prema – it will be with you, it will support you. It brings you to the Almighty. First catch either one – be truthful, satya. Or be a fair judge, dharma. Or be shanthi, whatever the anger, whatever the blocks, be quiet and calm. Or be accepting, whatever it is be a loving person, prema. First take one in your hand, practice that. The remaining things automatically will come to you. Automatically it will come to you. But any one of these great qualities you have to develop it. After you develop a great quality in you, no matter, whatever the circumstances giving you trouble, it will protect and help you...

If you take any great saints’ life, out of the four, they chose one. Jesus took the prema; Baba took the satya; Paramahamsa took the shanti, Kabir Das took the dharma; Tulasi Das took the shanti. Any character if you take it, they took one great quality and they developed it. Their life turned completely as a nectar. They lived in the nectar. They enjoyed such a great bliss.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

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“What molecule you are? That small molecule is enough to command the galaxies. You have to recognize that molecule, your own inner fragrance, to link it with the creation, with all type of galaxies. It’s not only about this prakruti, this nature. The ultimate final destiny is, if you sit and if you open it, whole galaxies are around you. That stage to reach, it’s a challenge and it’s easy too. It’s a challenge and it’s easy too.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.“ - Buddha

“No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“In front of the God, once if you know the perfect formula, once if you know the right channel, right energy, everything is possible. That information is lost since thousands of years. It went to the wrong hands. It’s lost. Again it’s coming back. Now the people are implementing it again... Jesus made some miracles, I am sure he explained his students, but it’s not today available on the globe. Buddha, I’m sure he explained, some super natural formulas, it’s not available. Some Maharshis, they wrote some formula books in India. If you follow that, you get the results....They tested it, they proved it...Jesus learned through the palm leaf manuscripts. Over thousands of years, any saint who received the power learned the techniques through the palm leaf manuscripts. Period. The manuscripts have that ability. The ancient spiritual formulas are true knowledge...Like what I’m giving the information is exactly what I’ve seen it, tested, tested, tested.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Believe nothing, O monks, merely because you have been told it or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.“ - Buddha

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„Every soul deserves it and has to know the laws of nature. Once you know the laws of nature, then you’re completely a free bird.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“First a person thinks that he is inferior and that there is a superior, all-knowing, all powerful God who controls his own and the world's destiny and worships him or does bhakti. When he reaches a certain stage and becomes fit for enlightenment, the same God whom he was worshipping comes as Guru and leads him onward. That Guru comes only to tell him, ,That God is within yourself. Dive within and realize'. God, Guru and the Self are the same.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“Nature is the Mother. God is the Father. God never teaches anything to any person. The Nature, She teaches everything totally clearly A-Z. God is the protector. Mother is the teacher.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“As long as I live, so long do I learn.“- Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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”Where is the in-depth spark in you? Your soul spark needs to come out and keep flow and you can experience it all the time. Experience it? All the time. Until your last breath, you keep experiencing that spark in you, that’s the point. That’s important. That’s the key. Then you can connect Jesus Christ, or Baba, or Buddha, or Mother Mary, or Shiva, Shakti - that’s next. That’s what opens it.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.“ - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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“The supernatural energy has no religion. Religion is only this - one humanity. We’re all one, but we’re not recognizing each other. That’s the problem. To recognize each other, the most powerful being is the boss, Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter, wherever you are, he’ll recognize you very easily. That is the greatness of the avataras. That is the greatness of the spiritual saints, to know the Oneness, and to recognize where you are, what you are, what you're doing, what is your problem, what you require, and when is the right time to give to you.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“See the divine in the human being.“ - Shirdi Sai Baba

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“Meditate in the light. Then the light will come in you. And you will become the light.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.“ - Buddha

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“Jesus is love. You have to know how to receive love and how to give the love. Once you learn that, there are no blocks. Try to be loyal to your work, try to receive love, and try to give love to each other. Dharma is growing when we have a forgiving nature, showing mercy and kindness. You have no idea how much is hidden in the kindness. Forgiving kindness, forgiveness is the final weapon to win your victory. Once you know that, you’re done, you really can create a beautiful heaven around you and on the globe.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Love each other as I have loved you.“ - Jesus Christus

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“To win the true love, once how much you love yourself, if you are loving somebody around you the same equal amount, the sharing of that love, that is the pure sathya. That is your dharma. Then automatically your inner peace will develop. Once your inner peace will develop, automatically you will start a peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of soul. Peace. Completely peace.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.“ - Buddha

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“Enlightenment means when you recognize yourself, the truth of your soul. There is no difference between you and the God. It’s the same. That’s called enlightenment. He’s not great, you’re not so less. Just you and Him equal. That’s called enlightenment. You’re in God’s heart; God is in your heart. You are with Him; He is with you.“ - Sri Kaleshwar

“When you see with your inner eye, then you realize that you are God and not different from Him.“ - Shirdi Sai Baba

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this PathSri Kaleshwar considered it his duty to introduce a new level of spirituality to humanity - a spirituality that will create happiness in every person’s heart and will bring each person into their individual power and beauty, breaking limiting beliefs. This was Sri Kaleshwar’s Dharma, his duty and life mission. All he did served to fulfill this promise. By taking Mahasamadhi on March 15th, 2012 he laid this Dharma in the hands of his students.

Sri Kaleshwar left an abundance of knowledge which should become accessible to anyone who wants to dive into the amazing spectrum of consciousness, which can be experienced by any human being. Throughout his life, he emphazised that every person should get access to this knowledge and that it was his Dharma to bring the ancient knowledge of the Maha Rishis into the modern world. These meditation practices have been guarded strongly for thousands of years. They are pure knowledge of experience, now put in humanity’s hands so the “new spirituality” which Sri Kaleshwar was talking about could evolve on earth.

These practices stimulate profound transformation and healing processes and charge the soul with high positive energy. The connectedness with nature grows and She herself becomes mirror and master. The knowledge Sri Kaleshwar taught enables you to recognize yourself and God. It’s the experience of a journey through our inner blocks and illusions, towards pure consciousness and pure creation power, of which we are a part. It is the experience of joy over the expression of our own soul which makes ourselves and the people around us happy.

It was not Sri Kaleshwar's desire to found a new religion. Like his master Shirdi Sai Baba, he stood for respecting the spiritual essence of all religions and going beyond limiting belief systems. He often called the examination of this essence the “Science of the soul”. Among the students and practitioners of this knowledge, people with all different kinds of cultural and religious background can be found. Practicing the knowledge is an active path, a process of awakening and becoming conscious of living true humanitarian values again. It’s the path of Satya (truth), Dharma (right action), Shanti (peace) and Prema (love). Sri Kaleshwar taught us to take full responsibility for our own happiness, and beyond that to make others happy and contribute to the society we live in.

About this Path

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I want to pay this money: __ monthly __ quarterly __ half-yearly __ yearly

__ I transfer the money via standing order to the following account: Sri Sai Kaleshwar e.V., GLS Bank, Kto-Nr.: 6034617711 (Bank Code 43060967), BIC/SWIFT: GENODEM1GLS, IBAN: DE20 4306 0967 6034 6177 11, Purpose: “Donation”

__ Direct Debit MandateBy signing this mandate form, I authorize Kaleshwar e.V. to send instructions to my bank to debit my account and for my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from Kaleshwar e.V. Note: As part of my rights, I am entitled to a refund from my bank under the terms and conditions of my agreement with my bank. A refund must be claimend within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Kaleshwar e.V. will inform me before sending instructions for the first time.

Name of debitor: _________________________________________________________________IBAN: _________________________________________________________________(if outside Germany): BIC: _________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________City, Date Signature

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