dorm room programmer discovers girls like rats

Dorm Room Programmer Discovers Girls Like Rats - Thank You, Tiny Tap Rat Summary: Daniel Massicotte announces after programming and launching the popular iOS iPhone game Tiny Tap Rat, business owner discovers 68% of users downloading the app are women. Could women be attracted to the word "rat" in the title? Or could they be search the words "Tiny" and "Tap" more frequently than men? Body: Coldbrook, Canada - Daniel's Tiny Tap Rat was launched to the iPhone world barely a week ago, and the statistics are available thanks to Flurry's iPhone gender tracking estimates. Unlike the Mine Sweeper apps Dan usually publishes, the spread between men and women using the app is skewed towards women. Flurry Analytic Reporting indicates that an astounding 62.12% of the users playing Tiny Tap Rat are female, whereas only 37.88% are male. Furthermore, the age reporting system Flurry provides developers is indicating that 46.2% of the total users who play Tiny Tap Rat are between the ages of 13 and 17. "Since the app has barely been featured as yet, the only way to find it in the app store is by conducting a search" says Daniel, the developer and designer of the app. He's a little concerned however since to find the game, one must type one of three keywords: tiny, tap, or rat. The real question is, why would a girl search for the words, more often than a man? Particularly, why would a teenage girl search for these words in a search engine either on Google or in the app store. For now, we can only draw the conclusion that the game Tiny Tap Rat has mass appeal to women. Women are twice as likely to download the game than men are, and the audience that enjoys this game is mostly in its teens.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Dorm room programmer discovers girls like rats

Dorm Room Programmer Discovers Girls Like Rats - Thank You, Tiny Tap Rat

Summary: Daniel Massicotte announces after programming and launching the popular iOS iPhone game Tiny Tap Rat, business owner discovers 68% of users downloading the app are women. Could women be attracted to the word "rat" in the title? Or could they be search the words "Tiny" and "Tap" more frequently than men? Body: Coldbrook, Canada - Daniel's Tiny Tap Rat was launched to the iPhone world barely a week ago, and the statistics are available thanks to Flurry's iPhone gender tracking estimates. Unlike the Mine Sweeper apps Dan usually publishes, the spread between men and women using the app is skewed towards women. Flurry Analytic Reporting indicates that an astounding 62.12% of the users playing Tiny Tap Rat are female, whereas only 37.88% are male. Furthermore, the age reporting system Flurry provides developers is indicating that 46.2% of the total users who play Tiny Tap Rat are between the ages of 13 and 17. "Since the app has barely been featured as yet, the only way to find it in the app store is by conducting a search" says Daniel, the developer and designer of the app. He's a little concerned however since to find the game, one must type one of three keywords: tiny, tap, or rat. The real question is, why would a girl search for the words, more often than a man? Particularly, why would a teenage girl search for these words in a search engine either on Google or in the app store. For now, we can only draw the conclusion that the game Tiny Tap Rat has mass appeal to women. Women are twice as likely to download the game than men are, and the audience that enjoys this game is mostly in its teens.