double page spread

I began with taking pictures of my classmate Michael for my double page spread as he is the person on my front cover so I tried to keep it relevant. I took these pictures against a white wall and got my model to wear a hat and to take on various poses e.g. looking down.

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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I began with taking pictures of my classmate Michael for my double page spread as he is the

person on my front cover so I tried to keep it relevant.

I took these pictures against a white wall and got my model to wear a hat and to take on various

poses e.g. looking down.

• I picked this picture because I had an idea of how I wanted to double page spread to look. I noticed it was a convention in magazines to include a big picture of the artist that is being written about.

• I started by putting the whole picture as my background covering both pages, so that the picture of Michael would slightly cross over to the second page. After this I added the title in big and bold so people know who it is about (Silom 150 and bold) then I placed a heading after in smaller writing (Helvetica 24 and bold) and this is for the reader to get a quick idea of what the double page spread is going to be about. I placed both bits of writing on the right as the picture is leaning to the right and I thought it looked good and worked well.

Using Quark

• After this I added the interview that I had written and placed it under the rest of the writing so it looked clean and neat(Helvetica, size 12) as its a lot of writing I decided to put the questions in bold to make an obvious division of the questions and answers.

Originally I had black text but decided this was boring and due to the black jacket in the picture, parts of the writing were not as obvious as I wanted, therefore I decided to add colour by making the colour of the answers the colour of the interview answers the same colour as the title so it all ties together nicely and the questions to match with the mans jumper in the picture so there was not to many colours all over the place

• After this I wanted to finish off by putting some elements to make it more professional and realistic so I put the page numbers in both of the bottom corners an also in the top left I put a design element of the ‘ETV explicit’ icon to keep it consistent throughout the magazine

• To finish it off I decided to edit the title as I thought it was missing something, I changed the colour of the ‘M’ just as a design element as I thought it would look more modern and professional

Mode of address

• The mode of address is indirect as he is not looking directly at the camera, his clothes are casual and his expression is thoughtful. This links to the front cover where the mode of address is also indirect. I’ve included elements of red in my double page article because it features on the front cover. My contents page uses direct mode of address as she is looking directly at the camera.

Consistency There are elements on all 3 of my pages that show that they all come from the same magazine for example the ‘ETVexplicit’ logo, its in both of the left hand corners for the pages expect in my contents page where it is the background. Also my colours are consistent which are red and black, on my front cover I also added yellow but that was to make it visually more vibrant


• On my double page spread, I kept consistent with the colour red, however I changed the shade from a dull red to a more bright and eye-catching colour, that I have used on my other pages. I did this with the writing and the title. To the writing I also added drop shadows for more of a blend with the background and writing and for an overall more professional finish. I changed the picture in the bottom left corner because it seemed appropriate to have the artist recording.