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AURA Software Development Kit Developers Guide Version 2.0.0 October 6, 2017

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AURA Software Development Kit

Developer’s Guide

Version 2.0.0

October 6, 2017


Table of Contents

Version History .............................................................................................................. 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 5

Supported operating systems ..................................................................... 5

Development tools and programming languages ....................................... 5

Terminology ................................................................................................................... 6

The LED lights ........................................................................................... 6

The lighting effects .................................................................................... 6

The fundamental capability........................................................................ 6

The application programming interface (API) for AURA ......................... 6

The Reference Flow ....................................................................................................... 7

The AURA API Reference ............................................................................................ 9

The API for motherboards ......................................................................... 9

EnumerateMbController() ................................................................. 9

SetMbMode().................................................................................... 10

GetMbLedCount() ............................................................................ 11

GetMbColor() .................................................................................. 12

SetMbColor() ................................................................................... 13

The API for VGA cards ........................................................................... 14

EnumerateGPU() ............................................................................. 14

SetGPUMode() ................................................................................. 15

GetGPULedCount() ......................................................................... 16

SetGPUColor() ................................................................................ 17

The API for keyboards ............................................................................. 18

CreateClaymoreKeyboard() ............................................................ 18

SetClaymoreKeyboardMode() ......................................................... 18

GetClaymoreKeyboardLedCount() .................................................. 19

SetClaymoreKeyboardColor() ......................................................... 20

The API for mice ..................................................................................... 21

CreateRogMouse() ........................................................................... 21

SetRogMouseMode() ........................................................................ 22

RogMouseLedCount() ...................................................................... 22

SetRogMouseColor()........................................................................ 23

The API for DRAM modules ................................................................... 24

EnumerateDram() ............................................................................ 24


SetDramMode()................................................................................ 25

GetDramLedCount() ........................................................................ 26

GetDramColor() .............................................................................. 27

SetDramColor() ............................................................................... 28


Version History

Version Date Maintained by Comments

1.0.0 2017/4/20 Po-Ling Chang Initial release.

2.0.0 2017/10/6 Po-Ling Chang Revised for the major revision of the SDK.



This guide describes how to use the AURA Software Development Kit (SDK).

The purpose of this guide is to provide the information to third parties for controlling

the LED lights embedded on the AURA-enabled motherboards and the peripherals

such as VGA cards, keyboards, mice, and so on. This SDK is provided as a set of

APIs in the form of the dynamic linking library (DLL) to conform to the Win32

platforms. Besides the SDK DLL file, several additional DLL files for the

AURA-enabled devices, which are actually perform the underlying control procedures

to the devices, are also attached in the package. The need to load exact DLL files for a

specific device is vital as the developer is controlling the device through the SDK

APIs. The underlying DLL file(s) for a specific device would be loaded automatically

in the SDK as the developer is taking advantage of the APIs for the device. While the

other device-dependent DLL files, which are not required for the target device(s) to an

application, can be ignore from the release package of the application.



Supported operating systems

Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit

Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit

Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit

Development tools and programming languages

Support to load and leverage Win32 DLL files, such as Microsoft Visual

Studio C++.



The LED lights

The LED lights (“light” hereafter) is the actual LEDs performing the lighting

effects. There are two kinds of lights mentioned here: one kind is welded directly

on the motherboard or on the peripherals, and the other (called the LED strip) is

connected and extended through the RGB Header(s) on the motherboard. Some

peripherals, such as a keyboard, require additional accompanying run-time DLL

file(s) to enable the actual control of the lights. These DLLs can be found with

the SDK and must be shipped with the applications.

The lighting effects

The lighting effects (“effect” hereafter) are the effects that can be performed

through the APIs issued from the application to the lights on different connecting

peripherals. The effect can be designated by the combination of algorithms and

time-variant-or-invariant input data prepared and/or fetched in the application.

The fundamental capability

The fundamental capability (“capability” hereafter) depicts the basic information,

which is vital in order to issue the correct control command to the correct control

unit(s) of a peripheral. The capability information, which the SDK currently

provides, mainly includes the number of the control units of a peripheral and the

number of the lights held by a control unit.

The application programming interface (API) for AURA

The communication between the application and the lights on a peripheral is

through a set of API, which is packaged in a Win32 dynamic linking library

(DLL) file. This API is built for the independent software vendors (ISVs), the

technology enthusiasts, and anyone who is fascinated by the colorful effects

performed by the AURA software and willing to demonstrate their innovation

through the RGB LED lights.


The Reference Flow


Load the main library file

AURA_SDK.dll with the

help of the Win32 API


Successfully loaded

the library?


Check the path to

LoadLibrary() and/or

Prompt an adequate



Get the entry point of

every API function

relating to the control to

the motherboard with the

help of the Win32 API


Get the number of

available controller(s) and

the pointer(s) to the

controller(s) by calling


Specify a controller to the

software mode by calling

SetMbMode() with


Specify a controller to

perform the default effect

by calling SetMbMode()

with mode=0 .

Get the number of lights

belonging to a controller

by calling


Get the size of the memory

space that required for

setting up the color

settings to the lights

belonging to a controller

by calling GetMbColor()

with color=NULL.

Allocate enough memory

space for the color settings

to the lights.

Calculate the current block

of color settings and set

the block to the lights by

calling SetMbColor().

Continue to calculate

the next turn of the

color settings?





This reference flow is to provide a demonstrative flow of control while developing the

application for the use of the LED lighting system. Since the control flow to a specific

device that the API currently supports is similar to the others, we use the flow to a

motherboard as a reference to demonstrate what functions can be done and which API

can be invoked to complete a specific purpose. The frame with solid lines depicts a

step that is necessary to provide the basic functionality to control the lighting system,

while the frame with dashed lines depicts the steps that can be

implementation-dependent to the developers’ functional requirements.


The AURA API Reference

The API, as described above in “The application programming interface (API) for

AURA” subsection, is packaged into a DLL file and ready to be loaded and used to

control the RGB LED lights embedded on a diversity of AURA-enabled devices. The

types of the AURA-enabled devices which this API currently supports are

motherboards, VGA cards, keyboards, mice, and DRAM modules. Each type of the

devices can be controlled with a subset of the API, which is designed to hold similar

function signatures with each other. We hope to provide the developers with a

simplified and consistent experience while using this API.

The API for each of the individual device types will now be listed in each of their

subsections as below.

The API for motherboards


This function can be used to obtain the LED controller(s) that is the interface to

access the controller’s underlying RGB LED lights.


DWORD WINAPI EnumerateMbController(

_In_opt_ void* handles[],

_In_out_ DWORD size



handles[] [in, optional]

A well-allocated array can be passed in, and this function would then fill in

the pointers to the LED controllers found on the motherboard, in turn they

can be used to access their respective underlying RGB LED lights.

This parameter can be NULL.

If this parameter is NULL, this function will return the number of the

controllers directly and no pointers would be passed out through this



size [in, out]

The actual length of the array passed in through the handles[] parameter. If

0 is passed in or no controller found on the motherboard, 0 would be

returned directly by this function.

The actual number of controllers found by this function would be passed out

through this parameter.

Return value

The return value is the number of the controllers found on the motherboard if

the function is executed normally with valid input parameters or the handles[]

parameter is NULL.

The return value is 0 if 0 is passed in through the size parameter or no controller

is found.


The allocated vacancies in order to store the pointers to controllers should be not

less than the actual number of the controllers on the motherboard or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of the controllers first by calling this function with passing in NULL through the

handles[] parameter, and then calling this function again with well-allocated

memory space for storing the obtained pointers.


This function is used to set a controller to the specified control mode.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_ DWORD mode



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller whose control mode is about to be changed.


mode [in]

The mode to be set to the controller specified by the handle parameter. It

can contain one of the following values.

Mode Meaning

0 Sets the controller to the EC mode and in turn to set the lights

to perform the default lighting effect. The default effect varies

from motherboard to motherboard.

1 Sets the controller to the software mode. The behavior of the

lights belonging to the controller can be totally determined by

the software itself.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, 0 if the handle parameter is NULL, or -1 if

the mode parameter is neither 1 nor 0.


This function is used to obtain the number of RGB LED lights hold by the

specified controller.



_In_ void* handle



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

Return value

The number of lights hold by the specified controller will be returned if succeeds,

0 otherwise.



This function is used to obtain the current color settings to all the lights hold by

the specified controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in

turn each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_opt_ BYTE* color,

_In_out_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in, optional]

A well-allocated memory space can be passed in, and then this function fills

in the color settings to the lights hold by the specified controller.

This parameter can be NULL.

If this parameter is NULL, this function will return the total number of

bytes required to store the color settings to the lights hold by the specified


size [in, out]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. The actual number of the color settings in byte

obtained by this function would be passed out through this parameter.

Return value

The size of the color settings in byte exactly required by the lights will be

returned if succeeds, or 0 will be returned if the handle parameter is NULL. -1




The allocated vacancies in order to store the color settings to the lights should be

not less than the actual number of bytes required to store the whole settings to all

of the lights or the consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to

query the number of bytes required to store the whole settings first by calling this

function with passing in NULL through the color parameter, and then calling

this function again with well-allocated memory space for storing the obtained



This function is used to set a block of color settings to all of the lights hold by

the specified controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in

turn each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_ BYTE* color,

_In_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in]

A well-allocated memory space that is prepared with determined color

settings for all of the lights hold by the specified controller. The allocated

memory space must be prepared exactly to the same size in byte required by

all of the lights of the controller, and the size parameter must be given the

value as the exact size of this prepared memory space.

size [in]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. This parameter must be given the value as the

exact size of the memory space for the color settings in byte required by all

of the lights of the controller. If this parameter contains a value that is not


equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the color

settings, -1 will be returned from this function.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, or -1 if the size parameter contains a value

that is not equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the

color settings.


The size of the allocated memory space, required for storing the prepared color

settings and passed in through the color parameter, must be the same as the

actual number of bytes required for the whole settings to all of the lights or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of bytes required to store the whole settings by calling GetMbColor() function

with passing in NULL through the color parameter, and then allocating the

required memory space exactly as the same size of the returned value of

GetMbColor() function for the further code flow.

The API for VGA cards


This function can be used to obtain an array of pointers to the LED controller(s)

on VGA card(s) that are the interfaces to access the controllers’ underlying RGB

LED lights.



_In_opt_ void* handles[],

_In_out_ DWORD size



handles[] [in, optional]

A well-allocated array can be passed in, and this function would then fill in

the pointers to the LED controllers found on VGA cards, in turn they can be

used to access their respective underlying RGB LED lights.


This parameter can be NULL.

If this parameter is NULL, this function will return the number of the

controllers directly and no pointers would be passed out through this


size [in, out]

The actual length of the array passed in through the handles[] parameter. If

0 is passed in or no controller found on any VGA card, 0 would be returned

directly by this function.

The actual number of controllers found by this function would be passed out

through this parameter.

Return value

The return value is the number of the controller(s) found on the VGA card(s) if

the function is executed normally with valid input parameters or the handles[]

parameter is NULL.

The return value is 0 if 0 is passed in through the size parameter or no controller

is found.


The allocated vacancies in order to store the pointers to controllers should be not

less than the actual number of the controller(s) on the VGA card(s) or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of the controllers first by calling this function with passing in NULL through the

handles[] parameter, and then calling this function again with well-allocated

memory space for storing the obtained pointers.


This function is used to set a controller to the specified control mode.



_In_ void* handle,


_In_ DWORD mode



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller whose control mode is about to be changed.

mode [in]

The mode to be set to the controller specified by the handle parameter. This

function only accepts 0 for setting the specified controller to perform the

default lighting effect. Passing in the other values won’t take effect to the

mode of the specified controller.

Return value

The function always returns 1.


This function is used to obtain the number of RGB LED lights hold by the

specified controller.



_In_ void* handle



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

Return value

The number of lights hold by the specified controller will be returned.



This function is used to set a block of color settings to all of the lights hold by

the specified controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in

turn each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_ BYTE* color,

_In_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in]

A well-allocated memory space that is prepared with determined color

settings for all of the lights hold by the specified controller. The allocated

memory space must be prepared exactly to the same size in byte required by

all of the lights of the controller, and the size parameter must be given the

value as the exact size of this prepared memory space.

size [in]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. This parameter must be given the value as the

exact size of the memory space for the color settings in byte required by all

of the lights of the controller. If this parameter contains a value that is not

equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the color

settings, -1 will be returned from this function.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, or -1 if the size parameter contains a value

that is not equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the

color settings.



The size of the allocated memory space, required for storing the prepared color

settings and passed in through the color parameter, must be the same as the

actual number of bytes required for the whole settings to all of the lights or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of lights hold by a controller by calling GetGPULedCount() first, and then

allocating the required memory space exactly as the same size of the triple of the

returned value from GetGPULedCount() function for the further code flow.

The API for keyboards


This function can be used to obtain the pointer to the LED controller on an

AURA-enabled keyboard. The found controller can in turn be used to access its

underlying RGB LED lights.


DWORD WINAPI CreateClaymoreKeyboard (

_In_out_ void** handle



handle [in, out]

A well-allocated pointer to pointer can be passed in, and this function would

then fill in the pointer to the LED controller found on a keyboard, in turn

the controller can be used to access its underlying RGB LED lights.

Return value

The return value is the value greater than 0 if the controller can be found on an

AURA-enabled keyboard, or 0 otherwise.


This function is used to set the controller to the specified control mode.


DWORD WINAPI SetClaymoreKeyboardMode (


_In_ void* handle,

_In_ DWORD mode



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller whose control mode is about to be changed.

mode [in]

The mode to be set to the controller specified by the handle parameter. It

can contain one of the following values.

Mode Meaning

0 Sets the controller to the EC mode and in turn to set the lights

to perform the default lighting effect.

1 Sets the controller to the software mode. The behavior of the

lights belonging to the controller can be totally determined by

the software itself.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, 0 if the handle parameter is NULL, or -1 if

the mode parameter is neither 1 nor 0.


This function is used to obtain the number of RGB LED lights hold by the



DWORD WINAPI GetClaymoreKeyboardLedCount (

_In_ void* handle



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.


Return value

The number of lights hold by the controller will be returned, 0 otherwise.


This function is used to set a block of color settings to all of the lights hold by

the controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in turn

each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.


DWORD WINAPI SetClaymoreKeyboardColor (

_In_ void* handle,

_In_ BYTE* color,

_In_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in]

A well-allocated memory space that is prepared with determined color

settings for all of the lights hold by the controller. The allocated memory

space must be prepared exactly to the same size in byte required by all of

the lights of the controller, and the size parameter must be given the value

as the exact size of this prepared memory space.

size [in]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. This parameter must be given the value as the

exact size of the memory space for the color settings in byte required by all

of the lights of the controller. If this parameter contains a value that is not

equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the color

settings, -1 will be returned from this function.

Return value


The function returns 1 if succeeds, or -1 if the size parameter contains a value

that is not equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the

color settings.


The size of the allocated memory space, required for storing the prepared color

settings and passed in through the color parameter, must be the same as the

actual number of bytes required for the whole settings to all of the lights or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of lights hold by the controller by calling GetClaymoreKeyboardLedCount() first,

and then allocating the required memory space exactly as the same size of the

triple of the returned value from GetClaymoreKeyboardLedCount() function for

the further code flow.

The API for mice


This function can be used to obtain the pointer to a LED controller, which

contains the information to all of the found AURA-enabled mice. The controller

can in turn be used to access the underlying RGB LED lights on the mice.


DWORD WINAPI CreateRogMouse (

_In_out_ void** handle



handle [in, out]

A well-allocated pointer to pointer can be passed in, and this function would

then fill in the pointer to the LED controller containing the information of

all the found mice. The controller, in turn, can be used to access the

underlying RGB LED lights on the mice.

Return value

The return value is the value greater than 0 if the controller can be returned from

the handle parameter, or 0 otherwise.



This function is used to set a controller to the specified control mode.


DWORD WINAPI SetRogMouseMode (

_In_ void* handle,

_In_ DWORD mode



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller whose control mode is about to be changed.

mode [in]

The mode to be set to the controller specified by the handle parameter. This

function only accepts 0 for setting the specified controller to perform the

default lighting effect. Passing in the other values won’t take effect to the

mode of the specified controller.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeded, 0 if the handle parameter is NULL.


This function is used to obtain the number of RGB LED lights hold by the



DWORD WINAPI RogMouseLedCount (

_In_ void* handle



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.


Return value

The number of lights hold by the controller will be returned, 0 otherwise.


This function is used to set a block of color settings to all of the lights hold by

the controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in turn

each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.


DWORD WINAPI SetRogMouseColor (

_In_ void* handle,

_In_ BYTE* color,

_In_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in]

A well-allocated memory space that is prepared with determined color

settings for all of the lights hold by the controller. The allocated memory

space must be prepared exactly to the same size in byte required by all of

the lights of the controller, and the size parameter must be given the value

as the exact size of this prepared memory space.

size [in]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. This parameter must be given the value as the

exact size of the memory space for the color settings in byte required by all

of the lights of the controller. If this parameter contains a value that is not

equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the color

settings, -1 will be returned from this function.

Return value


The function returns 1 if succeeds, or -1 if the size parameter contains a value

that is not equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the

color settings.


The size of the allocated memory space, required for storing the prepared color

settings and passed in through the color parameter, must be the same as the

actual number of bytes required for the whole settings to all of the lights or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of lights hold by the controller by calling RogMouseLedCount() first, and then

allocating the required memory space exactly as the same size of the triple of the

returned value from RogMouseLedCount() function for the further code flow.

The API for DRAM modules


This function can be used to obtain an array of pointers to the LED controller on

each of the DRAM module(s). The controller(s), in turn, can be used to access

the underlying RGB LED lights on the DRAM module(s).


DWORD WINAPI EnumerateDram (

_In_opt_ void* handles[],

_In_out_ DWORD size



handles[] [in, optional]

A well-allocated array can be passed in, and this function would then fill in

the pointers to the LED controllers found on the motherboard, in turn they

can be used to access their respective underlying RGB LED lights.

This parameter can be NULL.

If this parameter is NULL, this function will return the number of the

controllers directly and no pointers would be passed out through this



size [in, out]

The actual length of the array passed in through the handles[] parameter. If

0 is passed in or no controller found on the motherboard, 0 would be

returned directly by this function.

The actual number of controllers found by this function would be passed out

through this parameter.

Return value

The return value is the number of the controllers found on the motherboard if the

function is executed normally with valid input parameters or the handles[]

parameter is NULL.

The return value is 0 if 0 is passed in through the size parameter or no controller

is found.


The allocated vacancies in order to store the pointers to controllers should be not

less than the actual number of the controllers on the motherboard or the

consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number

of the controllers first by calling this function with passing in NULL through the

handles[] parameter, and then calling this function again with well-allocated

memory space for storing the obtained pointers.

Currently the API only supports the Trident Z RGB series by G.SKILL

International Enterprise.


This function is used to set a controller to the specified control mode.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_ DWORD mode




handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller whose control mode is about to be changed.

mode [in]

The mode to be set to the controller specified by the handle parameter. It

can contain one of the following values.

Mode Meaning

0 Sets the controller to the EC mode and in turn to set the lights

to perform the default lighting effect.

1 Sets the controller to the software mode. The behavior of the

lights belonging to the controller can be totally determined by

the software itself.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, 0 if the handle parameter is NULL, or -1 if

the mode parameter is neither 1 nor 0.


This function is used to obtain the number of RGB LED lights hold by the

specified controller.


DWORD WINAPI GetDramLedCount (

_In_ void* handle



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

Return value

The number of lights hold by the specified controller will be returned if succeeds,

0 otherwise.



This function is used to obtain the current color settings to all the lights hold by

the specified controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in

turn each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_opt_ BYTE* color,

_In_out_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in, optional]

A well-allocated memory space can be passed in, and then this function fills

in the color settings to the lights hold by the specified controller.

This parameter can be NULL.

If this parameter is NULL, this function will return the total number of

bytes required to store the color settings to the lights hold by the specified


size [in, out]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. The actual number of the color settings in byte

obtained by this function would be passed out through this parameter.

Return value

The size of the color settings in byte exactly required by the lights will be

returned if succeeds, or 0 will be returned if the handle parameter is NULL. -1




The allocated vacancies in order to store the color settings to the lights should be

not less than the actual number of bytes required to store the whole settings to all

of the lights or the consequences would be undetermined. The best practice is to

query the number of bytes required to store the whole settings first by calling this

function with passing in NULL through the color parameter, and then calling

this function again with well-allocated memory space for storing the obtained



This function is used to set a block of color settings to all of the lights hold by the

specified controller. The color setting to a light is three bytes in length, and in turn

each of the bytes contains one value of the red, the green, or the blue values.



_In_ void* handle,

_In_ BYTE* color,

_In_ DWORD size



handle [in]

A valid pointer to a controller.

color [in]

A well-allocated memory space that is prepared with determined color settings

for all of the lights hold by the specified controller. The allocated memory space

must be prepared exactly to the same size in byte required by all of the lights of

the controller, and the size parameter must be given the value as the exact size of

this prepared memory space.

size [in]

This parameter contains the length of the memory space, which is passed in

through the color parameter. This parameter must be given the value as the exact


size of the memory space for the color settings in byte required by all of the

lights of the controller. If this parameter contains a value that is not equal to the

exact size of the memory space required for setting the color settings, -1 will be

returned from this function.

Return value

The function returns 1 if succeeds, or -1 if the size parameter contains a value that is

not equal to the exact size of the memory space required for setting the color settings.


The size of the allocated memory space, required for storing the prepared color

settings and passed in through the color parameter, must be the same as the actual

number of bytes required for the whole settings to all of the lights or the consequences

would be undetermined. The best practice is to query the number of bytes required to

store the whole settings by calling GetDramColor() function with passing in NULL

through the color parameter, and then allocating the required memory space exactly

as the same size of the returned value of GetDramColor() function for the further

code flow.