download offshore solutions


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 2: Download Offshore Solutions

Many expats reap the rewards of higher salaries and lower living costs, but the advantages don't stop there. Expat workers who find themselves travelling to unstable or environmentally challenging countries are often offered big financial incentives in recognition of the difficulties they may face. Other expats may benefit from being part of a highly profitable overseas business where their skills and input are rewarded proportionately.

What’s more, favourable tax regimes may add an additional complementary financial aspect on top of an expat’s ability to earn a much higher wage than would be

Whatever your individual circumstances, and regardless of whether you plan to settle abroad permanently or just use your overseas experience as a way to amass a healthy nest egg, it’s important to make the most of your position and use the wealth management options open to you, in order to create a more secure financial future for yourself and your family.

Offshore Solutions

There are many financial benefits to being an expat and a whole host of offshore wealth management solutions available

to help secure your financial wellbeing.

possible in their home country.

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Settling into a new life in a strange country can be hard work, couple that with a new job and it's only reasonable that you may feel that there are too many pressures on your time to consider seeking advice from a wealth management specialist. If you've just retired abroad, you may want to enjoy your new freedom, rather than concerning yourself with organising your

A Little Effort


However, by taking a small amount of time to meet with a wealth management advisor for a free, no obligation consultation, you can receive tailor-made offshore investment advice that could continue to reap rewards for the rest of your life. When just a little bit of effort can pay such huge dividends, can you really afford not to?

As well as all of the benefits an expat lifestyle can offer you, it's fair to say that there are also plenty of challenges too.

possible in their home country.

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International Advice for Expats – Only the Best is Good Enough

So, you've decided that you could benefit from wealth management advice from an expert - so now you need to decide who is best placed to help you.

Using a local firm, while beneficial for your time in your current location, may not be the most appropriate solution for a more long-term plan. Their knowledge may be limited and less likely to encompass a more international view, which could restrict your financial potential should you decide to move on to another country or

Guardian Wealth Management has independent financial advisors based in countries across the world - so wherever life takes you, you can be sure that you will always have a professional available for you, should you need to reassess your wealth management strategy or seek

By using our international independent advisors, you can be assured that you will benefit from comprehensive investment advice, spanning products and opportunities from across a full range of providers. This increases your options and allows you to take advantage of a wider variety of investment solutions.

International Advice for


So, you've decided that you could benefit from wealth management advice from an expert - now you

need to decide who is best placed to help you.

go back to your roots.

further advice.

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Making Wealth

Management Less Taxing

Tax matters can be complicated, but there are several legal ways in which you can reduce the amount of tax that you pay and our advisors at Guardian Wealth Management are here to help you.

We will talk you through the potential benefits of the following financial planning matters:

• Investing in tax beneficial jurisdictions - we can help you to choose the most favourable countries for your investments, to ensure that your tax liability is reduced, therefore allowing you to make more of your money.

• Investment choices and flexibility - there are many different investment options open to you, and our advisors at Guardian Wealth Management will listen carefully to your financial goals and ensure that your money is invested in the best way to realise them. They will identify products that will give you flexibility and the best returns for your investments.

• A little relief - without professional advice, you could be missing out on vital tax reliefs that could be saving you money. Our advisors will assess your circumstances and help you to take advantage of any tax breaks available.

There's no getting away from it, we all have to pay tax in some shape or form for most of our

lives. However, without the right advice from an experienced

financial advisor, you could be losing huge amounts of your

hard earned money through tax payments that could be avoided.

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for YouGuardian Wealth Management is

well aware of the importance of

regulation and the safety of your

investments. We will only ever

recommend investments that you

can trust, ensuring that you meet

the relevant product criteria and

that in return, your investments

will be well managed and looked

after in accordance with the

legislation and laws in place in

their source country.

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• Property - building a good overseas property portfolio can provide a regular stream of income and ultimately a good return on your investment. If you want to invest in property abroad, then it’s important that you seek professional advice in order to fully understand the market in the country that you’re looking to invest in.

• Inheritance tax planning - this is an important one to remember and should be part of your overall wealth management strategy. If you have offshore investments or a cross-border estate, inheritance tax planning becomes even more vital.

• Pensions - our financial advisors at Guardian Wealth Management can give you all of the latest advice on pensions and retirement. We will take into consideration your specific needs to ensure that your pension offers you all of the benefits that you're looking for.

We will take the time to understand your attitude towards risk, the level of input you wish to have in managing your investments and the specific objectives that you're trying to reach. We will then make various recommendations, tailor-made to you as an individual, which may include any of the following:

• Bank accounts - we can explore the different options available between UK banking and international bank accounts. We may be able to find you a better deal on service levels, interest and expat related matters such as fees for international transfers.

• Internet trading - by using the internet to manage your investments, you have the advantage of being able to gain access and control no matter what time of the day or night. Online trading also allows you to monitor, review and analyse your investment performance at the touch of a button. Don't forget to combine this with professional advice when required.

• Portfolio bonds - if you would like to spread your investments across several different areas, while keeping them in one easy to manage place, a portfolio bond can provide a tax efficient option for you. Portfolio bonds can provide a regular income or lump sums when required.

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Investments Aside

While securing your financial future

by developing a robust wealth

management strategy is important,

there are also other things that you

must not leave to chance. Therefore

Guardian Wealth Management can

also offer the following services as

part of your international wealth

management assessment.

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If you've already written a will in the UK, don't automatically assume that this will cover any property or assets that you hold overseas. Rules vary from country to country, so if you've taken the time to develop a good overseas investment portfolio, you need to ensure that you protect it for yourself and your loved ones.

International Health and Life Insurance

Standards of health care, medicine and treatment can vary hugely depending on where you're living. It’s vital that you cover yourself and your family for accident, illness or injury, just in case – after all, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Life insurance is essential if you want to make sure that your family receive the financial support they will need in the event that anything unfortunate should happen to you.

If you would like further information or advice on any of these important matters, Guardian Wealth Management are here and ready to help.

International Investment Advice You Can Trust

Whether you’re looking to invest overseas, or simply want to get your finances in order for yourself and the benefit of your family, Guardian Wealth Management are committed to offering an exceptional service to help simplify the process and make things as easy as possible for you.

Because we offer independent financial advice, we look for products and investment options from across a full range of providers, ensuring that we find the very best wealth management solutions for your specific requirements.

Writing a Will

If you’re an expat living abroad, there's always the possibility that you may die overseas. If this unfortunate event occurs and you don't have a will in place, your family and loved ones may suffer as a result. Writing a will is an integral part of your overall inheritance tax planning and needs to be attended to in order to ensure that your estate is divided as you wish, and that the tax man takes the least amount possible from your legacy.

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Guardian Wealth Management advisors

can give you the most relevant and up-

to-date advice in easy to understand

terms – so contact us now for a friendly,

no-obligation chat.

a strong and

professional presence