Page 1: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS




IN FULL OPERATION App]jcs tipns tp estab DU R I N G PAST A There wss np 'c]a]mant fpr the 4p

IN PAST )REK,„„,tN CAPSULE FORM li«h a .new farm «rhe'«t all«~t»«"«.co+,NQ EEK P««««nt «~w«'«d Uck«« fro» the Uni««

Swimming Pool is now open and in' Agricultural Stabilization and CoZ

Phone 288-,.254 gull operation. The poo] is open from Nrs, Richard PhelPs and three chil- servation office by Ju]y 1st. On]y J„Ro ~ C1:30 to 5:00 in the afternoon, Tues- P farms with no wheat allotment are The Junior Red Cross he]d its last Two dollar Certificate Awards went

Home From Hospital day through Sunday, snd from 7.pp home on Thursday following s, visit eligible for consideration.

Wally Fleminug returned to his to 9:00 at night when the air temper- of a week in the home of her pm- . Some farmers have discontinued a nesday, May 26, with Ann Wi»on, Wi]bert Bruns]Sk,

ho]ne from Spokane last Thursday ature is above 70 degrees. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olden ess..dairy or cattle operation or for some resident„presiding mett and John Wj]son.

after major surgery the week-end Swim lessons this year will be Sh«»p vjs'«d with her g and- other reason have changed cropping Jan t W t d h] p or pre- N t week's Maste Aw rd i]] he

before., He, is doing fine and recuper; from. July 13 through.31.-, Teaching,« . I',, ~ .,Practices 'and 'now Plan to Produce sented yearly awards to the follow- $375.00, with Blewett's Market iamother Mrs.. S. Thurber..r a w

sting rapidly. assistants will be:Nancy Hoisington, Richard Yarborough of the U. of.I. 'wheat. ing officers: Rhonda Brsmmer, Rich- charge of events;

Janine Hoisington, Ksthi Farring- was a week-end guest in the home Measurement of wheat and barley srd Fsrrjng«tpn pattj Watts Ann

Now Have Baby Boy ton, pat Johnson, Jane Fey, Louise of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pippin and acreages is now underway with sur- Wj]spn Sarah King and Debbie Cope. I'

Mr. and Mrs. Ted peters brought Hoi'fmsn, Loren Hoffmsn, Vicki Jo family, vey crews in the field. Notices of Councfl sws,rds went to Rhonda

a babv boy home Wednesday, June Halseth and Janet Westendahl. Head Mr. snd Mrs. Oscar Onstott and measurement will be mailed to farm- Brsmmer David Bateman Ricky

2nd. 'fhey have named him Warren instructor will again be Dee Magnu- daughter Linda of Pocatello were'rs as soon as Possible. Candler, Joy Davis, Js ey Fey snd Ilf A hTlT

Wade. He joins a sister, Paula. son, Water Safety Instructor. visitors from Saturday until Thurs- — Nels Sneve. Flag awards went today in the Manning Onstott home., QR$ THEA LridsgATT Ricky Candler and David Batemsn.

Rebekah winners Announced KEN N ETH g OOpy Jon Miller, Lewiston, is visiting thjsI. MRS. LLOYD CRAIG

Winners of th'e Rebekah Lodge~ week in the Onstott and Eula Miller', PIE$ AT JULIAETTA Junior H]gh Picnic Phone 289-5887

Awards for the Locust Blossom Festi- KILL+'~'~ ~g A ~g homes.. Kelley Miller visited last'he Jr. High held its annual Picnic

val a week sgo were: Luetta Nico]s, a ~, ~ az PLPaNE week with her grandparents here. g )DC. A~ gynic~ on Thursday, Nay 27, in the Kend- Church AcNHU a

Kendrick, the clothes hamper; Louise ~~ Ac LE ~~E E~c ~A~ Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Mrs. An-, ~~~ ~ v OR»'ick park. The Class Will and pro- There will be no church services

Munn, Lewiston, the pillow, and Doris C~A$ ~ ~ a ~~$ A drew Cox left Saturday to attend the . i phecy were read. Swimming wss en- this Sunday, June 13th, as the min-

Norefield, Lewiston, the stole. Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Starj Mrs. Thea O]enp Nsbbptt 8p a joyed by sll, with Mr. Hall in charge. isters are attending Annual Confer-

Nsjor Kenneth Boyd Woody, form-, at Pocstello this week. Mrs. E. M.Iresident of Juliaetts for the last ence at Spokane this week, through

Parents of a Son erly of the Kendrick area (American! White accompanied them and will three years, died at 9:30 s.,m. Thurs- 'r' gh Hen~~ Ro] s Sunday. The church hour has been

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nye of Julia- Ridge) was among five men killed, 'attend a training meeting of the,'day, June 3, of the infirmities of age. I *Honor students for the 8th grade changed to 11:00 o'lock, starting on

ett are the parents of a son, born when a United States Air Force'State School Foods Service Person-!.Mrs. Mabbott had been in failing for &e quarter were Rhonda Bram- June 20th. Rev..David Zaske of

to them at the Gritmsn Memorial KC-135 jet refueling tanker p]sne I nel, who will be conducting work- I health since 1962, and was living mer and Richard Fsrrington. Kendrick w 11 be our minister.

Hospital in Moscow. The lad ar- crashed Thursday at 10:30 p. m j shops in Idaho at a later date., I,with a son,.Eryjn W. Mabbott at' Honor students for the quarter A farewell dinner was given for

rived at 9:09 p. m., Monday, June 7. near Roswell, N. M., snd exploded. I Mr. snd Mrs. Ed. Nelson visited Julisetta at the time of her death in the 8th grade were Janey Fey'IRev. and Mrs. Dan Smith and fam-

All concerned are doing nicely. Major Woody,'1, wss navigator'her mother, Mrs. Aug. O. Wegner at She hsd jived in the Crsigmont area Velds Kechter, Fatti Watts snd Ann! ily in combination with the June

of the p]sne. He snd the other vic- the pullman Hospital, Sunday. Mrs. for 52 years before coming to Julia-'WI

birthday dinner Sunday. The Smiths

lurch Bible School Scheduled . tims were stationed at. Walker Air Wegner is recuPerating sstisfactori]y etta. B Honor students for the 7th grade are leaving for a new parish follow-

The Julisetta iviethodist Churchh Force Base Roswel]. Off]cia]s at'rom a recent heart attack. I'he was born Oct. 30, 1884 at fpr the qus ter ere Jenny Brown, ing Conj'erence.I


Bib]e School wi]] begin this Monday the base said little was left of. the Mr. snd Mrs. Harold Goff and Oslo, Norway, and came to the Lynn Craig, Joy Davis, Sarah King,

9 pp a m snd wj ] ]sst f r twp plane after it exploded and burned t»«sons returned to their home in United States with her parents the David K]att Ch~stjne LYons, Ann Homemakers Club

Cheyenne, Wyo., on Saturday. Mr. following year. They sett]ed at Meske, Marsha Schoeffler and Cheryl The Le]snd Homemakers C]ub wj]]

Major Woody was born Aug. 15, Goff wi] begin working this week as. Troy, Idaho, and in 1910 moved to'1 Weaver. meet on Wednesday, June 9, with

1923, pn Arne~can Ridge,.near Ke,'tate Director pf Certification and Ilo, Idaho. 'She worked as a clerk For the semester A Honor students MM. Walter Crawford.

N Ch h A 0 N drick, a son of Mr and Mrs. John Placement for the Wyoming State, there jn the Kafo~n Brothers Dry in the 8th grade were Rhonds Bram-

A S d S hop] i nj L. Woody. He was graduated from Department of Education. On Thurs'-;Goods Store. She married Guy W mer snd Richard Farrjngton. Other News

b t Ch o t N Kendrick High School .in 1941. He day evening a family dinner was held Mabbott at Ilo, Feb. 16, 1910. They B Honor students for the 8th grade Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crawford took

~t S Rd' k S d . worked on the famj]y farm a year or in the Ben P. Cook. home. Others 'farmed south of Craigmont until were Jsney Fey> Velda Kechter, Pat- Brad and Jeff Cook to Riggins where

A group from the church attended two and then enlisted in the Air, Present were the Harold Goff fami]y 1937, when he retired and they moved they met Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Cook

a mission~ zon ra]i jn P mero Force in Wor]d War II..I

of Cheyenne;'radley and Jeffrey, to Craigmont. He died in 1960.I

B Honor students for the 7th grade and Lori of Ontario, Oregon, and a]I

Friday evening of last week. He was married to Kittie Elizabeth, Cook of Ontario, Ore., and the Johnj

She was a member of the Twin were Jenny Bro~, Ly Craig, Joy picnicked Sunday. The Cook boys

Children's Day was observed in the Madden, daughter of Mrs. Kittie Deobald fsmj]y.. City Rebekah Lodge at Craigmont jng hsd spent the Past week here with

church on Sunday. Monday, June 7 Madden, then'of Lewiston, snd now! John, Jennifer,„Lynn and Robert! for more than 50 years. I

Christine Lyons, Ann Meske, Philip their grandparents. Mrs, E]jzabeth

th' ' V t'i of Burns, Oregon, June 29 1945 I

Cuddy of Coeur d'Alene visited from I Survivors besides her son Ervin W Pearson, Marsha Schoeffler and Anders, Lewiston, accompanied the

b]e School A demonstration schoo] After the close of the war he st- Wednesday until Sunday in the home'Nabbott at Juliaetta are a son, Dale ery eaver. Crawfords to Riggins.

will be held pn Sunday June 13."

tended the University pf Idaho, then of their grandparents, Mr and Mrs,E Msbbott Crajgmont asd a daugh- Mr snd Mrs Lloyd Craig were

opened a cabinet shop in Spokane Dick Cuddy. Iter, Ver]a N. Jenny, Cottonwood; a Senior High Honor Students Thursday evening visitors of Mr. and

He re-enlisted in the Air Force and, W, L, McCresry spent from Thurs-.'brother, Charles Jelleberg, Deary, en or High A Honor students «; Mrs. Ed. Brigbtwell at Clarkston.e ves S&dy G~t

decided to make that career. I dsy until Sunday in the home of his.-''(Park) and s sister Mrs. Mae Christ the quarter were: Andrea Cox, Dana Henry Bunger and s friend frona

J N Murray snd a teacher He was stationed in JaPsn snd Son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 'ensen, Orofino, snd 9 grandchildren g us ~ru vj Phn Fs Tacoma were Saturday visitors ofa ~


byterian Community School in Teh- He and his family were in Italy and Seattle.h 'orea during the'orean conflict. I Mrs. R. A, Stensland snd family at hand 17 great-grandchildren. r ngton, Carol Hejmgsrtner, Janet Mr. and Mrs. Walter rawford.Funeral services Mere held Satur-. ~ Mrs. Lloyd Craig and Mrs. Cordon; Westendahl, Kathleen Farrington,

England three years snd then trans Mrs. Harold Goff of Cheyenne and day at 1:30 p. m. at the Community, s sr ]y Sj ow snd Peters were Saturday afternoon vjs]t

study grant by the parent Fscu]t ferred to Beale Air Force Field at IMrs. John eobald visited on Tues- Presbyterian Church at Craigmont,


. ors of .Mr. snd Mrs. Virgil F]eshmant D ' Ken Heimgartner.

Association of the school, which wills u y gran y e aren - acu

Marysvjlle Calif; snd r cent] t dsy with Mrs. Nettie Sherbon at the. with the Rev. Whitfield Smith of the or e semester they were: An- at Clarkston.

f' tt t & -.

1„ the New .Mexico base, He would.'..Pa]ouse Nursing. Home at Colfax, anh*,~aigmopt Cprist]Sn C]iurch officiat- '. a Co, ary Craig, Dana Magnu- Mr.,and Mrs. Chap]]g ~ggcgr ~dre x C

fin«ance her. attend]nca] j'.t @e«~eri;"have'en eligible fo retirement in a With Mr. and %ra.™O]lisSherbon at:.1'rig'.«; Ps]]bearers were Harry Jobe, ' o Cafdwel] w~ Sudsy CA«m ofJr., C]srence Osburn, Orval Lock-' Farrington, Carol Heimgsrtner, Janet 'nd Mrs. Jesse Walker. Mr. and MrfL

Sumjvor in additio n to hi idow Mr. and Nrs. E. A. Deobsld snd ridge, Ralph Msthison, Everett Wat-' g oiDonald Morg~ were

History. include a daughter, Pam la Ks, 16, Mrs. W. A. Watts attended Com- son snd Homer Norten. " o y o Mm Gordon Peters was a Satu~y

Other News d o K th B. J . 6 b thlmencement Exercises st the Moscow The family suggests memorials be'Heimgartner snd Cliff Lukecart.Ievening visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse

M d M J M t d of Roswe]]; three brothers, ElginiHigh school on Wednesday evening. made to the Community Presbyter-'o or Roll for the qaurter: Dean Walker, She called that evening on~' n

children spent last week-end in Boise ne re 'P

r. an rs. ames uses anWoody Eugene 0 . R 1 h W d

1 Their granddaughter, Linda Watts, isn Church, Craigmont, the St,. Mary's Brocke, GarY Craig, CarolYn He]ton, I Mr, and Mrs. Ercil Woody at Ju]ja-n'n

a combination business and mero, an es er oo y, ar -, .Pomeroy snd Chest W dy, Cl k-Ibeing one of the graduates. Linda Hospital Guild'of Cottonwood or the Js ice Noble, Sharon Sproul, Linda'etta.

] t ' ston; four sisters, Nrs. George (Lor-Iis s daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Joe J-K Ambulance Fund, Juliaetta or Swan, Marlene Pederson, Msrilesl Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Thornton left

Mrs. Nable Parks of Alelcnegik r i ison,. Po sne, rs. oe!~ raine) psttis n S k N, J I Watts of moscow, snd will be at- Kendrick. , Fliger, Marilyn Goss, Renee ReedjThursday for Lewiston to accompany

A]asks, and Nrs. Ro]snd Moody of e e rs. ois . iP-'(Ellen) Ebsen and M . L .T .,'tending theU.of fall. , Jane Westendahl, Nancy Hpisingtp» 'Mr. snd Mrs. Rsy Thornton and fam-

Troy visited Ssturda with Nrs. Da- Pe, o o so in, an rs. irgien sen an .


! M . and Mrs. Lewis Benson of ~ amEaw mrna m ~ A r ~ ~ c I Csrole Fsrrington, Lesley Gol, -I

ily on s triP to California where

]ted pne day this LI O gy $ H O LD LA P I E$ , er]y prstt, clsire Reed, Di arms so - they will visit Nr. and Mrs. Hsrve3rf% ~ I% ~ A ~a a r«

Relatives from Cottonwood, Crsi - mero s o qr re a ives in is area.numerous other re]at've 'h'eek in the George Eggers home. HeN I+H T WELCOME

ders, Gary Draper, Don HeP]er, Cliff 'hornton and fsmi]y.NIGHT, WELCOME

mont, Conne]1, Clsrkston, Deary snd n ermen wss in r ing on a ion-Interment wss 'n A 1't N t'as s lumber grader at the Mead a NIGHT, WELCOME ILu ecsrt, Gary Renfrow and Gary Mr. snd Mrs. W. A. Deobald andi Silflow.

Park gathered in the Ervin Nabbott a] Cemetery by Ms]or Woody's writ-i Howard Lumber Co., Inc., mill forNEW MEMgER$ WED I T B

family of Moscow were Sunday sup-

ten wishes w'th th cer on W d-'.several summers. The B Honor Roll for the semester: per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert

Mrs. Don Jsin of Bovjll and Mr and nesdsy. Mrs. Woody and their chi]-I Tuesday evening suPPer guests of ,Dean Brocke, Carolyn He]ton, Tom Draper. Nr. and Mrs. Ervjn DraperIRowden, Sharon Sproul, Linda Swan,

Iand family were evening guests.

were Frida callers.Mrs, Harvie ShePherd of Potlatch


Nr snd Nrs Jphn Ws]]ace end fsm IThe Kenc]rick Cmmunity Lions Marlene Pederson, Mari]ca Fliger, Nr. and Nrs. Herman Johnson

seMces. Mrs. Wood 's address is.'ily of Seattle; Nrs. John Theissen Club met Wednesday evening of last Sandra MsY, Renee Reed, Bruce Vin- were Friday evening visitors of Mr.

famil re d v iMr. and Mrs. David Steigers and se ce . rs. oo ys s ress is

I and son of Clsrkston and Mrs week for the quarterly "Ladies'ent, Jane Westendshl, Nancy Hois- snd Nrs. Andy Dreps at'ewjstpn'

We Sun sy e en'ng guests ' Randy Wallace and daughter of Night, welcoming of new membersI ington, Csrole Fsrrington, Lesley and Monday evening visitors of I6 Coronado Drive, Roswell, N. M. I »

) ~

of Mr. snd Mrs. Gary Eggers snd 'Rhode Island., snd installation of officers.. It wss Gold, Beverly Prstt, Clsire Reed, Di- L. Yennl s d Wsy e Ye~ st Teak-

family at Pierce.'

H $ CLA$ $ QF I34! Nr snd Nrs psu] S Griffith pf also the final meeting before the anna Souders, Gary Draper, Don ean.Mr. snd Mrs. Keith Steigers and 't. Pau], Minn., Nr. snd Nrs. Prank summer vacation. iHepler, Gary Renfrow snd Gary Sil- Mr. snd Mrs. Marvin Vincent were

family of Montana visited in the Da- HOLDS REUNION p. Nccreary and daughters of Nos-I Following s, delightful dinner'flow. Tuesday evening visitors of Nr. and

cow snd W. L. McCresry enjoyed s served by the School Foods ServiceI

Mrs, Dick Lange and family at Lew-

fami]y get-together st the NcCresry: Association, members heard a short DEARy $ET$ PLAN$ iston. Saturday evening they were

The Kendrick, Fire Hall wss theIhome here Sunday afternoon snd talk bY Zone Chairman Bruce Ruth- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Herman

EATH ER TAKE$ A scene, Sunday, Msy 30, of the re-I evening. The Griffiths were Sunday rford of Pullman. Other guests FOR FE$TIyAI pQTH Johnson.

union of the K. H. S. graduating class I over „;ght g„ests, Iwere Mr. snd Mrs. Ollis Sherbon,

IMr. snd Mrs. Marvin Vincent at-

TORRID TURN FR Iof 1934. From the group of 22 grsdu-I Mr. and Mrs. Oral Craig received'also of Pullman, tended a Soil Conservation picnic at

~ uates, 14 were present, with their I word this week of a new grand- New members Courtney Belt, Clair ~ p]ans for the 6th annual Deary ~ Sps]ding, Sunday.

sPouses. Greeting's were sent by'aughter born on June 4 to Nr. and . H v s Y 'trawberry Festivs] are rapidly! Nr. and Nrs. Robert Draper were

After a gradus] warming trend, " ee who were unable to attend —,'Mrs.Eugene C]ssen (nee Shir]ey Wal- ug s «»js ««ge Wi] nearing comp]etion according to j Tuesday morning visitors of Nr. and

which began the fore-part of last snd s silent PraYer wss held for the']ace) of Moses Lake. The baby hss ' ipp s ' y;the ]stest worcl received from that'Mrs. Roy Morgan st Lewiston. On

week, the thermometer really began fo r who are deceased.I been named Landi Jean. Elmore snd Jerry Brown were wel-. b'Qsy cpmmunity Wednesday evening they visited with

to c]1mb.Friday, snd under c]oud]ess Those present were: Garth Hill, Nr. and Nrs. Icon Zing and fsmi]y'corned into the Club, and awarded I The activities of the dsy begin at Nr. snd Mrs. Harl Whitinger.

skies hit the 80 mark. Boulder, Colo.; John Kite, Emmett, of Moscow were Sunday dinner guests their Pins, with Lions Past President~]P:PP s. m. sharp with s psrade-Saturday was just a degree or Idaho; Mildred Wegner Hsnson of

Iof Mr. snd Nrs. Paul Lind. Cindy Gerald Ingle presiding st the cere

I snd from that point on there is CUQ$ TOURtwo warmer, snd Sunday a reading of Pullman; Jsyne Plummer Craig of

Isnd Greg Lind of Lewiston are visit-

I! something doing every minute, in-


degrees wss recorded. Richland; George snd Naxine Keene,ing for a few days this week; I

p'ns fpr s Years P~~f~~t stte"d 'eluding s gymkhana and cycle races l

Monday wss a bit cooler, with s Jones, Kennewick; Lois Woody TipI Dr. and Mrs. Leonard E]dridge snd i ance went to Geo. F. Brocke, r., which last from 1:00 to 4:00 p. m


The «]]owing Cubs toured the p.

78 degree reading. pett, Asotin; Oscar Onstott, Pocs-,'dsughter Jenny, assisted by his psr-ITom Cpx, Gerald Ingle, W. L. Nc-I There wi]] s]so be s cowboy break-IF. I, sawmill ~d p]mt st Lewiston

Tuesday the reading wss again 80 tello; Kathry Emery Hilton, Spo-I ents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmo E]dridg, I Cresry, Gerald Ing]e, F. C. Schmidt,, gast s carnival,'oncessions, andi on Mond: Do i B o k, C g

degrees. ksne; Roy 'Long, Spokane; Walter!moved tp Montana on Sunday, whereIE. W. White, George Merrlck, Robert',finally a dance 'beginning at 9:00'Lewis, Rpn Whittuml Bj]ly'em,Flow in the potlatch river is per- KpePP Ke"drick; Lawrence Schwarz,j he will be associated with another sgn" s N"s

lip. m. The festival button includes Steven Eichner, Ricky Arnett, Nike

haps a bit more than usual st this Kendrick; Erna Wegner Nelson, Ken-!doctor st the Belgrade VeterinaryI 1» «r 10 Yesi's pf P~~fect st- in its price s large strawberry short- Dsmmare]], Fddje Osburn, Kim

time of year,'ut even so, it is drick; Leo]a LsHatt Mielke, Kend- I C]inic st Be]grade. The E]mo E]d i tendance were awarded W. L. Rogers cage, and the dance. Trout„Lee Magnuson, Scott May,

dropping rapidly, in contrast to thei rick. ridges returned home on Monday .' ".~ ' The event, sponsored by the Deary David Dean, John Deobald, Jesse

Snake and Clearwater, which are on Unable to attend were Annsbelle morning. Officers were installed for the corn- Boosters hss proven very pppu]sr in Deoba]d,

the rise, due to a heavy mountain Ds j»unn JpsePhine Domsn, Alienej Mr. snd Nrs. Jud Lee snd son i'"g yes . ~ ~ s:

I the past, snd no doubt will again Two guests going were Steve Ar-

snowpack. Rider and Betty Ingle Olson.I Mark of Genesee snd their house i

E. N. White ........................President I draw large crowds. nett and Evelyn Arnett

Farmers are welcoming the warm Deceased are Edgar (Teddy) Ds- I guests, Nr. and Nrs. Esr] Wright a' .-"-".First Vj«pre»«nt It is understood that the Kendrick Those accompanying the Cubs in-

weather, it's "just what the doctor vjdsp" Cs» Hund (World Wsr II); Jr., of Nurtsugh, Idaho, were Fri- ' 'PP "'.---.-".--""""---- Community Lions Club will sppnsprI eluded Nrs. Bud Eichner, Nrs. Fran-

ordered" for growing grain and hsy Neva CraiK Louden and Phyllis Cum- day visitors of Nr. and Mrs. A. O.I ---"".-"-:--Seep"" V'ce pres«ntis float from Kendrick in the parade ccs Trout, Nrs. Free] Arnett, Nrs.

crops. It meets the hearty approval mj"gs Dennler. Ksnlkkeberg. The Wrights s]sp! Wayne Harris ....Third Vice President activities. Alice Gpss and Mrs. Charles Deobsld.

of loggers, too, as woods roads are The grouP was happy to have theirs visited in the Ramey and Watts'Tom Cox ................................Secretary The touring group enjoyed a sack

now becoming dry enough,to permit prmer suPerintendent snd wife, Mr.Ihomes.

om Cox ................................Treasurer gI RTHDAy PARTy lunch in Pioneer Park, Lewiston.

full operations. snd Mrs. J. N. Lyle, Jr., of Moscow, Nr. and Nrs. Harry Ame]ing of IDirectors ................Bob Watts and

snd Mrs. Fern Spencer Long, attend. Tucson, Arizona, arrived here Sat, I Frank Abrams $COUT NIGHT HEI PP T. A. TO TRAIN Greetings were sent from two teach- urday to visit his mother, Mrs. Lid "Tiny" Elmore ................Tail Twister Brett Gertje celebrated his foiirthi am' ~ a>IGHaT ~ ~ EL

~ ~ ~ ers unable to be present, Rhods dje Ameling in the I ester Crocker'Red" Kremmin ..............Lion Tamer birthday Qnniverssry fuesday after

ISwsyne Brisns of the Panama Canal home, and with other relatives. It wss the fina] meeting of the noon of last week at his home, Scouts of Troop 149, Kendrick, st-

NCOMING OFFICERS Zone, and Carver Welchel of Oswego, Nr. snd.Nrs. phi] White, students spr'ng se»»n ««h«]ub «gu]sr Guests were Nrs. Max C]emenhs- tended "Scout Night" st the Bronc

Oregon. at W. S. U., pullman, were Sunday "'ng i resume n eP emb gen snd children, Mrs. Dsrre] Brocke bssebs]] game in ] ewiston, Sunday.

Genesee —An area Leadership One item of much interest to all evening visitors of Mr. snd Mrs. R. snd children, Mrs. Bud Eichner snd Those attending were John Bogsr,

Training Institute for incoming of- was the showing of s movie taken of L, Blewett. LEAD$ ACADEMIC son Tim, and Lee snd Ly]c Deobsld. Boyd Candler, Rick Candler, Bill

ficers, schoo] personne] and interest- s s by Herman SchuPfer, who His mother, Nrs. Wayne Harris, Hudson, Lowell Hoffman, Edwin Ca]-

ed persons .of p. 'f. A. Wj]] be held wss then Chai~~ of the School ATTEND RACF$ P ROC E$$IOHAL$ served birthday cake and icc cream ]cins, Jim Fey, Richard Msy snd

Monday, June 7 from 7:30 p. Brett's guests. Scott Nay. They were accompanied

unti] 1p:pp p. m., snd on Tuesday, After a haPPY week-end of visiting Boise —"Leading Lady" for scsd- bv Scoutmaster Jerry Brown and

June 8, from 9:00 a. m. until 3:00 f" th" '" '. p " . " Several members of the Kendrick emic processionals st Northwest Nsz- I$ Walter Msy.

p. m. Sessions will be held at the ' 'es Trail Riders Motorcycle Club attend- srene College during Commencement

Student Union Bldg. On the Univer sy 0 1970 ed s "grass smcrambles" race near the week-end of June 6, wss Rona BOWLER$ MEETsity campus. There is no registra- Genesee on Sunday. Those riding in Armjtsge of Kendrick, Idaho, who Nrs. Kirk Wilson is still recuper-

tion fee. There will be a break for BROKEN HEEL )ON E the contests were Neil Erlewine snd is the highest-ranking junior wo- sting from recent surgery at the

lunch on Tuesday. Ray Lockett, msn. Also attending the school are Deaconess Hospital in Spp]cane. She Members snd wifes of Thursday's

The Institute will be conducted by- Following the races those gather- her twin brothers, Doug snd Dave, hsd some complications, but is now Bowling League met at the Herman

Mrs. Fred L. Keeler, Field Consult- Dick Cuddy hsd the misfortune to ing at the John Frsry home were Mr. who entered NNC with freshman improved, though still hospitalized. Schupfer home on Wednesday even-

ant for the National Congress of have s ladder fall with him on Sun- snd Mrs. Roger Becker of Lewiston; honor scholarships this year. Mr. Wilson is in Spokane to be near jng for a pot-luck supper snd pin-

parents and Teachers, Nrs. Keeler, dsy about 1:30 p. m., at his barber Mr. snd Mrs. Neil Erlewine and spn, After commencement, the Kend- her. pchle.

Grand Rapids, Mich., hss served as shop. In the fall he received a bad Mr. and Nrs. Donald Batemsn snd ric]c pirl will exchange her baton for Those with high scores were Mr.

regional vice president, district di- break in one heel bone. Finding Dr. family, Mr. snd Mrs. Neil Grinplds a bridal bouquet when she exchanges Infestations of grasshoppers in the and Nrs, A. O. Ksnik]ceberg. Lows

rectpr, council president snd local Christensen gone, he wss taken to snd son, Mr, and Nrs, Jerry Bate- wedding vows with Dusne Meske of western states, including parts of went to Mr. snd Nrs. R, L. Blew-

president of P. T. A. and brings con- Troy, where the break wss cared for. man snd daughter snd Mr. snd Nrs. Lewiston, NNC varsity basketball Idaho, are expected to be higher than ett. Elmo Eldridge took home the

siderable experience with her. He is recuperating at home.,Narvin 'frout. j star. —Boise Statesman, last year, on a recent survey basis. "Goose."


Page 2: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS


I...."l0fe]l. t jtII I'C'.5!l -i, I

Kermit Malcom, Manager

Simple, dignified funeral services.

New building, pleasant Siirroundings

PHONE SH 3-4Ã8 LE)ASTON, ln<HnI II'eewe~ mwmmmomwmmm

i I

For..<ote cost resplfs —use a Gazatte 8'ant A.d.



" Jl'dk d,



hof fe Wednesday afternoon,KENDRICK WELDING & MACHINE SHOP

Mr. aynd Mrs. Tom Dennler.

MRS. GEORGE HAVENS 'a'with Nfr. and Mrs. Lester WallaceI

Hard SurfacingPhone 289-4139 Saturday evelifng.

Mrs, Phoebe Davis visited with Phones: Shop 4177'esidence 4173Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ko]a of Oro Mrs. John Schwarz in the Walter Jl lip

fino were a week-ago week-ena Dennler home on Saturday, May.-29; .iIguests of Mr, and Mrs. Harley Eich- 'unday callers in the Adolph D'en-

ner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson of nler home were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne


> P yW dnsd"'"o'"th'h"o 'OT A lLICENSE TO Q

of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arbogast. OnThursday went to ttis ftenfcrd CQLIEECT SQLE$ !IgPplant'isited the Regionavl"Tri-Cities

"' ' ''"''''ibrary,and that evening attended f

Com+en9~ment,at PIIsco„Mrs. gaIIO- Boise —The State Tax Coaectorwayyfi,,grapddaugliter, .Sandra announced .this. week that hIII,qfficeArbogast;,heing;. one of the . gradu-


has completed the processing of,,ap-ates, „They returned, home. on, Fri- pro»mately 8,000 "Applications forday.

' '..,..~ Permit to Engage jq,gqsiness"I as> 1ifr. and Mrs. Dick Benscoter and provided by the Idah'O'ees Tax'Act.LeSley„.and, MrS. Larry gallOWay and The TaX COIleqtcr., pfIIIIited,Outr the,, ae t.'.t i r iI ftl 'IL

son;,Craig. spent Monday intSpokane. fact. that, all persons,mak|iig splejr ofMr. and Mrs. Walter Benscoter t'angible Personal, prope'rty„, renting

were Sunday: dinner guests of. Mr. personal property, jperating;hotels;anted-Mri.~;Bob,,DIipei,and sons at motels, ItouriSt homqs, 'trailer CIourts,

Orofino, and also viewed the dani golf -'courses, bowling .. alleys, droolsite work., halls, ski..lifts, theaters,,charging ad- ~i

.;-Mr.: and Mrs.,Charles Havens and missions, furnishing..or serving, food, Lg~ ~ . ~ — ' I « III Il

Jim Stickney of Clarkston were Sat- meals -or drinks,.'rand all aqctioneersurday dinner guests in the george are retiuired'o collect the sales.,taxffavens:home. Jim stayed to sPend end must obtain a.sellers Permit. Qi~~IVSa part, of .the summer in the Havens ~, He went on to say.that, since thehome. Evening - guests were Miss'ales Tax Act becoines effective on,'>

pygmy ggyN ~g~ yyyg/I p/ jy~"~~ypLoeda Meyer.and, Ted Meyer of Cam-I July 1, 1965, and a "Sellers permit"eron. ~must be on display in each place of i7 gpp pjg j7 jhf g gg~pgggy

Mr. and Mrs. geo. Kolasa of pro business subject. to the Act, anyonefino and Mr. and Mrs.; Bud Eichner who -has not filed an application is CPOl. /and family..of, Kendrick were Sunday urged to do so immediately. Appli-

) -,i; <LAW,,visitors, iri', the Harley Eichner,home. cation forms and information on the INBIIRAHCE iNFOBMATioN IMs'pf'riiTE /6$ If

. Mr..:Iaqd Mrs..Ever'ett Fraser, of sILIes tax may be obtained from theKeridrick".and'rs. Ella .Benscouter Office of'ax Collector, 317 Main ~

">-"-''- ' n' '' '- . ""- --.' "'-'' -""- "-'-"""-'"',-'-'-'- )

st'jt.Saturday',.at. Lake ChatcoIie't Street, Box 36, Boise, Idaho, or from I

fiehlnE:;;, ':.",' ',; . any of thofield offi.c:es ,located'.st RETUERN )ROlttI TRip two sons at Blllinds, Mont., saturday; jifj;:.and Mrs. Walter Benscoter.,Idaho. Falls,, PocateIIO, Twin,'alls, '.",< " "-: ', ' 'venirig; 'All return&-hem on Mon- Iwere'ewiston.visitors,on Tuesday,.- Nampa, ILewiston and Coeur 'd'Alene.

:, Mr) „geo. Haiverns. 'was' Monday ., ",,—. ', '.. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Schupfereveinfng, guerst„of'IIErs. TbIelmi.M er net their -.daughter;-- MIEIN,'obert here for 'everil'eeks.'heir

home'id'fj!Iyat'win d..l;M, r.,atI'd'EIre.IrGRAiNEGE PLANS fMorIrts '(nee: eve' yuapcfsrI'n


Is in south oahots. '

1 icIatI~TIdr|Ck "ROChdalIE COIIlpaflgWy Ri.aftt)3) OIf„Kendrick.'wrere, after- Cts H+'R TER


visited with Mrs. 'Ira Havens, a ing; June 15.P U nt at nursing home.

" 'A 6:30 Pot-luck dinner will be held g . FAMIL+ 4 TRQAT OCrCA$ IONALLQ 0~e

-;:i 4,~


, Sherrv Benscoter of Lewiston spent » the Kendrick park,, weather.per- y s hh

the',weegueiid,-with her.,grandparents; m'tti"g, with the,meeting"to follow<N~

' 'Ta,ke her, and';the fh;in'eely'Out tO dinner t

J~~.»p.lith t, i.o.h. "Enjoy ,your m'eal in air conditioned;'I MOBTLOIL MOBILGAScoIm'fort 'We'l .het you.'ll en'joy it, too! l::It M,'O'BI:L" 'BAT i 0 Ii

"M'O-B.I L FUE L 9'I E SE LBreakfasts, .lunekei, dinners, fountainI '-if'0 Bi'L 'I, UBR i 0 A:N!gS

M'd Mr'v<ter ns~>«md, Molter of Miniature 'l COUttT'RY,KITCIEIIE5„$ !! IITOg'TL'TTB,B pt BAT TBBf H-s~,',N IN ', '. 'lthe chjcken';Broaigr in, x,ewiston, Hearing Aid Given l'I iriarton ck Ellen Rouen endrcck,

g d,'e Give S @8 Green Stamps on Ag Burning Qii-, g".".' . ', '', " ' ' .'"-'"' ' " '" ""'=""""'""'...,'N y: " 'f paid b 15th:..month fogowin;+crt Reed- of'os Angeles; Mrs. I

EI PPhb'II5e'- CIO's'e imd Miss Bur'neda Cuirt- special interest'bio those who hear:

lpl . iI Ir

S~t ~tg» g, -bu't


ffnderstan"fwords huis

Mcrs.:To&:DphnIe'r;; "'::" "".

'".".. juit 'been annouriced by AUTO-,i ~ ~ I A EsI~ hdtl'fl 't'L-'Mr,"Puid"':gN'I|. ~Adrolprh 'Denii)er an'd '<I

D'ebby,'and ".Mrs. Raiidy Wallace and 'I! ,Representing'The

then'„':Willia'mjI an'd" Chapinan A true "fe actual size replica, I ol-'sS'on'Mbnday "'

' of the smallest AUTOMATICtehde'd the:',Lro'oust Blossom 'estivral EAR ever'ade will be given ab- Qe wish to tha~ all our many ~

'- 'KENDRICK,'IDA'6in Kendrick, Saturday, May 29.

"JSundfipfrdInsnei guiests'of. Mr. and, solutely free to anyone answering Office Phone '4051-' " " 'Residence.8-2626 .,MrS;d Waiter 'Dennler wer'i! Lawrenceand Eiitfeat"Schw'ari,'Idi Stonebu'rner this aaver'tisement. It w'eighs less ) CustOmerS fOr tlleir patrOnage, +++alfd'Emnfa Hirtuiig of Camei;on, and than ys ounce a d it's

alI'ea."'.:Dennler. 'Afternoon and ,pevening callers wer'e'i - Itn'd 'Mrs. level. No wire leads from body I p

tlirOugllOut I lllS Spl ing.< Fro2;equi Foods of All Kinds —Blewett's Groe|*.ry

Herbert Sahwirz arid . d'augh ters,M~ -rom Dennle'r and Mark.. ' to head. Here is truly new hope.

v".Ifinfner guests of M We hope we can help you ~ f".—~:——=,—.—.—Mrs'-"kdofph'Dennler wer'e Mr; and I

for the hard-of-hearing. 'xamine '

Mrs. KeIhlieth Dennlet',and sons. of it m the privacy of your homeDewfstoii; irid Mr; and 'Mrs. HIinvter ....,,... > vrith your Anahydrous applica-SAvage'tnd'ciiildren o'f Jon'esboro, without cost or obligatioii of any, I p

Ga" "Ani~e~oon caller was Ãiss k d- - -- 'I

Janet fve'soll'df'Moscow.'": ''. "'"d'heo'"s» '- f-'e. Ii tions for the fall wheat planting"Mr, land Mrs; Wallaice Clark'have while the limited su I last.been visiting. the past week, with EI-, '>der'nadt "Mrs. 'Est'll Richardson" 'fn


(()))It) A)JI);( (.I".(, ',, AND ENJOYYrTHEM

Phone TU 2-1148 Night TU 8-8481 < I THROUGH A CONSISTENT SAVINGSPRy CLEANING Tuesday Wed Sat ~ =



HOURS: 9 4. M. TO 8 P. M. Want a new car, a boat, a vacation trip, toremodel or add to your home, a new homenew furniture —or any of the other end- ll

COME IN TO THE less items that add to the pleasures andcomfort of life?


i i I W t I I t I 1 1 I ts

(IH WEST K EH PRICK) We Welcome "Bank by Nail" Accounts,i


But our



I ,'GEORGE F. BROCKE k SONS, INC.'' '"..".--"...«...By the Ju SEEDSNEN


Page 3: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS


I +++++++++++++AR++ PP A++++++@++iP+++++++AR++++yy+ A4F 4gg~PPP+4HVR

Vf l l I. A N S I Il C





;'nahydrousand SuLphur NachinesAnd Straight Anahydrous Machines


lII,. I.llAIIll S, I C

Phone TU 8-1148 'ight TU 8-8NZ~eIIHIF4F+++++++++++4F+++4F++++++4F+++++++++++++~R4R+4HlHORVR

get Fresh VegetabLes at Blewett's. Kendrick

to more than 20 square feet of alfalfa professor and chairman of chemistryI

by harvest time. at the university, would continue asIdaho's alfalfa seed producers corn- director of the Visiting Scientist pro-

monly cut the first crop for hay and gram.leave the second croP for seed. By Since the first visit in 1960, thethe time the hay croP is harvested, program has grown to a presentdodder is firmly attached to alfalfa roster of 94 university and couegestems in the crown area. educators and researchers from pri-

This is when Torell used propane vate industry. I,ast year, 160 sePa-flaming last year. rate visits were made to 9S of"I flamed the stubble twice," he Idaho's 126 high schools to stimulatesays. "The alfalfa looked horrible student interest in science.when I was through but it bouncedright back. The dodder was killed." These recognized scientists are a-

Toreu fouowed the flaming with mong the faculty of Idaho's twoa treatment of gp pounds per acre universities and five colleges.


20 percent: ClpC granules. This them are 48 from the University ofcontrolled late-germinating dodder ah one from North Idaho Juniorfor the following month to six weeks, College, eight from . Ricks college,

by then the alfalfa was tan enough three from Boise Junior couege, andto shade dodder seedlings, slowing four from Northwest Nazarenedown their growth so that the


not a problem at harvest. Idaho industries assist the program'orell plans to continue his 'ex- with eight scientis~u from their re-

periments at the parma station this s arc and develoPment laboratories.year to determine the proper in- Because the - range of Specializ-.tensity of flaming and the safe times ation is so broad —from archaeologywhen this control can be appned to nuclear engineering to zoology-


a h>gh school class anywhere in thestate may recieve a special lectureor demonstration relating to theirstudies.

"Visits like these are valuable,"wrote one southern Idaho teacherafter a visit, "I hope they can contin-ue. A different viewpoint and an-other source adds new interest to thesubject.

U. of I, /moscow, A University ofidaho agronomist is literally setting%re to alfIjjjlfa tn experiments tovcoatrol dodder, one of,,tQe most cost-ly weeds in,;Irlahojs alfalfa seed .pro-~g areIISe

Paul J., goroli, .assistant, agrono-vnjust at the Parin@,,Branch Agricul-tural Experiment station whippedShe weedi tui exlferiixientai .work last

with a combination burning-«aemical trestment. He used a pro-~e burnot:"fo'. flaine alfalfa stubble,Ithea followed with an application of'the chemical CIPC.

Results'in"orie plot showed 99 per'-Eoelt dodder:"control:," another teat~uced"9T percent control of the~.The Crjeatvvrent costs about $25aa acre andi%to weB worth it, TorpllSeels. In cather research, good dodderFcoatrol hsa: increased vjlfalfa seed~ds 5 to 'Oifold. -"

The agronomist rioted one problemhis tests.'"Naming delayed alfalfa

Coerering: from'10- to 14 days. Al-though this'5d not affect seed yields%mt year, f'taming at'he wrong

e could interfere with pollination~d reduce 'seed'roduction.

PT doubt that flaming can be de-layed long''enough for a farmer to>anrest a full hay crop and still ob-tain mmtimum Iseed yield on the se-cond crop," he says.

Torell turned to propane flaming~ a series of experiments showedchemicals alone will not controldodder.

A. Parisitic weed, dodder attachesRltself to and feeds on 'lfalfa. Itatarts attachrhenb in late April andearly may arid "grows up" with~ plant.'And it's a voracious weed,Torell points'iit. A single dodderseedling starting in May can spread


A peach drirrk made from fruit tooripe to send to market has been deye-loped, reports the U. S, Departmentof Agriculture..USDA sponsored theresearch as a part of its program fordevelopment of new uses for farmproducts. In acceptance tests con-sumers preferred the drink over 'sixother fruit drinks. but rated it slight-ly .below concentrated orange juice,according to the government survey.

Kendrick has no parking meters!


SCI,UETER RANCH AVIATION"He made what we learned inclass 'come alive' said an Idahohigh school student after a sciencedemonstration by a Visiting Scientist I

sponsored by the Idaho Academy ofscierice.

To continue making science "comealive" throughout the state, a grantof $11,650 has been awarded to theacademy by the National ScienceFoundation. Announcement of thegrant was made this week by Dr.Malcolm M. Renfrew', professor andhead of physical sciences at thethe Idaho Academy of Science.

Renfrew said Dr. Elmer K. Raunio,University of Idaho and president of

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FERTI LI ZI N 6 SPRA FIN 6Featuring All New Call Air-A9 —Especially Designed for Agricul-

tura1 WorkTWO PILOTS FOR BETTER SERVICE —with.a Total of Over 40

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and all Heavy Equipment,"ALSO

Painting and Brake Work,"',Day and Night Towin g


CHUCK'-S BODY SHOP4th E B Streets ." 'Leteiston,",

Chevron Wood Preservative protects any wood in contact with theground-grape stakes; bean or hop poles, fence posts, sills-2 to 4times longer than creosote.YOU SAVE: 1) Material cost 2) Labor cost 3) 10%on thepreservative,if you dict nowl '.

Whichever applicatio'n.method"you use,.you'l save, money 3 ways withChevron Wood. Preservative. Order now, take delivery before Auguit31st and save 10%1'We promise prompt delivery.


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's everyeet: -'i8U'l'Oml

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~tOU Il


s )rih

Coin~fete-in.a-package.Toros new Moist 0'.Matic sprinkles areaas large as 85'x 100'.

Control center. Turnssprinklers on at pre-set times. P(ugs Into110 volt a.c. outlet,

K4w 4"''3 wave sprlnklers arefor large areas. Eachadjustable to cover upto 50'x 50'.


+i 54lP i.k4 a47+


pop-up sprinklers indestructible. New Dno weekend to in-for small areas, Pop plastic pipe won't stall a system. Pipsup for watering, pop break. Total system goes in fast with sllt-downnutomatically. winterizesin seconds. trenchmethodtobovoI.

Add-on design lets you install part of asystem (or several systems) for any size yard.



TORO ..famous for lawn movvers for over 50 years

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'..':iere are '..87

in ..'irsl; Securil;y .'3an <

That's right, there are 187 present and past presidentsof service clubs, chambers of commerce, fraternalorganizations, school boards, athletic clubs and othercivic organizations. In addition we have 148 churchofficials, 105 chairmen of charity drives, and 19 citycouncilmen.

These First Security Bank people have achieved posi-tions of leadership in their communities through yearsof service. They have devoted theirabilities and a great deal of their timetoward helping and directing manyworthwhile activities for the benefit ofeveryone.

First Security Bank recognizes that our abiHty ta pro.vide sound and progressive financial service in everycommunity we serve is influenced, in part, by the activeparticipation of our employees in all types ofcivic ac-tivities. For in order to "know" a community, youmust be a "part" of the community.

During the 100 years that First Security Sank hasserved the people of Idaho, we have provided both the

financial energy and know how to helpbuild the state, and the dedicated com-munity service ofour employees whichhas helped make it a better place to workandlive,

Yes indeed this is banking that is huis'ng Idaho.

I li .~z J II lI'IA4PIbor Federal ORPoEII IIIEuraijcs CoFPorehoEE

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Ij ill

-, ... ~,'MK.'~~K:—; =-, ~NI~~=:551;»7+/+' ) n;.av H '+~'RR'HivvSPRANVRVPR s~vvvii» R;~ EIRVF '7 ',.HJ .; ',. 't ''~ ~ ', N ";:v..NF'7'Q

Page 4: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS

':="'sal'Llaatltl a r r'l's'zaarir@

'Nedium rare'is forsteak'..

not people

I air



The Answer to the Burning



'rl'' l.l.:,'}r,'".':.,IJ,t .i,,:,ci,J„I...,I,!iJ:,,


K )CK 8EA UTY cia/tabetic aEa Ae a]eelse]et]e e]aela eee Ae As rse e]a eia atra ahe ey% eee elec]a eia e]ee]aeee abe e]aeieela Ae eie eie elaawe a]e Ada]a aie ele e]ee/e ela l$Hy use a]e e]e tie age As


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t JEEP 'TATION WAGON4 Wheel „'Drive '",'$] 99/ gn



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11th R F Used Car Department- ++

LOWEST FINANCING IN TOWNo]e +e]e++++++++++++++++++++e]a++++Ear]a+++++++++++e]a++qeesee evee eeee+ e]a+e]»+e]a eeo

PHONE 289-4051

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+gddrat' a:,rd:ter ~~atter Ig'

laar IlalYour Rexail -StorePHONE 289-584i KENDRICK

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Z r




zI r'

I IBI eesw am i g5jg~ L~




~ tsralan'n'.'rr::: ": .;: .".Sr



H QW TQ 8$CQ+E are open to any interested person, aPhid numbers is possible in the fall. the Smithsonian Institution, How-particularly those who will be in- You can detect aphid damage even ever, most of''e rich finds can be

A TAX COLLECTOR volved in the collection. of the sales before 'the trees start to dzip. As discovered a]z]ng the ma]or shippingand use tax. the insect feeds on the leaf, it over- routes;,"especizz]ly in the Caribbean.

eats and part of the plant sap is If you'e looking for sunken treasure,Boise —A series of sales tax clinics ~nlPPY % ne~c..A n~ deposited on the )eaf. This deposit the Smithsonian suggests searching

designed to explain in detail the'd- E I AE 6> .A.RE of'ap is visib]e as.a shiny dot. When the bars and reefs near the harborsministration of the Idaho Sa]es and ~ <a, ~a~~ ~ a.nna e, ~,~d ~ g the deposit .piles high enough, it be- of Cz]mana, Cartegena, Polto Bello,Use Tax, will be h'eld in 'Lewfst'on,.Ipl;I,I,4I QIRCI „QA,.l.S .U. gins to the leaf —and the Grcytown and Tru'xillo, the approach-Boise and Idaho Falls, June:21,24, result is a drippy tree. es to'h', Gulf of 'Amatigue, the


was announced- last week by +ax 'U f I M — . Although the tree . ap]1]ds are off the Coast'- oi'entra]'mercia,YOSt, eXeeutiVe Znanager,, ASSOC]a]ed wner are. in-, io

- 8™'.bOtherSOme. PrinCiPally,beeauSe Of the the reefS qf Bermuda.and the FI'OridaTaxpay'ers:of Idaho.: ...p'"drip," they, also dzznzage your trees, Keys, az]zi the coast of ja]orida'orth

Co-sPonsors of the clinics are the, g '„W apo~an Un]vers]t of'o'an 'oints out. 'Severe .aPhid to CaPe ',Renztzg'dy. Inforination 'n.

Associated,]r'axpayers azzd the; Idaho .Idaho;.,e~mion entomo]ONisf.: 's' cding" can force a; t'ree to .shed ]ts,exp]orattozz;"Vccoryery "and prres'Lttvat-State, Chamber, Of, t OinZnerZ;e,",tn„, CO @I arem„te';am e~eot un', .IeaVCS -.Premature]y. 'On, thCbnlql]eat'r'-COZItained irl "HiSt-op ration ~th'pc~- c~j:.ers".,of usugly.,h]gh ..Pbpu]at]ons'of „,aph]g;, . '-—, ory'U] de th'e'%e~". a I ook pubL'hco]nmerce. r . i

','.th." t"s~f<«b,g, ]nsc<t z<~~s]b>e ~.PROpS ~ To', HELP]cjengv',:by t]le gnstftution,

"The p]]rpq]le.,Of:the .WOilZS]]opS >S,fprrdn]]]py Or,We]tp]ng fusee;.]i]aVES. ',,:sp~"""'aP"""'~''-'6)RL 'SQ)UVS FISH QQKH SOUTnHapply ..and, to. Iatzswer.rquesgpn's'. "or !I~d owszzther; aond]]l]ons <are.'g~avor'

able r fcr.;,an .reVOn';grill)fin ]I]ZZ]dup",:,SPOkane, WaSh. —CO]One] paul 1BOiSe —. J"OZZrteen .full-t™'If]Shthose . ho. w]ll:4e;.ar'f ected...3p",@e.'.'azlmon,; 52;, Professor,of~ Mi]]tary h]tt~er]es "ar~'roparated by the''s atI I t] th I] I

O ra aPIe;, bireh,, Oak,,Or r Ie]m treeS, SO]en <e,GOnZIIga .,Un ]VerSIty SpO' f' dahO. ". 7h e ' n a)Ority are "IO Cated

8 p. A ]I.,M ll ...(R-8] l ~) th ', .y r.y, . '.kane;,ZgV]ISh]ZZ@ton Will mOVe On„Site'n.'the S9utherZZ,part Of the State'bWp g . "..:,aHOZnec]rrrnerS;Dan: CO]]ZIter;attaCk ~e',<, at @a~a~t..IdahO,to, COm Cauae"'Z0gater'IIZag]tab]e 'Or


aphidS by haVing th]'.ir treeS mand the 500 Army troo'PS Which purpOSeS iS fcufZ4] .]Zi: greater rabun-

F]oyd +pest Idaho tax co]]ectoz spray«but co.ntro ~.] .P~bab y will, pz o]i(de „]nedical, scour]ty „anzt'danqe",~+ '.]~'~ngs are usN'Only'be tempOiary, >b thzan" Warna'ng]noeterg]ng .Souppcrt fOr, the .1965 ZIIZUSa'r~ey funZZ]Sh Water Of,prOper, ~ Cc» e'.,y The ]nsectsgare now migrating; three Girl S«ut ~~ R 4„'quality and";femyerature.

o]zZnC~I ..ietarmonl has „be~sn PrMtax division,

crop. may'weve ]n,-gevera] chem]ca]'onza since 19B4 followin an Hagemman in i%he famous ThousandTh f I ]] b L I

m at CrIaIs .are ', avaiIah Ie Xo sPray i g»'ign zing en ts ni n Korea, as 0p

' rations .SPrings -aarea. ' ne of .' h ese


PrIngsonzagi] since

]] bAm ong th e - sat' r '

nes',' e say s„areI 0ffIcer, .Eigh th U: S. Arm y Support fu rn ishes . 65 ' nb ic feet per secon d of

- e ma]ath]on and dimethoate. 'l.Group ideal.tvgater at, a.'rtemperature of 57ances. are .the, aphid.]]zfestat]on


-.,8> n ]n.»tche]1 South D~k~t~ degz'ees,.Farenheit. Almost a"third.une, os sal..Will be controlled by natural means reoi.,Harmon entered the Army a 'f the total st te Production of troutHe emp as ze a e mee ings by the middle, of /he summer, Port- rivt te 'm 1941 from Geor e Wash- is,reared;aat;this hatchery.

man says, 'Inse'cts 'hich fee ington University, Washington, D. C.'He was commissioned as a'econd'HAI'R ''-'FOR 'gAf Dsyrphid flies -- are also expected o Iieutenant coast art]]]cry in 1942 and( ": increase. But 'another buildup 'erved with,.an artinery battalion

through five campaigns in Europe Chicago —TransP]ants of smallduring Wor]d War II. After the war pieces of hairy:tSca]P have been suc-he was']iitary Government pol- cessfu] 'n ': regrow]ng hair on'ald

0 p-E N~

N g wag itical Advisor to the German'State spots,.reportsrthe American Medicalof'Hesse in Wiesbaden. He has been tAssociation. Som'e of the slsin grafts

SEE THE ELECTRICAL awarded the Bronze Star Meda] and were'.so"sma]1 .',that they contained

R CONDITIONING -'IIOlVDA:F THRU, - the French Croix de Guerre. only two.'or thre'e hair follicles, Thetotal "number tof .'grafts required to

g+TURg)gp, cover a bald area may vary from as'LISTED BELOW FOR 'YOUR ''REASURE HUNTING few as 20 tb'as many as 5oo or i+ore,

and the placing o'f the grafts requiresABRAhAS — I now'ave,a "Frosting meticulous attention to detail.

rt The sea covers-more than ?1 perHARDWARE -'ap'Zor "Appang ano., cent cf the earth eenrfsc'e —and! Preen and,trtaen vegetables sa

KENDRICK, IDAHOany valuable shipwreck sites, says Blewett's in Kendrick. adv

1~ a

Ll . trr."" 4IIIrll- ~ r

:."> 'I"~ll jjj,.ill P...ii:--Jl:t!I ):ll):Ig----" =-.

Let a new Central Air Conditioning installation work hand-in-glove with

,your, present heating system to,provide invigorating inside climatethroughout. your home. and place of business.

YOUII'HrOII!IE'rSHOULD HAVE'IT! Your family deserves the comforts of'cool;.'dbhuthidlfied air, filtered free from allergens and irritating dust-'he pleaSant way to avoid "summer colds." And your windows can

'remain locked for maximum security and restful quiet, day and night,

YOUR BUSINESS WILL PROFIT BY IT! Personnel is far more efficientwhen protected from the fatiguing, discomforts of hot weather, andcustomers are more receptive.

You'l be surprised how little Air Conditioning costs —now it is in

reach of every family budget. See an Air Conditioning Contractor

today or call...









":tet cngevg~



PRICE $2,459.35

$99,00 DOWN


$2098 ',

$8$.22 MONTHll




Open Till 9:00 to Serve Our Out-of-Town FrieadsfJust Call SH 3-5554


Local Bank Financing ~r100% Financing On Ap- n:-;

'rovedCredit. SpecialZozol'+ ane 1Ia

Consideration to. Farmers g~e~ ~~o~

Page 5: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS



Published every Wednesday after-noon (dated Thursday) at Kendrick,Idaho, by. W. L. McCreary.

Subscription $8,00 per yearStrictly Independent in Politics,Entered at the postoffice at Ken-

drick, Latah County, Idaho, as secondc]ass mail matter.Mrs. Ben P. Cook ............¹ws Editor


G]assiffed Advertising15c per ]fife;", Ipjgure'5; ave]age'wordsto the line. Minimum 30c.









Wedssesdsy's MarketsFederation, bulk ....................;......'.$1,29Re(], bir]k ..........,....................,......$1.29Chtb, bu]k ...............,......,...............$1.29E'p&y Fold, bu]k ....,...............,....,..$1.29Barley, 100,'ulk .........................:$1.95Oats, 100, bulk ..............................$2.05Ixenti]s, 100, bulk ..........................$5.00Austrian Peas, 100, bulk ............$2;35

Small White, 100 ..........................$8.00Flat Whites,,100 ....,....................s..$8.00great NortheRns, 100 ......(NO,Q)s()te)Eteds, 100 ............................(NpQuote)

Clover SewlWhite Dutch, per 100'.... (No Quote)@syke, per 100 ...............(No Quota)Red, per 100 ............,....(No Quote)

Eg)E Prices —Dozen'anchRun ....................;...................30c

ButterRetail, ]b ..................:.............,...........76c








All Methodists of the area s,re in-vited to attend the Annual'onfer-ence Sunday Worship Service thisSunday at 10:80'a. m. in the Spo-kane Coliseum. Bishop Everett W.Palmer of the Seattle area will bethe speaker.

Kendrick has no parking meters)

Oirfsloe UIC OHLT



Ofkfrioe USN OHLTi


~ re re Ski'OOS

CONTROLLED HUNTSFRANK ye BARTON Contro]]ed hunt applications for.

antelope, i9k an'd deer look like thia.The IFish,and .Game department thisyear fsayf( that, resident hunters whawant;,a chance in the forthcomingpublic YfrELwfn$ 'for permits must fjEout official'; application cards —antcorrectly,: too',f Application cardswhich tean ])4'-hand]ed by date pro-cessingvrifachfnes soon Yvil) be avail-able at 'authorized )it nsi. Ui Trdorstaround t])at stE)te. 'I ! i'i". )) nefor ant0]E(])e'"Ilk 'rtions fs. npl ]a/er t) 'l.July 14, -E)t th(s de]pff jce, or c postmarkeo oy miun(gor.the saTnh'day.,(r


LAWYEROffice In Postoffice Building


'ftgrednesd(fyii:8-a. YRL t(s 5 IA RNL




There will be a pot-fuck supper atthe "Teakean Evergreen Grange oNL

Saturday;.- June -12th; to honor Fath-er's Day., Grange will convene;

fol-'owingthe Supper.Mr .and Mrs. George Wilken an)E

Mrs. Paul Kerbrat and son SteveTNof Kendri'ck,'and Mrs. Marlene Bow-ers and daughters visited in the'GepFinke home'Wednesday evening. Mrand Mrsr'Elnler; Soudels were Fridayevening callers.,

Visitors and callers at the AlmaBetts home the past week included'.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strom ofGrangemont, who were enroute toMoscow. to visit'heir son-in-law an'IE

daughter'Mr.: rind k Mrs. Wallace Voa: B'a)c(I;en 'and;E(pri i Georgia Recce.Mrsr'C]aude 'King, Mrs. Don Christ-ensen anti 'Stele, Mrs. Elmer Soudersa)rd'rs.f George Finke, who was as-.sisting with: Sbmc spring painting.

"Mr'." alf(f 'Mi s. D. V. Kuykenda]Kwere Lewiston visitors Thursday.

lThey took, their grandchildren baclr.

'to their home after a week's stayhere. Their parents are Mr. and Mrx.Herman Kuykendall.

Mr and Mrs. Gene Kuykendall an( of Lewfston spent Friday jz.the D, V. Kuykendall home.

Little Bonnie Lawrence is enter-taining the chicken pox this week.

Stella McIver was a supper guestin the Albert Lawrence home Thurs-day evening,

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stalnaker ar(IIher mother, Mr,.:. LaVina Thornton ofVancouver, Wash, were here vjsitin)„"in the home of her daughter, Mrs.Emil Bcyer. Mr. and Mrs. Stal-naker left on a vacation trip else-where Sunday, while Mrs. Thorntor;remained for a longer visit,

Mrs. Albert Lawrence and chj]dreaca]lcd at the Emil Beyer home Fn--day evening.




"A Square Deal ToBuyer and Seller"

Kendrick, Idaho'f I', .'.jj';,( trj (I''; .',, ti

I":A (LT, UI4


fec'(ke P i i) f ")

n eamaRMRsinaswm wmmmmml\8% ~

i Dr. Or "A.'"Chi iiteiisenI M D

Offf'cte Hpssrs10(00 A. M. To 5:00 P. M.

() amer(Eency Call at All Hours On)kEO) fffcatfpn

Offfpe Phone 5982 Residence 5871Office Est'

Ohrfstenseri ftuffdlng, Kerrdrfc]E - f



ND APPLICATION DDT 0MALATHION At about 3:30 a. m. Wednesday OE.

this week the J-K Ambulance an-swered a call to the Dick Andersolahome at Juliactta, where the rcsusi-tator was use(f'to relieve Mrs. Ander-son of a lung congestion.

She had been using a bleach fNA

conjunction with other elements )NN

cleaning operations, and the resu]t-ing gas formed proved hazardouLShe was not hdspjta]ized.

Custom SlaughteringM'eat Cut, Wrapped

and Quick Frozen'Locker Beef


and Quarter(Anhnals Should Be In Not Later

Than Monday)

L]ve Pick up 'Can Be'rranged4 Mlles East of Troy'n Troy-

Desry HfghwayPh, TE 5-2841 EvNL TU 2-6082

The Ever green ] Fiends]np C]u)pwill meet on Wednesday, June 16, atthe home of Mrs. Roy Glenn on Tex-as ridge. Mrs. Gary Browning

OI.'uliaettawill be cn-hostess. It.wj]Rbe a 12:30 luncheoll meeting.

Mrs. Edward Reid, Kendrick, wasadmitted to the St. Joseph's HpspjtsyhLewiston, as'4 medical patient Tues-day aft.ernoon.

AND L" uDEN Rev. David Zaske will be ordainedMRS. ROBERT PRATT this Saturday evening by Bishop Ev-

Phone oo4-5338 ere(,t W. Palmer of the Seattle areaof the Methodist Church. The ordi- Of) NOT SEND HONEY WITH THIS APPLICATION YOU WILL BE NOTIF(ED

Mr, and Mrs, Richard Schliefer n«jon service will be held in the St. AND THE PROPER FEE REQUESTED IF YOU ARE SUCESSFUL IN GRAVING A

CHURCH NOTICES came up f Lewisto Thursday and John s Cathedral of Spokane, PERH(T. YOU BUST NAVE A CURRENT VALID HUNTING L(CENSE TO APPLY,

took Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weaver and The ordination requirements will

Ju]faetta.Methodist Church Cheryl to the Moscow Cemetery. be completed after Rev. Zas]<e ap-They were luncheon guests of Mr. pears before the Board of Ministerial PLEASE P(l(NT

and Mrs. Ado]ph Dennler on Fix Training and passes a physical ex-Church School'10:30 a, m ridge, and visited with Mrs. Randy amination. The service is open toBible School, 9:00 a. m. to 11:00'Wallace.. the public and begins at 7:30.

a. m., Monday - Friday, two weeks.l Mr..and Mrs, Ted Weaver and fam-Alli are 'welcome.. i(UNT NO. (DO NOT USE UANAGENENT UNIT NO.)

Lewjstpn'vj'sited sunday with Lester + ~ E VY.F AUX.N MKendrick Community Church Weave ~

''" ' 'he V. F. W.'nd Auxj]fary will GROUP APPLICATION? YES NO

David Zaske, Pastor Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Candler and meet June 18 at the ha]], at 8 sharp.Service 8 3() '.'a.'. Julian Pjriano, Lewiston, 'were Sunl Come

Ch'urch 'chool, <ednesday, 9:30 day evening- dinner-.guests of M"'ome c]eaning up to'do.a. m. and Mrs. Jack Parsley.and children.

Carolyn Holt was a Sunday luncheonHUNTIHO

Cameron Emmanual Lutheran Church guest LiCCNSC No.

Theo Meske, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Arnett andl

Pgg,'g g J jgChi]dren's Day Service at 10.80 children were Suriday dinner guests

Pot-luck dinner after the program. of Mr, and Mrs. Phil Bahr. I I.ASTIRoy Grim Gresham, Oregon, left

Lutheran Church of Julia tta Monday morning for his home after SISTER PASSES —Charles Jelle-a- ten-day visit with his brother -arid berg was an over-night 'isitor in

No services, Al] are urged tp st sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest t"e home of his nephew and wife,tend at Cameron. grfm, Over Memori]. Day they Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mabbott, Julia-

fished at Calder, .Idaho, and E]k etta, Tuesday. He helped with ar-Assemb]y of Gpd Kendrick Creek. This past week-end they rangements for the funeral of his

9 45 a m Sunday Schppl Dave Grim and children.. 'assed 'away that mori)jng. He at-11.00 a ln,Wprshjp Servjce Mr. and ])Irs. Neil Grfno]ds'ind son tended the funeral at Craigmont on

6 80 p m O' Service picnicked at a Clarkston park Sun- SaturdaY. fiAMC IPIRST) limiTIAI I

7:45 p. m. Evange]istic Service day with Mr. end Mrs. Ted Grinolds BOOKMOBILE —When the Latah7:45 p. m. Wed., Bible Study and and «rrrj]Y. The occasion celebrated County Bookmobile summer schedu)epraypr, Mr. and Mrs. Tcd grinolds'7th wed- I

was announced last week, it included STRICT. BOX, OR RURAL ROUTC No.

'ding anniversary. (a stop at Park on alternate Tues-Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Holt and spn days. The first stop will be June

Seventh Day Adventist Chore of California called Thursday even- 15 fronl 3:30 to 4 p. nl. It wi]] beJuffaptt~ Idaho ing in the James Holt home. parked at the "Four Corners," If

Elder A. R. Hag Pastor Raymond Whybark called Sunday enough interest is shown in the LICCNIC NO.

2:00 p. m. Sabbath School. in the Bob Chilberg home., Bookmobile, Park will become a per-8:00 m. p. Worship Service.:3 Wm. Cuddy an'd childre of Coeur manent stop on 'the route..7: 0 Tuesday evening. Bible Study d'A]ene visf'ted Sunday afternoon in CLUB NOTES Members of the

~ nliNiTiAI I I LAIT I

All are welcome at any service. the Ra Cuddy home.Y Boulder Creek Home DemonstrationI Mr; and Mrs.: Robert Pratt and ', Club met with Mrs. Sharon Chur-

Ju]faetta Church of the Nm rme fami]y were Saturday over-night'chill, May 25, for their final se sionW. Perry'inkle, Pastor gupsts pf Mr and.Mrs Andrew pp] 'of the year. During the afternoon

9:45 a. m. Sunday School umsky and family at Pomeroy. On lthey worked on signs and posters'for cITY 'rase ~. sii cccs

11:00 a. m. Morning Worship Sunday.all drove to Eennewjck, Wn'I their float in the Strawberry Festi-" i,k',, *

6:00 p. m. Junior Society for a picnic with relatives from val parade. Membe'rs announced HUNTING

6 15 p. m. N. Y. P. S. Clarkstoni Yakima, Richland, Ken- 'hat .some tickets 'on th'e club's gifts7:00 p. m. Worship Se~ce newick, Wn., and Emmett, Ida


had'been sold, and more were passedWed.,'7:80 p™,Missionary Meet-, Mr. and Mrs.-F]mer Weaver, Lew-, out. The Busy Beaver 4-H Club 'is

ing. jston, were Saturday over-night and cooperating with the ho'me demon- fiAICC IfrtnrTI I LAIT I

Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Sam'tration club on the ticket sale, withTHANK YOU, FRIENDS

IWeaver and Cheryl..gheryl return-'he 4-H'ers retaining half the pro- STREET. Sox oR RURal RoUTC Ho,

I would like to thank my m n ed to Lewiston with them to nS]t cee s of any tickets they sell, the

g4pd frf n d f r th de fl card s f]ow ers in th e Richard Sch iefer h om e for proceed s going tow ard fin an cin g th eCivv

tal,'and afte my return home —I Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mosher, Boise, SISTER VISITS —Mr. and Mrs.

Thank you —Waly]y Fleming 23-1 and Mrs Clarence Gilbert and son Milo Van Winkle of Los AngelesTom of Lewjston, were. Monday even- j visited her brother-fn-law,and sister, y F y AN D AUX,mg callers m thp Robert;pratt home.


Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bafsmg(trtner'andMrs. Marion Souders .and. daugh- family Friday. Mrs. Van Winkle

ters were Monday luncheon guests, of stayed until Sunday while her hus- Baker-Lind Post No. 3913 of theThe Kendrick Highway District Mr. and Mrs. Art, Foster at Kendric. ( band continued on to '.Spokane on V. F. W. and Auxiliary reports their

will receive sealed bids up to and The Marion Souders -children business." She joined him "Sunday'oppy Sale was a real sUccess, andincluding the'3rd day of July, 1965, spent Saturday wjt) Mrs. grace to resume their trip to Seattle;.Mrs. wish to thank'he communities offor gasoline and diesel fuel to be Souders in Kendrick...,. Cleon McAlfster and son- Gary, of Juliaetta and Kendrick for their loyaldelivered to the District grounds at Gold Hill called at the Baumgartner support on the Buddy Poppy Day,Kendrick, Idaho, for a one-year per- CARD OF THANKS. home'n Saturday.. '- '.''- ..'" May 29th. The total collected wasiod, July 31, 1965 —July 31, 1966, I We s;ncerel thank ]] u friends BOISE VISITORS —Mr. and Mrs. $109.39 from the sale of the".tiny Me-

The District reserves the right to and ne~fghbors fpr th man ards Jerry Smith Ejn'd family entertained morial flowers, which money will bereject any or all bids; f]pwers m rj l ~ d r 'her parents,'Mr. and Mrs.'Char]e'S D. used to help disabled veterans. The

Dated this 7th day of.June, 1965. pf sy~pathy extended tp us fn,the',Stone.'of Boise over the three-day larger 'ercentyge will .be, kePt inKENDRICK'HIGHWAY DIST. recent loss of our mother The money week-end; with: visits to Kendrick's the local relief fu d. The poppies

23 3 W'ALTER BROCKE Sec cpntributjons,, have been; dp st d.,to LocUs't'lossom Festival, where:they were made 't the Idaho 'eteransthe JTK Ambulance . Fund". in her met relatives and friends,-'nd to Home.--------'---.—.-.---.-..—name. —The Mabbott Family. 1-x Moscow and Bovi]]. 'Vfsjtors 4n thel There wm a dfstrict meeting in

"i Smitih home to see the:Stones were[ Deary, Sunday, with several local~ ~ ~ Get thpsp 'fcnic and campjn]h'-'Mr; and .AIrs."- Donald -Candler", TOm members-- attending. Among them

Spec(a((z(ng In foods of Nk hinds, ai B.kswet~hs,Mnr „dhd Do 'r., onf-iByovill, Chs'rleii'yiille- were Gerald Bslsetb, Joe 'Sorest,GOLDEN RIJLEket Kendrick ~

'- ~ -:adv berg Mrs Roscoe'unter. and chi]«Herb Millird Mrs Alice Goss 6'nd

Hair COIOririg .', dven.'Barbara'Smith, 8;.:aceonipaikied Mrs. Cheek'Deobaid.her'ra'ndparents "l when they went, .home, and to-visit Mr. Stone's brain-er,'Rupert stdiie end'amily at Mil- )Ar. S. (e. S. TO MEET

Permgnent 8"aping IDAHO '' ":I

ton-Fr'eewater Ode';,'e m"'te.'he''ill

be iway'wo'weeks.Sealed Bids for construction of, JELLEBERG,REUNION Abput The June meeting of the Woman's

9:00 a. m. tO 5:00 P. m. "ADDITIONS.." TO:.- SEWERAGE 20 relatives attended the annual re- Society of Christian Service of theSYSTEM" will be received-ly the unlori of th Jelleber famil it the Kendric Communfty Chumh will-be

Closed Monday Vinage of'endrick at the. Vj]]ag'e.home of Charle's Jelleberg Slfnday held Thursday, June 10'at 1:30'p.(Hall until 8:00 P. M. (Pacific "Dkay-(Among those present were Mr''nd m. with Mrs. Howard'offman inlight Time) 'FRIDAY, JUNE 18, Mr's.'rvin Mabbott of Juliaettav Mr. charge'f .the Program. Mrs. A. O.

KENDRICK BEAUTY 1965, and then at, said Vj]]age Ha]] ~d Mrs Da]e-Mabbott Craigmont'anikkeberg and Mrs. Hoffman will

SALON Publicly oPened and:read aloud I Mr. ind Mrs. Jack Mabbott, Conrie]]''i "rePoi'ts'n't)je Confer'ence meet-.Plans and SPecifications'-are on Wn.; Mr.: and Mrs. Dick Mabbott ofh fng 'of'the W. S. C. S;--

phOne 289 5727 . file for inspection't the office of C]arkstoh Mrs Jean Bur ch land spn There will be no Circle meeting inESVELT ff'AXTON, 'Consulting Mark(of Lewjston; Mrs. Ver]a Jenny'une..-.-. -.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-..--.-.-.-Engineers, 701 Radio Central Build- of Cottonwood;:M'r. and Mrs. Maur-ing," Spokane,.Washington 99204, a ice Wood and Mr. Sad Mrs. Gers]d STUDFIINIT SUNDAYoo'd 'and fttjmf]y of DesClerk and at the p'ffjees of 'the ., GUDMUNSON REUNIONSpokane- Construction Cou'neil, 'he tendjngmk'thg "grjdmunson famj]y re- This Sunday is "Student Sunday"Tri-City Coniitruction Council lice union't'the'home kif charles Gud- ln the Methodist churcli; In ohser-

I r r - newjck), and the'poked, 13ojse muns'on and Mr:,'nd Mrs. Me]vjn vance 'f 'thji(: several local students

"'8and Seattle offices of the Associ- Gudmunson aifd She]]y, in park, wei'e have been "-asked tp take part'n theated General Contractorsi'Pen'ii-ai Mv..and Mrsi Leonard 'Clsbn and Cendrkchcbfumhnity:Church service.*" da ': " ~ Specifications may be -obtained from( fami]y" of "Spokan'e 'Mr. 'and Mrs;: Miss Dee Magnuson wi]] give thethe Enginee'rs, $15.00 deposit'equir- Lo(]fs Mj]]er:-an'd famj]y of''Co]fax'" main part of the message —a mes-

It's picnic time again. Get a]1 ' h f Mr. and Mrs. Eugene gudmunson and sage buj]t around the'onference'ore i "'full

those'w(fnt'ed itefiistat(B]ewett's Mar- on one set to contractors. submit- famf]y'of Deary', and Mr.'and Mrs. Methodist Students she.attended atket:fn "Eeiidrick. '-:" " adv .'ng pr p al a" 'supp.'-s'q- W; A. Throwei of Orofino. 'incoln, Nebraska, this past Christ-

ling contractors. $10.00 will be re- GRANgEVILLE REUNION —Mr. mas vacation. The service wi]1 be aWANT —Homes for kittens. Wean- funded on extra sets and to all other and Mrs. Duane Thompson and fam- combined one for the Juliaetta-Kend-

ed'and house b'roke. Mrs. Ted Fey. planholders. To secure refund, Plans i]y attended a" reunion of her famj]y rick parish, and wil] be hekl at 8:30phone 289-4537 or 4813. 23-1 k Specifications must be returned and friends at grangevj]]e, Sunday. a. m. A coffee hour will follow.

- in g'ood condition within 20 days Anita Thompson remained at grange-SOME DEALERS earn more than following the opening of bids. I ville to visit. relatives. Kendrick has no parking metersl

$3 hourly selling our line of over, The work consists of the fol]ow-I300 household necessities. Dealer~ ing schedules:needed now in Latah County. Write SCHEDULE I: Domestic Sewage ~Raw]eigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland Interceptor & Outfall.California. SCHEDULE II: Additions to Do-

mestic Sewage Collection System. H

FOR SALE —1961 Scout, 'IFA-c; SCHEDULE 111 Addjtions P Mod H

Warn Hubs. Call or see Marvin ifications to Storm Sewer System.Trout 289-4460, Kendrick. 21-2x


SCHEDULE IV: Sewage Treat- H


FOUND —Car keys at We]ding ment Facilities.H H

Shop. Pay this ad; to c]aim 28 I Work under Schedules I, II and H

III will be awarded to a single Bid- H

FOR LOWEST PRICES read the der. Schedule IV will be awarded H

ad. of Blewett's Cash Grocery on separately.the back ))age. 7-2 The Owner reserves the right to H PPtAIJ

,reject any or all bids and to waive H UXMJtU H AMBULANCE CA(LLWANTED CHURNING CREAM H

Lewlston price at Kendrick. Leavel Each Bidder must accompany his H

at Kendrick Table -Supply, Kend-Iproposa] with a Certified Check orr ck.. Gp]deft Grain Dairy, Lewis- Bid Bond in an amount equal to 5%%uo


SEE THE NEW LINES of RCA No Bidder msy withdraw his bid

B]ack 8, White and Co]or TV Sets. within fortY-five (45) days after thet


Now on disp]ay at the Variety ifz actual date of the oPening thereof.


FOR SALE —Used Westinghouse of employment to be observed and~ ~ ~ H

automatic washer and dryer, $50 the minimum wage rates to be paid H p e gre ~Orging ii)ith +illCre8tfor both. See at Kendrick Gar- under the Contract.

H ~'

23-2 NQNDIscRIMINATIQN IN EM- H 4 ircrg ft —We furnish the chemical—PLOYMENT l EVERGREEN CLUBD6 Cat, 9U Series with new canopy Bidders on this work are required "„HiElcre8t r EgS it On

cable blade, Hyster winch. Good to comply with the President's Ex- H

condition. Call SH 3-0416 or ecutive Order No. 11114 and the H ~E IiLL CHECK YOUR FI ELDSGN 2-2932. 22-2x provisions of Executive Order No.

10925 as included therein. The re- 6IVE US A CALL H

FOR SALE —Peer]ess Rol-N-Mix quirements for Bidders 8 Contrac- H

Roller Feed Grinder and Mixer. tors under this order are exp]ainedPortable on tandem wheel trailer in Specifications. H

PTO Drive. Priced to sell. Geo.l, ~

IDAHO " HOSPITAL PATIENTPAPER TABLE CLOTH —In 100- By R. E. MAGNUSON, SEEDSMENyard rolls, 40-in. wide. Does not Village Clerk

dissolve when wet. In new tear- Approved:H PHONE 289-4231 KENDRICK

off type boxes. Why wash table L. A. WALLACE, Mayor, H

cloths when you don't have to? First pub. June 3, 1965 H H

Gazette, Kendrick. 36-tf Last pub. June 17, 1965 rzzzx~~(ETIzxzzxxzzzzxxzxzxxxzxzxxxzzzxzzzzzxzzzzzs:I

Page 6: - 1965 - The Kendrick Gazette/1965 Jan. - June... · ~revs i VOLUME 75 KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY> IDAHiQ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1965 NO. 23 JULIAETTA DOINGS ''A ' 'l'Ag HAPPPgNGg A.S.C.APPLICATIONS



TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS XMany. New, Gay Patterns to Choose




@ ~ —3+Cl


Come in and see the Light Weight8-inch Pac by Wolverine —Our Fast- Oest Seller/ Ask to See 1Vo. 08800

PAIR $13'



A Popular Summer Item1-lb. Bag 4

Ii.tM, I 3PaONE 5951


0N. B. LONG „

wm 8%8%w+mm w Mwm

PHONE TU 2-1166

rozen Foods of All Kinds —Bleurett's Grocery




TO IlOlp gOII SOVO time and money, we stock the most

complete line of petroleum products for term use avail ijf

able ln the West... more than 100 products In all ~ We

have the facts to help you select the right product fotI the job.And we deliver whatyou need,when you need it. 5

7 UNION 78 Kendrick Theater Mrs. Bill Brsmmer of Clarkatcn" wereATTEHTION FARMERS! visitors.

IFRIDAY - SATURDAY Dallas Hepler moved back homeFor. the Best in Quality last Friday, after spending the win-!


SO DEAR TO IYDon sy~~t sunday with her Parents,

Royal N or Regular GasolineUnifuel T—he low sulphur content Diesel


HEART»'D "D"ws«neentm'wbu-«yaf ternoon,

Lubricating Oils and Greases With Mrs. Fred Newman, Mrs. Ted Wey-BURL IVES en and Mrs. Stanley Hepler toured

For Every Need.~ BEULAH BOND the flower gardens at the UniversityHARRY CARRY at Moscow~ and at the Eddie Gal- "-"H-""

DIP DK'A 9 9IAr'K' GLOVESSTARTING TIME 8:00 P. M. (go gggg gggUI'J

'I CLOSED TH5 SUNDAY 4 MONDAY 'rs. Ella Benscoter . drove Mrs.

TyiEE'THE FAMILY OUT TO l== — a way to Pa'scc to a't't'e nd'b tPe~~~ TH S RE SELLIIINLFAST


once in a while —and the kids will en- f +MERON SECTION 'rs.""B'enscctef'and Mrii, f'ngte'r'ei

joy it, too. Good food need o be - f AQIYI'fIES YAgIED"D'," ";'„",R",,„"„;"',„'„;""

yenSiVe When you dine With uS. Try itt ,'„,,„™d,N';",'rs„««id»gle at-

COOD Fppo SMg yNG SERVj'gE < P one 9894850 Boa a 'g Inn at o-r

Ladies Aid Meeting Smith Reid of Kellogg,and Mr. andThe A. L. C. W. held their last Mrs. Stewart Reid of Lewiston were

Aid meeting for the summer last Sunday callers in the Gerald IngleHURT AND VERA SOUDERS Wednesday afternoon, with a busi- home.

ness session, with ten members andI Mr. and-Mrs. Gerald Clear, Clark-,two children attending. ston, were Sunday dinner guests of

Refreshments were served at the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benjamin andHI-C, DRINKSclose of the meeting by Mrs. Harl Rickie.

Mrs; Ed. Galloway of Juliaetta andMrs. Eddie Galloway called on Mrs. Flavors to Chooscecil chamberlain wednesday after- i $ Fla OrS tO Cih OSe FrOm

I t I 8 I~ i I I II i I I I itk I I I .' f Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drhper spent "cc"ji;; iI p. l

f I S i,'l ji,f Wednesday evening visitmg Mr. and Mrs. cease Reft'el, orofino, spentI

6'ANS 89Cii ' ''."' i '; ' I I i I:xeMrs. Marl Whitinger.

'the Memorial Dey week-end with

STANDBY TOMATO JVICEof Coeur d'Alene were week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoemaker of

j I

guests of Nr. and Mrs. Walter Koepp Connell, Wash,, sPent the week-end 8 Large 46-oz. Cans'ith their brother, Ray Jones. Er-I

Mr. and Nrs. Gerald Heimgartner, nest Jones and Donald Jones of Ken-Skip Koepp and Nr. and Nrs. Walter newick, also visited there.

sip Koepp fished at pend Oreiile lake on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Danielson andI

I Sunday and Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Borgen, Gene-~

iMr. and Mrs. Harl Whitinger were, see, were Sunday afternoon callers I

I Thursday evening luncheon guests of of Mrs, Johanna Nelson.Nr. and'rs. Arnie Cuddy and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Galloway,Hattie Southwick.. Janice and Jerry enjoyed a picnic-

I. If.l!', i "', ' 'rs; LaVina Thornton and Mrs. drive to Palouse Falls, Sunday.cwr Wiibur Stainaker of Vancouver Wn., Mr. and Nrs. Grant Clemenhagen


$+.. j visited her brother and wife,, Mr. and an Mr. and Mrs. Homer EmmettI

ieee i à 1t t Mrs. Harl Whitinger, last Friday attended the Genesee Community i

ni morning'. Day, Saturday afternoon.Henry Meske of Spokane was a Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clemenhagen


I week-end guest of his bmther and were Friday evening suppei'uest'I

jr~,: f wife,'Rev. and Mrs Theo Meske.and of Mr. and Mrs. Al Ruby ~d daugh-


I~'' family ter in Deary.

j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koepp, Iaw- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dean and sonsI'ence Schwarz and Mr. and Mrsi Ed Pooled their suPPer with Mr. and

FATHERS/ +AY SUN DAY J UN E 29 ) Nielke attended the 1934 Class Re- Nrs. Grant Clemenhagen, Sundayunion at Kendrick, Saturday, May 29;

Hgr'e'; in th'1'S Store, you Can fil1{i juSt <Ronnie Lohman of Lewiston spent

mo t complet d It la th old

the gift'for Dad that you'e been.lpoking < and Mrs. Ervin Lohman. Nr'. and one destroyed by fire last fall.I Mrs. Gary Lohman and family were Mrs. Grailt Clerilenhagen spentfor- Suitday and Monday visitors. Monday afternoon with Mrs. Cecil '

DreSS hM Sport ShirtS, TieS, SOCkS, SpOrt famil weresu er u st f M nd Mrs Janice Jonesisspendingsomej

and DreSS JaCketS —you name it gee'Ve got Nrs. Chester Vincent, celebrating ime wi er parents, Dr. and Mrs.ithe Wegner's marriage anniversary.


W. A. Myers, in Lewiston.

Cpn1e in and SeleCt a gift npgrI < pn Thursday Mrs. Glen Wegner Nr. and.Mrs, Leland Slind, Pull- )


ter, Jiiian', who returned for the sum- Mr's,'scar S]ind at a Picni'c suPPer S H 0 R S E R A C H A.P E LI mer from'he College of'Idaho'. Jo in a Park at Moscow Friday evening.

r"I' 'I1 anne Sullivan accompanied Nrs. Weg 1The occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. i slind's wedding anniversary.


I MOSCOW in+HO'iuan Wegner wae a Saturday Bomer donee, from >exes, has been i.

I, J,l,',, J,a,l, , 4, k Z,, v; 4 over-night guj,et of Pudge Peters rn sPending some time visiting hise I l M I

PIN ne 289-5791 KemII'jiek 'I Nr and Mrs. Wilbert Brunsiek, and his sister, Mrs. Helen HinrichsNrs. gibert Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. and son Herman. IFGus Blum were Friday visitors of Mrs. Cecil Chamberlain called onNrs. Clay Albright in Lewiston Mrs. Anna Bower, Thursday morning. i

Mrs. Anna Bower- and Mr, and rSatu rd ay even in g su pp er gu ests of CharIes Bow er atten ded th e join t


I L. "' p ~ I Mr. and Nrs. James Whitinger and Picnic of the L'atah and Nez Perce )~

— ~,,5 g ~ ., Ii dight~~~ 'ounty Soil Conservation supervisors )

8 D~ I t WI g I e:w. ol i Ii t Mr. and Mrs. games whitinger at Spalding part, Sunday. I I Ia '. ~

,'!j M; 2 ''~ I,.» .% > ~ SI I I ej

II IN'ts I d ,'. f< Janis and Gina were Sunday dinner Mrs. J. D. Wilson and Eldon visit- I F. ~ ~~ ~—

~;:" I I!:II il I' l .-"

'I "'h W;:i, .") g esto of his parents, Mr. end Mrs. e Mon av with Mrs. Manley wal- .;,.I f.i f i g S l

jl i ~ f ~ e o



~, ) Ervin'Draper. That evening Nr. and munity Hall. I ) i' I,',',, I

Mrs. Henry Wendt were luncheonand evening guests in the Harl whit-'EPOR r ERROR 'I % ~1(II I I fgI~SS,NI

'I inger home.I Mr. and Nrs. Glen Wegner were

Sunday evening supper guests in the In the report of the Parade win-iJ,L, 14 ilj IM

bet. was made —The Auxiliary of the~

mrt MEpfIt DEpARfIfMENT ('r. and Mrs. wllbert.Brunsiek and v. p. w. Baker-Lied post was sward-


q ~~I,

and Mrs. Albert Glenn. Fresh and frozen vegetables —at ~ I Ij

gij749BEEF ROAST Mr. and Mrs. Dectt Brammer snd Blewett's, Kendrick. Get 'em. adv SWI

' P~ I wl ~


g9sfL ( j, AhVLXULb. ~VP



'49 92'EN ""M~ '--=-:-"'-''I

'HERGYDETERGEHT—l M J 8 COFFEE 6 lb C~n---------$ 2'39

M. J. B. COFFEE —2-lb Can ........$1.75iStze ----------------------------"----- 39C ! 'l

M,. J. B. COFFEE —I lb. Can ..............8-9CSTAHDBY TOMATO JUICE

ij 46 oz Cans —-3 f.or............................89CI'. PFT FOOO I,it SIJNSHINE COOKIES —6 Varieties~,'ats Meow, Top Dog, Top Dog Reg. 48c pkg. Now 2 for .............7,: "Protein Packed" —12 cans......$1 OO I GOLD MAID MARG


Strawberry, Peach, Grape, A prt-cot —40-oz. size I—Each ...........~ '!„'ISSIOH EGG NOODLES —Assorted

Widths —8 pkgs. 8+O'E DELIVER PHONE 289-Nil,



'' "Ysuy Frissdly stftrs-

PHQNE 4921 KENDEKK PHONE 4921 PHONE $141rwaww ww w~w w ~wwwmwa~wvM ~ww ww wm w vw r a~i

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