Page 1: · 2016-10-04 · mdcr Bny nnd On mho. Frorh tl•e three !Jlst nnm

e .. . (rwo llOT.L& A PER RAn,) HA'kiOR ~RACK. NFLD. lfH IBAY, NQVj.~MBEH. 18, 1892, (RINGLE COPIES TWO Cfi'Jns) NU \II BErt 90 ..

" • POST OFFICE NOTICE. Pharmacy .. Prices·awaJ'Down 1 Ne-w Goods 1

an~Harb:~rtr~c~~r sale at enrbonear NOW IS 'THE TIME TO BUY I H arbofl Grace - New: Goods I

ON AND AFTER MONDAY,5tb day ~ny of DECEMBER, Maile . will bo dee· patched from this Officf', closing Rt 9 ~.m. on Mondays and Thmadnys, for Random and Smith'P, Sounds, 'l'rinity, Da1ruinn. DonRvist.'l, Kings Cove, and !Ldjneent. plncf's, for Clodc Sound, Alex· mdcr Bny nnd On mho. Frorh tl•e three !Jlst nnm<'t1 pl:tcca, mnils will be de&J patchro weekly, to tho South aide of Bonn\'isll\ Bny,ns fRrna Jndinn Arm, to 3n.lvnge, t-hence to Gooseberry lslnnds. md nei~bboring sot.tlemonta, and to 1\'orth Stde of Bolll\\'istn BRy, calling at. Fnir Ielnnd. Sfl\mbler's Cove nnd Greens· [)Ond. Mnils " 'ill nlso bo dcspntched from Gr~enspoud to Poolcs' Islandt and 'lll aettlemt'n~ to Cnpe Freels nna Cat HIU'bor, and to Musgrn\'cHnrbor, in the :listrict. of Fosro. A mail Officer will be on board tho Hall's B:1y Train ill charge of m(lils and the t rnnsnction of Poetal

H. MbRRISSEY ~ishes .ththan~ his customers Y¥YY(J¥Y¥Y¥Y::¥Y ~\nd th~ '}mhhc generally for .their kin patronage in the pMt, o.nd hopes by strict attention to business to merit a. continuance of the in the future . He •n.lso begs to intimate that be has alwq.ys on hand a.· full stock of nll the lc:1.ding English and American Patent Medi­cines; n.ls6, Fancy and Toile~ Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Per­fumCl'Y, O'g!!-rs, Dry Paints, V al'nishes, Glue,• &c.

N.Y. Extr~TNo 1 Flour Every Department ~~W Bargaip.a S4.50 ·Per Barrel. · . f) C'a.nada Patents l ~~~~~be ~ large ·Stock of _/ (.

~lUllD088. "' , J . 0. FRASER: P.M.G. General Post Office,

St. John's Nov. 15.,

- o-F or Snlc by Public Auction on S.ltur·

dny next, Hhh inat., nt 12 o'clock,

50 tubs Amer. JOJL.~ J .

~142i \


Church : Fair in nid of the

Cathedral Re-building FUND will open in the

ACADE)IT .;. 1IA.LL -os-

Monday next, 21st inst. Those who have promiseci donn·

tiona will please send tbem in not Juter thnn that date.

Harbor Grace, Nov. 15.

Just - Received I lib tins Fresh Oysters

at 17 cts per tin. 2 lb 'Vliole Piuc:-tpples-n.t 25

cts per tin. Almeria GRAPES, brg:0 :mtl

sweet, at 20 cts per lb Oxford Sausages in 1 t tb t ins:

at 30 cts per ti ..... 6 lbs Choi-ce, Picked Onions for

20 cts. A . full etock of

Provisions ailci Groceries .Jiiiiir.Allaold cheap by

~Our Dispensary Depa.rtment will be found complete. Personal attention given to Physicians' Prescriptions.

P. S.-All orders attended to with care nl}d despatch. The stock of Medicines is complete, warranted genuine, and of the bes~ quality.

SundR.y Hours-10 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 3, 8 to 9 p.m.

Water Street, - - - - Harbor Grace, Nfld. 1\85

•• Ne-w Goods Just Received -AT THE--

Harbor Grace Stove and Hardware DEPOT. C. L . KENN:ElDY, Proprietor.

Our Stock of S fOVE'"' nnri GENERAL HARD\V ARE is now com· plete. hl STOY .ES we ha \'e tho ditl'crent makes of locnland foreign mnnufact.nre, comprising H ull, Cooking, Church, nnd Parlor; also, Gothic Gmt.ea. CMtings and duplica tes of the locnl mnkes always kept on hand.

The stock of Hardware is a lnrgc one, nnd nny article-Tools of nil kinde, Locks, Hinges, Xnils, &.c.~a.n be had. FA)jCY GOODS and SOAPS kept in large mriety. Toilet Son~. o. specialty.

LAMPS of nll Jescriptions and pnces irr stook,- from the Large Chandelier to the smallest. Nutmeg or Xight Lamp. In. this line we oao suit all purchaeera. Oil, Wi~:ks. &c.

A T f:\ \\.ARE, COPPER·S~IITH and PLU.YDING bu.ineesia counected wlth the Estnblishmcnt, where a ll work in these lines cnn be executed with neatncu , promptnl',s and satisfaction. .

a6r'OUTPOR1' ORDERS alway11 recei\'e prompt attention. The fullest utfs· faction gnu.rautecd in all Cf\Ses. . . Water Street,- - - Harbor Grace.

Boots & Shoes ! I Dental~otice I Good chcnp :lnrl Rcl inblt• at

298 Water St., St. John's, Dr. LEHR [::=1c:~ OF THE Bw Hoo·r.] expects to town in a

• --s- few weeks' ti me,nnd will be FRE O. ' :.\I A T.L\\'OOD, in thnnk1ng absent some months. Per·

his cu!'lom~·ra t•>r t h,•i r support. la•gs to fiOnli rel}uiring work ncquault thl! pulolil- ,,f ~t. John 's nod ha\d bettPr make it a point. to cnll ellrly ll•'h:lahvri ng- l• •~:a l i ti•·, that he is. niter nnd hn ,.e their wnnta attended to before ho1i ng burnt 01.: •a: ~: " ht ~e lire, ngnin h e leave• . in the umco ut " Gordon" Lodge.

ot and Shoe Business OctiS --------------------a mi llliiY be found nt . - W L.NTED-Wlole-t.wake worhra .n•or • 208 \\'.-\.TER. :'TREF.T, (SIG~ OF BIG wh.•rll fo1r " ,)BEPP':i PHOTOORAPUS otttto

UOOT,) Wll iU. D"; tluo gr~:,tual book oo C!llrth; e.1atlug . d 1 100,000; Tel411 AI 8,2b dol•. cuh or lnatall•

where lS pt;l'parcd to sell Boots 9:n menta• m•mmoth llloatrAted drcalare and term1 Shoes nt the same old l'lllca, nnd to gl\'e fr&Oj d.u, ontput onr 1600 volom... A~rtntt satisfaction in every particular. wlla whb euo..... Mr. 'l'bo•, L, MartJn, Oen-

JOSEPH Ross CuatQmera'can rei~· on obta1n1Pi tho tl!nlllt, T11x,, olo~artd lill In 9 d•J•; WI•• ' Best Value that thetr money cAD 1&- Boee Adam•, Wooetord O.l. !8 dollara lu 4o • b full i 111lnutaa; Bev, .r, Bnwar Haauou L,.oo.,N,Y,.

W A.TER STREET, HA R GRACE cure, and recljeinng t o eat at tent on. 101 doll•r• lu 7 bnure; " bnuanu ; 'maanlftOPot _. Giv~ our 1hop a call and be outetoolyldollu,Book•onortdll,~ral,htpnld

GooDs suited. Remcmber~298 Water Street, Atldr'Ha Oloba Bible J:>abllahlnr Oo,, No, 728 Sign of the Bfg BOot. Ub111tout fit, , Phlle,, Pa., or 868 Dearborn St,,

F d 8 II d .Obieago, I ll, Sp2880

• re ~ ma woo • NEW. POST OFVIC~ WO'l'IC~:

HALLBROS. -c AuT~ 0 }J ! . AU6•Iml•~.(~ Rnvo juat recei~ed a. splendid line of- EAOR PLUG OF THE OHAlfGE QV S~GS, -

Black Dress Serges-cheap MYRTLE NAVY J Ladies' Ulsters and 3·4 li; MAHKEo

Jackets. Cold. Lin(di Kid Gloves. T 1 & · B Bag Muffs, , . · • . · ~ Fur Tippets, Boas and IN B~oNzE LETTE~.

Collarettes. · G E Dress Plaids, &c, &o. N~NE OTHER. ENUIN

. ~otb~;:r- :By:n 's Eooltst~re.

'<>m St. o n'e tO Liverpoolt

No c.-hange ie proJ>08oo in •W!f~· or •~mer frOm Baltamo1e and u oalllng MJe"for Llve~l, whicll aill be :-'- · · ·

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 14. WEDNESDAY, Oct.ober 26. WEDNESDAY, December ZT,

J . 0. FRASER, P.ltG. General Poet, Ofllce, Sept. ZT, 1892.

Sw;eet - Oranges (Opp site -p;; Office.) -·-- !'0~ SA~E . AliD· Full s· k of all kinds t I..IJt

s5.oo P~r Batrel. F~ Qollarettes and Collars Pork, Beef, Mo~s, Butter · Call ,

at correspondingly low "Prices. JUSt opened. early and get your pick. WM. BUTT.' Everything New. Everything Cheap.

Go to SQUIRES' Before you Buy ·your


.. EE 0\:ll

Stock and Prices 1\8 they are prepared to supply your -wnnts at chenper mtes thnn nny store in H nrbor Grace.

lfE!)..On hand, and to nrri \'O,

400 brls Choice New-FLOUR, Molnsscs, Pork, Beef, Pease,

Rice and everyt hiu~ in the Grocery and Provision line. S:Our Motto-Smnll Profits and Quick


A. SQUIRES, ater Street, · Harbqr Grace.

NOrf'lCR ~ -r

T be undersigned h(\g to inform the trade thnt ho.ving j o!ilt put up a new and i m provocl M nchinery for the manufacture of


Liquid FRSH CLUE, thoy are prepnred to fil l onlera [Qr noy qunntit~·.-·in cnsks from 5 to 10 ~all oM; in cuns frow 1 gt.llou to 1 pml; al:lo, in l and 2 oz. bottle:~ by tbe;gro~.

We Challenge the Strength of tl.tis articlo ~.gninst all Corn pcti­ton.

JOH~ MUNN & CO., HAnson Ga AOK

Manufaobred by F. W. GoLDER, a t the Beach Premiae~ Harbor Grace


M. Searle, Watch Maker and Jeweller. Outpo;t ~nd loe4l '1\'ork promptly anq

eat~raotqrUy at~oo4ed t.o. , WATER STREET, HAlQJOR GRACE,

Two dqors weat of Telegraph Office.

· TO BE LETf · That Cottage

situated on the wost eidt ot IA· Muohant Street, lately ocoopied by Mr. A. Immtdiat poeeee­lion given. A PP.!Y to


MUNN BROS .. Water Street I Sign of the Lion I Harbor Crace. ' :=s

~ Our motto is, Buy Cheap and Sell Cheap. \Y e hflve laid in a very lnrge ~tock of Seasonable GOODS

a n-l having mnrkctl them at slim figures, 1

OUR STOCK IS BOUND TO GO I ' , A lot of Goods t u r1~cd quickly at a very close mar9!n is good

euough for us. Now is, the time to b~y A 1 GOOuS (none bettct· in town) nnd,}N-losc to manufact urers' prices We do business to live, we live to do business, and the way to do it is

To offer the very grades of Goods at p1ices that , make them jump.

We have some spcci:1.l lines in L '\ ies' 3/ 4 .Jackets, Ulsters, Rubber Clo:}ks nnd Boots, Men's Twr.cJ ' uits, Under-Clothing nnd Guernseys. W ntchcs from $-! W cJding Rings, from $2 to $10, a• d Time-Pieces cheaper than ever.

M. J. JONE~, 93 WATER STREET. . . .

W. H. THOMPSON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists. _.....,.__w~ ... -....- ... .,_ , __ ,.,.. --......... _. ___ .,.. , .. ..,_ , ... ,... ____ ........,. _ _ _

Outport Orders personally and promptly attended to. Prescriptions carefully compounded.

AT'l t:!m.\NCI: -tl~ , 't:~!J.'.Y$-l 0 to 11 n m; :! to 3 and 8 to!) p.m.

.. ) . - 1855

!Sustaining, Stre:1gthgiving Invig·orating ·

ohnston's Fluid Eeef Ie a. Perfect Food for

valids .and Convalescents I

pplying all t he nutricieus proper ties of Prime Beef in au easily

digested form.

FISHERIES, - .1893. The undersign~d are 'prep:irin~ a full stock of and

Tw;nc of their ' ow mautJfnctnre, auitab'E} f r the N'ew.toundland and Lo.1

rndor Fi.shcl'ics of l89&. qnd invitlj the favotable a1tten' tion ot the'r pllt~ons on th~ Island.

Pa.rti~~lfll~ attention ~iven to th~ making of Cod Traps and Seines, ~nd Herrin-g Nets, Oot.J7tf · .

Poet Office Notice I ' ~ Prices nnd tor·ms sntisfnc~p17,

.LABRADOR ·. · Willi~rn StoW"e, Ma~ Servioe. Gloqceeter Net and Twine Oo., 94 Oommerclal St.

- - Bbston, Mass. ' HAILB will be' despatched tram thi• • , · Office, via Quebec, for ll..brndo:, on or ' ' B •bou~ 25th Jllovembor, 14th Deqen:i9er, J • d ~~~~~:~:~~u~~.b~~:l!~ . a ~-es a,r-"'n .. '

.. - , lAdiee'•and Gentlemen•• Card Cue. OR PAROEI.B. .L.:a,.L .L;I:, ;, ~ccou~'t nnd Blank .BOOK.-.; Pocket Boob, Cigar c--81, ' J. 0. FRASER, P. M. G, • .

: GRAPES.: STATiONE.RY FANC~I~aa~'~laMZAAR, .. Hall ~ Bros. ~•11 a·~· Pens Penholders Looal Vlt!w C.rdi, China &Glau v .. ee Gonera.l Poet Ofllco } wisbge ~o inform his friends and cuatoinera that hia BUSI"Ull'"o-

. • ' ' • Fancr and HUJtAche ~-and S&ueen 8t.lohn'e Oot.1892 _ oct. 28. P.RElMSIES ",~ and Pen lla Jn are~t yancty. A large' 1~ of lDk ~ . . . . nrc DO'T at r

P. J~ARRSE'IT BVRN~ - . ~ .!it'r~~~~ 322 Water Street, st.·, Jot'tm's, • - I _ ummers, fiaDO tor· Salo Cheap. · Cor11~1e Dwelllng-HoUMr . oppoal~~ M~rs. :A. Goodridge & Sona. . • Barrtater and Sollelto,, - • j wf&h ~r.L~-::r.• All ordan eent to Lhe •l>o,·e ~dre~~ will reoelve prompt

111r · St., Harbor Grace. ~R ... ~-~· •"i~=~d'laMlr attention .9. ~BS 9.: _ _ _ ...,.._. ihmm't, 11~1 op I ~ ... .,.. i ~ltUHD =.. -. !'' ~~~& .

. , · •. ..1.M11, 5. •·• Jflt I'~~


• "l\ ... ..


Page 2: · 2016-10-04 · mdcr Bny nnd On mho. Frorh tl•e three !Jlst nnm


,''German ~.Syrup"

(1-• ll T-OJ; II .HUl()R 01!.\C£ bT.\XJ>.\ItD.j \,_.....; -- I>

of whom nrc unablo either to oblllin continuous employ ment, or &o u tilize thCiir t.ime n~ requited in tho p l"OfiCCU· tinn of tht- flaherice. On tho othe hn ncl "' di11ti not rul mncc h:11 hf'cn m

Dani.lh Free TradiD. I . ' Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U.S. Gov't Report. BePort of the Cbam'tier o!Conerce.:-


in lumburing,nnclnlrol'dy the timber nf Notro Dnmo Bny hM n high nnd well t'CCO'.!nizrd vn.luc in thr mllrkcte or

Here isJUl'incident!rom the South -Mississippi, 'Ovritten in April,1890, just after the Grippe had visited that COW1try. .. I am a · fanner, one of those who have to rise early and work late. At the be~nning oflast Winter I was on a trip to tbe City ofVicksburg, Miss., where I got well drenched in a shower ·of rain . I went home and was soon after seized with a dry, h a cking coug h . · This grew ' worse every d ay, until I h a d to seek relief. I consulted D r. Dix on' who has s in ce d~ed, and he told me to get a bottle o f Bosc.hce's G erm a n Syrup. Meantime my cough grew wo~ and worse and then the Grippe

. came along and I caught that a lso very severely. My condition( then compelled me to do something. I got two bottles of G~an Syrup. I began using them, add before taking m uch· o f the second &tUe, I ws,s entirely clear of the Cough t hat h ad h ung to me so long, the Grippe, and all its bad ~ffects. I felt tip- top and h ave felt that way c~cr since." PETBR].BtuAI.S, ] r., Cayuga, Hines Co., Miss. e

Tb><'.r of Commcrc<' n pon.t.hc tern~· nt ion or i ~ officii\ I vcn r hn.'l t ho hon r to pres~nt to tho Commt~rci1\~ Socio y a brief rcconl of its pr,lC\!Odi n~;i durin t · ocl. ........._ Tlili aaatro s fire which occurred in the n tb of uly unfortunnjely swept away U the stnt.istiM11nformntion poes ed by the Chamber, os also t ho reco~ofmany important matters wh ich bavo ngagM ita attention during the past t clve montbs,nnd this mn.y cnusc the l{eport to be less explicit thnn could lba\'o been desired. Tb~ seveml branches of tho fishery

were Mrried on vigorously nnd with inort:~ed volume excepting only in the outfit ~or lobster catching nnd for tho pl'()scaution of codfishing on tho Gmnd Banks. In the case of the lntter, ex· peric~e bns shown thnt n?t only nrc \'esse!$ of the strongest build n necessity, butt~' L they Ill liSt be of!\ COm pnmti \"C· ly In o s ize nnd bo mnnned by crews who h YC hnd considcrnblc prc,·ious nc· qunin nncc with i ts methods nnd dnn· gors.

GrNl t Hrimin. ""\ Tho Chzlmhor rc~r.o~ t.ost.'lto that t.he

B·lit Prot<'<:Lion Scrrico hn.:~ bc~n \'irtu. nlly llbnndonotl IJy the Government· Efficiently carried out t he Onamber is still strongly of opinion thl\t it wonld not only greatly enhAnce the vnlne of o~tnplo and cripple the wholee:1le s uggling that is cnrricd on between

t. · o 1\Dd some of t.ho porta on the Western Shore, but would d~troy the illicit trnffic in poisonous spirits which is injuring morally and physically n la~o number of our toilers of th e se.'l.

I n the Spring of the yeAr correepon· denc!Ywns rccoi\'ed from Spnin, po int· i llJ:: n t n. prol\able commorcinl trcntv being concluded be tween tbll.t coun£r~· nnd ~onvny, whereby tho produce of tho of our great competitor would be udmittcd nt n lower scale of dutic thn.n tho pronuco of NcwfounJ · land. AR this ciM rly forC!!hndowc I tho l ~·~s of one of our ln~cst con'luming m:~.r:- "ts nnd tbe internlption of tho'!e cordi.\( nn~l rcci procnl tradu rclntions whid1 b n,·c for O\'Cr n century existed hetwl't'n 'pnin nnd this dcpcndoucy.uf the Bftti~h Crnwn,1.ho Chnml>cr nt once -<.)" JC:ht the fricndlv oflices of the Gm·· e rlliW'Ot, who not only thro' the regulnr d1nnncl put the Chamber in touch with the Sccretnry of Sta te .for the Colonil.'s, um clcspntcbed one of 1ta m embers duly dccr::-ditcd to )fl\drid to press u pon the nuth oritics the injustice of the prop1111· <'d di Oc rentinLtnx. The results nttenJ· i n~:: this mission hn ,.c so far been ,·erv g r;tiTying nnd call for the best thnnk·s of the Chamber.

A frco trnM mo\·emont i8 rcportc.l in Dcnmnrk. .\ t the nunuat of del<'~:&~ for" the AA~oajnt ion of Fllr-11\t'r:t nnd Lundod Propriowr11 of Jut,­lnnrl," comn rilliu:c npwn.rds of 30,UUO mcm1Jcr4, tho ft>llowin~ rt'1l~lution wn11 <-'ll,rrif'd, onls three voted bcing s:h'l'll '"!!nins~ it : " In consid(•q_t ion of ~lw t:'\ot.s (1) thnt our principal mnrkct, England, i11 open to tho tluty fr4!e im­oort. of nnr IU!'riculturnl produrt.s : (2} that· onr homo mnnufncturrs llr>', or l)n~ht to he, ahlc to compote 8nccesil· fully either entirely withn1it, or with a \'C'rY modcr11te prol.('ction, if we rcmnvc nil t.axe11 from m w mn.t.crial11; (:4) thnt unfnir t.o lmrthcn our m08t. i rupor­tll.nt nn·,J \Ill protected nA.t.i n · indu!(t r_,. , onr n~ricultnre, with prot.ccth·o dntic~. which onlr bene fit. n sml\11 number of pei"'IOnl!-this meotin~ of dclcgntcs for ·• tho AA!Io .. intion of Fnrmcrs nnd J"'"'\nu· ('{l Proprictol"!! of J1}tfitnd' ' rccomm <'nds (n) tho ahnlit~ all tnxt's on n;.:ri· culturnl nt:tch inet·,· und i m plcnwnt~c~ , on co:~. I, im n nnll other m w mnteri1ds; (b) redur.tinn of tho now e:•lRtiug pro· tocth·c dutil.'s on mnnufncturcd nrt.iclcs to 5 per ccn't., or tho Ynluo of the goods in th03e cases where the dut>· cllnnot uc entirely abolished ; (c) ·ot1o~ against new tuxes on n ecessnrics of Ju'u, which h:~.vo- bithereto been untaxed.

oltL::tws fighting their WI\Y thro, tgh tho r;mkl! of Llttl sold iclll. ix of them ea· c:q•etl :md three w ro cnpturct.l nlh·e, Four of _tho s~>ldi er.s were· seriously \\:_9nndrd . Tho eacnpcd bnndit.'J retained f)o< ·<'Sis ion or tho s tolen money.

'!'his is t.hc same bnnd '~o a few days ago s tole $6,000 nt Loria, a town 1\ fow lllil••a norLh .of cian Juan., They com· mittc1l that rohbery by breaking into 1 he office of E. Ensibo Gonzales, a wealt­h ,. m:1n from thtlt plnce. They killed n "watchman two employes in tbnt rnicl. 'l'ho . money wus to have been u~r,J b,· Mr. Gonznlee in pa.ying off the cmplo)·cs of his m •lnufactory. The r.'n lt'z\·ous of tho brignndt is thought to bo nca r Gunnnjunto.


LO~ARD ST~~~~~~RIXG • CRO · \ ,P'


J oaep h W. Bnxend:.1te, E sq. Brlato\1" Dovltt E sq. ·

The R oo. Jamns Byng. J ohn Clutton Es~.

Octa'l"lu •• E. Coope, ~·· ~l.P. Ocorg_c Arthnr ullcr1 E~. ' -Ch nrtca GoodnarL, E ' Q·

ll. Rhode Uaoq;klna E!lq. 1Sir .1oha LubbOck, Bart., l l .P.

Charles Thomns L ncru;, Eaq. Cbartc• Magony, _Esq.

The Hoo. Edwin B. Portm11u , Esq. Dudley RobcrL Smllh, Esq.

Wlllla~.~~~~~- :rhompaoo, EJ!q.

Bon. Dlrecto r-JOHX J. BLOOMFIELD, Esq . ,,.fLLlAlf C. )fAC~ALD 1 J olnL FRA:ICLS B. l1ACDO:IALD S Sl!crcr.artcs.

The cogngcment~ or thh Omec arr gun ran· teed by 11 numcrou:~ nntl 'rcntth~· l'roprlc· tnn·, In nddltloo ton lnr~:c fnvo~tcll Cnpllnl; n.nd tbo prornplltudc nnJ llbl'rnllty wi t h whteh elntm s b avc nlwn~·h been m ot n ro \'l"l' ll·known 111111 orknowl odstl'd .

Tho Importance or tho trnosi\Ctloos or Lhe

PHCENIX FiRE OJFJCE m ny be eattmnted n-om lhl' Cnct thnt s ine<' It• l'lltnbllshmc nt-now O\'Or 0 :-; E TlC~OJn:o Y EARS-tlH• pn.-ml.'nl~ In .... \t l sfnrt ton or 1 ho <'lnlmll Cor LO~ e~< hn1·o exceed ed FOURTEEX l.ttLLIOXS Slcrllo~.

::ar Ins urnDC('ll!n•l r.o .. hy Flr l.' nod L tl[hlnlng n rl.' etr.•ct~'<ll>~· I h e Cornpnny upon "'~Y dc8<'rlpllon or Propcr!y. on the m ost c terms.

W. &. G. REXD ELI.. ~t. John"s, Agents for X cwfoundlnnd.

--------------------·---------- ' Higgins' Hair - Dressing

·Rooms, [Two dool"!! west oflhc Tdeg-rnph Ollie~]


Visitors nnd Lrn n ;ll<'t"li cnn .rci)· on having their requirements s:ttisfnctorily nttended to. ·

P. HIGGINS, Proprietor. •


Thl• cstniJiishmcnt of c lose ~cnsons in the lobs ter tlslH·rr under wise reguin· Lions ihtroduced by the Fishcrirs Com· mis ion nn!l l~.llizcd by lcg i~lnt h·e en· nctmeit, hll\'C nppuremly lntcrfer ,,d with h e successtul prosecution of this in II tr~·; but nlO t. Of t ho.~C en::l\frt'"J view Lhis ns onl~· nu nppnr~nt i ntex· fPrcncq, thnt under the fo~t t'r· ing c:tr<' of th(' Dt>pn rttn~"nt, nidl'd h~· the i nt ('ll i~cnt nnd indcfn tign.ble Jnbc)Ur" of the $upermt<.'ndcnt, before long this fnctor in thc eomnwrcinl wcnlth or t he CoiM~· will tlcn' lop into n ,·cry mlunble and important ndjunct. The results nc· cnting to thnst' <'ngngc:l in the shor~ fish t'n·l w~'r•• p!ll"t in! ::tlllL on the wh o!" bnrt>l\· Tt'mntwrnth·<'. On tlw J.nbmtror const: h u\n:l\"t'r, :1. bounti ful cntch w.1~ secured, mMt of those t'ngttl:\ld obtni n· ing more thnn nn nremgc ,·oyogc. E x· Ct'pt iflnnlly ~nod w.:>nthc r nidrd the pr >· per curio~ of t.h t' s tnplc, but slo\·cn l~· trcntmrnt wn. in somcc.1. c mnnif~I It'· I m the prepnmtion of the fi h for ex· ~rt. It is n~n i n incumbent upon till! Chnml><'r 10 ,\·arn the trnde thnt bn ily split. wnshrd nne! curt'd codfish cnmn t SUCCI'. HflllJ \· COillpl' tC! with tho carcfu! ly prep:t rcd iml<luct of the flshcrie of Frn net' nntl Xonm , .. the chiei ni m of whO!'C lislll'rnH'n seems tO be tO ship onh- a rl<•nn nn!l properly hnndll•d nrdcle nf ftlO<I.

Thr ~=- r•• ll ,•nt cnro tnkr n with n 1:1:, fi~h ll'nW.~ noth ing t he dl's is:l'll. ntv l. in cont.r.llli:- ti tH·tinn to whnt obtnin •d somr ,·r:t r,.; O!.r<\ shows how <.'Il l it·ely 1 he rtlnii Pr nf em.:- r<'sts with those wh,, cntrh nnd mnrkPt the fiflh nnd who Ju"·· fncilitil?s nncl climnto u net')tiniiNl by nil tlw ir fo;·,•i•.:J t ri \·nls.

Finntwia l di~tmhnnces in Dr.lZils nnd Eur •JW n nH t dcpn.s~in!-!' I'll' 'l": u pon fo:· ic.n l' x.·h:tntre, nn,J t'xport1•r;~ h n I i , J:t••··· Jhll i ll'!ifl''Ttf!tt tl•·maml " r 0\"t'r·•l • ·k t•. l m:t tl: <·t~ . hu t 11 dc•rlint' i 1 th r l''J~r ' Il l' \" fl lltl ari :t!.normnl .Jc pr ,·i· ti nn nf th•• \ 1111 11' 111. !.r·"llcl i lth· ~ ·· t·ouJ· t ri •·" wi tn wh i ·h ••ll r r •!a tiu1:.~ nn .• • cl• -.o h· i l ·nl!lit• l. Ht'11 1i:u: i•J.I" c 1i.,; •· C)lh'l ll·r.· \\"('r • llf'l l " t ! i~f;WI r.\·.

T h•• f" o;h ·ri · ·~ of 1 :-.~ •2 nr • nnw Rt:!li· ci t'n! i ~· <kn•lupa·d t11 t•n:tlr!r· I hr \hz~ mh r to "l"tlll th:ll lht• :-\!tor. <'lltt·h wt ll 1, • rthu,·p 0 11 n,· ,•r;l~l' nnt•, t !s·• Da nk rnth. r twt! •·r ,11 111 Jn-~ r \"t'llr f•'l r tlw !llll:ll !t r lieN t•nt::tl!l'•l. whi.ll' f.•thr tlor wiliJi l,,. h· ~how n I!Pt il- ii'IIC\" of tw,•nt r·fi ,·c pt r centum 1111 I II·· r ~lilt of tlw prtiCl'cdi n~ cn•nn. 111t' :i••!t l Fi--hr ry of h~•:! wi: I l•mg hr

rcml'mllr rl'll :1• OJH' of till' lll••.•t g i'Jlf'roll nntl !IU¢l'l'il fnl of thC Ut'e!lt)(', llCRrly e,·cr.'· ship h:win; aecurccl go~ tri p1!, due in rrcnt. 1rnsurc to open 1cc nnd fine Wl':i:thN. Recent lcg is lntion which ci rcum~crilws tilt' dates· o f sailing for nnd bc~rin~ up from tho fi,;~hcry do.;; not wnr,nnt further investment in ex· peruivc st nmcrs thnt nrc only cmplor· ed for nbout. iiv~ wee~ in the ycnr.

Tho Rcot of l 98 will be increased hy one a teAmer owned outside of the Col· on:r . The cnhnnecd mluC11 of s lcina nnd oil in 1::!91 were not rnnintsdnod and the rnllnufah uro of 1892 un~ik j~ prcdeccs· eor has resulte d unpro JY: •

The ~folded fiah u dustry wn• n(.. tended \'t'i th poor aucocu, and to this mB:r bd ndded t.ho fro%ell atld snltcd bulk bching ndvent uro in Ji'orLune a nd Pl.&ccnti• Bnya. The nmount ofaalmon tnlcen wns smnll o.nd the price obtained did not A.Sllist in mnking up for the shor t supply. Tho J...nbrador h erring fishery l"'AS "' blnnlc nnd tho Shore cntoh wn dUnppointing In proportjon to the ex· ~lW' .irkurrcd in q.utfittf nR ff)T Jt,

tn P'~r,cntin nnd Fortunc,H!l)'S ~ l.lugl' fleet of <'ll'foundl:uldt'ra lnntl A.mcri· cans 1JI'O.S~~1!j the frozen l!tllt btt!C fishery, t.ut wi~ fl iscoumging results. rt i• llpJ)tmmt thnt -" fqithful onrryin • out of the t'XCPIJI'nt la.v.1 pow on the .Stntut6 }look is rcCJnis ito J11 nrdcr to di rcat tUfa bxnnclJ or trl\tlo ns mud) na pOil•iulr r t),OOlo.- rislcJI of fnllura wbich nrc i from Bllllahcry opol'n~ tiona. Thodi


A n ew fcnturc worthy of mention in thi::1 lleport, nfl'cctiug ns it docs Juore or l<.'ss the comfort of 20,000 or 30,000 of our people, wns tho nppP.n.rnnco on tht' Lnbrntlor const of the " :\!isJ~ion to Sc:tmcn " ship •· Albert," outfitted by n philanthropic society in En~lnml . non· ~·rtn ri:tn in its lilt<.'s, und tntendcd to

nlli>r.l skillcd medical nid t.o, nnd pro­\'idc to some t'xtcnt for the 1aentnl nn1l mn! t'rial wants of our fishermen. Tlli" c sn,· hns been nn nnquulified success an t 'hns e \·okcd from the rl!cipic ul3 ~>x· pr"q ions of deep gr.ltitudc,whi!P nt th" ;:zlmc time it hns engendered in the hren ts of all who nN intcr~tcd in the w~lfnro nnd prosperity of the Colony fcel ihgs th:~. t must streng then the bands whi r h bind this compnmtivctr nes;lect­rd dl•pendency to tho )[other Cotmtr1· . The ,·h ·ld portrnituro by the Doctor fn ch :tr~t',of his own pel':!onnl e:<pt'r icncc•s on the const is likely to result in well nr;nnizc I co-opernt ton by the C11!ony twxt senson Uj)On the linrs on which tlw )fi,; ion ship Is being wor.·cd.

Tho cnlnmily which OYertook st. .Jnh t:'s .on the th 1by of July,, _hy wh ich OY<.'r one hnlf of thr best port t •:l n:· the ci t ,· wns dt'stro rcd, cln iuu mot·' t hnn pn:ising rercr<>JlC<•. Fortun!lt ~l~· tht'rJ wns but little IC•!I3 c f life, l.m. pr ).. p::-rt.'· Wtl~ destroyed of nbout t ho \J. Itl• o:· I ~ mi:Jion or dollnr:!, o! which s• Ill ,,! •H it i millions w<.rc not <'o\· .•r .,J l.y i nf'nr.lnce.

III\ppcnins during tho heigh~ of .. n t:nusunlh· fine summer. the clement~ t· ••n ' ,inc{l to nid the Go,·crnmcnt in t''" ·~~;xes they put forth to lll"W!L" th-·

t. :·1'il" nnd pr1vn1ion inci•lf'nL to "ItCh n d i.~ ·t:< t l' r. nnd the noble t l.u il\' C'f G r.·u ~ Uritnin, Cnnndn nnd uth"r Coloni l s , hr ~clh"r with li l>cr.l l <'•lll tl·ihnl iun fr;>m the t;nitcd tnte.s nllll els"whr rc,t'nnhlrd the s pecially conatituted Hdit'f C'111ll · mil:cc to surmount th o tl i t1i c'llt i~ th.·n nt tho out~; "t R"eJ1tCd w •II n ig h in-a · pcrable. '£ he l 'r4do emcr&cs compRm­th·ely uosonthocl; nnd abyndnnoe o r labour, skilled nod othcm'lse, on11b l!'s the opcmtivc clnssea to indirect ly gnin by the do\'n11tntion ocoMi•nt'<i : but n considcrnblc acction of citizena, at pre­sent uncomplaining, wlU be , qrely tried ere long, when oontributions ce~c and thoy rcaljze that they h&vo been depri· vorl of thei r ncouJt.o~od soJ.:r es of in· come.

Tho prompt arrival otH. .S. 1'BII\lcc," flngsbip of tho North ¥norionn fleet, with n sCMonable supply of t<!nt.s,cloth· ing and foods~..nnd the well dtrected l!f· fqt!~ of h<lr owcors aqd men preserved the peace IJfl.d snfety of tbe t'i'f at this cris1s : · o.nd tl}e valuaple nid subsequent,. Jy rendered ·by ' "the· Cqnl!!!odote nnd Officer• of 1!. M. shipi " EIJ1eraltl," " ?elicn.n ~~ and •· Bunam," ~~ per· formed WJtll ~ucb tqprQ_ugh~ees as •to meri~ the thanka Qr ~~e cutjie com· mumty.

~o His Excollenfly tho•Governor, Sir ,......,,.._ • .,,, O'Brien, tbe Chnmber tenders

J)enrtfelt than lea for his able nnd un· rii)g od'' of tho Colony's ncods

a&. 'h iaiu!lcturc. Hi• presence in Lon· d"Jl at Ulis PCFiOq prO\'~ I.Q lle n hnp-

ooinc idencc, and while his pcrsonnl nf}.uence nnd zcalotll eO'ortJJ riohioved

n. lUOdt grntifying success, it was ob· tQ:jqed at the aacrifico of hi.. ll'ell-earn· f.(jlOj$Ufe.

. W· B. GRIEV.E, fFetident.

~t.Jolm'•, Xovop~.,bor, 18~2,

-s•• · · .... - ~ -Dileuee ot the Liver

foq may" always know when yollr liver is oq~ ~(order, or when you nrc whnt ii eslled billoua, by any of the following aymptoma.: Paiq in tho aid o

back, diz&ineea, dnU herulaoho, • &aat.e in th6moutb In the moml

oolored oomplexion. tbeqt•,c~t~?«me•mrou~•~oea.

HomeJ of thet~liff. ellers. 1

One of the mostlltm i,·o portions,of, to the sc1en 1s t, nntiqun·d nh, :tnd, tndeed, the general tourist in that nnrt in which nrc found the cliff-dwell· in;;a of a long extinct rnce. A bright description of one found in Mnncos eanon wiU servo o.s· o. characterization of nll. Perched' seven hundred fecc nbo,·c the ' 'alloy, on a. little ledge only ju11t Jnrge enough to hold i t, stnnds n t wo-storcy h ouse made of finely-cue sands tone, each block nbout fourteen hy s ix inches, accurntcly fitted 1\lld set in mortnr, now hnrdcr thnn thG stone itself.· Tl1o floor is the ledge of rock nnd the roof the overhnnging ollfl'. There nro three rooms on tne ground tloor. each ono six by nino f eet, with pnrtition walls of fnccd atone. Trnces of n floor which once sepnrntcd the up­per from the lower 11torey still remain. r:ach of the stories is six feet in h eight :lt1d all the rooms are nicely plMter~d a nd pninted what now looks a dull brick red color color, with n white band nlong the floor. The windowa nrc square npcrturt:s with no signs of ~lnzing.

·$. a Yiew of the whore vnlley for many m1les. The illnatrntion shows n fortified Wlltch-tower , indicnting thnt these strnngo olifl'-tlwcllin~ people were prepnrcd to resist assault. Tr1\ditions urc few nnd of history there is nothin~ . concerning this lost rnce. Their ruined honsca on1y rcmnin nnd some broken fr.ll(m onta of the implemcntd m ndo usr of in war nnd penoc. Typionl clifl'· dwellings arc found ncnr E::!panoln, th e

- llin[u J 's Linimeut is used by Phy~ cian.s.

I t is not what its pri{lrict.ora sny but whnt H ood's aw\pnrlllo. does thnt tel !.~ the story of its m erit. H ood's ·o.r~ .1 pariJ In Ct:R£:1.

C. C'. I<'tr;; lc Co ..

)h' son Goo~c hns sufTercc with ncu· r., ldr rou nd tho lll'n rt since 1 :?, but hy thl' O.lJJl!icntion of :\UX ARD'S UXI· )[EXT 1n 18S9 it cnmpletcly d il!npeo.r­ed and has not troubled him since.

Linwood, Ont. J•s. l!CK EE.

llo t.LOWAY's PILLS A:\D OtSTME~'T.­Thl; most effectunl Cure for Gout and llhl'u tnal ism.-A frequent cou8o of tlw:~e com plaints is tho inflammatory st~ l a! of t ho blood, nttcnded with bad d i !l~iti•m. In~ it ndl', nnd grent debility, sh•Jwinl{ the wa nt of n prot>cr circuln· tinn o! t he flu id nnd thnt. nnpurity of t lw bl Kd gr.>nt ly n~~rnmtrs these til, 1 :· l ·· ro~. H oUowa'\ ':i Pills nrc of so puri yin~ n nnturJ "thnt n few dossos t.t k·~: t in ti me a ro an l'llc ctunl prCYI'n~ tiv,• a :.::li 11st ):i"nuL nncl rhrumati~m. bot nnyo)n · : h tt hns nn nttnck of t· ither ~<h• ul i 1111•' tl•lll"''"'l\' '.; OintlllCnl n lso 1 t · '" n u l prop..rtic:l oi whi ch , com· Itt:: : '·'llh \ !~;.• ctlim , o i l~te l'11l.s en· •nrr · ., fl'tllill cure. The Ointr;lt'nt sh·•· .: I ' '" thorvu~hly cubbed in to the pnr::i t·ll'c.·tt-d :\t least twice n dny, a ft er t h '.\· huv.- hcca suffic iently fomcntO<l wi tlt w.lrut water tu npon the pores to fnd l' the intr0 ltwtion of the Oint· n~ent to the glnnds.

outhern terminus of tho Xc w :\[exico Extension of the DcnYer & nio Grnndc Rnilrond, nnd in the .\ nimns m iley, twcnty-fh·e mile~~, IIOUih of Duran~.'l . Rcst'nrchC4 are i~ progrc~~ con~erni n;.: rheso extremely. mter uug nuns un I now facts nr>1 bctng dc,·r lopccl conc~rll· ing their architecture, but i t is quitt: improb!lblo thnt any ccrtnin light wi ll t'\'Cr he ' thrown on their origin or hi·· tory.

. . A Mushroo~ w hich I n toxicates.

The inh:1hitnnts of the north·eASteru pnrt of Asill ha,·o 1\ mushroom to pro· mote i nto:<Jotltion, fL is known ns the fh·· lllo,rn mullh roonJ, n nd i.i 11 I so ,·en· nbundnnt. i1i Scot lnntl. ' T lto fuuf;us is qnthcrcd iq the ~ott cRt p:trt of the· n~ar, nml is then hung up lw n ilt ring iit the nir to dry. Son1c nr.• ·tlry bcforo gnth· cred, nnd the,o llJ'O atn~ou to be f1tr more nnrcotlo .tlnll tl1~c l}rtiliclnlh· prescn ·cd. P~uqlh· I he fun~tt~ is rtJJi c(l up like li bohJI:!, ·nntl tRkr n without ch ewing ; for if Dlnsticntl'd, it ia s.1id to uisorder the stomach. One Io rge o r two Stl}nll fungi produce whnt is loo~cllupoh ns 11. piCfl,:!lfl. ~t.nto t1f jt!tq~ fc~LJqn for one dn.y· 1 ~e effect 1~ tho ~nll}o 1\!l thut prQd.IJOild 011 tnkjq~ ~ ~tlf}J1Lit~· ofapirits or wmo, cxc'.lpt {~ !IJ slcla)'Oll from ono to two houra after the-bolus hn!l been ~wnllo'l\·ed. At llrst it produceR very cheerful emotions of tho m ind, it rcn· clers some pel'<~Onfl cxooedinglv ncth·c, nnd ia nstimulont to mns~nlnr cx~rt ion; thus, if n pcraon ntrocted by h , wi3h cs to etep over 1\ strn w or n small stick, it. iq~p~ hll:rJ to ta%e ~ jun1p auffioicnt to clenr 't- lo~ qedgc ot tqc ttunk qf n trcJo ; i~ k~e1>4 t11~o fq!Jd"9fti}usic perpetunlly s!ugmg; ~q41 qnder 1ta mflucncc, n tnlkA· h ve peJ:'40I} CAQ neither keep secreta nor silence, Qef}celt faa sburce ofdnnrrer to lndiee nnd P<>litio:uu~-:1-Iortioultur,,l Times.

--------··~·_.._ ____ __

-:\fin!\r,l's Linim ~nt, Lumbermt.n's F r: ,·u\1.

- --·--Our Girls as S'lcoessful Women.

. \ W' althy wom'lu recently gn ,.c $200,· OJ\1 to c.,tnhlisb u. summer r t.o•1:-t for poor mother moth<.'l"'l nnd thrir ~hi ldr.•n (i,> I ble..l! her ; this is only ono instance nmoJg t housnntls whore WOIIH\U hns Loncet\'ed ond Clteautcd grnntl idens. \\'omen ~ro ZApidly entering every bmnoh of the useful nrtt, nod nsptring tl) every money-rooking erqploym cnt. '· Whnt ah!tll we do wftb our righta" f• no longer n l'l'ligbty problem fo r m oth· c·r~ nnd fathon to solve. Somo on hha s.\i ,J " It tnkcs 1\ womnn to set n h eu ;" nn.l 80 it docs. T he Ol.l>lll suco<>ssful po1,1lt ry ro.isel"ll nro women. We ha,·o 10 'mind o. wom:tn wlw haa for y enl"!! r11ised rniso•d finer poultrr {lnd got mote <'ggs for her hens at less apeuoo, than hur mBie neighbora,-pmoticnl rucn too. ~t your gjrl~ engage ,in the poultry toJu~try, ,UJ uumy are do10g. Gh•o them n fo1r share of the profits, and they will soon convence their fathl'l'tl thRt ~ri tls are mighty bandy ~l'IOlll to have flbout the old· home. Witq tho aid OO'f oft'ered any P!'(ion Cl\ll make h ens Jny evan in ' cold weather. Out or t.wonty·four gold coin premiums offered ln•t winter for b~ reaulta, ono third were '1\'on by tho womnn who' uaod Sheridan's Condition Pow· dcr to mnke he04 lay. For exBmple i\lrs, H enry Bnker; Hollit~ton, 1\(nss., won 810andgot frotn 18 he~ during the tlirco ~ontlla' trial 1869 e~; Ml'l': L. J Wilson, Northboro, Mnu., got 324$ ~from 100 nens. Mrt~. Edwin Brown, F.n_st AroonwiohJ.R. T., from 85 ho111 got 24.i ~eggs ; 'MI"!!. -l!i. nartloy, Freeport, Pa., got 2029 ogge fr<lm 82 bon ; Mist A. a a L. Hoss or Mt. Sterling,_. Ill., from 10 be"' got 800 egga; snu ~s Mame OrOu11· fW>rn 'of Ottobine Vl\11 got 20<5(fegga from SO bona ; enoh o? the laat ihte Iaai<'l also wou o.$.3.00 premium from J. S. Joh01on & Co., 2'2 Custom Aouee St., &.ton lda.u. E'·~ry pi'.rson who 1enda tbfa firm now 81.20 for a can of Powder, and deeirel it, can b&"e hit name en&ered N a com~titor, it the prominma are. &Din oft'eNd. P'or ~ eta., &hef wiU aeaa&wo 26 cem ""' of Powder ; tor •1.00 be pacb ~ : ai% C&DI lor •,oo. e~­Pl'MI paid; a lAin oan ot _powdot, t&IIO we l..,_tublorf,PUoa to J'&ftll•PQWw m~. 'bo&b •~11.80. ::c.-..ol . ~~::


.J Dr !\~ t: ~ ~ i -. ~ . . ·~·"" o- "" 121fig : ~ ·. :...:; ;... ~~rw i!~tl~! ,,_)

.;.:: r H£'1 B.!'C ti.'r: Ec!:edj' /hat th~ · b:t:nteol'5 i,.-.:1d of nature bus pro·ddcd for all d:";et.J!tJ sr/slt.d from. IMPURE BL:JOO . ...:...-::,_=......_t::t:::':: __

8 /IOCXY! LL£, O,v; . Mou1srowN, N.r.

GUARDIAN Fire and Life

Assurance Co'y· OF LONDON.

ESTABLISHED A.D. • 1812. Sonscntm:u C.\PIT.u ......... £2,000,000 Stg. TOTAL Jxn ::m :n F extH rr>-

l\'ARU3 OF ............ . . ...... 2,/.JO,OOO Stg. A."~"UAL 1:-;co)ll: t ' I'W'n · OF 3JO,OOO Stg.

The GU.\.ROIAS being n first-clnc:s English InsurtlliCC (lompnny, offers nil· · those n(hnntng<.'.., mOI!t lie irnulo to in· SllrCI·a, \"iz., tmdoulttt'u Stnhi Jity, fn\'Or­abl~ terms nnd 1·rm11pt acttlem ent to clnnns for los.-..

'!he UJvl,'n-tt,'lt I hn d " I! heen np­pot ntcd . \ g <'lll'l for X1•wfou ndlnnd nro rep~red to ill uc l'ol il'i~ ns-ninst lou · F1rc. JAM~ S. \\"I XTF.R ~t. John1s. JOSEPff liOlJDEX, Sub·Agent,

H~tt·hor Gmce.


r.t'I O TU r: I

llyp!lphGSpbftes oC Lfme e.nd Soda. '

No otacr r:,~.,·siqn ls so I easy t.:> tr~:.. I

It do:::~ t:~.· t . s~parate n or s; v-1 1.

It is ;;h·.-~7!> uw~ct es cream. The f.lOSt se:1sltive stomach

1 can retain 1t. . 1

I C U RES I • I - / Scrofulous and \V2S"Jng Diseases.

Ch;'Qt:!c Cough. . Lo~o of J\ppet!te.

Men!al s!':.d Nervous Pr~r.:ttio:J.

Genc:.:U Debility, &:c..

--D~ ot n!l laslta!!oas. AaJc roc.

"C!! D. e:. L." I:~:.:!::ion, andrduat c.!J o!.h: ro.


ptOJC~ CSOC. Atctl :)t P:A DOTTLI!.

Page 3: · 2016-10-04 · mdcr Bny nnd On mho. Frorh tl•e three !Jlst nnm

~ 4':.."', C f-iiLL3 , cc:.:: . :C.\, DYSE!·:T ERY, Lr.::RA MORDUS, HE.:.. COMPLAnrrs, £'CL1:D"'' I:Q:J:.!.:l

r:·r,; i~ - i \ I L L i: :1. !:.n C ho:-Jr:t ~ ~ ... ! ::' .:l\ •.: o ,

zt1 oftoc t I.J .... r. v~ry shcrt t im a.


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----·~-----.-. _L __ _ (:.Q YOU KE2:P IT l~·! THE t-:OUSE '?

A L L.:.. N'S Lur~G S AM. NO B ETT ~r-... m: ::.~:>Y


- --- ...-.--· -~ I


AMERICAN NET & TWINE C~. 34 Commercial Street, B ton, Matis.


IfEI{ttlNG 1\. SEINl£S.



ALL Of TH ~ VI$RY BEST qu.! r,rTy

The.: l'll\ims c•flho lrllt• J."ltrenlt) W<'I'C nt .c•nL• · t iltH' ad t\t' h ttl in cmllll'o:icm \lith • lw Le d H c• ' o1~~ip ell <•lh•t:O" t :tlh·,·a-,.it\·. )J h t• f~>, l.-m irl~; lra~mcnt. o!

"'1i1ih ctirr ' lll :mlPt:.:- tht• :ilUclt n:rt zl.! thr t i:rn' i~ ': Ill' R •\'. \\' . H. Can:~k\" \\ r il l'" I a h:lpJ y ilht.~t•atiun <1f whnt .hlli! hl•t•n ,f,•;writ.!•ilnR •· tlH• hi~t~·sL lint..., in thn p:tti :-;h," :ind t hro\\'J\11 '!-hlt• l i~ht upb n 'l'onnysvn 's ,\·cll·knowu :wcr;~ion to np­p nr in public : • , nwbo.h· told Ill<'

'f ho L 11imH•b01h· h <':\1\.l Thnt Rl)lllCbOth' 8;1 itt

Wh auoth t;r dN•ln.rNI


Thn lw thou~ht. lhnt Tl•nny~;on wnt\l'l't r ell

To make n Rpt·PC:h to th*' At.udcnt.~ !

LO.RD ROSEBERYS • COUN'l;'RYMIDI. ... 1 n \'it' l ' nf J .•1rd no~<'ucn·':o well un·

der.;to'lcl'rcluclnnco·to nppcnr nt public <'tH <'rt!l inmC'nlfl.tlw !4rotl if•h Corporntion nrc murh ~rztlifkcl nt. hifl :IC{'c'pl :lllCO of the po;:t of ~hn itmnn nt th<: 2~8th ni!ni­\'('r$:tt\' ft·~ t n·n l of thnt nnr tont r hnrtt.y, to h l' h C'ltl nt the Frt"cmnsons'.'fn,·cm on the :\Oth of XoYcmhC'r. Lord Ros~ ht'n · in his ' lr t ler of consent, wrote: : .. J n~1 ' '<'t·y i ii·Ntni pp<'cl for nny :o uch <'ntC'rtoinment for more rr nsons thnn on(', hnl M I nm predu<led from heln:! in ... cotlnnd lw th<' clutics of my oflko I rnnnol :1tn.1ni to lf'!'t' fi n cccnsion of h<'inrr wi'th mv own ·peop le on t. An· .rr<'\\~s l>nY. " · Lnrol H()'!"bl'n · will tnke tlh' <·hnir fort h<' tliir,J tim('~~ this fi ll· nitnl dinner. Thc l:ls t ocrnsion, howe,·er, WM in 1~70. The pn•sidl'nt. or t.ltc cor· pornliou is t.hc Prince of \Ynlcs. J..ord Hooeb<'ry is t rcnsurcr.

The End- of t ho World.

'fh l' n!:(c of t IH' en rt h is plnccd by :oomc :n ti,·e htmtl rNI m ill ions of y cnrs : :mel till other~, of Int er t im£>s . nmon~ them thf' nukl.! of .\ r!yle. plnco it nt tl'll mi ll ion yrnn:. knowing whnt pro· C'l'!ls lutY<' hc<'n ~On<' throu~h. Oth<'r pi:Ht<' l!l ~o thromdt the S!tllle process. 'i1t<' rl'n11im th nt other phmcts clifi'er so much from thC' cnrt h i" thnt they nro in n nHtl'lt r~rl i l'r or ln t<' r stngo of ex· isteneC'. The cnrth muRt become olcl. x~'\1'1\)tJ surmi:<·'"l. nlthou~h ho could

~in' n r cnson for i t , thnt the enrth \nmhl nt. one time .Jn!IC nil its wnter nnd u<'comc dtr . SinrC'· th<'n it hns been fou nd thni.. 'XC\\ ton wns con·ect. .\.s the <'nrth k<'<'Pil coolin~. it will b~ eomo p•u-.1us, ntvl ~Pnt <':tYi ti cs wil l he f\)llnll .i n tho i nLl'rior . '~hich ";11 tnkc in tho \\'Iller. fti~ C'!lt imntt•d thnt this pt.lC:t'!l. i now in J •r.)l!rr~s. so fnr thnt the wnt Pc diminil!lh' :> nt nbont tho rntc or thl' t hirknc~s ot' n !'lwct. of writing· pap(•r 1 nch ~·cnr .• \ t lh~~ l', in .)(),­UOII.t)(lll Vt':l r t lw m\! l'r will h:we shrunk a mile, 'nml in 11;). 111\.1,000 \'C:trs en·ry tr.lcc· of w:1 tcr wi 11 hn Yl' ilisnppca red f1·om tlw fncc.• of th<' ~},)b('.

Thl" ni t ro~en :tncl OS\'s:t<'n in the nt· mosphcr~ nt·e nlso d imi"nil'hing nil tho -t imr. 1t i~ in :tn innppr~·dnhlo dcgr<'<' hut the lim+" wi ll come when tho nir will hi' 1!\1 thin thnl 110 CI'('lltttrCS \\'C lw\)w t•.nu l.r ' !lt lll' it :tnrll i,.,, ; the ti me will t·oml" when the worl.L cnnnot imp· 1 ort life. Thnt willllc· t hi" p~riod of old =l', nn•l th r n will come clPnth. --___ _..... ____ _


The F lying Scotchman Runs _F,Illl Tilt into 11 Freight Train Near Rtirsk.

T.o~n .. ~. x o,·. ~.-.\n :tl)p:t lling rnil· wn v nccidem occnrr(·•l t•nr ~ this morn· i n~ n~'nr Thirsk, in Yorkshtr<', by which :.!0 p<'r;<onc; wl!rc killed nnd n lor~o num· het· injured. . '; ho <'.X[U"<'fl t rnin which lcnvcs Eu· inburg o,·cr)· evening for London was r unning nt. full sp<'cd .ns it t\pproncbcd 'M1ris\.: when nhond of it. npponrt'd n h<'n ,·i l.,··ln<kn ~uollii tn~in . 'l 'ho cngit.l· t~t·r or lll<' ex prc!'S lnu n rovcraed lns cng inr nnd put on tho fmtl_..e, but tho uwt,lr ntum of tho lt<'IW)' express wn too ~C!\l, nn~l it dn hed inlo tho ~oods trnin , mnkiug n tnost terrib le wreck.

To ndd to tlto ltorror t~o carringea caught tire nnd W<'rt' soon de&t ~reel. A ltn ge number of person froq{ nenr by plncl'S \\•t>ro soon nt tho scene nnd did c,·en ·thing pos! il>le to ~triC1\to the dencf nrtd injur('{) . The burning cnra ~renth· hnmporE>d i.heir cflorts, but l1nd it not 'bl'en for their h!fwcry llle'loss of lifo would hn.vo been )nuch g rca cr. :A wreck ing trnin wns dcspntchod to tho scene ns soon ns the fnot of the dirvi tor bc<'nmC' knowu. .\ number of pbyai· cinns W(lro cnrricd to tho wrcok nnd th t-y nt onco. dt>\'Oled Jb.clnscl\•cs to r~ lieving the suf\c cings of tfic injured.

The rnilway o~ic1n l• attttc thl\t njnE! instond of :20 J.lOraon' were ktlled. The

~ident i11 sn1d to hnvo beC'n duo to'l}

n,.o fosr, whiQll prcvc>ntccl 1.1\o engineer tho cxpl'!'Ss t r,\ in from ~ecing n.bcncl

or hitn for nny cll.stnnoe. Tho Cl Pl'CSI wns crowt:lc<l with p.t 'l~elli{CI':'I-J:Otlll:ning ft'lllll 'tho Highlnnds ol' Sutttln'n<l, from ))mtdl!t• nrid !·:..linlntr~h. Among the pnll-«'n~cr wore thG )furCJllis ot' Hunt­ley nn<l tho ~!nrquid ol' Twt!c<ldnh•. ~either or the noblemen sulitnjneu eorl· on i flj ltt \' 1 tllO~gh q1t: -'l nrq\.ti~ !>fHi.u1t­lcy h4d t)l)e of lu~ $1'1otllllcns bt:u1eoo l}nt{ i:mo cif his tb\tmbs frnctuted. Eh~\•en qthor penon$ wor~ injurod. '

· Tnt:: lhnQur.i' llP; l1'.\J., Tho :u~rquia of 't\\•ccddale e11id n~ tho

time of tho ncoidcnt tho CKpNtll tl'l\in wn~ t r-.\\'Olling •t th~ 'rntc> of 60 ~ik11 f\ll hotlr. The "obd8 train into ~·hioh tbo·oxprcee ran wat"loacll?d with f

&rain wn1mnk

• I -Nr-;:n :: .... 'r• ·r · ,\ • • • It\~'> t'ftl')~t

,...--·=. ~ • ' Twv n", ·.; vrr. ' ·- !'hnL thal.t' i~ .~ou·l • .. ."' ,.~-~.I' o ·"~r;y , ~·.-~~t,un t.<l r ~.::nr i p,•:lN ~~~~·•w~ ne dt~>-

AJf,llf nblc of r r•ll\'l'\ in .: }ti, .... ,,..,. l iM "''''" '1\'l •• w . li.-'r~:~ rnt<:,nr IHJll:Ho : prn,·Nl "" lJI'K. Act'Mtn ~ndRo4ei. From

Yt-~lt·J:f:., , ht•c·,uw•nu .· .. uwrc thetrihtmc twv han1::4 JH>tetc t.h~tt hl\tJ bt-'Cu long iq t>~ thr 1; upl~. ~l'h • ),,, • of ·• r,,,, 111'n c irl'ulnt ion in Ctlltfl. llt<'y.obr.u'i',l~ woru lllOilU III• lit \\', l :f In hlt•n IJy lht\ red 1)1\ll· thnn 1!>;0110 ~crm~ of VllriUIIK ~llll18,,1md ~r" o1 i\u· · ·,~ • · dL .ll ~nwy" aud thu somo of t.hCIIo pQlSoned r:\ts 1\nd gumca chunorou.d :l l'l~':.\1 lur work, ~0011 to pigs.· '\'lu\lt~t.· ~ ur ttn lhr~·llll~n ing dt•mnnt.l for hrt' ad, " 'Ill- ,;\ OULt ~1 I !'I rill b'Tl\.llito pede-. a tal.

h V.·.1s nnt, hnw(\\'f'r , ~ ~rO!\t populnr demon~l:-tlt ion i11nny ~cn~c. 'rhero \YI\8 li ttlu l <1 RUf;.,n· ... t tho h loody scenes of riot on Jhr R.lrnl' fl"'ll l!vf' ~·enn\ n.go. 'fh l" cln i Inn<'': in~~l'lft hc>p:H•I t wnwc<'kson To ·~>r ll'ur h'l\' <' ' '"Ml t'!l'trh mc:-re om in· on!> IV si .... ni li!"l''l . Tlw c>:OW•I w·lP r­itw f."on; tll'nth·. nn•lnt M ti tn r clH it lll i~tloC'l' ll'lOrf th:' n !;,I '< I fl<'l'~OIII'. :'\lorn th:m h:tlf. wi-rl" th. ,., frnm mnti\'C'R nf onriositv only. a111l th l"r " wt>r" m:m~· tnll ·hn~~ nn(l sOJW' \\'') 1~1 :1 i:1 the gnth <'r· in;:r. ·

'l'hcrC' wn<~ nnthin~ in<.'<'ndiory in tho lnm," of KiN l f :m l · nnd the others who mnd<' ~t,<'N·h"!l. 1! <' were ugly wornin~~~ to the•,. t'CI of ll<'t!lcct of the dC'rnnnd for public r:' lh•f mcnsur<'s The m eeting of • und!\\' week to c~ll"brnte th C' rcsLornlion of frc'<' t;pl'rrh in the P(\Unre will be tiH' til'!'ll rr nl populnr dc­monstrntion tlw rc. hut. M one of the

W ASHJN01'0Y, Oct. 28.-A eenSAUOT} bns been created . in t.ho e~lte depart­ment by \lt.t<>roncea of John Q. SuUivan paymn11tcr on the Mohican, pat.rolebip .nt tho aenling islnnda in Beh ring Sea. Sullivan 1111ifl: "Wt• {the United States bnvo not. a shndow of risht to the entiro Behring S<>n, nnd wo wtll bo knookod out ~'ntirelv in the .internt\tionnl com· mis.,.ion." · sullivl\u's uttcmnc<.'S will he brought to the . nt.tcrltion of tl1o p rcsi· dl'nt and it is C.'<pected thn OUNJpoken office: will ho summnrily difmiss~l.

The Advertising

Of Hood's Snrsnpnrilln. L .. n l\'VuJl! ~it~· in th,P boumls of r<•M oJJ hcc~1nsc ll JS trutf; it nlwnys npp•:niR. to ·tho sO~Il't, common scnsr (I(' t n:nkw :,: pcl>ple he­CJt use it is t ru" ; nnd it is :\.h~nys f~Jly sub~;!.:uttinttd ].>y t·mlonH:IIH',nfll wh, in the fi nnncinl world he :1ccepted Wt t h · out n momcut'o hE>Sitn.~ion.

spcnkcrs cxpr<'s~NI it th is nficrnoon. For n rrcncrnlfltlll ily ca tluu l ic we con· free speech on nn <'mpty stqmnch fidont ly~·.!comnH·wl lioO<Pa l'i lls. do,~n't nmonnl to muC'h.

There i!; no lonr:"r :tm· donbt ihnt tho QU<'Slion of fill) l fnr th<' h ungry wiJ l mnkn 1\ gr(•nt <l<':t l of ir~t . for :'l[r. C:ln!ll'!Onl''!l ~ ,, .• , rnn\.tttt hi~ wint <'t . 'I'n<' imd<'p<'n·l in.:- tli,;~. iR not conli n 1'(1 to the l'iti <'~ . 'l11e eollnr,;,. of the n~icultnrnl i niN':;l:~ of En~lnnd- hns nL l<'ngth hr<'om" :tn ncutc n:~tionnl cnlnmi t,·. Tl~t' ~·tmlll•'r owin~ of t\

~tent tinotionnl ronfC'r<'tlC<' to discuss t-h C' ~;it un t i nn ic; <'Yidt'IH.'l' of tho cri­

t irnl nntnrc of thC' C\'il. 'l'he mo..c;t tht·l'ntl'nin!! foetor in the

n~rirnlturnl !'i tn:\ti .. n i!' 1 he ft\Ct t hnt the l::J t" li"h flll'lll• r <'11;0\.,_ nonl' of the com· J)<'I~Snt i•ms o:' l:'hllrl rron:< in thC' wn~· Of high<'l· pric. ~. Tt is I i t.~rnlly t ru(). ihnt tlw r<' i~; noL·t1m'r m Clnt hs' t'ood supply in EC'~lnml. hut the prk•'" of mcnt nnd rrrC'nls to i lliJTOrt l'r~ Wl'l't' nr ,·cr so low Tho fnll i n tlH' prieC' of flour tho pnst v<'n r, how<'\'• r. h:1:. not br nrfitt cd tho con~um('r n Jl" IIY\\'Itrlb . Tho mi~dle· m en r('np nil the !JrOti tll, nnd bren<lls no ch<'npcr.

Xot onh· i:: tr.1dt' in T.omlon the dull­est for w nrf hnt thr !' itunt ion i'J mndo worsc in· thn nch·r nt of thonsnnds of ng-ricnlt'urnli!'ts th rmm out of employ· nt<'nt. 'fh ~li~tr,'fl~ of t he ~cnuinc auf· fer~ ic likrh· u1 Ul' nu:p11cnted by tho nctions of thz• "W:trm of hlntnns ngitn· to~ 1111<l k,•m '""I:'''' who pn' t <'ltcl to r<1· present th~'~ut ':',u l who !llll'C'e<'tl in d is­crNiitin~ thP truth. Tilt: WIE.\T I.\"' ·\,!Ill! I' <wrro~ I.OC" OUT h<'t!lln ~.ltm.l.ty . .\fj iJ,. t'onta i ni ng nbout l;jJ)()•),Qt)(\spin 11 ".lll•ll•lllployin:r nuout .i{I,OO l hn·~tt., eln••ll tlu•ir doora nt 1

lock to l'•'lll .in idl•· unt M- th t' C!rcn.i W1l~<' ii''llll' j,. "etll(,}. Otlwr miliA in tho fNlcrnliou wi ll c-1• 'H' a~ ~·Hm na exist in~ or,lcr·il n1·u fill•·,! nnd th <' nnm!.cr mode· hilt• Will then 111 )IIIII {I) $~~),000.

And the Dr ilmmer Wept. Th o drnu\mtr hnrl jnst fini h Q,l

1\ r :tlher n nrf'liohlf' tin ston ·, but nohod r :>a i I ntw th i ·.!!for n. n1inuto, lhon a· \'(·ner.thll' m:1n of cll•r ioa1 cut clenrntl his t •. r •. :. t nnd said :

- T ur.· G F.n)I '~ l'H ~:F II nF THt~ F t.•nt F.. - G<'rmnn,· canull~ t•unt inm' to hold witft Cl•ris ti:wiLy, -. imp!~· . bceausc t:hridt innitv i. un·0crmntl ; 1t ts no lrss un-.\rnw imd st runc-ly tinc t~trrd with :•lcm cnts. 'Jtu~·c disti nctions nru nlways importnnt l actor:-, and cs· pcciallr iu rcl i~ion . Ht' ns mstructor, himsdf. imliCI\1..:1' ·sonw poin ts wh ich show tlH· ri ft b<.• lwrc>n

•t:hristiauit.,· nnd (~<·rman ('tHt•nl inl~ : '· Tho pnti~nt on•lurnncl' by Christ by lli su tJ'crin~ is mon• ,,ri(•nt:ll lh tln nc-

. ci rl~·ntnl. 0~rmnn <.:bribl innity do 1\(Jt prompt. to pntic1it~ubtu ili ion t.o insult , bttL toopen nmld tt•t·mincd re U!· tilllce."· lt i ll t'or re:tsvu hat the G ' l" mnm .Xi~tt:H:h e, nne! so nmny othl'r leading men, in:ini Lt:ly , l •r~rcr the h cnlthy , vigor_ous. Old. 1e~ttmc.ut. to the sick!\• scnumcntn l :\cw f <"stnm<'nt. It is the Xew"'l'cstnmf:'n t, howcvN·, which is the chief source of Ch ristin.nity, nnd this, like tbc other, i untilJUntetl nnd un·GCrmnn-we wnnt " new wino."

-.~sk for )Sinnru's :tnd tnkc no oth er.


A SOLDIER'S STORY. "Given up to Die" by the


Be ThADk3 God for Sapa and Praya for Ita Soeeess.

11 Spe 1king of tLh l\~ tuind~ mo of n Cll !'O thnt C:t'lH' t') _ my knowledge recent ly . I li\'c chwn on a river bolt:>m farm and f·,·.e got n well on my nbo\IL l wenty -fi ve feet deep nn .l fHtr ft'Pl cleep nnd four feot in d iamt'~£>r, line(l with brick Last &urn mer; n yoar ngo1 T received n cou p1e o: a ne-;v br:m d of flab from the fi:~h bnlchery. and l put 'tbem in my wel). I never thought tn ucb before alJout them, until one dny this pnnst month, my:wi fe told me somet hing Wnll the mntter wHh tho well. and I'd better soe to it. I .. _ 1

.t.diAvmnroun, 1t.u11u, Aus. 13. 189'J. sent my hired mnn down to invest\.' I deom ttmydutyto Ulndor tbt.l myU~au. gnte. and he cnme back M fast as meniAl a.a IUl otror of &TnUtutlo for what t r e wind ln!'s \TOuld tur'n nod re- "Kio~apooindtani&I'Wa"bas done forme. p orted ' that something, was in the !~am .. eontobftboarm.y1ntho fallof '&\ bM-

·11 · · S 0'11 H 1~ 't ... ~n .. own yobronio dyspepsiA tn ttawom wo . rn1smg :un 1 • . e coq yQ form, and atso enlargement ot tho· rell what i t wus but it 1QQked more l llc~d· •. I coJUutte4 the bos~ _ pbrtlotans, . • •n<! T1ctlted 1DeUtut1oJU ln tho :But, And one

l1k e a Sl'll scrpen~ than anflthin~ and a ll told me tho tiUllO t hing, -I nenr 1 It d•d ' t , I could i'Ot 'lUll. ,

e 11e. t . n scaro me lh a , nn I n7 lllfgeattou Ql an old comrade I td and 1 got mto the bucket myself fiol.'upoohr~ $opxi, and t /umJ: God Jb" ~. and went down . And gentlemen I ~T.~~:~:ft~fb~~a~~e~~ wbNnt do you think I discovereq ?''. !=~~·~r~ta":itrnO:~a!':;,''a,~~

ohody nns werod ; nobqdy l new. I tl~d. ' Well, 1 '11 tell l'~4, 1 ' pontlnued ~ea~ ~~ht~~~~~~~~t!t 0! :fa,~1: t~~

the nnrra(pr. ·• I found the wat~r 9,aPable ot maldn« such a cure, bo no\,ontr ly about a f'OOt deep, nod ' bCICt ne~OI butohoertWJyreoommona. \oaor ..

t\\'O fish b1ul ·grown so larae that f ,t 1 ~ t.oattmontal Oliihea undezo.tbc nottco ~ . . a o any told! or 'Wbo trrutrertng, let him tako

one 01 them hnd warn hts noee off ~~("on'l of an 01.4 oomra<lo,-tiuy & bottlo of up to h iq eye~, jus~ turnhlg round you ::itt~·:~:=· :f~b~?~'::e'd:rn·p:~ and round in thnt foar-toot well,


rratotul~fl' ~C J.AlOtS wuanaa and thore's no tel ling how big the~ )Vou ld have l>een if the wnt~r l\-9~ K OK n't got so low, wo qa~ tq tllki t'P,eru

1· I A P 0 0 INDIAN

out ~~~d ~urr them loo~o tn the 1 river. I . • • • I 8 A a WA . Sold by al

Th·., veqcr bJ:j gciutlemen oeued · • Drugal•ta· tal~~na lltlc\ t he • drummer itb . $1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5. teRr' ·tn hls &yes w~nt.. oqr and 1 1 . llbook hantls with him. ~ I FREE r hnd three R•oent

Nd !\C.\~ O\•et· stnokcq u Myr.ilo" I · . 8tamp• to PltJP~ tobncco for n rortniJ!ht nnd then t()Qk to aa•, and we will mall rou free a nny brand in prcfc\'i'nM to it. It bean thrUIInl and lnten•elylnMrMtlnl ite own t<'ttimon)· or its qnalitfee, and boole ot 178 ~· entlt(ecl •• Lin

lQ4t~fuon~· "'hich i11 1\l'I'I'I\YI con- : AND ICINU AMONG TMI KIQKA-\\lllicm~~r. Th«S llntnltnr tuee l' It . POO INDIANie" · .

-~~-:,~~=~~.;: ~ ~::•·about the ~&l • 14dLY 6 .,~u.u,r;.

.t will cure, wl:en In tho power of med,lcin~ Scrofltl:~, &:It, Dlood Polsoni!B, C:tr.ccrmz' :tud nll other Huroonr,_Ma!;u'la;J lJYt llt·'Jl'ht., lllllqusneM, Sick Jrc:i'i!Aebe; C:tl:tr-1:, Jih(Jl:tn..'UI5Jll, nnd all dlJ!Ic:UlUeil wl:h ti1o ~l'lt>r :'lild I<ldncys . :

ft 1>\'1'.-- "• ~- 'fll:1t Tin!U Feeling, Creates u .,1\1;1'"1'1,. rtul l!h'~ mentnl, nerve, bodll.y,

· ~.d .! ,c lv.! ct~·•.Jth . Tho value ot

~'''b . •

~~)~1u=sapa.r1lla 1• <' • ... • : I ,. :J.m:,;;Jntls or voluntary wlc.-

1!1"' • • • '1 1 • •• : tl:o country wbom It hruJ r :.:-, ·' ' I • • •••• 1':"'0 or IOSI t~e\'ere. lC 11 I : j • :! \., "•::l~tll, e•; rlx for ss. .i:. . . • · •· ., ')' ('. 1, liOOD &: CO., .: , · · ~ ' ' • 1' • "'. : .... \' •!1 )l:lS!I!:.

I. •. : • ~ • ;· • ,.• • t tl t:tko llood's Sru'snpll.­r~1!.t .! • : •t ! . I r: :need to buy any other.

r,,.-i',, ~ k ·~IV Doses U1:·~0 fflo~lar·· . Do not be Dep'ressed


· because you have been unable to rid yourself of thJt obstin:.:te cough.

· You have been experi­menting ·with ·new and worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope · fq{f you !!'you will try that stand­~~d prcp:tration that has b..!ca in use for more

!~~n ;o years. . ··

W istar's . Balsam of •N Hd Cher-ry.

II •-·ill Cure You. SJ , ' all CVrltg~ists.

W .. u~iar's ·l\Jalsam


Wit . ·. Cherry

• Thl~ pld rollable epeolflo for ooushe, oolde and all dlaeaaee of a pulmonary nature eaally retalna Ita popularity amon~ the poo· pie, tlloueanda of whom may a• moat be eald to have been raleed upon It elnce It hae eo long been the unl· ve'"881 oure·allln so .many homee. Ita record for up· warda of a half century Ia known to all and atteatalte remarkable merit. For eale by all Drusslete.

Seth W. Fowle. & Sons, 1 aoa~u.

Page 4: · 2016-10-04 · mdcr Bny nnd On mho. Frorh tl•e three !Jlst nnm

@~t . Jjorbor lroct . -~


FntDA.Y, NonxaER 18, 1892. '


~ Re~n ~f the Chamber of ComtJ\trce for 1892-a particularly Yalullble dooumf'nt-appeatra el;se­wbere in to-day's issue. A• will be obsl'lrved. it make5. aa is ita wont, very apt reference \o T&rious mat­ten of mMh momen~ ref~rring, aa they do, to the leAding lndustry of the colony, in i\8 various depart· mente. One of the valuable aug· gesuona to the Trade, for the bet· ter cure of the staple produo~. -will, we feel sure, be rightly roeeived and promptly octed on by our people, so far u can be; for unless the sensible course advised be pursued, it is useles3 to expect that Newfound· Jand 1lah, can aa the Cho.mber right· ly ~Say~. uccessfully compete with the carefully prepared prod u,et of the fiAheriea of FriUlce auJ Norwtt.y, thd cbief airn of w~ose fishermen seems to be to ship only a clean and properly handled• article of ford.

It is beyond doubt pleasing to n ote t.uat• rvuch lintisfnc tion i~ ex­pressed by the ChP.Ulb.,r with tho excellent csue tnkeu with our Bunk fish ; this. it sa rs. lo·n~c3 not hi ug Lo be desired. The Report h t; re orn­phnsises a fact deservin~ of the at­tention of o ur hardy toile rs-tb:lt, viz .• t he improved make of the Col­ony's Rl\nk fish. eeen i~cent years, "shows bow eotir~ th~ u'lat­ter of cure re~ts wit\1 those who catch nod m arket tbe 6ah,'1i'Od who have\ fncilitie~ a ud climKlo uo · equalled by ull their fort>ign rivals."' 'fbis is groat) y in f" vor of our s taple j>roducl, and sh<mld IMd to its tak · m~ the place var excellence :tm•,ng the fi~h ~'1\U~ht hy our different.

_rlv&lJ. wris ou':'a by right. 1 We shall ngnin refor Lo ~ he Re port of the Chamber in precerling i3sue:i.


WEDNESD.A.Y's public te!egrarn containet1 the in1porl!tnt announce· ment that the Dominion-New· foundland Conference. lately in 803· eion at Halifax, had cloged . that it discussion had l.ef'n barmor: io u" and that it WI\S expected gMd re­sults would folio\': itK dalib~rations. The JrrocPetli • r~M oi t he c,nf~rance will not, it seems, be p u blic until tho approvlll o f tlte r~.ipt-ctiv., G ov · .ernments had bet>o o btained. T he above is all that is yet it llr1w 11 r e specting the mallors which had come up before tho Confereuce for deliberation. Whnt tlsflso were and the d ecisions arrived nL will be, al"faited with interE'.st by o ur peo· ple. w hom they much co ., cer n.

The despatch al 11o stateJ that it was · rumoured th.t t the matter of Confederation bl\d come up f1>r di~­cussion before the Conferonce; t hnt. if npwoved of, !t " ·ould be Bb lJ­m itt.ed to a pl~lJiscile for dec-i:lion . What truth the rumor ron y. con­tain, it is not y.,t ensy to any. Time alone will tell. Our contem porary, the Toronto Empire, writ· ing under the heading of " tbe Coming Conference," remarks as follows. n eays : ,, It hilA been officially given 9ut. we believe, that confecl era~oion i11 not to be one of the preeoribed suhjects of tbe ap· proaehing conference at Halifax be· tween Lbe repreaentativea of ~ew­foundland anti c~nada. That may be true as flir ,.. Canllda i.s ooncer ed, but, jndging from the com­mente of several of the hlanci pape~, something unoffic ial a111l Wormul may be said by the ro• preeent.ativee of' Terra Novd., Sir William Whiteway ind !fou. Rot, . ert Bon<f. The Harbor Grace S1'4N· J>AilD fa~.vora union, but adv.l• catea it1 adoption only by tbtt V•1i :e ofthe people. In order to r.,a•usure that journal,thC!'et.John'a Tekgram. the tbiet org:1n of tbe preaeot Mi ui.,­try, dPclares : ' ThiM its thA very • position we bold on the queatior. ; 1 and for thtt info1mation of our 'conteiDJl''rf'ry u well as for t he • public gent!rlllly, we fl'ould heN • remark ttutt Qor present rulers •re 'unalterably d~termined no\ too 1111· 1 mit Lhe oolony to anything uf ,, • binding DIJure without 6r•t. """­' IUltiug the ®DILiC.UifOClt:S. \\'t!

haYe already meuLioned tlti:i tie­Anti we DOW re ... ·~•t at for

IIIII1IIUOI 'of aui doubting

oaee Lb" may •'""'·' . Oar oonteoaporart. r.truarkfug

·• \lia& '"hila would look pro1 of a Jeneral el~

the •• aa 11arl7 date. ball~ 1114 Ule


Railway aiul opened up lllintal"l'1•~•, .... here 'frill certain­

to the leland. Bat a atboere, il not an

ardent .• • The unhm muet be volun~ and cbeerful, and one that oa never be ruptured."

'T i:i ell for our IJA<>ple to lwar this si nificant uLLeraiuce ar.l w-.ys

BY N EAN Pl.EA.SJNG.-.\ state­ment 1 ly a pea red in Ol!e or our city cod'temporarlee which beyonsl all quesUon is not "pleasing one for o~r ~ple to couteml>late-the statem~1nt, viz., that, in Vl8W or the anfortn ate condition or affaire ob· tainini in St. John's, conaeqnenL upon t e Jyly fire, aggravated aa FUch h been' by the burning of Harvey's Bakery on Saturdt\y last. it ia~not trprobable that many oft he Eoglish Insurance Companies will witbdra; altogether from New­found.l!lfd, and . refuse to take risks on proPferty here. As our cootem· p umry iigbtly remarks, it i!\ need· les s t.,, dilate on the effect such a decision! would have on our business wen. Tracie would be simply para­lyzed, and the merc:1ntile anrl busi­ness community be obliged either to abut down, or else co.rry oo opor­ationa Uhddr ruinous r11tes of intar­est. It is much to be fe11red t.hnt Lhe recent ncLion of the inaur-1\nce compauies will hove a dis­astrous ffect in more than one di­rection; it will, as we have remarked bofur-3, tend t 1> handicap no~ m er­cantile interests al,.,ne. but will a~ well be felt io other raspecl~:~-will im po:~e tt grievous burden on our Govero~ent, our Churob, and our School property ( not to meutiun private ~wolling-houses, etc For t.bis suflident reason th~ threl\tened incre:lSe of insurance rate:~ is all the more to be deploretl aud objected to. f f SUCh f\ COUr30 UO dotermineJ on, tho result will bts that many owner:~ of property, who would natur.Lily be aoxiou:1 to h1we such covered _p.gains~ all risk ~tnd danger will be debarred from so rl oing by the incr~ased insurance rate'!, and thus, it may chance, be compelled to see ~heir possessions awept away in o ne s woJp by the devourirtg ele­ment.

lf the English C~>m p:-Loiea persist in dcm&nrling the ioore&slld insur· uocu·r<ttes, then it will behllve all parties iotorested to loolc e lsewh ere fort hu needed protection. Whether or n0t. ot her outside companies. f'itli<·r U'ritish or American, o lulrl be i nd III'~U to fill tho VllCI'lUC.)' j or ~Vh elhu r Rom e loo.Ll soheme C•Ju ld be entc rpriseJ tha t \t'il l m eet th a eut!rgency, in so far nt least as nff,,rd io~ protection lo those who are un· able to pay the increased ins u ranca premimus, is a quc.3Tion requirin~ imme.itate ~olution.

W ~ cnnnot refrain from ng•Li a to· day expre:!i in~ surpri11e th:lt ins nr· ance rded f<Jr Hl.l.rbur G rsu:e iiho nld b" h ig her than those levied in St. .l ohu's. It io en nuomnly, to · ay t he l t·!i~t. .

The last Royal Gaz.eUe contoioed a im portan,t :Judgment of hoo. Mr J!.! :~ li..:e L iLt.le, i~ the C!lae of the Sun·eyor Genera\ ve. the Repre · Ben lnti ve3 of Kean 's Estate, aud Prow~e. Muon & others . . The pro·

·ce1·di Il l(~ in this malttsr were i niti­ated under the provisions of tbe Cr .. \vn L Lndi Aot, by the Surv·eyor lienMal ()n the p:nt of the Crown, an.t nsser ted it.s ri$u t t .> certain lnud Aitqatl! in the town of HarbJr Gn.ce, ana bounded on tbe north by tbo- Main Street, ~~ J be south by th" sea, on the eaatn' i.he Iande of Kelln'• estate, and on the we 1£ by tho properLy of Dev..reaux'a estate,-and obarged the defendnnts with being wron~fnllJ in pouudon tht~rdof, .. nd of bavtng enclosed it for their OWII J)UrpOS68. .

Hon. Mr. J ustipe Mttle llllid in oo,wl ulijo 1 : • •

Io my judgment, tb~t. land llitu~ted be~ween tbo western bounclqry wall,. deeorf:)ed ip O\·idence oaPrend9rgaat'1 on the uno aide, aod Brazil's rdd.d on tl\e ntber, and n.ocorJing to the measure­menta so given, is a.nd must be, deoi.Ar­~ to be pUblic property, and, ae bere­tofoF.c, !'ho~d be reserved for the uaea IW'd purpve Of II. public WILy •and land· ilig plaoe o dock.

I oonai~ the defendant-4' cl4iln to be pejmbul'll t ho monies (t200~, ex})t'nded PY the% i tilling up, levd1h.qg off and fen.::ing 1n ajd land, u they apparently performed~ 11.1 wotk ,ith ttleliriowlodge l'nd nnt.ler •rran~Q)eQt wl&b (be relator, Jlto~ld be favorably dealt 1flt~ by the tc'wQ. 1 .. .. .

-J oew St. John'• Trib~ ~lithe a:= bai jpdeed ;t. U~WID Ule

wilb oar


B-M-, OBIT •• Ocr. 8bt, 1892. Fair, gentle eplrlt t.bat bat yee&elday DidtL qu~ thy frail, worn ~nemcnt of

ol&y • For yon bright realms or bllu, a happy

home From whoeo bron..I confines none e'er

wish to.rosm, . """' Expectnnt, calm, thou passod'11tJordan's

tide, A long-loved Pretence ever by thy aide, .A.a ihe warm sunlight, shining on a epoL

or earth, Bide us look up to where it hM ita

birth, In~~~ forth to baak in ita eweet

A.n~o its Firat Cause our mead orpratse i

So thine enrthly life with pain and weakness fraught.

From Love Divine a heavenly radia.oce co.lj;ht, .

On heart.s around its mild light stead-rut shed, •

And to the way of pe:1oe the wandering foot.steps led.

T\fu thine to tench tha t through God's boundless grace

The pure in heart ·may gaze on that dread face ·

Bcforu whose awful look the he:~.vens do flee aw:~.y,

Nor find through endless apace or help or stav.

And to show how Death hat.h lust. his sting

'ro all who the gloomy Tyrant's King.

'l'hc o lor of th y nRme, ri fra!!lanL flower,. Clin~d round thy home until life'11 lnteaL

hour. JESb£A.

NoY. 6th, 1892. _ ........... ____ ,....;.... __ ASTJCKY SUBJECT.

(Respectfully dedicatOO to F. W. Golder, Esq., manufacturer of Muon's cele­brated Fish Glue.)

Since the Lo:1g, U:lng Ago, when the World was nude round, .

There bns noth ing by m l.ln scientific Leon found

That. can \'ie in its great strength nod excellence true .

With tbnt modern invention and mar­vel Muon's Glue.

II 'Tis tho prida of our country, tho H ouse·

bolder's joy, It. will mend cups and plates or tho dear

baby's toy; When· your chairs come to grief, pray

don't. throw them away-You can fix them with Munn'a Glue !or

ever to stay. III

If your grocer abould tell you he baa nono in at.ook,

Try your druggist, they both can't have headgear of block ;

For all druggists and grocers not devoid offri\io

Will soon fin,! in :\{unn's Fish Glue a. capital-gRin.

IV All good mnkers o~ cab inets, onrp~ntcrs,

nntl All tho bold knights of Labour should

trlke up this stan i ; Just throw onco for nll over old gluea of

the past, Stick to ~{uno's Glue-THAT sticks from

the tirat to the lll8t. J v

Now, to sum up : Muon's glue is of all glues the' beat, ..

Tho line glue that of nil glues ho.s stood the beet teat ;

You could stick NewfounJland fueL to . Canada, too, If you brotight them in cont•!t smear­

ed o'er with Muon'• Gh~e. e,H,B.

By -a-

Nov. 16.-Tbe Dominion and New­foundland Conference baa oloeed ita dis· cuuiona; they \vere harmonioue. It ia expeotea good reaultl will fol~o . The proceeding~ nrc not public till pproved oC by reepeotive gqveniJllen . It i1 rulJlOrod Oollf'eqeratlon W&f'"dUOtJUed j it approved of It will bo ~ttib!lli,ted to a plebllolto motion.

At Dublin on Monday night Blake read a letter encl01ing e5000 !rom To­ronto.

The American Government bae ~ot.i· Jied tbe Brltlah Government. they wer e led lot~ errors of atntemont in Behring Sea caie by lalte info~tion of an· agent and will correct rn the counter­case.

NQ\". 17.~An offiolat named Mitchell of the ObRrlottetown"P~t Office stqte·IL thousand• witlaln 2 yean i be con­f"sed o.nd cecaped to ~he 8tatee,

Englt.h cotton lockout oontioue5 J dis· tresa wldeaprond. •

The fall or the Fr.:nob m inittry ia e~ctod.

Chief Juetlce Coleridge ia tu. AnaNhiat troublee oonlloue. 'l'bo Ru.uia.n Government auuree the

Germnu Emperor that DO treaty or alliAnoe maUl between Fmnce and BQ.uia.

The American G$?ternment oontinuee quarantine of Lweq~y daya apia~' im­miPAnt. !rqm Contin,nta.l Europe.

Nov. 18.-The J'rencb Govemment pl'OI601ltel the D~ of the P"nama ~ ...... u~ ppn$1c traqdi. 8wtllns re-

promf.eed,. • ~IMII·"u Oo•erbaent gl vee 'lwr

6NII~ .-1nnt· B&llk KootiMl half UllmlllrM:IIJI Co,

Local and other Items. ,.

--Qoala 1ell here aL 15.20 per t.oo.

-PaoDuez-6ovoral bon.t.-loada or tu r-are in the mlU'ltet !rom Belle Iale,

oue dollar per barrel. __ ;:-. --Some ho.\·s, Cl\rly t.hip week wanton­

ly killed a goose, tho property or some one !'who ia now looking for it-in ooe of tbe docks. The hoys are known. and it is a p~ty thn~ they nco not punished !or then wanton act.

-Tb'e M 'tchleaa WM let off the Patent Slip ycstordl\y morning, and the Car­bo01ll\r schooner Primrose Lau taken on d\lring the aftl'rnoon. The 11ip is working 1atisrnctorily. nnd there should be no reason why it.shonlti not beavs\il ed of by nll ourJoeal craft.

-CoALS-The S. S. Hnytor left.Sydne,· for St. 'John'e on Tuesday evening with o. ca~o of 2,500 tons ~k diamonds." Thi, 1a but oue ~Our SUCh CfU1~0<'S she is to run, this scnson; thrae to St.. John's an1l tho othor to tho"Co:\stnl S. S. Co.'s coating stat.ion at Port-au-Bsaque. ---- .

-Rouso-ABOUT.-Onc of onr mer.::m· tile tirm.5 received a letter from Chicago last week, which hnd been "on the rounds" for over n mol\th-rilthor a long time to come bore. The lott3r was post-marked-Chicago, Oct. 7; Bost{)n, Oct. 10; HambuJt Oct. 2 ; Brem'en, Oct. 20; London, prco tn.mps), Oct. 22; St. John's, Nov. 5 an arbor Groc~ N.ov. 7. Rnther a. long time to roncB h<'ro from Chic!l~tO, but no\'Crtheless quick tra veUing for tho d istance.

- One oft he many jewellery and fancy goods peddlers got clear of his pack in s hort time. one night this week, but tho release wns not a profitAble one for him. The m:m stayed O\'ernighr, nt a houao in a neighboring plnce,. nnd next morn· ing when he got up, the p.'lck Wl\8 gone -a. fellow-lodger being the supposed gyjlty pnrty, Tho Yu.Iue of the pack Wtm about $!0. Tho peddler wo.s in town thi:1 morning, for police assistance.

-A number of schooner~ fitted out for the Labrador herring fishery this fall, and after spending considerable timeou theNewfoundland aodCnnadaian coasts returoo.d with scarcely 11nough to pay one man's wages. The herring is also scarce on the west coast. The majority of the people in Channel, Burnt Islands nod other plnocs along the WC8t co9.St. havo these late yedns got aU th<.'ir produce from the fRll catch of herring, but this fall it lookA n1 if t.he herring ia not going t{) strike iu-Cape Ann Advertiser.

-, in St. John's, haYc gone up 50 cent-1 per ton y;ithiu tho lt\llt fow

_,days, ~nd !'re, it ia said goi.D~ up yet. fhe pnce 1s now ft"Om $-!.SO to ::;,5.30, ac­cordmg to grade. Tho demand, it saem~. hM been considornbly berond the s:.~pply for some time fJI\8t. W1tbin a short time 1\ 11\\lllbt:r of cnrgoea M O expected, wb ich it i11 b<>licved, will fair­ly supply th~ p~scnt briak t!eru:1nd nnd, to n certain extt'nt at lcnst, brin~ down lhc price to the figure that ruled a short time ago. To show tho demand in tho C.'lpitnl for coal, it is but. neces· snry tostnto th11t nt cno time on Wod­nca_d!\Y morniug there were 18 horses wa1t1ng for loads of co:\1 from steamer Delta o.tllogorgou's wbo.rf.

• -Pons I~ 178.'3.- J\Ira. Johannah Ward. who diej nt Carbonear on Tues· d11y laat, W!liJ the oldest DE.'rtlon nt thnt time in tho connLr)'. t;p to tho uny of her death she ret:unell the exer· ciao of mind anll hody,nnd w.ts enrragod at some needle-work the day pre~iout. ~he waa born in Lower Isl1lnu Cove, 1\nd hved there for a t.ime, going thonoo to 01Ll'booenr. Sbe lived in Harbor Grace early in tbo pretcnt century, with Mr. Fox. one of tho principal families here then. Sbe bad beon married, but her ~on• woN drowned, aml at ~ho time Qf he: deate abc bad not n single relntive 4v· ing. Her rorui waa dimiqutjve frolll Old age, be,nk only thfeO feet }ljgh ;bel' race ·wM 'Vrtnkloo, 4nd the sktn was like parobment., She waa ~ plc~Uant old I Olll, qll<l w~ known faJ and wide. Her !unoral took pl11ce to-<lay, nnd was largely attended by tho towwpoople. ----8T£~£R Portl~ leaves

New York to-morrow (Saturday) for St. Jobn'a.

The stenmer Virginia Lake arrived at St. John's from tho Northwnr,l oq Tuetday evening. She had good lfea­ther on the trip except on Th~4~Y night lll8t, '!ylieo, 'bwin~ to a aevcro snow storm, she hn.d to anohol' in Grigqot harbor aU njg~t, Sllc brQ'Jght 1\ •m~ll quantity of freJgbt anti tho following paeaongers-Hia Lordship Biahop Jonea, R~v. Dr. Milligan, mesdames Fletcher, B11rt and 2 ohfldron, McGregor' Stick­lan;l and 2 children. Miaaee l>tmoncl. HeiLle Gaae A. lliftlo, and 'Rendell, Onpt.Jilacoek, Muter B. Tobin, Moasra. J. Rex. George .Morey, E. Duder S. Par­eons, ~r. Sutton, A. ~(oKay. E. &b~3, J. CUrtis A. Rob~, M. Obarlott.c. w.l .Coaker, W. J. Smhb, 1. Cater;"F. W'.olte, E. K cGregor, T. ){oOe""'.wk «tld J. ~w~. . ~ .

The !1ngllJh mall ol01ee at the Poet 08loe here in the JQorniqg. It the ateaUJct Oartb&Jrinian, clue •t st.

Monfrtil on Sqnday nbrbt. 1~ MoosoUan arrf•ed

at a.....tU~un liom Ll•erp0ol,at.7 o'olook &Y8rJ

--GEmAt..-To-daj Wl\8 ~ceptionally 6ne lor tbe sdaaon; bright~ warm eun, light S. Wind. The tnermometer in tlie aun a~ noon indica&ed 78 Fah. Whether BQreu will give ua another extreme to-morrow, remaine to be eeem

.:_A BARQUENTINE IN DISTRISS.­c!~ptain Pugh, of tho Plltrn of Brixbam, Engllmd, that recently arrived here. reports that when ab8ut. ten miles south of Bay BuU. he saw a barqueotine or about 800 or 400 totll with 11a1la all carri· ed away.

-The Salem Gazette aaye that the fishing industry of Ml\rblehead, whiob hae shown a decline for the paat few years, bn.s 110 deorenaed thia year that only one vessel aails !rom that. port !or bay tisbing-the " Flying Cloud," in command of Capt. J. H. 0 . Gilea. A: few smali boats continue to inshore but wi U haul out soon. Fish are scarce :md prices low.

/ --- I -DROPPED Duo.-The intelligBnce

hns reachcrl St. John's of a. melancQoly bappe 1ing. It seem8 that about the la.a~ week in October, Jo.cob BucJgeL of .Middle Arm, Notre DRme Bay, with two other.s, wns out on a deer hunt. They succeeded in capturing one, ~tod wore on their way home when Jacob Bud;;et fell dead beneath his lond. As· aistnncc wns called, and the corpse was com·eyctl to Budget'11 home for inter­ment.

-DATl'r.E D F-3TROYEo.-Jt" seems thnL not only do ,·omcions clogs, with which the colony is literally pl's lercd, kill the lln.nnlcss sheep, but. tit times c\·en lnrgcr nnimaJ, f~tll n prry to their insatin.blt' '' ppclircs. At Gr,\ncl Dank lnst. oi~ht week. t.bey att:~.cked the cnttle ~nd killed four bend. Tho venomous nctu­nUy tore strip-5 out of the cattle nnd IJ?ade tho:n shrink. and wri~le in pain t11l they drew the1r ln.~t brcnth. How much longer will this \ntolcrnLle stnto of affllil'$ be allowed to OQ.ntinuc I

SHrPl'I;.G .XOT!>:i.-Mcsara. John Munu & . Co's schooner Rose of 'fonidgc, Cn pt.. F1tzgcrald, snilcd to-day for Bristol with n load of oi l. 1'bo Atlanta, Capt. Antle, is expected her., shortlv from • ydnoy with coals. The brig{. Con­fedcr:a te, Capt Allnn, left. for Sydney to·d ny. Tho schooner Telephone, Cnpt. Benuator, ' is loading for the ~teditcr­"n. Messrs. Dull' & Balmer's schr. S. H. Morse, Capt, Pike, nrriveJ here yesterdt\y from Carbonenr with a cargo of nnthaoite coal! for Messrs. John Munn &Co. .


THs CoLD STORAOE PnooE oF FREEZ­!-"'0 FL~!I is, it appears 1\ novel industry m Mame, but. {to quote the Boston Journal) " it. is. o 1e which is likely to prove ot great uuport..nncc to the fishe~ moo. The frozen fish t racte is a \'alunblo One, but nt tho S:llllO time i t is t\rl Un· certnin one. Tho wc:tther is nn elcment which is not to be dopondt!,) upon. .A. lnrgo an'! im;>ortnnt co.cch m!\y bo ren­dorrJd !\ worthless by n wnrm s nnp ' 'ibcn lt 18 brongh~ to port. Thi :1 plan~ for freczin~ tho li:~h, however, nnd hold­mg them in "torngo rromiscs to do n grent. c!cnl to ~bdnto this difficulty nod mnke the btuunE's3 more prolitnblc nnd sure tb :m i~ has been heretofore.

-MA~Y PF.usoxs oF ST. Pumru: JOix-1~0 rs W~::or.oc~.-1'hero were three couples mnrric:d nt St. Lnwronce on lnst WOdnesdny, by 1,hc R~v. Mr. Whe­lnu; nnd three ~ther couples nt Burin on unday mormng hy the purish priest 1>f that plnce. Of t.his bapp~· bnnd five couples hnd come from St. Pierro to be unit~d, ~wing to ono of tho con tractiHg. }lJ\rtl.cs tn each en~e hnvin~ been of nn Enghsb ~olo~y, oi ~nghsh descent. Suoh partaca, 1f mn.rr1ed o.t St. Pierre nrc fin~t nec~aait,nwd to get out papen: aud pay a certam nmouot of money. In coll8equenoe, they find it leiS trouble and cxpewe to proceed to St. L:\ wrenco or Burtn to be lll:ll'ried and pay ex­pense thereto ~nd baok.-Telegr.1m. --'riTtJ'l'TO~AL REVISIO~-London, October 27.-Lord Saliaburr hna an nrtiole In the National Rcvtow on the subject. or Con.stitutionnl Revision. In· nnswenng tho oontent.ion thnt the pre­l Oot ~overnment baa n right to elevo.te 1 1\\"CBP,I 1 to the peerage, he holds 'thAt next tory govornmen~ will have- the t~_~,me right and will elevate more 11 SWee,PI, " and 110 SWRmp tb.e liberal mnjolltf. "Great BritaioJ 11 he 1&)'11 " liu gtven no man~te IOlJ ·auch a~ exoept1onal proceeding J bcoau1e, if any ho~o fllle maqdntehaa been given ataU it ho~ l:loeo hr onlx n ~rifllng 'majority. EJeotof,l 1\re ~lrndit certain to foUow tlte proce<lont aet since 18~7 rutd have re11erved their .deoisfoh fo1 tho next appeal to the country, The constant expectation of euoh a revia111' implies a struggle aoarocly short of ci\'il war."

-Europoan maO. olo.e herf. to-mor­row (SatUrday) mornins 9.80 o Clock. ---AntoDl J'~ a Jn by bidh but " Brit.ieb eubjeo' by inolinatlon and rilbt.bu been doiuc a pro& table tacle in t.own duriac the piA Week or~.,. Be ! a crowd in a oove, ahd~en be onen11 hie ua:de. with voluble wordl and eignifleant geewree. at which he i. eucb an adept. An&oni b known far 'aod wide throughout the COPDtry, and knows the beet way to the.,.,.ee oftbe ~ple better than the gener81Uy or hia Uk.

Lomx>N, Oct. 19.-Advicee !rom the Island or Crete state that serious affrar• have occurred tbeLe between the Cbru· tiana and the Turks. In the encouq~r reported, !our Christiana were kjUe}l and fourteen T\ukish soldie~~91! lives. beei'dee twenty being wounqea. The Biabop or ~Bpaakia obtained a J>.ro­miso from tho Turkiab Governor Che­o>ket Pasbn. that the CretAns who had taken {>!lrt in the riot would not be mo­lested 1f tiley were willing ~ act peace­ably In · violation or this promise. it . is r eported eight Cretans were seized and sent to Tripoli, a.nd the Christinoa nre to demand their relen1e.

-SAD DEATH OF AN OLD A~D WELL KNOWS NEWFOUlfDLA.ND ACCOU!>"'T.U.l'.­Tbe English mail brings us the sad news of the death ofRicho.rd Buck,Esq., at Bristol, EnglAnd, on ... October 24th, at the ngo of 73. ?!!r. Buck is well known to m:my in this country ns one. of the oldOI!t nccouutnnt.8 in the Newfotmdl:\0 lmsinPss. H e served almost an ortlin­Rry lifetime with tho J*te William Thrbct, Esq., and hll8 been for the pnst l2 yel\ra hend accountant in tho office of C. T. Bennett. Esq., of Bristol. Mr. Buck's death wns .1\ po.rticularly Bad nnd tmgic one, h e havmg fallen whilst in o. fit into a firc-plnce, there meeting n. dreadful death by burning. The hearts of mnny old friends bere will go out in 11ympnthy with the decell8ed's wife 1\nd rotations io their great trouble. ·

From \he W eekly N ews. Nov. 16. Seventeen applications nrc said to Le

in for tho new mnil senice between Carboncnr nnd Bll\ckhcad.

The "Anti " Road. leading to Spout Cove H~ is in a disJtTllcc1'ul condition. since the flood of July, 1891. Com­plaints thn.t..bnvo been mruic by numbers of reapectttble peoplo a re complctoly ignored.

Bny-de-Verde District is solid Anti­Confederate. It is plain proofthnt this district hna been brought to a state of prosperity from what she was without Confederntion. (f

Cnpt. Thoa. Joy hn.s gone to King Cove to ta.ko charge of tbe E. J . Ryan bound for United States.

An extra clerk is requircdnt tbe Car· boocn.r PoetOffice.Only one official to•do the \'Olumo of wort.: that pMsea through that office.

-Messrs Duff & Balmer are erecting no ico house on their premises.

Alpine report& Sno~bird. loadiog at , Montrcnl No,·. 8 for this port.

Tho " Muriel," Capt.. Joy, nrri,·ed at Vnl<.'ncia to-day.-.'\11 well.·

Tho Cleddu Bello. Cnpt. Donnell\·, is enid to be going to ~land with n cargo of tlsht aoi:l that whiTe thor' to be re­

ca. o old compla ints ofoverchn PS on crmen's nccounts-6overal if those

cxtortionod'account.s was presented the the past week. $1.60 on $2.40 boots, etc. We shl\l.l publish one oftboee next week nnd continue them with the hope of re­ducing the evil.

BOD. At Cn.rbooear, on the SOtb ult., tho

wife of Dr. BC!yle, of a dAughter.

DIED. At Carbone&r, on Wedneeday, L&un,

wife ot Israe l Ryan, aged 89 yeara, also their infnnt, aged 10 months.

&mo plaoeJ and dl\y, Johanna Ward, aged 110 yrs; a remarkable old aoul who possessed her strength, sight and mem· o:y to the last, a.nd one who could tell more of Oarbonear history of tbo early part or the century tblUl any other liv· lng'SOUl. .


Nov. 16--Magnolia, Moulton, Sydney, lS oay1, 88 tone oo&l, 14 tuba butter-John Alunn ~ Co. ·

OLlCAltED . Nov. 16-Flora, Pike, Pamambuoo, 2688

drums 2835 half ctrume cod.6th~obn Munn & Oo.

No''· t8-Confede.tat.e, Allan, Sydney, ball1lat-Jobn Munn & Co.

Nov. 18.-Roee of Torridge,IFibgerald Bristol, 870 caab cod oil.l88 tune do: 82 tierces salmon, 100 bn:Oerring, G8 druma caplln, 17 paokagea codftib, 2 kegs cod liver oU~o.


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