


I N.i A.. Ml v. re. 11'IIltV I VIS INAIlilN".

r.u Um han .ml bustle of UnionIgaamtseeessj Mttts seek htwMshs rntsenwreporterloilti.l hlin-elf a iliyoi' iwo ii'.-o. Ile had CrOSBCd the

¦gears.glfirmisad pssllag nn.lei-the sasnaei aaa, aadthMhan ire frem lbs nt.ire of the tag alonmi only ls panleimveii bf ths .Lui v mee, serass ths wsy lathis dcli'fitful stadia, rtcti with sahdaed ootorlaga, a m estresm*

l.v re'p-s'iiii. ani itr.itifui. lt wns u mea* scms ll

Ississjasrs, hal .:tu>.ir.i w,ih mis thal hu mi net would

Ila. the p*>iiitet.liary to pnasrms V'reiin the top of a dustymil c.itiini't lu sae collier, fashioned Ly anim" ciltiillii-

BsssaUas sill!mi. gitaosd in greteeqas agtlaem as

Aztec lilal, rolitid vvhns feet of dav wm coiled UMtitn.

of citt tenn it -cpiniH ir mi ihs l.-v-.itit. a reveredanacin mi ilin mi » vtedoa ssal oat coveredmill . hrap cf nt rm-"Iv fashioned aaggAOata ut

Sm% aatm and velvet, auruioutile I by n

mi.'IIjr-etarefeed ra* a damn coota piste madeii .;.,.: ot .vtilor mi tic--l lr of t il.trk wood cliill'o.n-r. the

epeadrawei aad ehelvee cf which wera crowded full of

)i'iotojra|ths. An e.isi in ttl centre el lUe room «up

pasted a chit.-, ml -kelci, mid top ie i by a rakish

lo 'kiln* Bsmerare, k <. sipls si sbsm completed the far*

ntture, oiieol evi.l'nt .l.i ..?BCM v. >i'-iii.iuship, quaintlyla 'h. lind fruin ahlnliis bambo tv intii* pi ice wr.* covered with

afi' the ioo-ii* ed ito h -iiii-pii Tcs. Au cm >r .fl

wad sltsr clcth bete, a Psrelas rag gkretag sith caa*

niiitiy itapeeed edssathese, s hranseal ul f:i<ic.i tspestryea cae Wkto, ea easther s canals if silky pinch, Etsag-lag cheal wara assn "ii hwhloaed (simmie, a

Mae vern oaa smoke-begrime I bracket, sbaseh of p a-

i- adi leathera iwtated in a pstr 11 Mexk ia stirrup* sn i a

salver el rcponsafi brees wart wera thrown into reliefl>) thc rich hengtag*, -frittered al raedem everywherewetc len sketches Bad lalShlSIpearls In cr.iv on or char¬

coal, while u iireatii ot ambs air sseawd to Moa ¦) el

the open wintlow as .inc's ey- led o.i «*i exquisite etudv

ef esade igaralylagea the "ribbed -ci mad," with a

tullin, breaker mabins assn wai.

ft 1.1 A Vi I M lill C ll I I Melt l\H th.- iiinlst of ..ii tin-.,ni-tie eoefaaleati ii little gaum

ii .-.* I in a nineteenth century apnag-eslt, alttlns oa

the Japanese ehalr and aantag hts knee Bia blne-rlb*lionet! ilma im h pushed bach from a face whoeenei'vou* mobile mouth .tti.l tiri.-hi expreaalvc eye ¦, s blebseem le bm ever/thins .it once, betoken tbe arti-t. He is

nerer stni for an lacteal, ns lu- t.i'ks. Every aentcnoe la-minted .ind enipii.isi/e,i liv i p'-t.ii,-. By* Bad bye OBS

luvoiiiutaitiy estchn the eathasiaem, one leela hie emoMaa for th.- ksstaat aad nar half ol the secret ..r Barauy'iju.wei- a^ a photographer lc understood. ¦¦ They com.

ben and tell ni.-," be says with las eeorn."4bal thi. ale of California makee Baa Francisco photographsbetter thea anne. Climate Indeed I Can climate pose!i .ii. tl.iii.iii inii out jn-t thc expression which makee s

Work of sri <>ui of ¦ ta. chunk* d photograph I For photog¬raph) ls a nu .hain il art after alt, lit.da eoiuetbin*iip.nt lr nu uni l».-y >ii«l thc ch.-ui'. i's, t'.e .iiiiiospli c .uni

the 1'ii-es to m.ike a ju. 'ure oul of .i pbotoiThe little niau pimped up .1 .iii 'ii ti lir .iud began pilli*hm dowe sk. te h alt. r -ki tch ot female neerea

"" ijook at the*-e." he loirs; out. " These are alt, 1

¦peed my span Urns now studying and drawing ai,.1 white."

¦ Deal yes lsd it dUBcnl! to gel model. I"¦.oi), un. Kew.York used to ls the wenl city lo tbs

World ta dad geed mod -u, eepcclally those who woaMI ii Ir.ip d, bul n iw-.i-ila.v I wc ll.iv- BB .¦! .'

to lie h.."I. t onie vv itli lue ru 1 I vv ill slui.v .vol tue DCS

Hunt; I eVOI did in mv life," and h- I-I t tn- rep eli i lo

om sf the eate-raome to the operating studio. Upon thcwall huns ii of a love,y .'eui ile tl.'ii.i Lying OB

lie side with cbc arm stretched out io a graceful curve,

¦hs w...- ea ¦' eoai ii covered with heb braes i. - and rums*lint like ii-su-'s. '"ii'ii good," -a'i! tbe Ililli. niau. "I

know it's COOri, .in I vat bees UMS pholo "-replier dill it, it

la eastnd at Wed, petle.," end be bustled back to tuad' ii a.'.nti only to be Interrapted by thc call, "h litter,Mr.Bsney." Kxcosmg hunaelf, be dim pearrd ti ro¬

llin hi ii minute BCCOmpsaletl by ;i tell niau With a

proalneatsoee,s fair beard and a single eye-glass, iv boweat Into of admiration over thc brle-a-hraclind ctllieiseil tue -kelci c- with cul uu-i.u-tn. Il wa- Lon]lloiiiilil Hewer, un atti-t hlmaelf of no mean alu itv.

.. I like* iiiii vinni, iii-ti," sod tin* photographer,¦Then in ii ul sa ni r<ei hI-Iivi* to linn " He la au urtl.*«( andii.-no nui-'-n-.-.lim it umi. [ took him u thia bitteredi. .1 ten bat. ti'i- Urge mit and tin- dingy old double!whichouce lie not.-el Au iverage rlidi youngKl vv V iri;i vv..u ,1 li.ive turned up In- i.o-e at lt l.e ri i-m*

lt look* dirty."..Do jon have iinnu trouble with year slUen m b

mir I"ItlRMI viidt TUB nr-i OP Bl ni:i:>.

"Oh, Bo, they are good enough. Thc ordinary sctresi1- ihe wor-t mus mee. sin* i« never latlsfleJ and alwaj ahasMs >- eif inr own winch an* us a rule detestably mai -ti-tic.Thea they have no soul, eo there is small wonder if all

my attempta to make u .ii m u. their expression fail. Ofall my alttera Bernhardt waa tbe beat Che waa lerrlbleni eu,,, w iv Alwaya lat** for ber app-Untuiente. Shewould nub In three noun after lime, bal apologise luj-u a i pr-itv vv av iii it I h ni to '.i-.'iii' ber. Then abeBot nely knew bow to poae, Uni when l sol excited abeten th^ reflex of my emotion an t an wonld gradually as

Mime ihe expreealon I deeirc i .mia grsud plci ure waa meresult o

" Km! ul wa- like lier in tint rr-n et |.,o. When I tookhoi W"n.« Stuart I became wild wheo I looked al i.ei amiBaw that lc- -If- Ince a'el tri _-111' Hilt pallor., if i,

tlou and I auw that great veto lu ber forehead liegin toswell ead the feuluma Ut up. I arti ..! tbe i.ient, andt'i photograph you aee here wa- th,' rr--iili.'- an -

i Into a drawer aad brough! out the picture ra*len ed io

"People hove declared lhal tba! swollen vein was.aton. li a.l-ii tl nv ove to the negative bul I eau assure youtiiat i- Heit the a e."

Mtv iv.,'- BBII r IKS mini'11 -.

¦ Mow il i'i von fan- v. itu ll."ny Irv un. I"

"Well. I vv i- tlls.ipiKil.ifeil, seriously dts.ipp. lintel willi

Irving. I had met him in England and be had heen bo

, ons lo sae thal I swatted hi- roinlug with cagerlu--. VV iii n I v i-i., I I. oi, loii In- ¦»¦ -nt ni" a ti,ix ti aee

.Borneo and Juliet'at bia theatre. For tbe firs! time*, life 1 aaa the play. Ktieb aeenery! suchcoxtutn uli t. t were Ibe rr,.i thing and looked i>

.1 Ihe ittlldi .« ot a.I lue Creal alli-l-had t.a i.i!i-.ic!.i-.l for th rn u. > looked

bad rea . been ..eit-.i. Betweeu the octa a

Sainty lillie tea erv!** wa* hrougni in, and ire drankth- III .kt il, !'¦ a..I- t"l ll ive i»e- |.|.|,d oil of fragilee.e-aoeli rblna. thai ts a trifle, bul it ehowa the man.Judge of my fadings when be to Ima thal be hil onljlen Tiiiiint.-- to /iv .. iu 'in a Bitting. I I ". aiaiul -tel. i.ii'rlt wa-us I.--- tn ula nine waa n.i tl up end portionedt I Into 'ullin'' - .md aecondh.

** ll,* tat, and I Waa |ua| .'"ttrii.* him into order, lu-t ar

riving at tue point of perfect accord li tween iltlivr intij,heet.i.-i."!.i which Idcelre, whee be wai oul of tin-«ii ur * I'eli.iited to atop lonfer if I could, my dearh.iionv*. bal I haveanolberappointment'

.I tv anted hun to-it ia I'ouuate, ol louise, bul tintv.i- Impoaalble. Thiel what thc m .1 eeneratloii basI', -- I. I W.ieit th_l -Cllile, C"Uf*l fBCC Of lil- Louis II.J **r,ui thal tender, noble, melaacholy look la hisii,nle, I. Not only I want t bern, but my children andmy chlldren'a children. Suppoae oe bad mich ho ids ofTaluie. Kean, Garrick In character I U'hal a atudj (heyWouhl be! Ac it la, we have only IndllTeretil engravlngaIrani nir.'iriri palnUnsa."" Have \.i 1 .v. -i tekea Booth ls characterI""Loag ago, Lately he nae sot cared to sll mnch eves

|,| p.,Vale heal-, a- I call 1 tn- m. Ile wflu- bOTCdalway- a- vt h'-n the 'beatie ls u.erjtioiicj Mini il . - nottarc'to ie- photographed at all.

IIRBT'l Ian iai.i/.i -.i; WATS,*. i et rv of cour.e yoe wen chai med with I"" Bbc IS Simply tbe ).e-l aulijerl I have ever hail lint thc

mae! toatalirfaif I wea in iie-jim when abe waa In myet m io every mommeal waa a rei elation of arrace, everyi in i picture, md every exprea lona dellgbt, I w.n

na/, w tii pb laure. 'There, then for Heaven') -mke.k- .v ,n trial position three aeoonda,' I would 'rv. but tilenext loataat abe had amved *n'i teme other lovely poeeWaa the re«ut I f» r wak aitnts ide ronni WM C SaO>¦ ii "I pa 'ores, bal Ho -' mel lld 1 implCN hd lo rc for oas BBomsai la ant .1 Ibe poaitl etiw -h. aaeumediiian it wus apes liiii t) thc begaa I laagb audthea it wm ail ss wltb rn'-. 'Oe away, MiBarony, ge away, she gaaped betweea iii* pealsii? elnar, niiKiu- umghbT. I abell die if you look at bm.e.i Sb the eu 'if it wa- that pool Sarony had ... turn hi*La.-a ie tor, in - -ii i. ooaUl cx>-B|eMw U-i featurea.

.¦ -le like Irving, refs-ad t' bc takes m ostame. su»bsd promised aome frleoda lu Kaglaad only to be takesin nfueteeuth ocutury pxrb, -n i kial s Pee in ot h

Jlri'.r* lei! rained i vcr. .harming "mi'ein yo'ingv itii. iii. Terry's charm In my eyes ls bei natura.neea,which I believe, hoe noasWtatlon abo it :t "-lie reallythink* like e Ctrl of Hahtnea, aud tbentora cannol helpanting like me real ta the charm I lsd la her acting,lev, tti ..i.'ti that la straying from thi

Tarina ro catch rag soi i..

"How do you find our Amsihjjs actreeesa Mr. Par*

tiny f""< Mot i-l- L-f**a'. Sh*- I- ali kttl-l to thc Under¬

lip-. Ifabc la le the right moed lem eera af a lae pi.t-uic. Ifabe lseat ofmae lam |us! ai aire ora failure..

Bo wlih her aetlag. sn.* fe-K the emotion stu- m j>or-tiavoi.' aad for the moment lt la real Tbe ImI timalwaaje!.,.je/ra|iiiiiiL' M.u-ie wi.Km- ve fell Ui talklns ol Monia. ').. va.ii know -alij Bbe, I Oat wile ii I pla veil With hei tn.ArM'-.c 47' -he n.e.I t., n \ ..-! a' s ami.I cried too.I very Bight!1 1 liat WM -tnkiiiL,', «j- lt Bot, flem, _n -iiiStag* worn actreaa li ki Mr-. Wilkin-1 Oreel .- sha lamom tum s, Morrie leMraetl-Bes abaolutelj nail -,,tmii

lill artist.. Nonetluie-i my wotk ls good, mon o'teii u i.

eitorlybad. Bul ..Dei- inuie I am dlgreaslig from the»-'.,i.¦ ii. lit'-r Lomrtry la a charmlos andahandaemswoman, bul i dtfliculi aubjeel to photograph. Bo wltbth.- uiaiotlty of act.ease. 'I li*-v want BO touch donefur them sad how can s photographer photograph whal1- not then ( Ifs tn hi Or woinm. Wai a soul I tan nilen

Bjaeeead la .ai. blag it through my camera, if they have-lom- i.uv» cnn I I"Aehaney wm lalklag kc wm leadlnethe -rm Mn-oUKb

hie larce epereUng room to I he small elevator whit b runs

to the ground floor. *' -lt dews B minute," he -aid to thereporter, . and let me look at you." H«* paKSSC hia ne*dt»u ene hide. hk#- BOSM gcalsl 0( k-rolilu. atul then touchedbia vlatlor'e left Aerk. " That l« yuin neel gmO," na).I heAk be «im.». au mr lil.ial bad Whi i lui up a liuk'c (alu a.

mMow, salgBarony,*"look this way. There, tim ii thebes! view I could take of your face. If you loeked a. mm

lhat way lt would put lt out cf di aw mg. Tbat'a lt. lt lau'tta-Ufoiula tbal could {.etc you like that. You

bti-r expression now. riff pan*, lt'a done," and the nv

portal's portrait wu- taken " by Harony."


I NtlAlir.Vl'.NT.

Theodora Bromley, dm-bom _uaag«- furT.ivviencc Berrett, arrivt il (iii thc dalila from UfOTBeolon Mond o', lu spcakiuk of Mr. linnetts plans he

said IMi- Karron, who is now In Germany stetting hl« daugh¬

ter, Will leave Liverpool on July 6, aid will open the -e.l¬

.s.Ul tliiee we. ks later al Denver, COL li it I- IC longealil |nmp on record from Leaden tc Dcsrcr,

Krom Dearer he will gu to Ban Francisco for four wi elHe im- tiine mtv plays "The Blot upon th.* Ks*ontcheon." by Koben Browning; one hy ('hurlee os

bourne, founded on tbe (ieUti. >.r l I Becket. An h*blsbop of Canterbury ; and anolhei llluel atlee of Puritanrule lu New England. These dana will be tirM nra-.line.I in -an Kraartaco. "Ve ara getting ootaomeonoprinting,and thc coetumoB and stage settlsss irillbesimply el.-cant.Kegiutttng Mr Barrett's tmrmpulanty lo London, thal

la merely a malicious report. Tue Lyceum Theatre v,j«

univ engagc<1 for seven weeks the interval wa.- be¬tween the closing ol ihe An l.i-on season :i nil the begin*iniiu' of the irvine eagsgeiseut Anaddittosslerg oneould BO! have* heel, uud r anv ciieiim-t un <-.

in, v body ova r then undentandi Ihe situation, and MrBarrett did not expect to pla) more than niven week*whcrl be went over.

* ?


TUP. mai. nuts i\ FAVOR wu nu: COST.ITO DB-prkssio»i\ tns nuns.

Iii view of thc fact that nearly everybody iadeatlned lo become Intimately acp-alatcd with the lu-tei lor of e oiiiii. oofflns ma) bc regarded m a aubjecl of

genera! lutereet, aud thia on a bl isms bot summer's da]lech aa New-York bas been aflUcted wit-, whee life on

aay terms seems a burden aiiuo-t too grievous to bciieirnt.coffins may be viewed with nome approach this splril a Titii; se reporter sea rht ihe cool shade

iiml seclusion or a great eoflla msaufaetorj ls the

Bowery, and there eqjoyed a ronrersatloa with tbe beadof tin* boose, s mai exceedingly ie mi *l on theaabjoel..:i-eiiiius. rh,- reception room I- subdued lui olor,aad there

ls about lt aa air of uuo'ilrualve sympalny and gentlern l.ticboiy which moat be soothing to thom whorls!!Hie place ou Thia aspect la emphasized by thepresence in the o.ner ottos ut two .1 trnun young wemen,dressed In black, wbo busy themselves with the account*,Banged aron. I :he ro tm en a ml lo ik Uko Barrow cop-boards. Tin- .1 .ors open downward and outward, aadto cacti is attached a coffin, Bo alien the enpl.daara ail opened there is shown s large aasortmeni ol eof*fins, near!] Oiling tbe root- andentlraly obsagingIta sppesraacc

.. ii .es no! H.e bnslnes- nansll* have a depressing ef¬fect on the aplrita and geuer.U bearing of H..i-e who are

engaged ls ll I " Inquired tbe reporter.¦¦ Not ut -ill." replied the .1 d'-r. who*e own expression

of i;oi iii iui m. ii a :c -e rc n nv seemed ni its.-'t to return an uie negati* e n the question, " as a matter of fuelniel. ri.iKri arc among thc cheerful men I know,Man> ,,: ||,er.e |o(ll 'p'isilivelv (olly. I kile* one

mail who loo.i-d so hnicni.illv (olly that I've wonderedhow he could be tolerated at mnenila.""Ia that due toiu.- ia. t i hat t ney generally get caah

p.IV infills I ".* I don't think bo, be luseesa matter ..! fact thej ere

i.v no meena ulwaj s so fortunata."rhedealer me Itiatcd awhile and added : * "1 preaiime

,!i,i. pi,it--.*, niau-, they nave to aesumi a sober,le.eive-i and deceronslj sympathetic Mpect, ilof the latter, and a reaction take- |.e when they getaway trom their customer*, him! ineir csu er.iuce of

spirits ls" te. their prc real amt A-arlasa they take life easily, are fond of going In for a id

iud are frequeul attendant"" al picnic* ortlsbiuscxpeditioes. I know in undertaker who wouldn't g!reup a day'.- Uahiug for Ibe beal funeral i-Ame along."" ls the ini-ii:¦ affectc*d by periods of general busiucas

depre -i'm I"¦. N..t ax regards th quantity of solea. That depend*

oe the death lute, tv m.-a is om tidna al leasi lhal Wall-treat don't regulate, and can'l regulate lo uuv

extent, Butwheu time- arr. beni Iben i- ramie dilllcult* tn gelling umner at In all trades, fin Ibe wholecompetition squeeze* us uim-h more together thin do dullnine-. Xo, I mun Hod lhat hard limes make much dif¬ference lu the quality of coffins that pc-,dc ni)Thc dealer gare milch Informal lon aboul thr various

nt] .lieu- and "caskets Casket-, I..plained, dif¬fered from ullin- In heine ofe uni Torin ol.ig sh ip,- like a

deep box. Tari are mon rspeiiaive iben coffins Alprc-eii aomeol the mon cost Ij caskets an made of mah i.vii iv. which is whinwhit of a renewal of an old fashiou.i'ii.". cost t: ii -:;.''i dowu. A rosewootl casket, claim-rattly lined With Milli, titi he had for T-.'.ii,rind Imli illll ii .me- all lin* wal il'ivvt! to V I.The inci-e' expel i onci ar. ..ivied externally s lbi-ilit velvet or some other rich material and cost as niue tinaS7S0 In thc pa*t three years then bare tieen Intro*dened casket* made ol some pr.nat,on ol marble dualand cement and got np se as ;,i resemble rc.ii marble,either Egyptian, dalian. Tennessee .ray er uncut maini-. I'hev are hamUuiut* and are air light and coal ft*.!.! |o lui. Al !'--l-|l i'i" Iii ...¦llliit*. Ol lll.llliltil -tu;--era Sb directed uiaitil) lo designing eiiborate Initi itr.mtiia .. rii.- rc|n>rt( r wan sbown some which seemeda.- aoTI .n.ii delicate t.i tue tooeii aa a bed el i..-es.



Changes are making in tin' Wesl I'n-'.v terianChunh, tn Fort] aecond ,., which wllliocnaac laIng capacity and great!) improve its system ol r<

linn, ric.-* Interior ia undergoing renovation, bulthe enly great disturbance of thc preaeel arehllectnraJlinne, w iii be in the suiistimtlon of a new and larg)leiv for thr* galleries whieb now ext tn al mi thc eaat amiwest wall-, ni. new gallery will i>e wider than these,and vvii! reach acron the soot wall ..>- well m thc aides.Theslttlagi of the chunh wBlbe Increased 132 n.v theenlargement of tho g.iUcri «, and thc gallcrj sittings willin* made a- comfortable and attraettre ;is any in tbscinircii. Under thi* plan of .1. c. Cadj .v. Co., who an Incharge of the. changes, the entire gallery spat will b?dlrlded Into square p ws,i imethlngllkc iii- old-fashionedbox-pews, in each <>; which there will be from four toelghl arm-chairs, according t.< alie. The ll .or .vii! i.

ha.el-.i nely carpeted, aad the nldes of tbe pews uphol¬stered in old-red plush. Tbe pulpit pl itf.u in uml singers'gallery an also to ie* rearranged, so us to lti\-¦ mon r tomio thc preacher am! choir, nu I the tn ital decorations amistained glass an t.. be n sw throughout The general loueof the ornamentation la to bc a sunny old gold, relievedbj dell, .ie- patti rn In :. slightly deeper tint, which an* io

iee- relied on to gil e.. ich --- to thc walls, bul no deal d

OglinS. Thi -" IS rn li -vv litiii.'- ure t'i I, rc-j. iv Iv

ol valour and <i_ii,,i n. und thc carpi a Brussels, with aa

ola gold t .a,.

The iiriiin .' for e inning and ventilating thean*di. tn '-, -linda] tu u."'I and iclal roomi are to bi all new.A large volume of air will be thtowu into the a uti-ii,.-io un at foil.*. 100different pointe, so thal ll 'vu havefree distribution, aud ita temperature will he regulatedfrom bot lo cold hy valve*, hcvoiitc.m large ventilatingducts tv :ii have tbe currents of ali in (hem pul in motint,bj beat, und will nave a capacltj to change uti Ibe ali luHie roora .mi' tv. mv- minutes, v new organ,now buddina al tbe factor* of Hilborn I.. Roosevelt, willI, pul in lin- iliilli-li. ll Will bava- lillee mumal- am" a

p 'dal, twcnty-clgbl registers anil 1,700 pl|>es, distributedun follow »

"-top-. Pince.flreat organ. 10 751-Well H(HOChoir organ. il:. i -

Pedal organ. 4108The in-iruiiieiii will have rix coupler- and -i\ pedal

movements, Four ol ihe rcgletcra are 'ii -i.trMi feeltone.the double opeu .li u.-.m ol tbe great organ, incbourdon In the awe I, au i t he register* o: i ie tune- ninnes

in the pedal. There will be tbe pedal a'so a quint ol lenand two-thirds feel tone tnun whick Ml. Il-os, veil

pt nullica ii thirty-two feel lone effect, rh. Improvementslu tbe church in loco*! 100,000, un.l will lie completedi:i time to penni! thc nepi elng of lue church about ^rp-teiuhei 15,

. ? -


Hil sccin like one bot dav in Jone de circusset outeu to iii'.ve on ter C- tiri' town, hu' when all il<>Leasts air hea-t.a* see do Mg WagCB dey SOS, " Ger S

unley, mars'." he_/cv, " can't BMttCJ dal load noiui'.v. 'h v»

Bier I I'fiiut take li -d' nu' pull." Ni de] all call Io KierId'futit. un'coal bim to vii" oilier de -hade oh de lujpine tree an'(tit Ititi ei- r« an'pull. Bat Bier Itali nt

lu- don' .ail fo' Bnr ETfu bul ;u*' climb ap on top o' Sewagea tar git a Cree rids ¦' he ma, "l wes a ltahi.itwhen I tmerl illa y.-ie m. i.v. .e/r, " an' I'll l.e a Kaolutwhen I -Tit out."Bat wheo Bra Errant git later de tracee, Bmr iianiui

he chipper ",it a._-in, " ll.l' on dar," .*'./.'. " I won'I lid." If

dat derd'fuat poll dc wagoe. Pm a .lack, i i»,

aa'Jack RahMu ls amde tai kkk, ea'tl ela; el'faa! doa1Kit outer.lcm (ranee Pl go t- r de n ar oh dis shoe an' ful¬fil ray n-shun." lien alida beasts an' beastaaeesCey Infan' «e/, "Kuk away, iiuun.v, but mia'yo'doa'kick dcLack ..' yee a* n bead. eHe dey a pult sn' de a sgea ko os a I.min', an' whee

Urn Kaihit skip bach lei de rent, dc rear waeo'l dar noni'/ Hut lin r Ba .Ml ba ku-- ali ile same, an' h«- kicklike a one veil muli ai a hu-* Mv, an' he fliio' Iii.- feel solu.-, io. nu ii two summersets n^'ht ..i.e. lerwbarKrerWoif nil. a walttu' fei hil linakfas'. An' when Bnr Wolf-Dlsbnlckln' his bones be say. set Brer *olf, "lie-,. -,,Jack Kabblte moke pow'ful good break faa1 f..' a hungryman, but somehow dey den'help me much lei catcb upwhl (lilt drre s_ow.''

lill. l'l. U.t11 Fl \1 MAFhl 1.

VKW-Yellth, Jilli' '.'-.

Then wen- only moderate dealings aithe I'etiolciim I x. lunges today, aul Ibe t,peciilatton reflected the views of thosn who were

di«p i-'-d to operate only for tim day's bunlues-. lutaosariy dschags prims were weak, ths market failingto (ll cenls. lor Hie. rest of the dar there was a steady-.itdeliiiit'of price*, and afu-i a Npurt t,, <;;) cent*., themat k>l . io.-etl al a lliiiid la-a.iioii. Ibe end was ni in

Iii. mags ot pt ie <-b and the total dcilini.*- were as folIowh:

N. Y I'et. Cou. Ba(insatni. Ol'*Hl'%Hr,-. _. |,H (illaiwttsi. Ul (ilfinal.. i. - (i."-jHales, barrels. I, .'.Hd.ooO .'i.'.J'i.OooClaeraaoseycoter igy . 7.0a4,ooo i),n..ii...ooThe clearances elsewhere were 4,111(1,(100 barrels lu

Oil (Ity, and 9,i00,000 barrels lu Hrwlfor.l.The nflned uiaikci was »i« *o ai v-r- r*.'.- ;¦'-. k .¦-.

lu .Sew-Vork.


tut. objoHUL i.isr.

Af Ulai Sales. finales

.Vaia*. I-m.-Sharerops Hat laiwl tttiaJ Hid. Aik'il Holli.

/Kl* \n n.t. (Tor BO 60 60 M

i mn fa.-.(le- SC'4 ll 4.i'4 41fae -.eiilietn -fl ST*, -."'v '-"'.'I'.Ul I.t \.l f.4 I-, HO M"v r.T'«!cen Paeifle fi">, :i4 y Ml M's MU

i.i, ^ \ vv IS ..« -<t ¦. ¦< ; "¦

ilo in.-f. ... iii--, IM Ja '-j I*.-. lit.i M *¦ -t P R '¦. .,.< Ml V <¦-'« 'i-"'An, pref loo lolU loo lol1* lol

i pm au, iii('St PM,".) tu Ml-'i H'.'lj fl I I "4

ii4'. l.O'il)28. 1.000

1 7.0Mi K'.'i.o-7 s»,ssn

4 0. '¦-.-


lt -ll

(' Hui-* "If ll I ,V P(' ('.' 4lu 1.1.. .* vvli, <v ii . malli. .« tte. uIll ealII! ,V- VVl.n.e > le neI.-IVLOOS l-tlaii'lla,ill-.* >n-llI. \ llb ,*-Ubi li Han


lu-'., Ui.% hi-., 110*4 1 I0S ll 1 '"I

'.01'4 li ti-j in:1* IOC's MOSS* mi '. ..- "

KO 89 -.-.) SS li "

IVH17I4 Ul"* Ul1" 'i'1* ol.lkn, . '.o', '.'.'. in'- il-.ig Wit

7*. ¦'-. 1<Uti.. 114 !li'\ 114 ill 1 14 UIO ll IO ll ll . ¦'.

OJ*. ''I'm l.f»V 74'.« '* ".¦ - nu'4 a'' Bi..IV 'Jl> '.'UV '-'4'a,1.1 111 1.1 I.ta fi m mi, I .', I tlI

a actL. i" iv lo 1M .t -t 1. erf i-'*j wn W's -iM. K ,'.- I l'"4 1.'M.,. I-seine '.-t '..¦ !>; ut-a 07N ebel "V ai so is iajr. v 1. -n '-'4 ¦.'-'.j oj'NYI.EJ vvdoon 1 ...

N V .' VVNor A- Vt pn *.

11 l'.i.Nnllll Pac |.l.Iillili. <>*,ir.i I.('1,1,,,V 11 -

1 > it ,v N'.¦ ,..i Irs .

I- n <vPilli A liedI' i' 1 r, h .'. AlRC V. P.He.ii.'- fit;.-tl. A et IIIi-t I. A H K.

24 '4Klf.tllll.J **.

ll ,

M'.' -'.*

11 "-j ¦.' v. 11 h I V I -' V.-'7 ., rt «

17 "-j H ti WS-t ri

ld 14. 1



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.lit Hrtu'.

'.' '41.

re '.a;,

1:1 ia4

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(lg III. IOSIC4 -"'a 2;',!".-. '.'.

-"4 '-"4 :im i.-j I'.

in. 4

lft., 1.111


111', _'"-. Ill 4 '.'()'.> III*. '.'a1 I 13 iii IM 111 I 'J"

hi i.e - Kort .."> se us M tk"-ll.t -I- Ixl in-: '.: ",., 7- 71 71 '4-I p tl d .1 HOS 85 BU H ¦*. M

C Pee' .- ...

vv abashW aliasb ore!Ami *wt TeleerapiiI' H lilli, saI'm itu- Mau(ol TobiQUlCk til Vt I'lelHali < (-ir tba day

rjij ,.

4'4I'.'-' -

;.iaiw.-. 7.Mil'4

.' >.'-':.4'4'."¦.1 ia is

io ta i-\.-,¦. ¦. s60 Ml 47 '-ll.) 4I'1-.. 4II-.7 ij U. -I.J

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-4 '4




'.' i"'.7'. 51'



41,1156!", I4'l


Ki illvldi n.iii, r o <l:r e.


16:1 aellei mu dayl17S seller 00 ders.

(.1)1 /./i'A Af; V IS.



.'.Io It'll* lii-U '.-" "JlA11.1i 1.-eli Hank Mn K"n <r T Hen Us ."*. J fem rona11 IJ "..ii .-.O > ¦. nteil

Minne lal Bunt lo."- .. .',.' I .fl 0 .''Ill ..110 in.o'Xi :.;^ n I'm lal coup

li 111"-ii Ch o. ll OOO !' ''4'17'- Mo K A I'i I COB - l.< "" .. ..'¦'¦.i

N. -t '.'.ll.efl .SI l.nml ¦¦:.

:',oia 30 Md K.ievated .'el N \ LaeS \v>«rn_,««] -I lilI .,:,. IX'tiSOl.l

4.000 :;.;'Vim

Ti un CompromiseIO.OOO 41III .-. 'lll'e I-'.

- rici »1 'IOU 7'".

1 ,0 '(' BOf HI P 'I .t ot mi


C I! ,v g. .li li ,".-li.iinii4 .nil) v

li '.ooo .Ss1' KU Vj

liri.*- otiiat nr'i'i! ...i. ..jji'.j11,00(1 -..'

le:. Mil lalM.ccil ISI..'.(. al 1.1 ;.

Ct 11 Pei i'u-.le.Ill

'toil I \.1l.e unit


.¦.. jilDel- Unit .:.


i'l'll I*- 'iii l-l I- Il10,0(1 .41

..-.I .liET v,( (i 1 Sa

.'.. '¦¦ al. .", _

l.'t.ojo"1: 'HI

Mill "I \ .1 Ih!.non

Mil a Bl Pi ulmi

omi21,. 1.

M... Tel Sall. IK. "-I

Mel leveled lat. 10:1

ll. erill.1!

M -. .1., :;,|S,00() ti'.r

"-..uni lia* '. al lal cou

Ana... IO' '..

1.Olilo - '.iHfm -:

'.") ''I 18[ll C Ul

.(.lilli ll ..

nu,ii a 'ii- n1

6.000 1111-!'ie ron -uart 1. iii

OnoS '. I.Ike - IV ll lt...,.- Vt'll'l rt US

a. .:,*,il si ¦"' k

ll.1,1 ...IiH-j 6,000 ''4rr,11 o 4*. 4 '.. 1Mo O') 4il li CU IHl Hi hen¦_'.-..Mi ..(.,'. ii ono .-("In OOO -ll, 4 -I I. Kari 1' .'. '. ir

'.0,0 ci fi Real Ral ile ,J H 7*tlO.OOli 404 ''

lee I, III'.

|o oooIO Vi4 .0*.()." 11

ll'..00(1 4 7'4'.(l.'I'Hl 17-

I].14 "t

6.IMMI 4 1.'..-. ¦. . 4-a

. I4 ,4*1

.'..'.¦ S V f A *l I. 1-t1.0..0 '..I 4 I

ttun t-t

4 , B( V al¬lin

I. I.OOfl ll'"-I"', -i P Min it M l-t

47'- H.'lli *. 101 '-j411 '4 ll IA!I, I'a'...".

OO .0

la 7'« consol rodi .

fi ooo il 1 \ y v.' s A

1 '.ri'i'i..

..1)li.-. I- .¦! l4


io.')' 1. :i-.-"4" ¦


:,i "ijl«l. 1.N v fem

Tl. ll Ml lu'.'6.030 >1

\ 1*1 ItlC I. (.ls

.1 ,;a-.'.'' ll '<

11.00")Pai -1

;: i» iiiv1 (lt" msS.OOOI".. 4>

40 ¦..C I* It ll l-l M

.. I o.i'4J0.-.1,


1 vv .. Rt 11- uni :, .

..1 Weal lld M1 010 70

Harte-) lui hu. ric's

11.'. si -. .1.

11 ;iK.

le li llT .l-te'ntllO.i100 "I.-. Ll

1 I | '.*. "t1.1 73ell > i'!\ llil'llil*.

o ISOMil 4 Ht 1' lal

"t l' a, 11 ln>.B.IKI0V. !'e.:'4

( LOSIS tl PRICKS OF fill.lin.I.I'll: ¦: *

Heportrd by Joh* II. Davis Adi., 17 Wall-et.

BU. Ask".I. Uii(Ht r,«. neat 12.1 1*46 Menliem Paelfl

ifi lt N-illll lani KK

f i'm IS"

VV. .'n i-t.eellils

I,. ntW ali-ali -tu inti; >.«lo ooo ;-, t

40i» Waa-.-r -I I'...kiHi (io.aeo .uv

:..o.eo :,¦,

I ii it. il lt,'. N I IPi n«- v. itali rt. >iI'., nil.ii;-K'-.lellri.- fill' III


m. ur' f. 61ii Pacific,

comuiua le

I'I rfu | eat 4 'rn tl'.Nulli .rut KK .ai'.Lj 64 '.

lo 1 elli th Nm -. I .',

Kuflalo, N V.70 Phil ao n -t'4 *\5'J LehlKli v.iii"-v iv: i;-.'v,

lleatonTiile iii id ISra .. I.I-e I'll... ! , I.j

Patphhat, lone 28 p. c.The reneral disposition of average dealen in

mocks to tta'lc upon tin* "lonjr" siile ol Ikemarket, whick iras not ti.-.l yeaterAaj, to-da] foii-ilexpression aad enrooraj-enienl in tbs estalieut Of .1 Irl'.'ll lan;- of tala,-. 'lire fad

that the changed .er of the'market la due entlrsl] te.

iberlewaoi local p.- ni. trad do! detract from toeIn.purl.ill ¦.. Of til it ,'- a I, au l.ut S.illiel.illti. Ulll-L

ie* credited !.. iiie percha tm ot iidat I "hsars,"wine, ti -jur desirous or a peaceful Huudey, Im¬

parted a material addition to ths et rei, 1.1 ti«.f th'- eii-iii- bo irs. The ma Uh opened fever-i-ii and Irreicular, and durius Ihe first boor of bneiuesithe ehaucea of tha chani-ea foi tbe dey seemed to beequal te tbe tare of a eopper. stier the Ural boor, how¬ever, iii.i.- was evidence ol ¦ mora ; ealtlve looa, and Hie

-I ecuiatlou for hJcber prli '-t« si «>. vlf ronsly posbed thalit hardly was retardi .1 by tha asoal salsa to realise profits,Tlie movement, ll lt wae not aided las ll seems probablethal it w.iM. was aol resisted by tnecllqasof ksuSne,"beersn The rumor- of tlie dat, Buck as theywere, a ere all rose tailored md of en eiicouraeiuj-ch_i ac*

ter, and they exerted nore or less mfiueace on tbsday's opera!lona Delaware, Lackawaaaa and Weatern, extremely dell, wa- marked feature, la iii at ltled Un sdvanee by a riae from 1H71*, tu lllH.i-t. I'liul vt,is thS acc'iul iictivc StOCk, ami -ina

sales of (i1*.'-'imi shares rr«»> from rjtf^- to i;:i«

(e.7- Letts ."-.'tc rose t.. 74>se74,e, betas aaatlv ance of r,~h per '. nt toni \ c-I (i .lav V lo went Bfures,w, .-i ru l'ulou rone fr.un .i'-'Ii to rc,1 ')ii7M. Union l*acifia» te Irs! in poinl "f settrtty i73,54fi -lmre- bet nil letsIn the day lt waa a lactrard, and held between WWa aial30) 11 ll'l.lll) rCSS tO H-V/.l J. V lin* clo-, tlexcited al shoal Ihchlfbeal prlcea of the day,

iii.* iiu-iii'4- la (kivernmeal boels wu covered bytales cf 9110,0000 regletered ia at U7i». Theaasrkalwas steady wit li Hie bids foi tli<- I- and I'.r" each '-

l>er cent hillier. Aiiuei'-il are Hie doolan qOOtattottS '.

Hi I. Vt... lill A-.!.*».I'ii HU.rr. IOU H'l n flA esr Ot lan I.VL'.i.4 -14!4 n.eo-j 11 4 j U.!*.ear. S's. 1017 1.7L'.-t. I-.'. il. nt, 117 ', i" - ir 4 li')-l .' )

-,1. 1 I?. I 1 '4 1 I' -. Il li', ls I.I llI ..-. riper -1,1« . WA \ LSI'* Dim. t'nl. .'..¦;.. ..1 |1J

.r . '. ¦ ..|

iii Stats lnmi- iii*:- vere sales af Ttaneeeee fis st.'in,.- .'tT'v.aiiO the cernpromise i«mic nm 1 pereenl blaberit 41. Of etty honk stocks Ameilesa Kxebaafs sold al...ii and (tjiitiiientai al 11"

Ike general bnsteess in railroad bends was as -tuall as-

isnelt nnd nrleoc were bnrely steady. Bot feir lie speenanv kin.Im tint ie itu i > keve rtfciin.-ii heavily i tict «.

eiieraii.t were sharp recoverlea Brie --'ouii were acive ami Ulctitatim.- BbOVS lo ail finally al\ anci-il to 111,un inc first field consol Ts wen H lower at

13. Missouri. Kii.isaa iirnl Texas consd Vs wcic

temi- at -it tin fsacrnl tis dcellned 4 .per can! t<> BOii rei evered to 55. Borne, Watertown and . ifdensbnrfionad Bs wen* '-j blghei al 103. Cbeaapeekc smi oin..

Irate, series it. »u,i- ap l per .ent ut hu. Bad ai roney i;-

teie itcady al 30**sC39. Caaads t-o.ithcrij first 5s werelull at MHO05 Wea! Shore and Bnflalo tir-t om rocston, :t*-'"i- to tu\,, Ho i^, arni last Tsnntssas,'liRlnla and OeoirU OOttSel Bs re." 'J per BSaltOfiO,ei.tial ai.i Uudeon debenture Be sold down lo 101licbmond aad Oaavllls debeatore boM al 40 analnal BO,be i-t prerlooi sal.-. «t. t'.tni consol 7i sold it 11 ¦;¦

loecalns! l l'.i'-. tuc 'asl previoni rj\r. «.-.i u ft, i'acilica.I western divifi'in. wen* »< lewoi h Wts. .abaonsols were i-j blfifeer ut luV-.t. llurlinr-oii um! (iiniie y il. denture B MM utt.,, --if aeslnsl S9 yeaterday. Wabasharneralfii wei.

pei oent lower at :i:i. Denver and ItloOraada declineda toll. Kaiioiis I'ii* ifle flrstn, lien vcr illvlsion, wci-e

_. hi/ln r at ni1*.. Dulan racine tinta wera >s bicker elmi'« Paxes Pactfie teeomee rose 9*a ka 85, nod firsts,tlo i.ramie iIIvimi.iii. were up-' percent lo ln'j. "".'oi th¬ru I'acilic firsts wers up -a at '.»'.»'*." 0Oi auel 1 ii U Vr'eittlind Denver Ulai* aolil ul .'.(I against tTi, Hie Ins prr .mo¬ule.Tks Bab Tlenemy to dar ea-n*! f <;*'-'.~7m ou balam e,.ede up 1.7 a I m i. i.< j tam of >*.,... i.;, lesa u coln . --.

gtnSSMS. The dav's operations covered: Receipts,fl,987,800; payment... fl.lint, 173: ciirrciiry balance,SAMYATTI coln balance. *"UO,4'J.\_7.ri.

Tlie loee! stoner market was eaey at :i n 1 '._ par cent;the principal hniincss waa done at - ia;r cent, wbloli wua

the cloaing rule.Tin* wcokI)* I.auk Hfatcment of arernfjes tniiliea a ffno'1, nml ahowa tuc hanks in the bk fire-reta to Ix* In u

Strong posliion. lite Mln In specie of i4.4fl9.300 lsalinosl exclusively due to tbs excess held ut Ike endof last weeli ov**r the uiim-inf then reported SSthe srerafie boldlnira for thal week, ami to tba i inf- dle*bur-iiii'ufN liv tbs rreesnry. Ths contra, tion in innis

haa ceased, and they show a -mull and nnlmporianl ex*

pension The depoeita ere reported es mereaaeil M10.000i.-e (lian the ceil lor, hut that may be cxpiaiue.l by au

irnculiritv- In the overuse*. Tbe reanlt of the at tementm Itu rea-.- .,- f*|,10.,A.V) In tbe amount of surplus

reaervee, and rstirs Ibsa i" . 13,1111,035.i oil,.wim.'ar.*\. totals of tin* statements

of .lune *_1 an.l Jun.- 219:.lum*'.'I Jine l'lfl.r.'ti.e

Ixiana. 4'. .i..:,'.:...> l.'i'.u.,'!. a (» Ine, -

-l., ,. .(-.,-,,.i :,-, noil tn.- 4,le..-,-. u

tenders '.'* - OOO : -.-* .;"" I .'.' "'''.M.litn -.'-n. l'.h..i io Inc. *,t'0'""fireuliifl "ii ! l.o.i.', loo tl. isl. .hi Pee 14.C00TfcefollowiasBk-ws tke relation between tko lotel

Billi tin* el. po.rt ila.ulm.'-June "1 .1 n" - ( han.."

-[,, eli fill .UH dOO fiS -ILegal ".-ii... is j- ria. 28.81.1,1 tm bet -.

Total reserve | -; 200 III'- *k.ilte»erv. reg'rsd , ..,,

acelast dep'te 70.174.521 7l.ftSH.ft7a Inc l,.<60,0aii

snip .us fifo I":., -1 1 1 ¦- Iw ."¦ I01.SS0iii London Brttl 'i consols were weak, end declined Vj

.iii I :: Ul ri suer li f to mom -. aud lo im I.«-!«tor both. United statea l>ss were u lower at ll-1*Mi.-i -id railways were Irn'ffulat Bfter tbe rasmonoiyesterday's borne nd therefore were reneralu- lower. At l-.H- in-ich ii percents were »_»*«70..V), end sleht exehauKi ou Loudon declined to 23.losfrancs lo tin fi,Thci li ailie ironae statem»nl lo-day was m ""nows.

R-i'haiu , 849.tMiil.70ii; nal.inces, f.,75J.Mu. lorine

week: iv. ii m.'..-,. -r-d 17,035.01 i. balaaeea, fi'_8,ol«,-nie United 'tatesTreasuryholdi 8335.127,350United

States oouds to secure National bank eirrul >tlon: non-is

de;,.,.pei| f.,r elrculallon l.irin* the week. 8tt.144.iKIO.ik cir. ni .ti iu mu -t."i lins drrency sotee,

I fi330,U!),0_4 ... il rr., es, |«I7,7 i'.».Imports of merchandise In Mew-York:

K..r flu- week rH-CJ. }--'*.,1orr -roods fii._i-.iMn »-.'_M't,:i.i7 fij.4. .";;Ucneralmerchandise *." il.' ""> SCI 5*0 ; ''

Fer thc week .--'..'.'.7:1;. f-4.u81.0Kl Wier.! -'

asl] reported si..ii '-'¦' '-'. I ' '''."''

Total dace rea fi\l, (4 '¦'¦ °';

.x*iortsof specie freon New -YorkFor tbe wees *l,ff4?,.VH S215.I78 t*P-evkras.y reported M "* ,11 ¦'

r Kel -Im- J ni 1 -r-toel .-,'.717 .' 1*44,4(1 ¦.¦'¦

ImpOl ll. of -iii ie in .Ni'Vt Vu. lc :

K.eriiie iroek. |. t.04d M9 i'" filrn t ...usu- reported. I,PS ."A kMl'i "

I .tal sim-. .Lui. I fil.OS 123 fi« -'i Kl il- " ;l

Citn Kent estate .for Cvilc.

CHARLES Bl .;k & COV, ARCHITECTS."Till. BJUtKftiUU-." 1110 HAI»IMON-At ll.. KlilMll

III TN .Sill OMI--I',H'i-Kit lol! BALK

Their Mire* r bi iIbIb .BC II l'n 1. not Htli-.i. e. I. fn i.V

Ko, l'.i ssl Both -t. '.". fi et tv .i.-. full lol.-..I Lil ii -r ¦.i -i

So '.'4 nu c. .tr t.i eel wide.P | ..I till'- ll "., IA ll _tl- lilli eei-t If ll' I' .' ¦> ..'I III to'

pi jo ,i ii uoi.t to occupy in the tall.

i\ ELEOANT KESIDENl EnndSlX LuTS\ ..' .-ra imi 1". iii in;, i et*!* tn Kiera iel H Irn

lion ¦;'..¦ or n lt ia..¦. '.'. Ul »1" ¦'

sus k .r ioihIs. it v\ MuNP, TrlbuneoUt\ ASSORTMENT of ftrat-claas dwellings\ . i|« -i'i'ii- c '.I1.-.- ¦¦n- Marti-

ire Imli I ly ilav's work, from desi a* liy l> .? rac h-te. ia. ! or lei ir- a j pal ll. mai -. appll ot tue plrun .¦

ei le ll. KUi -

{.'<.'; HALF...An ele*r.inl lonr-story house,.rilli i iv re- i i-e- eu ent, sri -tte-llt -I Ike

best Improve. .Westville; rcesiiiiablc price Ap-pl) on pi ir. e. i i; Weet! 1

rptlELOUNE nml I'HE K0TH8\Y, No. 134Imei IM I [¦' roi sals in¬

quires! Ko. i7tliit.. - t,,'.ia in an.'. .'. io 1" '. p in

Bntinetf Provrrtp far Site and <l:i tel.

rl,n l.i I'. -<i.,ret. leit-i 'tti'l d-M'*"- in Felton,I ne. .r.i 7. Vi,-: vii. .11. William, Jacobi

I ohused .- .'¦nt land "¦ .VIIITINI'. S neckman-t.

Cits Propfrtu ila Ld

1 NICELY FURNISHED linrSE on Mmll-TX ,oii-i near list-* nt, *-.' peimani ii A* dre Bm 4, 111 tune itt t

<£<)».'.'tm JhwjcrM fit Cue uti iTi Cet1 l.i, ( ul N l'KV I ROPERTY "I li BPE-

.'\ ci Mi v rms Ki < - Listsn.e. phi i.i.i r-. ..- wi Ls, Tribune liuildtng.

il LONH lil! Will, iltur Monmouth I'm'... \ vu '¦ il .i itu.- frulteilIm tale m,n "iii l.,i:-e. elegant pla -el lor

orren cry los VILLI Ail LANK, I on« Branch

t BEAC li il, HOME, rutty funiifthoii, onT\ Qreal Sontli Par Lons [aland li ..

., i vi ian bour out: arrca lu anil five I «

Ito we hm.,-esauilni "I it a pie ipi buyi rain

Pi,. P- ... \, ll.-. ilium- Hui!.Uti:-

IIARYLOX, I.. I. \ Indi wroultl like io rentIre-I Hld t, ..¦..,, rf ..!,.

ti ii io. wool the tn ly rei :. III. .ml nt In ti.eeai-i. -n .... Addreaa 1'.O.Boa 157, liabylon, e,iu' Islaud,

POUNTRY PLACE in the ut Mitton;V naen' t'e. lil ut iiictnri si|ui* -lies un tin* Itiulann t ne

r, r, .-. ,1 bo ll ', IO 'J '". A >' llIii vv i \ ,v i.Uurtson

I/Xi ll W1. !.;. -\ pood honse <.! ;. roomsj and naru, with plenty ot fruit ami shade, al Ru herford,

N. J ,. V 01 I tt ..I Ul te ll ell

small house in Kroolilya Address J I' i. I'ribu e -itu .-.

lim: farm for salk oh exch vnge;* n^ar Ne v. irtinswick, et i,a -¦..-,' ri. re* it-inwniid"

lal '1 i-ias llwrl lill ex. el.l'.i le,ll. wrl.-ol" h ili«e. lauri lt .!|.| Hilt lill ll: ll ~-. irltile,

I','.,. ¦¦ e. Mill ¦< 1 ,,| , ..-...

ri i.-i' ue ii Ni ¦.¦. V "i . itt iii, -. im inrthi r par.chaki.r - A. WALK RR, '-'i Pars :: iw

L^OR SALE..Al New K'.iclicilc, ii handsomeI place convenience tor co 'ort.ihle living Pricemw. tiri t ¦¦ wy Address l Bon IS, i

I.-itl! SALE.- A I'lensanl nmiitn r. -i.i. v. inIll (-¦ ol -iT" waliurr, vj;

house " r'io.i esr. en uni rrul: ve ipleti' m-ilei 11. 11 mud

f- r ni willnii lao iiiliiiiici' wslk 2 inllea fi io Red Bank,'.nu Un i.n i. n ,". ti ioi l..'..,- u i- .,

0 .V M

i. -ll'.I. -I'Al'.K .t (I .3.1- *ii-» tn-st N.Y.EM ItNISHEI) HOUSE..lo Iel i.t the suni-I ini-i i.'iu iMiioli, i,ie- Ut approved tamil*

"!-:i I.r.-;'.- '. ¦. i- ii ',,:.,-, un Hu- nun pi 1-! ade, -tc ike, Addreaa

.1;. Roi IO, Myalie Rrl-Ags, Cona,

I^tIR BALE..A turi)' .-! ".(> cres, in tho vii-.' iiii.ii ie'rrin.,1 neel in lu .I, .t.i. if cul*

fruit trove eil ii n rn thoron --bred leraei row« I'Uelieu, ir,tn ddi i mini it* na

Siven luimediatsly if d tired. Addiesa e.O. lin ~r'.f »s, n. v.

EV Uv SALE..A viv larsre nnd beautifully1 'oe .1. ii bouae wltb over two u-re* of trroand, lu rawlins,)utclit aa Co., X. Y Admirably adanie<itothepiiriio«eof elee.m.Vu- rmi day Si hool. *>*Ull |...Hi, ul-irt mav I., o'.tiit'i. ,1 ofMi ii vv t.11H'MAN, 131 iii .miwav, New-York; ur livri all, , ling

I'll I" 'I V. Putt rn -. X V.IN MORRIS t'OHXTY, \. J., for sate, countryI seal aud farm el asl 4i-n-*<. eireiieui lani, ler*-u amt

D'eei"..lani iiullei.ii.'i li u.l'iy 1"- _t.o-i )llO [eel SUOVU tli"vtnte-i Price rea onable

ut i. vs i) A wan imi, ii Beekman-atrrtM.I Int Marlboro, N. Y., overtookinc the1 Hodson s furnished new house H rooms; In perte t ,,|.lu lui tbesuin.i t .«aw oue nile from lt. li depot audboals two ho irs from N V. ( i.v. toe'emllr ol -dulls,h.t,ie trruiH AildreM

J v. .si API.!.-. MarltKir.,. ri-t.i r., N Y

Tt) LET. At si.t-,-,i,-. t, Santiiike! Island,1 eettarea fully furnished -''" te -'jeni f,,, t;,, lesson-in f S nil.H. For desi* !;.! i adoress

I NDER1IILL SCO, 'JJ Bprnsi -t

rVi) CKNT..Infhc lli'-'lilaiids. .it Coi¦mva!!-oii-1 Hudson an sleaani eountrj re id nee, fully turuUtiad

luiii.lunn * 'ii rooms Ur.*.* Barden sud barn grounds 7seres, sith fruit an>> etiade rent t"t soaaon iliiOfl \ p, v io

ALBKR I ia Mi.ii o .;;, .Aarri.n-at., New.Yi.rkTn LEI'..The country place al StumfonT1 'e. ii h.i. ti. ni, e. rm h owned I.y I ¦-. -I .li limul VTanl, »ul lu*

let. fiiiuitlietl. f tin- "ennuin in nilli*, willi Immediate poa. in- on tenir to li RlllUI c ii'.l.i ll Broad .iv NewYork, eu to KHWIN I.. Ht ol li-.i.n, xtamford, Conn.

Coiinlrn IJronrrtn lUnittcd.

IOWA ot Nebraska lands (ranted In exchangele r ,i liiooi.!'. ii bouse [ree aud cleef mel muli.

ni ami a w lin im.. ., io,

WANTED to IMA I... SEASON liiini-hiil»" i,rea... tm 16 to ju boarders, convenient to ruy remmu*! ii. i,,n. iddreea A.B.. TObune ula-.-. inb Koilica-B.


I A\ eiltl 1. INSl lil Ku llsteamers leave deUj eacopt HuuiUj from Pier 33, M. It.

Juj^t, .t ;. i> m.^

i vv. p..pppi. oen'lPees. Aft, 177 Weat-al

\'i;\l Ytiijk and thousanu islandIs I.I.N

Via New-York, .alarm ami Weatern Railway snd dally imoof steamera trom "i.e-pi IneluiU.s uudaj Unicblaa allt lleKltelll, 'I ail.elll, llnlliill, Plea ".,1 ll ,1route te Tnonaend [elands Ni-tit upreaa, with Punmunsleeiieca, leevei Xew-York '," p. m.. amvra 'n». ^,, J i; ,i ,,,inuit lasses em ai m ui .if ii ni u Day expreaa leaves \m yorkf it" a. in

Depotaand ferrtna m Xew.York toot ..f ..rt's: it Desbr ..-

Bee ats sad Weet Tl.inuie^, tickets ann coptea ol. Muuiuier Uoeiee" ut Noa IO*.. 'J"7. 1:1,1. vtta. sui wjBroadway. Nee 7 7 Sth-sve. mi i..lM lastoai- B t.niooi-.pi.ti.- lu Brooklyn, 4 .mn tt, Annes attlee, h;j-i Kuit,,u ,tv iiek.iiii »\e., end iiip.eiv Hteemer befflna Irlpa J unJ c. an h. RhoN, (.ene i.ii l*aaaein*i r Agent, .i Staie-at

PROVIDENCE I.INK.-I'rovidciiii. I>i,,v,.fI ALI. Milli lii.ll.N MiVV i.M.UMi pul N |w I. .,,..'¦"'""n'i" mn.ur. l-l.ami i.i.i ItUHK-lTtl laevaPim 'ill, X. IL. at 1 u m. uAUy. c.ccpi suu.layt


St.amboato anii Railroad.


Polntl. Cornwall. N-wtinra, War biro. Hilton Hourlikrepa .*

an.lKsopus. ..iiniyiint« with Ulster an-I C'lanire. ""t

fiore Sad <ai*-l.l Muiiiit-ln aul -aaSoreklll "f'**"*"teamen, ("itv ../ Kingston «nrt Jaie»« vv Hal'wini i-»*»

ererj weekday at 4 p rn p'er foot ot Ba r wini .jr. «¦ g-r.pi >aturi1r-)«. when ur »f le_voi at 1 p. ¦. tm*

lt..n( dlreet am io,-ir no -h dawllnje'. MMertlnj tel, fof.llsl.'.tMKK'IH 1 Hit' iT ..if 111 ¦-

n,.|,!it'^el.nerNwUlKV-ve at lp m. tor ill

?.LKAXY BOATS. I'l.nn.K's LINE,^avanertl. N ItmoStmgM "' W ty wee, dar SM

^B^netstsssM .nd bagtnaweA*tA*A toe *"»*»3»flN>w Ynrk.'enir.i lt. It.-nl I ll ' » lU-mlll goonpaint* BBd stateroom berti).

l | HOY BOATS, CITIZENS' LINE.A . ,,*,,,.*r, n, v rn* moy .D.| »A BATO A £.?."««it -torts Uiver, fool C^alopber.^ dally ei^Baturtgif, p m.. connecllns wit- mornins trains 'or ibe nsr-ia-wVA eui. hu ie my'" meanier louclies st Aib«ii/.^___I WI.!. RIVEK LINE

nm lins ii i.n and I v ITsiiii-,,,11.1 Pl LORIM sud PROVIDENCE

v v ph ._Hvmt7*»nAYBI!«CLUOKD Btftpm

'S&zir^irJrZit^'^srSmtkul Itates low as othei I.i"».

M.tVl'O. I LIM.

eeeKKWPOBT, lt I., direct, vivkiha- VINEYABB,

* "T .."'",-,- ,..,,m'' ,r ll"! II LIM- a.a. be

,.,,l,'..l;|,-l':.'«-..;¦. .','. (.'-" .,.. lUKe, oftlee,. .1

",' M-l"";l,.ii. I. COXHOB.ikhidi-.n A toVELU^ "'"(.;,ip_."... A..nt.


'¦.."' f',r VU,T';',iF_l,ri'iT'.r "sn* :t40 pm tonne, t fer

*<&£ MM rn, office, corner ol r^r.^ndrortlandt^I ONO ISLAND RAILROAD.


ii!aoi;m:.'i2:45 a :; :t-i". i: " v, m ,, .,.

Mtv l»t)\Vl'LL..For West Point Oorn-rjSAisJl.Newb),r« V.Iike^l* Roo*..!i«d KIdipSUsj.

:."..'.; ,htb I :".n" K"for I ir- Sort*, ... kel -'¦> '"' bogl,,i cornet i with moroni* train ou V. A V. B,«

rx/i'i'- on ii Kris p. west Point, r-turelns vim

Ilndaon River ll £.»"«_¦«. \\~., doTNO XPRESS n.v '.A'.K REI EIVKl) Al O-wr.-

NORWICH LINK TO BOSTON, WORCEB-.> TER, NA ll'A. PORTLAND and the WHIT I-otTNTAfNS without transfer. "< ity of Bor-ester. tneravellera favorite, leavei Pier So 40, North River, fienal-st "fewYnrk.on Tucsdaya. Thureda rt sod -u' tin* ti ipnliir "t'ltT Of BOStOn" OB HO-defS, We_aSBd_**B

DLlni[tedyand h/xcuralon Tickets at redneed rater BtSU*ooma may bo secured at-'"7 -nxdwa** and at i.-r IO. bil

. , H.. .**, ml .. fAHlti f Ht Lt SK. Tueot* mers each wa) every waeSdajr

-.-¦i- Informal on referrius t" passenger oi fcelaht rates .riol-n ii tv it!. | ii'i Accel

VKW-Vi'KK AND LONG BRANCH KR.^' pe foot ejri Uml*.

lietinna In KOW.York < st. awl Dealirnsses.-t.I PhUa.-tRoad.RK f.NitLlberty-st

EAVE NEW.YOBK. comm ll 183llth imbuy, vu I'lil'u. .? K.a.lina K. lt.. 1:0*1 7:48

o.e.,.:....l I. ero. ta,I ll a '. p IO. Miml-VSria P an ::. iu i . '.

"¦' a. in UU'im. 5:00, 7.1)0p. m. ¦undaj* . 16, 9 a. ru

P. in.or Katawa., *o~ via Thia. A Reading RR. 4-flO. 7:41., 11 oo u. m. 12:00, 1:4'». 4*00, 4|.'I0, -. 7 :<" p m.

uml.1V>), 1;II0 8:4 a ui.. I-.00. 4 p. DU, ^a. Penn UV...ria m., U. ile' feOO, 'D p in Mtudars,

1,4.1 np. m t-nnlRti no' ¦top'-lag at Ocoailiroveor Asbury Para), Se.m.,ftn m.For Ptrenlr.dd, \lr» Philadelphia m il Readme BB.,7-4S,

,¦ II. lu .' .) i ¦'. ,, 7:8" p. Ul. inr Kevport,ilphla ani Readlnff BB., i >". 7 J, my"' '1 «¦'

m.. o e'O .¦ 1'. 7 "

p. lu. P ITIII., o e'O I.e. .'. p. m. -vi

akewood. Toms River, and Barneaet at S (>0 a. rn I: B, 4.1.m. Kor loma River ria H'-dd t '. 0 a, m.. ForVlUiUaL.llililset"n. AtlauiK* ('Itv. Ac i* Philslte,'». r lilt l:4.i p m.

( ii. tf AN' n,'K. J.R. WOOD. M n Nlt'tvN.I.P. O T. A- P. A li. BB. o.i'. A P V" lei

1 »<UTI.AK SHORE I.INK.-Tor Providence,I lio,i. ii ral t' ¦¦ I..i-t. All rmi from Or ind "''nf ral prpot.

.-ilri Sd il y» "\i"-| *'¦"! tei Boston Bl-p.m. parlm e.ra'i rhed anel ^'ipu- wltb palace

>.jiiii.' rare1, sundays .t lo p 'e. with palace sleeptnaNewport etpi rcs i,isi,.i t'cutra I Oupol al l

ru in res il N,-..'ii. rt 7:35 p. ut Parlor cara altai in-dV. \s. POI'PLE. Agent.


r/B0*J Bl ion*- OFN!:v/;-r;v ( EN rRAL DIVISION,

I-'- -i o.L l.i BKB1 rOR ni RIVER.ireet , ..klvn. via Annes floatr'i 'O' B.Iv Brbb-e Pu r.

TIMF TAMI I \! 18g|'I PH ILA I.I'IIIA ail I. ill VI'. i.V. "Bound nroo*Koute."s1 tri.ii. 7-i "¦. !>.:.'), :' m., So, 1:00. 4:30, .I .J*'.7'i 12 0p.m. st' i- '.v« ut *- <:. a. iii .'. H". _-u.) p o.ui tr- mnei lon al ¦", .i ..¦.* -r . ,-i for Germantown and

.1 Uill; a* '.->. ir.! i._v.< for Manavi':... i'onsb'Kli rken an i Norriato- n)KAWlNO.KO("*_ i-'AR-toaell Ht,- Trains and MI.KKriNOi' V l-l.-" on Nu'il I raiuiletnrnlnf Uat" PHILADELPHIA, Ninth ai.l flreeiuti7:30, ;". " ¦'. '. 11:00 a.m., 1:15 "A3, '.SO, 6 '..". l'-fill. m. SiM AV, n.i a m., -:Mi lj*:oO p. nr. ["hird BO-i rk*.ats..at5:l0. ^ j >. u "o lr KO a m.. 1*00,3:30,0:20, 0:«0p in SUNDAY, H a. m.. 4. i" p ni.- el Kr -l::N l .,, r(.., i .,, .r ,f, p- '0 8 CH9:00, 1" .ia. 11 rd a ,. - «;._«. Olia, 7 SIS p m SVH-1) V V -. .",. *.. lt li i.i Hr',.. 1. m.or WILLIAMRpoRT. ftUNHITRY LBWISBUBO anilNf A ll vNeiV ('1 IV at 7:4 .s !>' (I i. rn

* i', 400 p :na RKADTNO un,'. Il A HUI->l*r itu a. I no .-.4i 'loo lilla, _». 1 no. 1:30,4:00, {".WO, "-Aa l.oo p. tu I5uulaj» it.¦Villi) p. m.

.ei SC ltANTON at : 15,9:0 a ln lt t.r, p ni.

V;r.oVI,r;j';\I;Sitrill-tK-1: ulHl P|TT-?TON ut 7:15, 9:10 a. m.,1-00.1:80, 1:46 1:43 p m. Sundays et 3:30 p. .Mltll-TO.N rat 7;1 Sa. iii. lop. :u.

orTA-LAQUA Bt7:l6, 7i46, feOOfc iii Inri. i:)o tAS 4-0012:0.) pm.. > .

'..r Hi Till,:Mil KM. ALI K\ TOWN anil M VTi'II hunk

tl 5-30 V.'' "° J' "'". ' '"' ' ;u)' '**. ¦''¦"'' P- ''' "U":'"Z" i-'-'^."'.': ot 4:00,7:l!i I 'am. ISM, 3-45

g. 3: Up. m. Mundays. 5 lOp. in01 il'Ke.'. ON III'.If uh: di, E BRANCH all 0!'"o n. m., I: O. 4;3 p m .

or PT.F.MTNOTON at7 ll.0:00a bl, liOtt lr .> mi < i}3:00, 5.-80 p. m. HuDd_ya, LllO p. m. omma

'ort*OMJBRVILLEBl IS, 7:45:9:00 10-30 Hill" i '¦ "., '.II 5 80 ".-.a' n'i ll0 ;, 8:00. 1040 p .m. -uudaya at Sxnit rn'., 1 30 ...o'

'or PLAiNFIBLD et 4KH). 0:10.7:15 7:4*.. 9;O0 'J io In-il:l.. a, m. 1 jJO, 1 1 .. .. i"io no 0 15Si;in 5:1 )l-f>0, «:1>0, 7.0ee, -ie, ;, ,1 iii in IA o'*1*'f.r.N'.'.AV.S BSi-00. 4:46 a m lo 00 ai' ,1. \ P. "

01 Ki.i/vKKTii at 4.-00,(. 13 r. 7 :r>7 iv ion <r,-iiimi :¦..'.. 1. ir" .,10 .,..*: .ila .; 45.i:.w'l-3°'

01 NEWARK Bt 5:00, 5:45,0:1S. 6:45 715 7.SA a_-l _.i<H BO, 9 0. 0:1 ., 9:, \ 10:13 10 l.Vl 1 l.a a .' i_&»m 1 ''

I 13, 3 00, .:»0. 3: '.', 3:30. 00 4:Htt, 0.1 _,_3 «% iii'..0"pt.. HUifDAYH al - --.), 9:16, o 1:, a . : li, u1:15,3.-00.4:00,6:00, "ll, OO, 9:00, IO: 0 pin


i'::'^',i;;n':,,o7:;:r.7,::lv^!;vt;''^,;r::,»^2 ul' ".iso. «1^J^v>' Iie"t0ceM«"W»tti*£K.ri i-ItKMlOi.D-At 1,45, Ila in 1 .'. L4S.4, 3, 7 30 p m

^mAiK4^4rai;^!;;jM""',,vi:uan,iuA"Nr;iiAT« .«.ul YIN KLAN I) i_n,| ItKIDiKTONat 143 ,1. 1.

KEW-JER8EV -OIJTHERM DIVISIONFinui Pier Ne. u, v0rth Itlvsr. via S.rvlv Hook


1'MM KM im, ji VK'.3a 1.J«Ol HEABRIQHT.LOHlJ BRANCH, et. at 4 to o 11 -,1:16. 3:46.4 45, i, ,. B. t-u.d.-i. lii^'/X.l*^'"Jilt**10 ^O1"^"* ¦« M* W.00 a. ,. 8:,6,

P.,,It,KJv-a^'>"MI HT ,,*»K."OK\VOKOVK POINTI'Ll VAM t.r.t'.. .ii). H.Oob. iii 1 n ^ 4-/4 I-.VY,.r LAKKWOOD, To.Ms lt IV1: It _n,| RA UnQAT at S noa.u. 1.1., .is p.m. iend*ya,f-00a.a_! °

Tickets eas be pr;r,ir.*.i at fiwt Unwrtr-m Pine Mn artti niT-i ai, 63 _u7 ¦- nt t- 1 nit llo;**o. e.

roedwaj 737, -ii and 74., ll,'¦ V Voo' ._?L '.:'r'iBy: h. _, -,» lulttin.Ht, ".-lo m..|,_ ., ,.._..* 7 ita il?.. -.. lllsntic-are .1. HolJoki-raM Hsshl2_t_5!_t.V. rruafei Company will tall torsn-Xck ia**2X\e*h.Ins ur m-ttleucti todsatluai.u.j -."¦*.« MCgBffC tr-uir- WOO! KN. i.r, 11 i_rcO< * SHORE ROUTE.»,,,, X-_f *^"T »H«»BK Og KCDmH ItlVKit.Ill traine except ttae 7:40a. m. aad 4:33 p. m iralua lenee-rn *. .... 4W*t rortlandi aud ¦¦-.,,.'-.,-, ,, . .tati?_a¦ i" a m .mi 4. ¦. p. ,. iralauileere [rom Weet t'.'.i st

l"u^lftiff!!l Wwl,10;,»t.», nkM 1 m. I'liiimen

S?ni.iI!lii''* KtafwMlk Bnfclo, N,*w.,rk aud.j . ltM,° » ¦- ." i' m. stylus sad perm. esr.-visciir-c an.l Oi..|,|.,7 ,,l. .lOlOOS.BI -.pm1 tr,,, ,10 .in,,,, n.o..-IM. .M,, U1


»'* ; '¦; ;i«i . u ko m.. .. ->-,H,. ,.

r.'.."h.- ...m iV.";''';;^.lVv';,;" K««-««rm.a*io,eeS:^."ctaenSre1" '" " " '" *** **** PSamOtMoSMtOSB

Oilll on Kliiit-ton. .- 1,1, ,0 ..oil, .io.,,,.. 11 ._.. _. ,.."III I ¦> ¦, ^ Jl tu

^.iiftivllli*. or.,. Mi.uiitiilii ||..H,. Mat:i.,, % ..n, ||J0-.iiaierAin. iiuiiui Bnms-H Plas Hill, I'tin-ti .ia. "i "ii

.r'!"..",:.,,,¦',",.!;.';' "'"1"' VdrU,i «¦.»¦««>"'.'»«.i«u'u'.i'»or Montreal end C-neds tatt. 8 30 b>sj Ititi m s_U

'"ililli"1, al'U'" '" ^lllll"(» '-''"' -'"' "'",1""K 'ar, tl,,-..,-,,

.r.i-i.iil. .: 40, vmi -n, 11 ,. 11 .:,,«. ,. :i ;to 4 ;¦-, .H ...

Daily. Otber tralna delly except Bun-ay. '¦i.r m.iw.1, nain-t> omi* »u m.."- ».-. linn* talil"*i at iiflli-.-*Titoketa Umetalilca ... Inr.irn.a umapplv atuBkiT Jer2liv vi,., lt 11 H..,,,,,, Br.«Blvn.4i'«ur|..t. Aui^s ..luTv,,",' 1".",.r,1,"/s,t"""",'"-.-H'l 7 DeKalb av,* Nen¦ \ ..- "¦._-. ¦.;'4i. l^i2-_22d"^__7»7 "'"'v.' i';sill I4S "I 1 villi, ll. il M.tlllli fo..t ,, CiMlUllill _ll.lebroaae] »u, _,.i w rat Khore nuuen. leoi nt wes 4'". .1<4 NttMt

" ,';*uv «55«*C "«"* »'*-»« Aecuu

i -ijrnsoN RIVER f<y DATLIUHT.Altiany Day Line MaSMSSS

A1.11A.NY hdiI V. VIlUAliDI).itv erupt i-iiri'lara I

Leave Fnilwi.ef . limoklen nv mnueii .*,.*..'*.. wm rv «t pier New-Yark. izsS ." Him 2.-tl st ,i>r . ,.""'_.

l.i vi.ha nv mi,mn. nt Nrark an1 Tarry'"?" <.»' ,'7,,itl r-d Point, JtewOVS l'...i-'.«' ,.-i Hl,iii-la.k -lion

eiiiUItiil-ou coMHBOriOJK!IllllNKlIK' K-W itt. Il -wi V lt. IC hu Lurline

Hot toil, pons '. 'i ,1 .; -. and <.< ,,,'"(v./'',"'*,,.train on Ul* uni UH ti it fa Hm.;:,"':",", '""",'

i ,\ I-K ll.l.- Willi i|i»*< tai tnun "(i ¦ -ti-tilll Ml lt K

Ht I'-fi.v W Ith Beeta-and A ii R inr ('Heine's . '*"-».

fleld, Nm ti A'lama jud l.i*t,ai,'"i, Hprints, ,.ai.iiam Wit- n.i snd ii C '" < '. ", '" ',','i'T*

uni tin- N'irti., si.'i ttiti. n v ( it i; res ' ti' «. '¦"C"*1".a fellaene Hie Wael .-_


Vin I'lilladoliihla. llalttniiirr «ud We«MiiKt"0.Trnlun \e:i\e fi om P. "iinUmin lt K Depot:Ho in e.i'cpf Honda*, fir Wwii n*i.m-ml ail p.lnfi Mr, .

lp m. DAILY FA-T XIK S-t aleroaches te CMc-kpt Cuitliiuaii, mi. Louis. OMSMOSBBS ml

"V. HIDNIOBTP, dally fur WaaMnetoti and all pnm»« w'a*f.Ifor lim- leilira, .<.-. pia* Bm ia -i" Ks-* we

'(.il and I.Mo Uimwlmiy,spieiyali iiii'iimivsonicc lil i' .. Ul sud I.4 i oiin st., liroo-iyn ; I'eunsyivania Hui reed

VO'd BRIDGEF0R1 »nd bJI point)* on HOU-r natoMC snd na! '..JAM Cl RAILROADS leeman(eave Catherine Hup al ll s m. * p. m .ildet.. i.ksi lui.r.:-,: op. m. fara lewes Ikea fcy ney etterresits

vF\v-rfj\vi:v. btfamboatco's steam-Nepi Ch SoBTOASt and CONTIa KTAL leersPerk Hil.'. Pier N<> VI K R at » »>.<1 tip ni Kundeysas.,.**.Mi Vioneettnj kt **wtom*mxem -.¦'" '"7"1'';J*fMI- ID! N, HABTlrOBII HPR \S','t}tr,[- ."'. ' |-\r NA.- Tleketa sold and tis .i - becked hi .)4 I "rgtd-rsr. V.V BOd 4 (our' nt. Hi .wkly n. KSBBrSlSB lo >. w-Hare*tl 60. -

MEW-YORK AM) JjOSQ BRANCH RR^> ri ¦....riv ale -tit .f.i't'o.tlaods*

Mat on. in R.W-York j^kg^St??, 7.\u.-r. v WkI.lllVKNIlW.'i (IRK. roiuupui ij 'fav -'.'«>** ,. M

fir. -,-.rh MiiV.r, -ia Phils * ft-a-llnf ».¦ R-. g ' '. >» ^tm I-so, i,', 6 D ss. Haadsyi mo a m tIj I .-fiU K. K.¦J.ooa. m. l-'rn. _.<). i p. ni .-nn.l-y 0mm A BjOBFor Mitiimn, Ao.. via I'hlla A liesdlua Hit.. MI'S, ll

n in 1:3o l:0>, 4:1*0, OOO. 'lp m. fuii.tnys, 10-.4O a rn-

vt... I>nn RH- 0 a. ra 1 ¦ I p ra Meudey*, 0 » '" .' I' '«¦

Pot Bed Beak, Loaf Bleach, ¦" *-an '.">'", nihnrr larsReaOfrr.Pulat Pleasant. Ar. via l'taiiad-lplile au I Headin<

el, 1 I, ll."Si p. IIt I! 3 1.". a. m., i at Oeeaa f.rnre or Astaury Purk 10;SJ a.m.via'A. i.nivl-aaia HR.. Dm. ra. I'- iu frlO, 5 p. rn HiioIbtsmot m«ie|> Oc*'a:i ".r.ivnor Aahnry Vmrm '*-'n--\W ".;For Freehold, via lMilla'I.-lplila awl KeadteS P.* 8:1 ll

ti rn 1 "0, Ir'iO, .1 |) m. lor ho-vp-irt. via Plil'ad -.pius kit.. Hi*, lian., ll*, ikA.kM 'i p. m ForLuke-nod, To-ns River, awl Uarnr-*at tt Siva rn MO. 4 ¥*p. w Foi- I'ii.,* Knar, ria r<-na It it at W-.uu a tu 19 0 ICFor VinKaB'1, Utldjcefoa, Atlan.K i'i!v..*o. :. (> nC.O.HAN-OCIC i- R. WOOD. IT H M M « V

(J. I*. AT. A., H. A R. RK. O. P. A P Kit. A.t'aH.iol

VKW-YOBK CENTRAL AND III'!)S(»4il BIVER P »II.i")AD .Ci.mipenrlar Jun- :'l. l-i:thiouib will leav^ ( »n'r.n Iwipes.H a m. Wratcrn Nc» York and NorOnru Bspraoe, *!'u

tlii ii- draw lag-room ears o ¦. ...' ¦¦ "',M'; '

«-. 40- rn Psst I, nircd lilcasM Kip"-'sr mut, .1 Bias I '.

Btonplaf at Albany Cflea, hrraense ito rn-t-r Mnrtmrm «li-> Fri-. ('l^velaisd aud I oictlo, _TTlvlu< .. .Chles«C10:1 ii. m next dav.

ia .. a .,t m-u. r._s- (leura.- snd Montreal e_pi-*s.f '.. - il -rn- P ft i'ii » «

lOiHOa m fWosfo Fxnr.-ss. dr.i*vlnv ri rn .-im to r^nan-.i-i.. h.. iKocbeeter. Wi -i- iPeiYa, Banu an.l Miena ¦.!s, I'.ui.-i'iforOawete ,:_..

Hs m.. We-tera tfew-Yee- and Northern BspSSBS, OOOiir.twii? room "itt, _. ..,,.

oi..m., Albaor. trey r-nratora Loka Oeerg sn-i 'ti

Express, tin ilravtng-roonieera.lp r.i. At orun.Hlation to \l' bi-81 I. .ii- r-rr is. «;tli Blc-plns e*'J' ¦'

Fain, Buffalo, tnciunatl (eseeaS Saturday'. nSBBB D. rjit

"".'oo'p'ra1'Lrpreea. with StesaaSBB SSSS 'o AJtmomt WOSMAu'a ii rn ul a * ¦' 'lao to Ma.vp rn. I'.nflt Firrc. wi:', aleeplns ra rs'or Ror>es»»r.

H.ur'to Mae-ma Pula, -lerelaad. I%il«4a l»-trnlt, < Inoaeokst Loala, Oaweeot alao .¦ leacaot *aetordaj

ll ii ni Nl.lit Fxpr-ea. with tim-ping ears te Alteany mtT".r '"irei-t» _itri the lonmlag tra.ns for tu I BB aaaNo'h except Haturday nltrtit). ..»_,«¦

i r.eta otl nair at Orand Central D»pot. No Bowiuscr. au '.' J snd 4_'. Rro-dway. mi'l at'sti di e.. H Park-ula. e. and ! ii Bi '1 Ul r.roml'v.iy N'** .

.,.,i i's*, M»etnn.ton »nd .io Fulton sta-, Broealyn »

Fourth-st.. Wlllla-nshurs . _ .,._.,ni,_Sccnuinionatliina tn drawtaz-i-oo-oand a'e.-Din*. carscaabe

pro. ured at any otthe Urket odloea la itaw.\ark QOR. ani atii'i ¦-. sshlnssoe .sr, Brooklyn

m ice called for and cheeked froin restdenee.. L, -r'trains inn daily A.I OttaerS«Ultr **?£*.***?*?¦J. M IOUCKY. < B ,M' f KK '.. ._,

t.tiieral huptTlntemlcnt._ genera Paai:a>er Asens.

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.IOn end after Ju ui '-'-'. liWt.

oki vi i.i'.m; kinkAND rNITED HTATKH IfAIL ROUTE

Tralna leere Kew.York ria DeabesssasasMl LaniaMi tramb'i-1 rles aa follows i

... .¦ ¦ m. ¦¦

Hjiii-i.1i.. Plitaimra tin- Weal sud Booth,withi PullrnasPali.ce Cars attached, B and .-p. m. dally N.-w.y.rkand lia tan I United, "f rnrl..r. DLalnff, -0>o-l_S »'"! ""'V-\na ar-. al B -m iii even day.

Wllltamaport. Lnek Hovea 8e. bo -1' "> Cony aad Kn**!j- ;, ir,, i-rini. i-tini* al Corri foi 1 Itnavlllai Petnli n

Buiiiniore, Washtustou and tbertooth. -r t -VaahlnstMi.xpi."-- «f Pullman Purim Cara dallyjtxeept HumUr. l-la.m..arriveWaahluirtou4:0, p ns. Resnlar.vle n ead it ut i* .11 ami ¦* .*.¦.!. m 11:40 and 0 p.m. ead rJnisni *iali hi.iI o. lt. lt, l un : i tn md I'J niu'iit Kunda* ms '».

and P R. B. 8 15 a ai ll p. rn an.l 13 u.i.'_t, vu b\ tag O K.ll 7 p. tn ami 1- ul .lit.

Fm Atlniiiic iitvi'Xi. [t Sunday, wltli thrnii ch tai. 1 p n:

I ni apr -tay, >"" t Bund ... 1 IO ... ...

Lons lirnn.h. Bay Head Junction, and lcr«-nire.!t:ite stationsria Rahway and Amhov, 4 i, 7.10 and V a. m.. lil ano5:4(1. 4 1" '¦. I" ,u 7 p m. In Hunrf lt, I li, mu-l J .. Unml:. i. in dn imi Mop al i -

ito,M,.f Brooklyn lanes" s «nc« i » .tj al' il.rt.ii.-li ti altin atJersey City, affotdias a speedy ilin-i t tiar.iti-i f«r

Hi) and.Willi JVi 1allrte- I 1"III Itt


aa iKAiNs bach -ta. wkek.dayh and i ombO'DAY: 3 8TAT1 '* IM PHILADEL¬


DOUBLE II'.aik. Tin K«'BT IMPROVED KQKJtP.MINT, AND UK K\-ll-.>l fl M I. ( "N-1-1


Rtprees Trains leers !Vew.York rta Deefcreeees anet cuitiandt.-.If, t I-' iie'V Ht te.ll.lWH.-" :.',.-.¦" il Baud lo Limited), ll, 11:101 rn i. 1:30,1140.4, ft, 0. 7, 8 and 0 p m. andi- nlabl uua irs,( .'¦ -,

ll Limited rmiiioa m.; 4. .¦ 7, a aud Op ui.,uii.t l-.'ntebi .

truniH leevins Kew.) irk daily, eserpl -u-... iy, u-.M -.- Oaa.tli IOU. Ul 1, '.'. I. ., .Ml 7 p m., lol,ar, tut I lill-tem for I anitlni.

itt tntni:i_ trains leaeeBread^t. Htattua, Ptalladelphla. l.-oi,:..)). 4. 4:35 rzoep Mouda) ':..">¦> "¦<'. - -0. -rut

ll,and 11:15a tu (Linilted Kiprres i A ami .'..'.'ii p. ui. i,' l», «:8 1,7:10. 7:45aud Hp ol On Huud-ty l'-:0

8:20, I. 1:146, -.tua ai. i, tir.*0 Lliutti I f i ',and - p ni Ia*\,- Ptalladelphla via l .uudcu, ».'." m. m..1.ult ex. .-ie: Hundayricket offices, 43.i, ito, sad944 Br-adwsf, A«i..t limns,

ani font "f i'f«iii. ¦.<. < and '.'.Kindt stivets i Court-st,mut Rrooklra Annrx -r. Uon, dwi ol Pullut. v_Rrooklyni Hush's Hotel. Hoboken; mat lou, Jersey Citr.¦t Picket Office _K> Latin-; I'Ute aud I'aatli Uar

den.The NewYork Tranafer Company win tali foi mid cfessB

n. Ci-'.-ir.-i' fnmi hotels aud resiiCllAULKH K. i'i ,,ii. / i; WOOD,ii. lnmi MatiU-'iT Kt la i. i*. - I Aurut.

ttTARIN'8CITY, RlVrit AND Tt < TtTtOTt TRAN-p. .Il TATitJB

i OH i'A \'Y.Offloe p^r 18, H. lt.. foot of (."ortla-.ttt-st

Ci.-nlirnmi.uts of fr^iaht forwatdnl as tlire.tod to mir Dariof tii- world ' v

I'M'JUALLKD rAOTLmM FOR DlSi'AT.uOrdersreeeteed for aotrsexy ..f ml kiudsof batcki and m»Staai ti bb to »cr p_rt ot thu city.SKA AND UAitROH I'UU'IXO AND ItlYF.U AND MAR.

Bolt UOBTSBAOAJ'.?1f ¦" ^'"^ 'l**c,'1J'"'on Pt**mJ4hj lichter, d to any pointIn tin* tmrlior at rosei.iisbi? ratra

TF7Kor,i"?-vyt!',,,1AI',:ES A*VD 0Wftm TO CHAR.if.r woo BXCOMlomLi ^vH.Tr'c TO,rV ¦ ****** .»" BRAsxre commfor N KV -II4VKN, ,,.-, rier ^ N R ^ .u-nrtuat J p ia rt_l.- [Natunt-vsaxrepteil )Frrt*M for poiwa on D. L A *. r r. tfct,T.4 . Pl#r -For Ne.-._:a-..nandpn!i,t, Fsst. at Pier 19NOKTH SHORE, htatkn MLAHD Im -OSS fotiii" .t' . B"*mM',rom "¦ ¦¦E- «. **« R2JKNTRAL RniPYARD. Commnntp.w. .V. J-Orr Docka."*i"i"ietlon and repair of veSBSSSBraaeta oiric. 7th ara, cr. s_*«-, open daily uutii a p. ¦Miiiilnt ii flinn 1 ia i p m

NK\v.",,iKk. UkKUMi: AMD WSOTMPYM KAILsam &M>-B---'-*'<*¦«. tesoif_.>-mm. i)rp.,f,TO^Pl^_«?sassfait n-.» p. o'",. ',",,",i" ' *P*mm So eura t-h-ires

7 - .» m. vt-.-a. p ¦*l,',,u;!"f Coeetaee to RuMsi arnriSe**t sj^inf 'tt,1**0***" HamlltoB ...K .,i .,. ,_fcTwiaaaS; * ftp '-a^st'lSS.% i", * n'; ' ""v, f*4 *" ¦1n^ trau.t -inve l^i^i { * ''".".' ".."""1 **J. I SSSMMn ni itai ¦-i ITT , ,.'" '. .' ¦""' ln.ilauB|Mi.,« 1 r, i.M' 1. ,u^_"vat, v

'¦M-n-asrorih.. West. A m,'!,1 i«r.,.0tll Hu » N *at uh IP.|T.,;"'* 1°* I"" '".!! "*h»<"-"» Liniiral

u ..,.n,u,A.nouiu^o;.'u.i;.':;.v;1:.,.',1''"''«'"^i^ ^ow*uiif I.1" ,K""arant tr«ln tor Ute W'Mt.

i fittt o>«^ 4; lo"-73o",(:^,,,0 =°,5 » V "*Sanaa,. 4 . . o l.^Vm'i -45rtr i^,1, 'i;' *! J"^."- "Uht.PatMSonfrS '7r-(Wr-Ai".ia0 1O_,)_mKjn,H,,, I I- '-I"',,. io

4 ^r^.o rS. '.'"'o'^eT N'W""V «.*« n'si'a m . IS¦isai^wssl111>V» sra ^ n:niK"1 ;-,,r,,,v

l-af>'" '"", ""«¦¦.I . » m pm.uostaea fi 4a 'r5ou lOtSO »m s not *n -mu _ ,day 5 4..X.I.) I0i-.'oam0...o_pi., ' * "° Kll '«' ¦ s,,u-.Mlililkutin u j.«.. 7 5i>w ioi.'o.ui I (us him s i ..«^H-?F-^s^J*H^saa-^^tfswwfctS1!.SRSprntorAKStWCP thirty I,iluuu-. ..d froua

Rleep^i -- kSoSsV-V1! .*inMM,'""UiU ,n.,>r*" lu« "*"" *">>. ... i. °"t*ln.r',i *Iul oriteral-- tin* ,-u.'\,Llirlfli^VU,kf '""^" .">«''" ""'il'^UV Si.tBll-i>'is .ol, 401 or 05, iiro*,i»uy ts: uv.i ., v' T v- t

I'ouit M.. Ilrooklyu. ol-_t tt*t ,rui.».,y'.Y..ti,,u' N°-^. . -. ir-ln- li. »i... .-.... "_r. ».. *¦ .J



o upany'* >.*... ,ii&rae^^EJ^ ."'- ffS^TstksBflJJ.-UN N MIHI iV I, O-n'l PM,rAa-ut. N..w York

S^tluuiiin^.^'^1^'*^- i"lot,*r< Wermont aa.

_-!__yijtfr Volley aud Mou«*y 7:10 10 am 4:50 palJuii-s H. AUBOTT. Uau'U'ass'r _^e»v^s»-Xor«.

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