Page 1: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono



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• • Official Papet ... Legal Printing .

. Rec~lves 200 Bool{s · ...

---- -<>------,'>ir. Uen :;. Uurr u buu bE: en i!•

lEI 1-'tJtlv f:.l vtral au yo Jur trout .mcut. He Ill duwg \cry ntccly.


Lucl{y Deer -Hunters

0 •

C'pl. Ernie Prcbm baa returned w UrUI}1G Goner~! ill Carrizozo '\\'oman's Move to California ~

:)anl.u l•'o for n final eb11el> UP bo· ('I h t\" '- L 0- d M iore hio bur.oroblc diaeburgtJ from ' 11 1 Jea. ast J.11i ay ro. Anno Stimmol baa oold her ·.be army. Ervio wu a member 'llw Carrizozo Womnn'o Club hoUlo here to Mr. J. A. Divine of ,( New b~Je:uc«.'s 200tb Conot rn t N•n;, 111 \ 1ccting CDI!cd to Oecura, who t7tll tat~o pooncc~ion

.Mro. Poolo {t'f({'ffi(1D •ona cot. AruiJery, a fighting Njl!lnizatioll mh•r I 'i ltr Gl·lt·nt, Mril Stoltc(J. on December 16th. MrB. S&lm Cod, Jr., brlVC gODl' toJ Loo CrUCi'b toot mil go down in blatory, 00 inl r. Wltb lender Mro. roo Mor- ?JCiaol.i tho hOU!ll! furm~hcd and to C£}~nd ttc '1 ho!Jhogtvu,g boll long

00 blotory iB written. Altet ~tan, Mro. Hurno at. tho plano, m&,oode to move to Cnhfomi~ to

lheems the "ayes" were in the majority and Lincoln county ia to have anotbe~ incorporated villagt>.

' . .

" Mr. Albert Vaughn of Ruidoop ~JUJ in. town Wednesday arrang.j ;' . mg Wlth the commtssioners and' . · . others for an election to be ht>ld I ; · · Tuesday, December 11th. Oo '" page 8 of tbio paper wiiJ be found

. . ; .

thQ partieularo. · . Ruidoso reaidenta have been ·

planning for incorporation for a long tim<>. Succ"ss Cor any plan 1 means work, p~roiotence and 11r1t. ·

Evidently there wcrfl ll Cow re-I aidenta of tbu town wbo parall\''' · long enough and succeo!l crowre1•

l tb1eir pfforts. Ruidoso Ill henatifully local• •

Tbe village is overshadowed b,\ towering mountains and tt•{' scenery is ma~nlfrcent. It Ia o eummor resort patronized not only hJ 1outh weater.oeco, but by peo plo from Chicago. New York an11 other caatcrn cities.

It i1 toea ted in a prosperous otoek rnioiog and agricultural din triot. Tb• mountain apples raiaoo near.- tbore are tbo bilat on eartt• t Wubinat()o apples not excepted 1

'Lalt, but not least, Ruidoao hllll twmo substantial and en torprl1ino uuolne!ll men, come of whom wlll be elected December lltb to fill tho otfleo of mayor, ~Jty council nod clorh •

Election of Officers The Robokaba wilt nold t bCllr



Orville Dow Wulltt!d H•tll thi Ncwc-Outloolt otCtl!d 'l'u\.!oiJay, wtth a plcnat\ot "null>, a•1J 11o.v~ everybody," juot hko llo b.-dn't bet>n in the Pactlic w1:1r zone for threo !Dog years ta!J:wa p,u t 10 a bowlle war. All tbo:Hl lJol'ltl 1vcro good soldiflrs. HonorubJc dla• ohnrgc.1 ban boon g1ven Gono. Ucn and OrviJio. t:itslJ m aro H.ulpb, Sam and l!:nrl.


days, Lbc fell of Bataan ho IIU'Vlvea >"lltb the p!l'd~e of nllcgnnce to tho make ber home ncar her eon, Mr. ' -- o- 11 f tl ·I 'I'h I b Roy Stimmel. Mre. Lor on c ' . . . the atrociou.s Death March witb ag 0 ow na. e c u creed Smoot and 800 M 1 lll • gular meeting ond t'leetioo o•

A rndtn OJ('l!ttoge th•o moromg ull ito ahnminablo erueltiea ana 1;ao rood by th,o prcoidcnt, Mro. CQmpany Mra 'Sti~~o~ t~ c:J~. Qfflt:E>rn tonight. Nov. ZBrd. i\lQmi

Mr. and Mr1. Paul W !loon wont deer buntioa. Mra. \'v tlouu (,.uud a comfortable aput tno mouotaln top and Wllltud Cor bur deer to abow up. Ho uttJ, a~o~l obu ltulcd htm. Now tn tno mut~n· ttmo tb• indu.striou• !l11ut waa roamitli tbrOUib tbe e11nyoru• and over tbo roan. Ho roturocd omp&y ba~adcd, fuotaore and Glt­guattd and whta bo round b!a wtft 10& htr d"' and be tUdn'L llt WAI_ YUr unlliPPY &Qd da~lar· cd bit intcntfona o! hunting &vcQ

an. oounc~n UlO dt{}~ll _ nl Mr!! .• Er· t""' ...... niJ:'n" h. umtll'ation" of a Jo"• :Jtokeo • I! nation• -....... m ·• t. •b 1 P I f AI d ,._, ... ....., ' 0 • .,. • · • rornill to apcnd sovcra1 tnontlla ... ......,.... nuo a " 8

cnl mo y a o b.uquruJnc, WI Ol¥ pnnon camp 3Dd lived to tell tbe Report by 1\h~~ Thelma Wh•to a d 'bl rucoting. Mre. Anqo Duncm .of the late natlonolly lioown wor ot.ory; hlso many another one, be concerning Cbriatmoo cnrdo and n may tFonat Y loeotc thtnl! Q'u& nominated for coblo grand .£tarreopondent. mil never wll tbo stQry, bo will art exbibit!J to ba brou£1,ht to Cor· pormnnen 'i ~ -·~- Mrs. JonCD for vwo grand •n,'

~--~~----- Juot tty to forget. rtzoz{l 6ma foil. After tllo. (Jiocus- Mro. Burloy Nowell for trca.surar

until bt did u , w•U u aht. lt wok two moN~&yl, but . fat "brouabt home tho venison".

Char leo Cor1 in l•neific Speokiog of tho 200~b ilion it woo decid~d t•J m~callg~te . Legion Dance ~,~. --~{}.-~--B. (.;bnrlm Corl, nvioticm motor Artillery rominda mo of tbeu further. Mrp. Jwa Knrhn of tho Tbo Cnptton f\moriean Legion

0 = - •

maehir,Llt'o molP,tirot clo!lll, non Cbuplrun, Captain Bow d en Lttemturo and Drama comm,tt(>c r111l givo onother of tboir doncu of Mr. onol. Mro. C. Carlo( Cor. Ho wrote mo a letter l rom re_ported Jumor H1nh nchool pia~ on Saturday, Dac. 1st. Tfi'tJe rizozo tm h p:nt tn 1 bt: occupn l•'ort BJic:J 111lriog mo to oeno wilJ be giVPn D<>c. 6, nnd no lied dances oro to bolp in rnioing tunda tion of Japnn w11b the t'rew of the Net~o to tho 200tb, I did. oupport of U,c club. . . Cor tho now boll to btl built. Their the fccort cornu l!SS Mokin Later bo t\fOto me from ~gwlotwn nnd anternntsona1 od 11 on pogo 8 or tbla paper. bla.nd. .v here in the Pacitlc arcn rcqueot· ctlalro comm1ttoo. M ro. Stevena ·

Wbile tnking part in cevcrul of iog mo not to (tdl to oend the reported on the boy who onw the \b~ major U'ocitic opern .. ti{•D[l, in· Lmcoln County News every week, vwion of the Virgm Mary. Houno Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bnkcr and

1 d '· d d d littla dauahtor, l.f:o Adell, and

e u ing o,..inowo, 1 w.:~ Jima, J)l•tl t.bnt EeveJal of thD m~n were (rum an groun o ~ommsttoo rPporte tbelibrntioo u! the Pailippfnl&, Lincoln count1. 1 did not foil; 1 by Mra. Turnnr. M1o. Ke loy hod littlo nopbcrw Bobby Hemphill tbo Makin lalond r,mained un rPod betweon the lineo; they wett> baoem,.,nt wiodow11 bnnrdcd up on and Mro. DrodiPy Smith will be dnmoncd in bnttlf'. lwr plaDHl depremJed nod blua. But whot oayo could not eo tor 1 he bullcuns hero S!lturdoy to oojoy G bcJaU>d

rh fi b b d b fbnnl1ogivin" dinner with their and gUDG were crt:dltHJ with aboot I d1d not hn"w at tbot time wnB e ue an een rapr.ure ut 10 "'

t · r •1 T p11reoto, Mr. nod Mra. C. E. ing down 22 enemy oircruft ood tbot "m11iled in corilorcnity trltb" 'lO onttn a<'tory. •• ro. uroer •· r b · , Smitb. Mr. nod Mro. Uob .. rt ""· deotroyiog 16 on 'he (!rorwd. etc, hod to be either atompetJ or atlno or t o conperauon o. mem " ~e~

•l'he eneort currier nloo ru:oioted writt£>n on ~be wrappgr. So the nero in eorin~J for the building Hl?mpbill, wbo ore vinitiog Rob-"' :1.1 I'' b d ' e rt'n grandmotber ond unclo at in da~ing two dentroyern, on ciler, ZOOtb rnoy not barre received rr , ro. ..1c ar o roportod for Mro. and nt!lm~reun Bmull craft, wbil" tOPY of the Nows. TbD 800th Normon, the Country St o r e Grenada, Miw.J will not riturn -othemi::,j pt!rforming her muj r walked nrm in attn witb danger brought ~60. Mro. Branum re home untilm December. apifgment uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono nnd · Captain Howdt>n did not com; tor NoV". 24th at tbe club bouse Mr. ond Mro. Harold Hoffman dnntnlJotiono-in tho Jap inlando bome. Many, many more will from 2:80 to five. Mro. Nicholas b.ave gone to Arizonh on a bunt• rabe otta(!ktd in tbo wrotern Poci· never come home. lt matters not ·.that Mro. P.,tty hoo oet lng trip •. Tho baby u oponiJing lfi=. where they sleep, tbey aro nt reot. the.Chrwtmao baznor for Dec. 16 tbe timo wltb his ·grand motbet1

. ~ _ __. _ . . Introduation of two gueato. Ml's. Henry Hoffman. _ Mrn. Nichol~ int.roduaod .. Mra.

Kelley Stepban11on, Mro. Stevens

This Way to Home • C?>wnershi'p

'· •

A:MORflUTION io n ~5 word for montbty ptlY,menta · tbllt wbittlo down your mortgago until there ia nothing left

to J>IIY. Enc1~ payMent included as well u the mortgaJ,to teduc::Uon. lt itf the modern woy to own the home of your ~boice. wlletber ;Y"OU buy ot build.

W£Y hnv~ $ 01Mtg!lga plan tbut will fit your J}&i'tjtular nctds il:ta~t•r~ Como in and talk it owr. You will ob~ain the bencfita llf our home.fu:aaueit.Jg e~petiena, Withoul obit• gation~ · . · ·


Li.ncoln. ·county Agenc· .·· · . CltlZENS STAtE BANK: OF VAUGHN y

· Carriio.tu, N .. M. • • M .. t. Feder.!Dtlpotit lna'QtaJIC• CtQHWatioit

introdlJCPd Mr&. Putnam a new additirm to the to~cber• force.

~~--Belli1uJ·-­Yottr Bonds

Ues t~?, r.'!!CJ~it of AmertcCi

:;f§~§·~· ........ - ...,_ . ·-....... -...- .

_.;-:.. ... . . " . ·- ••

A ~<Jets' intoreating program Wll3

~rr opged by M1s. TurMJr, three rcadingo were ghren by Mortbo M iller

1 "Da Sweota Goil .. , ''Adre

AngeJc)", "To ua Dynpeptic". q JJjtc £1D intereatin.~t paper was read P!? MW· ~· w. \Ytf}iamo11icr ~--· •• ·!:~ .,.~, subjec~t Canada !lPd M~ico1 at ·-·-·:"'" ' the ~lo•o of tho program tho hcs· tt:aielf Mt15dnme~ Gar11cr, 'Snow and Tiffat:iy aervcd giQ~PII bfl'!$d with wbipl)od cream and eotte&.

Mrs. M. U Finley, ltopnrwr. ---, --1-t) 1 $ '_ "1 I

.. Mr. ~Pd JiQ. Geo. Jeffrey ot B~g svting,'J.1i?J~i ij~O gu~ta at ~~ Ctbola liotcl tt1lftly. 'they moved

... iil1038 ~ •-;"·;If·? ~ ... -:::!:::::ii:z, ·-- w. 4

---·-· ---·-·-

Mr. Tom Sbieldo in aoriouoly ill i 1 the Southaro Pncifia Gonou J

oapital in San F'rpneiceo: hninJ .. eo there tb" pnot tbrf:'C t'lcok!J.

--·~~ -Mr. Johnnie Jordnn and wift­

•t d child ron oponL Saturdtly nno unday hero witb Mrs. May Jor­ton and her dOU!Jhtcr Blitabotb, •1 r. bas beon recently dia •t.arged from tho navy. T b • .neater port. of bia timo W,Ll!l npent io the Pnaiflo t7or tNna.


Mr. aad Mra. Tonnio Smor t have moved to Capitno, t7bnP fennis lain cbargo of tho Cit}

;runge tbcro, wbicb ia a br1u,ct. •f tbt ln.:al\'jrm

' = •


SANTA FE, NEW MmciOO NOV 1, 1045-N ow McXlt.:l atn to V ~teratt:~ Scrvfea C<lm.mmce functfonina under the P~tralilitl!J anti Rccmp1eymz:nt AdrnirtistroUon, held tl1eit' tt~r rrtecung llJl Tuco:;doy, October &0, ln tho olice of Mt'. D. It. Oaiogcr, 01!1-trlet ttun!l{!or f(}r the Vatcro.ll!l Ad· minbtrotJon fn Albuquerque. Othor memboro ottcn;llng tho mcottr.g .,.,.._re Mr. L. E.. Ruffin, Mo.npowet CommJo. don St.ato :Omctor and Cclunol Rutru

Ensi~ Jam•• lrl HempbilJ bu bano trao1ftmd to Norfo Jk, Va. lor 1:1mo lptdaliztd ltaiolng •

LYRIC THEATRE ft. A. W ALitBn. Mllll~r

miD A 'I • 8A'fUIU)A'f

A Dtublo i'tl&tti9 '

~risley:~!'lillionst'i4 "Vigtlantes ol Dodge. City''

A good wqtern and a comedy aU for tto prico of om~ p t'lure.


1i uo pi rey Buf!ort, \\ t' if r ! 'n ,,. nnn, Laurol'lc;c fi,&;•a 1 , 1, pre•

Murou u

"To Have and liave Not''

Lusty, eomlc, romantiC', mPiodra· mlc. 'J.'h•re't ontertait•mC!r.t bar•

for all. · Ncm and 11Trap Happy Porlty" ·

Sedillo, SolctJUvo ~owzco Smtc J)J. • o WEDNI&IDA 'I A THURSDAY

r.ft>. D:ltnner nnld, "Herotoforo It ····~~ bc-{!n tho policy ot too Vctcrtul:l Oorotby Lamour, Eddy Brnckoo, AdrnlnbtroUon t<l lulvo nt~ tho voter. Gil Lamb, Barry ~ollivan 'in 1M C<!oit~ ~wtnnca. ruul lnfonna· R b tlon tc; ecmo t/} Vatotafl3 Adnl~nfStra· u a in ow Is Ia n d.' tlon!l offlec:::. Genoral Qmaro B.radloy. "'·:::.. N'ntlo.nal Admlnl!ltt!ltor, has plllc<'2d a A fantiatit tirn i~ fablo style. rcwlrco p~Cl!dura fnto CI>t.tatfan. It is lo•dtd hokum snd euro lire l'he VatetUli3 wiD a•Jt• tor laughter.

ao eveeythhlg ~.lble w mcot 1r==========:::::; tha veteran ond "~W!Sl. blm 1n b1s l!Wn II


. .

. ..

Page 2: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono

I .·

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They've Wives· of a Kind goJf ncquointll$1Ct!S towardn the sreen

two 'women

icr·e comco my wife. with S(m1e

()!d has flho'a picked up some.-M!cre," 1old ono. ·.

"And here cornea lnine with an­other," retorted bls companion icDy,

W amrnl!:R or not he .. the greatest, Harry .Gfimet of Al.­

bama ls beyond any araumen\ ¢he rnollt am.ozing bnck that football can abow tcdoy. · .

Doc Blonchard, anny's brlUlant back, weighs 205 pounds and can run the 100 in 10 flat.

Glenn Dravis, enotbe)' army brlJ.. llant, teo poi.Ulds, ts the fastest man In f.ootbralJ. , Harry Gilmer, barely 1!) years old,

. . At Sheepsfiead.Bay. . '

Have You

lcr7 uthlnS.

• ' ,_ . . .

• ""'i"' ~ 1I1Ue = suctr speed a!l eltbcr Blnncllnrd or Davis con show. Anti yet I saw him poos and run Ala­bama into 26 points ngn~ru;t Duke lns\ winter, while· tack· Ung aD over tt•


\ •ca. tlnel •• ~ ~

¥lCD tlcld.

-- .... --.. ... ---.·~----· ------- Thro taU he threw three touchdown poooco ag.Qinst a

Orantlacd rucc otrong L. S. U. lcllm HEARTBURN


t.o corry Alabama lnt.o n 20 to 7 victory over tho team thot wrccl~cd Georgia. He then. pooncd ond ron Tcnncnaeo ~ey to Win by 25 to 7.

Gilmer boo already proved him· ~u to bo one of the bcut paaocre o1 oil time. I'd ronk him ns tbe grcotcot poooer 1n foot boll today, col· lcac or pro. But the moo~ amozll'lg port ot thlo 153-pound kid lo that he lo one of tbc beat all-over-thc·flcld tocltlcro you'U ecc ln many yoorn, thol llo lo a flnc boU carrier who l5 rwt only cluolvo, but who con hold 1118 feet with a JO().pound back. Alco that ho to one of tho mo~t accurate klckoro In tho game today.

Batters Big Linesmen Agntnot Tcnncll!lco he kicked nut

of bounds on tho Volunteers' 4-yard Uno. Tho ploy woo coiled back. On hlo cccond ahot Gilmer agoln kicked Find Common Cold t. out on tho 4-)rard Una. Alco OfltllnJ3U tho bla forward wolta of L. • Shortened by Penicillin and Tcnncccco ho drove hb t"lUJ CHICAGO. _ Hinbly concentrated throuah tho Unco all wcU ot1 bo em c.olutlo:w of pcnlcillin inhaled 00 a around tho Oanke, carrying ~00. m~t havo broucht eompJcto rollcf s.toundoro tor 4 and 0 extra yord.o. to porcun:r cuJtorlng from r.ovcrl:ll

Dow eft~ do )'C.!l at~ a atar pus. rcoplratney !nfcctluM, a medical ld'. er, a fine ball eanltr and a root~ vcoUgoto1 reported ln tho' current ktoker Bturlnr In a tlefcnsJve rolo7 jt:urntll of tllo American r.1cdleol nt>-4/lor tbo Duke•St11ar now1 rame cJlclol!on. , laat winter I ran Into Tom DaviJ, Or. Ucrbcrt N. Vcrmllyo of Forcut. Dttltc'll lut, l0'0'l!Otl.fld back. IUUo, N. "/., In tho publlcott01f

"Gilmer?" ho oold. "llo tn no l!i~ tbot lla bod ~d tho trcntmcnt aue­p:oundcr. llo mwt tlovo nailed me Cil!l:lfully on moro thon 200 patients 10 tlmCD tm'lay, and I thought ho affildcd t'llth Inflammation of tho waa no Ina to tear mo aport." Uut lungs, ttmalllili. oltluo traub!o, cora ICO tn ten lo Gllmcr'o '>'Jctsht. with throat and b:Jctorlol oathma. ~hJch ho doco tho )ob of four men. A fel'm d the druG lmO\"<-n ao For o:.tomplo, In tbroo blD games ooro:;ol ~nlcillln, ho oold, Inhaled ogalnot Duke, L. EJ. U. ami Ten- throunh a mouthploco or mzyaon neo.oco, ho t'JOO loraely reDvtmaJbto mO!llt, boo oJJOrtcned tho duraUtm af for tho 'l? $ll)lntn Alabama ccorcd. cvldo by halting coecndory lnfee·

Gllmor'o tbrco main tnarcdlont.o Uona. oro, Umlng and c!:lll. Tho Ala. homo ator hoo thin ohouldcfil, o roU<cr lhln cheat, but bo olc:o hila o polt of ~wcrful tcun tiM '':."0 bla, atrons hondu.

lt.fwetllnU en t7uml ror tho ont:o of Ptonl.t Tt;umoo, ha lO oleo oo durnhlo oo hickory. no con hand!o a heavy hottorlnn t'liUmut clowmu du>~rl4"to ldl! lo oo c-old oa on le-o·

• tnlra. Vc:.~ never coo him rattled or hurried. Uo hoo o pair of bluo·ttroy cy<rn tho\ &Ot tho picture before him ltl o f!onh-ovcn t;;hcn lie In in mid· oJr tbrot"Jina o pot!!. Uondhna tho t1:1U frcm ecoter an o runnlna or a I)':Jnotna ploy, ho alwayo cecmo to ho toltlna hla time. cmd yet ha (leto tho b:1ll o\;loy or a\ortl !'lin run wllb­aut on:v t'lODto d Umo.

Coolnf?D!J and Timing

Scream• Rout Prowler A. Rifle and Dog Fail

VlNCEt'.XNES, lND.-Mro. Gcorao Wiknn foh cccuro o' nlah\ t"Jiton her buobond WilD Ot'lay from homo, bc­COU!;a ella hod o qu!C'h·oclion auto­moUe rifle on:f'o flercc wotcb-dna.

Dul ~.'.'hem o mon entered her homo uno ovcnlf!.!l, troth dou and cun fnlld. The tt>n. nhe d~vercd, t'Jotl cnund o!llcop. And when ol'io .pulled tho triaaor of tha gun ao the lntrud· cr odvor.rcd toward her, tho hom­mer otruct; an empty barrel.

M l'1l. Wibun rolled un 11 couplo {11 biOOlll-curdlino ccreomn to llfO".ll:O her tother ne;.ct door, and tho intnrj. or fled.

411l!:ca a. limp~~ e¢rt311 ~n=o!lr 1.-=t <t;:1'C1;._ P:::;'f•J:~ I:# lb rRa~t.c.l~ ~ ;:.u;.;r#1 cL~.;r:; ~~~~ (}'ltg;:c;tcrt t:J ~ma lbft ~ til:!:!!~;~ aaa, r.a·u~rtt..1 t~:J'f:1:,t!.l t.:t .-:t) t.._, d::t lm t:.= I:~•Ptttdc=~"ll"d (.:eo<U •. all ~ wtt~t ~~~ .~ ~d Ln~.b. 1-=t>, Orc=W> ltu:r.>tt '"'"" at::! 6<11<11). ~•=<l 'f}.vt;;"J. !:;=<&l Tc:c:n::.t, v.,. CS~t::"'..d Tnc:d"'..

11=4 ;.4 """' tl&..&, 11 !U::ti~ c.::1, l?ronh Ttlcmon telto mo Uwt fl3

Japt Pay Yaw $1.33 a Package for Cigarettes

rl=::>, Tn • T~~ •• m~. L5:'i0"::u:l. brooho of tho "orne ever unset him ~- 0.~\e~ "'" (<':> uh I;T.~~t~;;>h .. ,..

: ... ~ OTo. en tlslt:>C:• tt Jl'r:!..>, y,,,; L"l U:o leon;. ..I've novcr occn ony t=o.. lh.! Alr~ 0"..1:>1 n::-c~;.>, Ill. a cmo," Tt..t~moo ooyo, "t7ho lmnt"Jo ;~~(:. ~~. ~~t tt-}~ t2ttcr oltod!g c;hol to do under oU

v.J)~IfHi!. '-'•~'"'' C:-.;l. ~= OCI, <!l!nditl<ma. flo cnn t'Jillp 0 tullct JlOc:l

TO·NlGHT "- w E:1ugh dn:!o, ov nivo you o W.

yard aim throt'.l ct Ulo Lu.~:lunon ty~o And ~c rarely mlc::C!I hla tor­ijOL Jt to ovor modo o olngto tofl cr c:;dd poan, 1 r.aver illl~:< U. But tt lb hl!l eoolr:aC!!. bin Umlng, bin duro• tiUty tbot mo!tao Wo oltlll -atond &llt. llo Ulrowo hhl s!::nttl:!r pMco witb Q wri.ol lllp that eon't ho lntorecptcd. An(} til con al!:o nalJ • r~tivor C9 YoNls 0away, c.ftc.r tanvlnf hb feet for U'lo Jump."

usr 6 6 6 COLO PREPARATIONS ltOlJID. 1'Ailft5, !Al.Vl, NOll tWO'I

un e~w At t1ttn" -="'" r=a I ... -= .,.

• •

. '

While Gilmer hon bl'fln a leadltla foetor Ln cateyina Alabama to ~rf:> tt~ey, he t~m'l the only taotbaU play .. cr I>'rnnk 'l'tt~mos h'as ()n Ms s~uad, Ilia Monchn, cntl ct the best centers In faDtboU. hcoda • aktml• fas~ choruin£1 Uno. Tcw and ltadtes are two hotd running bocks" Tb!t Ia the he:.\ 'com Alabama hos wn\ l.nto acth.m ln eumo ycnrs, ond Ala· boma boo llacl mote Ulan hot shar• ct w!tlolng games and winning years. Atca cuehnttlrll a!l Don ltuts.un, Poo!• oy nuhcrt. ~~oct\ tll'O\.\'i\, Uoweu~ nuu:.o Coin, Jeoo~. Whitmlro and n~>~ G\tmor ond t.f;::m~ha.

''. ~-- '··

' ' '·

TOICYO.-A growio{l bloclt mor!to1 f!l at'lccpma Jo~n donpitc ordoro tv Amerl:eon and Jopanct.o out!:nr!U~ ptobiblUnu the purehor:e or h:l.rlet of aoOO/l bro:Jghl lnto tho rountr; b; Oniwd Swtco troo;m ..

Jop:meca mcrch.anm ore f.l:li'IDg caldier~ ZG yen (oht>ut $Ul3) Cor a s;:::u~konc of American cittorotto, nr.J rcllalling them to tubaceo-otorvcd Joi)OCOCO (ot Oll murb O!.l 4() Vta• JoconcC:? buoblc!l!.i men wi1J<tr3.9 JO yen Cooout co ccnt!l) fer o. amatl packago of r.mgor on:% £a yen t();t • cllJl of honh fl1ew.

Kiasing Autoiat Fined $30 in Fatal Ac:eidettt

' OR£Em•nCJt, CONN.-Pvt. St~mo loS1 Uordc$), 24:-,vcar-old Stamford culdtor, who CoronC?r 'rhcMotfl Slel• boer tound wtlll kls!!lri~ u girt ln flf!l cu when the ~t-ehlclo struch nnd ldUcd Mrs. Carolln& Dotcsklt ~. t'lf P.att Chen~er, 't~. Y ., nn July lei, wns fined $30 In court on n chtlrt;~ of nogllr.cnt homicld~. Uorde$ld re. turt~u<J tram hl!l <:l'lti'IP In 'l'oxas tn ntotld trinl nnd Judgt: L. Plltd Sutkf! enid ho ttt~>'k that foot into tonsl£1. oraUtm ln impastag n llg_bt penalty.

-· ,, ,- ~ ..


The !larto L.antems: Dlp1omot!l fattening N~;d rodcntn en lcgalloUc chcC"'.A can [O'\.IrD hot'J to buUd o bat­ter rat-trap b:¥ vtcwtng Um RWl!llcy rmctlt'.o, "Wo. · Accuca." Thlo 1o a p1ctnr1n1 rccot.t\ of $o Ethllflrov war· guilt triolo. 'flho Rw:Jion.o provide r.OO!cll for ltll!~;ro pronto, lru~tcod ol giv!ntf Chern cn"'U{Jb ropo to c:tdp. .•. "Seared !:>'11£!'~ lo frothier than o lrubbl~both. . oct; Ualcy'n rrifrcch-. · · 'It po tt bubbtma. . • •

i Jntc Tblcyo" t"Jhoma at'rc:a a bln.(!·'Onnc·up mcUcr tailored tn Uto Brroll?lynn aty!e .... Repeat bun:;\: urtb:J ond Tell" eomeo thrcus;b 1.\:l a blnzc of guil'owo.

Word Jogt!Jo&: Ma Vllh•plauc, tho -tl~ti St. rcntourateur. W'OO rc­eatllna <rihan aha hod that cotorrut ~ot ot. Shl'cpnhood Boy ln tho roc<!· t{oclt ccctor rcaro oao. Ono of her r<!aulor potrmw t'IW Dlomur.d Jim Drody, who not only ole lilie o hun:o hut olen tth&:lcd tmnli! horce com-e In" h!:; lOUt r:~m or.-1 then. "ln p::~t­tcrntnn your lifo," Jim onco advice~ a l::lbla full c;f fall:, "you hovo to de­cide t7l'l0tber you wru~t to be lilicd ey llZOPfe of t'leolth or by a t"Jeolth Gf pcnp!c."

•· '




Good Nutrition, fool ~IIAI11om::4o< Crc::> 1!>8vnALc:ltD J.A11:::::1 of !'.r.¢ 'lrhn: tc:>!clc.e a c:r""""t«~ cf tl:o crc~J .. ~ ota:aontt Ia tbo •bolo ~rralll. 0::<>-blt c;;p 1) ....

.. ~= ~~ 'l=t dlliiF clolcac J:JCJod Ccn'o "';;,~ f ~I!Alt

Yes! Sweeter, Tastier Bread



• Thb m:tive frch ycc;t goes right to wcrk, gives ~ou full valw1 bscouso it'a full r.:trengtll. And btc:ld modo with Fleisclunonn'a adioe frc::lh Y c:l!lt ~ swoow, is lighter, moro tender •

If ycv bClke ut ho.m._Gct Flc::;::hmnnn'a Bdi~ jros!a Y~ with thn fnmilbr ycllow lakJ-Am.oi.!n'a dqlO!dah!e ~ fAV<ttite fro> fY'w"t:.'f tfuro gtnmfimu.


MUSCLES that Build oJyonSLOAN'S

• steu'• ratvtettftthllcllft'W ttJIIha, · the iilea Vtfe• wttrlc wltft •iklc. u•

'· . llrudt, f¥Mlttr •Ill INtl. 11tttf mvadea stratn 1tfot Wll •av hw. h411Mts,stheels,~Jhttdltt,fttttlttn .... fe'chirlts. f• ""* .... fttty .. thtfr ,, .... , •• pay ...... tt ...

\ '

·. .


•·!' •


Page 3: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono


( ' '\ )

• •

. ' . ' ' .. ' . . -,

' . ' ' ' ' •

" • . ' I •


r. ,,


REG'LAR FELLERS-Thrifty Gardener



v I R G I L


POP-Marital Arithmetic



I DIDN'T f-!AVE. 10 euv ANV

SE.!.ED$ EI'I'He~,­l SAVBO E\IE.R.'f


SOMBBODY'S STENOG-Ready for the Gale

~.MY MA!l). '\'OU KNOW 1 SAVIE:O n.t5 etJS•NG99 MANV T'!Mli5' FROM ~AtWNG :t • %· GTC'


' .

: :

. -



. '


was., <XlMI!. ON OO.VM"ID




GG.TC ~ f.CW DuMB ~ II'J;N IN TJ.{!i Et!StN!iSS ARe- -n.fJ~~I 1.V'rf{ 'l'HE'{ l='AIL.!

tEu. -alu MaKe UJNCH

. '

·' ' . ' '


. , ., ' d





WIND SHIE'LO '\t .. ~


·' \


1 If . l-·· . -, . a 1;11 ah T_f'~ . ..:!'-_________ ...._ __________________ ~----------------------:..--------

0 '

PRIVATE BU£i ~ ., -~


••• •

• • • • • . ,. - •'1. .. ,, . ...

...... _,-..,.. ............ ,.. •• ~.-.-~ .... J.. ......... ~.~~---·.._ .. ,. ... .o;~.-J-• .................. .

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. . au•••• "" .. .,...,.,..,. ............ .... .. ,. .... •·ly ·~ .. b. ....... .. ru~Ju,, ""' . CMIItl•t tina. T•••Y tllo ..,.,... ... "" Iffy ,. .... ef r~~Naor """".. · · · MMe 1111111 half of oU1he eathauttld

. ..

100 ouloii\Qblle wb .. S."-'IIti:--+----

Ntl•kl•l Ualvonlty I• ....,..... ••••I•• with • ~w ~ ef "•• wlt11 • view to -~~~~~ n•ur f• .... •• tltto •rJI ,.., ... .,at-. N"' ovloftiObhl bultt IIlli will be d.nv-cl wllhollt .. ,. tlrM.

Let'• Finiah It­Buy Victory Bondal




.u ....... ltAtiOHI


IUIC llVot kOitf QKO ........ A.LC. •••••

,. •


. tc '

Page 4: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono

.,k •.I

' '

,. '

' ·. <i '

' .

i,·. ~ ·.-i: ) h~--.· .

.. ,.

: ,, .. ,

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' ! ' . ,.



- . -... _.,. __ ._ Lincoln County News

our . Poblilllt«d ·Ever)' Frida, .

EtMred .. l!tCO!ICl•thlea rnattfr J"l~ ao, J $26, nt t be y,ost oftlc:e at C nrrlzozo, t-.ew Mtalco uuder t~e Mt o.l MQI'd!

U•• the MljfJt ofAM•rk• .

I 819. --- _____ .,.. - ~

~ ..... ,. ... .,,..,.., 1n ,..s,._., 12.® ...- Year ' ,

Advl'rttniDS Rnteo ~urnl5~d on Roqutst

Frl tay, ·NtlVOmher, 23 1945 -~- --

Mra. Era 8. Smith Ed• tor Pob ialaer

and tile now Chtovr .. h•t art! ull r•n d••play 111 the City G.ruul• Mr R ·rl boo Q eor.tlnuul atro"m ,., VIB (.,ftl to fuok Ill litO II~W t'llrS.

---..o.-().. __ _



, Fnedmon-Shot@y ...,.-ark Sh~1 oon 't{?lke ~it• en onv io~ ~hoyro oaked to do, any p!a"­they'r• osked to go. Yhoy're built for wear .and for e@mfort, •• Their flexibility koeps ygur feet <:(!lmfottdb!t

call dov lr:;mg ,..,.l@@k no furiherl • 7



• · Ste 15! Wlft' II ftttl tf Pte· btlfs . '


··· W• Appt«i&te Ytut. Buabte•• ·. ··Paden's.· ·Qrug · ·· re. - · ...... N.». . . . . . •


' • ·,, <

. , . .



. . ,. ---··-: w:-""!'!1 1


In nddl· se'asons


re~ll• Area nortll ~f Dcnl• permits tor11Uctr or doe: sea~

5 to 10. Jnc. Final date for November 29, 10:00 4. ·

near AJbuqucrque: either buclt or doq •

Dec. 7 to 10, Final date for applications: Nov. 30, 10:00

tulten Dec. 12-16.

cet recelvJne applications: Decem-ber 3, 10:00 A. 11-l

Mimbres, G.O.S. ·Are11, north ot Stl· ver City: 300 permJtn tor either buclt or doe. Season: Dee. 12 to 16. Flnal date tor uppllcot1onn: Dec. S, 10:00 A. M.

The Garno Department Wt\fltll the full number ot pcrmltees on each area, .henee sportsman arc urged not to ap­ply .for permits unlew they fully:-frt· tend to wo them. l:>o not apply for a permit on mow tbun one nrea.

No hunter wtll be allowed to klU more thon one dei!r In New Mexico I durlna the 1945 neason. ·

· ELIL Upper Pecos Area: During regular '

blcr came ceaoon (Nov. 10 to 211 125' pcmutn for either a cow or a bull Flnnl dnt.c net Cor rccetvln~ appUca­tlore: Oct. 15, 10:00 A. M. Deer, beAr and turlrey may also be hunted at the oomc time.

Johll!lon Mean Area nl.'nr Raton: l(lQ P?nnit!l tor either o cqw flr « bull; ~o:ll~ 'of \Vhicfl \v111 bo N:servcd for l.nn<l' ownero. Sell!lon: Nov. 28 to Dec. 1. Final ci'ltc tor reet>Mna nppllca· tJore: Oct. 20, 10 ;00 A. M. ( Chonl't'5 of settinG n pcmut twro oro not M Good O!l on otn::!l' U\-"0 uren!l).

.1\ppl!rotion.'l act.'OO!p.anled by SIO.OO teo which w rt:qUJ,red lor cllt pcrmltn : tn n<tl1lti!Jll w I'Clf'..l!:!$' l!ll{!Jl!l.f>, nhoul~ bi et~nt to th!A oftlel!t ~K~(oro rtnnl dll w 1101 1n cru-Jt '*'·

Not£~: wn ipec1lU •t.nllc.:~tlon form fs UCI!t;~cy; JUI't au!iti\tt !({!Ur namo nn!J rom~!e!Jl. n-..a.t.lmil PrtUrc::.::s antl !)o«;g~f ,a wnue rou dtolllrc to hunt No 1 ;;o · '" It ~nred for nny ol tho . cor pete!t.e. . """""'---

___ ... '



. '

' l. .

\ \

" '' -



' '

N€e dlae /iuar!!~ C!tf! riCaC!! §(16-IIMJ/rms "Si,.. Streu/ls"

• '

• 0

' •


U«c'n aowubuuttbc npv~ 1946 Poadu: lot which you've been welting: Tho ccw Pomhc h~U till rho quality, cn~o of bnndllng, com· fort .and etnruicll wbkh mcdo p::ownr co ~pulnr plut Clntly lmp::~lvo imp:rovc.ocnu ud rclmemcolll. Tho new l>ondu i11 ctill in cbo W"-'"p:ko t:.:ld IUld uill londcd with 11MN ,·a/:;, ft::lure,. 1 c ron• lio!WI to bo cbo fitlo Cl1f wbb tho

low p:rie1::1 It Is still nvnilnblo IU n amooth running, tm""cdul Six or no ccon(Jmio:tl Eiabt-nnd bo1h coainca nro inccrcllnnac­nblo in the ntlmo cbtlll,lll.

Tho new Pondcc, '1;'/hlcll iD now hero nnd on di~plny, contlnuet. 10 ho 11 11tylc p:lccmlllu:r, n qu:~l· ily Jc:>d~· Even better than prc­Wtu' modeb, lr i11 Urr::/lnall r:f thD j~r.:o:~J .. Sihw Sltt:::~h" You nro cordially inviu:d to como In ~~nd ceo cbc npnrlillnz naw. Poallnl; .


IMPitOVI!MiiNTS N.,..., bdcti(ul au:dor CtYUa.c , • • IC1Drtncd n:.n·rtaia~nl botL'"a .. , N.:... ln<m>m<al c>atl

l:.!:lbb .•• NC'1:1 io!c11o: uio .•• lopro•od dt)trl> . . . Now .,.b011l ru.:u ••• LooaoJ"-Iifo oulllu Acd t•tl v•v• ... rovro••a moltna.

s •••

Dr:o.usn p:1 ~:~nt 1h3 ~ t'ilt ymu m.ntl€7 -fit'.! t7a::l a Miljtn[} And c~ l>!aytno T>iill ~ ~c cooa ill£)'.: CGt7. Mo.)Ug ~ cd<inn w~"'::n OJ}'cet GVU tm) ac:! a hill' yc= cl cll-<>'.;t '"llr "' And 'I'Jbt 'Wdtall w....,. n.· for y= cf <>!r:cicnt, crud'~ ~­t;c, 'i7itb n 'Wl"Ulc liJ:t o! orcln<~ivc ft';lturt:n,

• '

. ' .

n:-~ =1 i..-npc~ Ap.o:t•w.l:A ioz:moc-r"r.~ to crury on Maytng'o flO·

dittll:l cll~=hlp! Ca.;;:::: m c.= cz:J [):;t th.z fws-a:d f()'J ~ ~ ~ u.f ili~ fi.."tl m r;:t yc~:rr mr.? !Ja;:ae.

Carrizozo Hardware Co.




' . ' •' •




I !


~ .


. ' . . ..


/ •



• •

.. -. -----·-· _,_ ...... .,_ ......... -·-.... , .... .,., .......... , -•s•ur•·•r••r•r•r•l•l -r•rllu•z•··zr•r•mr,z, zr•r-r --;; 2 nn me;; n?-

Page 5: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono






• 'I' " , .... ,..,""·~c. ~~~~..,......, ........ .....,.,..,.,_,....,..""""'.,..,.,., ................... ____________ ~!"""""-·""• ............. ----............... - ............................................................ ..,... ............. ,....,.. ....... - ............. ....... I


• l . (_. ;- ./~., .

Y•'!•"t<• '>•1. II> • . '· 'l.· ••

.. ROLLAND'S ----·~-~-lJRIJu §lORE

IN choosing our edicine we have been careful to selecttbooe c mpounded by the greate~t

chemists in t ~ world. They have \:,uilt up thtjr reputatic n bt>cause

Magazines, Candy, I Cigars

Prescriptions Carefully Comr.ounqed

Drug Store





-MraJco GasoJin~e

Dnamon d 760 Motor .Oil , Best Grade of Kerosene and Distillate

Wholesale and Retail

:: ;:;

Carruzozo Auto Company.



Mifls Harriett G~tHn of Alb"" • il_ .. ...

qqElrque, who as ~ssoc1ate aupern~· tendent of liapti~t S~:hoo) ,,.,work

ijuptjst; cburcb here u wct-J,,· bf· ginmng duMPy-· !Jec. 2nd. Sh' will teaeb from 'the book, Qburcb Uaing Its,.Sundny Sebo<>l"


tivo eveuingtJ, 7 p m. top. m. She will .:~pect tQ bnve conf•ren· r

' cea with 'he dllferent Sund(ly

ber to tuke up and dh:eUI:l5 every. phase of the Sunday school work while ane 1s hero. ·

0. L. Oldbum, fnator. <

NO'l'ICE Finish ijigb ocboor nt bomo by

apurc ume atudy. All tf.>X£ books furniahed. Utplomn awnrded upop completion. . W rtte tor informn tion Dept. D., J}ox 14.::l3, Albu­querque. n24tp

Church of Lhrist ... Bible CJasa ~unday Morning 10.30 A. M. Comruunion 11.80 A. M. Dr. P .•.•. t:ilwvt:r lt:udtr S. A. follow1!11, teacber. Luc.tii'B Htble Clut.!!l Suuday tVl'niDg

S P.M. --~-o --


IJw;lm, r;ce:;c und c:outB: SPo:.on: Nov. 2 to Jon. 20. Lunlt 10 th • .:lm, 2 cce::e and 2J coot per tlay and <except on oz~ntng dny J :.!0 dudm und ~ gce::c mny hn (WXt:::5cd.

Ml.'man:.eru Ul!lh duclt':) Fcderol Sl•a::on: Nov. 2 to Jan. 2f). Limit 2ii pt>r dny ... No otutc rentrlclloll!l w to cru<::on or h:lU limit .

Rnlb uml G:llllnul":J: SeMon: Sept. l to Nov. SO. Llmtt 15 In the acaro· ,;ate or tn r;w:.:;:>:::JIOll.

• • • ' 'lot. ' . ' . .'

' . •· . ,fi

' ' . ~-··

. I i ; ~ i ; . ; ';_ ;p I :~: ;!_ .

• ..

\~ i .• ' ~ ~ .. · I

. ·


I r-

• '·. •

-, . ' "'"

... ,, ··· .. , -~-~;:~·:" '

', ~

·.: ._.-

\ ' ' ., ''

' .,


' ' .



' . •

! . ( ,) , , 'I






Upland blnl1, tl1at 1:1 grouo:c and JI:·••.Jr_.Jnto, w.ny Ill:' rar.::t•:-.c.f'd tor 20 •b) o; ui'tt•r dtce of t;('a;;on. ShootinG hoUF> ru.- Utctt> urwetC::J or" from GUn· rt:l" to r:Uil':!'1, cnccpt phco.'k'lnt r::.C'n:.nn, whJI'h oprm at. noon. Micrratory blnb I duclto, (JIT:t:', COOt!l, do>CJ, pl(;ron'J, ralb nml callinul.t<J), m~y b:J pn::!:c:.!:ctl "'l'!'!'..,... ________ ,_,,.:o;_~-""'="'...-----------......,~~="""",..;'-' -"'""":~':"3 !or 00 tb:ta ortcr cl~ o! tt.:l!:on far - ·- · •




"~wh c~elc:J. ~·ttooU~ houro for m!• LO DG cs r,mlory IJird:L.aro from ono·llnlt hour G ltdon• ounrl!;u to uun:::::t.

T <i!lil;r, ~\Ol!'l'ffl·,~·· hy mPan!l or b:lJt nr U'T' o! hve dtdt oml C41fi::.() d~>C0)11, ,,. dm M hit' mr3m nr k11!, In unlawful

::::::::=. -·~ il'f:T<IIlk- 'l o! tl1P th:Jt31lF<' lwtwccn .---==-~""""""":-=-~~~-=~--------~- ln.l OT fkNIY flTlll l'mntf'f

.. -,_ • ~~:~~~---------·--------------------=-~----=-~ .<!" 1 I nh:lll It~• m:•cal \0 la!lf' ml{!Tatory

t:<~nw hlnb Crm:1 <i:l' i•:;- ohl or an au· I

.Bliimli{eli)~ Studio Complete Photographic Service

QualitY· Portraits, Enlarging l\ndalt Finishing,. Etc~

tmnn!JJ!l', airp!an::o, amlt lwx. rottcry, . ., Pf"·;pr blt3t, ~~ ba:lt. oml bu:lt undl'l' 3psotnl .M fqc.tmg, "'"d Tur.,oay m !:dll. un;; rlrotill(J cr:lft or dt>viro or eaob montfl. any !timl to~":d by pc.-.trr bu.:lt or Tom B. o'Reor ...... Noble


can JW'Sf'Ii'. d 1,. E w M ht ~ce • 'l'rtoo AU p;-u,.t;r._1 ln.mtinr; t\•Qtc-rlowl mtiDt Oun • g · · · • ·"

· hnw voill!1 l!r.-n:o to hunt hirdrl oml -·-·-~-·m ~. "'7


, · ~ro [1>e Well Dressed

• ••

v "

Yt ur ! lothc:.; Must Be Neat snd Clean •.



-WE AI SO SPIZt'lAI lZE HN OUTSIDE WORK On Alomotturdo Avt'. n4'Xt to St.'lndard Service

~tlltic•n, CAIUUZOZO, N. M:

thti-.., m•rr nilHn:>n yearn old nrc re­quirc:f \O h:.v.- on Un?'lfllr{'d Federal

, Mir;ratory Dint Hunting Htamp on Uta h::dt cf Ute Uec-rce to hunt. which rntot b<:! vnli!btcd hy ofr,nntur"O on tho fcro a! t!to n1amp Tit::s0 ntrunrn • cnft~:mly cillc<i dtt~l: ntnmpn, may~

Couloro l..onae, No. 16

M.eetifln daten ~nd and 4tb Wcdnrodayo of ncb mouth ·



1, cbmfn~ ot prot oifieo ror SlOO.

•• ll • -0-~-

J 0 nnie' s . ii6olden Key fti~ht (lub • 1~2 mf!en Eo~<t c,f Cnl)itof', N. M.

• at 7tl. m.

Mayme Grmc2n, N.Pblo Grnl'L BiYdio WaJlrrff. ~crretl::ley.

co !\.1 BT <.;HAP'f.Eft No. 29


HOGS T· • • •

· \Ve Pay Ceiling PrirPs Top from 180 to 300 pounds SU.25

.. , · "SmYs ~ood and choice 813.50

Glovew !P'rn( !dng Co., RosweU, N .. M .. ·-S

i D<lne<> 3 tim10n each <treok on

P~ K" ~JPag~ . t"ore ~ 'l'umrtny, 1'hurs;Jny, sllturdn:v tQ.1 ~it~ '& I;} J. HAN::iON, Prnprintor

• s·r AR ',' ;::::::..::.::=:..;,;...,.....·..,· ... c .... • ... -·,.:· . ;,_:""_ •• _ • ..,· =-==-==....,.=-c--.:.· -----1



LHQUORS;; Win en 'and Beer



John D. we~t " l. ·A. Whitiker, M~r • • • ~

Ma:t.a o:n thG flrot Tburc!iny "'

in e::;ch month. Vtciting Sturu e11tdi~lly

· Profe'l!Jaional Director)' . ~

ROY E. SHAFER Mra. Mnraurct UofimtJn W. I\.T ••

II Notary Public r.:~ :a~UMnyer, s~~ri'u~~r:,,. Cnrrizozo Aut\J Co .. Bldg. .,

Carrizmwr N. M. Pbon"80 JESSIE'$ !a)E~UTV !St!()DCID .. .

•• •

• • t l •

.~ You nre cordia.lly invited·

' . to motte your beauty ••.


tm~atcd ot GarrittD:zo ifdwa. Co. appointments wit~ • · · , -~ llS · • ~ ~l

J~SSIE P~AttL LONGitl!iY · · .· . ·~ ', '~




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(tiff Zum.walt





PhnU"llips Products · .. · ··IT" hone 55

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.~ r M~~~~-


Glasses Fitted •

Dr. P~ul W.·Wynn Wilt Be in Carr£zuzuat EL ClllOLA HOTEL

. ·EVERY SUNDAY irwm 2 P~ M. t0-5 P~ M. \

ftl . (barte I Of: fliiDilltiOU •

Cattit'GZO Now r.lotieo • · Pbo~e63

' . 1&'' ·-,;•" ""->¥.' (i;_;>-·~....._,*'!'=*-~ ""~" J!-. ··•oe ,,,.,. '--, 'l'"·- ••

'r,. li}. KELLEY .Funeral Dltcctor and . ' '

. Li~ ~mlialtner ~ltone 33

(h.ttiZOI'tJ ! ~ ~ N.. Mp I .. ,, . ; .. ~ >> , , .. ·····~~·'""'II!! .•. %,. • . :H. ELF .it ED JONES· l Assbl.'iateiJ with . ! ' . UtfiL'' ~"' ! CEO. A. S.n r ·~;~" 1 · . o1 Afamo"vtdo •.

. Attorney• at L•w L ... -.,., . .., ..... •·· _...._,... ......... ......,--~--~--....,.'--~·-J ·' " C~t~Izoto.N .. lf.f •..


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Page 6: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono

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Wolt•r SMGd WHU Com.-:_,_

· WltU W••bl•st•• Uurtcu, 1111 e .. sc.. "· w.

Unions More Powerful Now Tbnn in 19~9

War l thl'ln! was a wave strikes which Involved, In 1010, approxtmote-1¥ tour mUUon workers, or almoat St per cent of tho entire lndUDtrlal workJl'lg force. '

' . 9.··

• • ' •,\"

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Today, whflo less than 200,000 men arc now on ctrlke, It Ia catimated tlult beloro the end of the ycoz or .shortly thoroaftcl'l there may b~e obout three million otrlltera or about 11 per cent of the total worltera. Tho dliJoroncc to that In 1919 unions were not oo tlghUy orgnnh:cd, they did not have aa many rlghta, there woo no coUccttve bargaining. Untont:J wore flnonclolty unoblo to ·corry the load of o long ctrlke In those doya.

Now unlono oro highly orcanlz.ed, hove more members, their treoourlco OI'C bulging, and they ore bble to hire tho bcot oconomlow, publicity m~:~~ Cllld reocarch organi%ntlono on

Labor ~tn4 management opened parle7 lU Washington In an elfosi to steer the ~;:ountry on a path or pe!lco­ful reconYI!rslon. Shown her:e, left to rlsht, seated: Secretary of Commerce Uenry A. WaUace; .Jus(lce Walter P. Stneey of Ralcl~h, N. c., who presided: Secretary of Labor Lewis B. SehweUenbach. StandJor. left to rlcht: \VllUam Green, president of AFL; Erlo Johnston, president of U. s. Chamber of Commerce; Ira 1\lo- · sber, president of NaUonal .UsoclntJon of 1\lanofncturers, and Philip Murray, president of CIO,

• -"---·------------~" --,-----Jet Propelled Plane Establishes New World's Record a par with Dig DUtJlness. In oddl·

~n. they have favorable lowo oo b.slw[lriu) Wld a bo.olo for their ato.nda. They nrc conducting o hiUh·


It organtz:cd propaganda m: publlcfty campaign, omart and eftccttvo. Amona theca compolcno Ia one de­signed to woo the formers.

The ''Economic OuUook," a monlJl. lr publlcotlon of the department of rcocarch and education of tho CJO



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profits the cost of· Uving have be11n uneven, Baruch said, with wages lagging behind. For that rea. son be no l,pnger favored his prewar idea of a freeze on both prices and wages. Our only nope, said the et. der st11tesman, ~s that we can weath­er the next six to nine .monUta with· out rlll\ning lnt.o serious inflation. U we do that, our chances of a strong l'ecovery lfroro the war boom Bl'C goqd. -

- "Tbe buge pel)t-up demand for products whJcb we wlU see dur· lng ,the oex1 nlne months Is a very serious tbreat," sail) Ba· rucb, stressing the ·Importance of balding prices l}own. He amazed tuB llstenero by aay­

lng that he Is completely opposed to talc reduction of any nature at th1.s Ume. "Not only does the govern­ment lone needed revenue, but lt Is an unhe[llthy thing for our general economy," argued Baruc!J'.

Rep. Andy BlemiUer of Mllwoulteo uolted what Baruch thought of Ute statement by., General Motorlf preG; !dent C. E. WUcon that 11 wagea ore rowed 30 per cent, prices must go up 80 per cent. Baruch taUtcd at some length on the general queaUon of rltJ.. tng prlceo, but gave no direct on• swcr, Finally, Btcmillcr rcp~oted hia queatlon. • ln WC11.1hlngton, hi 11,6 current laauc, v

1a entirely devoted to propagondo cccklne to brldgo tho gop -between tho former oru1 tho city worker.

"Bill out of oovon Amorlcano wh;, wor\ for ll living ore In ovoroll!l," the arttclo oayo, "and fivo of the oovcn work for woceo; ono or Uto aovon worko ot farming. Thoco men and women and their families form moa' of tho 'public.' Thcao oro tho people wtlo malto up the bulk of tho conrumlng cloCD. Tho doll.oro thoy eam and IJICM molto Amorlcn'o coonomlc machine Uch.

., "I'm afraid I can't agrco with Mr . 'l Wtlcon," Baruch stdd.

1-.ue Mwt Be Setllfltd "Now thllt tho war to over, m'm

Ia ovoraUs hovo a fisht on their hon!U to make Amorlea a full pro­duction country In peace CID well a.s In wor. Not all Amorlcono ourao. 'JTI(J limo 18 horo when that loouo mue1 bo e.oiUod. Wogo eomero oro tho flrnt Co join tho l!muo, for un· employment to grott1lnu. It'o a otru(J· glo for Ufo, for th& right to work, tor tho rtnbt to rolco a famUy by d~cnt Uotna otan1ordn. And unlor-!l thac:a mel) l.ft ovoral!n win Uto bntUo for Cull production, full cmploymcnl and full woct!o nuw~t won't bo Ions boforo formem l.o "'voralll oro on• eased tn • Uto cm:t death ruuggle to.& go.OO morkou at parity, For all man til ovorollo a.rc In aama ooot. t.hay rtdo U:o ~ovca"''..,~J proD~rlty tagothor, they sink to do­pro!llllon together. 11 wogo• eomors aro mo.ne7, w at() fG.rmora, If men tt1olk tho atrcob l.ook!nlf for wcrit, m~n oa forms hum wheat, dum~ milk, loavo cotron unph:kcd. That a ~ptcesf;lf1, e.nd Main otrcd &UJ1t'ro whJle WaU qlroe!t lrcmblea

"Studlca by tho U. 0. federal tr~o cummtCDion lrullento thnt factory t.o. bo·r cn::t of form moch!nory 1s only o omolt port of tho total prlco chorcoo ta tormorn. For clfamp!o, a thrco-buttom tractor plow for whktl lormorn paW $153.t.O hcrl a monu­facturlns labor ~• of cnly $11.1?. For a croom &tJpnrotor, which oblr-,Jt tho ldJhcr;t manutocttlrlna oont of any ogrtrulturol lmp!oment. tho cmt w~ ftOO.Ct Elt".d c:1ly $14.£-5 lm!nt to the wage Garnora whU ~ro. duecd IL On that croom B:?JlSratcr, rho manufacturer's proGta tnll tv J~ per coot an:! tho rotnllor•s margin to ~ ~r cont ct tho ooiUns price,' Union• Arw IJ.h co-a,

••Jc.n u farmers h!lve tt-..a right to orsanke «>-<:iJ~ tn act t'aJr Jl!i~:J, .. elty .roftcon ha'"e t!'.t tqbt to •crm!t!o tml<'lM. to set falr wagts ar..:l

' .. ,, ' ..

• •

Radiophoto of Set propene« plallet pUott4 by Capt. u. J. Wtlsan, wb.ldt set a new world's q~eed record or COO M.P.U., topping Ute rccottnlzcd madt of cro,n held b7 Germa.ny. Captaln \VIl!lon Is ,15hown cetUnc Into hla DrlU!Ib Gloster me(eor altoraet "Orita.tmla." tor lour rtm11 necessart tor the recota. ---- - ""

" .. , __

Crosses Picket Line

WAGE NOT PRICE INCREASE "Inn't lt true that tnduatry can

glvo a 30 per cent wage tncrcooo without having to ratoo prlceo moro than about 7% per cont?" Blcmlllcr pcroioted. •

"You ore approximately right," Baruch agreed. "I believe thtr Dg­

. uro you may have heard ls n.ctu~ 8Jh per cent."

BartJClb also told b1s ruesb that be felt we were maklnr a mistake In speedinr ma:npmver demobUhaUon. "Wltb tbe world in lts present sltuaUon," be said, ~'ll seems to me It would be wtstr to proceed slowly with de­moblllztUon, in order ttaat we nQt weaken ourselves at a time when power Is apparently sUD • 1111 lmpoftant thlor." Hb agreed oleo with Clll f.dea pro.

pO!lcd by one of hJo gueoto, Kll­lauvcr cf Chattanooga, 1o b!lvc cab­inet membero and other high of. flclolD appear an tljc Boor of con· grc09 where they cOQ bo quooUoned by congrcn!lTnen. Such a prru:tico v;ould moko for mucb grenter co­operation between the executive and lcginl.otivo dcpoftmentn, Baruch ncld.

Pronent in oddltmn to Blcmlller and Kefauver. wcro Reprcoenta· ttves Albert GoJ:c nnd Percy Prlent ol TcnnCSUlo, John SparkmClll of AJ.. abama. Mike Marwfleld of Montnna, Heney Jocknon of Vloohinatoo, Jer­ry Voorhto and Chet Hollileld of Coi­Uornla, Bob Slkeo ot Florida, Mike Monroney of Ohlo.homa, Bob Rom· apeck of·.Qeorgla, Cllld Jamie Wblt­t.en and Arthur Wln!;teod of Mlosi!J. oippl.


Wirulton Churchill recently told friend:> how be felt nfter bin defea\ ln the BriUnh elcctioro, Tho fitnt few deyn after hia detent were ter· dble, Churchill confesr;ed. The veey next morning be arooo and fretted becouco thero were no dlplomatle cn­btes to reod. Through the war, hla first morning "chore wan to read the top.:;ecret mflitory ond diplomatic cablco from aU over Ute empire; and he paced up ond down intermittent­ly for deyo, fretUng beeouce there 'Wtlre no cnbles Cl>ming in nrlll b~ cnuse, though he felt thingo were going wrong, thoro ~oa no <~no to whom he could send cables · to straighten thing!! out.

" I went dowtl. to ille ~:outh

• wc:ldnt cnn:lltfons. Nearly b.aU c! aU farm en, 2. '730,000 tn 11}.,.3, att eraanl:ed L"' M2t "Uiflt t~pt. 'there are a!Jo. to,IJOO. b:.ry~na .~p• wUb l,a~.OOJ lllrmer member&. More than on&-tl11rd or wage and aa!arltd wcrkora. over It miUion, are~ organ­he<! l'l labnr unbhl, Labor, Ul«t &lrlculture. de111t. ·,with, otaanb:e~ ltuslm:u. t.soor, Uk•L aamulture, ~ organll!ed to r;et a falr deal.

~ i'

Kiddy Kluh for Young Sophisticates· of rt<ttnce," . ChurchUI confessed.

0 •1They trea~tl me wen there. I ' ne Man Army· ; Home (iabitM lj!!Verllf plc!thres and they fdd rne some 1:\vonde.l'ftiJ food.· But stiU l couldn't get over. thls Idea Of


WbcQ ~ c:rop control pm. cramtl wtlfe l.o tt!t~t. CO><lperattnc tarmen dldn't like to have a.on­C&<t~t&tora rlde free. ThQae woo dldn t. ~&'etate .fat klwer !Cant, and wtlb markell.n1 Q®t.aa p•ld pen• ames oo ntu. It wu tlit c~o«ct Riot~ f4 t.trle"ltur~. Vnloaa d~~* like frei 't!den •1CJ.t1'. , ,


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no e•blM e~>rntnl m and no cables l!blnl ou~. morntng l fretted when, l rend tM papers. But finally one n'ionlina J felt bettet. , It sud• ~w~ dawned un me \hat t wasn't

. l)rime minltter any moro and it wam't my worry. and l'~e felt bet­tl!t ·ever stnce."

Note - Clluehln'a health h. toileh ttna co. ars doc~tat Ita• etcltttd hlllt to. ;:~~t dlh(il u fda tfi!ll aa• lltl.llkfiic. ~ . . .• .

· . SENATE ELDEit l!ete lte


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Lei our ~ert aorvl<:o doportm<:n?i5 YQ\!J' ~oYttill Woshlll' I'Willln!l am · Genuln.o MDYlOS Porta U4Cd. Multi·Mo 011 ol\II!IYII In .stock 111 your loCill Au~ ~ed Mayf.lli[ Xlcalo~ or Wrlte !i'4Cti>IT D• tributor. ,

Maytng Rocky MoiUltain C.. Celerah SptlDr• • • • • • C•leral,. -· FARl\1 1\lACBINER! 8: EQUIP. IDAHO RED CEDAS POST malulr wnniSI a~e1 cnrtoad Iota. taw prtcea. Write If••• Cblab•J•, Beallon Ferrr. ,.......

-" Buy Victory Bonds!





"".,o\!MlO .. SYlUJP PDSII •

'!::.-~~··--·'C·-·· iii ........ -· ? - .... _ '---~ ~-·· ""-~ ......



Page 7: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono



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.......... l# John·

waa IIY .. WI "' IN Ull G-rill'• ll~a4·

........ • ..... ~nsila .... &lot file &aede ... aaU.. llle Hub.


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. tnterlor cCIElltructlon· Cit flreproot

"vauU" on Clarkson at llasc•, m , lns th!'l woy in Allclt Clo.rkcon of ltooeo, IU.

Hlo 4.5 by 30 toot dairy barn hoo a noncctnbllatlblo floor and lo of Ollch oanJtary conotructlon that quality milk eon be produced with little ef. fort. The ground floor in protected from fire by a mow floor of three­ply, H~ lncbco thlch, lo(\Unotcd GYP­arum board c:md a gyp:rum wailboard celUng.

Tho otudn covered on tho out­aide with nonwmb~mtlblo gyp::um Ghcothlng and flr<lproof compa:lltlon shlnglca, Md c:m tho ln.!I!dc wltb llre­C'toof waUboord. Clarltcon'r~ w:o o1 lruntnntqi gyp.

sum board tDr f!oorlns ts sntl'lethln.l new In born C:Oil!ltructlon. 'lb., pur· ~o o1 tho COil!ltrucUon 1!1 to llf!!l'Ufe ~m thot o nro would not qulckly •l)rcod to tho coltlo quartorn, and that omplo Umtt would be jl\lt.'l to remove tho c:owo \1> cofe~.

Easier Riding Seat


I . ·" ...... - ' . ' ,_.- . -- ·· ..... ' •· ,,, ···-,·· -·



·th• Bcddng Powder .· .-~ with 1h• . .,

BAlANCED .Doubll" Actio• · Oob~tt Old It f<xlot'• bg~ pow­d., ••• the noMoi chob lor the JIIOd•rn rtrJP•· Its ~ daubte CICtfon pt 1M right action

"' the.~ bciwt, plt.'tlhat flllal riJe to lght csnd fluffy flmor Jn 1M oven.





• • ****************************** The War Ia Over, but We Muit Pay for It •••

• • • • For the Laat Time, America, Buy Extra Bonda! . ' ******************************

Lather or C11nvaa Co..-crloi for Gut cr Rldlo~~: lmp.!er:::Olt. • An coey rldlng ccot for cny 1m·

plcmcnt cllJl tro modo moro com­tortablo by cuttlno o plc1!{). of leather or heoV)' cnnvon ou chown ln the U.. !U!ltroUcn. ~w or IOCQ thlo to the ~at around the outer edge.


Agriculture In the News w. 1. DnYDEN

Tomatoea o! 1946 Tcmot~o. olrondy roting blgb 1!1

vllamtn content, boina ccco:nd only to oronuco l.n vito· min C. will bo "en­riched" ~Hh vito· mfn A. rollnwms work ot Uruvornity d Chlcogo.

Tomato c01ma:ry woateo" o:;jUJ be put tO ~a. Oil bc!ng IJ%• ttoctc.d from the cCc:b, cnnr.ery wonw will provlclo an cmtroc<cd cttu colublo tralt:Uon of 12.4 JiU!t cmli.

By tronuns plontD o:;lth the lUMts o2 a growili.promofulg e.c!d, na$:h­ttoxyo~Uc, opcd!ccs tomawen may he predueed.

Tile aWns cf tll:matcms "" hclnt !!Sed tor tho valuable renin tbey CIJntain. Al1 impwved motlwrl cl dew · eylltailils tcmnwes £:tcmlscs to make them cl ctJmmcrclal lm~r­tanee.

Creep-li'ed PigB Grow · Bigger in Less Time

. Whlln p3gs on eye pastur~ ~flrc ctccp..fed,.lMl p~ ccmt more of the pigs survived to weaning ace than when they were forced to eat wJth the SO', expetimcnu at the Unf. versity of lWnoili tl~cal.

The average da!l)' raint of the pip are rrcilter under tho creep. fetding method. 'l'he dllferml!:e noted Of ;~ pound Pfil' pla a day it ot doubtful l!ilgnlftcan~. but the total gain for 100 t))gs Would aiil.CW'It to. a pounds fu favor of those rid lb Uib Gt'tep, It !ed lor -ill da1s. the too <Z't!.ep.tcd pigs wCtlld .show a dif· tctette~ ot .240 pounat mcrt potl. uv, to we~ninlt tinle,

your car your truck

younelf -

•Farm fotka koow you can't trust winttr weather. Yau hava to bt1 ~ t'nr blizlmrdt at any time. Hl~waya that are clear today may be dangeroua akidw~ tomorrow with f'resb fallen IOOW blding tRathet(}UJ patches of ice. Tbat'• 'fVhy MW no cttAINS are found on mWi0t11 of rann cara and trucb •

Thil wou14 be a bad Muter In which to 1ote the uae of your car or truck thrOugh • aldd erath, lbe beWwhicles ore atillacan:e. So are JleW tirtt ami good recaps. Better look a!tet your tire chairs. right away. For wben your wheell apin tn •now tl1' on ice, the heat quicldy damagu ycur tire&.

:Repair ltfYictable uted ~W. sncl; it Y9d ~~ed ~ew ones, ten your \qtZD eu.uH dealer at onec.

WMnTiNI . '.Slip--.

W•H Qoln•,, Grip ••

•• •

. ,,

• . , • • •

' . •



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Page 8: - uf linoc!ting out pill and death stalked in their wake ported the Silvt>r Tea will be oet --o---~oxen, troop collrontrntlono




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•onl!D lll«ltl AIJJIIOIJTY 01 Tllll C(lCA.COL4 COIU/Mf ..., ' ~

IUONOJ.I.& COOA..CO.LA BOHLnfQ Colll'..tJf'f a....co1a iutldlnJ, YanllUI lllvd. a& i.lrch, • l'uo, Tu.-


·• T-he

• . ' ,

. J . I

PayiCut 1 ·. Laot year ntc.4bls time I enjoyed :.

tha acqua1ntnnCQ of .a business man · . wh~e oalj~ry Wll.$ $50,000 a year. I

, lool;cd upon lllrn with a deal , of admiration and

with hard \Vork · 11i:~ employees, · . above 'ten thousand, cull li'r!.Ullt, He lives In p omoll town and helps a lot o1 people tg o quiet way.

Lru.;t \vcelt oomebody ohowed me n poco of q pockct-olzo magazine

, publiohed for the employees of his 1 company and I rend with grove in­

tereot that hlo pay hod been. cut. Ttmt woo news by nnybody'o stand· a1·d; most pcoplq arc; ncttinu rolses In pay theoe doyo. \Vhot'o · mor~. tbla mnn'o pay-cut m blc. It amounts to more In n year than most men mannce to accl.\mulatc in n whole lifetime.

Dis own Words "I lMloted thilt tho board of dl·

rectoro reduce my nnnunl onlory from $50,000 to ono doi.Inr." Ute



. olaned ntntement oold, "I havo not ~ been receiving net anywhero n~or

:c. :-e •: .::;•= 1-t,· :: : , :: : - --.. ·--= 1 o ycor f~ V/Oflttna ••..

We Are Happy to Offer

~"h h f · 1 Only $309.30 wnalctt tor my use out

WANTS ETC " UFt' n thr1et ' of my 1~ wacca .... Why ohould ' • Dible Clau Sunday Morning I permU tho company to pay out

- ----------- 10 80 A M C I ll 8,·1 850,000 a year to benetlt mo by oqly . • • ommun on · $30:J.SO?" Wnnwd Empty H-4in · bat•· A M. Or P. . Shnv11r IPI'.Idf'r Let mo malta honto to any thnt 1

our Customers. The Tltaworth Co I lac., Capltat. SB.IbAI. ,~llnw('l1 , tonrlm. Lntli· D ~::;J b~ :r~r~~~~ ~nh~ ~~~~t~th~~ e Clau Sunday f>V~~>nrnll money. I om not worried OOQ\1\ bin

Ready-to- Wear I fo.r

• Ladies, Miaaes

and Children



I Wunteti a lady tl) do ,be~~tr• 8 P. M. ' cmploycco either. 'l'hc fnl\hful worb· · , ern amona them wtt\ bo oblo to

work Good ar.lary an~ •bon __ ~---~ . rcUre~ in dlan(flct1 comtort. M:v onJy I boura. Addtl'l8 boJ 7S, Carrrzoa• • . conccrQ la over men \"Jho, next yeL~r

RESOLUT or lho next, moSt bunt jobo and not · I 0 N find \hem; jobo "Unc!o Fronh WOI!td Fur Sale-Wf!anlna aae pfil Whettu. tbor• WIU. on tho lut day or Wto to oftcr but can't .

Seo Gco Smath TinnlP, N. M. Odobtr.JD4ll, p:e•cnt• d to tho Board of nero .b ~:rF~~~~tc~tiJ poe. Co:mt1 Commlnlonoro of Lincoln Coun. oacc from hto llt~temcnt: "P<!rhop:.~

For Sale-Used barb wire. Tbt ty I peUtla::~ pr~ylna lor the Jac,orparn. you wonder why my net rcnllzoUo.."l Tlt.Wortb Co , Capitan. tlo11 of the Vntaro of Ruldo:m, 1,1,.col11 from woaco hoo been co email. 'filo

Ooantf, Now lf•~tlcn. to~roth , with 11 answer Ilea In tho cmtomet~ hlcrb

L di , t•~ d S pial abowllll th taundarit:~ ot tho art1::& lncomc toll rotco whl~!lapply to my

a t'fl li.IUitS an weatera at to b• wltblu tht propntcd Incorporation WO(jCD, added (1(1 \h(ly oro to my oth· Cn I · a1 11 ,._ • cr incomo, end to tho tact that t

ff ZOZO II CfC3Dt e ...U• an ' ffiUtll pay' not only federal lncumo Wha:ru, £~ IPJJt•rlna to t!:o Donrd c t to:~~co but oleo ototo lncomey tomo. ••

Cam!l)' Comnalot!cn•ra tt-at tl:o en!d Thl!l man w not tho enlv bin-com. Wanted to Reot-lmall boute Petltl:>n wu 11i0Pd by o majority of d1o pany officloJ In tho oountry who boa

or apartm~flt, mod•rn. Mg~. ADa ota-..1 eatatc I'C3!din11 witb'o tl:o cut a lordly lnc;omo ta lc~ than 10 AdiDJI, ctre Co. lllaiUi Dtpt. art• of Utt ~ropased Incorporation who ccnto 0 month. VJhy do thoy do It?

J... I" rut • Dccouc:o U1clr blg aulorlcn bcnctl\ 11

, .. ,..... Pa 11 • ~•tat• p.roporty tall for them co lllllo orut cc::Jt tholr llrmo or d T L i ' thf )"l&t W44 and, ~ ca mu~h. Uy YOWl! frtcnd 'Who

---·--· ~-~------ tl' ante ··• o eaet, 3 Sect •n' tnareu. wa:~ dopn:~ltcd wrrh otortcd toat ran to worrt h1o wa:v , of Land, with water antt'lira- DoiTf ef ('O)UI)ty Commllllllunem a throuch collcao, rurmlna 0 otoom

DO YOU \V ANT bl b n· b d Sbi 'd •um a1 mOI'lOY to COWtr tho fll• dl!::hWO'lhcr lour twuro a day, J'('O!· to aoll .,rur ranl'h? Wo b c OU!e.-- tC ar~. 1!1 ~ l'tlllltiC!farurveyaodCPOaugofthepro l:cd~~Ot<>ncllttlmMannlorytban

' ave 3t n23 pd CarttiOZ() M H. po~t• vll1aif ot Rulda:o and l thb ;;<.O,Oftrl o::eeuUvo. bu:v~>ro, (,•at with Ul any kfnd, I • • Wk tJ: n d • Wbo lJI InJured?

•rta.a. • .. oar cf Counly rvm. Mrn tYho cut oil bla aolorle h any GI~P. ao to 3000 l'Opaclty for Tho new Pontltto, the-new Bll!ek ~l:mmthtreaftor on tho atb dnv ot oUwr tneamo. 'fhot'o why thgJr ~:: prompt action. W. f.\ Mooro and t.he new Cht>vrohtt •r• all Olt October 194/S appnlotod thP """· o !"· roteo oro ctJ hl~h. 'fbot'o why they SalcJ Agoocy, Silver City, N. M . !lltf7, to tako romua of tho adult lo· cnn oflard to op!.IJ'n o oolory, Dut U

• 02n 1t dl•pJAy &I the Ctty Garal(e Mr babltantAI, and crdc:f<"d ,. . n. llnn .. l)v. ' they murra dccllno the proeccdo of RPII has a eo11tlnual atre•m tr the Coon•~ Elurveyor to mnhP 0 Autv~;v their ot·m llwc!ltcd eorninaa. one

~---- -· -· -~~-- ~-- v ialtesta 10 Jcok at tbt nnv eara. th Dro;;awa vill•ioand. , ' thlnu w wro: Th~? wru not. invcot Wht U: . , further eomln[j!j W otart ncrr1 van·

eo=.- = ::;=- • . rtat, . ere no fi!rd t7ilh tt:P turcn or m:pana old onco. Invcr.t-·--=--P-R ...... E~H"_M,_,' ... S....,......,,_ =------------. <n.r1roftht Beard on tl:o llltb floy of ment!lln lnminet:J oro not oo!o, nov.

foo r. (0MfORT October.1045 t!:e r.or.s·~ tnlum by thP ~r bavo been. Any tnvcnt.mcnt in 0 ltaY •• O. W •. nJJgy sllowinu 471 odultg n• ri.'llt.


• I

S1nta Headquarters i


Candy Toys Novelties Slnte lVXi Phone CO WE SELL FOR LESS


·Arch Supports

OF Al.L TYPES For Mea. WoMtll. Chlldrea

Sel~nlilica!ly Fiittcl


IJltltblz; tho &rc.:l of t~ ~rr>p'lr:ed · Men with manoy tm;cgl It only loeotpOI'llt!o:J and, i when they b~lio~. ro tho bent of

W.itrtat1 thtro ~ iltod ~·t tt: ' their iutlamcnt, that it wru pny ro~ ca k f-t · "" _. 1 ' •0 conoblo roturno. r.:aw they ate ouro

t • t:t uct~ru on tb l lltll dny of of only or.c thln,g: r.:cnrly evcry-Notl!!lbtr 104~ \t:o fillld cotl'D ·I ti:P thina an invcotmcnt CU1'n!l will t:o

a.~d a l'Za~ ol the con;g' m;.!U> of taxed away tram them. WUJ they the am to hum!.lraet~d within tilt pro invc!lt in no.-; cn~~t l-7(). Then PONd be.o7p:::ratf~n with tllo rorc~>tD d wllcre wiU cu'i- l'Cturn!na C<!rv!co th.a be~~.;a m&r"td by ator.o mmm mcu Oncl wc:k? Uclet!'J preocnt ~ O!t:ltl acl a atc:Jo r.Jonumo~t II" In tl:o ~~!lit 0:: a C::~~~. ~ ~~c d;;

II at•~,.'c·! theaald nrc a, eeruCcd to by A, crraco ct our tree Amar.lm. lf, u.rvty A!:ld,

Wb:tu, U:t Doard of County ('{lr.J

m!ts!c~n•. h~ltll of tho opinlcn t!:nt all N • _ nl k J • S . •f Ute prov!,!oo• ct tho let< provldiog ottCfl Q • e y I fudfo tvlll forUt !ne<Jrpo:atlon of Villo~ bo•e mak; your O.l.ulitman ~hotcs now blert rmay eoe,plfd with lDd it~ tattle Doo twaU u teif ':It' ,1. mir.ut~>.

Phone 60 bttt lzlw..n of tb ma.Jormr n1 t,.,e Ia _

I :1,. • • • • I • • • . '

, . ...... .

. . ·- -..........------------ --

We have in stock .

Boots an~hoes DIUgs and Mt dicirtes Ba Food ~ · Sash and. Doers Stock Salt Pipe Fittings Pump Leathers Asphalt Bale Ties


Shovels and Spades Men's Work Clothing Fruit Jars and Caps Screen Ooo1 s Binder Twine


, .

C· .. •

0 ils and Greases Paints and Va-rnishes q

Dry Cells "

Bone Black Chicken& Dairy Feeds Lime and Cement Roll Roofing Chicken Wire

nimal Traps , "

Ladie ' Ready-to-W ear· Gar1nents

Our Prt es Are Reasonable •

1 swor ..... 0., · Capi~an New M~xico



General Merchandise

• • 0





' I J

l p l:

~~~ \1



·-...... -==---------' hlbltfttttnrd:t:rwitbfu t!:o propv:ed •n•za!l!lil!tS!!Pl:rf.'!!!IL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!_!"!' .• l!"i!'!!!.LS!!'-_,.?'!"t ··""'~,--""·~'I!':. -"'!+•. "'!J"'t' '1"::::~~· .. • !!!.._!_~: !!!1!'!£11 ! -! !!l!!:a . · Ul•t a!d proz;~d lncarJ:ornt!an N OTIC£

The Sfore. of Quality, Price, Service

Men's Clothing and Furnishings _


' ec. • •

Sponsored by American Le,ion CAPJT AN. UN. M.

Benefit American Legion · Home Building Fund· .

Music byJ~·Piece Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME . . .

. ' Grade Sclao61 G:rm "'Sc ~ ...... ,, ... "" ·· · . ....- ,r• . ..,.:q

. '


:::,J .c.

• •

Suits, Hats1 Shirts, Shoe& .. . , Jackett Sport Coats; Trouser~ Socks,·

Ties and Work Clothes.

Wo~e~~s and Childrens .. ·Ready to Wear I

· Dre•se.s. Cnata, , Shoes, Slack Suit&.. .~#a Jack~ts, Hosiery. Blouses, Scarf~ ·

.Sweaters end Neckw~ar., · .. ·

Blfl:nkets ana Comforts .' . \ ,

<lro-ceJries . ... Fresh Meats Feed .· ~· ·


.Phone.62 ·· . ,


• .. I

f "

a .

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