

Let us be open accepting individuals

sensitive to change and willing to take

Courses untraditional, unknown to us.

Let us live as examples of God’s love.

VISIT ING EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY If you know of someone who is house-bound or in a nursing home/hospital and would

NEW TO THE PARISH? WELCOME! Please fill out the information below so we can get to know you. Pick up one of the blue information pamphlets next to the bulletins in the foyer so you can get to know us.

Name: __________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________

Phone: ___________________ Postal Code: ____________

Email: ___________________________________________

Need Pre-Authorized Debit package? Yes ___ No ___

Need donation envelopes? Yes ___ No ___

SUNDAY EUCHARIST at ST. ELIZABETH’S at OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION 10030 Third Street, Sidney 7742 West Saanich Road, Saanichton

Saturdays at 5 pm, Sundays at 10:30 am. Sundays at 8:30 am


Daily at St. Elizabeth’s: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am Third Friday: 9:00 am at the Legion Manor, 7601 East Saanich Road, Saanichton

Last Friday: 11:00 am in the Chapel at Saanich Peninsula Hospital

Remaining Fridays: 9:00 am in a private home (for location see “This Week in Our Parish” ...)

RECONCILIATION at ST. ELIZABETH’S: Saturdays 4 - 4:30pm, or by appointment.

Parish office: 10030 Third St, Sidney Mailing address: 10030 Third St, Sidney, V8L 3B3

Phone: 250-656-7433 Rectory: 250-652-1557

Email: [email protected] Web site:

Office hours: Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Pastor: Fr. Rolf Hasenack, O.P. Admin. Assistants: Melanie Ehrlich & Gary Koett

Associate Pastor: Fr. Thomas Chinnappa Parish Council Chair: Mary McGovern





Act 3:13-15, 17-19 EASTER 1 John 2:1-5 APRIL 22, 2018 Luke 24:35-48 Acts 4:7-12 1 John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18

Pastor’s Corner - April, 2018 - Ways of Being Christian At Easter time we are always having the sprinkling rite as part of our Sunday Eucharistic Celebrations when I go around with joyous children and with cedar pour generously (!!) Holy Water on you and myself (!) to remind us all of our baptism and our baptismal vows which we renew each Easter. We know that these vows require of us that we become “evangelizers”, living our faith in our daily life at home, at work, in school, wherever we spend time with friends or with the general public. Our celebrations in this Easter season help us to remember with joy and renewed hope how Jesus the Risen Lord journeys with us to enlighten, challenge, encourage, strengthen and inspire us with the gift of His Spirit so that we might find ways of being Christ-like, Christian, in our daily life. We are truly blessed to be able to celebrate in freedom our faith especially when we know that countless Chris-tians in Iraq and in the Middle East, in Pakistan, in China and in parts of India and Africa and elsewhere, do not enjoy that right and privilege, and are even being persecuted losing their homes, livelihood and living as exiles in uncertainty and often in danger. We need to keep these people in our prayers and continue to pray for peace and justice in those parts of the world. Let us remember that Jesus’ command, “do this in memory of me” is to celebrate the Eucharist, but also to become Eucharist, nourishment for others, in the way we serve and wash other people’s feet with our sweat and love. In the week to come from April 15 -21 National Volunteer Week gives us added incentive to find ways of being Christian and to recognize the incredible contributions of Canada’s volunteers and letting them know how much their ef-forts are appreciated by all. Volunteering is an essential and integral part of being Christian, of being ourselves and sharing the goodness within us with others. That is why we call this volunteering “ministries”: in them we are wit-nessing to each other and to others, the Gospel and the love and peace of God within us. This weekend you will hear about our Parish’s very important ministry of visiting the sick, shut-ins and home-bound, which from now on will be coordinated by Fatima Warner. We wish to thank her for coming forward as well as thank Richard Neary and Linda McGowan who coordinated this essential ministry for many years in our Parish. From April 22-28 we celebrate National Organ Donor Awareness Week. The Church has often stressed the importance of organ and tissue donation, again as part of being a Christian: “To donate one’s organs is an act of love,” said Pope Benedict XVI. Unfortunately, people in BC have the lowest participation rate in the whole of Canada.

There is a chronic shortage of organs as the need far outweighs the number of organs available for transplant. There are hundreds of British Columbians awaiting organ transplants and hundreds more waiting corneal transplants. Some organs that could be available for transplant are lost because the decision of the loved one is not known by the family. This again emphasizes how important it is for you to let your loved ones know of your desires re. the donation of your organs and tissues but also of your other desires re. funeral celebrations. Make sure that your family knows that you wish to have your Christian life and faith celebrated at the time of your death, meaning that you wish to have a funeral mass of the Resurrection gathering your family and your community of faith around the Eucharist. Please, consider registering as an organ donor. We encourage you to call BC Transplant at 604-877-2240 or at 1-800-663-6189 to request a registration brochure. Individuals may also register their wishes regarding organ and tissue donation online at Unfortunately, many of us have outdated ideas and knowledge re. organ and tissue donation. Transplants are cost-effective. The average cost of kidney dialysis treatment is $60,000 a year. By comparison, the one-time cost of a kidney transplant in BC is $23,000 with an additional yearly cost of $6,000 for anti-rejection drugs. Survival rates of transplant patients continue to improve, providing recipients with an extended and high quality of life. Please, continue to come forward to volunteer within our own parish. Speak to some of the people who have been ministering in various ways and hear from them the joy and satisfaction they receive from their minis-try. This month we also finish another year of religious education of our children. Additional volunteer religious educa-

tors are needed to continue the work. At the end of September we will continue the two-year program for those children preparing for confirmation and first Eucharist in 2019. We want to thank Carla and Jim Fretwell, Leonarda Manalo, Sta-sia Hartley and Hollie Beattie who have shared their gifts and talents this past year. If you wish to know more, please, contact me or the office at 656-7433 or e-mail [email protected] .



April 1 ................................................... $ 6,330

April 8 ................................................... $ 3,875

Pre-Authorized Debits (March) ........... .$ 4,905

Monthly Target ..................................... $25,000

Congratulations to Laura Swoboda

& Jose Baptista, who were united in marriage

on April 7 at St. Elizabeth’s.

FAREWELL SR. DONNA MACINTYRE After many years of active presence in our parish,

Sr. Donna will be going back to Victoria at the end

of April. We wish to thank her for sharing her faith

and knowledge with the Monday’s Faith Reflection

group as well as with the other ministries in which

she participated. Blessings to you!!

PARISH COUNCIL AGM: APR. 29 Our Parish Council Annual General Meeting will

be held on Sunday, April 29, 12:30 pm. in

conjunction with the Knights of Columbus

Pancake Breakfast. The AGM provides an

opportunity for all parishioners to become better

informed about the parish’s activities over the past

year and to provide an opportunity for input

towards planning for the coming year. All

parishioners are encouraged to attend.

K OF C PANCAKE BREAKFAST: APR. 29 $6 / person, 12 & under free. Lots of

good food and fellowship. Bring your

appetite and your appetite for

knowing more about what is going on in the parish

(do not believe everything you hear!) AT THE END OF THE BREAKFAST OUR



THANK YOU! When you attend our popular Coffee

Fellowship and enjoy that cup of coffee, you

should know that we have a generous

parishioner to thank for the donation of the

Fair Trade coffee. So, on behalf of all of us,

thank you to our ‘Coffee Angel’. We

appreciate your gift.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: MAY 5 Tickets still available for the 2018 Bishop’s Gala, May 5, 2018. This is an evening of great food, fellowship and exciting auctions - such as a fishing trip and other goodies. This year, the Ahousaht community, with Bishop Gary, has exciting plans that will be unveiled at the Gala! Tickets are $100 per person, available at or call the Pastoral Centre at 250-479-1331. If you are interested in joining fellow parishioners at our ‘parish table’, please contact the parish office a.s.a.p.

K OF C GARAGE SALE: MAY 12 K of C Garage and Plant Sale

May 12: It’s that time again

and remember all the fun you

had last year. The BIG EVENT

will take place on Sat May 12.

We are asking all our parishioners for help in

this very worthwhile fundraiser. Donations of

saleable merchandize are needed. Also, we

require volunteers to help us sell, sort, price

etc. the day before and the day of the event..

We may have a silent auction once again and

are looking for donations of higher quality

items such as china, antiques, paintings,

native artifacts, carvings and jewelry. Items

should be in like new condition. Call Denis at

250-213-2661 if you have items to donate, can

assist us, or require more info. Your

participation is greatly appreciated.

MARCH FOR LIFE: MAY 10 This year’s March for Life will begin with

Mass at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at noon,

followed by a march at 1:45 pm from

Centennial Square to the B.C. Legislature.

LITURGICAL WORKSHOP: Want to understand the Mass in a deeper way?

Are you involved in liturgical ministries? This

Liturgical Workshop is for you. Why Liturgy

Matters Workshop, Sat. May 12th , from 9:30-3:00

at St. Edward’s in Duncan. Free registration on

Eventbrite. Bring your own lunch. Facilitated by

the Diocesan Liturgical Commission Team. For

info call Glen Palahicky at 250- 479-1331.


All youth grades 8 - 12 are invited to the

“THRIVE” youth conference at St. Andrew’s High

School on May 25-27. Slip & Slide, Praise &

Worship, Soccer Game. Dance Party,

Adoration,Great Food! Teens who attended this

diocesan youth conference in past years say that

it is a great opportunity to meet other youth with

faith based values in a environment where

“strangers are friends that you haven’t yet met”.

Register now at


Powers of the Universe, Part 2, with Gertie Jocksch 6 Tuesdays, April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15 & 22, 10 am – 12 pm| $85 or $20 drop in

A Brief History of Ken Wilber: A Friendly Exploration of his Integral Philosophy with Layman Pascal .4 Wednesdays May 2 - 23, 7 - 9 pm $75 or $20 drop in.

Location: Friends Meeting House,1831 Fern St, Register: [email protected], 250-220-4601,

SISTERS OF ST. ANN CELEBRATION On Sat. June 2, you are cordially invited to join the Sisters of St. Ann as they celebrate 160 years of care, education, and the loving ministry of God’s love in the Pacific Northwest. The festivities will begin on Sat. June 2 at 10:30 a.m. with Mass at St. Andrew’s Cathedral.j A Reception will follow from 12:30 p.m. at the Royal BC Museum where a boxed lunch will be provided. Please email your RSVP by May 15, 2018 to [email protected].


Apr. 15, Sidney Classical Orchestra

Apr. 22, Via Choralis Both concerts begin at 2:30 pm.

NEED TO STAND UP! You may have heard that the Fraser Health Authority has ordered non-religious health care facilities, including hospices and palliative care, to participate in MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying). All staff must participate, they are not allowed to opt out! We believe that institutional conscience rights for healthcare workers includes their right not to participate in acts they consider wrong. “Providing euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is not in accordance with palliative care which affirms life and regards dying as a normal process. Let our health authorities hear your views!

PENNIES FOR HEAVEN: MAY 5 & 6 April 22 is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The following weekend, May 5 & 6, is the Knights of Columbus Pennies For Heaven campaign in support of seminarians/promotion of vocations.


MONDAY, APRIL 16 & 23 1:00 pm Faith Reflection

TUESDAY, APRIL 17 & 24 9:00 am Mass at St. Elizabeth’s 11:30 am Friendly Hours Soup Luncheon 7:00 pm K of C Rosary (Apr. 17) 7:30 pm K of C General Meeting (Apr. 17)

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 & 25 9:00 am Mass at St. Elizabeth’s 10:00 am Taiji Qigong

THURSDAY, APRIL 19 & 26 9:00 am Mass at St. Elizabeth’s 11:30 am Friendly Hours Soup Luncheon 2:00 pm Prayer Group 6:00 pm Parish Council (Apr. 19) 6:00 pm Taiji Qigong

FRIDAY, APRIL 20 & 27 9:00 am No mass at St. Elizabeth’s 9:00 am Mass at the Legion Manor (Apr. 20) 11:00 am Mass at Saan Pen Hospital (Apr. 27)

SATURDAY, APRIL 21 & 28 4:00 pm Confession 5:00 pm Mass at St. Elizabeth’s

SUNDAY, APRIL 22 & 29 8:30 am Mass: Our Lady of Assumption 9:45 am Children’s Faith Formation (Apr. 22) 10:30 am Mass at St. Elizabeth’s 11:30 am Coffee Fellowship (Apr. 22) 11:30 am K of C Pancake Breakfast (Apr. 29) 12:30 pm Parish Annual General Mtg.(Apr. 29)

For the latest schedule see

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