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F. No. 15-212020-F5.3

Goventment of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Department of Higher Education

External Scholarship Division


This is with reference to the MHRD Public Notice dated l2 April 2020 vide which 45 India

students were nominated to the Ernbassy of the People's Republic of Korea for the 2020 Global Korea

Scholarship for Graduate Studies.

2. The Embassy of the Republic of Korea has now informed this Division tlrat the National Institute

for International Education (NIIED) has made its final selection with regards to the aforementioned

scholarship. The firral result is available at the study in Korea website(https:i/ The List of finally selected

candidates by the NIIED via the Embassy track is hereby enclosed. This notice supersedes this MinisJ4y's

Notice dated I 1 May 2020 /

r',u[g{f,,,rUnder Secretary to the Government of India

Dated the l3tr' of Julv 2020

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LIST OT T.INAI.LY qELECTED INDIAN CANDIDATES BY.THE ryIIE.D THR9UGH THBITMBASSy rRagK roR rHr, zozo,clQnal xoRE,q, scHor,ansnrp ron cn roulrr


MASTERSSl. No. Nanre University Allotted DepartmenUSubjectI Shrawani Kumari Hanyang University Korean Lanorrcoe anrl I2. Mandeep Kaur &gang University International Trade3. Arbaz Hussain Pusan National University Craduate School of International

tuCr"s (GSIS)4. Rakesh Burrnan Busan University of Foreign

StudiesTrarrslatiorr and Interpretation

5. Pempo Hanyang University Korean Studies-Korean LanguageEducation- Korean Studies

6. Vahchonghoi Haokip Busan University of ForeignStudies

Korean Language Education

7. Shivani Singh Ewha Womans University Korean Language and Literature8. Neha Sam Seoul National University Bttsirress A dmin icf"o+i^-9. Maria Tariq Pohang University of

Science and Technology(POSTECH)

Environmental Science &Engineering

t0. Preeti Borkar Chungnam NationalUniversitv

Electric Power and Automation

lt Ankur Kurnar Bansal Pusan National University Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering

12. Vidush Agrawal Korea University Biornicro System Technolosy13. Shobhit Jain Hanyang University Civil and Environmental

Engineeringt4. Samanta Pal l'usan National I Jniversitv Material Science and Engineerinet5. Neha Jain Korea Advanced Institute ofScience arrd Technology(KAIST)


16. Naina Kumari Seout National Universify Physics & Astronomy17. Pooia Singh Gyeorrgsang NationalUrriversitv

Applied Life Science

I8. Murtaza Ahmad Dar Pohang University ofScience and Technology(POSTECH)

Environmental Science &Engineering

te. Tffi RESEARCHKyuns Hee Iiniversitv Cornputqr Science and Eneineerins20. Girraj Sharrna Seoul National Universitv ofScience and Technology

Electrical and Info.rnation



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