Page 1: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( , i';e Syllabus for

As recommended b\ ,,' board cApproved b'.:;,'

•. ofM.P.

t~ldies and!\1.P.



Paper Til Ie


1.;"1)"'\'07' 50t- II , . •..


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Semcstcr-Course I

~I~ -- I

~CJiT~ - 11( :~T) 1WJT1JTf 7{T1 qr;'lffl'n 17'cr ,,'R'1L(

( 6i)QTlillJU eFT rT"fn:f1XUf'RTff:rrl"i'lWr. ti«i:\:ri1Wr1.1(~f) j;l-;:nn I iFf 31".t \;d 'Tchl\. ~-v:rcR'?lf

'Tncrlcn: 1F'Wil q>=rrrf 01 ~j, 3T"'1 'T'fTcrIT "151 '& <s


~ei)i:'i - III( 3J) ~1~~~1'~('ri": ':17~1fcT~


( 6f) , 3r"rcD\'~r(TR( xl) W<t't ~m'iF! 3Fim-c'ITCi(c;-) ;X:IT<:;\'ct ~rl1i~ili:F 3Ti~m 1i(?;;,., '. ""'IIY<'I :I"i:'

'i',(j)f~ - !V '( ;jT) 31~f '15T X"-<1\'i)C[ \Cf WDW( 6f) 'i~::lfi(jen, 'RH"l \0 l;[q,T", TJ', ">-=-->'IT"I'\'<;:i J 6 \"CII ~'l ! ,:

("4) \3"YllT;:r

~ri -V

, )

" P"':TO'~Ff ifr'ifTii cf; '}C;jIT?

2.. ;gT, X"f1Tl1(~TC:r 'TfTJ~7J," :~Tfi'7;:rr q'; 'fiG l;j"['1Co'

3- ::.;-~i. '-q-;~n\l" ~TPi1~-_. '~n'0:~- ~t-:::r crT ,?r.=rii!'(Yj~lo

4 .. D.M.D,HU\, the six ways of Knowing5- Dr. ~adhakrishnan - Indian philosophy Ve' • "nd II6- Swami S!'lprakashanda -Method ofKn()v',<:;:~e

(31) ~W~'-q-J:]TtJ"; ':f); '~Rr\ll)'q

( 6f) 3Tfiif%C1T;i'F.rcTr~ \Cf 3fuf11mcfCJT?;3W1TL,-Tc1~:r::;-r:r(1RtT

'3'Ftrfr ';j'O{)1

1, i1, cft<'i"n \fC1Tn:rF1

Page 2: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P.Semester wise syJlabus for Post graduates

As recommended by Central board of Studies andApproved by HE the Governor of M.P.

Session-2009-10Marks - 50

M.A. I SemesterPhilosophyWestern EpistemologyI~Two

Class-Sub.iect-Paper Title-Semester-Course-

Lnit- 1.Belief and knowledge, nature of the concept/conceptual knowledge,dialectic (pre- Socratic philosophy up to Plato).

Unit-2Sources of knowledge, Cartesian method and criterion of knowledge,Nature ofInnate Ideas (Modern period: Rationalism)

Unit-3Perception vs. Primary & Secondary Qualities, Refutation ofInnateIdeas, and Limits of knc:dge in Lockes Philosophy (Modernperiod: Empiricism).

Unit-4Forms ofIntuition and Categories of understanding, Types ofJucigments, Possibility of Synthetic Judgment a priori (Kant).

TheC'ries of Truth: Self-Evidence, Corresponding, Coherence andPragmatism.Books Recommended:

l. Russell,B.,Human Knowledge: Its Scope and limits.2. N.Rescher, Coherence Theory of Truth.3. J.Hintikka, Knowledge and Belief.4. R.M.Chicholm, Thcory of Knowledge.5. Dr.Harishankar Updhyay: Basic Questions of Epistemology

(Hindi).6. Dr.Chandradhar Sharma: Western Philosophy (hindi).

. -

Page 3: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,


M.A. I SemesterPhilosophymodern Logic1""-

Marks - 50'Class-Subject-Paper Title-Semester-Course-

Unit-I.(I) Subject - Matter of logic:

a. The nature of logic,b. Deductive & Inductive,'2. Propositions d. Truth and Validity.

(2) Infonnal Fallacies:a. Fallacies of Rclevance,b. F,llacies of Ambiguity,c. The Avoidance of Fallacies.


Unit-2(1) Definition:

a. Purpose of Definition,b. Types of Definition,c. Techniques of Definition.

(2) Dilemma: The three .,ys of refuting a dilemma.Unit-3

(1) Categorical proposition:a. Standard from Categorical propositionb. Traditional square of Opposition.

(2) Further Immediate Inferences:a. Conversion,b. O:JVersion,c. Contraposition.

Unit-4(1) Existential Import,(2) Symbolism and Diagrams of Categorical Proposition,(3) Categf)rical Syllogism;

a. Standard from categorical syllogism,b. The fonna 1n~;'" :: of syllogistic arguments,c. Venn Diagram Technique for testing syllogism,d. Rules and Fallacies.

Unit-5(1) Causal Connection:

a. Mill's methods,b. Criticism of Mill's Methods.

Book Recomm.-:nded:

1. Copi,I.M: An 1rilro(;,,_lIOr, to Logic.2. Stebbing: A modern introduction to Logic,3. Cohen & Nagel: Logic and Scientific methods.

Edit. by Prof.Gayatri Sinha:4. Dr.Bankelal Sharma: Introduction to Logic.

I.e. sharma - Ethical philosophies ofIndia

Page 4: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of Higher education, if ". of M.P.Semester wise Syllabus for '_',

As recommcndc"l : ' Central board 0_, udies andApproved by HE the Governor r",1.p.

Session 200S-0nward


Paper Title


Philo:;;:lphy C;~10[ fit ll'2"51~~-~lr;:~

Semester- >T:?1Tf ';0\1~~,,,,,.. ,,.;, ..:..•..,,

Course IV ' P.( ~. 50~ - If",

~ .,"1R'I "! II M ct X1fl1R1 (1e:rur, 1:rmW.T ~::;1' 'en] Wr;-m ''51[(1 'TCi m<:l?f[1Tf -\;Ci ~, <:trT \;Ci e',-1 ~Tcl~- II''"I1Iqci:Tl("j1 (~Cb4d1Jl. "e;er" F~il]'g) , ~ ffi, i'i \jQI;QcB1"!lC'i(~'f;;QI"1) cwn~$lfclt>I'i ( l'f1t, ~UTT,~-f11\C\1liill) 'df;1 Q~Tq mc'l ( -(;';:\;1, m 'TCi ~)~ - III

<:trT ~ ct 3iJffR 7:fl1 CT~-nm"l1, ~ ~, c.-;,Tt~',-'J1 ~i';Cf)~ - IV

~' ct :31JfIT' <.p:[ ( ~-f.'1tfa,3TQ-\crrc;) ,~lH~-"!T, ~:'i:nu:r --\WH "01Cfn'!'c<Tclr:cf'T.T-ft-f<sT"\l ct -;']f(, ,cnqp,-;:r~-V

WiCbIc11"1l1T~\fm "'i'i'Rl WT-3r •

Fc1~CbI"1~(~) , TJT sTl ( 10PT~--~ff) ,fcATm ( 'lfGF 1:;ci ~ ~cfT )

Suggested Readings --

~~~ - 'lfRffi<:! ~im1 COT~m1-mfcl \Ji'r.tiT- ;frf'fl"!TH'?fS.K.Maitra - The Ethics Of j Ile HindusR,Prasad -Karma Cuusalion unci Retributive 1\,/10<"i:ySri Aurobindo '., Essays on the Gita'~ -

. ~.,:, I



Page 5: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,


Iq.f! far ~ 1R5{

Department of Highel' education, Govt. of M.P.. Semester wise SYllabus for P.G.

As recommended by Central board of Studies and @Approved by' HE the Governor of M,P,

Session ZM9-0nward,

. ',.1

.. \:'\




Paper Title

Semester-Course V

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Page 6: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

,.t ..

Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P.Semester wise syllabus for Post graduates

As recommended by Centrallioard of Studies andApproved by HE the Governor of M.P.

Session. 2008~09

Marks - 50

Class-Subject-Paper Title-

J Semester-

M.A. PreviousPhilosophyProject workII.~

I. Yoga and Working women2. Criminal attitude and Degration of moral values.3. Non-Violence and Terrorism.4. Philosophy and Environment.S. Positive thinking.

-. ."..:...._--,.::;;;- '-'"

Semester- [ Project work Marks - 50


The student will submit their project work tor Evaluation. Students will have toselect anyone topic for their project work.

~..."..-----_ ... -._-_._- _ .._-_ ..- .._ .._- . -."._ _-------_ .


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Page 7: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P. @Semester wise syllabus for Post graduates

As recommended by Central board of Studies andApproved by HE the Governor of M,P.

Session-2009-10 P..ev'; (f4S' ...:.

Marks - 50

Class-Subject-Paper Title-Semester-Course-

JUnit-l I\..Q.. (\ ~ )(I) Nature and Scope of metaphysics, (.crCOj J\IFfTr--n afjl ;>=\ ,,!' I" ef' .~'f(2) Metaphysics and Science, r rl-c.q- a-:fl <BHd J e.q~ RJ"il Jaj )(3) Metaphysics and Religion, \. ~ , .-L

(4) Metaphysics and Mysticism(ptotinus) ('FCQ~l'a::iJ:-tJ ~ ~..JUn_it-2. =.' , ",,--~(Q=cq i}D.?iH..i J~~ "{ex-<J Cf I~.J

(I)Characteristics ofldeas (Plato) l?l n .".L\- A .., % "".'::'.(2) Ideas and Things (Plato) (<.1'1 '-OJ Iq~) ~d h:. l c.crl0:)(3 )Types of CauSes (Aristotle);).'? ~ ell ~ ~ q-<3 l"...J(4) MatterandF orm (Aristotle J.'t~~ 1.(-o) . ~ >'1.(3) ~ . <- ~ P

Unit-3 . ~:)~\v -'1021 ._~ "TTr~ x ---.J )(I) Dualism(Descartes) . r ..:311-91 ~ (1,..-l

(2) Pluralism(Leibniz) fin q I ~ (.:5"'5) [ I

(3) Mind bo?y problem ~nd . . ~\~Cl J~ (ti1Rj(;;f.jcl():J, SpecUl~~~S(Inter~ctIOOIsm,paralle!Ism,preestablished Harmony) 1fif ~Bii0l

~t-4 '. (Q D tp2.1' q , re I 'HJjlaild"rl~ tt Ie[ ~-<:il.l1f1Jcl '<..-1 P1"~<::y ~---,;;'@Th~~l)Subjective Idealism/Berkeley) -3~led _ ~~_ £j '.. 'LJ\l; (2) Agnosticism(Ka.nt) \J:} l~ ?{Ci}LJCJJee.. - 6(~ _

. (3 )Objective(Hegel) -:::.3~.?1l\ 'lICe. 0!"3 (~Unit-5 " . ~ ~

(l) God ~s Unmoved MOV~r(Aristo.tle) ~. <.{~q< .~ -L./lf'O) a?qv'1 :Q(2)God as Efficierit Caus~(Descarte~~

(3)God as Substance(Spinoza)~~'~ r@ S~O\( ~d[ ~ l -Prt/Oj)UV !.

-~-_._~-~-~._...-.-.__ .,_._'--_._--------_._----_ .._.--'~"'----..'-'- ._-_ .._.~,_.,--. -_. ---.:._-" _ ..... _ .•.--_ .._- ....-....- .._~.-.-.__ ...._--_ ..._-_. __ ._._- '"-_._~._'"..~- .._----.

Page 8: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,


C;~far 91JOIBook Recommended: @I. Sinha S.B.P, Metaphysics: Past and Prescnt, Darshan peeth,Allahabad 1981.

2. Aristotle, Metaphysics: English translation by l.A.Smith andL,W.O.Ross.

~ Oxford: 1908.

3. Collingwood,R.G.,An Eassy on Metaphys.ics,Oxtord: 1948.4. De George,R.T.(Edited) CI<;lssica! and Contemporary Metaphysics,

Holt, Rinerhart and Winst0ri, New York. 19625. Fuller, History of Philosophy.

6. Taylor,A.E.,Elemerns of f-1etaphysics, Methun & co Ltd. London:196 I .(aIso, hindi translati0t!Jentitled Tattva Mimamsa bySudhinsdra Verma, Hindi Sarniti, Lucknow: 1967)

7. Bahm,A.J.rnetaphysics '. An, irnroduction Harper 7 Row, NewYork,1974.

8. Oaya Krishna (Edited) pashchatya Darshan Granth Academy.jalpur.

9. Falkenberg, Richerd, History of Modern Philosophy, OriginalGerman Edition:hennery Hoit 7 Co., English translation byA.C.Armstrong, Indian Editiop: Progres,;ive pub. Calcutta 1962

10. \VnL:-L., r~-L-:;>'1\/rctaphysics.~oi'J(;3'"! .,...~". ~_ Jo_.:, •. ~~",.,,~~-.c



Page 9: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

GQ~dr91ra@Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P.

Semester wise syllabus for Post gradl.:atesAs recommended by Central bHard of Studies and

Approved by HE the Gov(~rnor of M.P. p: \ .5-Session-2009-10 'Oe..,Y'/tnJ

/~?.. .~


Class-. Subject-Paper Title-Semester-Course-

Marks - 50. .~.

M.A. II StiH~r CPr~~f<S'-V\) IT.: ~Phil9sophyfRtPdern Logic 3.n~~?r-0)~n~IIVII ;. , .

Unit-l~RtCl3ld""l5 (i ~jJtJ '!5J !;;tI~(I)Development of symbolic Logic and its use: 12d>[ ~-l'l":; ,?l.jitPJ.J~~.t'( ~ Simple and compound statemen:s,>') ~. o':t,,1 b) Con3~ction, 1?isc?njuction, Negation. :i\141Vi=J.5"tJ 4FsH ~ ~ E4 ,5iNTfL ~,EJc) MatenallmpucatlOn. ,Unit-2 lb9<-j. L ~-.~ .sDT ~~

1I,,(2)Argumeuts Froms and Arguments: t ri <£i 31104;;>l~ ~ ~a) Argi1mcnts froms and Truth':" Tables. ~ 0i 1<;1~ ~ "'<=iC'J/("Ij \~:j/~o 11-....

5>1-0) Stakments fr01~s and stateneflts. ~ 3:J, 't>1~. ~ .. ~tf1

...:\>~~'~:~~~~~~~7{ti:~Cf/g:- ~ '~~~~~~ .~~. Contingent 7/ 6401jQid

Unit-3 ~4n~L~lq}I?~The Method of Deduction:

,-~~~~~~~~~a~~~:~~~~i~~l~~i~~~'.' .,,~.,?.ti6(c)Proofofil\y~Jidjty. , ,

Unit-:( 1) ProPoS~~iO~~I';:'~~t;on~ ~nd qual itics .. '..\ (C .... ~v~~,\o;)\~5 (a) Slfigular PropositIOns and General Proposltlons ...}l( ....'1.3(b) UniyeJ~al ~~fi~atioqs an~~E~ist~ntir~ Quaifications. / ( ),

. (2) logiC of RelatIOns: \~ ., ". "f

(~) Symbolisin~elations"}, \ IJ..-(b) Some Properties of Relations, \ (,,(e) Identity and the Definite Description- ~

, ,


,. '

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.. :)...........• -- ..... -~._. __ ..... .:;' J

Page 10: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

\. .-

~---===:::: ..,--=============------~~=====-------.--~.. ..---. j

Unit-SScience and Commonsense:

(a) Scientific and unscientific l!xplanation 7'6 ~f1JICi3er~ cP-I!..!-.,,1j(b) Evaluating scientific explanation 2;-0 .':)Ttfi- ~ ll~ cn.j R..oU J 'q)) ~(dJfJfj(c) Verifiability and Falsifiability ". 0 1:\

. ';K c 4:\'+."\\ 4 r\ \ ~ \lOL\(q;-n qe\/l .Book Recimmended: .

(I) LM.Cpoi: An Introduction to Logic(2)I.M.Cpoi: Symbolic logic(3) Stebbing: A modern iMrodliction to logic(4) Earmt nagel: The Stracture of Science(5) Logic and Scientific method. Cohen and NegaL


r:=:::.';;~~~-,. ",-_'.",,,,.•"'_..-.-",....".:..,.~~","...

, ,

Page 11: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

, .-,I.' .' fj~~~/\)GflIaT fl rri51 \-\

~""'/ , ,@Department of Ii Ik;'r:edu~'ation, Go'vtof M.P.

Semester wise syllabus for Post graduatesAs recommended by Central board of Studies and

Approved by HE the Goyernor of M.P.Session-2009-10

Class-Subject-Paper Title-Semester-. Course-


Marks - SO. '",,~M.A. H-Sem~te1"(frtvffl\A-'1):II ~

Philosophy, 4 /"e.. ll~Western Ethics -\:tH~iT'(f'l:f...-i \~IIVIII

(I) History 0 f Western Ethics(2) Nature of Western Ethics

Unit-2 -0 Cl"'" \ 0L <0() ) en} 1'(4 ;::nrB'"Kant's Ethics ...•...

(l)The concept of Good will \.J) ~ Q.01#£'(;"1 etiJ -3/q~ I'(2)The concept of Duty ~

(3)Categorical Imperative ~ -Waj~~HO II' r:-'\ "" " \

(4) Autollomy of Will 'bi1<n.J <:Bl CjdffoO(o7 i-Jo?l..J£f-J 3115~JL5)Evaluation

Unit-3 'l1~c-q ci]- (=€Irl/CJ)Moore's Ethics C0bTIT(I )The subject Matter of Ethics .~ 93f dTt42JJ 5' _'_(2)Concept of Good

(3) Naturalistic Fallacy ,<l) ~~TJfjJ *MiilJ erg-(4)Th.e.~oncept ofOr~anic "hole@ 8J8f ~ff~ i~ r:l~C-'CP"~r)'-

. (5)Cntlclsm of Hedonism ~3 ~~C'fl'ff 'J:;.Y!. ~ }J7jf(fJ4fJUDlt-4 oU-<.q~/t( "? G-{lcW)~-1T ~~,Mfta Ethics :!J

(I)Cognitive Theories . ~ ~ ~c(> I~t7w

cY' .1a) Neo - tntutlOntsm: .' 0)l..-;q- r- &f(f: .5J-snqrc{ ~.

// (I) ~undamental AssumptIOns :1.. 2l--\, ~~ ~~ 'd-j iu-r:rme./ (2)EvaluatlOn r1F'l 'Cf.,..r. ,

tb) Elh;e,l Nal,,,Hs", g4~{t'i<fI'( "Jc""-IJ"'1w f.?"~ (I) Fundamental Assumptions Tr;-"~ rJI,I1J')'

/(2)Evaluation ~, 6i t.~,-< RL7 ~ \ '1, .-..-.

£ . '~crr-~~'-"?-'l-----

• I, ,i :

Page 12: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,


Unit-S \~on-Cognitive Theories: ~~~1-;)\cnc;

',.,'A) Emotivism ~. f;;-. Jr t:0T:f(l)AJ.Ayer W ~\' , '~--<

(2)c.L.Stevenson @ .~ .~C'1 . ~~lC>j ~ 1 .~ Prescription ism n . ~

(I) R.M,Hare ----:J . CD ~\rz--,~:')j' e.q{'(2) Nowel Smith cR 4~ ~rer-

Book Recommended:I) The Moral Law - HJ.Paton2) Principia Ethica ,- (f,E-Moore3) Traditional and contemporary uhics - Western and Indian - prof.




Page 13: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Dep"rtmenl "I' RiAher Edu<:lIti"n, G",,!. "I' M.P.Unller Gralluate S"me.<t"r wise S~'lIahlJs

us I'ccnmmended by Centrul Boai'll of 8tudil'S lind app.'m'l'd h)' the GUVN"'WI' of IVI. P.~ ftm-ll fc!'n'rr, 'I. >I: 'lITiR'i

~ 'l?1ffT31l<t 1WTTIi'I,,~x 3lJ'1r, 'lrcpT<fi1l~ ~ ~ &Rl ;~ (f~ '{ >I. <t xl'i'N[(if &Rl ;>~

Session (~) 2011-]2: M.A. / -qtf,~,: THlRJ)/~: PhiloSOl)hy / G~.1'tIl'bl: Contemponu1' Westel11 Philosophy: 'WfcVl<'1Ff ql'lill~ .G'lf;f: IX/'~: COMI'ULSORY / 3lf.rcmt: 50: C.C.E.-I & n -35+15 = 50

Pal"ticuhU's / fclcRoT(j-J-. E-.-M-~-o-r-e-:-;:;T:;;-h-e-r-e-;;fu--t-at-io-n-o-f-I-de-a-Ii-s;L'-E-x-t~rnai-m~-(Tln1-er-na~e-l-at-.i6~-''''-~-----------~--_..__.._._,..

111111-1-.~~q~,i-=-~"-~W.=-;'A:1if<1;m;ll?Tq RIC;~'f)fiT;;:@'5'l, -nQ.<l 3Ti~:~rrdRCf;---fr.iu i---~---.--.--~-------.-..-..-.-... . _. - . -_ ...__ . -;:;:-~:----;---'-;----;--;----;-~--;--;-'---------------------------_._ ..

I!lIit-2 B.Russel :Knowledge by Acquaintance and knowledge by Description, log.ical Atomisl1l.

C'I ass / (f)/ffTS(~meslel'/ ~Suh.jed / ~Tide of Suh.i(~c1GI"OUI)frNlI 'lll!O CfiT ~COlli'Sl~/ illNCllIlllllllsOI"Y/ 3lf.'t<mf m Optionall act>f(:qct> 3lf.'t<mfMa~. Marl,s 3lfWptrlf aict>Noh' /-.fie

- _. - --- .oo_.._--_ ... _- .. _. . __ . . .. _ __ . _. __ .. _oo._._

iFflrif -, 2 <ft. ~C1 qRi111IC'icp m I(Ci quprR'1cfi mol, C'fffcI\(f)~ I.--_ ..--. r:--:-:-:-~-__:--=_:_:_-___=__,__:_:--_:_-,--__:_~------~--.~-----------.-.-------

IInll-3 Wittgenstein : Philosophical Analysis, Language game.- ~lfil~ -=-.;- tt~~l C;I~fP!cplcl~, irr1'fTlfl~~-1---------.---~-- .._----.--.---.






(~) 12.



Ilnll-~ Evolutions theory of Bergson: Phenomonology -. HussreliFtlrEf-=-~----iir~Tc1ir mTl!l ~, ~~T cfi'ilT,f':riT--~oo--' .-----.---.-----.----.--- ----..--'-'----~--'----~----,-:---;-_._--=:--.~--:------------~_ ..---_.

T. Language Trulh & Logic -by AJ.Ayer2. The Concept of mind --by Gillbert Ryle3. Six Existentialist Thinkers -by H.S.Blakam4. Ex.istentialist and Humanism -by l.P Sartre.

(English) 5. The ChiefCunents of Contemporary Philosophy .-byD.M.DultaThe nature of mind -bv Prof J.P. ShuklaWittgenstein --by D.NDwivediThe Chief currents of Contemprorarv Philosophy .-.bYD.M.Dutia~R ~. ~'f:.ilm"':';ifC31~1'lfi'f-'>T.,iliwift-<T-Ql ~Wil~-X1"Tcp[c;\1-rj '~~~11;fU1ClT<{t(:wff~ .~ 3rpTlcqrr -;SlTfl7l'~lfuom, l1'Af~r-<,!1lJ"~;r;~T~cr'lf'l. q'; 'F;l 'A"'l- ;if1~crn~UJ C1lC1-'>fjCllXm, 1,RFBr<ft IF''.:j3f<'f>17, ,itLJT'~'qTfll -c:~j"l ,;r~~'1<Tilc~l"l];l~<TI --;sT.-X~~~C!l=ft. Tf];l f~~,n""'!.l ;jjcfirc:Aj

31ftfr<'q(lTi', l'i 'TFTC! ~~rm'?l<TI(Ci ,-:mR<;-rri:! 0'1 <tr ~ 111«11 ."i1~n"1T f'l-'>l, -Xni't,'<T >rq;T~FT,'lTRrPn-.1F;~'1cPlc;\T~j Qr.rT-ITf<1 c:~l"l -~1<ftq';.C1lC1-TflBlcqWl -1'H'i'I!Tl"Hn.o/Im,

Hecommended Books

••••••• _._ ••• -- ---~._--;:;:;;---;;----..,.-:::---:-:----;;---~_._---------_. __ ._-----_._--_ •• _. __ •• __ .- ••• oo

Ilnlt-4 AJ. Ayer : Theory of verilication, function of philosophyi7~J:it-_--;-t--~~-~;:;ll~~'-:=---:;1(;:;:1 f<1:;:;;:,rrq;:"1'lRr-tj;::;<fi iC'f, "irif'l'f)f-cpf-.ifi-.-- -~-.--.-----.---~ .----..---.------.--.-


Page 14: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of Higher Education, Go"t. of M.P.lindeI' Graduate Seme.ter wise Syllahu.

us l'l~cmnmemJed hy Ccntrnl Board of Studil"s lind apprm'l'd bJ the GuvC'nwr of iVI.P.\YO<Iftnfir fcl1wr. '1,>1. '<THl'l

'Ffl<TCfi 'filffiW <f; full ~c, ~f1" q IC\'1 if> '1~ 3IUfll'l ~ I<RT 3f'f~ (fqf 'T. >I. <f; ,~ I<RT ~~

Session (~) 2011-12M.A. { "\[ll.~.: THIRJ){~: I)hilosollhy { G~'1:tIlt31.: Adwait Vedant: a$T 'am: X {G~r.rr: OPTIONAL(A) {~q>~tf> (3l): 50: C.C.E.-I & J) - 15+35 = 50

ChINS { iIlllflS(~meNtel'{~SII h.led {fiJllfflTith.' of Subj(~ct Gmupfl:llfIf il'f1!U <fiT ~ClIlI"S(~{~CllmllUlsOI)' { arf.rcmf m Optional {~q>R:qq>arf.rcmfMax. Marl,s 3l~q>dfj 3fq>'Noll- {-;fie

cPal'ticulllJ'S { fcl'r.Rur

-~~---------------------------_._----------~-~_._-----.-Feature and nature of Adhyiisa. Kinds and Importance of Adhyasa, Adhyasa and

ll"it-I. ~ Khyativada, Relevance of Adhya~ . _31UJm em <'TefUT ~ ~--q

3~ eB- >fCl)R ~ ~, 3~ ~ ,9~rf\1crrc:,3lUH'R qft ~T

Chatuh SutriAthato Brahma Jigyasa, J,mmadyasyah YaJl!!~ . _

'tlTI~ 3T~ \\Il:('""ifu1$1RTI,Vl''l=JTEWI <F'l

t 1"lt-2

II"lkl Shastrayonityat, Tattu Samanvayat

- ;~~-~.~;-- "1~~I(j, ~ fl'""i'''WlI(j'

Tarkapadat 1,,11-4

Refutation of Sankhya Concept, Refutation ofNyaya Vaisesika Concept.--=-. . ~----------------------------oq)'-Ilc; - ,TIL«l'""i(j em @&l, '''IT<:J q;Jllqcp '1\1 CfiT @;S"i' I

Refutation ofVigyanvada

Refutation of Jainism-------------_._----------------------------

R1$1I'1ql,~ em ~"i', ~('[ CfiT ~'11

t 1,,11-5



I. The Heritage or Shallkara -S.S.Roy2. Stud~' in Early Aclvailn -TM.P.Mahadevall3_ Ag~ml Shaslra or Goudupacla -v.Bhat1acharyn4. Life OfTIH~':Jg!It...()iShil':1kracharva -GC~Pan<:l~.:..__________5. 'lWmt >R'l!1T'1 \!ci fcicr'!"l -.;n"-TH em gc'l'1IC"'ICfi 3lRI<f'1 --'!lM~CI

w616. 3@l m- ~s13TC!t., fl1-'>l, '1.>rfu':U.3TCJiTG'f17. 3Tr'-fl?:f;J-r-cnx -q \Jf<:JWI lTr-'>l8. 3Jto m- "r=rWf ;J11=rl9. ~~ '!,'R'CI(-1l CJiT C:~"i' --;s1>rcfTq m, Cfc1TfflCj)(Y[Cfi,f~ C'i?TI

10. ~l1Cf>lNCf)j-lmLflG11. '\\I'iO,"Rj:;:! -f!len Qx'f, .-TR\!~12 'tlTI"1:::fl-i!lTrcnlel f:;r:rrclil13. 3Jto ~ <$1' \lTfcIfu;'J1~f1'rcnl-;s'f -d'r ~f~ffilq~~'l..'.~~':l..~t'!.~'!~_Cji1.~,":1-;s'f~<ft.\9'. 'Q~c1T _ ..

Page 15: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department of Higher Edun,tilln, GlIl'!. Ill' M.P.Under G"'\lIUllte S,mlCsil'r wise Syllahus

liS •.ecunnne.nded by Cent •.••) BOlin) of Studil'S nnd apprm'l'll by the Governor of M.P.. ~ fum f<'t>,Jll, 'I. R ~IT'Ff

~ 1'J>/ffl31'l~ ~ 00,:, 3fT,r, 'rrcpr'l"1~ ~ ~ am 3I'j'm~rcrTIi!ff I" R. ~ ,~ am ;~

Session (~) 2011-12: M.A./~.~.: TH1Rn/~:Philosollhy / G'll"i'lll 'fil: Islamic Dm'shan:~~: X / crffCli: o.PTIONAL(B) / ~if>f{:qif> (if): 50: C.C.E.-.1 & II - 15+35 = 50

('IUNN I q;lffTSenll'Nlcl' / ~Su h,il~cl/ f1ItflJTille of Sub,ject Gl'OUp

~lr -ql1!I!"Cf)l ~COUI'Sl~ I ~Co IIIPIIISOI)' / 3If.lcrrlf m Op tio nal / ~if>f{:qif> 3If.lcrrlfMax, Mal'l,s 3I~if>C11j ajq;Noll' I~c

Pm'ticullll'S I ~ .I. Main Sources ofJslamic Philosophv Qurlll~-.:J=ladee-s-&Qiyas. The Nature of Ultimate-----

111I!_-I R~ality (AlIaha), The Relation Be[\~een Allaha, Man and World . _~-~~ "iriR it ~ i-5I'Iif cg,Fl, ~ ~'. fcRm:l' I worm C!>T~ (31C'C'f1Q)I=J~j.'\ci

'1V:d' .-. 1 --+,Uj "PTo CfJ ljUj ~q I


Main Beliefs of Islamic Religion, Theories Related to Creation and MlIIl According toIslam. -------_._-_. __ ._------._-------

--------_._----------_._---_._ .._-- ..Unit-3 Basic Facts oflslamic Religion and moral Rules, Main Religious sect in Islamic Religion

.-~~~-=-;-.~x~ Er'4it ~ m ~ 'tiM> PI"1111~W111.i-~~ 1l:J'5f tTTf1tp--~Gm -----------


ilif>uf -- 4


ilitir~ -. 5

-------_._-----_._--_._-------------_.~_._--~-_ ..~--_._--._._ ..Nature of Sooficism lIIld Characteristics, Main Theories of Sufi Thinkers. Al-I-Ialaz.Jeelani

'trn'fcii"ii C!>T~ '!Ci fc1~I~ I \~(~f~~iliIl~ l~T~ip -31C'f !'ic'11Vf,vftc;jT'fi--'---------.

Backgro;';-;:;-dofMuslim philosoph):. Main s/e~ts of M-l;sli~--:-phil-;;so-ph)~,Mai~;rhi-I-lke'rs of

Muslim Philosophy Allahkindi. AI-Farabim, Ibni-Sheena, Aemam Gal-ali, Mohd. IqbaL

.~ c:'*f eFT~, ~~~fi x'fllAGI"1, ~~~~if, ~~~, ;3lC'ffc17",fC-31,,1 tpXm, i'i&"j~'1I, ~ lT~, tiT. mr"r ..~~.

--_._. __ ._._,._---_._~--_._---~_._---_.._--------_ ....--_._- "--_ .

ic Philo;;;;p-hy ~~;~Dr~Humi);;:;-J(.lbbi-r.---------- ..---.---sophy of Islamic Religion -by Dr. Abid Alioer --The History of Philosophy in IslamNicl~o_lson_--=SIL!~ies in Islamic Mysticism

-----_._--.-.----r \'Cfl q#i!'l -~f '11\J1'1' \:!cf t)-1JlTfi1;j- ~rR

------_._._-----------------------._---_._----_._-_._-- .

---1. Islam

(English) 2. Philoooks 3. TTB

4. RA.----(~) 5. ~VfTl'

- -----


Recnllllllended B


Page 16: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Department Ill' Higher Educatilln, GIIY!. IIf M ..P.Under Graduate Semeskr wise S)'lIahus

us I'l~cununended hy Ccntl'lIl Board of Studit.'s :111(.1nppl'llvNI hy the GO"l~I'nor Ill' M. P,~ ftmTr fc1'>,fll. 'U,. '<lRI"i

~ q)lffT3ll <t ful) *'ffi~,~R" ~

~ 31b1l1R ~ >n<T 3Tj'-lifud 0"1T 'I >I. <t \~ ifRT ~

Session (~) 2011-12: M.A.r~.~.: THIRJ)/~: Philosollhy / -<::~ii~'1-"'-II-t'5I-: Philosophy of Religion:1'PfG"Wr: Xl/'mwqj: COMI'ULSORY / ~: 50: C.C.E.-I & U - 15+35 = 50

Partielllal's / fclcRur

C1HSS / <PllfTSemes.e.' / ~Suh.ied/~TUll' of Sub.lect Gmllp~l'fll "fflllJ If)f l\)l'fq;-('ourse / ~CI'IllIHllsOl)' / ~ m Optional/ aCflR:'!Cfl ~. Max. Marl,s 3l~Cfld'l 3iq)Noh' /';fie

------------------ -----_._------


<:f1"<1. ~.>r.f6rcf) ".-QT 3FfilCi1fll'il'lfi,n ---61. if,c:-rx .,wr fc'fm ~ (-,:jj('i'l(,IT(~



~--------------------_.cRClTC: .. 1 ")'-1i'CFfCiTc;

Jhy of Religion]qlyg lmd end of Religion.~lon.~R~ious Experiences. . . _

-t:flfc;Wr '-fiT ~<:f~q\t~- 6T.~IJi~!>lfllC; 1:fT1l~. ~.>l.1W<fr!T")1

-_.~-- ----Nature of Religion

Ilt-I Science. Philosophy and Religion._.__ .-

Wf C/JT~ fcMA "ciiR 3hi'1ii=I._--

- 1----- _._-

Tlwories of the Origin of Religionlit-2 Concept of God in Indian Philosophy_ ....._- .

tilt q\t ~ ~ ~r.

~- 2 ~ <W'l-q ~ q\t 3l~-_._._--- •... -------

Religious Experience and Religious ConscioushesIlt-3 Arguments for the Existence of God._--.-. -~ ~ 3tR i.iTfi'iii ~

-3 1f~ '* ~ '* >fl1TUT--_ ..-

Arguments against the existence of God•It-4 Theism. Pantheism. Panentheism.._._-~_._-

-~CIX iF 3T~ ~ fctqef i'j ~~qXClTcT"OO- 4.. --_._~ - -_. - . - _.- - - ...

Ilt-5 God, Men and World Interrelationship, Sec:ularisn~--.--

-l"~CIX. ~ -r,0i1:i (11 (_. 5 l~'r"l, IJfll\l 3T'ff: X1l4'£l

I. John- Hick - Philosoj2. R_Ot1o- Idea of the f

(English) 3. W.C.Smilh - l"'lelmin4. S.P. Dubey- On Reli)5. W.Jams - Varieties 016. ~.~ f.1~ ill1T -q

Il1mended Books 7 61. ~0'lTWTUT~'>f8. m \Jf1:f1;rCfil~m<:r -t9 ~~ -- ~-r:qn;.,

(~) ~~10. ~r., - 6T31R~i11. \l(Cj~~i\91 1;ci ~l~

---_.GPfmlRTfI) .__ ..__ .-


. tI.




Page 17: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

Depnrtment IIf Higher Edlln,tilln, GIIVt. III'M.P.Under Gradllllte Semester wise Syllahus

as I'ccHlnmended hy C('ntral Buard lit" Studies und aprl"m't'" h)' the Gnvel"llol" of IH. P.~ ~lT fc!>1T'T,'UI: ~'l

"RTffCl)",lffi31'j <f; fW) wm:x 3lj'Tr, "lTCPl'l"T~ ~ llU<f<'l E[RT ~ <'fl!1T'{ lA. <f; ,r\N.f'rl<>r E[RT 3Tj'1'ift<'f

Session (~) 2011-12: M.A./~.~.: THIRD/~:Philosollhy / c::n'HIlf',;l: Model'll Indian Thought:~~~:XU/~: COMPtJLSORY / 3Tf.rcmt: 50: C.C.E.-I & n - 15+35 = 50

Chlss / CfilffTSl~nll'ste•./ ~SlIh,led/~Title or Sub.iect GI'OUP

~ W!OCfiT~COlll'SI~ / ~

COmlJIIlsol)' / arf.1cmf 1fT Optional/ aiPR:qiP arf.1cmfMax. Marlis 3Il?liPdfl atifiNoll'/-;ftc

~ .~;..,""~

Pal.ticulm's / ~

lization Serva Dharm Samanvaya

. -- _ .. - -_ ..__ ._---- ---~-.- _._--- .."'--_ ..Satyagruha

Ie Chief Currents of Contemporaryvan and C.V.Saroja --Contemporary IndianIdras-1985Modern Indian Thought, Bombay-I %4Contemporary Indian Phi.losophy.Lal-Comtemporary Indian Philosophy-ISlKS- Contemporary Indian Philosopbyks or Swami Vivekanand -Calcutta, Advaita

lUI' kinds of Yoga

eligion of Manlind Swan,;!Ie Philosophy ofM.KGandhiIshnruI--Anldealist view of Life.ishnan --Hindu Vie,,, of LiFe.:-~~:~Ti~:m~=rq;crR''C, 'f11'R1c;rr~\Y------"-'---[[~cf'l --f<'l~Cf"'fTQT ~fticr-l-:'1,iC'f ~ i.'fll"l, ':f1c1ic1T('f 6Frr~x'ili~lfr,

gion of Man.

- _.Background of Modem Indian Philosophy.

Main Characterestics-- 'HR ctT"TO~


1 fc1~14\11~~{';<:r.- ----

Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa -- Sell' Rea

2 x~ ~1'"I1'iJJl q~'i15f1 -3~ xHe1T"c"T~,X'i4---_.

Swami Vivekanand, Universal. Religion Fe.-

-~i'JTiftFcPcrci-iFR -~Tj:\, <llTf eWellX' >;I-3--- -'. . .

Revmdra Nath Tagore, Man and God, Reh.__ ...- --

x~QT bl'R -l=fT'1Cr ,!cr ~~, ""Il'li1' "iji1---4

--- - . ._~._-----_. .... - --M.K.Gandhi, Truth & God, Non Violence.

--- cr=1.$.<tim - 'ffi'<:j 3th i{ici'i, 3lf5f1T, -_._--_ ..

6 'f1C'Ilm~:

1. D.M.DuHa- TI2. T.MP.Mahade

Philosophy. M,3. V.S.Narvane --4. M.Chatta~iee-5. Basan! Kumar

(English)(, R.S.Shriv astav7. Complete Wor

nded BooksAshrama, 19'.!O

8. Tagore -The R'.!. M K.Gandhi --I]0. D.M.Dutla-TI11. Dr. S. Radhakr12. Dr. S. Radhakr1:3. ;sr X'1'''1'r1'U'1"'f --

(~)14. 3lTqf~ 'TI~l-15. 3ll\'F1cfi ''11\!ITi'll

7:j')-1!!P'''lT >IcnTVFl-_ ..._._. ----_ ..-

II II1t-4





ll<t>1lf -


Page 18: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,


TIJ)\elpi~,I;"ttmml'!iT:~~:: iE[li~~~:EI:t~~1~\\fllJ!C1aJaili[ilhll\01J'Ylt, of IM~.I?t'JEll(\l!e['" <G!r~(d1'i1! S~IJLl\teS)fttE]r \Wf:~;08yEf:ffib~Jl@

£~ 1!'8~0j)'inllj1Tdteuudhed; [fry <C~lP~l1E.:aJ1ll00<'iiJu,r:; :n,;! 3fu.jj<f!lJi'1N~ Zl.rm.TI! 2ifDPlrGlWw:rl1 :t\ly ttllu~ G'{!lWertEl'!L< ~1 Pit!?'1=: ,~ ~'q-l'T. "UI. ~iT'8"r

~cP q,-1ill~Gj fN& ~ 3Ij"i'( 1jl~

c,~ ~ ~ &m;;:~ "r.orr"I. "11". 15j; ~1\T"141"'i &"Wi 3F:Jlift<j'5(1;S:'lD(f])Iffi f~P~»~([])nIl~n)J,

: j"JLA. 11.!F{f.1!(!.

: W([))\UiElfllill ~~T¥!f: r~linnllGDsiQifIJlJny I ~~"f51: (C:jJ)Iffi([",mm[]DGDIr1a1IJ'Y'IN (1lS~(1)trmllFiJnJE:]])s@,w~\1;v: ~llI]i4i>U~ lllu:j!~~ifJJJ~: '%JIll]j/~: (c([))filllFliJIL5([))]]1{\Y I ~~: ~ilD: (Core ]E.o~ll& TIll~ 115+3~ '" ~iG

(cll!al~s/~m;;;;(1liJ1lI!iW~l1lrrI ,~;;;;lUI!lD]I1l~~/~

1fll1ill11l :jJ):r5lU1!lD]I1l(J:~CGrolUl[]D


(C(fj)mm[]DlUIll~(fj)IJ'YI ~ 7IIl1l ([))[]Dilll(fj)Il1l1a1lll~ ~

RAIn. RAIaurlks ~ ~N(fj)(i<e/~


1~2air(lIkunll21D'~f .~~{_._------------_.-lP'ragmatism, Wiliimm, .lilllIDes,Jokln ][»ewi

.__ ._--_._ .. _--- ..._.1

Gillbert Ryle -Ca.tegory Mistll.lke,The COl1cept of Meauning

~ fi';J 'f2;' <-A~<iJ?JU~ - 2 ICio1;::,<I<ld-Cf)1 cW'!, 3lf2J q?1 3jq1'-TRUT[

lExistentiolism -ChllfllLcterestics of lExistentiolism, Soren Kierkegaard:

The Na1Llueof Subjective lExistei1l(c[,oliism,lExistei1itiaiRealization.

3lfu10Nlii -31fu1~qlii et'r ~ '~ RPJ;'II;g - 3lffu~ql<;1 3ffi"l ~T 'Cf)l ~, 3lffu~lqlC;"'1 ~ 'fITa'\i"l*

Martin Heidlegger

DllSein, Time & Being, Being & Nothingness

-3lfurcq ~, Cf'R1" ~ ~. ~ ~ ~

Jiean-lP'aulSartre - The Concept freedom, Humllnisml

L lL2IiI1:guageTruth & iLogrrc-by AlAyer2. The Concept of TmilnQ-by GiHlbert lRyle3. Six Existen1tiaJ1ist'Jf1htinJkers-by IlS.Bfia.ikaLrn

I 4. Existentialist mmdlHum~mism -by llP'.Sartre.

«iElfi)@~o",lIiJ» 5. The Chitef Currents of Contemporary PihiJosophy -byD.M.Dutta

6. The nature ofminG. -by Pwf JlP'.ShuldaRecommended Books 7. Wittgenstein -by D.N.Dwivedi

i 8. TIileChief currents of Contempmrary iP'ihHlosophy-by


9. G~'1 q;'r 'F1 sn~ - ~. ~vf'ir ~'li[, "I.>l.f5""il ~,~ 3'i°:;T'0...,

(~)10. ~ fc)~rllSluicr~ c;r~tRap ~ 3T"f~!"" -;s"Til<:,~l" . - .

~, "1~f$~ 'Tkf ;Y1df>-,c;-.ft11. c;'iF; -'- ~ .~ -~.ftrq'iRl<:fUTm J>{"icll ","c:', ~.~.f6~-i:;: .Cj'l



Page 19: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,





12. Dff'ii! I,"i ~ -l'::~'- ,Fic\~ 1)j~~Gf~_'::!-_~~-~ ,,~ir, ____ .D----'"':J.

cr-: -",sL ~'<~-Y. I.-;.;<,.,.c""~.



\" 'Tkf

13. dl~W'F'lIC; -if '!iT'lCf fC! I ct '"?: £i ~ '0d~~ ~ ~!'iNj,

~i m'l!f, ~ ~, ' II R'JFlI 511G

I 14. ~cfM' l:r~ <;~k -~.~. e.f>. c;m;r -i'rr~&11 (7,' ~'1I~iCi. 'fe',



Page 20: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

: 15@: C(colEo~II & llIJ" 115+]~ "" 5@

j})/fjplaJrttm:meIITil{ :D1I]~[fighcefi jE:{j1illl[f.J~nQljri1~(Gfivt nfr I\Y1I.J?U:m~j1.tell CWf;<dIMP-,lhe ~etffil\e~f~errwfi~:;:~y:i):~8:M~

[lg rr:?<CiD1ITI1lJJ1Iil<:eJ!T!deri! \hiS' C'Blnl(;rmll Joomrrrcll{Du StW\1H!'le:1'; 2umd 2l[pl!prr:iJJ\Yi:il :b.'Y (rUne G.n:'ytE'ln;UCi: 0:: 1::A.l?,,=: .~ f?t"lPT. 'lJl .:1''1''1FfRlGj) q;<fIT3-~~ fW); ~ 3j~iX -:,~

~ 31~ ~ GixT 3l:rm%cl Ci"-lT '1. "II ~ ~1\TlJf'fi<'l G!\"f ~~

5<ei'i5ll<IDIlil (~) ~iIDnIl~n~: FylLAo / ~.1Q'.: IF(!J)1UI~1lJHI/ ~: ]]Dj]nnll(j)~!DiJIlllnyI ~ra: Aal!wanM 'V0al!$1uutt(A): ~~ w<Iiiar {~y: ):[TI'V / iil~: (!J)]]D'IlllCOJ1'lAlLI ~

(cllan~~I~30nnn0gtt01Y'1~J~«:'!13luulbJ]0CCtt/ ~1lnttn0 iIlJff5UUIbJ]0:J::ttCGlY'iIlJUUiJll~~~~(CiIlJUU~0/~OlDnnniJlluullgillJlY'YI ~ ~ ([J)lIDttnillJuu1illll/ ~ ~lWlDl\. IWlDIT'lkg ~ ~NiIlJtt(\':/~

c1Uuuntt~II Moodukya K31rrik31-folJlrr Stllges ofiCoiflSciousnens, Mi.thY21tV21-Vi,char

~-~ tj ",%R!cpIRtil -~ cf; ~ «'R. iTr~ fcr<rR

1Uuufi(t~2 iConcept ofIBmmha, Aj31itliviiidlil

~-:J! ~ fcAT'<. 31\Jj IRl ell~IBhfuntll ood Viv31nm31 Tmdliitlion

[)lIDntt~3\AV31chchedaviiida, lP'mtlibimbaviiida~-qcf~~

~-:l\3lq~~ql~. !>1Rl Rl "'I Gj I c;

Avlidya And Maya[)uuntt~41

JEkatva ood Anelkmitva of Avildy~ Asluaya and Vishmym of Avidlym

~ -qcfl'Jl<IT~-41

~ CfiT ~ ~ 0-~. 3lfclw CI!>T3llJ)f<:[ ~ fcfl:J)<l

Shankamchiirym-iCharaciterristices mnd Nmitum ofiLlibemtllon

[)lIDntt~15 Meoos of iLilberr21tion

Shrav3ll1 M3ll13ll1 mod Mididhymsan

~-i5 <;",,, "1''-1 -l1Im OJ)[ C1afUr <;ci ~. lJlaT cf; m 3\~ 'WJiUI, 1=f'1'l. ~ Pi~wi'(-R

1. The of Sha.n.kMa-S. S. Roy

«~I1lJ@~u,.,1tiI1 2. Study inlEaxly Adv!!.lita -T.M.lP'.Ma!1adevl:lirl3. Aga.'TI Sh3lStra of Goudapoom - V. BIh2L~ia.chMY214'. Life of Thoughit of ShaokmdI11MVm-G. C iPzndev5. ~~~f~~CI!>T gC'l"'d0'Ff, ~lF<'Fl~i -'(i('ij '" 0"

Recommended Books mffi6.

~~\-.. ~ .~~'l ~'ll" ~.~.fts:r.0-lcI?1~9T

(~)011';\1 qGTd -

7. 3iMi<f ~ -C[.\Jr<f'<Pi fii.<j;j8. 3l~ n ~c;ic'r- '<F~ ~m9. ~;<tc;'i ~\fr (j5f c;~ -;sl~m, G~~~ (j~ f';::.,..",.,..Q>,-.,-, ; C"'l _ .,l'-l. ••.'.- __

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Page 22: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

lI»e;P2:i"lt:rmlerr:lj 07 JHIfigih1err JEdlllHtCtliIttfiCJf!l1 <C'uw(c. of WiiP.1Urrn([fi~JjCGlimltdlf!Jl@rre 5emnl£~tterr \Y<yn~e f3y!:n~ltDUll~

~~ J]''(?~@mmm:mo;e!l1ldJleril by <C1£,lfllfrrrmil &zllrrli c[plf S~lU!~e3 P.1fiilq}1 @1f!'jj1lrr(illw~dt lOy(rIme GoverrITTI{DJ' of M.P."""f 1~ ~. "'1.11Wi""!~ c.~ ~ f<1<) ~ 3,':Jfl!~t;~

00",'14 31~ ~ W'f ;'1.~ C'r.m '1. ~.~ 'U'Ji1J. :rqT<ilEri~i"';:';"~ tr~CB::l:!i\il1!Jim 1*o,[:;;;[) ~iDJnr.--n -r:ct,9o/2.."-- Is

: IMLk. i qn>11l([. t"\.oi "C

: W([J)1lJlPi.lflHII.: JFllnfin<iD~@lJllllny1 ~~: lPi.illjj«!l1ll1!'5IlnillUTI{IBl}:~~~}: ~TIV/~: (Q)I!"1fll(Q)WkIL 1 ~~: :!J1Jj)

: CCIE.~TI &, TIll~ jJ.~h]5=:!J:ID

<Cil~J~~i a~S;(l;rnmll%il(l;1!'i ~~UllIilJ](l;Z1:il/~1I'fiull(l;i1Dff~UllIilJ](l;~iltGI!'iIDUllIJll~~~~iCilDllJ1~(l;/~OIDrnmlJllUllll~iIDrry1 ~ 7Imf (Q)lJllml@UTIillll/~ ~~~~.~~I!'OC~~ ~N([D1i<:: 10m:

Nature of State, Organs of State1!JUTInil~jJ.

Principles of origin of Stmte (lindillJIli &; Westem)

~ CfJT~, ~.q) Wr~-~ ~ <tT ~ rt ~ (~ -eM ql~i1IRl)

Sovereignty, Rights, HUffillJIli Rights, Natiolliality mnd Rntemmtionafii,ty,1!JUTIllil~~ JilJlstice, lEq[umlity, freedom.

~-2!~,~,~~rr, 3i\"N1l"5::14\1f!"'4T4, m, «I \1?I\1I I

1!Jlillfiil~] iCivil disobedience, Revolution, Swarmj, Satyagrmlhll., Ahinsm (GlIJIIidlhi)fmscism, iDJictatorsihip, Anarchism, Terrorism

I ~ ~, wffi'r, ~, ~. ~ (<tisTl)~-3

4>lf1,cH<;, 3TIE1'iIWbClI G, 3NI\ilct>dICl! G, 31T'~- I

Liberalism, imperialism, King ship1!Jrrnfiil~<1J iDJemocrmcy, Socialism, iCommooism.

\3<;I'<ClI<;, '<1IW\i4ClI<;, ~ I~-4f !,l\iI I \1?1ClIe:. ~'"il\ilClI <;?I ~ i


---Secularism, JP'oliticml S,abihty, World! Govemment

IiJrrnlli~5 Humanism lIJIIiU~cien,ific SociaJism (M.N.Roy &; Nehru)

~-",,-,iff\1T, ~I-. '''.,. ~\ff, '1''''''-<'<"1 (fcj~qf1'<ct>I~)~-::»

'"J1'iClClle: -eM a$lIPlej) Wi I\ilCll <; (~1Y'i'.~ -eM ~!Ofl)



ll. M. KGoodltJ.i -,[-'lind S wlllJimj2. lE2!rnes, GeHner -iPo!li,ica! Theory Sind the modern Stale.3. JP.iC..Ifoshi -Secularism oodl iDJevelopmeni, The 'li:1tdil3lTI1

IExperiment4. c" 3f~f?l5. t'h'P,~ -,frfWIT'flfr;n-

L- ---' ----'--_. ,'~'---- -

Page 23: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,




\!lriJf \i'l ~~ If:::". 3i \ NrcmuI ftffi. X~\.)1~~~- ~RhoT<:i--

IC. ,15. .j - q;j"


7. fC1~~Hqti'J~-'lM!<;1'?! (~ cf,Rq~ 0i ~.~\

I\ " •.•. '\.,.;'.'j

:y I 8. T<5RI"l ~ - ~1v14m'fi ~I B. ~G.')~IIC"i ""dxf"Qul - i(i\li~i?l0 ~I ,0. "t\1~1 -hI '~l\..'I'"'i «~f.:1

,. j .::z, - ~q.


11. .~.q.~1-'liE,'iT C;~\<ci _J>..~T

I0.1) I

, 12. ~ql:l<cdX'<Qur fii.<J.T - ~:=iT\Ji ~ i(T\?! ~I

I13.m - ~ ~ xl\lion Rl ~.


14.,m - ~ ~



Page 24: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

: ~(jJ)

: CCI8:o~[ ~ 1111~ Il5+:~!;3=0 5:1';

n})(i;lPJa,,;r(cmr:l~Jm~ €JillJ3lngt1!elr' ]3:mlllllC;'dj~nm~j~':G~o/tt. off ML.J.Pl.Umldl~rt Glr1a{flRl!aQe S£lffi1le~f[eii' \"'yn~et Sy;:nadi3l].n~

.;ns rr:2<i:<Du;mrrm<errudelrl! !my <CiBhll~rr.;nll &~;rGi @jf ~(.rana:lli1es2liITl.vl 0iLl;1im'.'/~::iII':DyQ"lln:e GOWEur.Hl:~: {If IVJ:.P.'3=; ~ ~TJ'f. "\'>1 WRl'l

~Wii iiiiI'ffT31Tc5 ~ 'l.i~ 3f'f"ll'< %'{"'tl'i

0sfl'i ~ '1"-';<'. 8f'(i, i~. . ~"-IT '1. ~. <t, ~~ 91Xf ;o.~9h~:. h--",""",,,,2""lll t~u;;;n 'il(ii)Jl~' <, 'j;O::V",;;",ll"".1{' "'» f',1IJ. !.l~Lb ~Q-l I" ~10

: )'MLAo 11Q;11iJ\i[. (lA! 0<..-- ~ "-- a ~; IF<<J)\UiE.lI'lHl! ~: [pJfmilil@9IIDjplnIlY I ~~: fDJilIl2:11ru1lIlmJI.lIIrgllnllllffi (A):~{~}; 'XV I "1i<:i'li1liiBJ~: «J)1P'1I'IT«J'JWAJL I ~


1'll1'illill(1)SUIeIr !~1'lU1lIh>](1)(tU !~1I'ilfiil(1) IIDlf 1'lU1lIh>](1)(tU GIrIIDU1ljpl~~"ij>1f~CIIDU1lIr91e !~ClIDillilljplunllslIDIry !~ m «J)jpl@lIDillllUll I ~ ~JIW:iIllL IW:iIl,l1fu~ ~ •N<lI~le!~

llJunil(r~It Concept of Soul, Salvatuon :iIlDdfH!llm:illDDestul1iY.

~-~ ~<tT~, 414 jf4-ct ~ l=fT'lCI ~

IP'roblem of lEvilmd! Suffe~ing\Uuniluo~ freedom of Will, Klilfma and Rebirth, :P'l1lnllsfrtmthas

~-2 ~ ctr "WWTf ~ 'IT4". ~ q0 'Nci?itH, ~ ~ ~, 9,'<'l'l10

llJunil\t~3\ Theology md! SymbohsmBhakti, fllJith, lP'~ave~<&

~-3 ~~qNIC; 10i !>l\1~I(jf)qlC;,.~, 3lR\m, m~ ~ ~

llJuniluo41 Mysticism, [ncanrllJ\tuonAvatlilfa

~-"l '<l5'R1ql<:;. ~ 3lClO"R

lP'ossibility of Unive~sal ReligionllJunllUo5 Ve~ification, falsification md! Religion.

Iq~qCl'1~ ~

~-iii!>J!"1loj1cf)~OI,3lf1~ICf),<ul ~w!

IL N.KBriJilhm.a:.-lP'hi,losophy of Sad!hana2. Gallioway -!P'hilosophy of Reliigion3. JohfJ- Hick - IP'hifiosophyof Religion

~~IJ1Ii£J~o~lfJ» 4. IftOtto - Mea ofthe Holy5. W.C.Smith - Memi~lg and!end!of Rehgilon.6. S.P.Dubey - On Religion.7. W.JaJJ11!lIS- Vll.irietiesof Religious lExperiences.

Recommended Books 8. ~.~ ~ ~ -tR ~IS. ~. ~,,\"1 'fRl<llJT fii'>i _o~ 'PT ~~.s. m \?1~cfJITi 'fIn'<!" ~~ etl ~f)f'" ..

(~) 10. ~ - ~0'=~ - ~l,<~9""f1T<i u,c;g ~.';!.f%.~~;-;:.~,. ,~rc;-4I

11. t.Ti~ - ;sl.31R.~.cmfl", '1.\l.~ w;eJ; 31dp! ~{.~~

12. ~'i'rli'<n.~ ~"f ~T -0Tcf>C;T'<: 'i;~~'~-~i'I171T-~-!\1Qr'{ \{! iC'1j:;:',

Page 25: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,



Page 26: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

~f.DefPBTaifllilellllt @J JBlfiglmerr JE',lIlhUl~wrrjl([DIill~ (0!fD'¥\t. olf I\v'iUP.lU,'l!i1ercGn!i11lll1ll!ce 3celJ11lce~!e"wfi~e Sy!ir:"'[))~~$

2}g Jr<eo:l:<!!lIiiJ1lIi1JUtelffii!l!eGJ! lby Celffitr!r21R &tllirllil:lJ'lf ~\hu1rl\ile$ 2llI1ltril ~llPlph~Go/edlItDy Itfl11e G<l1\~'\~h~ffilOL11:1!WE.E~fum~."I."llf.m

~ cfilffT3TI <i ~ ~ 3i~", "'~ii~"l<j3l~ '1"<5<'[&1'[[ ~tfficl C'iv;'i 1~.9. ~ 'f~ aT"r ';i:;;,m~

2)ceS5ll«DiID (~rJJy7~I~~:l;~"1[f" ~~ 6f 2..-f5 ~: WCOlIjJJF!.1rIHI I ~ G&; IP'G]f.ll@g@IPihly I ~a: (G(1;(!;(riffialill'droihliffiiID{lB3):~(GU}: 1'\.V I qj<ej'l5<i:!]~; COllP'n([J)WAlL I ~: 51!l!: CC.ClE.,.TI <f& TITI~ 115+3\5 = 5@


:S;11)Il1lil~tt(1;Ir I ~J'~'R:'l:S;lJlllliJ]e<l:a/~1I'Uttll(!; @jf':S;lJllllD](!;(\';tt(GIr@IJll[ID~~~~CC@IJllIrg(!; I~CC@Il1lillJDlJllllg@IrYI ~ 'Un! COljplttO@iIDiffill/~ ~~~iffi~.~iffiIr~g~ ~NiDlRe/~

- t'

!F:m;riliklJlllla,iro Il'Fcli'i'il'tGll,

The Nature of GeetllldiarsI1l1Uru,][mpo](!1}jTf!ceof Geetac's lP'b\iciosophyjolPmsen: Time

3pecilll Reference with l?ersoi1\a!liltylOJevellopmellt& Time MlIUruagement,M2I.i.nSubject of


<ftrn q>T ~, <frill

~ ~ "I'i, fu et'r ~ fctCf<r ~ i

Tattlllva Mimanslll, GyllUruMimijiJnlsa,Karma Mimal!1sa, iBlr1llll!{'(ilMima[I1\sZJ& Sri,S;') describe in Geetlll.<frill ~ C!fURf ~ ~=n-m, "W'l ~rr. ~ 4f!:ltfIT, 'lifcffi lfrfRn ~ ~ ':IT9"RnExplanation ofYoglllaccordiilg to Geetlll, Synthesis ofl?nl.vril1i & Nivri.11~.

ett~, ~ ~ ~ (f,T ~

Xnterpretllltioil of Geeta by different lP'hilosophers - Tilak, GlIUrudhj,lIJiIDo\1~4i

3hri PUllfobindlo,Dr. Radhllkrishnan, Dr. AJrmiiBesllJTIt

Recormmeilded Books

]. Geeta Rallasya -Tilak, Choukhlllmba Prakashan (m~ <':1'], qI'"~)

2. Geeta Mata -Maihatrma GlIUrudhi,Nav JfiwllUruPubLication (f5,~c~~-1)

3. Geet!!. I?rabllUrudih-Sheri PlJrbindlo, Ashram, Fondlicherri (~~~1)

4. Shrimllld Bhagwat Geetlll-Dr. Radhakrishnan (f5",,') 31'101 c;\3"YC'f'l'l)

5. The Mioralls of Geda -Geeta Vyakhylll, Dr. AMi iBeSliLl.1t,Theosophy Pub., Addlyar, Madras (~~l ~c; \j~)

6. ~fUI cpr fu c ., -fu Y'., I ,<'0l::;'< I

7. ~ .<froT-~I $114~q'1 ..__..__1

8. ~~ m- &T'1I fu af,I_W_:_I'{5_cIJ_.1__________________ .

Page 27: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

~ ..

Page 28: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

~D'flP8J1L1Tl1£lrint'n,:' :2}gliTlelr E:(f]!t'jIC:BtrfiD:1~ CC;nv~~.olf'Th'JI.JP.lUlmtdltelL Gir~\tdl:1Jl.~:i:C(;';Seli;n:e~(~eir\Yl'il:;;e 3yji;~rn\i:r:un~

23 rr~1:';}!JTIllJITriltel]((jletlli ihy <C\e!m~ri2lnioo2nr61 iil'f 3(rii~(ljUiil'5 iiJ~"ll~i!.iPlJP'l,;JI':/:E:D! iliJy ~[hJ.~GfllV0i,'!:I\C:: (f);: l!,1~.)?,,~: i~C f~'ri'rj. 'UT. ~n"tr'l

<"nCfQP ClJIffi3lT of-~<l ~x ~R ~~ ~ ~ fTIi[f3-~ <1<'41 "I. ~. of- '11""'IQI<."l &RI3-l";j"';-~ ~.

5~m~nilJ)1Iilf~~ !([j)nn~n2 -fT;r:t~~r-'IS~-: j~1LAoI ~JI[_ U\.,.." "-:::J, ''''((,'1IJTI«l']Hf I ="'"'. lr'VJ L' j .•._ ""'~~J

: jjDllnillJl!D~@lPJnIlYI ~~1ru~: PY1[@l!iJernm llrrnilllu2Jhll lfilTIIiDM/';Jn1:~~~~: XVlI I ~6'ililli~U: ceilDmmlPJ!lIlll~<IDJryI ~: !'lilll: CC]Eo~); & TIll~.Jl!'lH!'l = 5:!l'

«ll1lJ~~/~~(1)i!Iil1e9~I!!IrI ~~!lIliJlJ]I!!(1;~/~,]],ilUlll!!<IDff ~llIliJlJ]e~~<GIrilDllfi[pJ~~~~celiDUil~e/Wcel!DmmIJllllllll~<IDJryI ~ 7liflf iDlIJllltll<ID1ill1lJ1l/~ ~~ffi~.~~W~~~ ~NilJ>~",/~


]F~ififfi~rulJ]!.Ilir9I ~Shree Aurobnndo Concep1t of SachchnndarrHmda

Theory of Evolu1tion super Mnndl.

'lfr ~ ffRilGl'1<c<; q;r ~ fcrcl>rn CBT ~ ~-R~

Dr. S. Radlhalkrishnoo ITn1teilec1t<& ITns1tulnOIl,Synthesis of East aJ'1IQ West

~. ~.~tll,£,t'lJl'1 -~fog~ *~.~~~ <fiT ~~

K C.Bhattacharya -COl1lcep1tof IT'hnlosophy!Levels of Conscnousll1!ess.

.m:'"1<C:liJI4 -~ q;r ~. ttR

1IJlillil~~!!JM. N.Roy -Crn1tncismof Communism, Radical !HIilmanlism

B: G. Tnlaik -lil1l1terpre~atioi1Sof Gee1ta

~.~.Wl' -ffl'R:lClIt: c#t 'iT, ;jj1'iC'lk"lcp 'i1'1ClClIt:, <It.iJft.~ -<frG G!:~T

B.RAmbedlikM, Socnal l.Upinfrtmel1l~,JKrnshnllmur1ti, - Concept of Freedom, R&man

Maharshn -Self ITnquary

<liT.3fT'(.~. ~ -ffl'iIRJiq, Bc-~R, (1 ~!I'i?f('iT <fiT ~. ~'i~ -;jfi~1 <tr 0:",-.,;


Recommendled Books

I. D. M.Dutta -The Chnef Curren1ts of ConternnponlJrY2. TM.JD'.MaJrnadlev8Jr.loodlC.V.SMoja -Conlemporary ![ndnan

IPlhiiosophy, Madras-19853. VS.Narvane -Modem ITndlnanlnrlOiU:ght, iBombay-I9644. lVi1. CihaH<JJrjee-Con1tempomry ITndi'8WlllP'hi,losophy.5. IBllsan1tKumM !LaI-Com1temporary llndian IT'hlilosophy-198S6. RS.Shruvas1tav - Con~emporary I[ndiarrnIT'hulosophy7, Compl.e1te Works of Swamn Viveikanamd -Cak'Jtla, Advll.nj;a

Ashr&ma, 19908. Tagore -The Rehgnon of Man9. M.KGllJill(jllhi-IHin!i1ldSWllJrajIO. D. ML iDJutta-The lP'hdosophy of M. K G&T:ldhiI L Dr. S. Rad1halkrnshl1larrn-An lid!eahsl vnew of Life.12. iDJii.S. Radllhakrnsmoo -Hnndu Vuew of Life.


Page 29: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

, : 'i --------------,-----,.-1-3-. -0T-."W'-Sj-, S-,,'ror::'. '~-i---\-,-Q-;o-31l-"-m--'iR"C"''l'oi>-S'~rc,-, -'f::CIc:i:rS:~C'=.--C=\;-S:r:-i:1',": \.-- l14. Wt:rMq~ ~ f€A-'; -f'r~CPiT,,";?,'[CcT

- ..•. ! 1;r (~) 45_ :"rr,:iPi'f' 'lffi~ ~P, -'l~ "if",W 71"" :q~:(T"7 <i--"1-1,{-';;::~~-~-J.;.. • ~-<'\ <tr~"~rWi'm?f - . ~ -. '-,' .. .' "i


Page 30: · Department of Higher education, (Seme'lt( ,i';e Syllabus for As recommended b\ ,,' board c Approved b'.:;,

DcpartI1H~IIt: of liighl~r Eduration, Gm"1:, of M.P.PO."!.Graduah' St'IIH.'.lilcl' WiSl' S~'llahll.1i

HS I'('t,:omllll'ndl'ti hy (\'IIt1'al HOllnl of StlltJil'S :I1lt1 appron'd hy the COH.'roo•.of 1\1.P.",oq ftllfll f~'IWr.'ll~. ~m,'l~ffi q,lffFIlT ,j; ~F~ 'fll1<CX' 31'JHI, qj(PFl'l'f

c5'1!11l 31VTIl'l TfIT';;('f ,iT,r "Tj'!tf~f,j d"'ll'l ,I. ,,; ;!r''','1IC'I F;Rf ;W:rnfitoSessioll 2010-11

FII('I'li1;'i1'1 -qnm~ <1iT"1

P.G - Project Work1 ,U'FI~Fl "'I ~ 'l:.('l:l2. ;~,f~I,l<lq ~'f>lX1ij ~ on'] 1Jfii<'P1

3. '4)f:1'1; '1ZTT'I,u) ,", ~

<1 f'1fil;~le'Rr l1 on~l J:;'l ,'fI"TlfGf'li <nf~

5 f"'f>lc'11"lT'I '0i ,'l"JRiFc1 ij '1'"'11'l;J;:>'Wr-rGl'lmT

h '11 ['WIt"",,, fVrlff1 J:;'l 'ffi'r:ncn7. '11'1 ,~T;" ;'I'Il', ~<l",T4

l\ -;~~\'I "ticrRTff"l q~



I. Time management and moral values

2 The role of philosophy in personal itv development

:; Philosophy and ethical environment

4. Sucial responsibility and dutiful ness in dilTerellt fields

5. Necessity of values in law business and politics

(, Professional education morality

7. Stress management and yoga

x Philosophv and present perspective


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