
EVENING STAR.W. v. WALLA* M, Editor aa4 Proprietor.



a /«* w nnuM «oat#\wnavT vnA 1111

The Bowfn Chronicle clique are now realosalynrpinjc upon Congresa to do away withthe present municipal organization of Washington."and at the same time with the machineryot voting," and create a commission ofthree to go\ern the city. A very snug little arrangementfor ;he Chronicle Bowen clique;Sayles J. Bowen to be chief commissioner, withtwo a*6i<-tant commissioners.Perhaps, ihough, Mr. Bowen will consent to

accept all three of the place#. Why not f Hehas shown himself facile of lip and capaciousof paunch enough to suck away for years atsi* flowing Goverument teau. Why not makeit n;n* ! Nine Teat Bowfn » nearly a* euphoniousa- M Six Teat Howen," hi* present appellationamongst the irreverent. And won't theirreverent snffrr when he gets the plantation\» hip weil in his Lands! He will have his own»pecml Ba«tilo for all who fail to kow-tow tobis Commissioners-hip. Bat this is only theentering wedge for the grand future. Theliowen-C'hronicle.cliqne hint at a District con-ulidationand rulership of the »ame sort. Thiswould)* delightful.Saylea J. Powen for aUthe offices.unlimited teats to suck.

V'nr fjavaniAV /\/ 1 Ko fWo»*>A« Co «1 T1a v> vv (t 1 hv» Vi * * * ICM IV k"HlJ fO J DOW

M, lor Privy Council, Sayles J. Bowen; forlnatrict Commissioners, Sayles J. Bown; forPoetmaste rs, Sayles J. Bowen; for President ofPolice Commwioners, Sayles J. Bowen; forCommissioners of Police, Sayles J. Bowen; forCollector of Internal Revenue, Sayles J. Bowen;tor Assessor do., Sayles J. Bowen; for DistrictMarMial, Sayles J. Bowen: for Judges ofthe Supreme Court of the District, Sayles J.Bowen. Ac., Ac., etc., etc.; for District Printer,John W. Forney.A very nice little arrangement. We shall

dQubtitt* see the Chronicle pressing it.

IMPORTANT TO MbBURSINO OFFICERS.i ne application 01 a decision of the Second

Comptroller, dated November 29, WW, thataffidavits taken before a notary public afterOctober 1st, IP65, must have a certificate of theSecretary of State or of a Clerk of the Court ofRecords to the official character of the notary,has been defined by him in a communicationdated December 14, IsCj, as follows: "The certificateof the Secretary of State or of the Clerkof the Court need not accompany each jurat ofthe notary if the proper evidence of the commencementand termination of his commissionbe placrd on file with the disbursing officer.Hut the disbursing officer should on all juratsaster the first is certified to, write the fact of hiapersonal knowledge of the commission beingstill in force and sign his initials thereto."

( UTtON yivnrw'tt'iitj

The fourth volume of the census returnstnow being printed, gives an interesting statementof the quantity of cotton manufacturedin the I'nited States in the yea's below named

Inpouuda; in l-tvl, »,«x*),utx> lb«.;in 1911, 17,lbe.; in l-Jl, oU,OOU,m*> lbs.; in1K11, T7,^4i,tW) lbs.; and in l-e*l, iff,300,0(10 lbs.The cotton manufactured in Virginia and theStates south and west of it, is not included inthis statement, excepting the city of Kic imondand its vicinity. The consumption of cotton infactories of unmixed cotton £oods in all theStates amounted in l«io to *:M,704,&75 lbs., or

bales of 400 pounds each.

COKMTIOH or rSRKDMKN IN TKMNK^SBEThe Assistant Commissioner of the Freed*

men ' Bureau in Tennessee, in a report to G-en.Howard, dated December y, la6J, states thaithere is yet but little snflVnng among refugeesand fre*~dmen tu that district, bnt more is expectedas winter approaches. The small poxis spreading in nearly all the larger cities, andit may be fonnd necessary to establish hospital*on * limned scale at Nashville, Chattanocga,Memphis, I^omsville. and Colnmbas.

Mrs. Swissbelm's new weekiy, TKe Rtrfis*r*etitmist%has appeared. The old lady isas ftnart as a steel trap.y We have received the Congr tiioital !Hrrrtcryfor tins session, with plans of the twoHouses, published by C Huhn.

ww 9aiiunru>n, uoeon linilding, sends uMadnm*is-morefit"* JHut frated Mirror oPathitms, for January.9T Wby wis Herod't wife like a Fenian organizationBecaute she bad a bead sent her

(Head Centre.j . /'ortlnwi Arj/iu.

yTbe Hudson river ia closed by Ice atPoughkeep*ie.WA«m of John C. Breckinridge is now a

clerk in tbe banking house of E M.Bruce ACo., at Augusta, Georgia, and in addition tosupporting himself contributes to the supportof hia father and family.yOn Saturday 1*000 gallons of confiscated

wbisky were sold at auction in New York atper gallon.iwit. j. n. «r*ri uic a *wwmn wi

National Lincoln Monument Association,reports tbe amoint on band to the 14th instantto be Wn,.-67.« increase of f6,lttU5 with,in the bu>t fortnight.

Amnciii Tunuri Oonfisr, 1OSes 434 Pa. avenue. b«(«mb«r fl. )MB.I

The following Telegrama remain in tbas officeandsliTorW. fur want of tufflcient address andfrom other causes :Jaa A In#le M Gl«asr>Q Merrick MasterDr J Record C T Hunt Mrs 8 A Johnson>. P. BSTSSS M.

AmiiciH Tuioiin GoitPiitt, (OBc« Willards' Hotel, December 21,19SA.IThe olluwing Telegrams remaia in this ojiee

undelivered, for want of «ufflci«nt addroes and froaother causes:R R Bridge* J L Pinna C 1 Irxn*M L fieluvon V.rtw A S Tobey A H SmithL W CooBrr W V Chaae Joa H SIomnorllf B P. 8NYDKK. Manager.

nTS=* B OTIC ..There will be a meeting of tha(JJ? Directors of the IXCRL8I0R BUILDINGASSOCIATION held at the Hffice of the President,oa THURSDAY, the 21st iastant, at 7 p. m. Byorder of tha Preeideat.

I* a « B. BAKIB Secretary.fY-F-DA WPON LODOR. No. IB.ELECTIONJj Of OFCIOIRS -Th# rtnUr cnrnmmrtrvrr.B of this Lodge will be held MONDAY KYININO, ltecentier 26th. No buetness will I* transactedbut the rleclivn of officers.By order ef the V. M.del® G B THOMPSON tUr

|Y - a F a i R ros TBI BBBBFIT OF THBJJ( Washington City Orphan Asylum U beinguU it Oild Fellows 1UII, Tth ttrnl. The Fair isopen through tbe da», >od at night. Movie, object*of beauty mnd tutt, beside articles of utility,Cuabtr* to render it a mnst attractive place of resort The pablic are invited te cone mnd purchaseOeir ChrUtMas offerings, and that enable the inetitatioato enlarge its borders. de 18 dtOdrr^-HOTlCl IS HKBEBT GIVEN that the Antljfnasi lfet-ting of the Stockholders of theWa*BIS»OTOH l«A8 LIGHT COMPANY will beheld at its Office. 4 *3 Mkh street, on MONDAT,t ar» 1.1866 at 12 o'clock m The polls for theJ"1- of 8re Interior* to msnsge the attain ofeleritm> T during 184. will t*> open from saidsud < -ck p.m.whea they will ba closed.hoar ant il 1 e civ 1 » *> »/.«»>»

d. .,t-d*ril ,4*lC*uiw yUry aad Traaaurep.

-j^-M*l»ICAL ASSOCIATION. ^At aa ed/wimed meetln® of the Medical Aaaociattoo of the District of Columbia, hold on the 7th of

Heveaib* r.the following resolution *u adopted :Acsefrerf. That it i* recornm^uded to the monitors

of this Association ^ present their accounts for !professional services at the close of the attendance,Mid ehall the doty of each member to obtain aelement frcm all of his families at least once Inthree month*, tic .The 1st of January, the lit ofApril, ttee 1st of July, ar.d the lat of October.PublUbed by ord«r of the Aaeociktioa

J W H LOVBJQT. M. P.. 8ec.

ryV. OAS C OW8UM K B8, who htve reuon toLk_? think meter* or aenrlro pt»«e out of order,ar» reqaeoted to five ©«< . Mo JOfl 9th Mreet.tafloor OBO A. MclLBSUNT,de § Ibj lBflnwr.

A OP OVAL PICT! tt FRAMES r»' oUPICTl KB CUBI>Aiii)TA»»ELi.4c.'*00Th» l«rfr*t and M«or»iiwnt #f

OVAL PICTIBB rRAVJCSla the District, frooi tttr t*»t aaanufac t«r»r« in th«roactrr, tnibr»cin< ft Tarietj i>f Cart* «U VuitsI'llBr* Ah".


Prr»«ik* hftvisf *bot«.*r»afc» taken ar* t«ivit«4 t >

iiiDiiM«tr M»ortMfbt I *f«re ftorckaaia# tMirf r»n # AM aitlcl** warrautM a* reprVMB'ai.Tr>MCt.h. J MARKBITB*.

N».4*6 Vvantb «tr**t.JiM twif* 9 do*ra above Odd Fellov* Ball.

P 0 I TBI HOLIDAYS.A Terr choice assortment of TAICT GOODS

Bii Itiblf for Preeenta, both ueefnl and ornaeaUl,a' LAKE'S Marble Hall Bnur, 370 Peaaa. »*.,under Metropolitan Hotel. delist*


I la Tarieaa Coan>ca and Elegant Binding* BeitGilt to a Pastor. Teacher. Child, Friaad.of lastIn*Talae Sold by all Bookaellers ia Washiogtoaand eleewhere. It


BILL1ABD TABLES,With eatire new cloths. caakioaa, pockets aadenee,for aale rery clieap. Apply to

. I W. W.* National Hotel.

^<TANDAB1> WOBK.B.-Prescott's Werks, MilIk7ler * Modern History, Bobertson's Works. Gibkn'iBoom, Wimltr MoveU, Motley Works,Aiidis«n> Works. Milton's Pros* Work*. Mer^el'sGerirsny, Disraeli's Works, ttchlller, Bacon, Palev.Bunyan, Ac , Ac.The above sre the best editions and flnsly bonndia calf, fc calf, aad turkey morooro._d»JH FBANC'K TATLOB.^ELLIMO OFF I SBLLINO OFF ! I I11ANDS0M1 CHBISTMAS^ND M*W YKAR'SThe entire Work of rich Cashmere, Brocfaa andother styles SHAWLS and CLOTH OLOAKSwiil

! be closed wit fur the trit thirty day* at jreatl jr reducedpncM, many at nearly half pri.All inportnif of useful and ornamental presents are invitedto examine this stock and prices beforenurchasing elsewhere. J.W.C9LLET,de21 8t 623 7th #t . near Penna are.



With many other stylish D&ES9 OOD», all ofwhich will now be sold atgreitly reduced pricesfor the next * days.All in want ofsnch goods shonld examine this assortmentand prices before bnyinp elsewhere

J. W. COLLET,de 21 6tif $83 7th st . near Penna. sr.



A mrif w . ~. . .« nan ourrtil JUST KKUI1VKD.


Or the next three days great bargains can behad in flnt-claM FURS atde21-3t* SEYMOUR'S, Georgetown.QPKKA CLOAKtTFUR THE OPERA.

We have now on hand a beautiful atock of theabove CLOAKS for the coming season, amo*g*twhich ifl one magnificent INDIA SILK OPERACLOAK, at «1S».Call and examine at

LANSBUBG & BBO.,did Seventh street,

de 21Third door above _D street.

^ -HARUK olrTHK ULEBK.3 BBIQADK.llalfa mil*, half a mil* onward.Right toward* Seventh street,Brok* the nix hnndred:Forward' the Clerks'brifsde!Br»r» wm the charge they made.All for Smith's Clothing Store,Karh tried to be l>efor».

Noble six hundred!On march*! the quill brigade,Nary a one diitmayed,Many for their custom grayed.And all the world wondered.W hether in rapid flight.On every week day ntfht,Th«y tnrwed neither left nor right;Sensible six hundred.More* to tb« right of than.Stores to the left of then.Stores behind them.Yet*n, on they thundered;Hill on with rapid feet.Asking each man they'd meet,Where'a Smith* on Seventh street *

feheut the six handred.Ob, on they came and bonxhtCoats, pants, and rests, a full set ont;And all the world wondered.Why 'twas that goods from FrancoWere sold at so small advance

To the aix hundred.If any wish to know, inside or outside of Dixie,Call on the Bard himself. No. 460. j

THB PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE,4t>0 Seventh Street,*A Pao4 vl * "jr un VUlir | TT MUIliglOOf \3 W, II

^^APPROPRIATE FOR PRE8EMT8.JggA limited oamb«r of choice ENGRAVINGS andOIL PAINTINGS. appropriately framed POBOELEAN TRANSPARENCIES with a few FASOYARTICLES »uitablefor Holiday Present*, at iMARK BITER'S,Mo. 4S6 7th street.* doors aboveOdd Feliows' Ball.Termaraab. deJQlwif*

n«n the weakeye8I0I1T O^U»of every age improved by the in of the worlJkiuwoBRAZILIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES,Mounted in Gold, 8ilver, or Light Steel, correctlysuited by

FRANKLIN * GO.,Scientific aud Practical Opticiaaa,Kit Pa. avenue,de 20w.n Irth and 13th eta.

HILLINGTON'S DIARIES FOR 1366 arecomplete aa ntual. A valuable pocket companl»n with all the deairftble conveniences of aDayBook.The Pkyaiciana visiting bat for 1806.Illustrated Juvenile Books.Beautiful Picture Books for ths young.A large aiaortment of splendid colorea Toy Booksfor little children.

PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMSof all style* tad at the very lowest peicea and of thabest jualitv for tbs prices < hargad.Le Bon Ton for January containing a report efthe latest Paris, London, and New York fashions,price 76 csuts.A tlantic Mont hi y far J annary, price 31 cents.Godey's Lady's took for January.All tne New Books, Magazine* and NewspapersJmblished, received Immediately afterwards and

or sale at BHILLNQTONU Bookstore,de 2>-3t Corner 4H st. and Pinna, av.

yyisif AND LIQUORS. ;We have sow on hsn<) a full snpply of CaliforniaWine* of the following Breads:Port, Angelica, Muscatel and Heck, and vnraGrape Brncdy. Also. Bberr/. Madeira,Port. Mas-cat. and Malaga Wine* .Blackberry. Ginger, Peach,apUandold French Brandy, Jamaica.- ftt. Cut rand New ZBgiano Sum /nW'flmn, UINMIM,and Ilanni' pure oM Breand B«nrb<»n WM«k«-ys,Stotch and Irish Whmkey. old-Holland Gin, PepCrmintCordial. Jlost«tter'«. Drake s and StungbIBitters. Porte. Ale. and Brown Stoat.

ALSO.Pure Apple Cide: for aale by

ROAN A PRRRIK,d«20-10tif Corner K nnd 9th streets.

TW a juxefoi, Pecemkier 18. 1*»5.0 DAT. MK. WOLFF, OF THK FIRM or

Bur-bardt A Wolff, Las sold bis part of tbe bnsineasto Mr. Kottmann, and at the saine day Mr.Iottmann has gone in partnership with Mr. Burgardt.Therefore. »e, Burghardt A Kuttmaan, areresponsible for sll the debts made by the drm ofA tr.l* A II -l -S-- **,<* Bu»iuv <* num. mmt mn »m- ueni.tnasarecoiningto the firm ef Burgharrit A Kottmann.

chakle8 wolff.LEWIS KOTTMANM,CHAKLU BLRCJHABDT.P 8..At tbe a»me time we recommend to ail oarfrierda our

ltUABDINO-HOrSE AND BEBBROOM.CHABLE8 BTBOHABDT,LBWIH KOTTMANM,7th atraet. Ho. S4».da 30 it' between M and N.

J EATBKKI LEATHBB' IWe cf tr nvence to day te tell Leather at greatlyreduced price*FRENCH CALF SKIN, uf different brand#,$x :jn to <0 per lbAMERICAN CALT 8KTN. 81 75 to #2.10 per lb.fPANISH 80LE LEATHER, from 50 to M centa

per lb.8LAUGBT SOLE LEATBEB,38 to43 cU. per lb.MOROCCO *>K1N. 8hee P PK IN. BCFFLEATHKB UPPER. KIP SKIN, and a large lotof SHOE FINDINGS of all kiiida.

Al«O,RF.P SOLE LEATHER, of different brands.ROOT and SHOE UPPERS of *11 kinds.Will sell at very low prices until the 10th of January, to reduce oat stock.JOHN C. S*nAVER, 3*0;, D streat,de W Ct* between 9th and 10th streeto.

pi;RE TITLE U1DER.Just recelred another supplr of pure APPLE

CI DIB at * WAN A PERRIE S,de 29 6tif corner of E and ftb streets.

[VI U R A P E 8.One ton of ISABELLA,on consignment, In large

and tmajl be,es, at 1


With an enlarged refitted (tore and idditloDll ftciliti**for renewing itmk and filling ordera, theatt*otioi of tba pol.Tic la called to the pra*ont aaaortnientof the varioaa trade* ofPAPKKHAHG1K0B, WINDOW BHADM.Ao..a* weekly additiona are'received. Peraona need ngthe above good* will find at all tinea la atore tkelargest »tock ia tke DWtrtct.Order* punctually and promptly executed ia city

or conatry Teraia caak.J. MARKRTTXB,

Mo. 4 6# 7th atreei. Hdoor*abovedsM Zwif Odd FellowalHall.fitATKkl0 8KATK8!1

. «««'!!



ICS' LODOB, No. 1£. take great g%Rle*«tire in announcing To the member# of WWOrder sad (Mr many friend* that tfmk.

their Ui FIRST GRAND LKTKIwill take place at the

NSW MARKKT H0U91 HALL. Goorretowa.THUE8DAT EVENING. December 21, IMS,

For which every srraneement bu l>een made fbitke pleasure of all who may favor u» with thttiifrfMDM.Tickets f 1, admitting m gentleman and!4eo4t THE COMMITTEE.

LOST AND FOUND.POUND.A WATl'H, which the owner can tasvir by r- niiD* forward, proving property, and payinc ebsrgee. _ B.S.B.,do 21 3t*


Mo. 4 92 Estreet.

I OPT.On the 2Mb instant, either on PennsylvaJ nia aretino or comin* throneh the Oapito

grounds, a BR0WN MUFF. The finder wilpleacc leave it at 6ft9sonth W. J. are. de 21-2t'

LOST.Either on 7th street or in Centre Marketone fifty dollar 7-30 interest bearing TREAS

URT NOTE. The finder will be aui tabiy rewarderby leaving it at JOHN B. ELVANS ft CO.*8. 301I'enna. ave., bet. 9th and 10th sts. de 21 -.It

LOPT.On the 19th or 20th instant, a small U AllBREASTPIN, in the form of a cross, a me

men to of a deceased relative. "B. M. H. to 1. XfD., 1861," ob the back. A liberal reward will b<paid If retnrnedto EDW. W. DEETH. Room 41Third Auditor's Office, or at 91 Favnttn itrMtGeorgetown, P. Of " defl-jt*LOffT-A little TKKRIKK PUPPY, black er

1.ark. head and tod7 brown. A liberal rewardwill be !(< (' t>y returning the same to £0t> 7tlStreet, between D And R. de 20-3t*fcE RRWARD-8trayed or stolen, on MaturdarCO Dec. 18th. a large black HKWFOUHPLANrPOO, named Nero. Tbe above reward will be paidto any person returning him to No. 211 Virginiiav.. bet. 11th and 12th ata. weat, Island.(!>a)4t» WK. T. FORD.

LOST.On Monday, the 18th inst.,a small Blackand Tan PUP Laot seen on Pennsylvania av..

between aad 6th streets (Had the distemper.A suitable reward will be eiven to whoever willreturn him to M.r. SCRlVER, 470 13th St., cornelPennsylvania arenne. de 30 2t*A* C RBWABD.Strayed or itnlen on the 19th lnHan',astout,chunky BAY H0R8B. brandedU. 8. and I. 0. en left shoulder; small head; carrieshim«elf yerr stylish; little white on left hind foot.The above reward will be given if returned teJOBN H. ni'IlN, F afreet, Mtween 24th and 13th

ata. de 90 .It*

TAKKN PP ASTKAY-On the 17th InstantTItmali BAY H0BSB, with a Mct'lellan saddle

and bridle, on Pennsylvania avenue, near 12th Ht.The owner can have the aame by coming forward,proving property and paying charges

M BOBKRTS,de 24 St* corner 23d and M streets west.

$40 BSWA"iStolen from the snbocriber, living near Upper

Marlboro', Md on Monday night, the 18th inst.,TWO M A B B .

No. 1 was a Bay Mare, thick built; star on theforehead, and slip on the nose; newly shod; aboutfourteen bands high. No. > was a Bay Mare, staron the forehead; one white hind feot; about fifteenhands high; and both wen marked on the side byraMiina of trace*.

I wiirgiTP ®'20 for the return of on* of them, org40 for the return of both. K. KINU,de 20.nt* Upper Marlboro', Md.

#50 * 1 w \_£ DMARK STOLEN.

On Tuesday nikht. 19th December, via stolenfrom the stable of the subscriber, on WashingtonTurnpike, three fourths mile east ef Lanrel, Maryland,(former residence of Mr. tie*. Wheeler.) apart blooded BAY MABE, with Saddle and Bridle;about twelve and a half hands high, small whiteblax* in tie forehead; right hind foot whit*; smallhead; well formed;_good action; about six yeanold, and with foal The above reward will b« paidfor the Mara and arrest of thief, or 910 for theMare. WM. T. 8TEIOIB.Addrass Washington, D. o. or Laurel, 10 «t*

l/Ol'ND.On Sunday, the 17th instant, a GOLD" BRACELET, 1which th* owner ess have by applyingat Boom ao Pension Bureau, aad paying forthis advertisement. d* 1> 3tKKWABl).-Stolen from the subscriber'sVfc" stable, Oeorgetown, on th* 10th Inst., on*large BAY MORSE, white feet, little thick in

wind. Tii* abo* e reward will be paid if returnedto No. 174 Bridge streetdp 19 3t WILLIAM POWLISQ.

LOST. ft5 REWARD.At the Northern Market,an ACCOL'FT BOOK The finder will receivethe above r* ward by leaving the book at the Storeof J. V G'OBUBN, corner N>w York atenne and13th street. W. A. COBLBN,delist* Batter Dealer^

DOG LOST.On Thanksgiving Day, a livercolored and white pointer PUP. Any personreturning him to 502 7th street, under Odd Fellows'Hall, will receive a suitable 16 tf K. r. PAQE.

J^T « T I C K .

Dnring the immense rnsh last week toHEILUBCK'S BOOT AND SHOC bTOBE,

ft gentleman left a fine geld headed cane tkere. TheDwuer will please call, prove property, and take Itftway. L. HE1LBBUN A BBO.,de 10 It* 406 Seventh street.

J BON SAFE* FOB SALE.Herring's Fire and Bnrglar Proaf

SAFE.Tws feet 9 inchea wide by 4 feet t Inches high, at

406 9th at., next to Penaa. avenue. de 19-lw*

QFFICE DISKS AND TABLES.Of all descriptions and sizes,

SOLD TEBT CHEAP, AT800 Ninth street,

d» 19-1 w* one door from Peon*, avenue.



No. #0© Ninth street,di 1Q lm* nA*l (a '« Tl»« liwvil. u ---"** m VII/ m ASM J UWUB CIVIC.


BLACK. LAMOH ft CO.,I'onoeellora and Attorney!-at-Law Id tb« SupremeCourt of the United StAtea .the Court of Claims, theCourts of the District, the Executive Department*,snd Committee* of Congreee.Office. 468 14th street, (directly oppesite Willurch'Hotel.) de18-tf


o»'e would invite Attention to ottr large varietyDBES8INQ B0BI9,

of rich And elegant auAlitiea,81 ITABLE FOB OBB18TMA8 PBE9KNT8.

WALL, STKPBBN8 ft CO.,de 1? twif 3Vi Pa at., bet. *h and 10th «t«.



KLKOANT BUSINESS SUITS, Ac.Gentlemen within* an Immediate outfit can b«uited in a few momenta la the most fashionable

style, at very moderate coatWALL, STEPHENS * 00..

323 Penna. avenue,de l»-2wif between fth and 10th street*.


F. X. DOOLET, M. D.,^PRUGOI8T AND PHARMACEUTIST,Corner Third Street and Prnna. Avenue East,

Cnpilol Hill.A good supply of pijre and fresh Drugs and Ohem-

irai»»i»»y» on nana. Alto, a good assortment ofPatentSpecial attention piT«n to compounding PhysiciansPrescriptions at all hour*. All ordara promptlyexecuted.Just rpceired for the holidays, a good assortmentof choice Perfumery. Pancy Articles, Brushes,C< ml.* Fancy Perfume Boxes, Metal and EnameledPuff Boxes. Kaebels, Ac. For sale at moderateprices. A call wlidttd

F. X. DOOLEY, M. D.,d# ll-10t% comer >1 street and Pa. a*. east.

1,500'J""°" w""1"»100 Kits of MK88 MACKEREL100 Kits of No. 1 "

VUOTonsef BALED H A YjJTo^ sale la lots tomi porciiHWl, or riTIB 1AM 84 Water atreet. Georgetown.

N~~ew raisins, currant*.figs. citron, prunes,almonds. pecans, filbert)), '

fbench #alnl*T8. PBA-nutb?8helbar8, CR4NBIHHUS,pried apples, dried peaches,Juat received ud for aale br

EOAN ft pbrrie,de« 18tif Corner and *tb hU.|?namellid leather duck for CarriageJTj CoTCTlnn: and Green and Black EnamelledMuslin for Fornitwr* Covering, for sale at N*. *137th St., by J. d. edhond ft CO. de«-lni

Birds amd cages. m*J. vollbe, %a3TO 6th ^reit.'tdelAlw* between O nod H atreeta.

Attention, bhoemakebs. leatherand findings nt coat for the next lea days.47t Utb street, between B and F north.daHOt* J.O. HALL.UR1PAL AND FUNERAL WREATHS, BODqaets. and Craaaea lrmitrf la aataraTfona,Alan. Wh Flower* made to onlw. ui


|_g^ ^ .'"94fVyt


mw4 O'CLOCK P. M.

eOTERRMENT SECURITIES.Wabhikotoh, I>'ocmbCT 21, i8«s.r Jay OMke 4c Oo. furnUb the following qua.

r tattoos of Goreroiaent securities:Baying SellingU. S. r« Oeapon, 18B1 107 107 \

, U. S. Fire Twenties, \?&2 108* lrtl i|U.S. Fire Twenties, 1964 100 101 \V. S. Fire Twenties, into 100 101 \U. S. Ten Forties »l \ '*i\» One-year *T\ f7\aw YORK FIRST BOARD >AT.M

Conpons, 1U71|; Fire Twenties, 1*3, 102JJ;Five Twenties, 1864, 100){; Five Twenties,; lxtf, 1WI.S; Ten Forties, »3; Certificates, »7^:I Gold, 146V" 1 ^

THE MILITARY PK190MKR8.' Capt. G. R. Walbridge, military superinten|dent of tRe Old Capitol prison, arrived in thiscity this morning. Capt. Walbridge conveyed

. the prisoners "Winder, Duncan and Gee to the| respective points to which they had been ordered.Winder was taken to Richmond and| turned over to Gen. Terry, Gee was left at RaLlei*h in charge of Gen. Roger, and Doncan Jwas conveyed to Savannah, and placed in thecustody of Gen. Steedman. They are to bei tried by military commissions.

1 VACCINATION. jVaccine virus has been furnished and order*J have been issued by Dr. R. Reybarn, surgeonIin-chief ot District Bureau of Refugees andk Preedmen, requiring the attending physiciansemployed by the Bureau to vaccinate the entirecolored population residing in the city. Inorder to facilitate the completion of this work,j all colored people who desire to be vaccinated

are requested to call at the Freedmen's Hospital,Seventh and Boundary streets, betweenthe hours of 1 and 5 o'clock p. m.

i WHITE H0CB1.The attendance at the White House to-day

, was quite large. Many of the visitors did notget an audience. The President received adelegation from Mississippi. Among thosepre»>«*in were senator l>ane, of Kansas, andMr. Manning, member of Congress from SouthCarolina.

BECRKTAKY McCDLLOCH.Secretary McCullocb left the city yesterday

for New York, toMtend a meeting to celebratethe landing of tbe Pilgrims. Mr. William E.Chandler, Assistant {Secretary, has been appointedby the President Acting Secretary oithe Treasury during Mr. McCulloch's absence.


Sknat*..ftlr. Howard offered a resolutioncalling upon the President to inform the Senateupon what charges Jefferson Davis is con«n<lwV»** »«» ** 4. * " *

.. nuj w is uui uruugai 10 trial.Artopted.The following Committee on Reconstructionon tbe part ot the Senate was announ«ed:Misers. Vessenden, Grimes, Harris, Howard.Johnson, and Williams.Mr Sumner presented tbe petition of coloredcitizens of Tennessee protesting against tbe receptionof the Tennessee delegation until tberecognition of tbe rights of colored persons bythat State. Also, tbe petition of white citizensof tbe District of Columbia asking for tbe extensionof tbe right of suffrage to tbe coloredpeople of the District.Mr. Sumner stated that tbetwhite people of tbisDUtiict had for years been squatting upon tbecivil and political rights of the colored people,and be was glad this state of things was aboutmend. The petition was referred.Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to guaranteefreedom to the inhabitants ofthe United States,by repealing all laws based upon distinction*of color and race. Referred to theSpecial Committeeon Reconstruction. '

Hocsic..Mr. Delos] R. Ashley, representativefrom Nevada, appeared and qualified.Tbe Speaker announced the following as the jR** gents of tbe Smithsonian Institution on theDart of tbe Hodm> .Mm*** »' wH.: Farnsworth, of 111.; and Oarfteld, of JOhio. iAUo, the following a« the members of thenew :Committee on Mine* and Mining .Messrs.Klrby, of California: Ashley, of Nevada; Cobb,of Wfc ; Strouse, of Pa.; Driggs, of Mich.; Asb- iley, of Ohio; Henderson, of Oregon; Allison, ol iIowa: and Noel, of Mo.Mr. Hubbard, of Connecticut, offered a reso- 1lution, which was referred to tbe Committee 1

on Foreign Affairs, asserting tbe United State# ishould never recoguixe any Uovernment im- tposed on any nation on this continent by tbe tanus of any European power.On motion of Mr. Niblack it was resolved, 1that tbe Committee for tbe District of Colam- ibia be instructed to inquire into tbe ezpedi- 1ency of providing for tbe election and adinis- 1sion into this House of a delegate from tbis Dis- ]trict. with the pow»*r and privileges similar tothosf from tbe organized Territories, aud re- iport by bill or otherwise. '


Fenian Meetlag.ix>ri»viiL*, Dec. 20..At a general w<Imof all tbe circles of the Fenian Brotherhood,last evening, revolutions denouncing In tbe

strongest terms O'Maboney and Killian wereunanimously adopted. The meeting heartilyendorses the election of President Reberts. Ageneral con veatton of the State delegates is tobe held in Covington on Dec. 20th.

Disasters at.Sea.Nkw York, Dec. 21..A heavy gale commeucedhere at 6 o'clock this morning, doingmtich damage tb the shipping. Several vesselshave been wrecked at Sandy Hook, L>ongBranch, and elsewhere.

Baltinere Markets.Baltimohk, Dec. 21..Flour inactive: Westernextra, f9.29. Wheat.Red, active at #2.4ua*2.55; wnite, scarce. Corn.yellow, Arm at 83cents; white, b6aa». Oats, 52a53. Coffee, veryactive: Bio has an ad valuing tendency. Sugarben\y. Whisky dull. Provisions unsettled.M«*s pork. g3o.New York Markets.vsw u. .uinwn firm at ola/'C.Klotir advanced 5 cents; southern,73a* 15.25.Wheat advanced 1 cent. Corn firm. Beefsteady. Pork firm. Lard dull. Whisky dall.

. sis .

r r\n > F *TTimriUUl/AJi IN Hi YV S. ,

IThe Election To-day <

The voting this afternoon continue* to beheavy at all the precinct*, and pretty much allone way. It would astonish the Ckroniclt jBowen clique were they to know how many (of the prominent Republicans are voting ,against negro snffrage to-day. ]At the tirst precinct, First Ward, 3 p. m . 250 '

votes hail b»*«-n polled, of which 3 only were tor jnegro aufTrage. At the secoad precinct, 3vJ0, jof which 4 were for negro suffrage.At tne Second Ward, first precinct, at 2:30 p.. \m., :cU votep had been polled, 5 of which were ffor negro suffrage. At the second precinct, 400 tvot<-s bad been j>olled, 1 for negro suffrage.I., fTK tIT J M» « * .

iu w iuim »-»Jim, urbi precinct, ai 1.30 p. (m., *215 votes Lad been polled, two of which are tbelieved to be for negro suffrage. In the sec- jond precinct, up to the same hour, 306 votes thad been cast. <

In the Fourth Ward, first precinct, at 2 ,o'clock p. m , 330 Totes had been polled. It cwas not known that any suffrage vote hadbeen cast here. In the second precinct, at 3 .

o'clock. 750 votes bad beeH cast, of which twowere for negro suffrage. 1In the Fifth Ward, first precinct, at 2.15 p. ,

in., 16S votes had been polled, of which 1 wastor negro suffrage. In the second precinct, at


2.20 p. m. 190 votes had been polled, I for ue- jgro suffrage.In the Sixth Ward, first precinct, at 2JO p. 1

m , 182 votes had been polled, 1 for negro «uf- tfrage. In the second precinct, at the same ,hour, 200 votes bad been polled, two of which 1were for negro suffrage.In the Seventh Ward the voting has pro- i

ceeded with mach animation, and more vote*had been polled up to S p. m than at the samehour on the day of the genera) election last ,year. At that hour 270 votes had been caat at ,the first precinct, and 262 at the second; not 4

balf a down of which, at either precinct, were {in favor of negro suffrage. \* ,Tu K CAKl orM B. BraulIT aid THi nnirar

Tbl* morning d 'ctoion of the Court in thacase of tbe rule laid upon Mr. Bradley to showcause why he should not be punished for con.t»mpt of Court, was given by Judjre Olin. aa

STgAJSK?eait,on * w.STbe Court -Mr. Bradley are yon ready to

have made a disposition of matter of the rtilsOP°° IOn ,or"

« *»_ m .. »...

xnr. Mraoiey..t-eriectiy, tir, 1 &m at the dls-position of the Oonrt. ]The Court.-I baye carefully reed aad consid.ered ibe statement that yon have mad* andworn to, and filed with the Court by way ofexcuse for the offense imputed in the rulewhich baa been served upon you. I have consideredtoo tbe obeervationa you made In supportof the sworn abatement, and 1 regard tho*eas thoufh they wfre sworn to. I hare recpettenough for you to believe what you assert here


in Court as acorn M»llorof this (-ourt as readilyno I would nnder an7 ranctior of an oath; andI am fw to «ay that k> far a* the offend imputedto you oan bo excused by any propterapology in the light yon may new this transaction,has been apologized for and taken back;but th» re ie one remark in the concluding portionof this lumtiMt that |>erhaps calls for»ome obeer \ attons from me, an<1 I do not maketbom by way of defence for the course thatI purpose to burane, because I cannot con.-» ntto be pat on the defefttive wkile occupying theportion of Judg*.This statement is « J cannot admit beyondthis that I un in any wise censurable for retortingan Imputation on my veracity, madefor the first time, I bein>vi>, in a life ol morethan three score years.' There ia herealludid to the language which 1 unquestionablymade use ol in raply u> ivnu< urifervatHMis

of "yours. to wit: "If yon state I nm arrutngthe cause to the jury, yon state w uat vou ^nowto b* uatt-ne."mint is substantially And probably literal!\

accurate in reference 10 the statement uuuie i»rme. and I only desire in this connection to to your mind some of the circiimntaaoe*ont of which that statement arose. I wouldnot have yon labor under the delusion, whichI believe "you do. that a provocation wa*givento yon without can**, and to which you repliedin tbe manner conceded by this answer,of which we were all too sea-ibly aware.This controversy arose, a* you well know,

npon an objection made by Mr. Merrick as towhat was the meaning of the stipulation verballyentered into between couusel as to theadmission of certain evidence that b:ul beengiven on a former trial.As 1 understood it, it was proposed by Mr.

Bradley to rend to the jury the deposition olMrs. Brown to show that on a former trial sheomitted, as I then understood, to stat4» in herformer evidence that she resided at the houseof Mrs. Speak, wben on the present trial shehad tworn she resided there a very considera-mr uuir. ivr mr purpose OI PDOWing to II1Pjury that ber umi^iuu 10 state wben being inquiredol as to the \ariou* places wbere *heresided In Baltimore betore coming; to tb* cityof Washington. vras evidence proper to be submittedto the jury to impeach the veracity orMrs. Brown.In connection with that offer, I inquired ol

Mr. Bradley whether Mrs. Brown's attentionbad been called, on her examination, lo thefact w hether or not »be resided at this house,and being answered in the negative, I then remarkedthat the evidence seemed to me not tobe of that character which authorized a jury toinfer an^ intentional want of veracity on tbe1pan 01 nrv. nroirc; ii»;u iot i ircura>tAncf occurredthirty year* ago. and It might well beregarded a.- a mere lapse of memory to statethat tact rather than an intentional falsehood.It was in reply to those suggestions, as 1 nowremember, that yon made the remark: "Yonmutt not argue "tbis cause to the jury." accompaniedwith great excitement, and'some,thing like a menacing gesture, to which 1 simplyreplied: "Mr. Bradley, I am not arguingthe cause to the jury," to "which yon retorted"You are, sir. 1 won't permit that to be done."It was then that 1 replied: "If you state 1 amarguing the cause to the jury, you state whatyon know to be unirne."These are the precise circumstances, so far a«Inow remeiubrr. Perhaps my recollection i*

uui rv iiriu auu ju»l as tuair utuvn WHO WtTI'indifferent observers ol what was going on: batsituated us I am her*-, 1 must be the judge, andact upon my own convictions. I think it willbe understood by every lawyer, certainly byevery judge, that the implied insinuation 111ibe charge tbat 1 was arguing the cause to tbejury, might well be understood to m?an that 1iia<i laid aside for tbe time being the office oljudge and taken that of tbe advocate, an insinuationwhich If "o m» ant and intended, wouldbe scarcely less offensive than the languagesubsequently made use of. 1 do not wish tobe understood, by any means, as making thisstatement by way of excuse or apology, 1 oul\state it as bringing to yonr recollection wbat *1understood to be the aircuuistances and the occasionof this difficulty.One other remark not contained in the sworn

statement filed, but made fcy yon yesterday, toLbe effect tbat after 1 ordered tbe Marshal tomake the arrest, and to remove you from th«rpuin,tbat 1 again repeated some offensive languagetoyou, tbe purport of which I do not nowremember, but in substance to tbe effect tbat 1would teach you how to behaveiur. uraaiey.. wui jour Honor allc-w me u>

interrupt yon here!The ('ourt..OrttitlT.Mr. Bradley.. May it please the Court That

preceded >ome time tbe remark which tell fromfour Honor, and to which 1 replied Thatnmnrk wtts made when 1 said I would notillow any one to interfere with my conduct ofn i-anw before a jury.TheCourt..1 am quite confident in my recollectionthat alter the wot Jt, "You ar«-' a liar,sir." were made nee of, 1 made ao ether replyin the cour* room, but [immediately directedyour arreat and removal. According to myrecollection, you have confounded an mciden'which occurred in my parage from this ro^pi>o the clerk's ottice with what passed here, andto which 1 do nut purpose to make any ailulion.Mr. Bradley..If your Honor will permit me.

I desire to say tbat in the rnle laid on me, ihreference wi.« made to the s«cond offense, anduy answer was cod lined to the rule, otherwise[ thould have referred to it, and offered an explanation..The Court .That reference wasnade to what transpired there, and 1 do n<&with to revert to it now. ?Ae 1 before observed, 1 think that under your

jaaersianaing oi What transpired yon harenade all the reparation that a gentleman could> expected to make for the oflense imputed topou: and yet I do uot think that in tbe exerciae>1 the duties and responaibilitiea imposed uponne this matter ean be excused: aud while I sayhat I nm not disposed to mark it with any exraordinaryor s«Tere penalty, aud 1 do ao first,>ecauseof my great respect for you. for yourtreat confessedly bigb standing at this bar, andilso for your social diapoaiuon and generaltearing as an omcer of tbe Court, 1 do what Ilo simply from a sense of dnty.And 1 do it, 1 conies* to you, with more p«4nban 1 ever discharged any public or privateiuty in my life. An order mnat be made thatyou be convicted of a contempt of the court,ind that you be lined in the mm of Sluu.1 have made tbe penalty thus small because

L do not belie ve.1 will not believe for a moment.thatany intentional, premeditated inultwaa designed. It la one of those occur'eiicetthat uomnime.- bappeu with men of exritabletemperaments when they suppose they

lave hcfll SenriTMt of >«nm» r-t.rhl thuv nnituM.

jouably bad.It is the only unpleasant occurrence that baa

.ranspired since my connection with this court,Lnd I concur most cheerfully m all you saidrefcterday to the effe.t that f»r ** your (centralconduct is concerned you have done wb.itiou could to reader tbe duties of this courtilea*ant and easy of performance, and it 1enow my own beart, I bave endeavored to exendtowards you every courtesy, every indulgenceconsistent with the proper sense of mvluty. So 1 am sure bave my associates. 1io]><-to thus act so long as L continue here;>ut when I see what I think to be the path otluty clearly, God helping me I must follow it

Orimi> al Coi:bt, Judgr Wjdie..'This mornng,the Marshal returned the following toierve as Grand Jurors for the present term:ieo. Mattinglv, Wm.J. Muruurb, John K. Klkans, ('has. E" Hittenhouse, Uiley A. Shiuit,[»ewis Payne, Geo. O. Clendenin, John Fox,Tbos. Rlagden, Geo. W. Riggs, Simeon Gar*tt,Joe. Bryan, Wm. < Irme, Henry Kemkin,Mathew G. fcmery, Sam'I Norment. Wm. B.L'odd. Sam'l K. Sylvester, Joe. Follan^bee,\dam Gaddis, Alired Richards, who wereworn, Mr. Mattinglv as foreman, auditorhe Judge bad brieffy charged them, urgingbent as so much of the term had parsed withtutany business having been transacted, aadhe jail being tilled with prisoners, to expeditehe business as much as possible, and to meetit 10 o'clock daily, they returned to their room,ttessrs. B K. French and John Hitz wereinmmoned as grand jurors,. but were excused.W. L. Roes was sworn as bailiff to the grud

ury.Tk« 4-.ll 1 ?tar iuiiuwnifc. imr iiif ppwii jurors .MirtLm^ripht. Henry Win*ate. Wm. Bradley, FranksLamb. A. R. Shepherd, John Alexander,lames W. Ilarlter, 0. I). Shryock, John H.Von nr. Wm. Dates, John Markriter, KobertEl. Oraham.Char lee S. Enilish, Q. Crandell, O#or(t« S.Ivraft, (ieo. F. Oulick, and E. Z. Steeper were

ixcused lor limited periods. Alexander Uortoa,L. J. Middleton, J. Kuaaell Barr, W. H.Morriron, Thoa. E. Clarke, Watkina Tolson.loin Petubone were excused. Edward Balderla reported (tick and Chappel absent. oa a CoLoaan Ma*.-The aflida»a>f a colored man named Leonard Oant waaakea to-day by the Bureau of Freedmen, *c.,lor this district. Uaat waa tomerty a privaten the 23d U. S. colored troop*, and atatea thatwhile traveling from Washington U» Knnce3eorce conatv. Md.. he got oat of the atace ati place called "Old KtefcU," about mile*'rom Washington. while the fctage wm beingrepaired at a blacksmith abop. Jetsoa Jarboe,ibe blacksmith, asked Oaat where be bad been.[>a»t replied that be bad bm to Texaa torateh ola Kirby Smith; at which Jarboe said,"Ye«. and yon will be the next one canght"[}ant said be reckoned not," when Jarboetrick at bis bead with a p4«oe of red-hot Iron,riant ran to the st*K»*, exv>alming that bewished be bad his *nn. Jarboe and six orfifbt other* then dra^rr-d Oaat >«t of theakm,beat blm with sticks and stone?, tied Uim, put» ro(>« around bis neck and choked tuna; afterwhich three of them whipped bim. takin*lur.ns.

»CLOHiK.-The Trrwnrj Department wasclosed yesterday at half-past two o'clock oatof retpect to the memory of lion. Thomas Oorwic,who was Secretary of tbe Treasury da*

ring t're»idm< Taylor * Admiaistreuoa

a;**r;»u at oichis*> Tkrmorraiic A**ooi*tk>n met *t OermtaHull, (M utkMrrfku ponoioc# to adjournm»n: I>r T. O wm c&IUmi u» *>,«Ch*:r, and Dr. Jobn W Clarke appomt«4 s»crr»arv.Mr W J. MiHrrnorrd tkat tkf Bfftu ro.noht Maelf into .1 ciUzeus merlin* Politic*iLoiild not he hronrbt into q oration at thi« tim»vlifDtnchiuuM>Uonu nerro enfTrair* la a«i.latinK tbr public mind H<- bad m«<1» the sain*

motion od Moni1.iT on wbic.b occaaioa kar« iuI Mr. Powfn'f commnnicntion In refH»ae«to the election, and he dr^lm) to report that thacommunication ww talae and libeloua and U«hfld himself mponiiihif for so «ayingThe motion of Mr Millar *v .x|rr#N»d to, andthe mr»Mir* wiu reaolred into a citisea's aii>inc. with the sulf officersDuring the evening. Col. Florence, of thaCons'ifvtioma! Oiwn, Col. A F. Cunningham*INI Hit*, and Mr F^tmonoton. Oonnrtlmaafloat tbe Fourth Ward, made abort addr**s*«,

nrcmf a fnil role.Mr. Murray called tbe attention of the meet,

in* to tbe fact that when he »*>wit# locked and the light* ont. aadon kicktnr,tbe janitor came ana »aid that the door «ulocked by order of the aboliliOftMk.The janitor explained that K>m» one had

come in and pot out the en.-*, locking tb#door.probably tome miechievont boys.I'.S. St pr rue a Cor bt, L»ec. i0.~(Tilhert K.Winter., t»« . of Ohio; Jamee Einott, bt, ofN. Yand rldm nml Cooper. Esq., of Tenn<

.» «ionii-r« and oouwrlljni ofthis court.No The United state*, appellants. v«.The Steamboat Mohawk, ac. The ar*umetitof this caoM was continue by Mr. A»hu>n,AcFtstant Attorney General. ror the appellantstrv Mr. Moore for the appel|e»», *n<1 concludedby Mr. Athlon for the appellant*. « I'Mo. 7«». William Boyce et %i., appeitfcatoj T,. iJc*>a Hadley. The argument ofthincao«« «ucon.saenced by Mr. Ward for the appellants.UvAlTm or Mr. Urwi* « Kekaihm .

The remains of Mr. Corwin lew tact evenm*in a special car furnished by the Baltimore mdOhio K.iilroad CVimpany through the agwthere, Mr. Koontx. who -ent a *pert*lto accompany them to Lebanon. The bodywaa embalmed by Dr. J B. Alexander. (lau»Brown & Alexander,) and wan enraged ta aheavy black walnnt coffin, covered with Mackcloth, and sll ver-monnted, furnished by Mr.Frank T Sands, the nudertaker. who. will herecollected, officiated at the funeral of the latapresident Lincoln.

A Cnrthtmas Prkckst..Mr. Benj. Rainier,of the Northern I.itw-ruea Association, has receivedfrom Mr. John F. Ktdgway, of the FairmountSteam Engine (Jo , No. J~-. of Fhiladeiphi.i.a costly present consisting of a number ofphotographs in a splendid gilt frame. 3 by i,*et. the photographs are of 3R members of thaFaiiroonnt and of the Fairmount engine housawith their steam tire engine and hose carriage.The nreeent is rotten nn in »n Hi<a«1invl>tiutT manner and will be bigrbly appreciatedby tbe recipient.Literary Diacirewio*..'To-morrow airb%

at tbeir regular place of meeting, the OonncilChamber. OitT Hail, the Irvia* Lyceum willbare under discussion the quemuon: *-Was thebanishment of Napoleon to the Island of St.Helena justifiable !" Tbe discussion, it isexpected, will be an able and interesting one.It is understood that f-e veral of tbe most prominentmembers of tbe legal fraternity here, wh »pre « osnrntril with tbe Association, will parii»'.pate.

Affairs la fte«rgetawa.Kibikew .The operations in tbe coal, fiour,

grain and produce markets are yerv li*bt a:present. The n«ir Approach to the bulidtyi!ftmf to have had the effect to suspend b«a«ybvsinese transactions, and give the agent*. merchant*jtnd emplorees time to provi.i* for the f{MiTili. There fc quite a li voir display In«** street*, indicating tha* Uie store# in retailtrade are doing a fall ihar* of bn»inewe inanticipation of OhrurtMM and New Y«*x.An Krrok.-Yesterday, in referring to thA

fair for St. Johr's Church. the types made ussay themm realized w«f fJUO. It should ha\*been S*j,(imO. It made a larjre difference, andno donfe* caused some «nrpr»** among tbe ladies,one of whom turned over 91,(100 of tb* receipts.Kiorn akpOraiw Marmt..There are no

transactions of importance in flour «r grain rs|K>rtedto-dav, and no receipt*. The priesare abont a? list quoted in the Star.Pad v Th»««m -* ... « -»-- V". .CVTCIIH TOT unr lowof pork were received by merchant* her*. Th»wholesale j>nc^ are quoted at fltami an Tbaderr, n.nd **a lirely, find i>&W« wer«> rapid at

» 4~*14.5<i, according to *iv and quality of tbab0gf

OFFICIAL.N AVT DtfAKTMkH December SO, IMGeneral Order*. So 70.

Officera of (be K»tj aot raatding wttbla the !! >>its of the IXatrirt oftoludbl* are prohibited fromconing within the tune, unleee nnder pormiaeiosor eudtority of the I^i^rtmrntThe official rMidme* of an offleer la within the

State «f which he it a.c!ti*ea.GIDEON WKLLES.den-lt Sacratary of tha Nary.

** "



WASHINGTON BITS IKK AS COLLKGB.Employ iar Prof. JUiTCHlMttH, of Now York.'The Lift nine Calculator," with bio Novel mIWonderftl EMifbitiotMLadioe. particularly, are ifieited.TICKETS for Reserved S«»u may be mcarMthe Office of the CelleW. eom»r 7th and Dgtreeta, only. doll 3t*

ABtSINBSSMAN WANTBD.Ae PABTHBKin the Butter, Cheooo- Ef k» an.l Poultry boatnree.with emalf capital For particulars Inquirelor A LEX ANPKB, ot Oileoek Reetearant. comerftb «treet and Mew York avenue de O-fl'

WANT1I>. By a respectable yoeas Amerleaaledy, a SITUATION in a private family, a* *

Seamstress. Can do all kinds of eewio«, and onerate<>n Wheeler A Wilson's aewtnc machine.Would do chamber work; also. jtWe instruction inGerman and Latin. Good refarencee gi»en. Aapt/at 63« L street. »«et. 8th and *th de 11 w*pASAKY. M«jtlH«7_¥K#"TfBI>«r_Ain> '

V PARROTS, for aale at No. 463 3d 'IrNt.aabetween Penn. avenae anJ A etreet eoith,lt7Cavitol 11 iawtai* Q. M. OABTZ

pOTATOKS AND APLLBS.J OOO Boehele Ho. 1 Peach Blow ltd J acteon

wtiit* POTATOES, on board ach<**u»r Thoa. J.Tm. Al»o, :ng bbl» Wo. 1 all rod APPLES, inlot* tod fur «l» low. in 1<>U to 11K taroUMN,by J. O WATER* 109 Water atroot. Ot*r|ntown.P. C do «l-oott*CARH1AUBM _ 0&»&14QIS.CARRIAGR8On hand ft nriltrn and auperior lot of nowand aoccnd hand CARRIAGES, whichwill bo ooM at low pricoa. All <-'ama«oo&aOBR?aold warranted to bo aa reproopnted.Ala©. drat claaa Grocery and Bxproaa WifoniCarHag* a taken on atoraco. Bapairiac proaapt\y atteawd to

ROREET H.GRAHAM. 4«* Pa ar ._A>0 noar at . and 374 P atraot

|^»l» ULU> *>.MX) ULOVK8.

a.000 PaJre rery beet PAKI9 KID OLOT E<*.joit received, for the holMtn

GLOVES fOB TUB OPkRA.for Ladie* and Orntlemen.

AT POPULAR PRICESJOS 1. HAT * CO.,Pacta KM fltvro Dtynt,

de tl-*W sot* Pa. ava..betw»th Md 10th «ti.FKKUVBDI AT VIIUIOI !

TH* nOLn>AT9~AR* COMTHO M«Tlx »ubecrlb*r invitee the attantioa of the r«M1«

to hl» marniflront preparation tor the teroanoJitloaof hTa patrona dnrin* the aprr.chin» holtdays.Die aeeortmei t of CoBfeettoMry. ua*arpaaaedin the DUtrlct, aid nrrN before equalled,only neada to be examined to eecnre theof those who wi»h to meke the ntpet »pj ropn»ie<>n<iar present# to thair metxta ud relatirm. Hit

stock of CAKES, CAN 1)118 and FTBAMIM,b«Mtifnl in d«ti(ti urf iWIIWlr wrewtit, »t««th« atte' tion of avair »wwf by; white of WtlU,I r«it«, and Jeltiaa of tha rkhwj qnaltty, ha haaenough to npflr all dtasadi; IM of tha prattlaatToys for tha y <>" «, g/awt arlety. Befora mak t34 *1your BvrcbAMt, <too t fail to call in at

VBViiB^ki n 0 *a vr. w Bnunif o vnnwiionfrf,

do *1 3t* Wo. 97 Bridp rtmt, Georgetow.

|£T MOLI A CO., iMtioa*»n.On FRIDAY. UraaWr M. at M o'clock. «will a»n oar Itrmud apacioa* mImtoom, c»rD»-rof Peaa twiMkW llik itml, t rich and

fiat aaaortment of 8IW*r ylttMl u4 BtkMiwGlassware, Ftter ftotdt, fa., iittakli for MUUiKwdIi. Wt »m» > p«rt : Ilicut Uaaotn«n4i, Table Castor*. Tea awl IrMktMilttncM,Batter tttooda, Coke iukett. Braokfaat Caator*.Halt Rtandi, Tea aod Table Ppoona and Krkv8ou§ Ladles, Ac., Ac. Also, anperb Mantel Oraameata Pariaa SUtaettor and Yaaea. OolaAf MadToBet Koto. Pane* Baaketa. K«W< Cut. Chan.Mir and Wiae Bh. and Doeaatora. J awil fJoaEeta.Children's Te*8eta. T«-rra Ootta autn«t'MMKl Ym*. run km, Otfar a*dTobyMatch Boin »ai Bimtrou otLfr artlakac. Ooo4*J««t arr1v«4. Rdt aWolnt*. Th» ytkhc tn r»poctfmUy tarltW U> th> nt«v lt_QESAT CLOB1M6-OIT ftALBJKWZLRT, WATCnVS. ANB S1LYXB Will.

50» PMN8YKVAN14 KTEHV*.Tb# MbieHW, kn<«icM Ml hi* Store.A* taloc* of Ui 8Uck »l yrkM MmniwUfJJ*mm 'rortttfvV«?c5lf*lVcCl'Juotrr.lW.

«K>wr»«M, Iro* 8tT«. S*(«!»ur. " !T"| or th»»# 4* V J*

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